Sonic Фан Characters Club
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Charity Grace Higawatta
Reason или meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Char-bear
Reason for nickname: It's cute!
Birth date: 2/2/2002
Power: Air (this power has no corrupted mode)
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 11 (13 when she meets Shock in his series)
How old does he/she appear: same age
Weight: 43 pounds
Height: 3ft 3in
Body build: Slim
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye color: Blue
Glasses или contacts: None
Skin tone: Tan (her hands, feet and mouth)
Predominant features:
Type of hair: Thin
Hairstyle: 3 quills on the back of her head and 3 bangs over her face
Voice: High, with a Catanian (Hawaiian) accent
в общем и целом, общая attractiveness: cute
Physical disabilities: None yet
Usual fashion of dress: White shirt, with a розовый куртка over it, and a blue skirt

Good personality traits: She has ADHD, which makes her act all ditzy, hyper and an all-around happy person. She's never usually sad, but there ARE moments when she is--just not often. Despite her lil disorder, she's actually really sweet, nice--and even smart. She's not rude или mean at all. She enjoys helping others as Shock does, and is very loyal, protective and good friend to those she cares for--Shock especially. She learns pretty fast, and adjusts to any kinda situation no matter HOW bad it is.
Bad personality traits: She can be a lil immature at times, and jealous as well. She's not the type with a temper, but if mad enough, she'll attack. Her disorder can make her a TAD annoying или crazy at times, but nothing dangerous. She also tends to be overly sensitive like Shock, only he's been working with HIS and getting better.
Mood character is most often in: Happy, perky, hyper...that's her. She rarely ever cries или feels sad--she's pretty positive most of the time.
Sense of humor: Normal, funny
Character's greatest joy in life: Hanging with her--as SHE says it: Bestest best friend, Chandler and saving the world alongside him.
Character's greatest fear: Is vanishing without a trace just as her family has started to do.
Why?: Cuz FIRST her mother vanished without a trace when she was 6 and her family started vanishing a lil bit over the years. And she lives in fear that she may be Далее to vanish.
What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? If she Остаться в живых her whole family and her only true friend, Shock the Dog and never saw them again.
Character is most at ease when: she's with Shock. Like Davis, she feels безопасно, сейф with him. That, and she just LOVES being around him.
Most ill at ease when: When the Legendary Villain's try to kidnap her.
Enraged when: Shock's hurt или in danger.
Depressed или sad when: She thinks of her mom who vanished when she was little.
Priorities: Wanting a life OUTSIDE of being rich like her family, and spending all the time she can with "her Chandler"
Life philosophy: "Aww! Chandler's so cute when he sleeps!" XD
If granted one wish, it would be: That she had her family back and didn't have to be rich like they are.
Why?: She hates being rich and she hates her rude-butt butler, Mr. Davidson.
Character's soft spot: IDK if she has one yet.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? No
Greatest strength: Her powers
Greatest vulnerability или weakness: Her ADHD
Biggest regret: Not being able to stop her family from vanishing.
Minor regret: None
Biggest accomplishment: Helping Shock save the world
Minor accomplishment: None
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know: Not sure
Why?: IDK
Character's darkest secret: She's another Legend of Nature: Air
Does anyone else know? Shock

Drives and motivations: Well let's see: She loves adventure so I'd say Shock is her motivation. She loves how amazing and Храбрая сердцем he is in battle.
Immediate goals: None at the moment
Long term goals: To brake away from her "rich life" and have fun living life as she wants.
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: By in way she can think of
How other characters will be affected: I...have no idea

Country: Cataran (a Hawaiian-like country)
Hometown: Dunno yet
Type of childhood: Hers was pretty lonely..ish. I mean she HAD friends, but not the one's she wanted. She wanted exciting Друзья and she got stuck with snobby rich brats. Then her family started vanishing for no reason and has been terrified ever since. Like now, she had to be followed around by her also snobby butler. So....her childhood? Crappy XD
Pets: None
First memory: When she met her first friend back in Kindergarten.
Most important childhood memory: The very night her mom vanished. She remembers her mom putting her in постель, кровати and then Поцелуи her goodnight and then the Далее day, she was gone.
Why?: That memory is very important cuz she loves her mom.
Childhood heroes: Shock the Dog, of course.
Dream job: IDK yet
Religion: Christian
Finances: None she's a kid

Country: Cataran
Current location: Dunno
Currently living with: Her snobby, smart-butt butler, Mr. Davidson
Pets: None
Religion: Christian
Occupation: None
Finances: None

