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“The Penguins of Madagascar”
Season 4, Episode 2 (4X02)
Production Code: 402
Air date: ?
Previous: “Cat Burglar” Next: “Seeing Red”

I Spy/ Transcript

“I Spy”, “The Penguins of Madagascar”

Scene I
: пингвин HQ
(Penguins are enjoying their hobby night.)
Skipper: (Using tweezers to attach a sail to its mast in his ship in a bottle) Gotta Любовь hobby night, boys! So relaxing after a long week of stressful missions.
Kowalski: (Walks out of his lab) Indeed, sir. It’s been proven that it’s healthy to have a night off.
Skipper: (picks up the glue bottle) Yes, but that’s also why we don’t have nights off all that often. I need my men to be on their toes.
Private: (coloring in a rainbow) But it’s just so relaxing. Especially after today! I still can’t believe Alice didn’t even notice The крыса King had broken in to the Zoovenir shop!
Rico: (smashes two rocks together) Kablamo! Hehehehehehehehe!
Private: (flinches as rock chips fly in his direction) Well, that wasn’t very relaxing.
Skipper: What /are/ Ты doing, anyways, Rico?
Rico: Rock go kaboom! (smashes them together again)
Skipper: Er….right, then.
(rapid foot falls are heard from off-screen)
(three rapid knocks on the door)
Marlene: (muffled from behind the door) (excited) Guys! Open up! It’s me, Marlene!
(Skipper opens the door, and Marlene runs in, breathless)
Skipper: (Suspiciously) So what’s this (air quotes) “good news’ Ты mentioned?
Marlene: Oh, relax! It’s nothing bad! I’m getting a new roommate!
(The Penguins gasp in surprise)
Private: Oh, Marlene, that’s wonderful-
(He is slapped by Skipper)
Skipper: This is far from wonderful! Remember the last roommate Marlene had?
(Flashback to Rhonda)
Marlene: (Scoffs) Oh, please! This one won’t be like Rhonda!
Skipper: And just how do Ты know that?
Kowalski: The odds of Ты knowing what your new roommate will be like are nearly impossible without some sort of time machine.
Marlene: Well, I looked at the file on Alice’s computer. He- his name is Antonio- was just found in the park. He’s being sent here for a few days while they can figure out what zoo he came from.
Kowalski: How did Ты manage to hack in to her computer? Only we know her password.
Marlene: It wasn’t hard to figure out that ” IH8MyJob” is her password.
Private: I’m glad for you, Marlene! Maybe the two of Ты have something in common. His name sounds Spanish. Maybe he likes the Spanish Guitar!
Skipper: There will be no guessing as to what this new arrival may или may not like until I know everything there is to know about him! Kowalski, I want Ты to-….(He sees Marlene glaring at him)…What? Is there something on my break?
Marlene: Ты do this every time we have a new arrival. It’s no wonder most of our new arrivals end up leaving!
Skipper: Are Ты saying that my investigating is scaring them off? That’s crazy talk! We were right about Clemson, Savio and Rhonda!
Marlene: Wait…Rhonda was a spy, или something?
Skipper: Yup. She worked for Dr. Blowhole. украл, палантин Kowalski’s plasma cutter right from under our beaks! Ты know ; the thing made with the bubble gum and the clamp that floated?
Marlene: Well, Antonio won’t be like that! I feel it in my gut.
Skipper: (Scoffs) Well, that clinches it, then!
Marlene: Aren’t Ты saying to always trust your gut?
Skipper: Yes, but it only works in penguins! It’s not a mammal thing.
Marlene: I think you’re just jealous.
Skipper: Jealous? Of what?
Marlene: Well, let’s face it, Skipper…you aren’t the best when it comes to romance.
Skipper: I’ll have Ты know I /did/ дата once. It was on the last perfect день I had.
Marlene: Huh?
Kowalski: Ты weren’t there for that flashback.
Marlene: Ah.
Skipper: but seriously. He could be a spy for the Secret Police in Guam! или worse yet…the Agency in Punta Cana! That mission nearly cost me my job! (looks skyward and shakes a fist) Curse you, Chinstrap Sisters! Curse you!
(They all stare at Skipper)
Marlene: So…um…anyways…what are Ты guys up to?
Kowalski: I’m working on a method of verifying the existence of Ununoctium!
Private: Drawing a rainbow!
Skipper: Ship in a bottle. My usual.
Rico: (holds up the rocks and smashes them together) Rock! Hahahahaha! Kablamo!
Marlene: Er….right. Sorry, rico. I don’t think they’ll make rock bombs any time soon.
Rico: (grunts and gibbers, points to the rock he’s holding and regurgitates a firecracker) Boom! Haha!
Marlene: Oh.. Ты already…have…Well, guys, I’ll see Ты tomorrow. I have to go to bed.
(Ske exits)
Skipper: Boys, we start out stakeout on this new arrival tomorrow!
Kowalski: Actually, he arrives in two days’ time, sir.
Skipper: Boys, we start our stakeout on this new arrival in two days’ time! Now come on, light’s-out time.
(The Penguins head to bed)

