Sonic Фан Characters Club
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posted by TakTheFox
Loner Days

Supreta was named after the group called The Pretas. It was composed of three travelling nations which formed on the brink of extinction. The first group, and largest, was known as The Pers’es of a country we think to be translated as Pers’al. This group was strong, but outgoing. The секунда were the Irnd’as, from what we translate as Indesya. These were somewhat smaller than the Pers’es, but still large, and believed in taking all from others, and accepting no others into their group. The third were the Scats- Do NOT laugh at that! … as I was saying, the Scats came from what we translated as Scotland, though others speculate that they may have originated from a place known as Engrinks. This group was much smaller, but desperate for support.

The Pers’es were willing to accept the Scats in a brief partnership, but the Irnd’as considered this to be a growing threat to their lives. With the threat of the Irnd’as attacking, the Pers’es were forced to decline the Scats’s plea, but the three groups allowed each other to live and travel near to each other, as it was good for warding off other travelling nations. This went on for years up to 0090. A nation much larger than any of the other groups was guarding a precious food-source, and planned to destroy all three of the travelling nations.

The Irnd’as wished to have nothing to do with the other nations, but eventually they agreed to Присоединиться forces, and together they destroyed the giant nation. In the wake of the battle many were killed from the three nations, and Еда was running scarce, but the leaders of the nations refused to take anything from the giant nation they had destroyed.

The Pers’es refused out of guilt for the dishonor that would cause to the souls and families they destroyed. The Irnd’as refused out of strength and personal honor, with a need to Показать their ability to survive and thrive without the aid of others. The Scats wished to take from the battle a reward или medicine, but out of respect for the other nations, they decided to leave it.

The three nations took only what was the original prize, the food-supply that was untouched by the giant nation. This led to the formation of our National Pledge. “We do not take, for they may need, respect opposing enemy. We do not give, for need we too, may weakness cast no shadow on you. We do not spit on saviors’ acts, respect the wishes of those who save you. Respect, Give not, Take not, stand tall, and never let them see us fall.”

As Ты can expect the three nations merged together creating the Pretas. With alike-moral-stances, they continued travelling. They would fight for или against many other nations, but neither give, nor take, rewards. In the год of 0393 they stopped at the Banshee Mobian Empire that was about to be destroyed, which would become the country we live in today; Supreta, the Su meaning “grounded” back then. That however is for a different time.

“Now I’m going to put Ты all into different groups, and each one will focus on one of the three groups. Ты will go over Their strengths, weaknesses, and future influences. Your workbooks will have еще information about that. Ты will all have a week to come up with the assignment so I would suggest staying in contact with each other.” {Well that’s aggravating.}

The students were moved into various corners of the faded-peach-walled schoolroom. Those near windows were forced to close the blinds as to avoid being distracted by the outdoors. They were almost completely evenly-gendered and distributed, with the ages being equal as well. The class had five sixteen-year-olds, six fifteen-year-olds, twelve fourteen-year-olds, and thirteen thirteen-year-olds. Even numbers were the goals, but despite having odd-numbered ages, nine per-group was still possible.

The most notable species was human and wolf, usually arctic волк at a number of six, and very tan-skinned humans, at a number of also six. There were five felines in total of species, and a few foxes, but no reptiles.

Both genders of students wore required attire, with the ages having the Supretan number for their age on their scarves, which would tuck into slabs on their shoulders—right for girls, left for boys—and the uniforms simply being jackets over their own attires. Aside from this, many students usually zipped up their jackets to conceal provocative tops, as many members of the youth were extremely rebellious to the state-moral-code.

The students passed around their contact-information, and those that were unable to give this were informed of meeting places for research. {Thank goodness for that…} Once finished, the children received their personal homework, and were sent out. And now we arrive at the student who does not belong in this school; the illegal.

Sequence One

She looked like a non-striped lynx. She was a lynx in fact, but most simply considered her a simple cat of sorts. She was pale brown-tan completely, with green eyes that had semi-faded pupils. Her hair was long and black, covering half of her left eye. Her arms were large, as well as her feet, though she herself was short, even for her age of thirteen. She had the same uniform as the others, wearing a grey top, and grey pants underneath. She had no need to make herself stand out.

The lynx gathered her Книги and left the class with the other students. She clutched her stomach while it growled at her, attempting to seem inconspicuous. One of other students, a mobian wolf-girl, asked “Hungry right? All these introductions get bored fast.”

