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We sat down with the crew to talk about the film, find out what they had to say below…

Gore and Johnny, together again…

Ты guys have obviously worked together a few times now, and I was just wondering if Ты could each Комментарий on what Ты like so much about working with the other.

GORE VERBINSKI: I like the way he smells. [LAUGHTER]

JOHNNY DEPP: I’ve been told I smell good; I mean, I don’t look like I smell good. [LAUGHTER]

GORE VERBINSKI: I don’t know – because we have shorthand, talking and sound effects and unfinished sentences and -


GORE VERBINSKI: He seems to understand exactly what that means, and I get it back. And Ты know, a very – very complex direction, like еще fuzz -

JOHNNY DEPP: еще fuzz, yeah.

GORE VERBINSKI: еще stink on this line, Ты know. Really, that’s about as intellectual as it gets.

JOHNNY DEPP: And it really is that, exactly, Ты know. “Ah, let’s make – Ты know – maybe some еще fuzz. Let’s put some еще fuzz on it.” “Okay. Gotcha.” No, he’s a very – I mean, working with Gore, Ты know, in three “Pirates” films and Rango certainly, there are no limits to what Ты could – to the possibilities, I mean, Ты know, he allows Ты to try all kinds of things, Ты know, that sometimes fail miserably.

GORE VERBINSKI: Yes, please.

JOHNNY DEPP: And other times, Ты know, goes into this kind of weird – you’ve just arrived at some place that Ты know no one’s ever been to before, Ты know. And he welcomes it and he creates an atmosphere that allows Ты to just, Ты know, go essentially ape. And yeah, and it’s a blast, Ты know – that’s really a fun part of the process.

GORE VERBINSKI: That’s really – what’s great about Johnny is, Ты know, the trust that – Ты know, neither of us are going to make the other one look like an ass, Ты know. I have to – he has to trust that at the end of the day, we’re not going to use that stuff -


GORE VERBINSKI: Where we’ve tried something that didn’t work, but we’re going to try it because anomaly and Ты know, we’ve got this sort of pursuit of finding the truly awkward moment, Ты know, which is – you’re only going to get there by not knowing, and sort of venturing into the unknown. And so, Ты know, I just think he’s incredibly brave, Ты know, on вверх of being incredibly talented. It’s like you’ve got to kind of пересекать, крест that threshold.

For Johnny, you’re a very physical actor, and I just wondered with this process, it’s different than the other animated films you’ve done, where Ты were in a booth. Ты actually acted this out. And I wondered if that helped you. And maybe the actresses, as well, could talk a little about doing that. It’s different than most animated pictures.

JOHNNY DEPP: Well, yeah. I mean, ultimately, it was everything; though, Ты know, there were times when Ты didn’t feel that, when Ты were doing it – you’d rather have been – because Ты know, well, we’re lazy. [LAUGHTER]

JOHNNY DEPP: At least I am. And I’d sort of rather just sit in front of a microphone and do the thing. However -

GORE VERBINSKI: That’s exactly the point.

JOHNNY DEPP: The process that we did, that Gore created this sort of atmosphere that was really, truly ludicrous; I mean, just ridiculous. It was like just regional theater at its worst.


JOHNNY DEPP: And somehow, because of – not the idea of motion capture, but emotion capture, Ты know; certain gestures, body language, movement, something Ты might have done, Ты know, with your eyes – all those guys, Ты know, these animators took it and put it in there. So, I mean, it was very strange. I mean, for Harry Dean Stanton to walk up to me one afternoon – because I’ve known him for a million years – and he walks up to me and says, “This is a weird gig, man.” [LAUGHTER] And I went, “Oh, yeah. You’ve just started. Ты just wait.” Ты know. But ultimately, it was the right thing to do. And that was his vision, and we saw it through.
What did Ты think, Isla and Abigail?

ISLA FISHER: I think the characters had humanity because we were interacting with each other, and еще chemistry; and so it felt еще organic and real. What do Ты think, Abigail?

ABIGAIL BRESLIN: Ты know, it was – Ты know, when you’re in just like a booth, by yourself, it’s like very isolating, and like Ты don’t really, like, have anything to sort of play off of except like one take of like one line, and then like a beep, and then – so this was, this was – I think that it was, well, for me, at least, a lot еще fun. Although I did wear a wig, like a black wig and I got a really bad rash on my neck from it, and so that was a little unfortunate, but -
ISLA FISHER: And Ты were carrying a gun.


ISLA FISHER: Which was weird, to see Abigail with a massive gun.