Scene II: The Zoovenir Shop
(The Далее night)
(Skipper stands in front of a black projector screen)
Skipper: Ladies and Gentlemen of the zoo, I now present a great invader that is in our midst!
(rumblings amongst the animals)
Skipper: (paces) Now, if our zoo is invaded, soon /we/ will be invaded! Kowalski, Показать them the slide!
(Kowalski turns the projector on and puts the slide in front of the light)
Skipper: Behold! The face of evil incarnate!
(the camera is towards the back of Skipper, Показ the animals’ reactions. They scream for a second, some shielding their eyes. They stop and look at the picture. Some begin to laugh)
(The picture is revealed to be a кукуруза dog)
Don’t laugh! This кукуруза dog is the enemy! Slowly but surely, the Zoo Overlords will replace all the cotton Конфеты and попкорн vending machines in the zoo with кукуруза dogs! But they won’t stop there! Soon, they’ll replace our food! And then they’ll replace us!
(Private whimpers and swoons)
Marlene: Isn’t that what happened in Hoboken?
Skipper: Maybe.
Kowalski: It /is/ a plausible theory. If it happened there, it can happen here.
Marlene: Yeah, but it’s /Hoboken/ we’re talking about! They can’t let something like that happen here! Not in New York!
Skipper: Marlene, Alice barely acknowledges she works here. It’s be too easy to slip biomechanical android Животные past her.
(Marlene rolls her eyes)
Skipper: Mark my words, it’ll happen! They’ll probably send one in as an experiment! Maybe it’ll be that new arrival tomorrow!
Marlene: So this is where you’re headed with this. You’re being childish, Skipper.
Julien: I am agreeing. It is a stupidy idea! Besides, no robot-guy could be copying the fine work of art that is me! I am impossible to imitate! There is being no way it could happen!
Skipper: Ты sure are a piece of work, Julien.
Julien: I am to be thanking Ты for that compliment, Skippy!
Skipper: Ты know what- (gets an idea) или maybe they already sent one in. Ты never know.
Julien: Well, it is not being me. I can be telling Ты that much, silly-billy penguin!
Skipper: That’s just what a robot clone would say!
Julien: (terrified) Ты are right! I am a robot!
Skipper: (snickers) Oh, relax, Ring-Tail! I was only kidding!
Julien: Do not be joking with me like that!
Skipper: Or, maybe I wasn’t joking!
Julien: Maurice, we have to be doing the tests to see if I am a robot! Let us leave!
(Julien, Mort and Maurice leave the shop)
Skipper: I thought he’d never leave! Now, does anyone else have anything to report? No? Good. Meeting adjourned!

Scene III: пингвин HQ
(The Далее morning)
(Skipper dunks his рыба in his coffee. He appears to be agitated)
Private: Something the matter, Skippah? Ты don’t look well.
Skipper: What-…oh. Young private, no, I am not. I’m still stressed over this new arrival. We’d better watch him closely. We’ll have to be extra-vigilant. We never know when he’ll-
(Marlene opens the door. Skipper karate chops her in the face)
Skipper: -Strike!.... Oh…Sorry Marlene. I got myself worked up again. Ты ok?
Marlene: (rubs her nose tenderly) I think so. Anyways, they’re about to unload the клеть, ящик with Antonio in it. He should be in my habitat soon. Ты guys wanna watch?
Skipper: Ты can count on that, Marlene…We’ll be watching, all right.

