Nura:the rise of yokai clan Club
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added by kazuki_super5
added by kazuki_super5
added by sebastianne
Source: nura
added by Elinafairy
added by kazuki_super5
posted by Upashna
Rihan Nura (奴良 鯉伴, Nura Rihan) was Rikuo's father and the секунда head of the Nura Clan. He was a hanyō (half-yōkai) and the creator of the matoi technique, having no problems reconciling his human and yōkai halves.

Born the son of Nurarihyon and Yōhime, he was often taken around on his father's patrols (much to his mother's dismay). During the Edo period, he took over as the секунда Head of the Nura Clan. Under his leadership, the Nura Clan's power reached its peak and he was responsible for stopping the actions of The String Assassin of Hitachi Province. Rihan fell in Любовь with and...
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added by Elinafairy
added by Upashna
added by Upashna
added by Upashna
added by lolkaka
added by lolkaka
added by umi_echizen
added by lolkaka
added by Elinafairy
added by kazuki_super5
Source: Google
added by Upashna
added by kazuki_super5
Source: Google
added by umi_echizen