Rosario Vampire Will There Be A Season 3?

nmc400 posted on Dec 27, 2008 at 12:12AM
i wanna know if theres a season 3, im gunna one sad panda bear if there isn't

Rosario Vampire 20307 Ответы

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Больше года Robis said…
I'm actually laughing my mind out because you sed the exact same thing that I'm going through. I'm trying to say one thing but it all sounds wrong on text and everyone just sees it as an assault. I think in a way were both the same. I think I have written the same thing over and over but no one seems to get my idea.
Its really frustrating that you explain something ten times but no one gets you........... wow, I think I just got how Supervampire feels.... a really crappy feeling I must say.

Just to make sure everyone gets it...... I WAS TRYING TO EXPLAIN THAT I HAVE BEEN DECEIVED MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE AND THAT ALL OF THIS SOUNDED STRANGE.... BUT SOMEHOW IT TURNS IN TO AN ASSAULT..... I admit that I may have used too hard sentences(and that sometimes changes the whole meaning of the text which in my case it did)
So at least try to understand the situation I am in now.
Līdz rītdienai draugi (translation) Till tomorrow friends.
Больше года Danman2327 said…

She respected me because when I "insulted" her I had reasonable explanations why. I dont know why she takes everything as an insult. Did you see the "woman" argument we were having? I didn't say anything meant to upset her but yet she took offense. Also for you to suddenly pop up out of nowhere and defend her right after she says she's leaving is really suspicious to me. Also your account being made this month doesnt help either, it looks to me that she made another account to try to get people to believe her.

Also she said GONZO was paying her "A LOT OF MONEY" so she wouldn't just quit if people were insulting her. She's either (trying) to play her mind games again and will come back later, or really left over nothing when she's supposed to be getting "A LOT OF MONEY". Also she could have just meant she's leaving for now and will be back on later. If you were getting paid a lot you wouldn't quit like that.

Also your "classified file" argument had no bases and didn't make a lot of sense. Lol you made it seem like she had a risky job.

When i made my last post I was saying that I was 50/50 on the whole thing. I didn't see a reason for a company to pay "A LOT OF MONEY" for an unimportant job with no impact and I also couldn't see how someone would want attention so much that she would carry on with this so long. They are both contradicting thoughts. Also if she is lying she probably DOESN'T have a life.
But now I'm more on the side that she doesn't work for gonzo cause she just left like that.

Im obviously smarter than you wargod and your kinda annoying me so I dont want to argue with you more. But if you STILL think she works for gonzo then go to her club "GONZO". click on her name and it will be on her club list. It only has like 4 members.

@Buddha lol drinking Mountain Dew at 3 am sounds just like me. But i prefer coca-cola
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Больше года Danman2327 said…
lol im sorry for being off topic but look at this:

lol it's female
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Больше года Buddha_2 said…
I think i bored everyone to death with my long monologue, because its so quiet in here its strange for it to be so quiet O_O. Echo echo echo.....! sarcasm its a B.E.A.Utiful thing

Lmao i wrote this when i didn't realize their was a new page was still on 32 guess my monolouge was really long LMAO EDIT!!
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Больше года Buddha_2 said…
LMAOLMAOLMAO wow Danman2327 that pic is to funny. your right pikachu is a girl no wonder "She" liked ash hahaha
Больше года jordanVAMPIRE said…
@danman2327 i don't think that paying her to spread the news about rosario vampire season 3 is a useless job, what if people started to forget about rosario vampire then they would make even less money,so it seems that paying a few people to spread the word about season 3 is a buisnness plan,btw when does season II chapter 30 get released?
Больше года Buddha_2 said…
It may just be that its 1 am here in NY but, my mind is telling me that i feel bad that Supervapire left even thought it might not have been my fault. whether she was legit or not i feel bad. To bad i guess we will have to see if she is legit when December comes around( and i hope she is ). anyways going to bed before my brain thinks anymore and insults someone unintentionally like i did earlier XP. even thought i wasnt trying. yes im being sacastic to u wargod. well w.e
Больше года iFanatic said…
i have 4 words for danman : You self centered fuck.