She nodded back “Yep…” {I don’t know if I should be еще social about this или not. If I get too social she might try to befriend me… if I actually go through with this project that might need to happen… I’ll see what happens with this.}

The wolf-girl moved on without a thought, but the lynx remained without eye-contact. Maybe she could have hidden through that entire schooling-period if not for the high-price of the pigment-changers given. {Five weeks} She thought. {Lasts five weeks each time. If I want to keep this I need to get еще Purmi… if I end up wanting this.}

She was not fond of the idea; walking, talking, eating, around people that would turn on her the moment they discovered her species. However… as long as she remained disguised she was безопасно, сейф and could eat. The lynx had wanted the chance to visit Ytaris, the Nictrela country, but Purmi would not get here there. She had to leave Supreta though, at one point или another.

Lunch was ending and the lynx was rinsing down her meal with a drinking-fountain’s contents. {If I’m staying here a while I need to get to the библиотека soo-}

“Whoa!” A voice yelped to her left. The lynx’s head spun towards that direction, slamming her forehead into the fountain-spout in the process. She turned off the water spraying her face as she growled and hissed. Her eyes were squinting and could only make out a male figure standing in front of her. “What…?” She weakly asked while rubbing her head.

“Are Ты bruised?” The boy asked.

“Wh- Oh.” She rubbed her head some more. “I don’t know, maybe.”

“N-no, your arm!” He corrected. The lynx’s oversized ears shot upward, nearly scraping against an air-vent. Both her arms shot up to eye-level. They were meant to be completely tan, a pale brown-tan, like her main fur-color, but small blotches of black began to surface. {Five weeks…}

“Yeah, lots of pai- I have to go.” She dashed past the student, and dashed about the school-campus in Поиск of the nearest bathroom. It took longer than she wanted but she made it, and soon emptied the premises with a loud “OUT!”

Few students protested and within two minutes, nearly twenty students were standing outside of the girls’ restroom, some to release bladders, others with concern, and others with suspicion. A teacher walked up to the door knocking on it firmly. “Hello? What happened, are Ты alright?”

{Those lying- how am I supposed to get out of-}

“Who’s in there?” The teacher asked to one of the front-standing students.

“I think her name is Emis.” The teenager replied. “She just shoved everyone out and locked the door.”

“Without a key? What did she use?”

The student shrugged.

“… Emis?” The teacher called out again. “Miss Emis? Please come out.” She turned to a different student near the edge of the crowd. “Go get one of the monitors so we can unlock this door.”

The child nodded and dashed away.

{No windows, stripes coming back, one way out.}

“Move back everyone!” The teacher ordered, with a few of the students aiding her in pushing the crowd away from the door. Once the crowd widened, the woman moved to the door, knocking again. “Please, say something. Are Ты alright? Anything.”

{It’s worn off already!? Ugh! ... Fine; taking the direct route out. Gotta be fast.}

“The monitor is here, Science Tiri.” The returning student panted out upon his return with a tall armor-suited man behind him.

The teacher moved back as the monitor held up a small metal plate to the door, causing the lock to begin glowing. Eventually a clicking noise went off. It was unlocked.

“Stay back everyone.” He ordered while reaching for the handle.

{… Sparta.}

The door was nearly knocked off of its hinges, slamming an imprint on to the Стена Далее to it. The crowd gasped, some screaming, as the transformed figure stood at the doorway, one foot out after kicking the door open, both arms open with claws unsheathed, and a low hiss emitting from her vocal cords.

Moon-curved stripes could clearly be seen on her arms, ears, and face, with glowing-blue pigments fading in and out with each breath she took. Slowly looking up to the audience before her, eyes now a radiating turquoise irises, and blue pupils, a small chuckle escaped her. “The looks on your faces…”

Before anyone could react, she leapt above their heads, sticking to the ceiling above before dashing through the hallway. Soon many students began to follow as an alert sounded. She heard them screaming over and over as she zipped away, “Hellborn! Hellborn!”

Taking a turn to her left, she noticed that the windows were already locked down with a thick metal covering. She would need to go through one of the lower sections of the school. A staircase lay in front of her, with a student in front of it.

“Hellborn!” He yelled, pointing directly at her. The lynx dropped down directly in front of him, hissing out “That’s right!” before swatting him forward, sending the student into the window, then back down to the staircase. By the time he collapsed on the ground, they lynx was already a story downward on the stairs.

As she sped through the hallways the students began to change into adults, and those adults began to change into armored and weapon-holding adults. Those adults began to огонь at her. At the moment they had a good chance of hitting her since she ran on the ceiling, and they on the ground. She needed to make it harder.

