Покемон Poke'mon X & Y

Taika posted on Feb 04, 2014 at 05:02AM
The Kalos region,where dreams and adventures begin!


-No godmodding!

-No one line posts!

-Please,pretty please,try to properly spell!

-No Swearing/Profanity!

-No Sexual Themes!

-No,absolutely no,Outside Drama!

-I can't think of any more rules,but obey them,or you shall be destroyed!








Starting Poke'mon:

Poke'mon Team:

You Gotta Catch'em All!

Покемон 451 Ответы

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Showing Replies 401-450 of 451

Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Leon walked to the front desk,waiting pretty impatiently for his poke'mon.Hurry up Nurse Joy....i want to train,not sit around in a hospital waiting for you to put my poke'mon in a healing machine!He thought angrily,frowning.
Больше года Nojida said…
"Pretty impatient, aren't you?" Alexa asks walking next to him. Nurse Joy had just finished healing her Pokemon, so she gave them to her. "Just a little more, Leon, and I'll be done with your Pokemon as well" She says, and walks back to her machine.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Leon looked al Alexa with a blank expression."Do you want to sit here when you've got things to do?"He asked.
Больше года Nojida said…
"Well, a Pokemon journey isn't all 'bout training and battles!" Alexa says, "I think resting is a big part of it.... Hold a sec, I have to buy a pair of roller skaters!" she suddenly exclaims as if she had just remembered something extremely important.
Больше года QueenofthePika said…
Nanami stretched her arms. "I guess I better be heading off, but first I need a drink," she said. She walked to the Pokemon Center and got a drink from the smoothie machine. She sat down and drank like her mouth was an endless desert.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Leon raised an eyebrow,before shaking his head."Girls...are so weird..."He said,sighing.When were hs poke'mon going to be done?He then noticed Nanami,the girl from before,sitting down and drinking like she hadn't drank anything in years.He sweat dropped.Did she dehydrate or somethingHe thought,turning back to the desk.
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Больше года Mystrygal said…
"Ofcourse!we're known for being weird......"Olive said shrugging, hearing what Leon had said, as she sipped her Lemonade and walked off to get some candy.............
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
"Finally!Leon mumbled,receiving his pokemon.He gave a quick thank you, before quickly exiting.He was going to train, and Get stronger.He was never going to lose again.Never....
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
A few minutes later...

"Try it one more time!"Leon shouted, as Fletchling sat on the ground, panting."Fletchling, uze ember!"The tiny robin pokemon let out a cry aas it releaased the burning bullet-like flamez from. It's beak.The flames impaced with a rock, causing the rock to momenterily glow with heat.Leon glared at the rock angrily. It should have melted! He thought.
Больше года Mystrygal said…
"I love candy!"Olive said popping a Chocolate, and Fennekin joined in as well.
"Candies here are good!'She said opening another.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
"Okay.I think we're ready!"Leon declared, returning all his poke'mon except Elekid."Elekid, you ready?I'm goonna need you and fletchling to beat aunt viola."Elekid nodded, momentarily sparking with electricity for a few moments. Leon smiled and nodded.He turned towards the building that was the santalume city gym."Elekid, let's do this! "He pushed open the door to see there was no floor, but a large spider web in it's place.He froze."Aunt Viola may have went too far. "
Больше года Nojida said…
"Let's see..." Alexa said to herself, looking at some skates. She was in the city's roller skate shop, and was trying to decide which skates to buy. Meanwhile, Aquer and Liepre were exploring the place, often examining the items they found interesting.
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Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
As Leon stared at the spider web floor in fear, he heard a giggle.He looked at the direction of the giggle, to see his aunt sitting in a chair on the face the other side of the web floor laughing hysterically.He frowned."What's so funny!"He shouted, blushing in embarrassment.Viola seemed to laugh even harder."The look on your face when you saw my floor! "She held up her camera."Fantastic, just fantastic! "Leon sighed."Whatever! Just tell me how to cross this thing!"Viola smirked."Easy, just walk across the web!"Leon paled."ARE YOU CRAZY!?"
Больше года Nojida said…
Curiously, Liepre started sniffing a roller skate.
She poked it with her paw. A squeal was heard.
She poked it with her claw. Another squeal.
She climbed on it to see what's inside. This time, she hissed, and started trying to scratch whatever was hiding inside.
Больше года Mystrygal said…
Olive took her time, exiting slowly.....out of the pokemon centre, but the candies had taken their toll on her and made her feel extremely lazy ,"I'm guessing everyone left already.What's the big rush anyway.?"She said,"It's not like the gym's gonna run away or anythin'...?"she said laughing as she made her way to the wonderful big park behind the place,towards a big cozy looking bench.
Fennekin followed with an angry look, he din't like that attitude...at all!
The little pokemon burst his flames at her at which Olive snapped back and had the realization that she was behind everyone else,every way.....She mentally reviewed why that was so.....
1.She was dead behind,literally and figuratively.
2.She had only two pokemon and there was a need for three
3 .And her pokemon has almost no training.

