Sonic Фан Characters Club
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter five
(Sept 25 Thursday)

Classes were over quicker than usual for Grace, and apparently for some others as well. Apparently a heat-wave was to blame, and students were rushing off to the beach. Sadly only certain students could do this. fifteen percent to be exact. Another fifteen percent were playing hooky, twenty-seven percent were in detention after class, thirty percent were doing extra work for credits, and thirteen percent simply did not want to leave.

Grace was asked by a student named Sleak if she wanted to go with him and his friends. She was fine with the idea, but realized that she did not have a bathing suit. One of the girls that was going, Annie by name, asked if Grace wanted to use one of hers. Grace was reluctant at first, but after Sleak gave her the option of just her clothes, she took the bathing suit.

They went through Sleak’s Mobius, and were on course to the beach, when they saw traffic. A lot of traffic. One of the kids jumped out of the car, and ran to the пляж, пляжный and back. It was not going to be till at least nine P.M. that they got to the beach.

“Why not just run us over?” Grace suggested to the speedy student.

“I’m fast, but I’m not that strong. That and your arms might pop off. What powers do Ты have again?” The dude asked with a slight air of annoyance.

“Uh… age… changing…” Grace admitted, feeling a bit useless. But then again, so was the speedy guy.

“There’s a small waterfall place I know on my Mobius.” Annie suggested. “We could try there.”

“… Fine…” Sleak groaned. Both him and Grace had the same idea. It wasn’t the beach. It was a swimming pool in a way. No seashells. No waves. No surfing. But at least the possibility of a water-slide was introduced.

After they had driven all the way back to the school, then all the way to the location, which took fifteen минуты longer than they wanted due to Annie not completely remembering where it was, they made it.

It was surrounded by trees that cleared off as Ты got nearer to the lake/stream itself. The waterfall was slanted, but not enough, so sadly there was no waterslide. It was fairly deep though, and quite wide. There were some fish, which could either be a downside или an upside, and even a little sand at the bottom.

They put on the sunblock, and dived in. Sleak kept his рубашка on for the moment, then threw it off very “majestic”-like, and dived into the pool. Sleak wasn’t ugly, and fairly handsome and masculine, but that little performance just made everyone laugh.

“I’m not trying to Показать off!” He protested.

“Sure.” Grace smirked as she dived to the bottom of the lake.

While Grace was under, a bright light appeared on Sleak as he prepared for a dive from the вверх of the waterfall. As he dove, he felt a large amount of weight on his back as he descended, which was immediately followed by the scream of a girl.


Sleak quickly surfaced with a soaked figure gasping for air on his back. “Can Ты get off me?” He ask hastily.

“Y-yes…” The girl jumped off just as Grace resurfaced.

“What was that guy-… I should have known.” Grace’s face hit her palms immediately to the sight of who else? Rynk. Once again, at a Болталка point, appearing. Only this time she was soaking wet without a bathing suit.

“What happened this time, Rynk?” Grace groaned.

“I, have, no, i-idea!” Rynk answered nervously. “First I was just walking around, then I’m on this guy’s back!... AND I’M SOAKED! UGH!”

“Congratulations!” The speedy kid teased. “Your Lynx has evolved into a teleporting-lynx.”

Rynk’s eyes widened, then narrowed. “… great.”

“Well she’s here now. Why not hang out in the water?” Annie suggested as she paddled over to them.

“Uh because I’ve got no bathing suit, and I’m FREEZING!” Rynk answered.

For those wondering why it is that she could be freezing on a heat-wave, the fact of the matter is that the academy itself gives a mixed amount of the main temperatures throughout the many Mobiuses. Therefore it was very hot. This Mobius was not as hot.

“Well I don’t have a towel.” Grace shrugged.

“I have a shirt…” Sleak weakly suggested. He was only trying to help, but sadly everyone once again laughed.

“Eh… thanks for the offer, but no thanks for the offer.” Rynk replied. “Actually, I feel dry already.” Rynk’s grey T-shirt and shorts were still soaked to an extent, but her мех was actually dry and warm after just being soaked.

“That’s humidity for ya.” Grace joked. “What do Ты plan to do if Ты can’t swim?”

“Uh… figure out how to not teleport.” Rynk answered weakly. “I really don’t know. FLAG! Why did I have to get that power now?!”

“Why did Ты say flag?” Annie asked with a very confused look.

“… I… just, do?” Rynk answered unsure of herself. “It’s like saying-“

“We get the picture, Rynk.” The speedy kid interrupted. “Well I’m gonna try to make a whirlpool.” Then he голубь into the water and began to spin quickly. It did not last long due to the fact that while he was fast, he could not hold his air for еще than thirty seconds, and with that movement, it was еще like ten.

