Sonic, Shadow, and Silver Club
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posted by Hellowittykitty
WARNING! Contains curse words, descriptive violence, and hints of sexual themes. If under 13, DO NOT READ! But enjoy anyways!

The 3 three thieves. Sonic, Shadow, and Silver. They were the
notorious villains. They украл, палантин things like Еда to big valuable things like diamonds. They lived in a shack at the coast of the колокол, колокольчик, белл Sea, one of the most famous attractions of Motorville. Sonic was scribbling a image of Motorville. He was basically the mapper или planner, whatever the hell Ты want to call it. Silver was the tech man of the thugs, he disables all the security devices and such. Shadow was the violent thug of the group. All he used was weapons. Hell, that Эмо gets his goddamn way all the fucking time. Shadow shot anyone who opposed the group and what they did. He used Оружие and knives. Literally. Sonic and Silver thought that doing this was way too violent and graphic, but Shadow refused. He was kinda the leader of the thieves. Sonic Drew on his paper quickly, wanting to get this over with. Shadow spotted Sonic rushing and mocked, "Blue Blur, slow down. или can you?" Sonic stopped suddenly. He could almost feel the storm облако hovering above his head. Shadow smirked at his insult self-righteously and Silver jitter end in his swivel chair. Sonic gift up and handed his diagram to Shadow, who roughly snatched it away. Shadow yelled," What kind of fucking shit is this?!?!?! Ты can do better than this! This drawing looks like damn cow dung!" Silver chuckled quietly but was silenced by Shadow's glare. Sonic whimpered and coyly took the paper. Fuck him, Sonic thought, he's just an Эмо douchebag. Silver drew on a dirty piece of scrap paper and took notes. Silver was busily hacking into the mainframe of all of the destinations they were going to. The people called them, "The Disastrous Trio." They also developed better mechanisms in protecting their treasures. Now the team had one hope: Project Mayhem.

Project Mayhem was a grand heist that the team used. They would трещина, сплит up in different locations and take Motorville's most prized belongings. It was created by Shadow and Silver. Sonic was too idiotic to use his goddamn brain. The humans wouldn't stand a chance against this master plan. They were easily befuddled. One time, a girl lead the gang into a barber Магазин and they made out with 10,000 big ones. Each one of those hedgehogs can cause at least 5.2 million dollars worth of damage. Damn! Poor mayor, gotta pay all them bills. Shadow smiled as Sonic handed him the paper. It looked much neater now, and Shadow could actually read it. Sonic smiled at his proud work. "Guys, ready to start?" сказал(-а) Silver, as he finished hacking the mainframes. Shadow and Sonic nodded. The team fist-pumped each other and headed out the door. Wealth and fortune awaited them...


Silver teleported to the central area of the town, where the Emblem Tower rests. It houses the Century Necklace, one of Motorville's most prized possessions. Silver smiled. He was glad that his Друзья allowed him to thieve the necklace. Silver entered the Tower happily. The Century ожерелье was created by the founder of the town. His name was Mister Carter. Weird name huh? Super retarded if ya ask me. Mister Carter loved jewels and decided to forge a ожерелье that combined all of his Избранное ones. Silver entered the Tower and saw the group of guards. They were talking and blabbing about no-good shit people don't give a fuck about. Who knew security jobs were so damn boring? Silver smirked. Lazy bums. He did a cartwheel and avoided the guards stares. Silver then arrived in a small corridor. It was filled with ancient artifacts and the like. Silver shuddered as a chill ran up his spine. Creepy. He looked around for a while and spotted a very scary mask. It was a tiki mask that had ruby red eyes that could pierce your soul. Silver raised one eye ridge and shrugged. He opened the door Далее to the mask and arrived in a different room. It was very big, with a purple plant that had long strong stems that looked like they were about to envelop the world. A lone guard stood in front of the elevator Silver needed to proceed. Silver сказал(-а) in a whisper," This is gonna be way too easy. Sonic probably could take on this wimp." Silver snuck behind the guard who was scratching his ass. Slop. Silver jabbed the guard in his back, causing him to fall to the ground. "Fuck!" The guard swore angrily as he limped to his fallen walkie talkie. Silver stepped on his hand. "Ah ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were Ты man." The guard look at Silver quizzically, "Don't kill me dude! I'll pay you!" Silver smirked. He pulled out his firearm and pointed to the man's head. He shot him. Blood splattered on the antique marble floor. "Busted out like a bitch!" Silver scolded as he ran to the elevator. "Time to get that necklace!"