Scene IV: Topside
Private: What if you’re wrong about Antonio being a spy?
Skipper: Then we commence Operation: Make-It-Up-To-Him. But trust me on this one, I’m right. I know I am. Then Ты know what to do, boys.
Rico: (holds up a stick of dynamite) Kaboom?
Skipper: No, not that. (Looks through his binoculars and sees the клеть, ящик being opened)
(Antonio walks out and sees the Penguins spying on his. They quickly pretend they were practicing their “cute and cuddly” routine. Antonio shrugs it off and walks into the habitat)
Private: That was a close one!
Skipper: So it begins…

Scene V: The выдра, оттер Habitat
( Later that same day)
(Antonio and Marlene are talking. The Penguins are outside, eavesdropping)
Antonio: (faintly) I do not know about you, but Enrico Guitarro is actually my Избранное Spanish гитара player.
Marlene: (faintly) No kidding! He’s mine too!
Private: (whispers) Are Ты sure we should be listening in on them like this?
Skipper: Yes. For all Ты know, their little conversation could be some type of code.
(Marlene hears them and walks outside)
Marlene: Ooh! What’s this about a code? I’m good at puzzles!....And why are Ты guys standing out here?
Skipper: (nervous chuckle) Well, w-we certainly weren’t spying on Ты and Antonio in hopes of overhearing anything confidential, right boys?
(They mutter ”yes” and “uh-huh”)
Marlene: Right… Uh-huh. Anyways, come in! I want Ты to meet Antonio!
(They enter. Antonio walks up to them, and shakes each пингвин warmly by the flipper)
Antonio: Hola, mis amigos! I’ve heard so much about Ты from Marlene. She speaks highly of you.
Marlene: This is Skipper (indicates him), Kowalski and Private (she indicates them) and this is Rico (points to him).
Antonio: Charmed, I am sure. Rico, Ты say?
Rico: Yup!
Antonio: Tu hables español?
Rico: (looks confused for a moment. Regurgitates a rock) Rock goes boom!
Antonio: I am sorry, mi amigo. What are Ты trying to say?
Rico: (thinks for a moment, then repeats what he сказал(-а) in Spanish) Piedra va boom!
Antonio: Er…right. Well, it was-
Private: I think I hear Alice coming! We have to get out of here!
(The penguins say their goodbyes and exit)
(Alice arrives with Еда for the otters)

Scene VI: пингвин HQ
(The penguins are seated at the table, playing a card game)
Private: It’s hard to be suspicious of someone who’s so friendly. (He sets down a card)
Skipper: Got any threes?
Kowalski: Go fish.
Skipper: What did Ты say, Private?
Private: I сказал(-а) it’s hard to be suspicious of someone who’s so nice.
Skipper: That’s exactly what he wants Ты to think! Then they attack!
Private: Oh dear.
Skipper: “Oh dear” is right! We don’t know anything about this guy except that he was found in the park! He could be from anywhere!
Kowalski: (checks his clip board) Actually, they found out he’s a Остаться в живых выдра, оттер from the Bronx Zoo.
Skipper: That’s just as bad, if not worse than Hoboken! Also the fact that he and Marlene have so much in common is beyond coincidence! It has to be some sort of evil plot!
(An explosion is heard from inside Kowalski’s lab, followed by the sound of splashing water and shattering porcelain)
Skipper: (Glares at Kowalski) What was that?
Kowalski: M-my latest experiment. I was experimenting with Cesium, and I left an open tub of water. The c-capsule must have fallen in. Cesium explodes when it comes in contact with water.
Skipper: (sighs and tries hard to control his anger) Boys, go help Kowalski clean that mess up.
(Foot- falls are heard from off-screen)
(Marlene and Antonio come rushing in through the door)
Marlene: Are Ты guys OK?
Antonio: What was that explosion?
Skipper: We’re fine. It was just /another/ screwy invention of Kowalski’s.
Antonio: (To Marlene) Does this sort of thing happen often?
Marlene: Pretty much every day, around here.
Skipper: I expect you’ll get used to it, eventually.
Antonio: No. I am leaving tomorrow, actually, to return to my Главная in the Bronx Zoo.
Marlene: Come on, Antonio, let’s go. See ya later, Skipper. (Marlene exits)
(Antonio starts to leave, but Skipper blocks his way)
Antonio: (Chuckles) What is the matter, amigo?
Skipper: Don’t Ты “amigo” me! Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to, Ты biomechanical android scum!
Antonio: What en el nombre de Dios are Ты talking about? The only thing I have planned is a дата with Marlene in the park tonight!
Skipper: Huh?
Antonio: Yes! I’ve been trying to ask her for a while now!
Marlene: (calls from the hallway) Ты coming, Antonio?
Antonio: In a moment! (turns to Skipper) I hope this has cleared the misunderstanding between us. Goodbye, for now.
(He waves and exits)
Skipper: (whispers to himself) I’ll be watching Ты Antonio…
(Kowalski, Private and Rico exit the lab)
Kowalski: Sir, Ты really have to stop talking to yourself like that. It’s rather creepy.
Skipper: (Ignores that) Kowalski, the game is afoot! Commence Operation: Dating Game!