“I’ve got a towel if Ты still need one, Rynk.” Annie suggested.

“Thanks.” Rynk smiled. “Do Ты guys have a radio?”

“Yeah.” Sleak answered. “Just don’t do it too long. I want to be able to use the battery later.”

Rynk nodded then went back to the car. Shortly after she came back. “Uh guys,” She began nervously. She rubbed her arm a bit, trying to hold back, but ended up saying it. “They want us back now.”

“Now? We just got here!” Annie protested.

Rynk shrugged. “Maybe the time here and there is different. Sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” Sleak added with a sigh. “Come on guys.”

The five mobians hopped back into the car, and drove back to the academy. Grace herself did not blame Rynk или any of the other students, but she was bummed. Heat-waves were hard to get when it was almost October, and they only got about twenty минуты for this one. “What could be so important?” She thought.

They arrived at what was apparently 2:13 at the school. At first they expected the school to be gathering in the main-hall for something important, but the students that were there simply walked around and did their normal high-school stuff. Nothing special.

“… Nothing’s happening!!!” The speedy-kid yelled in a very un-manly voice.

“Yeah. We got that.” Sleak сказал(-а) as he cleaned his ear. “Maybe the principal knows.”

“Well have fun asking.” Rynk waved as she started to jog off.

“You’re not interested?” Grace asked.

“Not when I’m still wearing wet clothes I’m not.” Rynk hinted as she ran off to get a change of outfit.

“Anyway…” сказал(-а) Annie.

They walked to the principal’s office and found themselves with some surprising news. “WHAT DO Ты MEAN WE WEREN’T ALLOWED TO LEAVE!??!” Speedy yelled.

The principal was scowling now. She cupped her hands and сказал(-а) “None of Ты signed at the front-desk for time off from the school.”

“But I thought good-graded students were allowed to leave on break.” Grace reminded.

“Yes they are, if they sign their names at the front-desk first. Otherwise we have no idea why Ты are leaving. Even if we know where, we don’t know what Ты could be doing, или what dangers Ты could be facing. The security was about to go and get Ты if not for a student informing me ahead of time. And aside from that, Sheldon was not to leave. He did not make the cut for the grade-level.” The Principal starred at the speedy-kid.

“C + is a good grade-average!” He protested.

“B is the lowest Ты can have, Mr. Kellin.”

“The Rynk-girl ran off too!!” He blabbed to attempt shifting of blame.

“I personally talked to Rynk on the phone. Manifesting an ability that makes Ты randomly appear at a location does not count as running off. She will be having special lessons to control this ability.”

“But what about the rest of us?” Annie questioned. “You know we weren’t doing anything, and we’re безопасно, сейф ‘N all, so can we go back?”

“… No.”


“I’m sorry, but Ты disobeyed the rules. There are Listings of all the school-rules in each major area of this school, and typed-paper on the beds of every student. And if I cannot trust that Ты either forgot to read them, which suggests slagging, или that Ты tried to ignore them, which is dishonest, how am I to know if Ты were doing innocent-activities?”

“… Ты use a lot of big-words, Ты know that?” Grace noticed without thinking through her sentence. She quickly shook herself back and said, “Sorry. Um… does this mean we get a demerit или something?”

“No,” The Principal answered, “well Sheldon gets a demerit” Sheldon pouted, “but I think staying at the school the rest of the день is enough.”

The students walked out, Sheldon stormed off, grumbling, Sleak just sighed with a disappointed frown, Annie seemed content but was not happy, and Grace just looked bored. They parted ways, and Grace continued on down the halls to see if something else would happen.

Eventually Rynk found her again, now wearing a grey long-sleeve-shirt with “THIS IS SPARTA” on it, and tan-pants. “So what she say?” Rynk asked perkily. “Are Ты guys allowed back?”

Grace sighed. “No, but you’re getting special-lessons или something now.”

“Really? Why? Cause of the teleporting?”


“Huh…” Rynk sighed a confused sigh. “Well I doubt I’ll be able to manifest it. I wasn’t doing anything when it happened… maybe someone was pulling a prank on me… which would explain how I was sent to Ты guys so easily.”

“Maybe. Wait, don’t Ты want special lessons?” Grace questioned as she halted for a moment.

Rynk shrugged. “I dunno. I might… if I knew what they were liked. I’m just making some guesses as to what happened. I mean, I’ve never teleported before, and I can already walk on walls, have metal-bones, have had my voice change twice, and my stripes glow. All of those happened in the same way. Teleporting… not so much.”