"Alright!I guess there is a need to rush."She said with a sweat drop as she ran out of the park towards the road.
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Больше года Nojida said…
Alexa noticed Liepre, who was still trying to hit her helpless target. Walking over to her, Alexa couldn't help but wonder what could have bothered her Pokemon so much.
"Liepre, what's with you?" she asked, picking Liepre up. Instantly, a Pokemon almost as big as the roller skater hopped out, and hid behind a chair. Liepre hissed, causing it to cry in fear. Alexa leaned closer curiously, and started examining it. Flabebe, she thought, a Fairy-type... She considered it for a second, then shook her head. "Nah, I prefer tougher-looking Pokemon."
Now the Flabebe looked offended. Huffing, the Pokemon swang its flower as if was a sword, and a blast of wind sent Alexa and Liepre a few feet away.
Getting up, Alexa gritted her teeth, glaring. "Oh, it is so on!"
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Больше года Mystrygal said…
"kay, a third pokemon.where are are you?"Olive cooed walking slowly keeping her eyes open for even the tiniest pokemon.
After a long while she spotted one at a distance, Atleast she thought she did!
She ran to the pokemon, the pokemon appeared to be a chespin, seemed startled at the sudden appearance of Olive.It ran with all it's might!
"No!Don't run!come back here!"?Olive said chasing the scared pokemon
The Chespin didn't dare look back as it sprinted at top speed.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Leon took a cautious step, hesitantly putting his foot on the web.However, as soon as he did,ghe entire web shook, causing him to jump back in terror."Auntie Viola, this is insane!"He shouted, pointing accusingly at his aunt.Viola smirked."You aren't scared...are you?"Leon suddenly had a fire lit under him, as his eyes burned with passion."Oh yeah!? I'll show you scared!"He declared as he marched across the web, oblivious to the wild shaking of it.When he reached the other side,he saw Viola and frowned in realization. "You tricked me!"Viola smirked again."Had to get you over here somehow."She stood, pocketing the camera."Well, are we going to battle or not?"Leon nodded."Now that's more my style! Let's get started!"
Больше года Mystrygal said…
"No.....don't !"Olive screamed,as the pokemon ran further away.
She paused to take a deep breathe."Great, there goes a potential third pokemon!"She said frowning as she sat down on the lush green grass.well,Almost sat down, because the instant realization that she had a long way to go, now that she was even more further from the gym, thanks to the Chespin,made her spring back to her legs as she walked with a sigh.

"Why ?Why?Not even a little pokemon, not even the slightest one!Why is my luck so baaad.."She groaned after a few minutes, she had passed the pokemon center again, meaning, her displacement was actually 0.....so, right from step one.again.

As if the pokemon gods heard her wailings, there it was again, the Chespin! Not just the Chespin, a lot other Chespins as well!
"Woah! I din't ask for a whole clan of Chespins!!!!"She said slowly backing away.
But Fennekin growled at her and sprang forward and used Flamethrowers at the Chespins,The Chespins dodged, not all of 'em, the few quick ones ofcourse and used leaf storms, so powerful Olive and Fennekin was pushed backwards as they landed abruptly on the rocky path.
"Let's just leave it here.we're no match for them.."Olive said frowning as she backed away, but Fennekin has better ideas!He growled at Olive again and sprang forward using Emeber.

"You don't listen,do you?"OLive asked genuinely annoyed,"Fine, Phantump go, help Fennekin!"
and Phantump came out ."Tackle!"
Tackle easily blocked by the standing three Chespins.As if ,they knew telepathy, all used roar at once, and Phantump and Fennekin jumped back, Then Fennekin used scratch, then tailwhip and the next movement and Phantump attacked them with confuse ray!
A finishing tackle was done by both of them together as all the Chespins lay on the road, fainted.
"Pokeball!"Olive said throwing at the one in the center, one that ran away from her last time, atleast, the one she thought ran away from her last time.

