Phantom Miria Club
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The Number 1 walked along the path, cursing her horrible luck. Just last night that foul Rigaldo had the balls to fuck her, and Остаться в живых them once the deed was done. Of course he threatened her with the Organization coming after her if she сказал(-а) anything against him, she was sorely tempted to tell Ermita exactly what had happened and why her amour was in a mess, with blood all over it, especially between her legs, but she сказал(-а) nothing, blaming the damage on yoma, that she would normally be able to avoid without trouble. Ermita wouldn't believe it for a секунда and he didn't.
"Gods Hysteria, just what really happened?" He asked sternly
"Yoma of course." She replied, not saying another word.
He sighed and nothing else was said. He would meet her and deliver new clothing to her as soon as possible, before her Далее job. Hysteria sighed and held her head as high as she could, she was annoyed at Rigaldo, but she would get him back, as soon as she could walk properly again. No thanks to that spineless fool, she was in pain with each step that she took, (he'd not been gentle at all, the еще she screamed in pain the еще he inflicted it on her) and she was forced to act as it all was ok. She fumed and her fury was growing with each passing moment that he invaded her thoughts. How he disgusted her. Yet she needed to lick her wounded pride and get on with it. She would act as if he were nothing to her. That was the only way she could inflict revenge on him, and she would do it perfectly. She would act as if he'd never touched her. Hysteria smiled to herself. Yes she would be alright. She would continue as if it had never happened. The smile however was еще like a grimace, and she could feel the tears of shame running down her cheeks. She stopped and made sure that no one could see her. Crying was so ugly, so disgusting and she had to look absolutely perfect and crying ruined that perfection that she strived for.

As she walked to where she would Далее meet her handler, Hysteria thought on what she could do to hide the hideous bruises on her body, she didn't want to use yoki to heal them because it would be such as waste and serve only to wear her mind down. She wasn't a fool like some of her comrades. It was small wonder that she was made the Number 1 over so many warriors. She would do everything in her power to live as long as she could because that was what everyone wanted, and she wanted to live beyond the normal half yoma, and yet she wanted to heal them away because they made her look hideous. She cautiously continued forward, rather than high and proud like she would normally do. She had no reason to be proud of herself, she was angry and there was nothing that she could take it out on. To вверх it all off she had bruises that she wanted to forget about but each one was smarting, and they still hurt her despite the fact that nearly a whole день had passed since the rape, and really there were no other words for it in her mind. Hysteria tried to hold her head up, but she really wanted to curl in to a ball and hang it in shame instead. She was surprised that Ermita was sitting in the clearing. She stiffened her spine at once; there was no reason to let him see how depressed she was. It just wouldn't do, after all she was The Elegant Hysteria, the most beautiful of the warriors, and she wasn't known for her brooding. She came to a stop before her handler, he regarded her
"You're new clothing is here," he sighed, "your Далее job is a week to the west, it is most likely a band of yoma."
She picked up the clothing and slung it over her left shoulder, she would change later to avoid him staring at her ugly body, though he had seen her with much worse than the current bruises. She felt that she didn't want him to see a thing, as if letting him see her like this would be sure to have a worrying outcome, one that might cost Hysteria her life. No matter how bad it was, she would keep the damage to herself as much as she could. Hysteria still felt horrible, but at least it wasn't as bad as what she felt yesterday,
"Why so modest all of a sudden?" Ermita asked,
Hysteria shot him a withering look, but she сказал(-а) nothing to him, turning her back to her handler she paused for a fraction of a second, and pushed her shoulders up and murmured to herself "That I'll keep to myself Ermita,"
"I don't like the way you're being excessively curious lately." She muttered, as she made her pained body bend to her will.

Her amour clanked as she walked into the trees for some cover and she then dropped her amour once she was out of Ermita's sight. Hysteria then removed her dirtied clothes and changed into the fresh ones that Ermita had дана her. She noticed that the blood she had bled after Rigaldo fucked her had stopped, thankfully she wouldn't bleed into her new clothing, and it was a plus that she didn't expect, but she was grateful that she would have it.

