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posted by NoctusLynx
Near the кабина where the first battle was fought, incinerated bodied of the Malumtis Empire lay in the ground, the bodies still alit with char and minor flames. The cabin, much like the Militia, was unharmed by the column of fire. Somehow, when the column hit the ground, it weaved around the warriors of the Militia, and left them unharmed, burning all Malumtis in its patth. The Militia now sit by a bon огонь where they burn bodies. Sanae is praying that her God have mercy on their souls; somethat's not likely.

There was a curious aura amoung the members of the Miltia. They did not know much of each other, yet they had fought a cold hearted battle. Eventually, Menae's curiosity grew too great.

"Hey,"Menae began,"you never really told us what happened when your family was murdered."

"I don't think that would be something that-"gatage began, but was cut off by Noctus.

"It's okay, Gatage," Noctus said. "I don't like talking bout it, but I guess if I tell my tale once with everyone here, I won't have to say it twenty different times."

Gatage nodded in agreement, and Noctus carried on in his testimony.

"I remember that день as though it were yesterday..."

I woke from my straw bed. Isaw all the vegetation, and the trees the greens. I could tell where he was: какао Island, about a месяц ago. Bird chirp, and related Lynx hunted for their food, while others farmed. There was also a small pile of Еда on the shrine for the Moon, and the diety that freed this island. It was rumored at that time to be a yellow лиса, фокс with unusual pair of tails, but I never believed in rumors.

I stood up from my bed, and saw some unfinished work I had from the night before. After completing the work, which consisted of watering most of the vegtables, and catching some prey for the night's meals, I headed inside the house.

I couldn't eat red meats due to a genetic disorder. Because of this, I was shunned of doing most of the activities that most 'honorable' Lynx did to worship the diety and the moon, apart from serving the chief, which usually denied this service. But there was one thing that the chief told his people never to do: "Do not ever go onto the beaches, are we clear?"

The chief never explained why that rule was in place, but I would soon discover why, and that deed would fall on me.

"Father?" Noctus asked into the house. I searched for a couple of секунды before a arm wrapped around my neck, and began to choke me. Through instinct, I elbowed my attacker in the gut, and salmmed the back of my ead into his nose. I could tell his gender by the way he yelped. My attacker let go of me, and revealed himself to be my father when I turned around to confront him.

"It would seem that I have taught Ты well, son" my father said.

"You won't catch me by surprise anymore," I lied.

"Oh, I know," he сказал(-а) sarcatically, sensing my lie. "But regardless, I think I've taught Ты enough to have this," he said, presenting me with a ремень, пояс, пояса that had a pouch for storage, and a sheathe to кобура a sort of knife.

"I think there is something missing," I told my father.

"You have a keen eye," my father congratulated. "But realizing that somehting is missing is only part of the problem."

"I think a нож is missing."

"ood. But, where is the knife?"

"I.."I started, but noticed something peculiar in my fathers hand as I took the ремень, пояс, пояса from his hand.He held a нож with a specific kind of carve and forge to it that made it a нож perfect for the carving of meats, though I could eat none. When I went to reach for it, my father pulled his hand away, and beared a smile that said, without words, fight for it, son.

I kicked my father's leg, and he scratched me in the face. I lunged at him, but he shoved me down, making my face and chest scrape against the stone and soil ground. I feigned a punch, making my father react, and I instead kicked him across the face in the same movement. This knocked him off balance, and my lunge knocked him to the ground. I placed a claw on his neck, and that was the end of the battle.

"I'm too old for this," my father complained. "That's the only e=reason Ты won."

"Father, Ты always told me that denying the truth is bad under the eyes of the moon," I сказал(-а) back.

My father chuckled, sighed, and was silent thereafter. My mother walked inot the room, and saw my father, her mate, on the floor with his son, her offspring, in a position in which if I wanted to, I could kill my father.

"So he won, it will not make that I Любовь Ты any less, или that the moon will give Ты less power," my mother stated. "Just give him the knife."