"And that's pokemon number three!"Olive said beaming,"Way to go guys!"
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Viola and Leon stood on the battlefield silently.Leon was focused and ready. I'm gonna win this.I have too!He thought, clutching fletchling's pokéball tightly.Viola snapped another quick picture."That fire in your eyes!Fantastic,just fantastic!Now let's have a great battle, challenger Leon!"She tossed out a pokéball that contained her Surskit.Leon took a breath."Fletchling,let's go!"He shouted as he tossed the ball, fletchling's pokéball, the robin pokémon emerging in a bright light.

"Fletchling, start it off with gust!"Fletchling flapped it's wings with force,sending a blast of wind at Surskit."Surskit,use ice beam to counter!"Surskit fired the stream of pale blue light through the wind.It barely hit fletchling's wing, but it was still affective, as a bit of frost remained on the tip of the bird pokémon's left wing.Leon crowned."Use peck!"
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Fletchling attempted to peck surskit, But the frost on it's wing altered it's trajectory slightly, causing it to miss just slightly.Leon's eyes widened. "Fletchling, what's wrong? Iv'e never seen you miss that attack before!"Viola smirked. "You haven't noticed? Look.carefully at it's wings."Leon stared at fletchling's wings.As he looked, he spotted it.The tip of it's wing was covered in ice!

Leon's eyes widened in shock."Fletchling!"He cried.But as the words left his mouth, his expression changed."No...."He whispered to himself."I...won't lose..."Viola blinked.could'ya say that a bit louder? I didn't hear you!"He said it a bit louder."I made a promise to my pokémon...I promised them that I would win!"He looked at fletchling, an idea forming his head."I wanna test this out..."

He smirked."Fletchling, peck again!"It used the move again."Okay the, try one more peck, but aim slightly to the left!"Fletchling shot off for the third time, and viola smirked, expecting it to be slightly off again, but was shocked when the attack connected, sending surskit sprawling back."This is..."When she looked into his eyes , she saw a different young man.His bright blonde hair and childish face matched leon's, but his sapphire blue eyes were what seperated his image from his son's.Viola blinked away the vision,smiling as she returned surskit."Surskit is unable to battle! Fletchling is the winner!"Leon grinned,returning fletchling."I win the first round aunt viola!"He said.Viola gave him a smile back."You sure did...and congrats on beating surskit..."Her blue aura surrounded her body again."But this is far from over!"
Больше года Nojida said…
(Oh dear, you guys reply with such long posts...)
"And that's for attacking us!" Alexa said, looking at the Flabebe, which was under a pile of roller skates. It was beaten up pretty badly, and looked ready to faint. However, gritting its teeth, it slowly got up, pushing roller skates off of it.
"Oh, so you're not done yet?" Alexa asked, arms crossed. "Alright, then. Liepre, please go ahead and give the final blow."
With a purr which would be translated as a 'yes ma'am!', Liepre shot towards the Flabebe, claws out.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Because I am.....


Leon momentarily tensed, having felt this feeling before."I'm not finished either! Hey Elekid, you wanna go next?"Elekid nodded, and was going to step on the field to begin, when fletchling emerged from it's ball.It began flapping it's wings, a determined look in it's eyes.Leon smiled."I get it...you wanna fight som more, huh?"Fletchling nodded.Leon nodded back."Okay then Fletchling...you can do it!"Fletchling turned towardsthe battlefield, ready for any pokémon.
Больше года Nojida said…
(Taikamodo the great? Since when?)
Alexa watched in awe as the Flabebe fought Liepre with power it shouldn't have possessed. It was as if it wanted to prove something, as if it didn't want to be underestimated. It dodged and slashed and blew wind. For a while, Liepre could barely land an attack, no matter how desperately she tried. However, the little Fairy-type started getting tired. Liepre started scratching, and the Flabebe yelped, using its flower as a shield.
"I don't really like Fairy-types, but..." Alexa took out an empty Pokeball. As soon as Liepre saw it, she stepped aside. Before Flabebe could react, Alexa threw the ball at her, and, after a while, it flashed a red light, showing that the Pokemon was now caught.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Since forever!Also, that was an awesome way to catch a pokémon...)