It took her a week to get to her Далее job, by that stage the worst of the pain was a dull ache and she could Переместить a bit better, she couldn't Переместить as fast as she wanted, but she could outrun the yoma thankfully. She was a bit stiff, but it was nothing to her for now. The humans saw no difference in how she moved, and that was what she intended, she couldn't enjoy their shock however, so she flicked her blade and blood splatted on the ground.
"My work is done, a man in black will collect the money, give it to him." She commanded like normal. She drew herself up and marched out of the town. The yoma had worn her out, but she didn't want to sink as low as to rest in the town after she'd killed the yoma. She wanted to camp out in the open, so that she could run from Rigaldo if he was following her. The only reason he'd gotten her was because he'd made her run where she couldn't escape, forests were particularly difficult to navigate at speed, dangerous almost unless Ты kept your wits about you. Hysteria kept her senses sharp and peeled for the slightest sound and movement, her back remained on the blunt of her sword as she listened to the noises in the night.

As she continued to service her region, Hysteria gradually noticed that her body was beginning to change. At first, she thought that she was sleeping еще than normal because her body was still healing the bruises. She’d dismissed it and travelled harder to get to jobs. Then she found that her appetite had changed. Normally she would eat every couple of days или even as little as once a week. She now found herself eating almost every day. Hysteria was worried about the changes, but she сказал(-а) nothing to Ermita about them, preferring to keep them to herself as well as what had happened almost a full месяц and a half ago.

“So the Number 1 has been Актёрское искусство out of character has she Ermita?” a man with slicked back hair asked,
“I’m afraid that seems to be the case, Rimuto,” Ermita replied, “I’m also afraid to say that I have Остаться в живых contact with her, as of half a месяц ago…it may be possible that she has died, but there has been supposed sightings, so she may still be alive.”
“I see,” сказал(-а) Rimuto, “We must track her down at once! Orsay,”
“Yes sir,” replied Orsay, a man whose плащ hid his face entirely from view,
“Finding the Number 1 is of upmost importance, it will be a task that I will leave fully to you,” Rimuto told the cloaked man, to Ermita he said, “I expect a full Сообщить if she is found.”
“Yes sir,” Ermita replied, as he didn’t want to displease Rimuto any further.
Rimuto sat back on his трон like chair and sighed. Of all the warriors that had to go missing, it had to be the Number 1. He closed his eyes and slowly drew in a deep breath. Of all the warriors that could go missing, why was it Hysteria? What made her want to disappear without a trace, leaving the Organization without so much as a backward glance, или a slight inclination to explain herself? It made no sense to Rimuto, unless she knew things that she shouldn’t and then that in itself were a worrying thought. He just hoped that they would find her swiftly; if she refused to come then they would purge her, like they would any other warrior.

Hysteria looked at her growing stomach, and she was nervous. She soon found that wearing her amour was uncomfortable; mostly it was the armoured юбка that was causing her the discomfort. It had been almost four months since she was raped, and she noticed the bump, despite the fact that it was only small at the moment. She knew that it would grow, that she would soon have to contend with her вверх speed decreasing as it grew. She knew this because she could feel a very small yoki, so small in fact it had taken her a good час to sense whatever it was moving within her, and when it did move, it wasn’t until it touched her that she could sense the yoki at all. Now though as she focused on it she was getting a better idea about it. It was only very small, and she knew that it would be strong, if it was дана a chance. She had decided that she would hide away, see what happened Далее before she made a move. Hysteria took a yoki suppressant and was surprised by how swiftly she became weak from it. She looked at her reflection in the water and she could see that her eyes were their pale blue selves from so long ago. She sighed and quietly headed to the nearest town, she had enough money to buy something to hide her sword, but she decided a little thievery was necessary, she would save the money because she might need it later on.

Hysteria managed to get a horse. She was quite lucky that the owner was a complete fool, simply hobbling the creature in the belief that that would be enough to stop any thieves from getting the animal. She shook her head at how easy it was to break the hobbles and smartly pilfered the creature and a complete set of tack. She doubted that she’d come across anyone that was stupider than the horse’s owner. The animal was quiet enough around her, as if it were grateful for being freed of the hobbles, and that it was able to walk free. Hysteria’s touch was light on the reigns, and thankfully the horse had a soft mouth, responding instantly to the half yoma’s guidance.

She decided to make camp after they’d covered a fair amount of ground. She tethered the horse, so that it could graze and still Переместить around a bit, without the rubbing that it had from the hobbles. Hysteria made sure that the tether was strong before she walked away to hunt.

