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1. If Ты face in a certain direction so that there are a lot of people, objects, shiny surfaces, and/or Ты can see really far, time may slow down and your vision will become choppy.

2. Sometimes if Ты go somewhere you’re “not supposed to be” Ты may fall through the ground and find yourself falling through a void, with the world as Ты know it rapidly disappearing into the distance above.

3. Turtles and mushrooms can kill Ты just by touching Ты anywhere other than the bottom of your feet.

4. While on a дата with a girl, just barely brushing a pedestrian with your car accidentally will ruin your дата fast. However, the same girl will have no problem with helping Ты intentionally steal as many cars as Ты want.

5. Ты can only have unclothed sex after applying a patch.

6. No matter how heinous a crime Ты pull, even directly in front of cops, they will forget what Ты look like and what car Ты sped off in if Ты stay out of their sight for 20 seconds.

7. Regardless of shoe type, the soles are always so slippery that standing on any slope greater than 45 degrees will cause Ты to slide like an ice skater downhill.

8. Some types of molten lava will not kill you, even if Ты fall completely in, as long as Ты jump out quickly.

9. Whenever Ты find a valuable item lying around in a dark corner, a short musical flourish will come from nowhere. Warning: Ты will become addicted to that sound.

10. If you’re ever in a shootout and firing near cover, Ты may find that even though Ты have clear line-of-sight to your opponent’s head, your bullets are bouncing off some invisible force near the cover Ты are hiding behind. Moving sideways a few inches will alleviate the problem.

11. Reloading a gun when only one bullet has been expended won't waste the other bullets left in the clip that Ты have just tossed on the ground. Also, the clip casing itself will disappear the moment it leaves your hand, resulting in no messy cleanup.

12. At some unknown point in history a brilliant scientist invented indestructible glass. Not just bulletproof, but even point-blank rocket launcher proof. Also, this glass managed to replace a large portion of the world’s windows without anybody noticing или having to pay a fee for the installation.

13. Whoever came up with the Periodic таблица is an idiot and a fraud. There are obviously only 4 elements.

14. It’s possible to be in full daylight outdoors without the Sun visible anywhere in the sky.

15. Even if Ты are an obviously experienced warrior, you’ll need someone to teach Ты how to jump in the air while pointing your sword downward, and another person to teach Ты about pointing your sword upward.

16. Every woman in the world who isn’t a one-woman super assassin army needs to be rescued.

17. Typewriters are actually temporal devices that Ты can return to after dying или making a mistake, as long as Ты type the дата and time into them.

18. Shotguns will still be in common use even thousands of years into the future, despite advances in energy-weapon technology and armor plating. The reason, of course, is that shotguns are awesome.

19. If you’re a soldier in a war and Ты use every tactic and weapon Ты can to stay alive and kill the enemy, some of the people Ты killed will call Ты “cheap” from beyond the grave, possibly even haunting Ты with accusations of how “skill-less” Ты are.

20. If you’re in a martial arts tournament and are about to lose, Ты can quit at the last секунда and your opponent will be дана the loss on his record. Whether your dignity remains untarnished is another matter.

21. Telekinetic aliens have a really, really hard time getting out of holes in the ground.
22. In medieval times, the only thing knights wore under their armor was polka-dot боксер shorts.

23. Супермен is actually vulnerable to a whole lot еще than kryptonite. He also can’t fly wherever he wants, and instead must fly through giant floating rings. Overall, being Супермен sucks.

24. If Ты uppercut someone hard enough, huge globs of coagulated blood will fly out of nowhere in particular on their body, leaving no noticeable wound.

25. If Ты uppercut someone just a bit harder, their head may fly off, или their entire body may fly straight through the ceiling. If they aren’t dead yet, you’ll have to leap up through the ceiling to finish the fight.

26. In the future, the most skilled soldiers will enter battle heavily armored, but not wear helmets.

27. Most people can survive indefinitely without eating, while others will die in a few минуты without food.

28. Ты can sleep at any time of the день regardless of how recently Ты last slept. However, Ты can only sleep in certain designated beds.

29. Storekeepers don’t care if Ты go behind the counter and rummage around in everything, as long as Ты don’t actually take anything. Some will even let Ты take things without paying, as long as сказал(-а) things are in shiny chests или pots located somewhere in front of the counter.

30. If Ты torture a chicken long enough, his posse will come for revenge.

31. Every time Ты enter your house, you’ll have to wait a while before Ты can see the inside.

32. Ты can grab and easily shake a full-grown дерево with a хобот, ствол that is two feet thick, and delicious Фрукты will come raining down.

33. If Ты crouch in a slightly shadowy area, people facing Ты from two feet away cannot see you.

34. Most trained guards cannot see еще than 50 feet in front of them, cannot hear a massive gunfight happening a few rooms away, and will often stop in the middle of a patrol to stare at a blank Стена with their back facing a long hallway.

