Tiva ^,<,v

Blue85 posted on Dec 12, 2009 at 04:04AM
I've done this over at the NCIS spot and it got a pretty good response, so I figured I would do it here as well.
All you need to know is that:

^- Answers the question.
<- Tells what you're doing.
v- Question.

Example: Do you like the idea of Tiva?

^ Of course.
< Watching TV.
v Favorite Tiva moment?

Even though we're on the Tiva spot, the questions asked don't have to be about Tony and Ziva. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

Tiva 5950 Ответы

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Showing Replies 4551-4600 of 5950

Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ Tired. I'm still feeling a bit blah, battling a chest cold, however.... NCIS/Tiva makes me squee still!
< NCIS <3
v If Tony does meet Miami man do you think he'll really say what he told Ziva he'd say?
Больше года friendsfan101 said…
*I'll just re-ask mine. =)

^ Oh yes, and just a tad more. ;)

< ...

v Okay, you see the pic Danni showed us? Well, on the very top there's a subject that says "Can't stop thinking about....". Do you think that's from Miami Man?
Больше года TivaParaSiempre said…
Yep, quite sure it is. That's the email adress she sent her email to the Miami Man.
This was the email:
"Dearest R-
This week was unusally tough becuase I found myself thinking of you often. Now before your thoughts go to THAT place, understand that keeping you a secret has not been easy. There are people here I care about deeply. Their curiosity comes from a desire to protect me.
Imagine anyone wanting to protect me from you. :)
I hope you are safe and your assignment was successful. Write me when you are home. Z.

< Still on Tiva high!

v Thoughts on the email (above)?
Больше года friendsfan101 said…
^ *mouth drops open* Oh great.

< ...

v Thoughts on the email?
Больше года TivaParaSiempre said…
^ I don't think it's anything to worry about, to be honest. The answers to our questions will come soon enough.

< Gonna do study.

v What do you think Ziva did when she brushed past him at the end after telling Tony goodnight? A kiss on the cheek, a whisper in his ear, or something else?
Больше года smileandnod said…
^ I would hope for a kiss on the cheek, but I think it was just a smirk...but who knows!

< watching "Fraggle Rock" and I think it's raining!!

V do you think Ziva's friend is a romantic friend?
Больше года Blue85 said…
^ Maybe.. But if he isn't a romantic friend, I have a feeling that he's someone that she really cares about.
< Watching Criminal Minds.
< What did you think when Tony called Ziva an Israeli love machine?
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ One of Tony's adorable nicknames for Ziva. Well, Probably because she tends to attract alot of guys + all - let's hope one of them is Tony. ;D
I thought it was really cute though. I had this huge smile on my face, I was smiling the wholeeeeeeeee episode!

< Just came home from school. Chillin' with my dog while on Fanpop.

v Royals and Loyals... Among on of your top ten Tiva episodes? If not, What's it place? :)
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Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ It is in my top 10! =]
< Work.
v Ocean & Shea Butter vs Handle with care. Contents - Priceless?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ Both are honest statements, so it's hard to choose. Can't help but love an honest and caring Tony.
< Sleep? Read? READ!
v Did the "Apologize for being you" scene in R&L remind you of Legend? For one crazy moment I thought they were gonna have a do-over. I was really relieved when I realized McGee was there with them and Gibbs walked in.
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Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ It did a bit. xD D'ya know what freaked me out most? Ziva's hair was exactly the same in season 6 as it was in the start of the episode.
v Did you hear Tony emphasize the "there" when he said "I'm glad someone out there that can make you smile."
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I didn't notice. I kept hoping Ziva would tease him & say something like Perhaps you've already met him... so I was thinking. lol.
< OMG! Verizon is killing meeeeee!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
v How did you feel when Ziva asked Malloy how about that quickie? or something like that?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Well, she was only stalling him and she was looking at Tony the entire time so I was squeeing still. xD
< Music.
v Was R&L better than Jetlag in your opinion?
Больше года Ms_Montana said…
^ Yes, no, yes, no... Tie. I can't choose. Both had amazing scenes, in Jet Lag it was the end, the photo and the bed/couch thing. In R&L it was the Content...priceless quote and many more scenes.
< Donut with Vanilla pudding. I'm in heaven.
v *** minor spoiler***

What do you think about the photo Dannii posted:
Subject: This weekend. I don't have any brain cells left.
Больше года Blue85 said…
*Off topic: Just a little note to anyone who has been wanting to see Cote's movie-The Last Rites of Ransom Pride. It's now out for you to buy: You can find it on Netflix, iTunes, Rebox and Amazon.com

^ That could be interesting..I'm just curious about what is suppose to take place that weekend.
< Ordering TLRoRP from Amazon.com
v Why do you think Tony and Ziva didn't seem to want to go interview the wife together in R&L?
Больше года friendsfan101 said…
^ I guess maybe because Ziva was still made at Tony?