Больше года 2Pain4 said…
@jordanVampire somewhere in april (obliviously) ill post link when it comes out
Больше года Lelouch000 said…
Just in case you guys dont know supervampire decided to quit fanpop because she thought she was hated. good job I hope your happy. I know this because i got a message from her.
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Больше года Namorock said…
awww so relaxing we can once again get back to perhaps suggestions and once again embark on our tedious wait for this anime to start up.

I don't have respect for people that are on the idiotic side such as her if it is indeed a her, when you are hired to do such a simple task as it so strongly suggested it was you don't argue with the ones that disagree with you, you are blunt and get straight the point.

It's an announcement is it not, last time i check announcements didn't stream into debates, "lies can only go so far before they are stripped of their devious ways".

Больше года wargod11 said…
yeah,yeah,I SEE Where your all coming from but i still think you guys shouldnt treat someone like that.hey!!!DANMAN dont say im supervampire.I would never accept a job like That specifically for this reason.AND also,im alot more intelligent then you think.Ill get you as soon as you thanks for the compliment robis.i made the "headshot with the shotgun" on the spot.BUT remember,im always watching what you guys say so be careful.
Больше года wargod11 said…
hey!!!! what the hell do you mean "woman argument".whats wrong with being a lady and arguing.thats it,your going down DANMAN.
Больше года Robis said…
This has to be a very sick joke. Now I'm confused as hell. For some unknown reason I am still waiting for December- probably I want to believe that Capu3 will be on air then.
I strongly suggest that Supervampire makes one final post of saying something like "I have done my job, that was to inform you not to play around with comments" That would clear her name in my eyes.

So ignoring the last 20 pages we have jumped back to waiting blindly- no, now we have at least a dream of it being on in December. I guess thanks to Supervampire for at least a spark of hope.
Больше года wargod11 said…
i would say something very mean to you ROBIS but you didnt even know what you were saying and i see your point so ill let you slide for now
Больше года wargod11 said…
oh and about capu3...If you want the answer to that you better start packing for japan because ive been there to to find the answer,and youll really feel bad for the way you treated her once you visit GONZO.
Больше года Robis said…
Why do I have a feeling that you have a high-powered rifle pointing at me right now? (Thats humor not an attempt to insult you)
I can see the point of you being frustrated over this- its called sympathy and I admire you for having that.
To get off this time bomb lets talk about something else like...... whats the weather like were you live.
Больше года Lelouch000 said…
Namrock I dont give a damn about your opinion. Theres no reason to attack someone based on something you choose to not believe. If you dont believe her why do you bother to post?
Больше года wargod11 said…
oh thanks for asking ROBIS.Lets see...ITS SUNNY WITH BULLETS FLYING IN YOUR DIRECTION.just messin with you.For not insulting me you re no longer the biggest idiot here.That title goes to Namarock.congrats deserved it.
Больше года Buddha_2 said…
Okay,Okay hold on here. You have been telling us the past 2 days that we were insulting her and all that, when most of the comments weren't meant to be insulting; and now your insulting us, that's just as bad as stooping to our level if supposedly we insulted her. If anything it was constructive criticism because we have all been lied to. Sure we might have been a bit rude, but that's skepticism. I'm not saying that going and making her leave(which wasn't intentional) was right, but it wasn't all thier(or mine) fault. I mean Namarok is right, and so are you wargod in your own insulting way while telling us that we were mean people. You said that she has probably worked for a lot of different companies in order to inform different things. Well in that work your right, their isn't a lot u can say, to make people believe you. But also Namarock has a point to. When dealing in the area that she is working in(if she is, i will always be skeptical), yoo have to have a sort of a shell to protect yourself from criticism, their will always be 1 person who will criticize. And if she has been working in the business long she wouldn't have gotten angry the way that she did, she should have just made her point clear and simple, then answer questions calmly which she didn't always do. Plus if your working for someone(working off of what Danman2327 said) you don't just get up and leave a job cause its hopeless, you finish what u have to do, for what u were paid to do. And once again i will say this, i have Respect for Supervampire if she really was hired to tell us this info, and i really want to believe that she was telling the truth.