Mother: Jessica Higawatta
Relationship with her: Really good
Father: Uknown
Relationship with him: OK
Spouse: None
Relationship with him/her:
Siblings: None
Relationship with them: ?
Children: In the future, her son, Carver the Cat
Relationship with them: IDK yet
Other important family members: No

Color: Pink
Least Избранное color: Green
Music: Pop
Food: Twinkies
Literature: Action
Form of entertainment: Playing video games, hanging with her best friend, Shock, dancing and just doing Болталка stuff
Expressions: Smiling
Mode of transportation: Her powers

Hobbies: Jumping rope
Plays a sport? Soccer
How he/she would spend a rainy day: She lays on her bed, listening to Музыка and watching TV
Spending habits: She doesn't spend TOO much...
Smokes: No
Drinks: No
Other drugs: NO!
What does he/she do too much of? Актёрское искусство all hyper and stuff but she can't help it...
What does he/she do too little of? IDK
Extremely skilled at: Math, despite that she seems all clueless. She's really smart in some things.
Extremely unskilled at: Pronouncing some words. She has trouble with it quite a lot.
Nervous tics: Not sure...she's never really BEEN nervous lol
Usual body posture: Good

Optimist или pessimist? Optimist. She quite positive due to her disorder.
Introvert или extrovert? Extrovert
Daredevil или cautious? depends
Logical или emotional? Depends...she can be logical but not all the time. She's also emotional
Disorderly and messy или methodical and neat? Neat
Prefers working или relaxing? Relaxing
Confident или unsure of himself/herself? Confident! She's pretty dang positive, and not a lotta things bring her down so...yeah.
Animal lover? TOTALLY! She IS an animal so....

How he/she feels about himself/herself: She feels great pretty much 24/7--always hyper, ditzy and happy. But she can get sad and even cry, just not very often.
One word the character would use to describe self: Super-duper cool!
One paragraph Описание of how the character would describe self: I'm fun and cute! I wuv to hang out with my bestest best friend, Chandler. I may have a mental problem, but I'm still smart--and I am NOT stupid. I'm protective and fighter when I push myself. Oh, and did I mention? Chandler's so cute when he sleeps!
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Her protectiveness, despite how clueless she may look to others.
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Her immaturity. She CAN be a tad immature, but not often.
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Her eyes
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Her tail

Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: As сказал(-а) before, she stays positive most of the time, and always forgives and forgets pretty quickly. She believes everyone deserves a секунда chance and always gives it to them. She's not quick to judge and sees the people around her as a possible friend.
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Nope..she speaks her mind and means what she says.
Person character most hates: Her snobby, rude-butt butler, Mr. Davidson. He never lets her do much of anything and insists on talking FOR her, instead of letting her speak her mind like she wants. He gets on her LAST nerve.
Best friend(s): Shock, Kyle, Kori (sorta)
Любовь interest(s): None right now
Person character goes to for advice: Her mom
Person character feels responsible for или takes care of: Shock
Person character feels shy или awkward around: Her other rich, so-called "friends" who are rude and stuck-up like her butler.
Person character openly admires: Shock
Person character secretly admires: She WOULD have someone she secretly admired, but her hyperness wouldn't let her hide it
Most important person in character's life before story starts: Her mommy, Jessica
After story starts: Shock the Dog

Assuming they're strong emotions, how does this character deal with или react to:

Anger: She's hyper like ALL THE TIME, so she rarely gets mad. But when she does, she'll attack Ты without секунда thoughts. But how mad she gets depends on the PERSON who angers her. With Shock, she never gets mad lol

Sadness: She never SHOWS any trace of sadness, like...ever. But when she is, she runs away crying and doesn't handle it well. And like any emotions she's feeling at that time, she'll most likely forget all about at within 5 min XD

Conflict/Danger: When danger arises, she's еще serious than normal--almost like she's not Charity--but someone else. Her face will be as Shock's is. She's calmer and a LOT еще logical.

Rejection: Does NOT take it well. She cries like heck but gets over it within minutes

Fear: OK, easy: she's a scardy-cat, no doubt XD But she isn't ALWAYS scared tho...she faces fear pretty well at times--specially when she's with Shock.

Change: Depends...if it's a GOOD change, then she's like "Heck yeah!". Bad? She doesn't really adjust too well...

Loss: She goes to her room and locks the door and cries her eyes out.