Silver pressed the green button and the elevator ascended. Classical Музыка was playing. He hummed along to the beat and tapped his foot on the ground. Silver saw a security camera and shot it. "Even though I disarmed it already, who gives a fuck if I shoot the goddamn thing?" сказал(-а) Silver. With a ding, the elevator stopped at the вверх floor of the Tower. Silver smiled. He finally made it! But a surprise awaited him. He expected a male guard, but instead he saw a female standing directly in front of the case the Century ожерелье was held in. Silver squinted and saw the figure's color. A rosy розовый skin tone. Silver smirked. He realized who it was. Amy Rose, ex-chaser of Sonic. Amy was humming as she polished the case and checked the necklace. "I sure like this job. Getting paid an excellent salary, what еще could a gal ask for?" She whistled to the tune of Yankee Doodle and looked at the door where Silver stood. Amy was shocked. "YOU!" She yelled, anger in her voice. Silver smirked happily and ran towards Amy. "Hey Ames! How's life going for ya?" Amy pulled out a gun and aimed straight at Silver. Silver acted scared and pulled his hands over his head. "Wowza babe! No time for getting hasty!" Silver etched closer and pinned Amy to the ground. Amy was just about to pull the trigger when Silver clasped her hand and flipped her over. Blood ran down before her nose. "Oh now you've done it! This for my Sonikku!"

Amy charged towards Silver and slammed him against the wall. "I'm not gonna get beaten by a сука this easily!" Silver yelled. He roundhouse kicked Amy in the gut. She fell straight on the floor and twitched. Blood ran down her bruises. Silver felt a pang of guilt, but he quickly brushed the thought of sympathy away. He snagged the Century ожерелье and jumped off the Tower. "Suckers!" Silver screamed as he landed safely on the ground below him. He headed back to base and wondered how the other two were faring. Sonic in particular. He was very clumsy and I mean very clumsy.


"Moving at the speed of sound, that is me! Not those other asses and bitches! Especially Scourge! He's a sorry excuse of a hedgehog! Fuck him!" Sonic yelled as he ran towards his area: Thorndyke Bank. This famous bank holds the изумруд of Promise. This изумруд absorbed thoughts and feelings, such as Любовь and hate. It then combined them into power. Many transformations are possible, but the most common one is going super. Y'know, yellow skin color and red eyes I think. Sonic was on his way to the bank created by Sir Pronvius. He loved jewels and treasure еще than his own family. He abandoned them for his own selfish gain. That little bastard....makes me sick to my stomach. Sonic would've been there but his little sorry behind had to get a chili dog. Damn chili dogs. Damn them all to hell! Sonic swallowed his Избранное Еда whole and wiped the chili off his lips. Sonic couldn't enter into the bank in his form. He pulled out Tails' appearance changer that he украл, палантин four days ago. He picked Rouge's form. He stared down at his massive bosom. "She has BIG tits....." сказал(-а) Sonic as he touched one of them. In Rouge's form, he sashayed towards the bank. He entered and saw a long line. "Damn shitty line....." Sonic cursed under his breath. The line slowly diminished and Sonic arrived at the clerk's desk. He smiled and pulled out a gun. He shot the poor woman in the shoulder. People screamed and shouted. Some called the police and ran. The siren beamed loudly and summoned police officers.

Sonic transformed out of Rouge's form. The police were shocked. Few stuttered words that sounded like gibberish. Sonic smiled evilly and pulled out a gun. "What are you?" сказал(-а) the dumbest police officer. Sonic wagged a finger at the man and tapped his head. "Now lemme think....oh yeah! I'm a real fucking bad жопа, попка hedgehog, Ты fuck bucket!" Yelled Sonic as he shot all of the officers in the head. Blood spilled everywhere. Sonic smiled. He headed towards the room where the изумруд was kept. Sonic was inches away from the treasure he sought after. His hand was shaking. His body was stiller than stone. But then, Sonic was punched in the head. A dark chuckle echoed in the room. Sonic rubbed the back of his head. "'s you." Sonic struggled to his feet and got into a fighting stance. It was none other than Sonic's dopey doppelgänger, Scourge the Hedgehog.

Scourge clapped loudly and grinned evilly. He loved when he saw people suffer. Especially Sonic. "So Blue, what's shaking? Heard Ты started thieving." Sonic readied himself for a fight and gave Scourge a menacing look. Scourge smiled. Jealousy. He liked this. Torture. He wanted to make sure Sonic goes Главная in a casket. Scourge said, "Blue. I have a much better life than you. A girlfriend, a house, a job, and a car. Everything that Ты don't have. And guess what? I'm the bad sexy hedgehog around this town bitch!" Sonic sucker punched Scourge on his face, which caused his shades to break into little pieces. Scourge growled. He shot many magical spears into the air, all aimed for Sonic. Sonic jumped out of the way just in time and spin dashed Scourge right where his scars were. The pain was unbearable. "Now you've done it Blue! Be prepared to go to hell and meet the devil!" Scourge kicked Sonic straight in his crotch. He fell to the floor and fainted. "Now, to take---" Sonic got up at the last moment and head locked Scourge. He fell on the floor, to. E subdued for now.

