A CDC scientist has called on the nation to Отменить Thanksgiving, but many are suspicious of the announcement, since the scientist looks remarkably like a turkey wearing a lab пальто and sciency-looking glasses. The Babylon Bee, 2020.
Wikipedia's mega-list of alllll the Thanksgiving episodes and specials.
For the most adorable, perfectly portioned feast. Recipes from Tasty.
100 Thanksgiving sides from The Pioneer Woman.
If Ты would like to Отправить an Иконка (100x100 px) или banner (800x100 px), just have them in the image section with "suggestion" in the Название by Saturday, November 27, and it will be included in the pick.
from It's a Southern Thing, 2018.
This год marks the 400th anniversary of pilgrims arriving at what’s now known as Plymouth, Massachusetts. Thanksgiving день is a reminder of the slaughter of millions of Indigenous people and the theft of their lands by outsiders.
A CDC scientist has called on the nation to Отменить Thanksgiving, but many are suspicious of the announcement, since the scientist looks remarkably like a turkey wearing a lab пальто and sciency-looking glasses. Babylon Bee, November 2020.
Years of elementary school history lessons taught us that Plymouth, Massachusetts, was the site of the first Thanksgiving. Those lessons were false. By Matt Blitz for The Washingtonian, 18 NOV 2018.
"PILGRIM HALL, built in 1824, is a gallery museum in the center of historic Plymouth, Massachusetts. The nation’s oldest continuously–operating public museum.."
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