Tiva ^,<,v

Blue85 posted on Dec 12, 2009 at 04:04AM
I've done this over at the NCIS spot and it got a pretty good response, so I figured I would do it here as well.
All you need to know is that:

^- Answers the question.
<- Tells what you're doing.
v- Question.

Example: Do you like the idea of Tiva?

^ Of course.
< Watching TV.
v Favorite Tiva moment?

Even though we're on the Tiva spot, the questions asked don't have to be about Tony and Ziva. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

Tiva 5950 Ответы

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Showing Replies 701-750 of 5950

Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I don't know about a whole photo album, but I think she has a few photos of him.
< Law & Order:SVU
v When they get together do you think it should be a "team" moment where Gibbs, Abby or someone else sorta gets them to open up & admit or a bathroom/elevator/etc moment with them being alone?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ IMO, it depends on what's happening prior to that.
< Just ate pizza!
V Realistically speaking, do you think that 5 years of UST is already overkill?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Yeah, in real life that would never happen, but this is tv afterall.
< Reading a Tiva fan fic.
V Tony watching her sleep in Jetlag: Sweet or Creepy?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ Why would it be creepy? WHY?! Here's the scenario in my head:

They're lying in the middle of the bed together. Tony's got one arm wrapped possesively around Ziva's waist. Ziva's head and hand rests on Tony's chest, above where his heart beats. Their legs are intertwined. Tony regards Ziva with The Devastatingly Sweet Look That He's Reserved For Her, and a small smile is painted across his face. It's the two of them in their own little world. They're living and breathing in their bubble of happiness and contentment. Somalia, Mossad, Rule 12....it's all non-existent..."

< Plot bunnies are hopping around in my head, and I'm currently succumbing to them.
V So we don't like to think that *EDIT* anything Jibbs-like happened in Paris. Here's the question: How would you react if in future eps, not necessarily all, maybe one or two, one of 'em mentions Paris/ someone asks them about it and they have flashbacks of things we didn't see them do in the City of Light?
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Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** Only reason I asked that question Mikella is because I told my best friend about it and she said that if someone watched her sleep she thinks it would be creepy. But the way you see is the same way as me :D

^ I think I would die. But on the other hand, maybe it'll be one of those unanswered questions like: What happened when he was visiting her apartment all those times? or How does he know about her tattoo?
< Listening to music.
v Who do you think knows the other more?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
[I forgot to post a question again!]

**It's okay Dannii :) The Evil Little Plot Bunnies are just eating away my brain and I had to get that out of my system :) I'm not reacting in a harsh way if someone thought that Tony watching Ziva sleep is creepy. :) [But I'd think that it'd be creepy if someone watched me sleep. :) CREEPY.]

^ Hmmm....They know a lot about each other, but I'd say Ziva knows more about Tony, if you include the dossier she made. :D
< PLaying the guitar.
V What if one day, one of 'em decided that since there's been too much excruciatingly painful tension, 'I'm gonna tell him/her what I feel,' and then the moment we've been all waiting for comes but what the other person says is "We're partners...good friends. We've always had each other's six....but I don't really see you in that way....I wish we could still be friends though...[followed by some more incoherent muttering]"....?
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Больше года tashayar333 said…
^that would break my heart!...but the only way that would happen is if tony said it to ziva, cuz u can tell tony is in love with her and would never turn her down.
<supposed to be doing homework but decided to screw around on the internet instead.
v how do you want tony and ziva to get together?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Something sweet... a genuine admission of some sort of feelings followed by a kiss which just tells all. =] Or I could go with how it played out in my fan fic. lol
< Law & Order:SVU
v In voting for the USA March 20th viewers choice did you vote for lots of Tiva-esque episodes?
Больше года yay4wicked said…
^ I haven't yet but I will, if you still can.
< Studying. . . . .
v Have you ever opened this page and started answering the last question on page 1 instead of the most recent question?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Mm... nope I don't think so.
< Watching NCIS (Only 24 hours & 11 minutes until the new NCIS)
v Favorite time Tony has corrected Ziva?
Больше года Blue85 said…
^ Every time. I just love when he corrects her.
< Sitting here waiting for pain killers to kick in.
v Have you ever wondered what the show would be like if it still had all of it's old characters? Kate, Jenny, Morrow, etc.
Больше года yay4wicked said…
*I'm sorry you are in pain, Lauren. :(

^ Sometimes, but mostly I just go with the flow and appreciate how it is now.
< Just ate brownies :D
v Do you watch the preview videos the morning of a new episode? (the clips from the new episode)

Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
*Hope you get to feeling better soon Lauren!*

^ Yup I most certinaly do!
< Criminal Minds - on ebay trying to order the CM dvds!
v At the end of Season 7, where do you think Tiva will be (progression wise)?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ They'd remain friends? That's where I see them heading to.
< Just took a bath. [I FEEL LIKE I'M GONNA GET SICK.]
V Do you like them to resolve the tension NOW? There'd be season 8 still, so.......
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
**Hope you get better soon, Lauren!

