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Let’s talk about first bosses. They are usually a еще powerful (Most of the time) enemy then the ones Ты have met before, and are the first ones to test your abilities and are a stepping stone for later bosses and challenges in the game. Usually, first bosses are pretty easy, as they help Ты learn what to do and how to get used to the game ahead…. BUT, there are then those first bosses that come along and take none of your crap. These guys basically give Ты a challenge right when Ты start the game, without any warning или anything. So, before I begin, let’s go over some rules. First, only from games that I have played, and only one per franchise. So, seeing as I have never played Dark Souls или Demon's Souls, I will not be posting either first boss from those games. So, with all that сказал(-а) and done, let’s start the list

#10: Carlito from Dead Rising

Talk about being a douchebag straight from the start. When Ты first fight him, Ты are totally unprepared and are getting shot right when Ты get there. And if Ты are like me when I played this game for the first time, I had no idea where to go, so I was getting shot until I eventually died and had to start over at a save point. The problem with this fight is that Carlito is up on a higher platform, and you’re just stuck on the ground below. And not to mention, he has a machine gun, and Ты have a puny little pistol. Also, Ты only have four blocks of health and can only hold four items at this point of the game, so trying to keep from dying is easier сказал(-а) than done. It also doesn’t help that if Ты get to close, Carlito will throw grenades at Ты and those hurt Ты a lot. Oh, and of course, your crosshair for the pistol has to Переместить at a snail's pace when Ты try to aim, so getting shot isn’t too hard. Oh, and get this. This is the easiest of the three fights. Yeah, this is the easiest. After this, you're getting shot from a distance with a sniper rifle, and after that, you're getting rundown by a goddamn truck. So why is this boss fight lower? Because if Ты manage to get the Zombie Genocider achievement, Ты can use the Mega Buster to beat him in seconds, making it a pathetically easy boss fight.

#9: Skelter Helter from No еще Герои 2

I would Комментарий on how awesome this guy looks, and that sword makes him look like a badass looking облако Strife (Cloud is badass too, don’t worry), but Ты don’t want to hear about this guy who want’s to kill Travis for killing his brother. Ты want to hear about how hard he is. Now, on Sweet and Normal <ode, he’s pretty alright. But if Ты play the game on горький Mode, just remember that Ты have no idea what you’ve brought upon yourself. He will begin spamming the hell out of his strikes, and don’t even think about trying to distance yourself from him, because he will then begin shooting at Ты with his gun, and it will badly hurt you. The only way to beat him is to just keep striking at him with your sword and hope he goes down before Ты do. However, he’s lower too because, like I said, he is only this difficult if Ты play the game on горький mode.

#8: Olga Gurlukovich from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

This is actually a boss fight I kind of enjoyed. However, it is still a pretty challenging boss fight for a first boss. Ты start by fighting her in a gunfight. However, while Ты use a simple tranquilizer gun, she uses a real pistol. She will do everything she can to stay behind cover, and she moves real quick, so it’s pretty hard to hit her. However, after you’ve hit her a few times, things begin to get tricky. She will then shoot a tarp out from some boxes to keep herself hidden from you, while she keeps shooting at you. And if that wasn’t bad enough, after Ты get past that one, she will then shoot a light at your direction, which makes it way to hard to see her from the blinding light while she takes potshots at you. And it really doesn’t help that she throws grenades at Ты if Ты stand in one spot for too long. As difficult as she is, she’s lower because I have never actually died to her. Still a hard, but fun boss fight though

#7: Gohma from Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Remember Gohma from Ocarina of Time. Remember how freaking easy she is. Well, Wind Waker brought her back, only now as a giant lava bug with armor… So yeah, she kinda upgraded from the last time we saw her. Gohma is a lot harder, let me tell you. Ты still have to hit her eye (Because Ты know, that’s what 99% of Zelda bosses weak spots are). However, she isn’t just going to let Ты hit is, as she constantly covers it with her armored shell. So, Ты need to use your grappling hook to свинг, качели across the ceiling and hit Gohma with it three times. After Ты hit her three times, Ты then have to wail at her eyeball until she dies. What makes this hard is the fact that Ты only have three hearts, and Gohma is always trying to attack you, by swinging at you, или breathing very dangerous огонь on you. It’s really hard, and it’s probably best to keep that fairy from the room early at hand when meeting her. Though, just like Olga, I never died to Gohma. Hell, I never even used the fairy. Guess I’m just that good….. или maybe I just got really lucky.