Scene VII: The Park
(Marlene and Antonio are sitting on a blanket. Antonio had a bouquet of half-shelled oysters spelling out “Marlene” and is strumming on his Spanish гитара for her)
Marlene: Oh, Antonio! Ты sure do know how to Показать a girl a good time! This is perfect!
Antonio: Anything for you, mi Corazon! (Pops an oyster in his mouth and belches embarrassingly loudly)
(Marlene shrugs it off)
Marlene: (Decides to change the subject) Do Ты wanna hear a funny joke?
Antonio: Claro! Of course I do!
Marlene: (giggling a bit) What did one Стена say to the other?
Antonio: I do not know. What /did/ one Стена say to the other?
(Their eyes meet)
Marlene: Meet Ты at the corner!
(Marlene giggles and Antonio laughs an obnoxious snorty laugh)
(Close up of Marlene’s face as she stops smiling)

Scene VIII: The Park
(later that same night)
Antonio: (With his mouth full, spitting chunks of oysters out) – and then I сказал(-а) to Fred, “Amigo, that is not an acorn! That is a rock! Ты will break your teeth!” But do Ты know what happened after that?
Marlene: (losing interest) What?
Antonio: He ate it anyway! (he laughs obnoxiously again)
(Some chewed-up oyster chunks fly at her. She recoils from them)
Marlene: Um…Antonio? I’m feeling tired. I want to go to bed.
Antonio: It is a shame I am leaving tomorrow, but thank Ты for making my last night with Ты a wonderful one. (Kisses her paw) I will never forget you, mi Corazon.
Marlene: (smiles a bit) It /was/ nice.
(They walk back together)

Scene IX: пингвин HQ
(The Далее morning)
(The penguins are doing roll call when Marlene knocks on the door)
Skipper: (Opens the door) Finally! Ты learned to knock before entering!
Marlene: (Giggles) yeah, I have to break that habit. Anyways, my дата with Antonio last night wasn’t bad…but it wasn’t great. He was a little…actually he has awful таблица manners, but other than that, it went well. He was so dreamy, and romantic, and-
Marlene: (Sees that Rico is about to vomit) Sorry, Rico. I forgot about your gooey-love mush sensitivity.
Skipper: So Mr. Dreamy-and-Romantic is leaving today? Ты two still going to date?
Marlene: No. it won’t work long-distance. Besides…he’s in the Bronx Zoo. It just won’t work. But he and I are still friends, and-
Rico: (Looks around rapidly) (gibbers, distressed)
Skipper: What is it, Soldier?
Rico: (wails) Rocks are gone!
Marlene: Huh? Oh! Your rock bombs! Don’t worry, Rico, we’ll find them! Let’s look.
Skipper: I don’t think we /will/ find them….. Not now, not ever…

Scene X: A Crate
(Antonio is in a клеть, ящик in the back of a truck heading to the Bronx zoo)
(Pulls out a walkie-talkie)
Antonio: Hola. Would Ты please put on your boss? The head of the Agency in Punta Cana?.-… Oh, hello. Yes, sir. The mission was a success. Yes… I have the rock bombs.

