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Do We See Her Ever Again?

Well, this chapter is kind of bonus chapter. This will be about Nature Festival. Enjoy!

Chapter 5: It's Party Time!

* Princess Crystal's POV , Linphea 's Royal замок *

I stared silently out of the window of the Great Hall. The sky is clear and cloudless, the air is warm, and I should be happy, but I'm not. I sighed and stared out еще closely. Soon my mother, the Queen, came to me.

" Are Ты waiting for Flora ? " She asked me. I nodded quickly, and looked at her.

"Do Ты think she will come?" I asked her. She chuckled.

"That was like, the tenth time today, when Ты asked about that, and this is the tenth time when I answer in the same way. Yes, she will. Why not? Has she ever missed the party?" My mother replied. I looked at the ground, before I answered.

"No." I replied . She smiled to me.

"That's right. And I believe that she will not miss this either. Now, come on, help us with decorations."

"Mom! Do I have to? Isn´t that servant´s job? " I grunted.

"Oh come on, Crystal. Показать some party feel !" My mother said, and started to walk away.

"Ugh, fine... " I sighed and began to follow my mother.

* Flora's POV , In Limousine *

I watched the passing wiew. The wiew was beautiful and breathtaking. I've been sitting in limousine (send by Princess Crystal) for an hour. It has been tiring, so it's no wonder why Sophie has slept the whole trip. Soon, the wiew became familiar. We would soon arrive to castle, I think.

"Hey David , how much longer? " I asked the driver, who happened to be my friend David.

"Not much longer, Flo. We arrive soon to the замок courtyard." He answered. I sighed with relief. At last, I can get out of this car.

* Princess Crystal's POV *

I walked a couple of steps back and looked at the wiew. Each side of the ballroom was decorated the different colored balloons, streamers and ribbons. Thus one of the corner of my eye twitch out. I looked out, and saw something that cheered me right away: limousine was back! I looked around for my mother, and soon I saw her. She was talking to a servant.

"Mother, Flora is here!" I cried out loud, and started to run towards the large frontdoors. When I came out, Flora was taking her bags out of the car.

"Flora " I called out to her. She turned, and smile grew on her face. Soon I was

"Crystal ! It is lovely to see you!" Flora said, and hugged me.

"It's nice to see Ты too. How are you? How was your trip? Did Ты take Sophie with you? How does she look ? I think she is beautiful, like her mother!" I asked excited. Flora only laughed.

"Take it easy. I'm fine, the trip was a little boring, yes, and for the last question... Ты can look for yourself..." She said, and opened the car door. She took Sophie to her arms and turned around. I looked Sophie. She was one of the cutest Дети that I have ever seen.

"OMG, she is so adorable! Hello Sophie. I am Princess Crystal, but Ты can call me Crissy if Ты want." I сказал(-а) to baby.

"Do Ты want to hold her? " Flora asked me. I looked up to her.

"Can I?" Flora smiled and nodded. Carefully I took Sophie from Flora´s arms. I held Sophie gently. Suddenly Sophie yawned and opened her eyes. She began to giggle when she saw my face .

"Hey Flora, look! She likes me! Wow, she has Helia's eyes! And your hair! You're a lucky girl, because Ты have a cute little daughter, a caring boyfriend and the best Друзья in the world. I am so jealous of you! I told her. She took Sophie back and laughed.

"Yeah , I guess that I am a lucky girl. But can we go to inside? It's getting hot, and Sophie does not like, if it's too hot." She asked. I nodded, and we headed towards the castle. On the way Flora began to speak.

"Hey Crystal." I looked at her.


"Since when Ты has been named Crissy?"

We laughed together, and raced towards the castle.

* Queen Of Linphea POV *

I was talking to servants, when the door opened. I looked to the door, and saw my daughter. She was accompanied by the Flora. I smiled and started walking towards them. When I got to them, I hugged Flora.

"Hey Flora. You're a grown up! " I сказал(-а) happily. She smiled.

"It is a pleasure to be back here, Your Highness." She said, and curtseyed. I laughed a little bit.

"So Ты still have you´re manners, right? I have сказал(-а) this many times, that Hannah is enough! " All three burst into a fit of laughter. Soon we heard the Sophie giggle when David came to us Sophie in his arms.

"Here Flo. She's an angel, like her mother." David said, handing the baby to Flora. Flora blushed and waved good-bye to David. David bowed to me and left .

" So.... This is Sophie ?" I asked. Crystal and Flora nodded. I looked directly in Sophie's eyes. When I looked at them , I felt a wave of heat go through me. A similar wave when I first met my husband, Christian...