Also Wargod if you have been to japan and know that chu3 is going to come out.


wargod11 said:
oh and about capu3...If you want the answer to that you better start packing for japan because ive been there to to find the answer,and youll really feel bad for the way you treated her once you visit GONZO.

If you knew all along that the whole time, why didn't u say anything to try and help her. If anything your also at fault for just standing along the sidelines while (quote revision) "All the bullets were flying right at her". So my question is to you, that if you knew, why didn't you help her and back her up. Yes, this is directed at you. And Yes, it is meant to blame you for the fact that you might have known all along, while we criticized and did nothing till after she left. So don't go pointing the "shotgun" at anyone else until you have thought about your own actions.
Больше года Buddha_2 said…
Oh and also to all, i'm sorry that all the things i right are really big and really long but i have lots of things going on in my head, and when i jump on one topic it ends up being big(my English teacher says i write to much i mean c'mon 2 pages for an essay is to short, i like 7-10 pages XD). anyways so sorry for the inconvenience of having to read my dribble but i do make good points while saying it.
Больше года Synned_Ghoul said…
i cant believe you guys were fucked up enough to do that to SP. she wss doing an honest job, and you guys hounded her away. thanks alot fuckers.
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Больше года Namorock said…
you guys talk to fucking much, I remember the good ole days when it was just the 3 of us and some wandering people, NOW WE HAVE ALL YOU PEOPLE BLABBING AT A RATE EVEN ASIANS WOULD BE ASTONISHED WITH!!!

Like seriously A: SP was either a idiot or a fake B: idk just because it was a girl if we can even trust it's words behind that issue, get over it, it wanted to be asked questions Dan and other simply complied with it's request merely putting it over the edge ending in a raging guilt trip which is then carried out by the hormonal tween such as synned above me and such.

No employee would ever debate the fact that they are an employee simple as that, stop wasting my precious space on this forum topic if it isn't updates or suggestions for anime I perhaps haven't watched, other wise go touch your self to those magazines you keep under your mattress because you think your parents don't know about them and fuck off.
Больше года iFanatic said…
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Больше года Synned_Ghoul said…
this isnt YOUR forum. SP was doing her job trying to keep ppl into R-V, making sure we knew that there would be a season 3.
Больше года Synned_Ghoul said…
she was hired to help us, basically, and you guys pissed her off enough she probly quit.
Больше года jordanVAMPIRE said…
omg will you all just stfu with the childish arguments
Больше года Buddha_2 said…
Ok i have to agree, this is getting really annoying and im tired of feeling guilty over this shit. Ive explained my self and my reasons and now i'm done. so why don't we all stop acting like children and stop arguing about it. if she wont come back then that's her fault. but this whole thing with us slandering each other is ridiculous. were each just normal people that have or own issues to worry about; stop worry about this, it will only make life more stressful if your worried about getting on the computer each day so you can tell someone to fuck off. so please all shut up and get back to more important things such as discussing the new Rossario + vampire chapters that have come out or, discussing different types of animes that we each like, cause arguing is pointless since it seems that no one will change their mind on their opinions. I've tried to stay neutral since i got back from my trip but I'm done. So i would like to ask all of you what you think of the anime Bakemonogatari. I haven't watched yet because its still downloading, but i was told it was good. if any of you have watched it, can give me your opinion that would be great.
Больше года Robis said…
+1 on the part were we all shut up, be friends and talk about normal things. (that includes me as well)
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Больше года Namorock said…
dude we have all known that there was a 3rd season the problem was when, now we hear countless rumors but they're lies most of time, so seriously if you care sooooooooooo much about a random thing texting to you on the comp very cutesy then do so on a different forum, you can call it the "I want cyber" forum and gtfo of this one because when it was just Dan Olar and I it was nice, peaceful and constructive towards other animes that we enjoyed and sharded with the group.