#6: Guard скорпион from Final Фэнтези VII

Well, time to make an idiot of myself to the entire RPG world. Final Фэнтези VII was the first RPG I ever played, and a pretty good one to start with, if Ты ask me. But what was a really awful decision was the damn Guard Scorpion. This guy will come in at complete random, right when Ты are trying to get the basics down for this game. He will then throw everything he has at you, like stabbing Ты with his tail, firing lasers, или even freaking missiles at you. And since Ты did just start the game at this point, it isn’t that hard to believe that Ты are at a very low level at the moment, which means Ты do little damage and have little attack power. And since I was new to RPGs, I had no idea I could just heal myself with Phoenix Downs, so I died quite a lot. Thankfully, I learned overtime and after that…. the boss was still hard, but at least I won after that. I still don’t get why they thought this would be a good first boss. I mean, the other first bosses were at fun in a way. This guy is not at all fun. Shame on you.

#5: Del Lago from Resident Evil 4

When Ты start hearing about this thing from a few notes in the game, you’re probably thinking, “Eh, nothing a rocket launcher can’t fix”. But here’s the thing. Ты can’t use the rocket launcher. You’re not allowed to. You're stuck to using the damn harpoons. Every time Ты throw them, Ты have such a few chance of hitting him, and sometimes, Ты just don’t. The damn thing moves so fast, that it is nearly impossible to hit him unless he’s going straight. Also, he is always trying to ram into you, или knock Ты into giant land mounds to knock Ты into the water. When he does, you’d better press the A button as fast as hell, because if Ты don’t, he will eat Ты and it will result in an instant death. And hell, half the time, Ты can still do the exact right thing, and Ты still get eaten, all because you’re health was just a bit too low. Well, if I could just get back in the boat, I could fix that damn problem. Nothing, not even the Chicago Typewriter или even the goddamn Infinite Rocket Launcher can help in this fight. Is Del Lago the worst boss fight? No (That would be you, Jack Krauser. Ты suck), but he was not the best choice the for the game's first boss.

#4: Brock from Pokemon Yellow

If you're like me, Ты watched the Pokemon TV Показать a lot as a kid, and Ты remember Brock as a gigantic pervert. So, when I met him in Pokemon Yellow, I thought it would be a fun boss fight… All it ended with was with tears and a feeling of defeat. When I played this game, me, including all my Друзья who had this game at the time, were only able to catch Electric или Bug Pokemon, so I am pretty sure that everyone who had this could only catch those kinds of Pokemon (Unless you’re either a pro или a cheater), so when we got to Brock, not only was all Electric Pokemon moves ineffective, but some of them didn’t even get a little harmed. Nothing worked at all. So, I had to train all of my Pokemon and go back to the Pewter Gym to fight Brock again over four times before I was finally able to win. You’d think that the first boss to a Pokemon game wouldn’t be that hard, but let me tell you, Brock gives the Guard скорпион a run for it’s money.

#3: Robotnik from Sonic 2 (Game Gear Version)

Oh, and Ты thought Pokemon had a pathetic first boss. Well the original Sonic games are the king of easy first bosses. Not on Game Gear, though. Game Gear takes everything Ты have ever known from a first boss in a Sonic game and flips it all around. What happens is that Ты have no rings when the boss fight starts, and Ты are stuck on a sliding platform with a robotic сороконожка at the bottom. What Ты have to do is avoid the balls that come from the вверх and make them fall into the centipede. However, the balls bounce way too high, and Ты have to make a good choice weather to jump over the ball или утка under it. If Ты don’t do it, you’ll end up dying, because like I said, Ты have no rings. And trust me, there is no way to tell when it will end. Ты just gotta keep dodging and hope it will end before Ты die. And that is why the Game Gear Sonic games suck