When she returned the horse was grazing contentedly, she decided that she would offer it a drink from the nearby stream once she’d eaten. She skinned the rabbit that she’d caught, and cooked it over a fire. She was glad that she had found the rabbit warren, it had saved her a lot of time and her speed was her greatest asset when hunting them. Her stomach growled as the smell of cooking rabbit reached her nose. The suppressant had worn off so her eyes would be back to silver again now. She felt the small thing Переместить inside of her, a little nudge every now and again that made her feel worried and excited at the same time. She wondered what she should do, but dismissed the thought. Hysteria decided that she would sleep and travel first thing in the morning.

Orsay tried not to roll his eyes as he travelled towards the last place that Ermita had seen the Number 1. So far they had spent a месяц trying to find her and were coming up empty handed. He cursed in frustration, normally the “eyes” would be used for such a task, but at times like these, and sometimes it was better to have a handler do the ground work. Ermita had told Orsay that Hysteria was quite smart, and suggested that he head deeper south, while Orsay and his warrior, the Number 8, Teresa take on the Number 1’s possible trail. He had suggested starting at the last known location that Hysteria was at, but Orsay decided that he would look deep in the south with Teresa; the results were annoying to say the least. Orsay had to bite back his curses as Hysteria proved to be the most elusive warrior that had ever existed. He ground his teeth in frustration, and Teresa stopped,
“I think I sense something.” She сказал(-а) suddenly,
Orsay paused,
“It’s too small though, I can barely sense it.” She was looking to the south of them,
“What is it Teresa,” Orsay sighed,
“I don’t know, because it’s too small to sense.” She replied, “Whatever it is, it’s very weak.”

Hysteria knew that the Organization would start tracking her as soon as she decided to leave them. She hid her sword and began to tack up the horse; she took the yoki suppressant, and slowly climbed on to the horse’s broad back. She lifted the капот, худ of a плащ that she had found, and made sure that passers-by wouldn’t see her face. She nudged the horse in to an easy trot, when she felt the small nudge inside of her. It was soft, and she felt a small smile пересекать, крест her face as she thought about it. The nudging settled and the horse trotted on.

Teresa tilted her head, the small yoki that she could sense had disappeared as if it was masked by a suppressant and she didn’t know why that was. She could hear the sound of a horse’s hooves beating the ground steadily, she could make out that it was trotting, and it had a person on its back. She decided to go check it out, as she looked behind her, Teresa wondered if she could slip away from Orsay.

Hysteria turned the horse towards the river; this was the only crossing that she could see the creature crossing. It paused as she gave it its head. It sniffed the water and Hysteria carefully nudged its stomach, urging it forward, letting the horse see what it had to cross. The horse walked forward,
“Easy does it,” Hysteria told it, “you can make it,”
The horse’s ears twitched back towards her, and then twitched вперед again, the horse calmly steeped into the river. It was about halfway through the crossing when she could hear the clanking of amour; her hearing was sharper than the horse’s was. She shuddered but held her pace, as the suppressant was masking her eye colour and yoki. She had been right to take it, however if it was a skilled warrior Hysteria would be in trouble, even if she was the Number 1, a skilled warrior would give her a fight that she might not win. As far as she knew there were a few single digits that were able to take her on and cause her grief. She would have to hide as well as she could.

Hysteria guided the horse forwards from the river, walking now as the animal was slightly tired from crossing the river, and she would need it to be as fresh as possible should she have need for it to run as fast as it could. She was literally trying to escape death at the moment, trying to keep herself as far ahead of the warrior as she could. Hysteria cursed as she could hear the warrior keeping up without too much difficulty. She didn’t want to wear the horse или herself out. Hysteria was fast running out of options, if she didn’t do something drastic then all was forfeited, especially her life. She knew that she didn’t have much choice; she would have to find a place that was isolated so that she could hide. However with a warrior on her trail, it would be difficult for her to hide at all. Hysteria was about to curse her own rotten luck when a loud thud caught her attention. A human was standing in her way, a dagger drawn. She would have laughed then and there, if she didn’t have other еще pressing issues. She simply looked at the human and without so much as flinching turned the horse in to another direction. She pushed it to a canter, when she heard the warrior pick up her pace, and several other Лошади head towards her. She decided to take a slight risk, and nudged the horse to gallop. She leant вперед instinctively and gave the horse its head. She only guided it when necessary, covering a surprising amount of ground in a short Космос of time that was unheard of, on horseback that was. The other Лошади tried to cut her off but Hysteria was having none of that, lightly touching the reigns and guiding the horse towards Rockwell Hill. She was playing a dangerous game but it was the only way she would be able to do anything and it might help her lose the warrior at the same time. The tactic seemed to work, as Hysteria Остаться в живых them all. She slowed the horse down and waited to see what would happen, to make sure that they hadn’t fallen back. She focused her senses on what was going on around her. She’d finally done it; she heaved a sigh of relief and guided the horse to Toulouse, making sure that she was as careful as possible.