Flirting: Flirting? Oh, heck YEAH she can flirt! She's not sky at all. She'll just smile and often play with her crush's hair just cuz she wants to.

Pain: She takes it pretty good--better than expected. But she DOES have her braking points.

Stress: She never usually let's stress bother her. She's mostly positive and up-beat.

Peer pressure: She may be hyper and ditzy, but no way in HECK is she gullible. She's not easily persuaded.

Guilt: She'll act as tho she's still happy but it does get to her. She'll just stand there and stare--possibly cry.

Being wrong: She doesn't really care either way...she just accepts it.

Being criticized: Oh, gosh does she hate it! XD It bothers her a LOT.

Praise: She's not a big Фан of praise...she's not selfish или stuck-up.

Love: Well THERE'S an interesting emotion, huh? She just goes with it and sometimes flirts with just about every guy she sees. She once went through 10 guys in one week XD

Being hated: She strangely doesn't let it bother her and keeps on being her happy, perky self.

Humiliation: Same.
posted by RawrMonster123
This club is having serious problems. Do Ты know what that is? It's ORIGINALITY!!! So that BlazeCat girl made a Truth или Dare RP. Далее thing Ты know that Kittiez girl made one. 1st I thought that was fine, but then I thought about it, and that's plain copying. SilverAnime122 made a RP on her FC Dominique transforming into her Toxic form. Then before Ты know it that BlazeCat girl makes one that her FC "Sharmaine" transform into a monster from some damn brownies. Like, give me a Dorito and I'll turn into Barney. -.-" That girl that "owns" that FC Diane apparently doesn't. Like really? Ты know that's art theft, right? And it wouldn't of, I think, if Ты asked for permission and gave credit. Plus, Ты can't draw if Ты don't try. -.-" I know I suck but I keep trying. RECOLORS COUNT!! And I don't even need to add the other copiers. Ты guys know who I'm talking about. So people, please, BE. ORIGINAL!!!
posted by silveranime122
 Marth Stegtion
Marth Stegtion
This all the information about Marth.

Name:Marth Stegtion/Project-M
Birth Date:April 17,1995
Power:Speed and change of body hight
Abilties:Understand all lanagues,see at night clearly,far distance hearing,running as fast as Sonic,unlimited hight change
Bio:Was born in the middle of the forest by his parents.Raised until his parents were murderd one night when he was 12.Had to raise himself ever scence.
Job:Has to be a F.B.I. agent in order to be free.
Relationships:He is Dominique's boyfriend.
Likes:Being known as good,with his friends,knowing his Друзья are honest to...
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posted by TakTheFox
Part Four

Rynk had arrived in a different city now. It was less populated then her own, but it was not the population that she interested. She walked across the city’s outskirts, until she had found a still-occupied military base.

“This had better be it.” She сказал(-а) to herself. The lynx-girl then walked up to the gates of the base, and asked if she could meet with someone who she could Вопрос about certain files.

“Are Ты serious?” The man at the gate asked in his booth.

“Well… I was… now I’m slightly less serious, but-“

“You can’t just be handed files like that, Miss…”...
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posted by TakTheFox

The scenario: Creation, and containment of a new stable species.

“Is he controlled?”


The Location: Base-X. X for unknown. In the Metro-city of Mobotropolis Mark 21. On the planet Mobius Zone 12, или as called by the natives “Iblicis.”

“Is he complete?”


The date: The fourth after-apocalypse-world, или еще commonly called “Fourth From-Ashes”. год 5500. January 1st, Saturday.

“Is he… contained???”

“… Completely.”

Chapter one: Happy New Year

Five hours prior…

A almost glowing-red male cat lay unconscious on the floor of what appeared to be a hotel living-room....
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posted by smartone123
name: Moshi

age: 17

Nickname: panda boy,shy guy, and freak

Stereotype:friendly but shy with passion for alot of things

Race: American and chinese

Hometown: forests,china

Birthday: June 4

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Species: great white panda

Gender: male


Allergies:talcum powder

Sexual preference:both

Occupation: highschool

Way of speaking:no way at all,but would be smooth and soft if could

Theme Song(s):
Pierce The Veil - Chemical Kids and Mechanical Brides

Tonight Alive-"wasting away"

Personal Quote:"it doesn't matter what the outside shows,the inside shows the real story"...
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[Warning: minor spoilers sort of...]

I remember how we were born. A stern father who hated us. A beautiful mother who found us disgusting. A pair of parents who abandoned us. Left us out on the улица, уличный in a unstable town. To die. We were punished for something we did not ask for. For our supposed digesting deform we have.

