

  1. Excalibur: A weaker version of The Sword of Michael.
  2. Sword of Michael: The Sword of Michael is considered the strongest Holy Weapon. It grants the user a strong boost in speed, stamina, and strength as well as immense holy power. The Sword of Michael has the ability to cut through almost any object. The full extent of its ability has yet to be seen.
  3. Staff of Merkabah: The Staff of Merkabah is a staff that affects impure people. When activated around people deemed 'impure' their skin begins to split and their energy is drained. Once enough energy is built up, it can release explosions.
  4. Gems of Fragmentation: These are disposable one-time use gems that can be used to cancel out any spell, hypnosis, or split away from normal consciousness between a soul in its natural state and any warping that it may be put under. In most cases, it can break through demonic and spirit based possession as well as weaker angels. This was first seen breaking Michael away from Cistal.



  1. Finis Vitae: Finis Vitae is the journal that Death uses to mark down causes of death and create deaths by writing the name and details of the death within the book. It is one of the manual ways that Death manages the system.
  2. Navaertis Devoritix: Navaertis Devoritix is the formal name for a ring that collects and captures souls inside it. With this, these souls can be used freely by the wielder of the ring as they please.



1. Izanagi no Ken: Izanagi's personal sword the he gifted to Susanoo, his son, to conquer Japan after Aishiro cleansed the world of beasts. It not only cuts through armor flesh and bone, but has the unique ability to cut the soul.


 1. Kusanagi: Kusanagi is the first item in the Japanese Imperial Regalia. Once the decorative sword Amaterasu used to slice cheese for her crackers, she accidentally dropped it onto earth. Being her personal cheese cutter, it has the abilities to manipulate the nature around the person wielding it, and can lend its divine power to the beholder.

2. Yata no Kagami: Yata no Kagami is the second item in the Japanese Imperial Regalia. Once the plate that Amaterasu used to put cheese on to slice with Kusanagi, she also accidentally dropped it on earth. It has the abilities to reflect the environment that it is in and to give it's beholder the power of the environment, whether it be water, steel, glass, trees or anything else of the sort.

3. Yasakani no Magatama: Yasakani no Magatama is the third item in the Japanese Imperial Regalia. A bead once connected to her bracelet, it was dropped down onto earth by accident. The bead is infused with the power to cause calamities of destruction to the world around it, destroying the very fabric that holds the environment up around it.


1. Gungnir: It is the spear that Chaos gifted Odin. It is shaped like a lightning bolt at the end and can pierce most kinds of armor and magical defense as well as rain heavy lightning down from it's tip.

2.Gae Buidhe: It's a cursed spear made by Chaos, originally used by the king of fairies Manannan mac Lir. It has issues piercing heavy armor, but the damage done by the spear cannot be healed by naturally or by mage craft until the spear itself has been broken.

3. Gae Bolg: It's the spear of the Irish hero Cu Chulainn, gifted by Chaos. It can convert all the energy of the user beholding it into a pure destructive force, causing explosions that can be miles long depending on the strength of the user.


  1. The Library of Apocrypha: The Library of Apocrypha is a massive collection of books made by Order that contains many books, all of which, when put together contain all the rules, laws, facts, and information that go with the world. This gives information from everything from the Gods to the mysteries of the universe. This was originally attempted to be built on earth before Order decided to make it completely back in his God realm.
    1. The Book of Spells: The Book of Spells in a book of all spells, most notably the more severe ones. Within this book are a lot of spells that other Gods may have donated or shared including the spell which Cistal used to bring upon the era of beasts.