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First ever horror story! Hope I do good!

CC had trouble keeping a straight face at the breakfast таблица that morning. She kept waiting for Skipper to pick up his mug, and take a nice, long sip of coffee. She had been planning this joke for days, and to make the fact she made his coffee for him that morning seem less suspicious, she's been making it for a week beforehand. Now, it was the moment she had been waiting for. Skipper reached towards the table, and wrapped his flipper around the tin handle. He pulled it toward him, stirred the рыба tail a few times, then lifted the mug to his beak. CC watched, surpressing her giggles, as he took a long sip.

Evidently, he spat out the coffee, making a messall over the nearest wall, and gave a disgusted protest.
"What the deuce?"

CC could hold it in no longer, and fell out her seat, laughing hard.
"The... look.... on your.... face!!" she cried between breaths. She stood up again, still laughing a little. "Pricless."
The only other one laughing was Rico, but Skipper him sucha dirty look, he stopped abruptly. CC began to laugh again.
Skipper threww his half-emtpy mug across the room, and hit the Стена just to the left of CC's head. She stopped laughing, and watched at the mug dropped to the floor, spilling teh remaining liquid everywhere.
"What makes Ты think this is so funny?" he asked.
"What?" CC asked. "It just was!"
"Putting salt in my coffee is funny?"
"YES!!!" CC cried, and began to laugh again. Skipper growled.

Later that morning, before the zoo opened, but after training, the Penguins were just chillin' on their habitat. It wa a beautiful summer morning, and CC and Private couldn't resist a swim before being cute and cuddly. Private just floated lazily in the water, while CC was practising dives, and racing around the pool.
"How fast was that, Kowalski?" she panted, after her latest lap. Kowalski, who was timing, checked his stopwatched. (NOT the one from Time Out)
"five point thrty-eight seconds," he said. "Fastest time yet. Are Ты going to go again?"
"Nah," CC replied, climbing out. She shook the water out of her feathers, and pulled her hair into a ponytail.
"CC," Skipper said. "I need to talk to you." CC went up to him.
"Yes, sir?"
"Come into the HQ," Skipper said. "I want to discuss about this morning's little joke."
"Um... I don't think that's such a good idea, sir," CC quickly said.
"And why not?"
"Um... it's just that... uh... it's such a beautiful day!" She gestured to the sky, and everything around her, smiling nervously.
"Uh-huh," Skipper said, and climbed into the HQ. "Come into Kowalski's lab."
"NO, SIR!" CC jumped down the hatch, and tried to stop Skipper from entering the lab, but it was too late.

Skipper opened the door, and a bucket of old, rotting рыба fell on вверх of him. CC hesitated, and backed up against the far wall. Skipper was shaking from rage, and as soon as he pulled off the bucket, he had CC pinned to the wall.
"I'm sorry!" CC сказал(-а) in a small voice. "That was meant for Kowalski!"
"I DON'T CARE WHO IT WAS MEANT FOR!" Skipper boomed. "You are going to have to be severely punished, young lady!"
"Yes, sir," CC said, in a smaller voice, almost inaudioably.

Kowalski and Private jumped into the HQ.
"What's going on?" Kowalski asked. Then he saw Skipper covered in rotting fish, and CC cowering in the corner.
"Let me guess, another joke?" Skipper's eye twitched, and he quickly left the HQ before he did some serious damage to the пингвин responsible. CC slid down the wall, and sat in the corner. Private went over to her.
"Doesn't he have a sense of humor?" she asked quietly.
"Not as much as others," Private answered, sitting down Далее to her. "What was he covered in?"
"Old, rotting fish," CC replied. Private paused for a moment, then began to chuckle softly.
"Well, he did look a right old fool, didn't he?" CCturned to face him, shocked he would say that about his comanding officer.
"Yeah, I guess he did," CC slowly admitted, with a small smile. "Imagine what Kowalski would have looked like! That joke was meant for him, after all!"

CC had to avoid Skipper for the rest of the day, but that wasn't too hard. After zoo hours, she sneaked off to Marlene's habitat to tell her all about it. The two had a good laugh.
"And Ты should have seen his face when he tasted the salty coffee!" CC said. Marlene giggled.
"Wish I could've been there!" she smiled. "But what about when Ты go back? I'm sure he'll be on Ты like a hungry tiger!" CC gave Marlene a look.
"Don't Ты know how worth it it is?" she asked, and began to laugh again. Then a mischivous smile crossed her beak.
"And I know just what to scare the feathers off him!" she grinned, and ran out of the habitat. Marlene looked towards the door, with a confused expression.

Stay tuned for the first official chapter of Nightmare in Central Park! CuteCuddly out!