ABIGAIL BRESLIN: It was so bizarre, because like there was actually Оружие going, and like Ты don’t think that there are like firearms in an animated movie.


ABIGAIL BRESLIN: And it’s like live. That’s all I thought about it.

JOHNNY DEPP: Gore always travels with guns.

GORE VERBINSKI: Absolutely. Keep people from going to sleep.


I’ve heard in Назад reports that Ты kind of fought tooth and nail in order to make sure that Rango isn’t going to be in 3D. Are Ты for или against 3D in general? Is Rango not being in 3D like the only time when you’re going to be like, no to 3D? And how do Ты all feel about just kind of like 3D being like the big trend in general?

JOHNNY DEPP: I’m waiting for 5D. [LAUGHTER] That’s what I want.

GORE VERBINKSI: I don’t know – I just don’t feel – I watched the movie; I don’t think there’s a dimension missing. I don’t feel like, I don’t watch it and go, Ты know, “It’s flat,” или it’s, Ты know, missing anything. So Ты know, we talked about it early on and it just didn’t seem like we needed to go there.

ISLA FISHER: I think the glasses are really uncomfortable. [LAUGHTER]

ABIGAIL BRESLIN: Like, it actually looks like, it looks so like lifelike anyway, like I think that it looks like 3D; it looked like the Животные were there anyway. It looked really cool, I thought. And 3D makes me dizzy.

This is for Johnny and Gore. I noticed, looking through the Rango movie storybook, that he has a continuing adventure and goes to another town. Can we hope that there might be a Rango 2?


JOHNNY DEPP: I think that means yes.

GORE VERBINSKI: I don’t know. Let’s see if, Ты know, people like Rango – Rango. I’m not even going to call it Rango I.


PRESS: So there’s a possibility?

GORE VERBINSKI: Currently, not talking about it. I mean, it felt like, Ты know – I mean, if Ты just had a kid, would people say, Ты want – “How about twins?” [LAUGHTER] “We’re just – we’re still recovering.”

This Вопрос is for Isla. Can Ты tell us a little bit about creating the voice of Beans, and if Ты feel like having to cover your accent so frequently in films made it easier to do the characterization? And then I have a follow-up for Johnny.

ISLA FISHER: I kind of imagine Beans, if Clint Eastwood and падуб, holly, холли Hunter would have a Любовь child, that would be Beans. And Gore, obviously-

JOHNNY DEPP: I’d like to watch that.


ISLA FISHER: If Ты were around. No, and then I just – the physicality of the character had already been created; I’d already seen – Gore presented me with 20 минуты of the movie, just linear drawings. So I knew, Ты know, how she moved. And then I was able to – Ты know, Gore was with me every step of the way vocally, and he was very specific about what he wanted. And no one ever wants to hire an Australian, so I’m just used to never doing my own voice, ever. [LAUGHTER]

ISLA FISHER: I mean, they do want to hire – oh, that came out wrong. They do want to hire Australians, obviously, but not with the accent. [LAUGHTER]

PRESS: But I was just wondering, for all the actors – how much of your characters did Ты get to see in terms of the artwork, before Ты started playing with them?

ABIGAIL BRESLIN: I saw a picture of Priscilla. And I would have done it based on like how – I mean, let’s face it, she’s a glamour girl. So she’s kind of gorgeous. Ты know, but I thought she was adorable. So I would have done it based on that. But yeah, I thought all the characters were pretty cute – but in a strange way, odd, but Ты know, cute. They’re not like cuddly, Ты know – it’s not like, Ты don’t want to like hold them, but – yeah.

[Justin Bieber walks into the room right before they end. A surprise? Perhaps! или perhaps it's just cross-promotion since they are both being released by the same studio...]


JOHNNY DEPP: We just established that I’m a Belieber.

JUSTIN BIEBER: Ты know, and I’m a big Фан of Ты so I had to come support you.

JOHNNY DEPP: Bless you, man.

JUSTIN BIEBER: I had to come say hi – I heard Ты were in the building. You’re a Belieber and I’m a big Фан of him. [LAUGHTER]

JOHNNY DEPP: By the way, Justin Bieber. [APPLAUSE as Bieber waves to everyone]

JOHNNY DEPP: Well done, Man, thank you. Okay, now, who’s not a Belieber now? [LAUGHTER] Ты know what I mean? Aren’t we all Beliebers? Bless him. Yeah. I know – how am I going to explain this to my daughter?

GORE VERBINSKI: Who was that?

JOHNNY DEPP: That was the Beatles.

xoxo Fantastic Evie
 No words!
No words!
 Ты can run but Ты can't hide...
You can run but you can't hide...
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