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I didn't know how long I ran или where I was. Finally I stopped and I leaned against a дерево as I sobbed. I was going to lose Emmett soon. There was no way back. Aro told us about a day... a день what's linked to Emmett. We would never find out which day, it was hopeless. I knew I had to do anything to find out which day, but I didn't had the strength anymore. I couldn't do it. I admit I was afraid to find which день they meant. I was afraid because, what if the день already past? What if we were too late? Emmett would stay human forever.

I imagined Emmett growing old, I imagined him bruised because of all the accidents. I imagined myself Далее to him, stuck in an eighteen years old body while Emmett was forty, if he would ever reach the forty years. I imagined our family splitting. Carlisle and Esme Остаться в живых their son. Jasper and Alice Остаться в живых their brother and Переместить away. Edward and Bella Остаться в живых their Избранное brother and Renesmee her uncle, they would Переместить away to get away from everything. I imagined myself without broken, but I could only imagine shadows and rain. I saw myself on a dark place, there was rain, a lot of rain... I saw shadows and I heard cries... a lot of cries, after a moment I realized that I was the one who cried. I was broken.

I gasped as I woke up from my thoughts. I gasped for breath - not that I needed it - as I tried to clear my thoughts. I felt a sharp pain going through my ice cold and dead heart. I realized that if I Остаться в живых Emmett, I would be gone too. Psychic I would go with him, I would never be myself anymore. I would die with him. Carlisle and Esme would not only lose their son, but their daughter too. Alice, Bella and Edward would lose their sister. Renesmee would lose her aunt. And Jasper, oh Jasper, he would lose his twin. I couldn't let that happen. I wouldn't let that happen.

I leaned back from the дерево as I felt a new spirit in me. I was going to do everthing I can to change Emmett back. Even if it will cause my own life. I was going to see where I was and go back to Главная when suddenly someone hit me. I gasped as I slammed into a tree. I heard a growl behind me. A little bit dazzled about what just happened I turned my head to see a wolf. Within a секунда I stood up, ready to fight as I growled back.

'Back off,' I hissed furiously at the wolf. I tried to find out who it was, but did not succeed.

Suddenly the волк phased back into his humanform and I almost frowned when I saw that Paul kid in front of me. Edward once told us how agressive he could be and Bella once told us that in the period we left he almost attacked her! And, to make it even worse, he even almost got into a fight with my Emmett. So Ты understand that I did not like him, at all.

'What are Ты doing here?' Paul snarled. 'Do Ты understand that Ты just broke the treaty?'

This time I did frown. 'I... I did not,' I looked around me and gasped shocked when I realized that I did break the treaty. I crossed the line. Without knowing it I crossed the damn line.

'You filthy bloodsucker, can't Ты even follow the rules[í]?' Paul spat angry.

Now [i]I
started to get angry. 'Shut it, dog,' I snapped. 'That's not a way Ты talk to me, is that clear?' There was no freaking time to fight with that moron, I had to go back before my family would come here to and cause еще trouble. 'I have to go now.' I turned around and wanted to walk away when I felt a warm hand grabbing my arm harsh and pulling me back. Automatically I drew my fist back and slammed Paul right in the face. I heard Кости crack.

'AH!' Paul screamed. 'You disguting leech, Ты broke my nose!' I had to hold back a chuckle but before I could even think about doing that I saw Paul trilling. Damn. I heard a growl and then Paul phased into his волк form. I started to back away as Paul slowly stalked towards me.

'Listen, I have no time!' I snapped. 'I have to go back, we can fight another time. I have to go back to my family!' Paul didn't listen and suddenly he lunged towards me. I growled and drew my fist back to hit him again, but I missed. 'What?' I shouted shocked. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain going through my arm, sending me back into the damn tree. I tried to stand up but Paul hit me again with his claws and I fell backwards on the ground. In the corner of my eye I saw Paul, ready to give me another hit, but I could rol away just in time. Suddenly I heard other growls and I looked slowly up to see Jasper and Edward in front of me.

'Go away, Paul,' Edward warned angrily. 'Go away before Ты cause еще trouble.' It was quiet for a moment. Edward sighed. 'I know, but we will talk about that later,' Edward answered his thoughts. 'Leave our sister alone,' Edward growled. Paul growled but finally turned around and ran away, knowing he had no chance against my brothers.