* Queen's flashback , 21 years назад *

I was in a neighboring planet. We had come here to spend the holidays over to the king and queen, because they were my mother´s and father's friends.

I ran through the forest with tears in my eyes. How my parents were able to do this to me? How could they imagine my future happiness by marrying a stranger? I do not even know the Prince Christian, and now I'm being forced to marry him! " Do it for your kingdom! " , they said. Damn , sometimes I just hope that I would not be a princess...

"Aah !" I shouted. I Quickly fell backward to the ground.

"Oh, sorry! I would have to look towards, and..." I сказал(-а) when I stood up. I straightened my dress and I lifted my eyes . And that's when I saw him. A handsome , fair-haired man. His hands were muscular, and his eyes ... Oh, they were blue as the sky and deep as a sea...

"Hey, are Ты okay? " Even his voice sounded like Ангелы singing. Then I came back to reality.

"Umm, yes. I'm fine." I said, and forced a smile to my face. He smiled, too
"Well then, I am glad that Ты are okay. By the way, I am crown prince Christian of Katendell." "Prince Christian? Is he my soon-to-be-husband?"" It is an honor to meet you, Prince Christian. I'm Hannah. " I introduced myself .

" So... why a beautiful woman, like you, is running through the forest with tears in her eyes?" He asked. I blushed and started to walk towards the rocks. He followed me. When we got to the rocks , we sat down to them. I began to speak.

"Well, I'm bethored." I explained to him. Tears began to fall down my cheeks. He wiped them out in amazement.

"But what is wrong is to be engaged? I thought that getting married with the prince of your dreams is girls big dream." He asked. I nodded.

"It is. But my marriage... It is an arranged marriage." I told him . His jaw dropped, but he closed it soon.

"I understand. I am too in an arranged marriage." He said. I looked at him.

"Really? To whom? " I asked, though I knew the answer.

"She is Princess of Linphea. Hanna, Hannele, Helga... или something like that." He said. I nodded.

"Christian ... I have to tell Ты something. I am Crown Princess Hannah of Linphea, your fiancee..."

* End of flashback *

I quickly returned back to reality. I looked at Sophie , and I made my decision.

"I think that I will give her a gift. " I said, and I looked at Flora. She nodded her head.

"Ooh, what a gift? Tell me! Tell me! " My daughter сказал(-а) excited, but calmed down when I started to talk.

"I'll give her the Gift of Listening." I said. I heard my daughter sighing at disappointment.

"Mom, I really believe that Sophie is not deaf." She said. I laughed.

"I did not mean that, sweetheart. I mean a Gift of Listening. It is a gift that will allow Ты to understand the plants, animals, and things talk. It also makes Ты a really good listener." I explained to my daughter.

" So Ты can understand what Животные или plants say? " My daughter asked. I sighed.

"Yes, it means that. Now, is it alright with Ты that I will give her this gift, Flora?" I asked her.

"Of course it is. Go ahead. " She said. I nodded and closed my eyes. I put my hand on Sophie's forehead, and I focused. Soon, my hand began to glow, but it stopped soon. I opened my eyes and smiled to Flora.

"Now she has the Gift of Listening. " I told her. She hugged me quickly.

"Thank you." She whispered softly. I straightened my dress a little bit, and I looked to my daughter.

"Crystal, take Flora to her room. I have to go now. "I told them . Just before Flora was leaving , I grabbed her hand, and smiled.

"And Flora. Welcome back to the castle. "I told her. She grinned to me and went after my daughter.

* End of POV , Time skip : party night *

* Flora POV , in the ballroom *

I walked towards theballroom´s benches in a розовый dress. (AN. Flora's dress is the same dress, which she wore when she went Sky´s party to Eraklion with Winx girls in season 3.) I sat down on the bench and sighed. All this dancing is tiring. My feet are really killing me! I closed my eyes, and I relaxed until a familiar voice called out my name.

"Flora! Is that really you?" I opened my eyes and saw a girl with red hair running towards me. I fast got up and hugged her.

"Mirta, it has been so long. How are you? " I asked her happily.

"I'm fine. What about you? Where have Ты been? We're been looking for Ты all over in Alfea." Mirta said. I grinned to her, and grabbed her hand.

"Quickly. Follow me." I сказал(-а) and pulled her to the door of my room. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer.

"Come in." сказал(-а) the maid in inside. I opened the door and stepped in, Mirta following me. In the room was a black haired maid. She got up and curtseyed.

"Lady Flora, did Ты came to take a look at the Little One ?" She сказал(-а) , and walked over to the crib.