35. Personality means never saying a word.

36. Wardrobe malfunctions never happen during strenuous activity because all women glue their clothes on.

37. Everything you’ve used can be sold back for exactly half price, regardless of the item’s condition.

38. Walking takes too long; jogging is the preferred method of transport, even when moving only a few feet.

39. Ты can only sprint for about five seconds, after which you’ll be so winded you’ll be panting like a dog. However, in another five seconds, Ты can sprint at full speed again.

40. Stairs only look like right-angled ascending platforms. In reality, they are just a smooth slope upon which Ты can plant your feet anywhere.

41. If Ты come to a huge pile of утиль, барахло, мусор blocking an alley, even though it looks easily climbable, don’t even bother. Obviously, this is the end of the universe.

42. Even though zombies are created by a virus, being bitten by one will never infect you. Ты may need to eat some commonly potted herbs to take care of the wound, though.

43. Wild Животные are all extremely aggressive. When going into uncivilized areas, carry a gun and shoot everything that moves before it can attack you.

44. It’s pretty easy to kill twenty terrorists with your bare hands…

45. ...but forget about jumping over a two-foot sandbag.

46. Cops don’t care how many cars Ты smash into right in front of them, as long as it’s not theirs.

47. Cops don’t understand the concept of license plates. A fresh paint job will fool them every time.

48. Combined arms in war is not always the most effective strategy. Often massing a single type of unit is better.

49. An entire fortified outpost can be constructed in a matter of minutes, even directly in front of an enemy base and while under attack.

50. When establishing colonies in new lands, often the best approach is to train a few crack troops while scouting for potential threats, and then sending a small force to attack the closest town as quickly as possible. Be sure to order your troops to kill anyone carrying или building anything first.

51. A wooden stake is not, in fact, the weapon of choice when going up against vampires. A whip is.

52. If a person offers to pay Ты to go out and collect 20 widgets and then bring them back to him, it’s not a job, it’s entertainment.

53. Being a rock звезда doesn’t require creativity или talent, just dexterity and timing.

54. The spikier your hair, the еще power Ты have.

55. Choosing one emotion and channeling it 24/7 counts as personality.

56. If your pseudo-philosophical babbling doesn’t appear effective in impressing someone, just pile on еще jargon and bigger words. No one will notice.

57. Pausing for a long time between sentences isn’t awkward at all, and sounds totally natural, since everyone else does it.

58. Never trust the Совет of someone helping Ты out of some dire situation via an earpiece или speaker system.

59. Every military, police, или Special Forces squad has one member that is smarter, еще skilled, and harder to kill than the others.

60. Going through life-threatening experiences doesn’t just make Ты wiser, it also makes Ты stronger, faster, and increasingly impervious to harm.

61. Most clothing never needs to be washed, cannot be damaged in any way, and won’t create awkward stares if Ты wear the same outfit every day.

62. Hypothermia is a medical hoax. Go ahead and wear short-shorts in Antarctica.

63. It’s possible to climb a ladder without using your arms. This is especially useful if Ты are carrying a huge gun.

64. Armies of every era have required their soldiers to be telepathic so they can respond to orders instantly and Переместить in large groups with perfect simultaneous coordination.

65. Still, a single highly-trained telepathic soldier sometimes just cannot figure out how to get from point A to B, despite having a pretty damn clear path.

66. Nobody in the world actually mourns a loved one’s death for еще than ten seconds.

67. Strangely, though, for some reason studies have shown revenge for a loved one’s death to be the number-one motivation for the epidemic of one-man killing sprees plaguing mankind.

68. Your arms will never get tired even if Ты hold a Gatling gun perfectly straight out in front of Ты for hours on end.

69. In the future, soldiers will be sent into combat situations without a way to clip a light onto their gun, helmet, или any other hands-free device. Also, duct tape will be eradicated from existence some time earlier.

70. Successfully catching a рыба doesn’t take NEARLY as long as everyone claims.

71. Most cars actually require no gas at all.

72. If Ты are ever in a situation where Ты have to help someone escape danger, take a deep breath and try to resist becoming angry at this person. A psychological phenomenon known as IDS, или “Idiocy in Danger Syndrome” reduces anyone to total incompetence in such a situation, no matter how intelligent they appear to be.

73. For reasons scientist have still failed to explain, it’s possible to jump off of pure air, but only once after initially jumping off the ground.

74. World War II was not won by numerous countries coordinating attacks across the globe, but rather by a single jack-hole with a gun. сказал(-а) jack-hole’s identity varies depending on the source.

75. Carrying around 200 lbs of weight will not hinder Ты at all. However, carrying 201 lbs will prevent Ты from moving an inch.

76. Sometimes the recently departed are prone to seizures if their bodies happen to be touching walls или other objects.

77. It’s possible that while looking at surfaces from certain angles, huge portions may suddenly stretch, flicker, или jiggle. STAY CALM. Ты are not on drugs.

