RedRaven_01 Club
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I take a pen and bleed my emotions on paper...
I look around and find everything proper
then I look inside and see a slaughter
I compare my seeing innocence to my power
to see the things around me;with the former
I sing and release a laughter
then I feel great;I feel lighter
but when I sit alone with a pen
why do I find blood on the paper?
I take a pen and bleed my emotions on paper...
I close my eyes and look into the future
sometimes I'm wasted;sometimes popular
I look at my past,I'm in a quest
still I'm the same,down to my earth's crust
I see the nib moving around
drawing the shape of my wound
every time its deeper
later I find blood on paper.
I take a pen and bleed my emotions on paper...
I let it drain,the paper full of stains
My wounds fester and never heal
in the end blood is all I find.