< Same.

v Does anyone know when R&I comes back on?
Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I don't sorry. But if you have Verizon Fios you can watch it through the demand free... or you can always watch it online. =]
< Work. Chest cold & migraine =[
v What name would you like to see Tony call Ziva next?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
V RE-ASK: What name would you like to see Tony call Ziva next?
Больше года yay4wicked said…
* Maybe around Halloween ;)

^ Love.
< Studying
v Do you think we will be seeing more and more of a protective Tony in the episodes leading up to the November sweeps?
Больше года Blue85 said…
^ I think so, yes. I'm hoping we do, anyway.
< Trying to decide what I want to do for supper.
In the episode “Dead Air,” Ziva (Cote de Pablo) has to disappear undercover as herself. “She’ll have to be the old Ziva – a Mossad Liaison – to make her way into a group of suspected domestic terrorists,” a source tells Fancast.

How do you think Tony will react to this news?
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Больше года yay4wicked said…
* I agree. Protective Tony is just so. . .sweet? :)

^ I think initially he will make a joke about her "reverting." However, I think he will quickly become protective and concerned.
< Studying
v Re-ask: How do you think Tony will react to this news? (See spoiler above)
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Больше года friendsfan101 said…
**Thanks, Jenna.

^ Ooh, same as you, Jenn! He will def. be protective.

< ...

v Do you think we'll ever get a conversation about Tony missing Ziva's citizenship?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ Yeah. I think they said that they'd be bringing that up some time? Just not in the first eps.
< Florence and The Machine.
v Does Tony's new fling in Cracked still bother you?
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
big smile
^ No, it hasn't really bother me. I mean, I just hope it's nothing serious and only one off + will help strengthen T+Z's relationship. :)

< Music. History Study.

v Do you think any of the NCIS team will have costumes despite Vance banning them? And what could imagine one character wearing?
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Больше года Blue85 said…
^ I think that Abby will at least try and sneak a costume if noone else does. As for what she might be, I have no idea. You never know with her.

< Getting ready for bed. I've been sitting here way too long.

v Are the jealous moments getting a little old for you, or do you still enjoy them?
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ I still enjoy them with how they always giggle at each others reaction, although, I don't like how they don't really impact their relationship much to be considered Tiva moments.

< ...

v Prediction of a big milestone for Tiva in Season 8 [AKA: Kiss, Hug, Fight, D&M]?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ Hug. Talk? Somalia Talk? That too much to ask for?
< Tumblr madness.
v Ziva's next move?
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ No idea, to be honest. Maybe more possible teasing DiNozzo with this mystery guy or like a full 'moment' after she full tackles him in Dead Air? x)

< Coffee. Facebook. Fanpop.

v Realistically, Do you think Tiva will get together this season or ones to come?
Больше года Ms_Montana said…
^ Realistically, I think they'll maybe have a date this season, but not a proper relationship.
< Scrubs. Caramel Pudding.
v What do you think of the promo for "Dead Air" and Ziva shouting Tony's name?
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ Extremely excited, I hope a Tiva moment stems from it. Especially since it proves Ziva hasn't lost her kickass Mossad skills and used them to do the Boxed In on Toby again. ;D

< Bedtime soon.

v Where could you imagine Tony and Ziva's first date to be? ;)
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Something that would be THEM. And remind Tony why he felt intimidated by Ziva in the first place. xD ;)
< Music. I lost an earbud on my headphones.
v Any other Tiva predictions for Dead Air?
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ Not a major psychic but I think it's going to be like repeat of Boxed In but maybe have a bit of teasing and sexual tension, I would hope for more bit I don't wanna get my hopes us too much.

< Trying to sleep while on iPod Touch.

v What do you predict will happen on that 'big' Tiva moment in the two-patter in November?
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Больше года NCIS_Addict_87 said…
^ I'm not quite sure... perhaps that's when we'll get a hug? Or a really good talking about Somalia.
< Excited about my brother's homecoming tonight.
v Do you think we'll see Brina anytime soon?
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ We haven't heard from her for some time. I'm hoping we see her soon.
< Homework.
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
big smile
^ HAHA! Yes, it's like in less then half a month! SO EXCITED FOR THE TWO-PARTER! [Eh, not really for exams + all this crap].