After the near miss Hysteria was еще determined to remain hidden and safe. She travelled towards Rabona, hoping that she could truly shake the Organization off her trail. It had taken her almost two months to get there. By the time she arrived at Rabona, her stomach was now sticking out more. The nudging was stronger and she could sense the small yoki much easier now, although she wasn’t sure if that was because whatever it was that was growing inside of her was getting stronger или if it was raising its yoki. She decided that the first option was еще likely than the latter, although she wasn’t sure if she was really right. Hysteria came to an interesting realisation as she neared the gates of Rabona; she had no idea how they were going to react to her. She knew that half yoma weren’t allowed in to the city, but she didn’t have much of a choice, if she wanted to live and find out what it was that was nudging her from the inside her then she had to at least try Rabona. She was aware that she could very well be killed by the Rabonians, but if she presented her case properly she might have a chance and she would be able to kill two birds with the same stone, saving herself and helping humans that she wouldn’t be able to because of the Organization. She slowed the horse’s pace and hoped that luck would be on her side.

As she entered the gates of Rabona, Hysteria kept her капот, худ up and she walked alongside the horse. She didn’t know where to go. She walked along the streets and marvelled at their beauty. She didn’t realise that Rabona was so amazing. She made her way through the city and was soon stopped by two men. She followed them meekly as she didn’t want to make a scene. The men guided her towards seemingly private quarters. The horse was taken to the stables and Hysteria was questioned about why she’d come to Rabona. Her hands trembled as she pulled off her cloak; there would be no going back. The men were shocked and Hysteria knew that in their eyes a “Claymore” was a forbidden person. She carefully tried to explain what she knew was almost impossible to explain. The men even сказал(-а) so, and that it didn’t make sense. Hysteria waited quietly as the men left the room. They hadn’t сказал(-а) anything that could allow her to draw conclusions, she heard them call out to their comrades and their comrades stood guard over the room, but neither entered. If she’d wanted to escape, Hysteria knew that she could do it, those two men outside the door knew it too. She could hear them talking, in hushed confused voices,
“Why would a клеймор come to Rabona?” one asked,
“I don’t know,” the other man replied, “at any rate she seems to be a quiet one that’s for sure.”
Hysteria had waited for a full час before they came back with a physician. After patiently listening to her warning about her body not being a pretty sight, Hysteria carefully removed the вверх part of her clothing and the men all cringed but the physician placed his ear on her stomach. The room was tense for several секунды and then he stood up,
“It is as she has told you,” he said, “a child grows within her,”
Hysteria carefully put her вверх back on and picked up her cloak, calmly replacing it around her shoulders. She pulled the капот, худ back up, so that her face was again hidden from view. The men had to take her to the priests as it would be up to them as to what happened next.

The priests of Rabona wore lose long robes that touched the ground. The head priest was told of a strange phenomenon that had never been heard of before. He listened in shock as the guards told him of a клеймор that was going to have a child within the Далее three months. The priest was sure that they had definitely had too much wine until he saw the клеймор in question. Her stomach was certainly Показ signs that she was indeed carrying, and he heard that the physician had checked her. It was clear that she was еще than willing to be of assistance in any way that she was required and the head priest called a meeting.

The entire congregation was in an uproar. They had never heard of a клеймор being able to carry a child and they certainly argued as much. It took the bishop to calm them down and suggest a temporary solution to the problem. He suggested that they keep the клеймор and if she gave birth to a child, then they could discuss еще about it at that time. The head priest suggested that they keep the клеймор because she would be able to detect yoma, something that the Rabonians couldn’t do themselves. They debated for hours but at last they came up with a deal. If Hysteria was truly pregnant she would have whatever she had need of in exchange of her helping them find the yoma.

