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posted by Crazy-Chica
"Maybe I should just accept my destiny." – Lana Lang

Lana Lang is Clark Kent's first Любовь and Lex Luthor's ex-wife.

When Lana was 3 she saw her parents, Lewis and Laura Lang, struck and killed by a meteor during the Meteor душ that hit Smallville. Ever since then, she was the poster child for the disaster; her cry of anguish was captured forever on the cover of Time Magazine. Her aunt, Nell Potter, adopted her and she wore a piece of the meteor that killed her parents as a ожерелье in their memory.

Lana lived a mile away from the Kents and was admired from afar by Clark for years. When...
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added by ShadowSouls
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added by daninphx
Source: daninphx
added by Crazy-Chica
added by sfdude
added by Makeupdiva
added by Sofiak
Source: Kryptonsite.com
added by Crazy-Chica
added by HotStunner
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chloe sullivan
tess mercer
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by melikhan
added by melikhan
added by Sofiak
Source: Kryptonsite.com
posted by Crazy-Chica
 Look Whose Back!
Look Whose Back!
UPDATED 11/15/07: Aaron Ashmore (Jimmy) and Laura Vandervoort (Kara) do not appear in this episode.
This is the first appearance of comics character Black Canary/Dinah Lance. She will be played by Alaina Huffman
Like the comics, Dinah has dark hair, but wears a wig while in action as the Black Canary. She also wears fishnet stockings.
On the show, she is the host of a conservative talk radio show. She is also a vigilante working for Lex Luthor. The Justice League has been thwarting every one of Lex's plans, and he's not too happy about it. Lex tells her that if she brings him the Green...
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Тайны Смолвиля
clark kent
lois lane
chloe sullivan
oliver Queen
tess mercer
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by nikibella
Source: online
added by willgessinger
Source: willgessinger