"Very well," my father told my mother, and handed me the knife. "Now, son, listen: this is a нож that is specially carved for you. Soon enough, Ты will begin hunting for the elders, so this нож will be useful on taking down prey, not fellow Lynx. Do Ты understand?"

I nodded in response.

"Good. Your mate will meet Ты in the morning. Ты may want to get accuainted with her. If at all, Ты can impress her with the knife," my father joked.

"Don't listen to your father," my mother said. "Knives never impressed me."

"But one of my knives did," he сказал(-а) in return.

My mother turned away. I guess it was something that I wasn't supposed to know for the amount of moons I had, but I presumed that I would learn once I was old enough.

I bowed to my father, bowed to my mother, who had a red face for some reason, paid my respects to the moon, and went to my постель, кровати to sleep for the Далее morning.

Something was on me. I could feel that something was on me while I was near waking up, but I just didn't want to wake up. The weight in me, however, kept bothering me, so I opened my eyes. Atop me sat a Lynx whose face was near mine in distance. I was startled. She smiled at my surprise. She seemed to be pleased, but I had no idea what she was pleased или pleasured of.

"I am Stelux," she told me, still on вверх of me.

"He...llo..." I сказал(-а) slowly, still in this suprise. "Umm... could Ты please get off me?"

"What, why? Ты are my mate, are Ты not? Am I confused?" she asked, though I could not tell if she was asknig me или herself.

"Umm... I would suppose Ты are my mate?"

"Then, if I am your mate, then why must I get off of you?" she asked. "You do know what mates do, right?"

"No," I replied.

This made her become silent, startled, and suprised, almost like me, but in a different way.

"You honestly don't know what mates do to... each other?" she asked.

"No," I replied honestly. "What are Ты trying to tell me?"

"I'm going to have to explain to Ты something, but I can't explain it to Ты here. I must do it somewhere secluded."

I nodded, and told my parents that I was going somewhere with Stelux.

"I'm so happy for you, Noctus," my father told me. I was puzzled, but I did not bother to ask him. Stelux's secrets compelled me too much.

We made our way through the forests near our village, and went straight to them. The vines dangled and and latched onto trees, almost as though they may come to life once we are gone,, and try to eat carnivorously.

But that would never happen.

"How much further do we have to go?" I asked.

"Not much further," she assured.

Sadly, 'not much futher' meant the beaches. At night, some of the garins shine like the stone on the ожерелье of the chief.

She sat me down on the sand, and she sat across from me.

She was about to begin to explain when I began to involuntarily cough. Stelux saw this as a rude and offensive gesture since I never had the chance to let her speak to me for that moment.

Off in the distance, a sort of creature in the sky sailed toward us. It shined like the pretty metals on the shrine of the Moon. The problem of this was that this лодка released a surplus amount of smoke. This was what caused me to cough.

Not knowing of this mysterious beast in the sky, we ran towards the villiage. There, we consultaed the chief.

"Chief..."I сказал(-а) in a pant, but cough say no еще between coughs and pants.

"Can Ты say no more?" the Chief asked me.

"There is a monster in the sky, Chef," сказал(-а) Stelux.

Stelux pointed towards the sky, and as sure as the moon, the monster approached us. As I was turned, the chief saw my rear end, and all the sand it beheld, since I had not brushed myself off as we left.

"Did Ты go to the beaches as I had prohibited Ты to? It was Ты who brought this unto us!" he shouted, but the noise and mystery of the beats caught the atention of the tribe еще than I coudl catch a bird.

Then, it began to decend, and mysterious wind gusted and pushed at us. Soon enough, the monster touched the ground with a loud thud.

A shaft on the monster's mouth opened, and and a pathway extended from the mouth. Several shining deamons came out of the mouth, and an alien with a bald head began to speak with the chief. It had seemed to me that the alien could not communicate with the chief, and vise versa. The alien, after some time, simply waved off the Chief, and gave him his back, an extremely disrespectful act. Everyone gasped.

