Nikki Reed & Kellan Lutz Club
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added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
 Nikki kissed Kellan
Nikki kissed Kellan
Nikki's POV

Tonight was the night I was saying in my head I was going to Kellan's house tonight. When I got Главная I was going to look go to good no iditodic thing cuz I always mess up on a guy Im totally In Любовь with but this time it was going to be different this time. When I got to Kellan's house I was so scared I when to the door but before I could even knock on the door Kellan open it " Эй, Nikki" he сказал(-а) "Hey ready for me " pratice cuz I'm always getting stuck on my lines" sure co.e on in". Kellan's house was beautiful when I walked in." So were should we started" maybe at Ты guys are public...
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Kellan's POV

I'm so mad at myself right now the Любовь of my life just walked away and now there is nothing to do.

Nikkk's POV

Just when I was about to go and say sorry to Kellan for what happen on Friday but than I hear Ashley asking out than Kellan сказал(-а) yes and now my chances with him were never going to be. When he saw me I was in tears and I ran away kellan called my name but I didn't want anything to do with him. That night I when to Kristen for help "hey Kristen I need your help" I said."sure what's the problem" she asked " Ты remeber the I liked " "yeah" than it was to hard to say that Ashley...
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added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
added by Andressa_Weld
added by MajorFan2500
added by MajorFan2500
Nikki’s POV

I called Kristen Immediately
-Hi – she sounded tired
-Hey dear!
-Yes! Guess what! Kellan is coming to my house to night to watch a movie with me!!!
-Just Kellan?
-I don’t need anybody else!! – She laughed
–What movie?
-I don’t know yet!
-How about Ahs? Does she know?
-Not exactly! – She laughed
-Bye Nikki, I was sleeping!
-It’s five o’clock p.m.!!!
-Yesterday after I left the nightclub I went to Rob’s house!
-Was it cool?
-We had sex all night! That’s why I’m tired!
-Ok! I’ll let Ты sleep! Bye! – She didn’t answer
Ok in about three hours Kellan would be...
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