“I guess y-… you’re voice change-… Ты really are Persian?” Grace stammered.

“Oh… uh…” Rynk was a bit nervous now. “… Alright, here’s the thing. I don’t know why, but my voice like… changes at points in my life. When I was younger I used to be Scottish believe it или not. Then when I was thirteen, I got Persian. Then a little before I saw Ты guys on that rainy день I was British.”

“… That’s… strange.” Grace’s face was the face of someone who was thinking something along the lines of (Censored version)“daflag”. “Why were Ты out there so long anyway?”

“I like rain for one. And two… I was uh…” Rynk looked a bit embarrassed now, “I was trying to sing while gargling water with my new accent.”

Grace chuckled slightly. “That is funny. So… what? Are Ты going to turn Australian when you’re twenty?”

“Like Craaaaaaaaiger?” Rynk smirked.

“… Like I said. Are Ты going to turn Jamaican when you’re twenty?”

Rynk rolled her eyes. “I dunno. Ma-“ *BOOMF!!!!*

The side of the Стена blew open. “NO!!!” Thunder yelled as she fell backwards. Thunder was a cyborg Mobian female student, who apparently knew what was about to happen.

Rynk and Grace took one look to each other then ran towards the explosion

“You know that person by any chance, Thunder?” Asked Grace.

“Uh… I wish I didn’t.” Thunder groaned as she got up. The person was a female figure, another one believe it или not. She was a black cat, with a red and black punkish outfit, a red tail, and what appeared to be glasses of a sort above her eyes.

“Saaaaaaaaaaaara!” The cat called out. Sara was another student. A female canine who Rynk and Grace knew a little еще than they knew Thunder. Thankfully she was not there at the moment.

“Uh… evil villain lady. Could Ты take the front door please? Like seriously. Do Ты have to be dramatic?” Rynk taunted. The cat ignored the Совет and charged towards her.

“EEP!” Rynk squealed as she quickly ducked. She attempted to place her foot in a good kicking spot, but the villain dodged and kicked Rynk’s kick, sending her into Grace.

An electrical-current struck the cat in the backside. She groaned slightly, but seemed to be almost completely unharmed aside from a burn-mark on her back.

The school’s security stormed towards her, but the cat simply blasted them to a crisp.

“Uh… I’ll be right back.” Rynk сказал(-а) nervously as she ran off.

“Real nice! Leave me to fight the freako!” Grace glared. “… GET MY SCYTHE WHILE YOU’RE BACK THERE!!!”

If Rynk had heard Grace she would have сказал(-а) something like “You have a scythe?” или “Where’s your dorm?”. Either way, she was too busy to pay attention.

“What do Ты want? Who are you?!” Grace сказал(-а) to the hostile, trying to buy herself time.

“My name is Roxan.” The villain answered. “And I сказал(-а) was after Sara.” Roxan reached out to attack Grace.

“Why do Ты want her?” Grace asked, trying to stall her longer.

Roxan paused for the moment. “Do I need a reason? I’m evil, and I want her dea- ERRG!!!!”

Thunder had recovered, and quickly used an electric-charged fist to перфоратор, удар, пунш Roxan in the back of her neck. The aftershock caused Roxan to spin diagonally till she hit another wall.

“That HURT!!” The angered feline roared as she began to claw away at Thunder. Grace had to think quickly, so thinking quickly, but not too deeply, she jumped on Roxan’s back and began to pull at her hair. Normally Grace would do something a bit еще martial-art related, like a fan-kick, или simply hay-maker Roxan’s chin with an uppercut, but this foe seemed a bit too dense to be harmed by large attacks, so Grace went for distraction.

As Roxan’s head would have it, her hairs were not as strong as her body. Grace fell backward, with two handfuls of black hair. Two small, yet noticeable, patches of skin were now visible on Roxan’s blood-stained head. The raged feline let out a long scream of pain before opening her eyes to Grace. “You are SO DEAD!!”

Roxan charged at Grace, meaning to kick her two-claws into Grace’s head. The лиса, фокс quickly dodged out of pure luck, which gave Thunder another chance to attack. She charged her arm again, and sent an energy beam at Roxan. The black cat spun around and absorbed the beam.

There was a *CLANG* sound as Rynk kicks Roxan in the back of the head, followed by a large scream of “FLAAAAAAAG THAT HURT!!!!” as Rynk braced her foot on the floor. Roxan smirked unaffected by the attack.

“Metal bones?” The cat asked to the lynx.

“Yep.” Rynk replied.

“A bit Wolverine, don’t Ты think?”