They were quite surprised when she agreed to their deal. For Hysteria it was the fact that she was cheating death that made it that much sweeter. It meant that she would truly be able to live and she would be безопасно, сейф because as far as the Organization was concerned Rabona was holy ground and that meant that she would be able to bring up her child in safety without fear that the Organization would take it from her. She didn’t ask for very much and was еще than happy with the simple quarters that they gave her. As far as Hysteria was concerned the quarters were like a palace compared to her quarters back in Sutafu, where she could reach both sides of the room just by holding both her arms out either side of herself. The постель, кровати was nice and comfortable as well, not the simple straw mattress that she was often forced to sleep on when she was there.

Hysteria kept her end of the bargain and had detected no fewer than six yoma in two months. Her body was swollen and she walked slowly. The yoki she could sense was stronger and she was able to deduce that it might be a little girl that was slowly growing inside of her. The nudges were strong now and Hysteria was excited now еще than before, she wondered what the child would look like, but she wasn’t able to sense much about it all.

She was sitting down at a таблица when she felt something strange, it wasn’t a normal yoma, and she knew that if she let them go after it they wouldn’t be able to handle it. She picked up her blade. It would be a risk to take on, but she didn’t have much of a choice. She carefully headed towards it her yoki hidden. The awakened being didn’t pick her up and as she got closer to it, it seemed oblivious to her.

Hysteria felt excited and as she moved вперед she leapt bringing the blade down in a smooth arc, slashing the monster in half its disgusting purple blood spilling all over the place. Hysteria felt the nudge, еще like a kick. It was a relief to know that all was well, или so she thought.

When Hysteria had settled back down in her quarters she fell in to the постель, кровати gratefully, sleep overcoming her.

The Rabonians were shocked when they found the dead yoma. It wasn’t like any yoma that they had ever seen before. The guards brought the corpse to the priests to look at. They were as shocked as everyone else. They went straight to the Claymore’s quarters. She lay on the bed, her breathing deep and even, her arms and legs twitching every now and again, her eyelids flickering. Her long hair half covered her face, and she was fully stretched out, her stomach a noticeable bulge pushing out towards the side of the постель, кровати as she was on her side. They carefully pulled out the sheets and examined it. The Claymore’s body was long since known to be horrific, and the physician shuddered every time he was called to examine her progress. She was certainly growing, and she wasn’t putting on weight elsewhere on her body. It was clear to him that she didn’t have much to go. He carefully measured the growth and was astounded to see that according to his calculations the клеймор didn’t have much longer to go. He began to check for signs that she was beginning to get ready to have the baby, but none were present. He would have to keep a close eye on her; the child would certainly be coming soon.

No one in Rabona would dispute the fact that having a “Claymore” was actually beneficial to the town. It allowed them to avoid the yoma almost completely and when the yoma did come in to the town, it was a simple matter of having the men kill the yoma before they became a problem. The last three months had seen the клеймор еще than prove her worth. The physician had been keeping a tight eye on her but even so, no one was quite prepared for when she was ready to have the baby.

Hysteria had been resting on the постель, кровати when the pangs started. She had been trying to get to sleep, but it was quite hot and she was resting on her side. She got up and started to pace, the pain irritating her еще than anything she’d ever felt before. Hysteria didn’t know what to make of it, the pain shot through her body again and she stifled a curse. The pain was almost enough to bring her to her knees it was so powerful. She felt as if she’d just wet herself and she could see water on the floor, mixed with blood. She suppressed a scream and еще pain lashed at her, bringing her down faster than the convulsions of when she was becoming half yoma. Hysteria struggled to come to terms with what exactly was going on. She knew that pain was racing through her body, but she didn’t know why it was doing that.

The physician was in the midst of treating a patient when a guard came over to him to inform him that it seemed that the клеймор was in labour. The guard wasn’t sure how long she’d been in labour for but she was lying down and seemed not to want to Переместить from the wet spot on the floor where she’d been standing earlier. The physician finished the patient’s treatment and followed the guard to the Claymore’s quarters.