Then, a pair of the shining demons grabbed the Chief by the arms, and dragged him inside. As the Chief was inside, rumors began to spread as to what was happening inside the monster's stomach. But soon enough, our curiosities would be cured.

After a couple of mintues, The old man's demons dropped our chef on the ground. He was half shining demon, half Lynx, but all dead. The alien waved us all off again, and the stomach, the very belly of the beast, opened up to reveal the largest of the the shining demons.

"I don't think I can continue," Noctus said, shaking his head, and almost beginning to cry. "It's all just too much..." he sobbed. Sanae attempted to sooth him. Noctus had been getting еще and еще saddened of what had happened that night.

"You don't have to explain everything that happened," Gatage assured. "Just tell us to the best of your ability what happened."

Noctus nodded. "Cry baby," Tenemae scholded. Noctus ignored her.

"That was when the killing started.." Noctu began again.

The large shining demon came to life. The smaller demons shot beams of light at out Lynx bretheren. Stelux and I hid as best we could in the vegetation. Unforunately, a demon found us, and was about to огонь me with a light beam. I unsheathed my knife, and prtected myself with it. The light aparently bounced off my knife, and hit a nearby tree, starting a fire. I then did the only thing I could think of doing: Run. I heard a peculiar scream of pain and agony. I was may father. A large blade from the largest demon pertruded his body. Large gashes in the demon's skin told me my father died fighting; died a warriors death. Then, it turned to me, and ran towards me, and lunged at my scrawny body. The blade hit flesh, but I couldn't feel a thing. My сердце skipped a beat, and time slowed to a crawl. I opened my eyes to Stelux with a blade through her body.

"This is what mates do..." she said, and I understood her perfectly. Being her mate meant that she was chosen for me and vise versa by the powers of the moon. This also meant that our relationship was meant to be. But her death brought was too mcuh to handle for me.

"I can't do it!" Noctus cried.

"Don't worry, Noctus," Sanae said. "I know it hurts, but I'm here with Ты now. I always have been." Her words soothed me so much. He guessed it was because Sanae reminded him so much of Stelux.

"I'll finish this," he confirmed confirmed, and continued tohe tale. Many еще Lynx bretheren were being killed senselessly. The demon who had killed Stelux launched her near dead body into the air never to be seen again.

I ran, and climbed a дерево that wasn't on огонь at this point. Houses burned, livestock cried in fear, children screamed in pain, Stelux and my father was killed, and it was all by the order of a bald alien, whose reason for the murder of my family was somletely still undisclosed.

I ran, and jumped to the sea. I swam andfast and hard as I could, only stopping briefly at islands to get a moment's rest. I wasn't a very good swimer, nor had I ever been one, but this occasion was different. I had a good reason to swim, and I took that cause to heart.

"To this day," Noctus concluded, "I still hold a grudge on the blad alien. I didn't know his name, so I just called him Baldy."

"You can't be serious," Menae criticized. "Aliens and demons? What exactly did Ты grow on your farms?"

"We grew fruits, vegetables, and- why do Ты care?"

"Noctus," Cooro warned, and that was all the warning I needed.

"You both nee to be quiet," Gatage said. "No one else was there, so Noctus' testimony is final."

At that note, Sanae lowered her head. DId she know something Noctus did not?
 Character Chart-- Acid
Character's full name: Yxari (Ee-zar-ee) Sadaris
Reason или meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Acid
Reason for nickname: she is an Acid Monster
Birth date: 1st November.
Gender: Female
Theme: Headstrong-- TRAPT

Physical appearance
Age: 19
How old does he/she appear: 12
Weight: 25 lbs.
Height: 2"7
Body build: Quite skinny to a point where it's sickening. Her ribs even poke out when she takes off her hoodie.
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye colour: Glowing green-yellow, color of toxic waste.
Glasses или contacts: Tinted sunglasses to hide her eyes.
Skin tone: Quite pale, since she hadn't...
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Don't rant, troll, bitch, или moan because I did one too. XD

1.) At first, Ты were mean to me. Then I read something of yours, Ты read something of mine, and we kinda got along. We respected each other... And Ты probably forgot that already. XD Now I see Ты are an epic win.