“Hey it’s not my fault.”

“Don’t care. Evil.” The uncaring evil gave a full kick to Rynk’s chest. The metal Кости contacting with Roxan’s dense body caused both of them to ricochet backwards.

“Tell me Ты brought something with you.” Grace groaned.

“Yeah.” Rynk answered as she got up. She walked over to grab a suit-case that she had dragged back. She opened up the case to reveal a syringe inside of it. She reached out to grab it, but as soon as she did, she felt a change, as did Thunder.

Rynk and Thunder had switched bodies; curtsey of Roxan. It took a while for them to realize what had just happened. When Rynk figured out what had happened she quickly yelled out “THUNDER! BREAK THE SYRINGE!!!”

For a moment Thunder hesitated. She was still recovering from the strange event. She slowly turned her head to the syringe and took it out. Before Thunder could break the syringe, Roxan grabbed her arm and held it. When she did though, not only did Thunder feel it, but Rynk did also.

“I’m still connected…” Rynk muttered. She looked up. Roxan was about to break off Thunder’s/Rynk’s arm, and seeing how Rynk has metal bones, the process would not be pleasant. The Lynx-cyborg detached her arm and launched it into Roxan’s face, causing her to loosen her grip. The Syringe fell.

Roxan had a short “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO” moment, while Grace tried to understand what was happening. She saw the material in the vile, and recognized what it looked like. Chaos Energy.

Grace kicked herself up, and darted to the side of the building. *BLAM* a small, yet potent, explosion went off, knocking Rynk’s body (with Thunder in it) out, and causing Roxan to get stuck in a wall. Rynk was in a безопасно, сейф distance by default, so she waited for the Далее move.

Roxan was damaged, but not too damaged. Her hair was already growing back, granted it was growing slowly. The area was slowly fading from its red glowing smoke, which helped it along slightly. The evil cat cackled a bit to herself and сказал(-а) “That was your big move? A small explosion? Ты were planning to knock me out?”

“No, I was planning on summoning someone here.” Rynk answered with sense of superiority.

“Yeah? Who?!” Roxan tested.

Then a feminine voice called out “Guess”. It was at that moment that a chaos-energy beam shot Roxan through the wall, through the Далее one, then down one story. When the stunned cat got back to her foes, a new player arrived. Grey hood, black fur, red-ends on her feet, claws, dark blue jeans, red eyes.

“Hello, Rin.” The angered feline growled.

When the identity known as Rin turned to see who she had just attacked, her eyes changed from red to white, then back to red. “ROXAN!?!?! UGH!!!!!!!!” She screamed in annoyance.

Rin Turned to Rynk briefly. “OF ALL THE PEOPLE, Ты BROUGHT ME HERE TO FIGHT HER!?”

“I’m… sorry?” Rynk apologized in utter and complete confusion.

“Can Ты beat her up now?” Grace said.

“Fine.” Rin groaned. The Identity threw out her hand at Roxan, morphing it around. Roxan dodged, but Rin followed. Roxan attempted to slice off Rin’s arm, but instead it blew a wave of chaos energy in her face, which caused even еще destruction to that part of the school.

“Can Ты take this outside, please?!” Grace yelled.

“Alright.” Rin answered. She stuck her bladed-finger into Roxan’s shoulder then teleported herself and Roxan outside where they continued to fight. As they did, Sara finally showed up.

As soon as Rynk, who was still in Thunder’s body, saw Sara, she grabbed her by the shoulders and сказал(-а) “HOW DO WE GET RID OF ROXAN?!”

“Wha- Uh… th-there’s a song tha-… uh… “ Sara went through her pockets and pulled out a small disk-like object. “You can make her teleport away with this.”

Rynk grabbed the disk then ran out a broken Стена and down the side of the school. It was shortly after that she remembered that she was not in her body, and could not walk on walls anymore. “FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-*BOOMF*”


Rin and Roxan were both blasting away at each other. Roxan took the first offensive Переместить and teleported behind Rin. From there she stabbed her through the back, and tried to implode her from the inside. Instead, Rin wrapped around her arm, and stabbed Болталка parts of her Nanites into Roxan’s arm, tainting her heavily with Identity Serum.

Rin let go of Roxan just as she set her Nanites to implode. Roxan’s hand was gone. “What happened to you?” Rin asked in confusion. “You’re like… weak.”

“WEAK!?!?” Roxan drilled herself into Rin, ignoring any attacks that would follow. She charged an energy blast, then let loose, causing pieces of Rin to go flying in Болталка directions.

“You’re the weak one…” Roxan growled. She knew the battle wasn’t won yet though. Rin quickly regenerated with a darkening glare.