She dropped down, slamming both feet on to the head of one of the adults, before back-flipping over to one of the chasers behind her. Both fell in their respected direction as the lynx landed on the ground in a crouching-position. With her at such close range with the others, shooting would endanger hurting one of their comrades, so they would now have to resort to hand-to-hand combat.

Her arm was grabbed from behind, something she could not tell at first before lunging forward. A wince of pain from the jolt came swiftly to her before the lynx spun around, grabbing the man’s arm, and spinning him to the side into a wall, thus releasing her arm. Two came from both directions now, so she quickly spun to a sideways position, and leapt upward, performing a split-kick to both.

She hated using splits as a way to attack. It stung her, and caused her nerves to become fuzzy for a moment, but the lynx would be fine for now. She made her way through the hordes of security, but her stamina would not go forever.

Luckily she had acquired three of the weapons the security-guards held. Each held six rounds of different ammunition. These were Hellborn-killers, meant to drill through Banshee Bones, which were made of metal. One of the settings involved explosives, which would work well against her objective.

Finding a secondary window to her escape, the lynx fired repeatedly with each gun as the chasers were busy trying to ram through a door she barricaded. The first round of explosive-bullets merely caused the force-field around the metal-covering to disintegrate for a time, so she moved on to the second. A hole was made but it was small, too small even for her.

The third increased the hole’s size, but still it was not large enough. It left many secondary-holes around. She would need to break the connections of these holes for an escape. Clutching one of the holes tightly, the lynx began to tug. At first it did nothing, but she began to feel it give. Unfortunately it stopped after an inch and would go no further. {… Out.} She began pushing now. It bent forward. Далее she went in again, then out again, then in, and out, and finally it snapped.

The door was rammed through now, but she needed one еще connection broken for it to be escapable. The pounding of the men’s running sent the lynx up to the ceiling again as they all crowded around the window, instantly realizing what she was trying to do.

“Line up.” She smirked. They were all confused by this statement, but soon discovered what she was referring to as the lynx swung forward, slamming her foot into the front man, which in turn shoved the Далее man against the window.

The first man collapsed from the impact, lying on the floor in pain. With all these men crouched together, they were not able to scatter in time to avoid her attacks, and soon they all fell in a pile.

She took one of the men’s weapons and shot a few еще rounds at the window-covering, causing it to leave a fairly large hole. {Finally.} She looked outward, seeing a nearby building she could land on, then jumped forward.

As she leapt however, a large weight clamped around her waist. One of the men was still conscious. The two were falling to their death, and there was no chance of reaching the other building at this point. This man wanted to kill himself if it meant killing the Hellborn, but the lynx had other plans.

She dug her hands into the wall, her claws heating up quickly as they scaled downward before slamming into the cement below, both damaged, neither dead. Since the lynx was on вверх however, she remained conscious.

The lynx looked over the man, contemplating whether she should take his life. {… Not again… not right now.} Instead, raising the man’s hair, the lynx clawed a symbol of a moon on his forehead. He was awoken by the sudden pain, and attempted to reach up and grab her, but the lynx stopped her foot against his arm, then her other foot against his chest to hold him down.

With his free hand he reached out to grab her. She slammed her teeth on to fingers, cracking them off instantly before spitting them out to the side. The man was obviously screaming at this point, but the lynx covered his mouth. “Shut it.” She hissed. “Your alive because Ты are going to remember me. My name is Rynk, and I’m the Hellborn who let Ты live.”
posted by Dragonfruit44
Note: I am typing with my phone, so sorry for any spelling errors.
"Why didn't Ты guys stop Nook from staring at the crystal? He's your friend, Ты should help him." сказал(-а) Flare. "That's what we've been trying to do! The секунда he looked at it, he was in that little trance. Now we couldn't get him to look away for his life!" Growled Scar," Watch." Scar walked over to Nook and tried to pull him away from the crystal, but Nook just stood like a statue. Scar pushed him until he dug up dirt and still no sign oh movement from Nook. Scar then kicked Nook as hard as he could in the side. Still no movement...
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posted by snootygirl50701
 Gracie the hedgehog
Gracie the hedgehog
Grace the hedgehog

Species: hedgehog/ under ground
Name: Grace Nokia Dash(or Gracie)
Genre: female
Things she loves to do: date,hack into things,dump boys hearts,gymnastics, and many more....
Things she hates: Shadow the hedgehog (when bossy или naggy), Silver the hedgehog ( she has a crush on him that's why and she thinks that he is her Остаться в живых boyfriend : Spike), Her father ( most of all), and many more...
Details of past: she is the princess of an Другой мир of evil with her father (king) as a evil bastard! She continuosly was beatened...
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Cora has always had one hell of a set of ears.