Now you guys coming wanting to know when the season comes out and we merely say go back 10 pages...... you don't.... and then ironically once enough of you fucks pools in the last month some robo women comes in makes you cum in your pants because it is a "Women" so it says and better yet it knows a date of season 3.

Now the 3 of us are like wow another rumor while the rest of you just finished watching and have yet to be kicked in the balls by a false one, so here's my proposal, get laid so you don't get sucked in so easily and secondly don't come to us expecting a instant result just because you guys the all mighty have finished watching it and now it can resume it production and come out in the next week.

Like the 3 of us have decided on watch another anime till this one comes out, and it will, and Dan will eventually update us on when, so hold your panties.... and no more nerd raging please your just making your self look retarded I.E. "Namorock your gay" which is then hinting at the fact that if this person is a women and i don't like her spouting BS that I'm obviously homosexual, which is rather amusing because I bet 99% of you haven't had or have had with a microwaved melon.

Any ways good day fellow anime watchers (true ones) must have watched 30 different to get that title step to little ones!

And perhaps we can get this turned around and back to it's good ole self of fact.

Больше года wargod11 said…
yeah,whatever ill retreat.for now that is.but ill be back,and next time ill have reinforcements.

Больше года wargod11 said…
so SP what do you think about all these guys?
Больше года supervampire said…
well lets see....i really dont know where to start.oh i know!i think Namarock needs to see someone about retarditis.i also think DANMAN needs help with his i think im so smart but im really an idiot syndrome.and i think ROBIS needs to have a talk about his im dont mean to insult people but its so tempting disease.thats what i think.anything else?
Больше года wargod11 said…
well there is this other thing....What do you think about their woman comments.seeing as we're both girls i thought you could answer this.
Больше года supervampire said…
well,thats a really good know what i think...i think they just might all be gay.i could be wrong though.they could just be a bunch of nerds that never talked to a girl in their entire life so they think we're monsters that can kill them if we touch them.anything else you want to ask?
Больше года wargod11 said…
nah thats it.i just wanted your opinion.thnks
Больше года Robis said…
2 things........ 1. Never mix Peppermint Jager with lemon.... that shit meses people up. (I'm talking about my own experience) XP
2. Come see this after a month its actually quite funny.

To answer your statement: I don't have problems with girls- sadly until now. Why do you take this all so personally? For example I don't give a shit what does anyone write here except the normal conversations. Its no use to fight, every time you answer an insult with anger you get a worse situation- as we can clearly see.
I just laugh at the dumbness of all this. Seriously try to act a little more mature- its fun.

Just look at this, the original question was, when will Season 3 of R+V be on, now its just crap. XD I find this amusing.
Another "good one was": (quote) "she thought she had finally made some progress with you and yet you basically headshotted her with a shotgun by talking about anyway." I still laugh reading this.
I bet more will fallow- the comedy I mean.
But if you truly find this hart breaking then stop hurting your self and tell them, how I would say: Pisieties visi trīs mājas tālāk. I'll leave it as it is to build up the intrigue. Hint: its something like telling others to Fuck off.
Ahhh, humor how I adore it.

Hey Buddha_2, just between us non-fighting people I have 2 questions. 1. Who do you think will end first? 2. How would you try to convince people in SV's place? I just taught of that because you work with something like this.
My guesses would be 1. This will stop when the most of this party gets bored with arguing. 2. I would just say "Theres a chance that Capu3 is going to be on in December" and thats all no after text or anything. I think that it would be pointless to convince everyone so I would just leave a link to the club and the followers would just do what they do- follow. XD
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Больше года wargod11 said…
Больше года Buddha_2 said…
Wow does no one read what i write, i mean i know its long and tedious and i haven't been here long but why is everyone still going on about this. if it comes out it comes out if it doesn't it doesn't. we are trying to wait patiently for it to come out and all this fighting isn't helping, plus why are we still insulting each other, theirs no point to it and its really annoying. I'm trying to make peace between everybody and it doesn't seem to be working; sadly. so in order to try again, and stop this ridiculous fighting; I will ask once again. Has anyone watched the anime Bakemonogatari, and if you have can u give me your opinion, much appreciated.
Больше года Danman2327 said…
wtf are you talking about with the woman comments? did you even look back a couple pages to see what are "woman" argument was?

