Tiva Фан Fiction Club
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posted by NCIS_Addict_87
05:00 am

She awoke groggy & disoriented, turned over and almost found herself on the floor. She slowly sat up surveying the room trying to figure out where she was and what happened. She couldn't think... her head hurt too much. She groaned and put her head into her hands. Several hundred feet away a loud noise jolted her & she reached for her gun instinctively only to find it not there. Suddenly Tony came waltzing out. "Good morning sunshine! I have some чай on for you." he сказал(-а) cheerfully. For a moment Ziva was confused, then a flashback to last night.... the bar, McGee calling Tony, the park, going Главная with him. "Do Ты mind keeping your voice down Tony?" she muttered. He held a finger up, grinned and walked into the кухня pulling a bottle of aspirin from an overhead cabinet & poured his hung over hottie a cup of tea. When he walked back into the room she gave a lopsided smile and took the items from Tony's hands. "Someone has a hangover this morning," he chuckled. She rolled her eyes at him, "yes Tony Ты have hit the screw on the scalp." "Nail on the head," he corrected. He sat down in a chair near her & put his feet on the table. "So Ziva.... last night we had a great time right?" She looked confused, "No Tony we did not." "Why not, I thought after the third time that...," he was cut off by Ziva. "That is not true Tony, why do Ты feel the need to make a joke about this." "I was just trying to lighten the mood Ziva. Are Ты okay?" She stood quickly, "why does everyone keep asking me that? I am fine!" "I am sorry Tony I obviously did not sleep well and do not know what I am saying," she sighed. "Yeah I noticed. Ты tossed and turned all night," he confirmed. "Look just relax, take a hot shower, eat some breakfast and you'll feel better. I promise no еще jokes until I see Ты crack a smile. Okay?" he said. "Thank Ты Tony," was her prompt response. She walked slowly, purposefully to the bathroom, clicked the door shut and locked it. She turned to lean her back against the door and closed her eyes. Here she was in his bathroom... not just any him, but HIM. This was the guy she had spent so much time hiding her feelings for, the guy she sat across from everyday in the bullpen sneaking glances at him throughout the день and trying to get close to him without seeming obvious just so she could breath in his scent. Knock Knock She jumped, "Yes?" "I thought Ты might want a clean towel," he offered. She opened the door to take it from him & her breath caught in her throat. He was standing in front of the door, his button up рубашка undone and his signature smile pasted across his face. "I will not be long," she responded and shut the door once again. She undressed and stepped into the душ letting the hot stream of water run over her body. She stayed in longer than she herself had even anticipated, but she was already starting to feel better. When she stepped out she wrapped the towel around her and cleared a small Космос on the mirror so she could see her reflection. Something about being in Tony's bathroom made her want to draw funny faces on the mirror and she let out a small laugh. Instead though she wrote three words; Ani ohe otcha. I. love. you. She dressed quickly, wiped her simple confession away, took a deep breath and joined Tony in the kitchen. Two plates were set, piled high with pancakes, eggs and bacon. "Tony," she paused, waiting for him to turn around, "this was not something Ты had to do, but I am glad Ты did." He wiggled his eyebrows at her, finished putting the last of бекон, бэкон onto an extra plate and sat down. "That's what Друзья are for Zee-vah." "Yes, that is true," she replied almost sadly. Breakfast was eaten mostly in silence, which she welcomed. She wasn't ready for the string of Вопросы she knew were coming.

07:30 am

"Tony.... about last night -," Ziva began. "I do not usually make a hobbit out of doing things like this, it is not me." Tony struggled from laughing out loud, but Ziva's stealth ninja senses had already picked up on it. "I am trying to be serious Tony! What is so funny?" He grinned, "Patterned behaviors are habits, not hobbits. Ты ever seen Lord of the Rings? Frodo is a hobbit." She tilted her head to the side, "I will have to remember that." On the side таблица her phone buzzed. She picked it up, eyeing the name on the front screen. She looked up at Tony, "Gibbs." She flipped open her phone, "David." "Dead petty officer found in an underground sewer, meet me at the office in 20. And call Tony," Gibbs prompted. "I will take care of it." She hung up the phone. "My car will have to wait; we have a dead petty officer."