#2: Murai from Ninja Gaiden Black

Like I сказал(-а) before, I have never played Dark Souls…. Mainly because after playing Ninja Gaiden Black, I don’t want to torture myself with another impossible game. When Ты first meet this guy, there is no doubt Ты will say “Oh, crap”. And that is the right reaction, because this guy is one of the hardest bosses I have fought in a long time. His nunchucks are swung so damn fast, that once he gets Ты stuck in it, it is not easy to get out of it. Not to mention, since the camera is locked onto him for the entirety of the fight, trying to control the camera in your favor is impossible. And those goddamn brown jumping ninjas will be the death of me one of these days. The only way to beat this guy is to keep your distance and wait for the right moment to strike, since he has no ranged attacks. And thank god for that, because this fight was bad enough with him throwing melee attacks at me. Though, what boss could possible be worse?

#1: Olaric from Return to замок Wolfenstein

I hate this boss… I hate this damn boss so much. Unlike all of the other bosses, Ты actually had to strategies as best as Ты can, no matter what. Each strategy making Ты feel good after Ты have finally defeated a challenging boss. But, this boss fight has no strategy. I actually had to cheat just to beat this boss, and in the end, I didn’t feel satisfied. I just felt empty. When Ты first get there, Ты find this find monster walking right toward you. At first, it seems okay, as Ты can just shoot at it, but before Ты know it, Olaric is sending spirits at Ты which, if they hit you… and they will, Ты will lose half of your health. And Olric ALWAYS sends spirits at you, so Ты will die after two hits. It is almost as if they directly programmed this cheap boss attack just so Ты could never ever beat the game. So, what do Ты have to do to beat this boss? Ты have to go back to a wall, stay hidden due to a glitch, and shoot at Olaric… I am not kidding. This boss is so hard, that instead of making it easier, they made sure that Ты had to cheat in order to beat the boss. There is no way to kill this boss without cheating. I’ve tried finding it, but there is no way. All Ты can do is keep shooting from behind this wall, and just wait to win. And no, I didn’t feel satisfied. I felt empty. That boss fight was terrible. It was just awful. How could anyone program it this way. This is a boss that is so hard, that the only way to beat it is to cheat, and that is why this is the hardest first boss I have ever seen.

So, there Ты have it. Did Ты enjoy the list? Tell me what Ты thought of it. With that said, I will see Ты all Далее time.
added by Windwakerguy430
Song: link

Derek: Good день sir. I'm a posh British gentleman, and I'm here to sell Ты one of England's greatest cars. The Ford Mondeo.
Liam: Ты mean the Fusion?
Derek: No. The Mondeo. It's different from the Fusion. Your steering wheel is on the right side, while the petrol pedal is to the left.
Liam: I'm gonna turn down your offer.
Derek: Oh well. At least I'm hosting tonight's episode. I'm Derek O'Rourke from the Johnny Lightning series, and this is our lineup for tonight.

8:00 PM - Now

The REAL Powerpuff Girls
Johnny Lightning

8:30 PM - Later

The Nut House - Bak 2 Bak

Song: link

Tom Kenny: Sugar....
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posted by Windwakerguy430
(This is only going to be a small series. If it picks up, I may continue it. So, for now, here is the article)


Wind: (Tries to erase wrong letter in sentence with eraser, which just leaves a bigger mess) Come on Ты piece of shi- (Eraser ends up ripping the paper) You. Mother. FUCKER!!! (Throws eraser on the ground, and stomps on it repeatedly)

~Litter Bugs~

Wind: THERE’S FUCKING GARBAGE EVERYWHERE! THE TRASH CAN IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE (Points at an empty trash can, which is surrounded by garbage)

