Seto Kaiba Club
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It was a normal день for me in the office. Running Kaiba Corporation was no small task and required my whole undivided attention. I ran through the usual tasks that filled my day. I answered the phones like normal and wrote reports. I listened to my blond haired over active cousin Yuganna playing on the rug with her pens and pencils, drawing some sort of picture, her latest art piece that she was so sure was the Далее greatest piece of work. I sighed as the phone rang yet another time. Yuganna heard what I was thinking so she answered the phone,
"Welcome to Kaiba Corporation, Yuganna speaking, how can I assist you?" she asked. I gaped at her. Not once had anyone taught her how to answer to the phone. I listened despite the fact that I didn't have to. Yuganna handled the phone like a pro, even getting the person's details and offering to see if I was able to take the call. She then politely put the person on hold.
"It's Pegasus," she told me, "he wanted to ask a favour of you…alright, I'll take a message,"
Sometimes I loved the fact that Yuganna could read minds, it saved me time on having to speak and she would really come in handy, if she wasn't so hyperactive like she was. I ran a hand through my short brown hair and sighed. Yuganna's energy made me feel worn out. I would need something to eat, I realised as my stomach growled with hunger,
"I'll hold the fort; Ты can count on me Seto!" Yuganna told me. She looked up at me with her pale Yugi Muto like large blue eyes and smiled. Her blond hair flowed to just below her shoulders and she had it pulled back in to a low ponytail braid, complete with a purple ribbon in it. I heaved a sigh and pulled on my white coat, outside would be bitterly cold and I knew that Yuganna would be shivering out in the snow. Even though the heaters were on inside Yuganna was still wearing her light purple куртка with the faux мех collar. Underneath that she wore a black юбка and white knitted jumper. Her black tights should have been enough to keep her legs warm, but I doubted that they did much. I headed out the door and decided to turn the heat up a bit for her, and then I knew that she would be aware that I was going to get her something to eat as well, because she would be hungry as well.

I walked through the snow, rather than taking the limo like I sometimes did. I wanted to walk today for a reason that I couldn't describe. It was nice to walk in the snow and it got me thinking about a time when I was young. I paused as I caught sight of two children playing with each other. They threw snowballs at each other with atypical skill. I remembered the день that my father took Mokuba and I out for the день to play in the snow. We made a snow man and had a snowball fight. I smiled, something that Yuganna сказал(-а) often that made me look a whole lot better than when I didn't. I had only met her mother, my aunt once before Yuganna was born. She was a beautiful woman and Yuganna resembled her quite a lot, though she didn't have her mother's calm nature at any rate. The Lady Yamara had сказал(-а) that I looked a lot like my own mother, tall white skin and dark blue intense eyes that saw details faster than the fussiest perfectionist, and I had been honoured that she would even say that to me. I sighed now as the горький wind blew across the street, forcing what people were out towards the shelter of the tall buildings. I shivered but stayed out in the open, walking like a lone figure despite the fact that there were a couple of others wondering in the middle of the street. Something felt out of place to me, though I didn't know what it was that felt wrong. The air blew, the wind cut in to my thin frame, despite the fact that I had a thick куртка on, complete with a scarf to keep my neck shielded from the cold. I sighed and entered a building, the doorbell clanged as I entered, announcing my arrival.

The whole room was silent for a time, and then talk started up again as if nothing had happened. I made my way calmly to the counter and carefully extracted myself from the scarf that Yuganna had made for me. Most people would wonder why I would wear such a silly scarf, but it wasn't because not wearing it would hurt Yuganna's feelings, but because she made it just for me. I sighed and folded the scarf over my left arm and pulled out my wallet. I looked at the selection of Еда and I knew at once what to get Yuganna. I got her some chicken teriyaki, while I ordered a simple drink and sandwich. The терияки bento was warm and smelled nice, I told them to send it to my office, like usual and headed back outside. I re заворачивать, обертывание the scarf and it is then that I notice a figure on the ground. I walk closer and I don't believe what I am seeing. The snow around the figure is red with blood; their almost white blond hair is drenched in blood as well. I am shocked. Things like this have never happened in Domino city in the whole time I've been here. I rush over to whoever it was, and I gasp in shock.