07:45 am

They arrived at the office 5 минуты ahead of schedule. As they stepped out of the elevator Tony stated, "I told Ты we could have stopped for coffee sweet cheeks." Ziva glared at him, "No Tony we could not have. If we had stopped for coffee we would have been late. The coffee Магазин was 15 минуты out of our way." He pushed his sunglasses down over his nose and declared, "Not with the way Ты drive." She pierced her lips together to stop herself from smiling remembering back to the first time she had driven Tony & McGee. Despite her lingering headache she burst out laughing leaving her partner confused. "Hey guys. Ты uh... came in together?" McGee stammered. "Way to notice McObvious," answered Tony. "Good morning McGee," Ziva said. Ты could feel the tension in the room, everyone wanted to say something, but no one сказал(-а) anything. Gibbs breezed by his стол письменный, стол with his signature cup of coffee and howled "Grab your gear!" They all scrambled for their backpacks and practically ran to the elevator. "So what do we got Boss?" Tony asked. Gibbs looked over at him, "Someone thought it would be funny to go on a scavenger hunt in the underground sewage system, a bunch of teenagers stumbled onto the body." "Why there?" he questioned. "Well I don't know DiNozzo, that would be an excellent Вопрос to ask them when we get there," Gibbs responded. "Right boss."

10:00 am

"You almost done Shutterbug?" Tony asked Ziva. "Yes I am finished now," she responded. "McGee, Ducky, Palmer Ты got everything Ты need?" he inquired to the rest of his team members. "Ah yes Anthony we must get our petty officer home," Ducky offered. "Yup just about done bagging evidence," McGee stated. "Great lets get packed up & get on the road," Tony cheerfully said. They loaded up as they had done so many times before but today something was different, something was lingering. Things needed to be said, between Tony & herself, between McGee & herself, but she could not bring herself to say anything except, "you drive Tony." She climbed in beside Tony and McGee followed. The ride back to the office was short and much of the rest of the день was nothing out of the ordinary. Gibbs was his usual genius mute, coffee addicted self, McGee clambered away at his keyboard and made frequent trips back & forth to Abby's lab. And Tony... ahh Tony. She had watched him cautiously the entire day; watched as he had listened to each of his voicemails intently, as he dropped желе from a jelly-filled donut onto his рубашка for the секунда time that week and as he looked at his cell phone every 3 минуты as if he were expecting someone to call или text message him.

19:00 pm

When they wrapped the case up that evening she was overly exhausted and ready to go home. She looked at the stack of paperwork on her стол письменный, стол and although she did not usually procrastinate she chose tonight to be her there's a first time for everything moment. The bullpen was quiet, dark, and completely empty. She put her head onto her hand and wondered where Tony was. McGee had already left and Gibbs was probably down with Abby. She looked at the time 19:07. She closed her eyes just for a секунда and the Далее thing she knew it was 19:32. Tony's face was only inches away from hers when her eyes fluttered open. "Well hello sleeping beauty I thought you'd never wake up," he grinned. She sat up, "I am sorry Tony. We can go now." After gathering their belongings they waited patiently until the elevator doors dinged open. Ziva hesitated stepping in, she knew in the past many intense conversations had taken place just behind those silver doors. When they shut there was no turning back, it was private and could easily be stopped to accommodate longer conversations where no witnesses were needed. This was why Gibbs called it his conference room and why Abby had found comfort in it when she was being stalked. Tonight though Ziva was tempted to take the stairs and not to step in beside Tony. The doors started to shut & Tony's hand shot out keeping the doors open so she could step in. She nodded, took a passing glance at the stairs and stepped in. "Look Ziva I know Ты probably just want to get your car and get home, but I was thinking maybe since it was late that Ты could just come back to my place again." She knew he didn't want to make her uncomfortable so he added, "I could use some company other my James Bond collection."

Maybe it's like falling in love, *snaps* it can happen just like that.

That was exactly how it happened for him, just... like... that. There was no warning. He watched Ziva, no... studied Ziva as she took time to think about his offer. He didn't know why he had asked, it just came naturally to him.

...To Be Continued...