~Potato Chip Bag~

Wind: (Tries to open bag of chips) Come on (Tries to open it with his...
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Now, here is another story that is just so overrated as fuck that it makes me wonder "Are the Крипипаста readers really unable to find out that this is garbage.
So, this story starts off with this guy getting tapes of Happy Appy episodes. It starts out pretty tame, as Happy Appy, an яблоко with a face stuck on a popsicle stick. The most bland of serial killers. Anyway, so as the Показать goes on, they get darker and the story gets cornier.
So, Happy Appy goes around killing kids in the Показать just for the sake of being scary, which, honestly, is cliched, and is no longer scary. Stop doing it. It's...
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Now, like I сказал(-а) before, Zelda has a lot of great bosses. But, then there are the bosses that are just… bad. So, I want to talk about the bosses that I find to be the worst. Remember that this is my opinion. If there are any bosses that Ты wanted on here, then I just thought the ones on my Список were worse. Now, with that said, lets start the list


#10: Jalhalla - Now, this boss fight may not have been too bad, but this was еще of his Дизайн and how he acted. The Earth Temple was a great temple. It was challenging, but it was also very scary. So, I kept thinking the temples boss...
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Song: link

Sean: *Lined up with Johnny Lightning's Plymouth* We'll finally see who's the fastest.
Blossom: You'll have to wait until Далее week.
Johnny: How come?
Blossom: I'm hosting tonight, but we only have one story tonight. Kelly's Heroes. You'll see a real lady in action.
Sean: Kelly's a man. The only women in this story are evil.
Blossom: Oh. Well, let's see it anyway.

It was a dark and stormy night in Naboo. Rain was falling down hard as lightning strikes flashed nearby, followed with the sounds of thunder.

Imperial Officer: *Slowly walking back and forth, making sure the Stormtroopers load...
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 Art by SeantheHedgehog
Art by SeantheHedgehog
Ты know, I really do enjoy a good crime film from time to time. Фильмы like The Godfather, Goodfellas, Scarface, and more. But sometimes, I enjoy the ones that can be pretty humorous. And then there are times where those black comedy crime films have Вампиры disguised as strippers… Seriously. Anyway, while I am not questioning the idea of how this is made, we’re going to be taking a look at the classic cult film, From Dusk Till Dawn.

From Dusk Till Dawn is a movie directed by Robert Rodriguez, who worked on Desperado and Sin City and written by Quentin Tarantino, who worked on Kill...
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 Art by Alinah_09
Art by Alinah_09
Ты know, as much as I Любовь psychological horror and creative monster designs, I’ve never gotten a chance to talk about a horror game that isn’t really scary, but еще weird and strange. So, I think I should talk about that. There isn’t really much strange horror games. One of the best known would be Yume Nikki. However, that would be too obvious for me to talk about, really. So, instead, I’m gonna talk about a game that may not be as weird, but still strange on it’s own. This game being They Breathe.

They Breathe is probably one of the shortest games ever made. The game is only...
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added by Seanthehedgehog
(No image I'm afraid. Seems to be a glitch. Hope I can get some Опубликовано for the Далее article)

Another season of autumn and Ты all know what that means? It means we all get to experience some new things. Yes, Хэллоуин is great, and seeing the seasons change from a hot summer to a cool autumn is also neat. But, we all know that there is one thing that we Любовь about the coming of October. One thing we all look вперед to each and every year. It’s something that takes it’s time to arrive, but when it does arrive, Ты are so happy, that Ты could explode with joy. And that is… General Mills...
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Believe it или not, I am quite the Фан of old black and white style of humor. From the silent Актёрское искусство of Charlie Chaplin pre-Hitler stache era to the slapstick Золото of the Three Stooges. Just something about that style of humor from that decade makes me laugh. And Abbott and Costello were no exception. They were just so much fun to watch from their shows and movies. And being a Фан of the classic Universal horror monsters, when I heard there was a crossover, I was both excited but skeptical. How could two differentiating genres make for a good movie… Well, you’d be surprised.