Lying in the snow was a woman. I feel sick as I take in a roughly stitched wound that ran from her neck right down to between her hips. She was naked and probably suffering from hypothermia. I quickly checked to see if she had a pulse. I was surprised that her сердце was still beating at all, based on the injuries that she had. I rung the скорая помощь at once and tried to assess just how badly injured she was. The скорая помощь arrived swiftly and there was a blur of commotion and activity as the woman was lifted up carefully on to a stretcher and carried in to the ambulance. I don't know why, but I stayed with her, as if drawn to her somehow in a way that I couldn't explain. They rushed her in theatre as her life now depended on what the doctors could do.

Hours pass and after what feels like an eternity, the woman is carried out in to recovery. I am surprised that they have her in a hospital gown, but I can see that they had re done some of her stitching, the wound closed neater than what it was when I first saw it, when it was just a half gaping wound like earlier. Her eyes are closed and despite the wound on her face she is quite pretty. Yuganna came in, half running half crying with fear on her small face as she slammed in to me, Mokuba slammed in to me as well and I almost fall over from the force of the two of them.
"Hey, guys I'm fine," I tell them. Yuganna sniffles and looks me in the eye,
"She's hurt,"
I blink and realise that Yuganna is referring to the woman lying in the hospital bed. Yuganna nods and she takes the woman's hand in her small child-sized ones.
"Her name is Miria," Yuganna softly speaks; her voice is barely audible, "she knows much pain."
I flinch as I realise that Yuganna's ability has done what it always does. She would know "Miria" like a dear friend even if this "Miria" knew nothing about Yuganna. I look at Mokuba and the same thought passes between us. I found it strange that Yuganna didn't like Joey или Tristan for that matter, she even hated Yugi Muto for crying out loud, and I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand him. Yet she took a shine to Téa for some reason I couldn't get, and now that I thought about it Téa was a woman too. Perhaps it was the same for all men, but I doubted that in the same instant I thought of it. Yuganna had a somewhat strange mind that few if any could understand. I sighed as Yuganna took to sitting down near Miria, if that was the woman's name. We sat and waited for the doctors to Показать up and tell us what was going on. I looked at the woman, there was something strange in the way she was, something that I didn't understand или even see. Clearly she was a strange woman and not from around here, или even this time as there had been a large sword with her. Of course I had decided to keep the sword close to her as best I could. I was astounded by how heavy it was. It was in that moment my phone decided to ring,
"Seto where are you?" my twin sister Shisanara's voice was both high pitched and worried,
"Shisa, it's ok, we're fine," I told her, "we'll be Главная as soon as we can,"
"Ok, just be careful, I'll see Ты when Ты get back." she heaved a sigh of relief and the phone went dead.
I sat near Yuganna and I noticed that the woman's eyes were still closed, but her breathing seemed to be shallower now, like she was going to wake up soon. I saw her long blond lashes flicker and her eyes opened.

I was staring at pure silver eyes. I felt as if my very soul was being looked in to, but my gaze remained. Those eyes were not normal human coloured eyes, they were almost monster like, and yet she was human, heck Yuganna had picked up on as much, and she was a mind reader. The woman spoke, her voice was powerful and it was quite authoritative,
"Who are you?" she asked,
"I'm Seto," I replied, "This is my younger brother Mokuba and my cousin Yuganna,"
Those silver eyes narrowed in concentration and she was quite for a moment. Just when I thought she'd gone back to sleep, she suddenly asked, "Where am I?"
"You're in Domino City Hospital," Yuganna replied, "You were hurt, so the doctors had to help heal your wounds. Unfortunately the result will leave scars, but you'll be безопасно, сейф here for a while,"
I draw in a deep breath about to tell Yuganna to settle down when those silver eyes look in to mine…


He woke with a start and looked around him, his wife was resting in the постель, кровати beside him but she wasn't sleeping. He'd known her for three years now and he knew that she didn't eat much или sleep often. Her long pale razor banged shaggy blond hair fell just below her shoulders and she was wearing her usual sleeveless nightgown, the one that hid her scar that ran almost the full length of her body, though she didn't need to hide it from him as he was long since used to it now. Seto stretched and Miria's eyes flicked to him,
"I'm fine Seto," she began,
"No, you're not, something's eating Ты Miria," he сказал(-а) voicing his concern for her, "is something wrong?"
Miria looked away, guiltily and turned to face Seto, and slowly spoke, "it's just…I think something moved inside me just now."
Her silver eyes were wide and fearful; Seto looked at Miria slightly confused; he wasn't expecting her to say that. Then he shakily reached out to her, placing his hand on her stomach. They both looked at each other when they felt the movement, Miria's eyes wide and fearful while Seto's were equally wide in curiosity. Not a word passed between them, but the thought certainly did. Surely with all the operations to get Miria to the point that she healed despite the fact that the wound never would heal and it had to be re-sown every so often to keep it together, despite the fact that there had been some small healing, most of the wound remained stubbornly open, much to the doctors' collective frustration. They were about to try their most desperate option yet and now there was a baby to be had. Yuganna had to have known something that everyone else didn't; surely she would have known what was going to happen…