^ Part of me wants them to, part of me doesn't. But the bigger part of me does :)
< Just got in from school, about to go to the beach.
v Do you think that instead of getting a Nutter Butter as he said, McGee actually went down to Abby's lab to tell her what was happening? :P
Больше года Ms_Montana said…
^ Yes. 5 years are enough... And they don't have to be seen as a couple in every single episode. But knowing that they are a couple would be great.
< I'm ill, so I do nothing...
v Would you like to know more about Ziva's childhood?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
I think Ms Montana & Dani answered at the same time so I will answer both questions.

^ Danis: Absolutely! <3 Abby would have definetely wanted to be a part of that Nutter Butter scene. =]
^^ Ms_Montana: Yes I would. I think she's such an interesting character & has lots more to share with us.
< Working & can't wait for tonights eppy! **7 hours, 38 minutes & counting**
v Do you feel like Abby should start hinting around more about how they feel about each other?
Больше года ziva_rocks said…
I answered at the same time as Jenna so will answer her question too!

Jenna^ Yeah i've wanted her to do that all along. Think she's be the perfect person to get them talking about each other!!

Ms Montana^ Yeah, i want to know more about Ziva's life as she's my fav character!!
< Making dinner in a mad house!!
v Will you feel dissapointed if there's no Tiva in tomo's eppy??
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Больше года Ms_Montana said…
^ Yes and No. Yes, because I always feel disappointed, if there's no Tiva moment. And No, because we got great Tiva scenes in the last 3 episodes.
< Drinking tea.
v Who will be the first of them to confess their feelings for each other?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Tony. Maybe. lol
< Working, but going home soon
v Okay... so how do you feel about the spoilers/teasers/articles released & what they said about Tiva?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ IDK. I'm in a bit of a daze at the moment. I really don't know what to think. All I know is that I will NEVER give up hope :)
< About to dry my hair.
v Do you think they've ever told anyone about their feelings for the other. IE Tony told McGee or Ziva told Abby?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think they've said it indirectly more so than directly.
< Watching NCIS
v Are you excited for Palmers new love interest?
Больше года Blue85 said…
* Sorry for the late response but thanks girls, I appreciate it.

^ I am. :)It's about time Palmer finally got some lovin'! I just hope that she doesn't turn out to be another Michelle.
< Writing and listening to music.
v Would you be surprised if Gibbs and Hart got together?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ No. Scratch that... yes (because this is NCIS we're talking about). They have great on screen chemistry, but since NCIS has a habit of keeping those with the most chemistry apart I would be surprised.
< Working
v What did you think of Tony's little jealousy moment?
Больше года Ms_Montana said…
^ Really cute, loved it, but we got a lot of them in the last episodes...
< Just home from school
v Who will affect Gibbs's life-changing decision the most?
Больше года Blue85 said…
^ I have no idea, we'll just have to watch and find out.
< Eating breakfast.
v "You don't know how good you've got it until it's gone." Do you think this saying fits with Tony and Ziva's relationship in any way?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Yes, in a way. Tony didn't know how much he loved Ziva until she was gone and she didn't realise it until he left for home.
< Just finished watching Mothers Day!
V Who else thought the ring size convo was a hint? ;)
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Meeeee! <3 Ziva so totally mentioned that for Tony's benefit!
< Working & listening to NCIS stuff
v What did you think when Gibbs sent them to Arizona together?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I giggled like I normally do when Gibbs does something to give them a hint xD
< Adding videos :)
v Didn't you just HATE McCadden?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Well hate is a really strong word... so I'm just gonna say stronggggggggggly dislike.
< Working
v What do you think surprised Tiva the most about this case?
Больше года Ms_Montana said…
big smile
^ Gibbs sent them to Arizona. Together Very big hint. And Ziva was really surprised about Gibbs's mother-in-law.
< Watching Desperate Housewives
v Do you love the conversation between Tony and Ziva before they went into the house in Arizona? (I totally do, as much as the ring size quote!)
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I absolutely did! =]
< Working, but leaving now!
v Do you think Tony's "Aren't you hot?" comment was a reference to her in addition to the heat?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Of course ;)
< Just finished uploading my Tiva video on YT, about to have a bath :)
V Didn't you just think that Tony's face when Ziva mentioned her ring size was ADORABLE?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Yes it was very adorable! Sucha Tivaesque moment! <3
< Watching NCIS
v Who do you think Ziva most regrets dating/liking?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ HIM.
< Watching Sibbs videos :)
V Do you think the rumours are true that Tony and Ziva will end up like Gibbs and Jenny, with them sleeping together, breaking up, him becoming all Gibbs like and her going off somewhere?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ No... despite the "we'll always have Paris" I don't think that they will end up anything like Gibbs & Jenny. They are different individuals, it's a different time, their relationship is different...
< Watching NCIS
v Where would you have Tiva jet off to now?
Больше года Blue85 said…
^ Either Italy or somewhere tropical and exotic.
< Watching interviews and making icons.
v If Tony were to buy Ziva a ring, do you think she would be surprised that he actually remembered the size?
Больше года tashayar333 said…
^yes and no, tony would never forget it, but ziva may be way to surprised about getting a ring from tony to think about how he knew her size!!
<messin around on the internet
v when do you think there will be a tiva kiss?...before the end of the season or some other time
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ Is it another kiss on the cheek you're referring to, Or is it a kiss on the lips? To answer your question, it'd be more likely that they would kiss some other time. Simply because they're Tony and Ziva and they're not the type to immediately act on feelings that go beyond partners and/or friends. [Well, it's about to hit the 5-year mark. That deserves a reward or something.:))]
< About to study?
V How do you feel about Ausiello's latest spoilers concerning Tony and Ziva? Don't you feel confused that in an old interview, Cote said that "part of her is sick of it too."[meaning that she kinda wants the UST to get resolved], but now she hopes that it would never get answered?