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posted by Windwakerguy430
Platinum is a company that really does prefer quality over quantity. At least when they aren’t making Ninja черепаха games, but they always make the most amazing games out there. From the stylistic Madworld to the fast-paced Metal Gear Rising to their винная бутыль, magnum, магнум opus, Bayonetta. They really try their best when making games. And let’s face it, they’re really the only good third party games produced by Sega. So, today, on the May Xbox Gold, I was able to get two games. Streets of Rage Vintage Collection and, of course, a glorious Platinum game, by the Название of Vanquish, and of all the games that...
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Song: link

Sean The Hedgehog: It's about time. We're finally back.
Master Sword: *Fighting with Twilight Sparkle*
Tom: *Playing guitar*
Saten Twist: *Playing drums*
Ethan: I am a talking train Пение for a Rock & Roll band. Why are we even playing the music?
Fluttershy: *Watching Twilight fight Master Sword* Why are they fighting?
Coffee Creme: Beats me. I don't get involved in that idiotic activity.
Orion: *Sitting on a lawn chair in front of his train, watching Percy, and Jeff fix the tracks*
Sean: *Stops Далее to Percy, and Jeff* Here are those new rails Ты wanted.
Jeff: Thanks Sean.
Sean: We...
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added by Windwakerguy430
posted by Seanthehedgehog

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Somewhere near Mosul, Iraq, a handcar was seen rolling down a train track, surrounded by two еще tracks. On one end was an earth пони that was completely white. On the other end, was a grey hedgehog with black spikes, and a red, white, and blue stripe going around his body. That's me, I'm the hedgehog.

White Pony: Alright buddy, we're in Mosul. But the Вопрос is, why?
Sean: I'm looking for a pony.
White Pony: Heh! There's thousands of ponies in this town.
Sean: Exactly where I want to...
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Ты know, I always told myself, if I ever start to run out of ideas, I should review this horror game. And what better time to review it than on the месяц of fear, October. So, I’d say it’s time we break that emergency glass and take out a game that I’ve been holding out on for a long time. The sci-fi horror game, System Shoc- Dead Space. It’s Dead Space. No one cares about System Shock.

Dead Космос is a franchise that reminds me a lot like Alien. Dead Космос 1 is a much еще scary game and filled with terror. Dead Космос 2 is a еще action oriented game due to everyone knowing of...
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Song: link

Sean: *Laughing*
Shayne: *Laughing*
Jerry: *Laughing*
Mike: *Stops Далее to his friends* Heeey. What's with the laughter?
Sean: Listen to the music.
Mike: Ah. *Laughing*
Jerry: We oughta do something like that. Think of how famous we could become.
Shayne: We could, but let's focus on hosting the very last episode of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories.
Sean: This is the last one?
Shayne: Yeah. Let's give the audience one hell of a show. We'll feature an episode of Trainz, and Johnny Lightning, then Показать off The Seven Ups.

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place...
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Now, what is one of the most laughably bad fanfics I have ever read in my entire life. Well, I think that that fanfic would be the Крипипаста known as Mad for McDonalds.
Now, this story starts with a man who goes to a local McDonalds and starts eating. However, he just keeps eating, to the point where he becomes addicted to it. So addicted to where he goes there all the time, just eating Big Macs and stuff like that. Soon, his family keeps him from going back, so he gets angry and, for some reason, dresses up as Ronald McDonald and sneaks off to eat еще at McDonalds only to become a great big fat fuck.
And that's about it. Like I said, this creepypasta, while not even being all that creepy, but is just so bad, that it is so hilarious. But, hey, that's only my opinion. Whats Your Take
Here is the first вверх ten of the месяц of October, everyone. And today, let’s liven it up with the total opposite: the living dead. Zombies were not that Популярное back in the early stages of film. Sure, Ты had The Mummy and Frankenstein, but nothing crazy like we have today. Then George A. Romero launched them into the mainstream that we known them for today. Nowadays, there everywhere, from horror movies, to practically comedies. We’re in no short supply of these kinds of movies, let me tell you. So, to make this Список a bit еще interesting, while I will be putting zombies on this list,...
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Now, what has to be one of the most insulting moments in Аниме history. Maybe its poor english voice acting, pathetic censorship, или maybe its the god awful theme songs they add. But, what if they took all those awful things and put them together. Well, thats 4Kids for you.
Now, 4Kids was a channel that was to host Аниме for kids. Sadly, most of the shows were pretty violent, especially One Piece. So, instead of just putting them for a еще mature audience. They censored out EVERYTHING!!! Literally, everything. All the blood and death was gone, pistols and rifles were turned into hammers or...
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