(A pause)
Antonio: And I have the кукуруза Собаки recipe as well. Yes. I will see Ты when I arrive at the zoo. Send my regards to the /real/ Antonio, also. Adios.
(He sets the walkie-talkie down. His eyes light up red, as he laughs. Laughs louder and еще maniacally. It starts to sound mechanical)
(The Camera shown the outside of the клеть, ящик as the air holes glow red from the light from his eyes)
The End.

Voice Cast:
Skipper- Tom McGrath
Kowalski- Jeff Bennett
Rico-John DiMaggio
Private- James Patrick Stuart
Julien- Danny Jacobs
Marlene- Nicole Sullivan
Antonio- Danny Jacobs
posted by legendary7
Private's Вопрос stung. It seemed as if she hadn't anticipated him asking. She closed her eyes and reminisced painfully. A горький taste formed in her beak. It was like she could feel the cold hands grasping her again.
"Scientists," She answered simply, covering up her past.
"What intentions would they have in caging up a пингвин in a lab for years?" Private wondered naïvely. Skipper elbowed Kowalski in the ribs.
"Uh… I'll explain later, Private." Kowalski said.
"No, it's fine. Ты see, there are some scientists. Evil scientists, who test chemicals out on animals. Sometimes, like in my case,...
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The men storm in. I peek from under the dangling sheets under my bed. They трещина, сплит up.
"We know you're in here, kid. If we have to come, and find Ты it's going to be a very long and painful death." He warns, and inches closer to the bed. "You're hiding like a coward, but we'll gut Ты like a fish!" He says slicing the sheet.
No one's there. I breathe a sigh of relief from beneath the other bed. I hear them march out. As I wriggle out from under the bed.
A strange feeling of heat touches my face. In the corner, is a glowing light. I stagger over, following the hot light. There I see something...
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Chapter 1: Deadly Message
Adventure Time's side

Fionna and Cake was just sleeping when someone was knocking at there door. Fionna opened the door and saw Prince Gumball. "Hi Prince Gumball. What's that?"Fionna asked. "Oh, this my latest invention. I call it the Parallel Zapper."Prince Gumball сказал(-а) as he ran to the living room. He plugged it and a portal appears. "Are Ты sure this is safe?" Cake asked. "Of course it is. I just hope that Ты did not eat eggs for dinner. That's what makes the machine falling apart."Prince Gumball said....
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March 06, 2000
0739 hours

"Hey! Are Ты okay?" Fahlcon crouched low to avoid gunfire, and ran to the man on the ground hidden behind a slope clutching his shoulder. Once he got to him, he lied his gun down and examined his wound. It was deep. He couldn't even see the bullet. Blood covered his entire shoulder and he was sweating. There was sign of infection. "What's your name soldier?" Fahlcon asked. "Hans...Hans Gruber." The man answered. He spoke with a Danish accent. He had dark hair and hazel eyes. Fahlcon swung his винтовка on his back and helped him up. Half carrying him, he managed to get...
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Finally the lights flashed on, and without having any contact with the door, Skipper and Private witnessed it slam open before their own eyes. "Come on," Skipper said. "No, no, I can't go in there! No!" Private whined like he was in a trance. Skipper grasped his flipper, and dragged him inside. Skipper kept his grip tight until he found Kowalski and Rico by the stairs. "Are Ты both all right?!" Skipper asked startled. "Yes, but something happened in the basement." Kowalski сказал(-а) out of breath. "All right, Rico, take Private upstairs and keep an eye on him. Kowalski, you're coming with me."...
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User: Hi! My name is Mort!! :D.

Cleverbot: So M. Was short for морган then?

User: No. Do Ты like King Julien's feet??

Cleverbot: No Sorry.

User: His feet are the best-est thing the world!!

Cleverbot: I think therefore I am.

User: Ты are what? :D.

Cleverbot: I think therefore I exist, beyond that I can be sure of nothing.

User: Yay!!

Cleverbot: So cleverbot, tell me of your adventures!

User: I am Mort!

Cleverbot: Are Ты sure?

User: Yes! I like being sure! :).

Cleverbot: Same here.

User: Yay!

Cleverbot: How smart are you?

User: My tail, Rodney, says I an smart!

Cleverbot: Are we still best friends?