'Rose, are Ты okay?' Jasper let himself fall on his knees and helped me up.

'My arm hurts,' I brushed the leaves out of my hair. 'That disgusting dog,' I cursed as I saw three cuts on my leftarm; he clawed me. 'Where is he?' I hissed. 'He's going to pay for that,' I was ready to find him but Jasper and Edward grabbed me.

'Don't, Rose,' I heard Jasper saying softly. 'Go back with us.'

'Let me go,' I snapped. 'I'm going to beat that moron up until he begs me for mercy!' I struggled against my brothers' grip on me.

'Please, Rose,' Jasper tried again. I felt waves of calmness and Любовь from Jasper. I felt myself calming down. 'Come on,' Jasper wrapped his arm around me as Edward let go of me. 'We have a lot of things to do, for Emmett. Okay?'

I nodded. 'For Emmett,' I whispered.


'Where were you?' Esme asked immediately when see saw me. I walked into the living room with my brothers. 'I was so worried!' Esme pulled me into a hug. I hugged her back and felt save in her arms. It was the first time I was really scared for a wolf, normally I would've fight back, but for some reason I didn't wanted to. I didn't wanted to fight back, my body didn't wanted to do it.

'What happened to your arm?' Carlisle asked concerned. In a flash he was beside me, examinating my arm. I winced in pain. It was starting to heal a little bit, but the cuts did hurt. 'Wolves,' Carlisle whispered. He looked up at me. 'Rosalie, did Ты fight with wolves?' he asked slowly.

I pulled my arm back. 'Paul started,' I started to defend myself. 'I didn't do anything, I swear,' I hesitated for a moment. 'I... I only broke the treaty?' it sounded еще like a question. I heard everyone gasp in the room.

'Rose, why?' Esme asked quietly. 'Why would Ты do that?'

'I didn't do it on purpose!' I answered immediately. 'I swear, I just...' I swallowed, I didn't wanted to start sobbing in front of them. 'I was running,' I whispered. 'I was angry and upset, I was so stuck with myself that I didn't know where I was going. I just ran, not looking ahead, not looking behind me. I didn't mean it to пересекать, крест the line, I would never do that. Ты know that I'll always protect my family. Please, believe me,' I pleaded.

'Of course we believe you,' Esme started to stroke my hair. 'We're just worried about you, dear,' she took a step back. 'Look at you,' she shook her head as she pointed at my clothes who were covered with mud and leaves. 'What happened in the fight?'

I sighed as I started to explain what happened. 'Paul slammed into me when he realized that I crossed the line. We started to...' I hesistated. 'Name each other things. I wanted to leave before Ты will come after me, but Paul grabbed my arm. I automatically drew my fist back and hit him in the face. And... Well, Ты know Paul, he got angry and phased into his волк form. Then we started to fight. Then Jasper and Edward came,' I skipped the part about Paul winning, I was too proud to say such a thing.

'Your arm will be completely healed in a few hours или so,' Carlisle said. 'Next time Ты should watch out. Sam and his pack will come back and...' Carlisle was interrupted by the door. 'Complain about the situation,' Carlisle finished with a sigh as he walked towards the door. 'Hello Sam,' I heard my father. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the диван, мягкий уголок between Jasper and Bella.

'Hello,' Sam greeted as he walked into our living room, followed by Jared, Quil, Embry, Seth, Leah and... how ironic, Paul. Paul narrowed his eyes when he saw me and I growled in response. 'I think Ты already know why we came here,' Sam started.

Carlisle sighed. 'I'm sorry, Sam. My daughter didn't meant to break the treaty.'

'But she did. As some of your other children.' Sam answered coolly as he quickly pointed at Jasper and Edward.

'I know,' Carlisle said. 'But we have other problems to take care of now, Sam.'

'That doesn't mean that Ты just can break the treaty and do whatever Ты want,' Sam сказал(-а) stern. 'I'm not happy, Carlisle. And I still want an explanation.'

'It's my fault,' I сказал(-а) before Carlisle could. 'I crossed the line, so I am the one who should be punished. My family has nothing to do with it, including Jasper and Edward. If it weren't me, the treaty would've never been broken. So please, don't make a big deal of it. I understand your anger, I would be angry too if I were you, but just try and see it from our perspective.'