The small woman looked at them with her pale blue eyes and regarded the news and information presented to her. Yuganna closed her eyes and carefully looked at what information she had,
"There is nothing that can be done, other than to try to go to term," she sighed, "the child grows, and as far as I can see they'll just have to be careful about it."
Seto heaved a sigh of frustration and Yuganna looked at him sadly. Miria looked down at the floor and it was then that a compromise was reached. Seto and Miria had decided that the doctors should be able to check to make sure that Miria was alright. Miria for her part missed her comrades who she hadn't seen in a long time, though she сказал(-а) nothing about that to anyone, though Yuganna knew most certainly something kept her from saying a word to Seto, almost as if she knew that Miria didn't want Seto to know yet…


Time passed and Miria was soon beginning to feel the strain of the pregnancy. As her stomach grew, so too did the chances of her stitches tearing. It was a worrying time for all concerned. Seto did his best to make sure that Miria was comfortable and that the doctors came as rarely as possible. Miria wondered why she was going through with it in the first place and sighed. It was rare for her not to have a stitch tear apart. In fact it was rare for her not to have less than three tear open at once, sometimes as many as ten if she moved too much. She was surprised by how supportive Seto's twin, Shisanara was. In fact Shisa could sew almost as well as the doctors patching up the small stiches as they popped. Miria owed Shisa a lot, but Seto's sister wasn't having a bar of Miria's thanks saying that if it were her in Miria's position, she would hope for the same thing.

Shisa was vastly different from Seto in her appearance. Shisa was tall, her dark hair waved below her waist. Shisa was еще delicate looking than Seto, although she could land a fair blow if дана the chance. She wore short skirts and low cut tops, usually just to annoy Seto, but mostly because she hated hiding herself and loved to stand out. Few people actually knew about Shisanara Kaiba. Those that did usually didn't want to talk about her as Shisa would give news crews a mouth full from time to time, putting them "in their place" as she would say. Where Seto tolerated the media, Shisa didn't. Miria often saw the difference and could see what was going on well before it happened. Such was the closeness of the relationship that the whole family shared. Yuganna was the most sensitive of the family as she could hear what the others were thinking, she loved everyone to bits and despite the fact that she was small, Yuganna had a presence about her that was often noticed when she was absent, even the journalists would notice if Yuganna wasn't with them, often asking how she was going since most people were curious about Seto's little cousin who dressed quite strangely. To them Mokuba was neither here nor there. He was one of the background members of the family and didn't face much of the cameras. Miria and Seto took most of the cameras and Shisa scared them away.

Miria woke to a new день and she still couldn't sense her comrades' yoki. She sighed in frustration. She was hoping that she would be able to sense them, but it wasn't to be today. Miria suppressed her yoki lower and went to get out of постель, кровати when she felt a pang of pain. It wasn't pleasant, but it did pass. As Miria got out of постель, кровати it was clear that Seto had been up for hours again. She padded across the room and carefully opened the door. She walked down the hall way and entered Seto's study. Sure enough he was sitting behind the стол письменный, стол typing away on the laptop computer for work. Miria sat in the other chair and waited for Seto to finish what he was doing. Seto however chose the moment that she sat down to look up,
"Hey Miria, sleep well?" he asked gently,
"I think I slept alright," Miria replied.
Seto got up and walked over to her. Miria stood up and they kissed. Mokuba made a fuss and Shisa smacked Mokuba behind the ear while Yuganna giggled.
"I bet he forgot about what's happening today-" Shisa began with a smirk,
"Shut up Shisa," Seto sighed, "I know what's happening, today of all days или have Ты forgotten sister?"
Shisa glared at Seto, she knew what was going on, a quick look at Miria revealed that she was smiling just a little. Shisa sighed and rolled her eyes, "Sure picking up Marik and Odion from the airport,"
"And the doctor's meant to be coming today too," Miria sighed resting her head on Seto. Shisa took one look at her sister-in-law and saw that Miria was really tired. She noticed that Seto's arm was around Miria and that he was gently supporting her weight. Shisa heaved another sighed and Yuganna suddenly squealed loudly causing them all to look at her,
"Oh, my goodness!" the small woman cried, "Oh wow,"
"What Yuganna?" everyone asked at once,
"Strange minds, I don't know what but they're looking for something," Yuganna сказал(-а) slowly, "besides, Miria Ты need to rest,"
"Of course I'm not letting Ты push yourself Miria," Seto added. He lifted Miria up and carried her back to bed.