Conjoined twins. That is what me and my brother, Amore were. Connected at the skull and shared a brain. We didn't ask for this. I Любовь to be close with my brother, but not this close.

For years, we lived in alley ways and on the streets. Making money for Показ people our gross...
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Rynk’s profile

Character's Full Name: Relmiss Nyra Avi
Reason или meaning of name: Unknown.
Nickname: Rynk
Reason for nickname: It’s the only name she knows, and the one she made up for herself for no reason.

Birthdate: She’s fifteen, but no one knows her exact дата of birth. Somewhere in April possibly
Astrological Sign: uh… the moon?

Age: 15
How old does s/he appear?: 16 или 17
Eye Color: Mint, with faded blue pupils
Glasses или contacts? No
Hair color: Black
Distinguishable hair feature: Sometimes it looks as if it has stripes on it, but no one knows why
Type of hair (coarse,...
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posted by TakTheFox
Rynk story

Note: This is not planned to be a permanent series, but basically guide-lines to Rynk’s past.

Part one

I had the same dream again. The dream of a giant black tower, with spikes all around it. It used to scare me so much when I saw that, but now it just confuses me. Unfortunately it’s not the dream that becomes the least of my problems. I don’t know why but for some reason every time I have that dream, I wake up as a captive of someone. Here we go again.

In a large darkened room, a female lynx is tied to a chair, with a large black bag over her head, and armed mobians surrounding...
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This is a look into a mind that many don't wanta be in but Ты won't think the same again
(Warning:maybe be awkward and perverted for younger peoples.Also there are Болталка appearances of OCs)
Ok let's take the leap into a regular день of Storm

Just another день in a день of making people give me money and then перфоратор, удар, пунш bad guys but at least i get to cook even though it sucks!whisles absently as her eggs she cooks started to turn from golden to blazing fire....I wonder if tenma will get together with harma?well it isn't my fav couple but their cute..!

"STORM!!"I snap back at the sound of chucks voice...
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AGE!!!!!!!!: IMMORTAL LOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!




BIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: ALEJANDRO WAS BRN IN MEXICO (OLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) N THN HE RRLZED DAT HES DA CHOSEN 1 2 SVE DA WURLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YEH N HES A PLAYA N STUFF N HE HAS A MUSTASHE N STBBLE SO YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NJOY DIS PIC!!!!!!!!! I MDE IT SO YAH!!!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by zougethebat1
Zouge and Videnez was on they way to the park, Mysee and her "friend" were up to something no good."He he he...finally I will finally get red of Zouge the bat and rule the world ha ha ha."Mysee laughed " how are we going to go that."Dead asked "Were going to kill her Ты dumbbell."She yelled "Umm ok jeez."He сказал(-а) "Now as I was saying lets go over the plans."She сказал(-а) "First we kill Zouge then we kill all her Любовь ones then we take over the world ha ha ha!!!" "Umm yeah little plobem were did she go I mean we cant kill her if we dont know were her is?"Sourah asked "O yeah your right."Mysee...
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Sorry that this is a few days late, I was a slacker. Anyways, enjoy! 8D
Today was Christmas. I had been waiting for this день for a long time now. I was inside my home, waiting for Chris to come with a gift, I got him one too. I had invited him the Назад day.
When he came we were supposed to exchange gifts, play some games, and whatever we could think of. He was to come at 5:00 P.M.
At 7:30, he wasn't there yet. I was worried, so I went outside and started looking.
"Chris? Chris?!" I repeatedly shouted. About a halk час later a heard a series of growls...
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posted by zougethebat1
"Why?"Zouge asked." Because u have to."Her mom told her." But I hate Mysee she evil. "O just like you."She giggle. "Well yeah...but she еще evil than me!" Look I don't care your going and thats thats." "Fine but I'm not going to like it."She yelled. Her mother sighed then walked away. Zouge and Mysee hated each other. They always did for many resons but one of the main resons was because that Zouge was a princess and well Mysee wasn't. "Why why do I have to go?"That all Zouge trought as her and her famliy fue to Mysee house...or to her death.
There, Bluebell was waiting, for her current boyfriend, Yang the rabbit. They were both in high school, in the same class. And when Yang first saw Bluebell as a new girl, he knew it was Любовь at first sight. A few days after Bluebell was getting use to the school . . . That was when he asked her to go the the school dance with her. She was happy, but nervous at the same time. Now here she is, in her lovely bright blue dress, with a few bells down the side, waiting for Yang. She was always the earliest at anything . . . Now she was 15 минуты early for the prom to begin.