Sam sighed. 'Well, I do understand you.' it was quiet for a moment. 'I won't punish you,' Sam said. 'I understand your situation and I understand that Ты didn't do it on purpose. I suggest we just forget this and go back to normal. Okay?'

'What!' Paul freaked out. 'She,' he pointed at me. 'Broke the treaty. You're Актёрское искусство like it's nothing!' Paul fumed.

I growled. 'Shut up, moron. Ты were the one that attacked me, remember?'

'Rosalie,' Esme сказал(-а) gentle at the same time when Sam said: 'Paul, back off.'

'I?' Paul yelled. 'You were the one who broke my nose!'

'After Ты grabbed me harshly. I'm only defending myself, it's not my fault that Ты can't understand that with your stupid dogbrains, dog,' I hissed back as I stood up furiously, my fist bolded out of anger. Who did he thought he was? Mister Dog.

Paul took a step towards me. 'Say that again and you'll wish you've never been born.'

Immediately Jasper and Edward moved in front of me. 'Enough,' they both hissed. Waves of calmness filled the room as Jasper tried to calm everyone down. I hoped Emmett didn't woke up from the screams. He needed his rest as he was my first priority.

'Paul, I сказал(-а) enought,' Sam warned Paul stern. Oddly enough, Paul didn't say anything anymore. Good. Sam turned back to Carlisle. 'As I said, normally I won't allow this, but because of your problems I understand your frustraten. Though, I still can't understand why Ты crossed the line,' Sam сказал(-а) to me.

I sighed. 'I didn't meant it, really,' I whispered, not wanting to go into detail.

'I'm sorry, Sam, but my daughter has some... problems,' Carlisle сказал(-а) politely. 'You already know about what happened to her mate, well, she is very worried and frustrated. This won't happen ever again, Sam. Thank Ты very much for your sympathy.'

'Of course,' Sam nodded. 'Come on,' he gestured his back to come with him as he walked out towards the door. Before he walked out of our house he turned around. 'Good luck, Carlisle. You'll need it,' he сказал(-а) quietly before walking away. I saw Paul shotting me a glare and I was еще then glad to return it.

I sighed before I sat down on the диван, мягкий уголок again. I placed my face in my hands as I sighed again. 'What a situation,' I muttered frustrated.

'I know,' Jasper agreed as he sat down Далее to me. He wrapped his arm as a comfortable way around me. 'Next time watch out, Rose,' he warned.

I looked up. 'How did Ты and Edward know where I was?'

' Well, we were quit shocked when your future suddenly disappeared,' Jasper explained. 'We knew that could only mean one thing: wolves. Even with our "peace" with them we were worried when Ты didn't came back. So Edward and I decided to follow your scent before something happened. We followed Ты till the line but where shocked when we realized that Ты scent went further. For a moment we hesitated if we followed your scent right. But when we heard growls we were positive. We immediately crossed the line and that's how we found you.'

'Just don't do it again, Rose,' Esme сказал(-а) softly. 'We are so much worried about Emmett, we can't handle another situation. We Любовь Ты and we need you. I know Ты have a hard time but Emmett needs you, as we do,' Esme bent down and kissed me on my forhead. I smiled slightly back as response.

'Speaking of Emmett, is he still sleeping?' Alice asked. We all shrugged. 'I'll go and look at him,' in a flash Alice was gone. Suddenly we heard a shriek from upstairs.

'Alice!' Jasper yelled as we all ran to the stairs where we saw Alice on the bottom of the stairs, looking like she just saw a ghost.

Alice's face was pale, paler then normal as she walked slowly with a shocked face downstairs. Her eyes were wide open and her mouth was open in the form of an "O".

'Alice, what happened?' Jasper asked extremely concerned, placing his hands on her shoulders as he shook her very lightly.

I felt my сердце break in million pieces as Alice finally choked out:

'Emmett is gone.'
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added by Natbr
Emmett's POV
Everything was normal again. We lived happily with each other. I was еще than happy with having Rose by my side again. I could never explain what kind of feeling she gave me. She brought light with her, because without her I was dark.

There was just one thing, the volturi was still mad with the fact that I killed Jane. Soon we will meet each other again and I didn't wanted to see them. I was afraid that something was going to happen to Rosalie. The Волки helped us and I was glad with that. But before the volturi would come again, we were enjoying each other.

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