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This was confirmed by Bob Singer just today @ Comic-Con :)
5 fans
This one's cool! Ты get to nominate your favourites in 25 categories, based on the CW's 2008-2009 TV season!
5 fans
An Статья speculating what'll happen with our fav tv show, after season 5....
5 fans
#6 Jeffrey Dean морган Фаны loved him as Papa Winchester on Сверхъестественное and Denny on Grey’s Anatomy, so why hasn’t someone дана him his own Показать yet?
5 fans
5 fans
A complete rundown of Jensen Ackles' personal life and professional career.
Больше года
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5 fans
Voting starts June 25! Vote for Jensen Ackles as Best Actor/TV; "The Monster at the End of This Book" for Best Episode/TV; Сверхъестественное for Best Series/TV;, and SupernaturalTV as Best Website.
5 fans
5 fans
Hindustan Times
5 fans