"Well yes , I would like to introduce her to my friend. Oh! I completely forgot! Mirta, this is Heidi. She is one of the замок servants, and also my family friend. And Heidi, this is Mirta, one of my best Друзья in Alfea." I сказал(-а) with a smile when they shook their hands. I walked over to the детская кроватка and grabbed Sophie gently to my arms, trying not to wake her. Mirta walked up to me and grinned.

"And this is the reason why Ты left Alfea?" I blushed and nodded lightly.

"She's a really arodable! What is her name?" Mirta said.

"Her full name is Sofia Ashlyn Odette Of Linphea, but everybody call her Sophie." I сказал(-а) to her.

"It´s beautiful name. I like that. It´s suitable to this lovely girl. " Mirta said, gently stroking Sophie's cheek. I laughed.

"Why does everyone always say that she is a lovely? Yes, she's cute, but i will soon get bored with that."

"What? It's a fact !" Mirta said, and laughed. I put Sophie back to sleep, and then we went out of the room.

* Clock 23:55 *

I was talking with Mirta the whole night, and the clock began to approach the middlenight. Then i remember important question.

"Mirta, why are Ты here? I mean, it's wonderful that you're here, but how did Ты get here?" I asked her. She laughed and took a sip from her champagne glasses.

* Well ... A little after Ты left Alfea , I met boy named Jonathan. We became friends, and now... we're dating. The thing is that he is from Linphea, so he invited me to come here." She сказал(-а) nervously.

"Really? Congratulations!" I сказал(-а) and hugged her.

"Thank you. Hey, there he is. Jonathan! Jonathan! I'm here!" Mirta waved to him. Dark-haired boy noticed us, and walked over here.

"Hey . I'm Jonathan , Mirta´s boyfriend." He сказал(-а) to me and shook my hand.

"I'm Flora . Linphea´s guardian fairy, member of Winx Club, and my boyfriend is Helia , member of Specialist. Also, I am the mother of a little girl."I told him. Jonathan seemed impressed. He looked at the clock and then Mirta.

"Honey, we better go if we want to see the fireworks. It starts just in few minutes. "Jonathan сказал(-а) to Mirta. Mirta nodded and looked at me.

"Flora, would Ты come with us?"

"I do not want to bother you..." I resisted. Mirta giggled.

"You will never bother anyone, even if you´re trying. Now come on!" Mirta said, dragging me out with Jonathan.

* Outside , clock 0:12 , Flora POV *

The last fireworks went off quietly, and the silence fell into grond. All the others started to leave, but just me, Mirta, and Jonathan stayed in the yard.

"Mirta... It was wonderful that Ты were here, and we saw each other at last. I'll miss you, so take care of yourself." I сказал(-а) to Mirta, and hugged her . She had tears in her eyes.

"I'll miss you, too. Come back soon. " Mirta said. I nodded and pulled apart. I looked to Jonathan.

"Jonathan , it was nice to meet you. I know, that i do not know you, but do me a favor . Take good care of Mirta while I'm gone . I think that over time Ты realize what kind of discovery Ты did when Ты met Mirta. " I сказал(-а) and we shake hands.

"It was an honor to meet you,too. I hope that we will meet again sometime. Also always remember that Iwill take care of Mirta, even if it's the last thing I do. "Jonathan сказал(-а) with a smile on his face.

"But now ... I think that it is time for goodbyes. Just take care of yourself, and be healthy. I wish Ты all the best. Good-bye."I told them when they left. Mirta turned and waved to me.

"Take good care of yourself and come back soon! Goodbye Flora!"

I waved back and watched when they walked away from the courtyard of the castle. When I can no longer see them, I turned and started walking towards the castle. In halfway of my walk I stopped and closed my eyes. Everywhere was quiet. I took a deep breath and listened to the silence , enjoying the balance. After a while I opened my eyes and smiled.

Spring had finally arrived to Linphea.
posted by tecna535
 Gem Of Mind
Gem Of Mind

Gem of Mind is Tecna's special Believix power which she can use to make people believe in magic или overcome their weaknesses. She can use this to make people think correctly and put themselves on the first place. It is used twice in Season 4.

Times When Used

Season 4 Episode 10 - Used it to stop the fighting girls about a dress and put them in секунда place.

Season 4 Episode 11 - Used it to make some thieves realize that what they are doing, is wrong.


Bright сердце is Musa's Believix power that can make people believe in magic. She can also make a person believe that they can indeed change....
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THE Остаться в живых HEIR:

Chapter 5:

The women clapped her hands together, "Well, now that we've got that out of the way, I believe Ты all are tired from your journey. Come we'll give Ты supper, and then we'll get Ты rooms." Suddenly they all realized just how hungry, and tired they were.