Hysteria bit back a cry as the pain lashed at her. She was sweating and panting. Her body was shaking and she didn’t want to ruin anymore of the floor since she was leaking out some fluid like substance with each wave of pain that cut through her. She soon found herself screaming it was so bad. Hysteria tried not to scream to loudly, nor would she allow her face to screw up with the pain as she felt that it was uncalled for. The physician arrived with a guard, but Hysteria didn’t care. She was in too much pain to care now. She felt as if her body was being cleaved in two, and still the pain grew stronger. She wanted to scream, but she didn’t at the same time. She tried to hold back the cries but even so she still cried out, louder as the pain increased. If she could compare it to anything, it was far greater than the pain she had suffered becoming half yoma.

Hysteria found herself screaming and crying as the pain continued to lash her. The child’s yoki was Показ signs of distress, and Hysteria screamed in pain. No amount of words were going to calm her down, или change the fact that she was forced to grit her teeth in pain. Hysteria’s yoki jumped to 30% unwittingly, as she struggled to deal with the pain. The humans were racing around, but in her mind they were just in the background, unnoticeable, non-existent even. The only thing that she was aware of was the pain that was lacing through her, and the fact that the child was moving, ever closer to leaving her body.

The physician checked the progress of the Claymore’s labour and said, “She’s progressing well. Make sure that the water is ready, she looks set to progress further.”
The others hastened to obey his commands as the клеймор screamed in agony, her face twisting slightly as her muscles bulked up and went back to normal again. Her eyes were Золото still and it seemed that she was struggling to suppress something. They slowly returned to their silver state, and the клеймор panted heavily. She remained where she was and it seemed that she was struggling to breath properly. He checked her progress again as the guards brought in the warm water that he’d asked for, as well as the cold water. He grabbed a cloth and dipped it in the cold water and placed it on the Claymore’s forehead, and also another cloth over her swollen stomach. She was hot, her face red from exertion, and judging by how far along she seemed she would have hours to go yet.

Hysteria cried out as the pain grew in its strength and in the length of time that it lasted. Each pang lasted longer than the last and she was grateful that the human had kindly put the cool cloths on her. She was already quite strained from having to bare the pain that was slicing through her body. As Hysteria struggled to bare the pain, she could feel the child’s yoki rising a little and falling, as it was trying to cause her less pain, though it seemed that it didn’t know what to do. Hysteria cried and tears were running down her face as the pain intensified yet again. She cried and cried as the child slowly moved inside of her, pressing as it came.

Hysteria panted and heard the human watching over her say something about it being time to push. She looked at him with confusion and he calmly explained that she needed to push the child out of her body. Hysteria hardly knew what he was saying and as a pang came he pushed her legs up towards her, making her stomach muscles tighten. The child moved further than what it had before with just the pangs alone. Hysteria paused as she realised what the human was trying to say, and then she understood. She would have to use her strength to push the child out. Despite the pain Hysteria took a deep breath and pushed. She cried out in pain as the child moved further along.

She cried loudly as the child left her body. Hysteria fell back on to the floor exhausted by the effort of giving birth to the child. She was lucky that the scar didn’t get torn open by the baby, which was now crying out. The human handed her to Hysteria and she regarded the tiny little baby in her arms. Her hair was blond; almost white blond and her eyes were the purest silver that Hysteria had ever seen. Those eyes regarded Hysteria with a look of power that was hidden away, as suppressed as Hysteria’s yoki. The baby’s tiny hands clenched and unclenched as her tiny arms swung around. Hysteria gently placed a finger in one of the baby’s hands and the baby gripped that finger, holding on to it like the world was going to end. Hysteria marvelled at the small girl and found herself crying tears of joy, for a reason that she couldn’t explain. Hysteria never cried and yet here she was holding this tiny little baby crying. She wasn’t sure whether to press the child close to her или to hold her loosely the baby seemed so fragile. Hysteria didn’t notice that the humans were cleaning things up around her, nor did she notice the afterbirth come out. She was too enthralled by the tiny little girl that was in her arms, clenching one of her fingers. In Hysteria’s mind the girl was the most exquisite little girl that had ever been born, and Hysteria was infatuated with her. Hysteria paused as she realised that the girl needed a name.
“I know, I’ll call Ты Miria,” she said, as the tiny girl yawned, “that will be your name.”
Miria for her part closed those pretty silver eyes and but still held on to Hysteria’s finger.