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Chapter 8

Skipper made his way into the Clock Tower, and just like the last time he was there in the normal castle, a quick flash of light came and went and the fingers on the clock both started to move. They both landed on the six, which was on the вверх instead of the bottom due to everything in the замок being in reverse. And just like the last time, it rang thirteen times. Dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong…dong… dong…dong…dong. The floor opened and Skipper made his way up. When he arrived he found an elevator just like the last time, but instead of going...
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Chapter 7

Skipper arrived at the замок where everything was flipped upside down. Instead of being on the floor, he was on the cleaning, and everything was on was the floor was now above Skipper. He was still in the трон room so he will have to figure out a way to get to the dark priest. But then he saw a пингвин with the same outfit he was wearing. Skipper ran to the penguin, and when he got closer he saw his face. It was his face. It was Skipper! A clone of Skipper has been made, obviously to take the real Skipper’s place and be evil. Skipper took out his sword, and the evil Skipper took...
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Chapter 5

Skipper opened his eyes; he wasn't in the замок anymore. He looked around to see where he was. He then recognized where he was. This was the time and place of Skipper Alucard's worse день ever. The день he saw his own mother, Lisa, be executed. She was to be executed due to the fact she was married to Count Blowhole. Though she was only a mortal penguin, villagers believed she was a witch because she loved such an evil soul. Skipper ran вперед has he heard a crowd of angry villagers with torches and pitchforks yelling 'Burn the Witch!' Behind the crowd, Skipper looked up to see his...
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Before Ты read this story, please no flames and please don't tell me about any grammar mistakes I made. No flames because it really took me two years to make this story. I started in 2010, never got to it because I have struggling, stopped the story, and then finally now I got to it and I was able to finish it. I worked so hard on this story, Ты have no idea. I know I make grammar mistakes and I do my best to fix them all but if I didn't get to them all I'm sorry, I tried. One еще note, for anyone who played this game I based this story on just so Ты know I'm not adding the whole game....
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At the ужин table, the feast is blanketed with silence, above the background noise of protestors against me. The smuggling pressure of my father's constant want for a different son, and the crowd's demand for Cain as prince, makes me realize I don't even want the throne. It is if there is no place for me. The only one I feel refuge in is my mother. Only is my father cheerful, on this dark night. His eyes beaming with excitement as he instructs of how to defeat my foe.
"And if Ты lose you'll end up like this fish: On the seal's ужин plate." He chuckles, gulping down a plump grouper. My...
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'What the heck is that?'

Marlene - Jakiś raban, dziwne światło.

Roy - Atakują, czuję że nie będzie łatwo.

Burt - Zbudził właśnie mnie nieziemski trzask.

Mason - A ja słyszałem gdzieś przedziwny wrzask.

Bing - To nie ja tylko Bada.

Bada - Bo ja się ten, no... przejąłem!

Maurice - Więc cóż to za blask?

Pinky - To głęboce razi nas.

Mason - Rękoma dajesz znak, jest za mną, tak?

Burt - Co za dziwne coś!

Roy - Co za dziwne coś!

Bada - Co to za typ wisi i gapi się?

Joey - Czekaj no, niech ciut przetrę oko nim swe!

Bing - Paskudne, brudne i złe na wskroś!

Bada and Bing - Jakieś dziwne...
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posted by King_Julien_fan

Guy - Co to jest, ach co?

Kowalski - Straszny sprzęt wmuszający śpiew.

Skipper - Spójrz teraz nie widzisz mnie.

King Julien - Trzeba cię powstrzymać dziś,
tak mówi mały miś.
Dajcie mi bas,
to oczaruję was.
Dajcie mi dźwięk,
ujrzycie tyłka wdzięk.

Zaczynamy bimbę i wszyscy razem
bam, bam, bam! Yeah!
Kolanami w brodę wal
i bam, bam, bam!

Poczuj ten flow,
kiedy macham kitą swą!

Zaczynamy bimbę i wszyscy razem
bam, bam, bam!

Mort i Maurice
wyjedzą z kubła ryż.