"Thank-you um. . . ." Bloom said.

"Please call me Andromeda." The women said.

"Why are all our names Greek?" Artemis asked.

"Oh, and for the first few days try to ignore any of Artemis's sarcastic или unlikeable Комментарии . . ." Andromeda said.

"They should, I'm the only one with good judgement around here." Artemis...
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posted by winkslover22
sky just broke up with bloom. what bloom did't know was its her twin sister. her sister is the goddess of magic.

hey bloom. what stella bloom said. guess what their a new fairy at alfea she looks exaclty like u. really bloom said. come look: stella. bloom:fine. roes: bye sky Любовь Ты to. sky:love Ты roes have fun at alfea call me when your done unpacking. Roes:i will. roes:i better head to my dorm. Bloom: Эй, watch it. Roes: sorry i didt see u. can Ты help me find my dorm? bloom: sure let me see your paper. ok your in the same dorm as me. Roes:cool. thanks.Roes: whats your name im roes. Bloom...
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posted by nugget14
Nova is a fairy at Alfea from Solaria. Her first appearance is in episode 4 of season 3. She is from Solaria, the same realm as Stella. She helps fill in the news for Stella and tells her the latest gossip for Solaria. When the Winx went to Andros to slow Valtor's takeover of the realm Nova helped Stella cover up for them.

Nova also helps Stella and the Winx Club to sneak into King Radius's wedding by suggesting they impersonate the flying biker troop.

First appearance: The Mirror of Truth
Age at first appearance: 16
Origin: Solaria
Affiliations: The Winx (friend), Alfea, Solaria
Power/powers: Stars
Relationship: Stella(princess and long time friend), unnamed mother

Info from winx club wiki
 Nova's magic winx outfit
Nova's magic winx outfit
They hoped in the ship and went to пицца Plaza. Once they had finished eating, the boys dropped the girls back to Alfea.
Once Musa and Tecna were back in there room Musa asked Tecna:

Musa: Did Ты see the way Riven kept looking at Galatea, the whole time.
Tecna: Well, sort of. Why?
Musa: ummm.....well. Ты don’t think that Riven likes Galatea do you?
Tecna: What! That’s completely illogical. Riven likes you.
Musa: Yeah, well now I’m kinda if he really does.
Tecna: ummm. Don’t get up me, by me saying this but I do sort of think that Riven was kinda lookin at Galatea, strangely.
Musa: I knew...
continue reading...
 The Winx!: In the First Movie!
The Winx!: In the First Movie!
Hello there! Well- I was undeniably very bored, so I decided to write this article! Some users say that their 'Winx Fanatics' but, will this Статья prove them wrong, and prove that you're actually the one who is the fanatic? Find out and enjoy! :)


Everyday Life

When Ты wake up in the morning, the first thing Ты want to do, is count или look over all the Winx stuff that Ты have. May it be dolls, books, games или clothes! Ты just want to re-check it once again. Ты go on with your day, possibly wearing clothing imprinted with Winx, or, with anything...
continue reading...
And now the секунда part(pleease Комментарий and go to see my ''a guide to edits made by 4Kids to Winx Club''and Комментарий ther too..:-):-)Hope Ты like it!!!

More Than High School
(European title: "Welcome to Magix!")
We meet Stella and Bloom's roommates. Let's go over the edits (and non-edits):
Removal: A shot of a few students entering Alfea gets link
Not an edit: No one points out that Bloom's pet rabbit Kiko passes through the magic barrier perfectly fine in either version, but originally at least, they Показать Kiko reacting to passing through just fine.
Addition / Visual: The shot of Stella talking...
continue reading...
Winx Club are back! Now they'll have to reach the Believix level, a new transformation that grant the ability to make someone believe in magic. In addition, Believix also gives 3 additional wings to make the form еще powerful: Speedix (speed enhancement), Zoomix (teletransportation), and Tracix (travel through time). They will also meet the Wizards of the Black Circle, a group of villains who are after the last fairy on Earth, in order to gain full power. Winx Club will have to find her protect her from the the Wizards, but they have to go unnoticed. In order to live on Earth, they will open...
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posted by tslol99
 the outfit Stella wears talking to Cassie the Далее morning
the outfit Stella wears talking to Cassie the next morning
Stella just insulted Cassie and Cassie ran out crying