< Homework for History, eh.

v Which character would you like to see more of?
Больше года DiNozzoDavid said…
big smile
^ I wanna know more about Abby, she's kinda just sittin on the side lines atm.

< Homework.

v Re-ask: Which character would like to see more of?
Больше года freshfunkpride said…
^Eli David! Even though I know thats already gonna happen... :P
Maybe Jimmy or Ducky then, they don't really get much about them :) An ep revolved around Jimmy would be pretty cool :D

< Fanpop, waiting for friends to arrive for barbecue :)

v Where would you like Tony and Ziva's confessional-finally-get-together-scene to occur? (I say the men's bathroom lol)
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Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ I would have to say the men's bathroom as they always seem to have their best moments there and it's more personal with them invading each others space. Or somewhere outside NCIS like out on a fun date or something. I'm just imagining scenarios right now.

< Eh, Multi-tasking.

v Weird Question: Who do you prefer going to the bathroom to start a conversation... Tony or Ziva? :)
Больше года freshfunkpride said…
^ Ooh that's tough, I like that one! Previously I've liked the ones started by Ziva (cough*Reuinion*cough) but I think in the future I would like it to be started by Tony. Though I suppose, that would involve Ziva going to the men's bathroom first...which doesn't work...and Tony wouldnt go into the women's...i think :/

< About to play The Sims 2

v What do you hope will happen in the two parter?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
** Tegan, Tony went into the women's bathroom in Endgame. :D

^ I'm PRAYING for a hug and Overprotective!Tony.
< Just got up. So tired.
v Don't you just love it when you come back after a while and there's been loads of new stuff added? :D
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ Haha, yes! It makes me all giddy and excited, especially with all new picks + spoilers + TIVANESS! :))

< Listening to music. Doing tons of History homework still.

v TIVA: Picks, forums or quiz questions?
Больше года freshfunkpride said…
** ...oh wow. MAJOR facepalm... *Gibbs-slaps self*
I completely forgot about that! >.<

^ Forums :)

< Facebook

v Do you think that when they get together they should tell the team straight away or have fun trying to keep it a secret like Jimmy/Michelle? :)
Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ All of the three wins.
^ They should keep it a secret for a while, and eventually tell.
< Tumblr.
v I'm visualizing an autopsy Tiva moment. :D For the 2-parter. LOL. Where do you want the Tiva moment to be?
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Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ I think they could keep it a secret. IF THEY DID IT RIGHT. But Gibbs always knows everything. xD
^ For some reason, I always pictured in near the stairs leading up to MTAC. xD
< Same.
v Tony is behind Ziva's desk, standing over her, as usual. When all of a sudden he kisses her quickly on the back of her head and she smiles. WHAT WOULD YOUR REACTION BE?
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Больше года goodgirlmikey said…
^ I'd be over the moon. Probably not gonna be able to come back down to earth. And I'd wonder what the hell I missed that allowed Tony to make that move on Ziva without losing some important parts of his anatomy.
< Same.
V Let's reverse the situation: Ziva suddenly kisses Tony on the cheek and he smiles. Your reaction?
Больше года DiNozzoDavid said…
^ Faints.
< Dinner.
v Which would you rather prefer(from above questions): Tony kiss Ziva or Ziva kiss Tony?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ Ziva kiss Tony, just because it would be unexpected coming from her, in my opinion.
< Music, adding videos.
v If they DO get a hug this season, do you think we'll get anything more than that as well?
Больше года ahmoniqued said…
^ Ah, *Faints and squeels from the thought of Tiva moments*. I REALLY hope that they have a hug, I mean, it's not that much to ask for. Yes, I think they'll share a hug but I think that's as far as I can see them going currently - mainly because the writers just like to tease us. Haha, ;)

< Extended response question for HW.

v Your the writer for Season 8 and you've been informed you have to write Tony and Ziva's first date but it's nothing serious and could just be hanging out. Where would it be and what would happen?
Больше года Lie_to_Me_123 said…
^ A movie night in Tony's apartment. Just because I want to see his apartment AND it would make great fanfics!
< Dinner soon.
v Why do you think Ziva is gonna get jealous of Eli's new girl, even after everything that's happened?
Больше года ziva_rocks said…
^ I think it might just be because she didn't get the time and affection from him she should have got when she was younger and she won't like anyone else taking her place! Its like he's traded her in for another model, in her eye's she'd want him to fight for her even although she's not interested in going back just because he's her father!
< Dinner
v Do you think Ziva will act bitchy around this new girl?