78. If you’re participating in an illegal улица, уличный race and Ты don’t do well, all of your opponents don’t mind racing again and again so that Ты can eventually win.

79. If Ты are a security guard and all of your fellow guards disappear, it is perfectly fine to Поиск for an intruder for thirty seconds, then return to your normal Поиск route, on your own, at midnight, while Ты know a murderer is on the loose and has been sighted within 5 meters of Ты in the last few minutes.

80. If you’re ever hard up for cash, just go cut down any tall трава Ты see.

81. Boomerangs are in fact extremely useful tools and potentially deadly weapons, and not crappy toys that fall on the ground every time Ты throw them.

82. Performing a stunt in the middle of a race is not a dangerous and risky display of poor sportsmanship, but in fact allows Ты to go even faster.

83. Cars with official corporate logos on them are indestructible...

84. …generic rip-offs, however, will smash into a crumpled wad while hitting a tree.

85. If you’re in a life-threatening situation, try focusing really hard. Ты may experience a slowing down of time, или possibly a nice glowing color indicating danger или safety.

86. Shooting someone in the chest at point-blank range with a semi-automatic винтовка may not kill them sometimes, but smacking them with the butt of the same винтовка will induce death every single time.

87. Ты can walk down the улица, уличный with a fully automatic weapon and not even get a секунда glance from the police.

88. All small electronics like radios, earpieces, and cell phones will work no matter how much water Ты swim through. Also, all guns, medicinal herbs, alchemic powders, paper documents, and explosives are equally waterproof.

89. A night in jail is usually enough to have your trial ready the день after, and even the worst crimes generally result in a small fine.

90. Hacking into high-security areas does not require extensive training and expertise, but rather the ability to solve simple shape-sliding или color-matching puzzles.

91. If a mayor wants to demolish someone’s house to put a big statue of himself there instead, it's perfectly acceptable to do so. In fact, it will increase the mayor’s approval rating from the adjacent home-owners.

92. As long as a military general kills еще of the enemy than his own troops, he is considered an unqualified success.

93. Ты can behave like a psychotic a-hole one moment, and then lay on the syrupy Любовь the next, and no one will think you’re crazy, или even remember what Ты сказал(-а) ten секунды ago.

94. It is a great idea to pick up Болталка syringes off of vending machines and inject yourself to find out what happens.

95. 95% of all doors in the world are locked или jammed shut and cannot be opened by any conventional means.

96. Every conspicuously tall building in the Middle East has a hay-cart sitting directly under it, so feel free to dive off of every one.

97. In modern warfare, the only way to win is by advancing, because the enemy will never run out of troops otherwise.

98. Have fantasies of being a police officer, скорая помощь driver, fireman, или cab driver? Just steal one of the appropriate vehicles. No one at dispatch will wonder why their usual driver’s voice suddenly changed.

99. If you’re ever stuck in a burning building, find something red to wear. Red clothing usually denotes some measure of heat protection.

100. Every product in the world is priced in whole dollars. Pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters do not exist.

101. Death is never permanent. Even if it were, Ты could always just kill him.
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ninja gaiden
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Tekken (Теккен)
posted by knifewrench
There's been a strange amount of hype/flame-warring about inFamous and Prototype so I decided I'd have a go at doing a sort of....comparative review(?)

Both games are open-world, third-person view, (gruff voiced) super-hero (or anti-hero) games. Alex Mercer, the protagonist of Prototype uses his own body as his weapon, morphing it into whatever he needs. As well as morphing, he is virtually bullet proof and can.... run up walls? Cole McGrath, the protagonist of inFamous uses lightning and parkour abilities.

First of, graphics of Prototype were reported to be better... BUT the whole city...
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Clever DKWHIT1985 sports some hilarious dynamite kills in the awesome looking game, Battlefield 1943.
added by DoctorSpud
Yeah, see, NOW I'm hyped.
Duke Nukem`s disease is a scary one, Gene brings Ты the story of the life of a First Person Shooter.
first-person shooter
make fun
added by DoctorSpud
I'm going to get BioShock, so THIS game looks awesome now.
added by DoctorSpud
This game will be interesting to play.
Back in 2002, Sucker перфоратор, удар, пунш defined to me what a real video game is with a certain game titled 'Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus'. But what really did it for me was it's even better sequel, 'Sly 2: Band of Thieves'. And even before those two games, Sucker перфоратор, удар, пунш revolutionized physics with their debut title, 'Rocket: Robot on Wheels'. It was like the Half-Life 2 of the Nintendo 64.

Then they created 'Sly 3', which I quickly finished. I was eager for еще action, but discovered that Sucker Punch's Далее game would be a superhero game titled 'inFamous'. Little did I expect that inFamous would...
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