*I still agree with Michael and Cote's views on Tiva now, though.
...but part of me wants this whole "dangling it in front of you but never being able to fully grasp it" thing be gotten over with!*

I'm confused with myself too :(
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Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Ehh... I wouldn't mind them never "really" getting together as long as we continue to get progression (hug, kiss, night out w/drinks, etc) to show that they are headed in the right direction. I don't want to lose the bantering/UST but after 5 years I'm kind of like I need something!
< Working
v Do you really want Tiva to get together & possibly lose all our massive amounts of UST? [[I'm having a should they/shouldn't they battle within myself.... b/c the writers would have to do it perfectly]]
Больше года Ms_Montana said…
^ Sure I want them together, but if the writers decide to go a different way, they should stop to tease us. And the writers would have a really hard job(if they make a couple out of them), because so many really good tv couples were destroyed of bad stories and I don't want that for Tiva. Then it would be better if they don't get together.
< Going shopping in 5 minutes
v Do you think they will go on to another trip outside D.C together in this season?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Mmm.. not overseas but out of the city yeah I think they will. And it may not be just a Tiva thing it may a team thing. Hard to say.
< Working
v Would you rather see a dinner & a movie night or out for drinks? [[For Tiva of course]]
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Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Dinner & Movie Night :D
< Just got home.
V Can you believe we've waited this long?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ For Tiva? Yeah I do... and I think we're still going to be waiting. lol.
< Working
v Okay so we've heard Tony call Ziva honey now... what do we want to see Ziva call Tony in a future eppy?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
big smile
^ Ohhhh..... ermmmmm..... Sweetie :D
< Listening to music.
V What colour suit do you think Ziva likes Tony best in? Black or Grey?
Больше года Ms_Montana said…
^ I really don't know. I would say grey.
< Watching Simpsons
v Who are Tony and Ziva more similar? Gibbs and Shannon or Gibbs and Jenny?
Больше года ziva_rocks said…
big smile
^ I think more like Gibbs and Shannon cause they're soulmates!!
< Just having Dinner
v After Tony got off the phone in Mothers day Ziva asked Tony if it was a woman on the phone and if Tony had a date! Do you think Ziva thinks he's still seeing other women??
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I think she was hoping it wasn't a woman/date... but I don't necessarily say that she thinks he is still seeing other women.
< Working still
v What one conversation do you want them to have (besides telling each other their feelings)? [ie: what happened in Paris, what they were doing at her apt, etc]
Больше года yay4wicked said…
^ I actually want them to talk about what happened to Ziva in Somalia. I think that would be extremely emotional and bonding, if painful--just look at masquerade.
< I have another HEADACHE! (frustration)
v Is Ziva's flirting starting to annoy you, or do you like it because you get to see a jealous Tony?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Half and half. But it's mostly annoying. I mean, after everything they've been through together and what Tony said and did, do we really need all this?!
< About to go to bed.
v Michael said that he thinks that Tiva [the name] has been worn out and we should change it to Zony. What do you think?
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