Zaczynamy bimbę i wszyscy razem
*bam, bam, bam*

Tak się właśnie tańczy tu,
Tak się właśnie tańczy tam.
Tak się właśnie...
continue reading...
*Please note that Melody is my OC and that is the only reason I'm adding her. And also if this story sucks,(and it most likely will, as I'm not a very good writer)please tell me how I can improve it.*

It started as any other day. Skipper was training his crew as usual, but then a huge bird-like thing swooped straight at them! It landed a few meters away from the habitat, and at that point they could see that it wasn't a Болталка object at all: it was a beautiful young penguin!
S: Is that a flying penguin?
K: It would seem so, but penguins can't fly!
P: Skipper, is it just me, или does that penguin...
continue reading...
At Los Angeles Convention Center about 15 years in the future

Carsfan: (as a reporter) A huge crowd of fellow fanguins are waiting outside the Los Angeles Convention Center, the location of the POM Convention, to catch a glimpse of their idols before it starts. They should be here any moment. Wait, yes, yes, they're here. The penguins are here! (a limo pulls up and 70s/2020s version of the penguins come out)
70s Skipper: Are Ты sure about this look, Kowalski?
70s Kowalski: Ты have to Переместить backward to go foreward, Skipper! Besides, I believe some fanguins here pretty muched begged to see us like...
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Chapter 11: the Siege of the Central Park Zoo
The siege of the Central Park Zoo had begun with a wave of crabs. “Okay, Guardians, let’s defeat the evil!” Soren led the attack, with Twilight, who was carrying Erik, was directly behind him. Digger was carrying Mort, who was carrying an extra set of battle claws, fitted for лемур use. “Watch out Soren, there using Pure Ones and Dragon Owls. Soren set his sights on several pure ones. Erik then took out 6 of them in one shot. “Good job, Chick Magnet!” Soren exclaimed. Then Mort took out 6 еще pure ones. “Awesome job, Sad Eyes!”...
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"SKIPPER!" Private screamed, a краб had clawed his bum, and wouldn't let go. He ran around frantically, Skipper extended his flipper *bam* Private hit Skippers flipper and fell flat on the hard black sea-stone. "Skipa!!" Rico screamed, his head had caught alight while trying to light a fire. "Ahh!!! Bob is angry!!" Kowalski screamed, his tuna рыба had caught alight. Skipper just stood and watched all three penguins running around frantically, he was on the verge of exploding with anger, he frowned so low Ты could barley see his eyes. "Skipper!" He heard two voices cry from behind. "What is...
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In the "MAD" universe
Jack: Those penguins are right in front of us!!!
Ramsay: Don't worry, didn't Ты say that Ты can pull your head off and shoot огонь out of your eyes?
Jack: Yea.
Ramsay: Well, THROW YOUR HEAD AT THEM, SKELETON MAN!!! (Jack throws his head attempting to hit the penguins)
S: Rico, deploy Jackie Robinson pitcher mode! (Rico catches the head and throws it and it hits Team Johnny Test)
Susan: I'll press the net button. (presses a button and a net appears and catches Jack's head)
Johnny: Impressive. (everyone rides on the back of Clifford the Big Red Dog and go through the portal to...
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*Please note i didn't write this song myself, Seastar4374 wrote it*

The penguins jumped up the hatch
"So Starlite's suppose to be beautiful? PFFT! Yah and it will rain dolphins!" Skipper laughed.
*Rainbow veins-Owl City*
*High rise, veins of the avenue
Bright eyes and subtle variations of blue*
The other four penguins were staring at something that was behind Skipper. "What are Ты nancy-cats gawking at?" Skipper sighed, not turning around.
*Everywhere is balanced there like a радуга above Ты
Street lights glisten on the boulevard
And cold nights make staying alert so hard*
"Umm...You might wanna...
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Skipper and the other penguins were digging and digging and....digging? ok. They didn't seem to have enough escape tunels, they were finishing number 31.

"this is PARANOIC MADNESS!" Private shouted, as he dug deeper and deeper, but, suddent ly he felt a click, he strted digging in other directions, until every single place mad the noise click.

He started waving the dust with his hands, and eventualy, a scream came out

"AHHHHHH!!!" Skipper heard the scream

"come boys!" he and everyone went as fast as they could. Once there, they saw that Private was right beside a skeleton.

"wait!" Kowalski took...
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