What Hysteria did notice was that the head priest had come in with the bishop. The two men had come to see for themselves what the offspring of a so called “Claymore” would look like. Hysteria wondered what would happen now and as the bishop sat on the floor alongside her with the head priest, Hysteria couldn’t help but wonder what was to come.

The two men talked with the клеймор for some time and they called a major meeting. The agenda was simple. Despite the reservations that they had about the Claymores, the one that had come to them had been a valuable asset, and now that she’d дана birth, the city would have two Claymores to contend with, although the youngling was only a newborn, hardly able to do anything without her mother. It was enough to send the congregation into a standstill, they all just had to look at the tiny Claymore, and once they saw that she was indeed a little Claymore, they were forced to think about their past words. The discussion went on for a long time, so long in fact that the tiny клеймор had woken, and since she was hungry had cried until her mother patiently put the little one on to her breast and the child suckled. Several humans had looked on with interest, only to be shocked by the fact that the baby’s suckling was like a normal human’s suckling, something they had seen many times with mothers and their babies. The discussion soon turned to the prior agreement and the клеймор сказал(-а) she would stand by it if allowed. The humans were surprised by the fact that once again they were the ones that got еще out of the deal than the клеймор herself. They however realigned the agreement, saying that as long as the клеймор detected the yoma they would be fine with having her in the city, as long as she didn’t head out in broad daylight without hiding what she was, and the same applied to the child as well. The клеймор readily agreed to their terms and the new deal was struck.

Seven years had passed since Miria’s birth, and in those seven years there were a lot of changes with the Organization. The Далее slotted Number 1 had successfully killed Hysteria’s successor, without so much as breaking a sweat, only using enough yoki to change her eyes. Hysteria had heard the rumours of a warrior that never exhausted her yoki and always seemed to wear a faint smile on her face. The Elegant wasn’t particularly worried, since the warrior who became number 1 after her was a complete push over, Hysteria would have killed her easily too. So the only thing that remained was to see this warrior in battle, but that would mean leaving Rabona, and Miria was still far from ready to do that. Hysteria half wondered if it was her sentimentality that was keeping her in Rabona, since the people had been nothing but grateful that she was there, sensing out the yoma and corning the monsters at night for the night watchmen. Everyone knew that they weren’t allowed to speak of their resident “Claymores”, but somehow word leaked out that Rabona had two “Claymores” were in the city and the humans were often bringing little gifts of their thanks, pretty blankets, nice Еда and clothing, even going as far as to make Hysteria a new set of amour as her old set was worn out. She was astounded by the degree of generosity that the humans had.

Miria didn’t seem to mind all that much. She was a сердце charmer and if ever there was someone who could improve the way humans saw the half yoma it would have to be Miria. The girl was kind and could spend hours listening to the humans’ stories about yoma; she would often be seen playing around the cathedral (the only place where the two didn’t have to hide away) with the local children. Hysteria would smile and be amused by the girl’s antics. еще often than not Miria would ask her mother about the yoma, although Hysteria was reluctant to tell her daughter about the creatures.

However Miria was at an age now that she would need some training, if not this год then maybe in the Далее three, as she was already Показ signs of being a warrior underneath that innocent face. Miria had a couple of close calls with injury, and her little face was marred by an X shaped scar, though it wasn’t as bad as what Hysteria had though it might be at the time. In short Miria was much like any child, boundless energy and a nose for trouble, although if Hysteria had a choice she wouldn’t have it any other way.

Hysteria continued to listen to the rumours about the new Number 1 and by the time Miria was ten, Hysteria knew that time would be turning against them. It was a tearful good bye all around, and Miria’s yoki shot up a little in her distress, though Hysteria was able to comfort her this time. The humans told Hysteria that she was welcome back any time and Hysteria rubbed the tears that were flowing down her cheeks. With that Hysteria and Miria left Rabona hand in hand, their cloaks flapping in the wind as they headed towards Hysteria’s old region. She had a feeling that she’d been forgotten, and somehow that didn’t worry The Elegant Hysteria in the slightest. Miria’s small hand held her’s and they were walking at an easy pace. In Hysteria’s mind the time had come for Miria’s training to begin.
 The last time they saw her...
The last time they saw her...