Once Miria was in постель, кровати Shisa headed out to pick up Marik and Odion, Yuganna wanted to come along but Shisa didn't want her ear talked off. Yuganna sighed and hung out with Miria instead. For some reason the others didn't know Miria seemed to like having Yuganna talk all day. Seto figured out that Yuganna distracted Miria and kept her busy, helping her to think about other things rather than anything that she could dwell on that was depressing. Seto smiled as he watched Yuganna do what she did best, talking and playing around, he knew that Yuganna had a much younger mind than the rest of the family, even the teenaged Mokuba acted older than Yuganna did. Seto didn't mind Yuganna's mental youth, it served her well, as most humans took her to be younger than what she really was so she did get away with some of her actions. Seto heard a strange sound and turned sharply Mokuba was holding his phone in his hand. The sound that Seto had heard was Mokuba's ringing phone. Seto sighed and walked in to his room. He decided to sit near Miria who was flat out on the постель, кровати sleeping again. Seto looked at Yuganna and she ran in to his study fetching his work laptop. Seto was busily working through a Сообщить when the door opened and Marik and Odion both entered. Odion had changed quite a bit since Seto had last seen him. Marik really showed the passage of time though, having bulked up since the last time Seto had seen him. Marik sighed as Yuganna jumped and landed in his arms.
"Oomph! Yuganna!" Marik half cried in shock,
"Sorry," Yuganna replied as Marik half staggered under Yuganna's weight. Thankfully Marik remained standing and Yuganna snuggled closer to him happily. Marik sighed and Odion's eyes were wide for a few seconds. Yuganna looked at Odion and gave him a small smile. Miria moaned and woke, she was burning and feverish. Yuganna jumped off Marik quickly and ran off. By the time Yuganna came back she had a damp cloth in her hand and lightly placed it on Miria's head. Miria gave Yuganna a look of gratitude and half closed her eyes. Seto stayed close to his wife and held her hand gently, the doctor was due any time soon and Marik knew what was going on. Seto sighed; Yuganna sure knew how to explain things to Marik. He understood most of what was going on, though lacked the finer details as such. Miria settled back down and was sleeping again, though it was еще like she was dozing rather than sleeping. Mokuba yelled loudly and the doctor quietly arrived.

Half an час later in which Miria's stitches had been re done things settled down for a while, until Miria suddenly clutched Seto's hand. Something hurt a lot. Seto paused as Miria faintly moaned in pain and realised that they were going to have to call the doctor back again.
Kaiba Hacker - Battle Theme
seto kaiba
kaiba hacker battle theme
unreleased soundtrack
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by K5Rakitan
added by FanFic_Girl_26
posted by K5Rakitan
This is a story I'm doing on Here is only the first part. If Ты are interested in more, I recommend going here: link

Chapter 1: Introductions

Joan stepped off Caltrain with her phone in hand, waiting for the Далее communication from her boyfriend. It was their fifth дата and he had invited her to meet him at work, telling her to wear something cute. Not one for frills and ruffles, Joan opted for a knee-length navy blue dress with a white floral pattern. The neckline plunged low enough to attract attention without being dangerous.

Joan didn't have to wait long for Marc. The tall,...
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posted by FanFic_Girl_26
 Kaiba: Behind Blue Eyes
Kaiba: Behind Blue Eyes
I just remembered something told to me in my dreams by, of all people, Seto Kaiba. In the beginning of the Season 2 episode The Master of Magicians Part 1, he tells a duelist who’s picking on another duelist that when he speaks to Kaiba’s little bro Mokuba in a mean way, “you dishonor me and the Battle City tournament. And besides, I have very little patience for bullies”.

I have agreed with him on that ever since. That got me to wondering about how Kaiba would usually deal with mean girls, aka Queen Bees...?

What do Ты think?

Also, I’ve read this sonnet that reminds me of Kaiba on...
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added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by FanFic_Girl_26