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Quesiton ONE!!!!!!!
Hello, what is your name?

Tak:... Tak. или do Ты want the longer version...?
Mist: I'm going to try to ignore the strange voice that came from either my head или the air...
Tear:...who сказал(-а) that?
Luner: Luner... wait... WHERE ARE YOU!?!?
Trix: Why do Ты want to know?
Starcher: Starcher Nova. What's yours?
Dark: *Walks away*
Virus: *answers through creepy poem*

Would Ты like a cookie?

Tak: Uh... no
Midnight: SURE! *eats cookie quickly*
Mist: where has it been?
Tear:... no
Luner: Uh... sure. *pretends to eat cookie...
continue reading...
The Далее day, I felt myself passing out again.
"Fight it!" I told myself. I splashed water on my face. "Ahh... Much better," I said.
Suddenly, I heard a completely different, yet familiar voice shout "ACK!! IT BUUURRRRNNNSS!!!"... Through my mouth.
My eyes bulged. I slapped my hand over my mouth. "It's... you." I said. It was Madjin, that Honey барсук guy.
"No really, dumb fu**. Thanks, Captain Obvious," Madjin сказал(-а) through my mouth. "Shut UP!" I shouted.
"I'm trapped in you, and there's nothing Ты can do about it," I said.
"...Well, it's Sunday. CHURCH day," I said.

Later that day, I was at church....
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posted by aly001
1.)Star likes the color pink!
2.)She likes wolfs and dogs!
3.)She has a brother that is 19 years old!
4.)Likes music.
5.)Has a crush on tails.
6.)Has a pet wolfdog mix.
7.)Is always there for her friends!
8.)She wets her постель, кровати because she has bad dreams.
9.)She is sometimes a crybaby.
10.)Loves to sing, alot!
11.)Is Shock's best friend.
12.)Loves to wach the news.
13.)Loves to read the news paper.
14.)Loves to read books.
15.)Loves the color blue.
16.)Hugs alot of ppl that she knows.
17.)Hates ppl that she dose it knows.
18.)She is always happy.
19.)Feels безопасно, сейф with Shock & Emily
20.)For a little girl she can kick ass.
21.)She loves her pet wolfdog mix
22.)Star looks up to shock as a brother.
So many darkened days have passed
So many lonely nights I've had to last

I feel the cold snowflakes dance in my face. They whip my body, than to punish all the wrong choices that I made. Each of the new touch-slit cold-forged my face. Brown hair is even longer memories, the white ice and vapor lock each surrounded by a frigid embrace. Weep, if I could. The cold has Холодное сердце my tears ripsiini, however, and so closed my eyes to the world. I am no longer able to open them, the Холодное сердце tears of punishment. I do not deserve to see anything other than emptiness. Vajoan улица, уличный lamps shine down on my knees....
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Emerald:Makes Breakfast
Milla:Omfg BREAKFAST *grabs a pancake out of the духовой шкаф, печь OUCH!! breakfast *eats pancake* Can We Drive To The Prom Yet изумруд :No Its Not Time it starts at 7:33 Sharp and mollie,sandance,and Rebbecca are still working on there dress Shappire:Time To Go To School And I Will Kill Steve If He Pulls My Hair Again Emerald:You Dont Have To Kill Him Ты can just tell the teacher или hit him Milla:*Calls Asto* Come To The House Now Asto:Okay Im Coming i need to pick up something real quick thought
Milla:Well Hurry UP *Studys* Time To Go To School The BUS!! everyone runs Milla and изумруд : few and its alos the talent Показать aduitions lets go!!!!!!!! Shappire:im going on my cell *sees the internet* Listens to Giflfriend In Portuguese

Stay Tuned For Part 4
Shappire: OMFG i hate it here carlos keeps pulling my hair around like a monkey Starberry: Now Its Horrible Its The 2nd день Besides There Cute Boys Around Prom Is Tomarrow Got Your Dress.Emerald: i have my dress and im taking silver and diamond is going to take shadow или livi i forget.Mollie:Now A Problem I Have To Take My Bro Flame (im not the owner of flame my cuz is)Teacher:Hello Class Take Your Seats James:(throws a paper airplane at mollie) Mollie: Эй, (throws a hard ball at head) Carlos:Dogdeball!!!!!!!!!!!!! (everyone thorws dogdeballs) teacher (face turns red) SIT DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
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