“Sara’s fine where she is, Roxan. Ты don’t need to bother her!”

“You don’t tell me what I should do! What do Ты know?!” Roxan shot Болталка energy beams at Rin, who due to Roxan’s blind rage, dodged with little difficulty. As she dodged she noticed the passed-out corpse of Rynk (in Thunder’s body) and a shiny CD-like object. She teleported to the object, and picked it up.

“This doesn’t do anything to Ты by any chance, does it?” Rin grinned. Roxan growled and tried to grab the disk.

Rin kicked Roxan down then pointed the disk at her, assuming something would happen… nothing did. “Uh…” Rin tapped the disk. “Hello? Operator? Pizza? Can I get pineapple?” Rin turned to Roxan. “Okay, how does it work?”

“You think I’m gonna tell you?” Roxan scoffed.

Rin sighed. “Fine.” Then teleported to Sara. “Hi Sara. Nice outfit. Good to see Ты again. How do I turn the disk-thingy on?”

“You have to charge it up first.” Sara replied.

“… Oh. Imma derp, thanks.” Rin made a quick peace sign to Sara then teleported back to where she thought Roxan was. Roxan was gone.

“Roxan?” Rin called out. “Hello? Uh… do I just wait here или *slice*” Roxan sliced Rin’s head in half, not knowing that it was Rin’s entire body that was Nanite-composed.

“There Ты are.” Rin grinned as she materialized her face to face Roxan’s. She charged up the disk then rammed it into Roxan’s mouth before teleporting a безопасно, сейф distance way. Roxan disappeared in a blue light.

“… uh… Yay… yeah… now I’m bored. BYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYE!” Rin waved to the people watching, then teleported away.


Rynk woke up in her normal body again in a cot. “Why does this keep happening to me?”

Grace walked up from across the room. “Good morning. Ты okay?”

“Yeah.” Rynk sat up. “Did we get Roxan?”

“Yep.” Grace grinned. “Who was that girl with the капот, худ though?”

“Oh her?” Rynk said. “That’s Rin. Don’t ask me, I don’t know her too well. She just popped up one day, saved my life, then left. I caught her name though. Where’s Thunder? She’s probably mad that I launched away her arm.”

Grace shrugged. “I dunno. Weird Друзья Sara has.”

Rynk hopped out of her постель, кровати and walked out of the nurse’s station with Grace. When they got out they saw that most of the school was empty. Rynk’s eyes widened. “Where is everybody?”

Grace sighed. “A lot of the kid’s parents made them leave. The board-members of the school are trying to convince everybody to keep the school running. They сказал(-а) that they might even get some magical-protector person, but so far that’s not happening.”

“Th-… there closing the school?” Rynk asked in terror.

“I hope not, but it might happen… Ты okay? Ты look kind of freaked.”

“Well… I… I don’t have anywhere else to go.” Rynk mumbled as she dropped her head, her large ears dropping over her face.

Grace put her hand on Rynk’s shoulder. “Hey they haven’t closed it yet. And I doubt they will. Then things will get back to… abnormal.”

The two teenagers chuckled. “Thanks Grace.” Rynk сказал(-а) as she looked back up. The Друзья exchanged goodbyes and walked off to their dorms after a long день of abnormal adventure.
added by Skull-Rose
Source: me and gimp
added by MercciPiercings
added by LunaAcores94
Source: Девушки из аниме
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me. Tak (c) TakTheFox.
added by Karmyn1the1heg
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me. Ryaki (c) Seuris. Evil-Hedgehog species (c) Metal-Overlord-Dark & InuYaShadow
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Original: SonicMaster23. I Редактировать into Ningizzida and Ra. ^w^
added by devilthecat56
added by devilthecat56
added by frylock243
Source: Me!
posted by TakTheFox
This is just a little something to help people who ask for drawing requests get what they want.



Height (Go through Small, Medium Small, Medium, Medium Tall, Small Tall, Tall, Really Tall)

Eye Color:

Hair Color(s) (If any):

мех Color(s), which parts have which color:







Accessories (gun, jewelry, etc.):

Suggested pose:

Facial expression:

Draw или describe anything Ты wish to be drawn in a specific way:

Image of character if possible:
added by Lilly443
added by superscrouge25
Source: Had a idea B3 and of course me!
added by Danniwolf09
Source: Danniwolf09
added by NintendoFan364
Source: Birdman
added by NintendoFan364
Source: Birdman
added by Light-Of-Days
Source: Ask the Starbucks Влюбленные
added by mephiles97
Source: Me
added by smartone123
Source: me