2.) You. Holy shit. You. Ты is EPIC. Your art is beautiful, yet complicated. Your literature is quite adorable and nose-bleed worthy. Ты are a very sweet person, and I hope we can talk еще in the future. 

3.) Ты used to have a Mary-Sue as your fancharacter... Well, Ты still do, but I don't care. I Любовь our countless...
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If you're doing this Тест because Ты want to proove your character is not a Gary-Stu/ Mary-Sue, then don't bother; they are.

If Ты don't like your results, don't blame me; it's your character, not mine.

Please be honest: There's no point doing this if you're not.

Each 'yes' is worth one point. Each 'no' is worth nothing. Tally the score to get the end result.

So, get you're pen and calculator out; time to see how bad your character really is!

PART 1: They have my nose.

*Name here* is my name - или my Избранное nickname, my pet name, my Internet chat handle, my initials, my last name, my middle...
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On September 3, Cynthia woke up seeing the beautiful день outside when she walked out the door.
"Im gonna Любовь this school year!!!" she told herself as she walked to school.

5 минуты later of walking to school, Cynthia met up with her boyfriend Mars.
"Mars, are Ты ok? Ты look pale." Cynthia admitted putting her hand on Mars' forehead.
It was warm.

Mars shook his head and walked off, Cynthia almost cried watching him walk away.
Rouge the Bat had acme along and met up with Cynthia.
"Hows the день gone?" Rouge asked in her sassy tone.
Cynthia shook her head and ran to the restroom to cry.

8 минуты later after crying, Cynthia headed to class, math.

"This is going to be a hrrible year." Cynthia answered herself.
Name: Bethany
Gender: Female
Animal: Hedgehog
Age: 14
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 80 lbs.
Fur Color: Purple
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Black
Family Members: N/A (was adopted by Sonic the hedgehog)
Has A Crush On: Shadow the hedgehog
Powers: Speed, Psychic, Is a master of the dark arts, Is a wizard
Weapons: N/A
Clothing: Black spy suit for missions at G.U.N., Purple short sleeved shirt, black jeans, and purple boots with a white stripe on them (kinda like Amy's shoes.)
Personality: Nice, Sweet and lovable, Powerful, Can be angry at times, Is very gentile, Always knows the way, Is really intelligent
Hero, Evil,...
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posted by TakTheFox
I’ve been around the country a few times. Once I went with a group, the other times I was just travel alone. One of the places I found myself revisiting was the canyon of TansfR Hol. TansfR Hol is a large square. It has оранжевый glass for its floor and walls, with a magma lake surrounding it, and outside of that a large body of water. It’s mostly used for dance and special occasions, and almost always at night, when everything glimmer.

Below the Hol is the square canyon. It was an actual canyon once, but it was decided that it would be fashioned into a square to better fit the Hol when the...
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added by LorMel
posted by TakTheFox
Of my many characters, I find Calto to be a refreshing and unique one. While I have tons of fighters, super-powers, или young-ish characters, Calto’s a large contrast.

Calto appears to be a 52-year-old hybrid centaur of a ram-mobian with a non-anthropomorphic lion torso. He is a very eccentric inventor who specializes in biology, and is most well-known for his machine the “D-N-AMAZER”, which basically can change someone’s species.

He’s been around for almost a century, but remains spry as he can be. He has been employed by various companies in various Mobius Zones; most notably “Melcro...
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added by CrescentHedgie
Source: Siinnack on deviantART
posted by shadowxsonicd24
I'd like to come out and say it. I respect the members here. But the main group which includes my subject of interest, Tak is quite the puzzling equation. I mean if its true that these rules, The rules that make non content spewing people, basicly useless as a Фан of what they like, are agreed by the majority. I shall apologize deeply and rest my case, cutting the loss. Now let me be clear. This man сказал(-а) too me in argument, " people grew up". Now if im not mistaken, freedom is not a child's plaything. Freedom to have fun with your fandom, is an all age experience. Of course Ты have to make a living. But does anyone ever get punched for haveing fun или simply posting whats on your mind, no? Want to to know why? Because look at the big corporations. Twitter!, Facebook, Youtube. Do not let old Fanpop die. Remember back when people had fun and not business. Ты could call it a simpler time...I call it a better time. Now, I may here your results.
It’s already stated in the rules of the club that overusing furry-doll-maker pictures is suggested against but in the light of the tons of base-pictures Опубликовано by LorMel I felt this was appropriate.

