Волшебники из Вэйверли Плэйс Club
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added by mjlover4lifs
Source: Дисней Plus / Дисней Channel
Get a first-look at the newest Дисней Channel series, Wizards Beyond Waverly Place!
wizards beyond waverly place
new series
Канал Дисней
Селена Гомес
Дэвид Генри
Волшебники из Вэйверли Плэйс
added by xrayana
added by Ferfer6283
added by morbidzerah
added by DepressedGuy
Source: tumblr
added by DepressedGuy
Source: tumblr
added by DepressedGuy
Source: tumblr
added by DepressedGuy
Source: tumblr
added by LucyNarnia101
added by leah120492
posted by Princess-Russo
Ohmigosh! Screencaps from the new Spellbound game! Check 'em out!

Here's a game Описание from ToyXplosion:

Wizards of Waverly Place: Spellbound for Nintendo DS™ lets Фаны play as their Избранное wizards-in-training, Alex, Justin and Max Russo. In the game, players will embark on a journey through a series of hilarious mishaps when a dress designed by Alex Russo goes missing just before the big fashion show. Фаны will be able to take their wizard skills to the Далее level with cool spells, new outfits and еще magic and mayhem than ever before!

The game will be released on November 16, 2010....
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posted by Princess-Russo
I'll add еще as the episodes come out! :D

-Edgebono Utoosis: The ability to duplicate any object

-McReary Timereary: The ability to rewind time
Note: The spell causes a disturbance in the space/time continuum

-Take this girl with the skills of a bench and turn her into a serving wench: Gives one serving skills

-Take this girl who's a great serving wench and give her back the skills of a bench: Takes away one's serving skills

-Transportium Nextorbitorium: Teleports one to any planet

-Commakus Pancakus: Creates a stack of pancakes

-Stop all the racket, I'll wear a jacket: Zaps on a jacket

-Some people...
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added by mjlover4lifs
Source: Дисней Plus / Дисней Channel