THINGS THAT MAKE ICY THE STRONGEST OF THE TRIX Редактировать - Exit historical view

This article might be short i apologize because this is my first article 

First i will like to say that icy is the strongest as shown in the mystery of the abyss when the sisters fought over who will activate the throne also once when Darcy and stormy laughed at icy nd when icy growled her sisters gasped, Pardon me for not remembering the episode

Now some people might say that icy is the oldest and the strongest which i think is right because icy is the meanest, oldest and strongest witch and was Valtor, Trittanus, Darkar and other villain's favorite and the second in command in their alliance with a villain in season 5 icy was seen countless times ordering her sisters like, "come on you two "

But in the end icy has shown that she needs her sisters especially in season 5.

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