Though it was rather obvious she'd have a good sense of hearing, being a chincilla. She always preferred using them for rather undesirable uses. Eavesdropping, her common hobby involving her large ears. They were always alert for something to drop in on, no matter what the topic was, as long as it caught her interest. Even when already in conversation with another, her brain seemed to able to multi-task. One half of her brain listening to the current conversation, the other half listening in on another. Only people who knew her well and were extremely...
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Ok ppl I'm going to Chang the whole story and put it on a another club called "Emily the hegcat and other Фан charaters" ok. And also I need help on it so help me please! So just go to "Emily the hegcat and other Фан charaters".
link so please be nice and do not quisons Please! Thax for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I'm going to put/say Болталка shit!$&()-$;&£,!+,! n njshejnsjn!-!!boanN!in njkJ$€&&:&:!!.! -! Nnnzn!!nn!!nNnjj&jNn£&&€$$$$€$$$$€$!€$€!$€$$$€$$$$€$€$$€$€$$€$&&&&$€€$€$!!€$€_€€$£&£&£&&££&&jajjjJ$n j nN!£&&££&$$$:;$'-hbwjjdjjJ£~€£.£€~€~€<€£€{*|€€€~!><!~>€€~€€|€€€~€€€\€~£€|€|€|€€|++[£+==[+€^<*<€£¥|££|£~££~€£~¥]•[=[¥€*|•[=[¥££~'fheniiwkkajjfhdjjfhrjjfjjq. Thax for waching!=D
Alright, this is just a gift to four people I like on fanpop. But I'm not telling who they are. Ты gotta geuss. LET DA GAMES BEGIN!

1. Ты were the first person who supported me on fanpop. We wee good friends, and your character was in a lot of my stories. Unfortunately, Ты left fanpop. MAH FIRST FRIEND. I hope Ты come back. *Starts singing* BABEH, COME BACK!!

2. Ты were also one of the first people to support Invader ZIM the Hedgehog. However, i learned еще about your characters and found that your characters might just be a little bit too overpowered sometimes. Eventually I got over that...
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{u r now Чтение the worst fanfic in the history of terrible fanfic overjoy!}

the sea of despair was a dreadful place. it had black sand and the water was black too. and it had huts where the sand ended with long uncut grass. we walk down from our place where we were looking at the пляж, пляжный and looked out over the sea. "a storm is coming" сказал(-а) arc. "well we all know wat that means" i said. u could see the dark облако miles away at sea, those clouds were most likey filled with lightning. the thought of all that wonderful electricity made sparks come...
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So we’ve gotten about five или so new users on the club recently, and that’s great. Ever since the big explosion months back things were rather quiet, but it looks like they’re picking up. I’m hoping to keep the new guys around, and that everyone gets to know each other well enough, as well as their characters and such, so this roleplay is mainly for the people new to our club.

Basically Ты can choose which character to meet of mine and a story will occur depending on the character Ты choose. Again this is mainly for people new to our club, but if Ты have not met these characters you...
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added by FGthehedg3
Source: none
The madness...The madness.Ⓧ

Journeying through the woods in Поиск of notes on the fixed time limit,MTL came across a corpse hanging in the tree...the corpse was holding a note...but it would be disrespect to the dead to remove the note.MTL took the note(1/8Ⓧ)...Then suddenly the owl сказал(-а) "Who-who,to survive in these woods,you must make the right choices,one little slip up spells your,take this." the owl gave MTL a shed key.the owl сказал(-а) "That is all the help I can give you,good luck...and watch out for "him".Ⓧ"...the owl flew away.

MTL went to the shed,it was...
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added by breezethecat
Source: breezethecat
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by PhoenixRoyale
Source: PhoenixRoyale
added by DiamondShadow
Source: With a roxythehedgehog001's base (DA)
added by PercyJacksonluv
Source: to Julissa
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by devilthecat56
posted by Mapware3640
Ok,So this is a constant argument between fans,who is better?The face of gaming,mario или the blast-processing rodent,sonic?well today I got a little theory in honor of 2013,I'm hopefully going to end this argument between both Фан bases once and for all.So first thing first,lets start with both sides abilities and powers.

(Please note,To reserve time seeing my computer is about to crash,I copied and pasted all this information from the mario wiki and sonic wiki while making a few edits,all information is correct.)

Mario's abilities

-Mario's main (trademark) ability is his Jump, which allows...
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added by TakTheFox