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I can't feel my senses I just feel the cold. All Цвета seem to fade away I can't reach my soul.

She never quite liked it at all. The feeling of her powers. She wasn't born with them, not like the others. It was by chance.

By tragedy.

That she had come into them.

The cold was stinging, paining. She had struggled to get away from it, logged to get away from it. She was dying. It was killing her all too slowly.

Killing her until all she could feel was the cold.

Just when she thought she was Остаться в живых to the frost; her blood Холодное сердце through and through, сердце slowed to practically dead.

Just when she couldn't feel her own soul...

By some act of mercy или resent from nature, a sort of magic awakened within her.

Her body went cold, completely so.

No matter how much snow she brushed out of her brunette hair, the white remained. Her skin all to pale for what it once was.

Her nails dug deep into the snow.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

She was supposed to go Главная to her parents. To her little brother. But they'd already had her funeral. Her death was already plastered on the news "the girl Остаться в живых in the snow."

She didn't even remember how it had happened nor why she was out in the storm.

Tell me I'm Холодное сердце but what can I do? Can't tell the reasons I did it for Ты when lies turn into truth I sacrificed for you. Ты say that I'm Холодное сердце but what can I do?

All she remembered was that icy, hollow feeling. Helplessness. Fear. Death....

And a face. The face of the woman who granted her these frigid powers. The face of the woman who 'saved' her.

And in that moment she wished so much that she had actually Холодное сердце to death.

The same woman had whisked her away, taking her to a dark school--with claims that she would need to learn to control her new found magic.

But she wanted no part of it. She hoped that if she neglected her powers long enough that they'd just fade away and she'd just be Melanie Trental once more.

After many days it became very apparent that--though her body did not--Melanie Trental died in that forest...in that blizzard, blanketed in frost.

And so when the time came for her to introduce herself before classmates she provided herself with a new alias.


Just Icy.

Nothing more, nothing less.

After the passage of a месяц или so, she'd lied so intensely that it all became true. After such a long time, Melanie no longer existed...she never had. Just Icy. Only Icy.

In essence she became two people; Icy the witch who enjoyed the cold so much. And Melanie the human whom was forced to reside within Icy.

Whenever she used her powers, Icy would tell her to continue, to selvage the cold. But Melanie would cry out in pain and beg for her to stop.

Many Вопросы awoke around the campus; "Why are Ты so cold?" "Why are Ты always so frozen?" "So do Ты like it или not?"

It would пересекать, крест her mind to tell them that there was nothing she could do. To tell them that she wanted еще than anything to feel warmth again.

But instead Icy would answer. And she'd tell them "I just am." или "I do like the cold. It means very much to me."

I can feel your sorrow. Ты won't forgive me, but I know you'll be all right. It tears me apart that Ты will never know but I have to let go.

But in the back of her mind, Melanie always remained. Обои of she and Robby climbing trees, skipping rocks...doing anything that any siblings would do, kept coming to the surface in her head.

That harder she tried to push the memories out, the stronger they would come in. So intense. So vivid.

Until she found herself at the widow sill contemplating what she'd say to Robby when his long dead sister stood in the doorway.

He'd never know that she's still alive.

She needed to let him go. Let Melanie go.

She needed to because Icy сказал(-а) so.

And if she couldn't let Melanie go, Icy would hurt her.

They couldn't possibly be one in the same. Not anymore. It was just such a mess.

Even if she did try to return to her old life there'd be no room for forgiveness for someone who'd left them all behind.

Going back would only hurt her family more. They'd think it was a cruel joke. A sick joke.

It'd only open closed wounds. They moved on. They'd were alright. They are alright.

Everything will slip way shattered peaces will remain. When memories fade into emptiness only time will tell its tale. If it all has been in vain.

It was the Далее day, in potions class that she'd went behind her professor's back.

In between mixing brews for class, she'd concealed some extra ingredients within her clothing. And under the claim she was making 'a back up' just in case her first potion failed, she stirred up a concoction of her own.

If she couldn't erase Melanie on her mind's own accord she'd settle for a forgetting potion.

She tore her Избранное picture of she and Robby and threw it into the brew.

This time for sure, Melanie would die.

Would it be in vain? For nothing? Only time could say...

She inhaled the smoke until the world faded out.

Icy woke up dazed in the hospital wing. Everything was a confused blur.

But at least Icy was the only person in her head. No Melanie to make a conflict.

Not that she knew Melanie was ever a problem at all.

I can't feel my senses I just feel the cold. Frozen... But what can I do? Frozen...

Yet somehow in the back of her mind--at least for a little while--Icy knew something wasn't quite right.

Somehow using her magic...marshaling the cold was just as horrendous do use as it was to feel.

Whenever she used her powers the cold would creep back in. A stinging feeling dancing in chilly circles through her veins.

She knew how to break enemy because she felt their pain. As she let frost wash over them, a frigid throbbing would fall upon her.

The feeling never left...never even grew less intense. Icy had simply gotten used to it. And eventually grew to enjoy it.

Grew to enjoy the feeling.

When she used her powers she couldn't feel her senses, her mind, herself...just the cold.

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