Viola wordlessly took out her second pokéball."Leon..."Leon tensed, ready for anything."Prepare yourself for my strongest pokémon! Vivillon, go!"She shouted, tossing out Vivillon's ball.The butterfly pokémon emerged with a ferocious gust of wind.Leon took a deep breath, calming his nerves."I'm ready when you are!"He shouted back, his green aura flaring to match Viola's blue one."The referee raised his arm."Let the second round of this official pokémon Gym Battle..."Both trainers stared at each other with a determined expression.The referee lowered his arm.

Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Leon decided to make the first move."Fletchling,start off with gust!"Fletchling began rapidly flapping it's wings, sending a large gail of wind at Vivillon."Viola wasn't fazed."Use your own gust!"Vivillon flapped it's own wings, and an even more powerful gust blew against fletchling's.Fletchling ended up losing the battle of gusts, and was blasted to the ground bybthe force of the wind."Fletchling, can you battle?"Leon asked.Fletchling struggled back to it's feet, and gave a nod."Okay then! Fletchling, use peck!"Fletchling launcued itself at Viviillon, it's beak glowing a bright white light."Vivillon, dodge it!"Vivillon shot to the left.Fletchling followed it and attacked again, and Vivillon shot to the right.Leon grit his reeth."Fletchling, use gust again!"Fletchling sent a gust at Vivillon."Counter again with your own gust!"Vivillon blew away fletchling's gust and sent it flying for the second time."Fletchling,don't give up! Use agility to o get righ behind ir and use gust!"Fletchling flashed adnd appeared right behind Vvillon, before sending a gust right at Vivillon frpm close range.The super effective move sent avivillon cradhing to the ground.Viola frowned."Vivillon, are you alright?"Vivillon stood, and viola smiled lightly."Fantastic!"She turned to Leon."Well, your fletchling is good leon....but it won't beat my vivillon!" Leon smirked."We'll see about that!

"Fletchling, use..."

"Vivillon, use..."

"Gust!"Both shouted simultaneously.
Больше года Nojida said…
(Oh, man, that battle's been going on forever! XD)
"So where do you guys think Leon might be?" Alexa asked. They had just got kicked out of the roller skate store, but Alexa didn't care. She had caught a new Pokemon.
Liepre, who was out of her Pokeball along with Aquer, started running ahead.
"I think she has an idea," Alexa commented, and, with that, ran after her, Aquer following.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Yeah, but it's almost over now.Just gotta get my dramatic finish, y'know?)

The two pokémon both released their attacks, which dissipitated upon contact with each other.Both pokèmon looked tired, fletchling looking far worse than vivillon, though."Fletchling, use agility to get to see t's side and use peck!"Viola countered quickly."Vivillon, use protect!"As fletchling once again flashed right near it and it's beak began to glow, a green translucent sphere appeared around it, bloggers cking the robin pokémon's attack."Now use psychic and finish it!"Viola said, and Vivillon's eyes began glowing as fletchling began moving against it's will.
Больше года Nojida said…
(Oh course you do.)
After a few minutes of running, they finally reached the Gym, andd Liepre pointed at it.
"Hmm, seems possible," Alexa agreed, then shrugged. "Let's check it out, shall we?"
As soon as she said that, Liepre and Aquer shot into the Gym excitedly.
"Ohh-kay," Alexa sweatdrop.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
"Fletchling!"Leon cried out, as fletchling was repeatedly knocked around."Okay Vivillon, let's end this! Use psybeam!"Vivillon shot the beam at fletchling, who was too tired to dodge.The attack hit, and fletchling was down and out.Leon's eyes widened.

"Fletchling is unable to battle! Vivillon is the winner! "The referee shouted.

Leon returned fletchling."You did well....thanks for trying your hardest, fletchling...."He looked to Elekid."Your turn Elekid! We won't let all of fletchling's efforts be for nothing!"Elekid nodded, and stepped up to the battlefield.The referee nodded to Leon."Let the final battle between Vivillon and Elekid begin!"
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
Leon's P.O.V