Stella's mom: Stella I want u to go apologize to her
Stella: But mom I-
Stella's mom: A a a no buts
Stella: Fine
(gets up)
Stella's mom: No I want u to apologize tomorrow
Stella: Y tomorrow
Stella's mom: I want to give her some time to cool off
everyone but Stella looks at each other

the Далее morning
Stella knocks on Cassie's door not happy или sorry

Stella: Cassie can I talk to u
Cassie: What do u want Stella
Stella: I wanted to talk to u about last night
Cassie: O do u I bet mom told u to go am I right
Stella: Umm sure but really I want to say that I'm...
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posted by tslol99
Musa just found out that her dad lied to her

Tune: And lieng is not propper manners
Musa: Okayyy dad y would u do that
Musa's dad: That is not the only thing its u rarely call anymore and the last time I checked your grades they seemed lilke they were slipping
Musa: Thats not the piont u lied to me
Musa runs off with Tune behind her

Riven just got to Melody and is lost

Riven: Where in the world am I
a Болталка person: U r in Melody of course but to b еще spasific u r in Quarter Note
Riven: Okayyyyy um do u know were Rhythum...
continue reading...
"Its awesome, its amazing its wonderful!" Squeled Flora, clapping her hands as she did a little twirl, followed by еще squeling.
"I know, a week back at good old alfea, a week of lecturing first years on bio-genetic reactions! OMG, its gonna be great!" Agreed Tecna, stuffing her сирень suitcase with all her valuebals: A dna detector, Three text Книги marked as "Tv watching for dumbies, volume 1: Switch it on first!" and of course, her secret stash of chocolate.....
"Um....Actually, i was thinking еще about Miele's birthday and seeing the pixies again....But I'm sure giving science lessons will...
continue reading...
posted by iwatchthestars
 Hmm.. Tecna is digital ! :>
Hmm.. Tecna is digital ! :>
(The Название was supposed to be "Computers loose memory, so as humans" but, I like this Название better)

Tecna: Эй, girls ! check out my new Chrommo computer load !
Stella: English please?
Musa: Her new, computer software, Stella.
Stella: Ohh.. ok, but whats еще exciting is this ! My new dress !
Layla: It looks lovely Stella
Bloom: Its so beautiful !
Tecna: Ugghh !
*Tecna leaves*
Musa: Tecna...
Flora: Poor girl, no one notices her..
*Musa mad, looked at the three girls who were talking about dresses*
Musa: How could you? Tecna was Показ Ты something and Ты ignored her !
Flora: That wasnt very nice guys.....
continue reading...
'I wish my firends were here to see this.' Thought Tecna as her eyes rapidly watched the tiara, she was going to be queen! "And now," Annouced the posh man. "And now we shall have a new Queen on the трон now that the current king and Queen have retired to their palace!" He went on. "Please may be and princess Tecna have a moment, but for your entertainment, we have have a performance of our Популярное band: Purple day!" Declared the man as the famous band (well, famous on Tecna's planet.), arrived on stage and started playing while the man lead Tecna behind the big platform. "I remember a band...
continue reading...
Musa paced along the grand alfea corridors. She had already graduated but she wouldn't be leaving for a week. She couldn't wait to go with the rest of her winx club pals for еще cool adventures! but for now she wanted just one еще week at alfea, as she knew she would miss her good old school dearly.
'Well better make my way to my room.' she thought taking a long stare at the classrooms and students as she strutted by; she knew it was one of last chance.
She swung open the door to her room to reaveal a spotless bedroom. Everything was as perfect as well...alfea.
Musa sighed. Oh how she'll miss...
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added by nmdis
added by Raghad20
added by SummerThunder
So everyone was doing one of these and since I Любовь a lot of people on here as well, of course I gotta do one! Just an fyi: I Любовь this entire spot. This is the first one I joined, and where I made my first Друзья and where I got my first medal. I may know a few of Ты еще than some, but I Любовь Ты all. So, without further ado, let's get this started! *black eyed peas Музыка starts playing*

camirite (Celine): I know most of Ты might no know who she is, and even though she might not be very active on my spot...she's my ultimate bro. We met when I started this fan-fiction about a год ago....
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I've wanted to do this for a while, but I never had the chance to. I Любовь this Показать and I've decided to write an Статья listing the six Winx girls in order from least Избранное to favorite. Also, I'm not including Roxy because she's not technically a Winx, since she was only a main character for one season. I'm going to do this Список on the official Winx girls. However, I do really like her. Please leave a Комментарий telling me what Ты think.

6. Bloom
Okay, I'm just gonna be brutally honest here. I HATE Bloom! She's a total Mary-Sue! Everyone falls at her feet and worships her. Plus, her boyfriend...
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added by lovebaltor
Source: deviantART User: FitzOblong