The club-pictures are for people that actually do their own work, and don’t post things they traced, especially when the bases of those traces are incredibly common или even bases of recolors (AKA someone else’s art).

I’ve put up with bases for quite a while now, as we all have, but after the continuous spam of this on the club, it’s become apparent to me that these are not helpful in the...
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added by mephiles97
Source: Me and Tak
posted by TakTheFox
So I decided that I’d keep the Persian angle of the Supretan Culture, and the Scottish angle, but I’d also add the Indian angle as well. I already updated everything that mentions these in the stories, but just to give some clues as to what will happen to them in the future here’s some facts.

I won’t be using any Persian, Indian, или Scottish religions mainly, but I may create a new one that will be slightly influenced by the Islamic influence. For the moment it will be a world-religion, but it may have differences.

The origin of the country Supreta will be that of after-apocalypse groups...
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posted by TakTheFox
“You met our creator?”

I’m not saying anything to Mickey as he asks me this. He has to sit down, he is getting sick faster, and the еще I am not killing anyone the closer he is to dying. I just feel too upset to talk. I’m thinking of too many things and thinking about what will happen just makes me еще upset but I cannot stop myself from thinking them.

I’m standing in front of him, and my eyes and head are pointed at the ground. I do not want him to see my face, either of them. I do not want to tell him that he will die. I don’t want to tell Chowder… who I-

“I feel thirsty.”...
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posted by TakTheFox
So after the events of Origin Unmade 2 there were changes, shifts, in the universes and characters. Today we have Sissy. I’ll be going over her backstory, personality, relationships, and abilities.

Sissy was born in the год 4126 on the planet Mobocan, eight years before the Refine. She was, and is to everyone’s knowledge, the only Milen Banshee ever born. She was born in Supreta originally, but her parents were afraid for her well-being in the country, prompting the small family to Переместить from the country, regardless of the fact that they would not be able to be protected by Supreta...
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Dumbfounded, the мегера, лисица struggled with words, swallowing the panic. She took in the scene with wide eyes, especially on the hole. A closer observation was in mind, but the acid overruled the option. She knew what happened. "Craiger," Grace was able to muster, "Rynk's gone." Despite wanting to yell it out in distress, her voice was kept quiet in shock.

Craiger noticed this immediately, and quickly rushed over to the hole, looking over the area. “We’ve been gone for… three минуты maybe.” He noted. “She couldn’t have gotten that fa-!” Slowly a hand leaning on the Стена curled into...
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posted by TechTheBat
 Recolored from Rouge.
Recolored from Rouge.
Name: Tech
Gender: Female
Species: Bat
Personality: Despite Tech's high IQ, she is extremely bashful and often makes mistakes (but are never to do with electronics, еще about talking in conversations etc.) and will usually respond to making mistakes with rubbing the back of her head and saying "Oops". Her bashfulness and childishness is one of her main character traits, the other being she is very cheerful most of the time. Some would say her personality is basically Tails' personality except strangely еще bashful and childish.
Other info: IQ of 298, extremely in Любовь with Sonic the Hedgehog.
Normally I’d make an excuse to prove that this is actually important and not just following the trend that started up recently, but seeing how I technically started this trend I don’t see the need to defend it, but then again the only reason I would need to in the first place (feel the need to еще like it) would be out of insecurity, so really there was no reason and I just did this because I wanted to sound clever so that’s still insecurity I believe. Thoroughly confused? Yay! Let’s watch Inception!

I wasn’t planning to do an update, but there is an actual important topic I need...
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