I gave Viola a large grin.She grinned right back, and I could tell she was having fun too."Elekid, use thunder!"I commanded, and Elekid fire a streak of electricity at Vivillon."Vivillon, protect!"Vivillon then formed a green tinted barrier that completely stopped the attack.I didn't let up though."Now use Thundershock!"Elekid fired more electricity at Vivillon, who nimbly dodged each one.I gritted my teeth in frustration. Why can't I hit any attacks? I asked myself.Viola took this moment to attack."Use psybeam!"Vivillon sent the pink psychic attack at Elekid."Dodge it!"I shouted, qnd Elekid jumped out of the way just in time.I closed my eyes in thought.How was I going to win? I couldn't rely on my long range attacks, but Elekid didn't know any physical moves except for...quick attack!That was it! I had it!"Elekid, use Quick Attack!"Elekid began running, and then started getting faster and faster as it ran.Viola appeared to catch on to his plan, to some extent, and responded."Vivillon, use protect!"Vivillon tried to form the barrier, but the move failed.Elekid hit Vivillon hard, sending it to the ground.And as i predicted,electricity began coursing throughout the butterfly's body.It was paralyzed.I smirked."Elekid, end it with Thundershock!"Elekid fired one last bolt of lightning, knocking Vivillon out once and for all.The referee raised his arm.I stood in stunned silence."Vivillon is unable to battle.Winner is Elekid.As Viola has no more pokémon to battle, the winner of the Santalune city gym battle is Challenger Leon!"
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Oooh....i remember this RP! I took like two pages for my gym battle!)
Больше года piplup100 said…
Name: Molly

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Braided hair, wears jeans, t-shirt and boots with a hat.

Personality: Likes a good challenge, interested in Pokemon history

Backstory: Daughter of Pr. Sycamore interested in Mega evolution, won the Kalos, Sinnoh, and Kanto leagues top coordinator in Hoenn and Johto, beat Brandon the pyramid king with one try.

Starting Poke'mon: Rioulu

Poke'mon Team: Mega- Charizard, Espeon, Electavire, Scolipede, Zorua
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(What happened her in Unova? And did she win the champion league for all the leave she won? Is she a champion of any region?)
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Guess whose baaaaaaaaack?)

"We did it!" Leon cheered, rubbing Fletchling's head affectionately and patting Elekid on the back. "We earned our first badge you guys!" Meanwhile, as the trio celebrated, Viola was warmly watching the scene, aiming her camera. With an quick flash that wasn't even noticeable, the picture was taken, and Viola's smile grew brighter.

"Fantastic Leon, jus fantastic." She muttered quietly, before digging into her pocket and pulling out a small badge. "Oi, Leon!" She called, and the go paused his celebration to look at her curiously.

"What is it?" He asked, and the photographer tossed him the badge in response. As Leon caught it, his grin broadened. "It's so cool!" He beamed, and suddenly stood up. "I've gotta show everyone! See ya Auntie Viola!" He said quickly, before quickly running across the spider web floor and out of the room.
Больше года Nojida said…
(You know what? We've gotta start making the battles shorter XD)
As soon as Leon reach the exit, Liepre and Aquer ran in, only to crash into him. Alexa then entered the Gym, and snickered at the sight. "Told ya- don't run off like that." she then turned to Leon, "Hullo again. How was the battle?"
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Yeah, probably. XD)

"Just look!" Leon said excitedly, showing off the bug looking badge to Alexa proudly. "We won! Now it's your turn!"
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Больше года Nojida said…
(And, ow, do I have to describe the battle now? I'm extremely lazy right now, so I'm just skipping it XP)
Alexa smirked, looking at the badge, "Good job, Leon. No wonder you're so happy." and, with that, she walked over to the battlefield along with her excited Pokemon.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(I don't mind...everybody doesn't take two pages...actually, we took longer than the anime! It took five episodes in XY, but eighteen for us...weird...XP)

"Well, I'll be cheering you on from up there, so you better win." Leon mock threatened, minorly surprised at how she seemed unfazed about walking across a spider web. "Good luck!"
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Больше года Nojida said…
(It's not weird at all when there's a person who's always In author mode XD)
"Yeah, yeah," Alexi smirked, gazing at the spider webs all around. "This place needs some cleaning," she muttered to herself as she jumped on the one that led to the battlefield. It was sticky, so it didn't bounce. Sighing in disappointment, Alexa made her way to Viola, who was healing her Pokemon.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Fair enough XD)

"I'll be watchin' from here!" Leon said, taking a seat in the row of chairs on the far side of the gym, away from the spider webs. "Good luck to you too, Auntie Viola!" Viola sweat dropped.