I dont know what other "woman" comments your talking about cause I didnt feel like reading 5+ pages since i wasnt here unless you eman the argument we had that you didnt even fucking read.

I asked her a whole bunch of questions and she said "You shouldn't ask a woman so many questions... its not very nice"

With her saying that I assumed she was a woman and she got pissed at that even though she pretty told me she was. So she is fucking retarded.

Also were you calling ME gay? If you knew half the shit that goes on in my head you wouldn't say that. I cant say the same thing for everyone else though

I dont even feel like reading what robis said. I bet it was captivating(sarcasm)

Its obvious supervampire is a fraud now. So to all who insulted me- Go fuck yourselves. Ever since supervampire came this club has been full of assholes. Why dont you all go to the fuckin GONZO club and play with yourselves there. I wont follow you there.
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Больше года wargod11 said…
Its so ironic you would say something like that because right now you are hated and despised by alot of people right now and you dont even no it.oops did i type that?i wasnt supppose to tell you that?And if you read SP'S POST YOULL SEE THAT SHE said that you could also be nerds that are scared of girls.p

peace jackass
Больше года wargod11 said…
i think someones feeling mad right so scared.
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Больше года Buddha_2 said…
God i don't even want to to see what Supervapire and Namorok Or Robis Or anyone else is going to say on this forum because its obviously pointless to try and get you to stop insulting each other. if anyone wants to talk anime and not about this bullshit anymore because that's all it can be called at this point. contact me at or were i can actually have a decent conversation with someone about R+V or another anime. ill check in once in a while to laugh at how stupid this argument has gotten but other than that i'm done. Peace,Love,Joy and all that other shit, have a nice day.
Больше года wargod11 said…
Больше года Robis said…
You are allowed to be surprised Danman its NOT sarcasm- although now it sort of looks like it XD but its still not.

I get Buddha, Danman, JordanVampire, Namorock(50/50 because his text is hard to understand) but you girls I just can't seem to fallow. You were talking about been scared of the opposite sex, but right now it looks like none of you are older than 13 and all of the boys in your class seem to ignore you which makes you want attention and you somehow find it here. I'm saying this because I have a little cousin who does these things too.

And sorry Buddha_2, I don't know anything about what you want to find out.
Больше года Robis said…
Really at this point I feel sorry for Buddha_2 because hes the one confused in all of this. But he does make a good point- checking in every few days is better because then the rubbish will start to end...... Ok, enough laughs today I'm going, see you in a few days.
But just to be clear I only write all of this to see the reaction, I just like to laugh at all of this..... but it seems to of gotten too far so I will stop my annoying texting.
Больше года Danman2327 said…
lol afraid of girls? I got pussy a few days ago.

@robis I was being sarcastic I wasnt saying you were.

also a girl watching harem. wouldnt that make you a dike?

Again, i dont know why your still here. go on the gonzo club.

I'm hated and despised by morons so I dont give two shits.
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Больше года wargod11 said…
who said i watch only here because i like hurting jackasses feeling and i felt sorry for SP.2 do you like being a jackass or something?
Больше года Danman2327 said…
well your in the rosario vampire club and you avatar is a picture of moka...

also just judging by your shitty insults I can tell your only around 13.

also again. why the fuck are you still here?

also @supervampire

take all the people who actually believe in you to your club. if any one comes to this one and wants to talk to you, we will send the retards there.

so just leave so everyone is freakin happy
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Больше года wargod11 said…
you are an not 13 im 17 you asshoe.whats wrong with you