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...the series featured numerous guest stars, some of whom have gone on to achieve remarkable success in their careers. Присоединиться Screen Rant as we revisit some of the biggest names Ты might not remember graced the screen in Supernatural. Let's dive in...
Сверхъестественное cast shares on-set shenanigans, favourite lines, memorable moments, and much еще at Comic-Con Scotland
favourite lines
memorable moments
spn con
Here is Some Supernatural Цитаты Not Any Цитаты Only the Funniest xD
hope Ты like

1-Dean:“Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole.”
2-Andrea To Dean:“It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
3-Dean:“Dude, stow the touchy-feely, self-help yoga crap.”
4-Sam: "Why’d Ты let me fall asleep?"
Dean: "Because I’m an awesome brother. So what did Ты dream about?"
Sam: "Lollipops and Конфеты canes."
5-Dean:"Your half-caf, double vanilla latte is getting cold over here, Francis."
6-Missouri to Dean:“Boy, Ты put your...
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added by Harrypotter148
added by ptitemichoune
Source: ptitemichoune
I know Sammy's cute, but he is no Dean. Dean would do anything to protect people from evil, especially his little brother. He acts all tough on the surface, but he's much еще complex than he'd like others to know thats the Dean we all have grown to love

What makes him so very drool worthy
1. Those gorgeous green eyes
2. He makes vulnerable so very cool and sexy.
3. His wicked sense of humor which I love
4. His adorable smile don't Ты just Любовь it
5. Have Ты seen him shirtless?
6. Great hair
7. His great taste in music
8. His Любовь for his car his baby as he calls it
9. How much he loves his little...
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Pretty much what it says on the tin. Dean's emotions in the week between 2x22 and 3x01, just before 3x01

I could feel Sam’s stubborn gaze penetrating me from across the Impala; he was pissed off, and he had every reason to be, I guess. I concentrated on the road ahead to avoid looking in his direction. I would have done anything to prevent how we were now, but I’d had no choice, and as long as Sam knew that, I could die happy. It had been nearly a week since we’d let the Devil’s Gate get opened, and released all those demons onto an unsuspecting human race. I had become extremely good...
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posted by tinkymel
April 25, 1981

 Constance Welch, 24 Authorities attribute her suicide to extreme emotional distress.
Constance Welch, 24 Authorities attribute her suicide to extreme emotional distress.
A local woman’s death was ruled a suicide, the county Sheriff’s Department сказал(-а) earlier today. Constance Welch, 24, of 4636 Breckenridge Road leapt off Sylvania bridge at mile 33 of Centennial highway, and sub-sequently drowned last night.

Deputy J. Pierce told reporters that, hours before her death Ms. Welch logged a call with 911 emergency services. In a panicked tone, Ms. Welch described how she found her two young children, 5 and 6, in the bathtub, after leaving them alone for several...
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To start off, this isn't an Статья meant to badtalk Sam, I was just thinking about why I don't like him as much as I like Dean.
What got me thinking was a pick on the Winchester Spot link
The options were:

Dean's ability of protecting Sam at any cost <3
Dean's unique style
His looks ;)
He's a tough guy / bad-boy
Dean's humor XD
All valid reasons why I like Dean, but none of them really explained why I didn't like Sam(not that I hate him!). He's intelligent and brave; handsome and charming. So why don't I like him as much?

When I thought about it for a bit, I realized that I could...
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added by Natalie88
Source: mine
added by LoganLermanGurl
added by Lucia322
season 1
added by samgirl07
Source: being-incognito.tumblr
added by Naturally_Super
added by sowmiya20
added by simovska
added by HorrorFan101
added by s_joj02010
Source: jared padalecki and jensen ackles (j2)
added by MattCohenasFD