"Thank you, but you should probably root for your friend." Leon shook his head.

"Yeah, but if she loses, I get some bragging rights....and I never get bragging rights!"

"Jeez Leon," She gym leader face palmed, "you'll never have any luck with the ladies if you won't even act like a gentlemen, will you?"

Leon pouted. "That's not even important! I wanna be a Pokémon champion, not Casanova!"

Viola smirked sheepishly. "You weren't saying that on valentine's day, when-" She was cut off by Leon.

"Don't you dare!" The panicked, blushing. Viola smirked again, before thing her attention back to Alexa.

"Anyway, this is a two on two battle. Only the challenger is allowed to switch. Are we clear?"
Больше года Nojida said…
"Certainly." Alexa replied, making a mental note to herself to ask Leon a few questions later. She looked down at her Pokeballs, and with a shrug, she sent out Aquer. The Pokemon puffed its chest as if trying to look tough.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
"Surskit, snapshot!" Viola tossed out her own Pokéball, releasing the speed bug type Pokémon right off the get go.

Surskit is dangerous...it's moves are insane, and it's speed is incredible too...I gotta wonder how Alexa plans to beat it. Leon thought seriously, as Viola called her first attack.

"Surskit, Ice Beam on the surface of the battlefield. Then use Sticky Web." Her face was completely serious, unlike her having fun expression when battling Leon. I can feel it in this girl's aura. I can't fool around..

Leon's hands tightened into to fists, seeing her expression. "Waited...that look...Viola looks way more serious then when we battled...so was she taking it easy on me? Is Alexa stronger than I am?"
Больше года Nojida said…
Alexa snapped her fingers, "Well, there she goes!" she looked down at Aquer, who was watching the battlefield turn to ice. "My starter may be on its first evolution," she thought to herself, "but I'm no newbie." Then, she took a deep breath and got into battle mode. "Aquer, use that thing around your neck as a skate!" she commanded. Aquer immediately pulled puffs of fluff from around his neck, held on to them and started sliding on the ice rather smoothly. "Now, use Bubble to wash those things away!" Alexa pointed at the Sticky webs Surskit had made, and Aquer quickly used beams of bubbles to wash them away.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
"Amazing...she countered that perfectly." Leon muttered, eyes wide in surprise. "Maybe....maybe she really is stronger than I am."

"Surskit, double team then String Shot!" Surskit began multiplying as it zoomed around the ice field at high speed, and then suddenly all of the Surskits released a thin stream of sticky string at Aquer.

"If all the copies use string shot, then Alexa can't really tell which one to dodge. They're both so amazing..." Leon clenched his fists together tightly. "I'll catch up to both of them, for sure!"
Больше года Nojida said…
"I guess this is the best time to prove how crazy I am," Alexa grinned. "Aquer, spin around using Bubble!"
Aquer looked confused for a second, but followed its trainer's orders- he used the puffs of fluff he was holding and span around with the help of the ice, throwing beams of bubbles at the same time, managing to block most of the String Shots in time.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
"Woah!" Leon exclaimed in shock at what he'd just witnessed.

"Surskit, ice beam!" Viola ordered swiftly, not bothering to compliment Alexa's strategy, though her grin said enough.
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Больше года Nojida said…
(Argh... I'm using the tablet right now, so sorry if the replies get a bit short...)
"Use the fluff-thing as a shield!" Alexa exclaimed quickly, and Aquer managed to shield himself in time, with the fluff taking most of the damage.
Alexa sighed in relief. "Since Aquer is a Water-type, Ice-type attacks won't have much affect, but..." she stared at Viola's Surskit. "we can't keep blocking its attacks forever."
"Okay Aquer, use Bubble!" She commanded finally.
Больше года TAIKAMODO said…
(Same situation XP My laptop broke.)

"Surskit, use agility to dodge!" Viola countered swiftly, and Surskit began to skate across the ice field elegantly, easily evading the stream of bubbles, before sliding around it a few times, as if to mock the Froakie.
Больше года piplup100 said…
Name: Molly

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: brown hair braided to the side, wears a hat, jeans, and a shirt

Personality: strong, but fun

Backstory: she is the daughter to Pr. sycamore and she has traveled the world she is the champion in Kalos, and she beat the pyramid king with one Pokemon.

Starting Poke'mon: Riolu

Poke'mon Team: Mega Charizard,Zoura, electabuzz, slowking, espeon