"I GOT IT!" Exclaimed Sonic joyfully as he snagged the изумруд of Promise. He spec out of the bank just before the fuzz came and pick pocketed the unconscious Scourge. He had a couple of twenties with him, so Sonic snagged those. He wondered if Silver got what he was supposed to get. Another pang of worry struck Sonic's heart. Was Shadow okay? He didn't Любовь Shadow, but the team would be incomplete without a leader. Sure he could be it but Ты at least needed one Эмо in the group. Shadow was beyond fine. He was beating the living crap of the guards.


Shadow was kicking some ass. His destination was the Underground Diamond Mine. He had to find the Sol Scepter. This scepter was made up of raging ruby emeralds, green topaz jewels, and pure gold. It was the most important object of all the three treasures. Shadow was shooting the guards who crashed into the rocky walls of the mine and falling unconscious. Shadow smirked at the guards stress. This fueled him to fight even harder. Such a gunman of passion. Shadow loved Оружие and fights. He was the school bully back when the thieves were little innocent children. Shadow savored these times greatly and kept them in the back of his head. One guard was recklessly charging towards Shadow, who speed tackled him without hesitation. The guard fell down on the floor. Blood spilled out of his mouth and his eyes rolled in the back of his head. "Dumb pieces of shit. They oughta know that I am the Ultimate Life Form in many ways. First one is strength." Shadow walked casually deeper into the tunnel. The tunnel was трещина, сплит into three ways. Shadow shrugged. On TV shows, the middle is usually the right answer. He headed deeper. The light in the main room faded away. As Shadow reached the center of the mine, it was practically darker than the night sky in there. "Hell to the fuck to the no." Shadow gasped. He saw the scepter in plain sight. He knew this was a trap. Who would leave a valuable treasure in the open? Shadow waited. And waited. And waited. Then he couldn't take this shit anymore. He ran towards the scepter and grabbed it. His hand went right threw it. Fuck, he thought, hologram. Then, a siren sounded off. Hundreds of armed guards surrounded Shadow and enclosed in all directions. "Time to die Ты twats!" Shadow yelled.

He removed his Inhibitor Rings and felt a surge of energy course through his vans. "AAARRRRGHHHA!" He yelled. He transformed into Super Shadow. He punched the guards and used his damn fourth Chaos изумруд to use Chaos Control. He reappeared and disappeared to fool the guards. They tried to shoot him, but failed. Shadow used Chaos Spear to stab all the guards. Blood and guts splattered everywhere. Shadow was tired after 45 minutes. He slipped on his Inhibitor Rings and felt a lot еще relieved. A steel door appeared behind Shadow. "Found it!" He said. He entered the room. It was lit by five torches that were nearly dim. The scepter rested in the far corner of the room. He slowly approached it, on his guard еще than ever. Shadow touched the scepter and felt the gold. Yep. It's not fake. Shadow grabbed the Sol Scepter and sped out of the mine. He was stopped by a familiar presence. "Crap! It's you, Ты piece of shit! Get the hell outta my way!" Shadow saw his ex-friend: Rouge the Bat.

"My, my Shady. Never thought you'd get this far. Kind of expected it from a bad жопа, попка like you." Rouge chimed. Shadow's eyes narrowed. He didn't wanna deal with Rouge's annoying утиль, барахло, мусор right now. He rammed into her, knocking her into the rock wall. She frowned. "Ouch." Shadow smirked. Rouge was kind of weak anyways. She clamped up into a little ball and flew away. (Sorry, it has to be brief.) Shadow smiled, he made it out of the mine. Minor injuries too! He headed towards base, knowing that his teammates waited for him. Shadow smiled. The thoughts of riches and wealth possessed his mind. He wondered......was it really a good idea to thief the treasures? But that though faded as soon as he arrived at the shack.

Each thug presented their item. They were actually surprised that the plan worked! All of them became wealthy and they fled to a foreign country in which they made millions of dollars! ( give me reviews please and comment!)
posted by lighting1
Sonic add bin having dreams of is past wen he was little sonic was 4 месяц old in the dreams he was in a test tub in a lab connect to a computer a voice сказал(-а) the project is a wake anther voice сказал(-а) he a baby n is name is sonic he is my son the voice my n who my u be im arim sonic mother I no I'm male but I'm sonic mother n this is sonic father kai arim look like shadow white with light blue quills like Гоку ssj 4 blue eyes light blue they were light blue round is eyes light blue chest мех mark on is arms legs arim was ageless with immortality n kai look like sonic blue with back in is quills...
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Source: Sega
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Source: 😒
added by Seanthehedgehog
added by Seanthehedgehog
For a game about speed, Ты sure have to stop a lot.
added by shadowsexy607
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: Sega and Sonic Team
added by stevensmorgan22
Source: SEGA Nibrorock
added by Shadilver128
Source: Google Обои of Silver the Hedgehog
added by Ryuuto013
added by Ryuuto013
added by Mintenndo
added by Shadilver128
Source: Sonic the Hedgehog Google Обои