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posted by Red-Revenge

Revenge stood on the corner of a skyscraper. The night had been uneventful so far. изумруд was at the base trying to track down Dealer. Surprisingly, Reaper had not escaped prison yet. It surprised Red Revenge. Although Reaper had murdered his father, the man didn't know Red Revenge was Samuel Grant. His arrival always complicated things.

Revenge sighed. The last time he had faced Reaper was two years ago. It had been a small battle, hadn't even made the news. Reaper had escaped and Revenge had caught him and thrown him back. It was Page 3 in the Local section if memory served.

Red Revenge's attention was caught by a teenage girl running down the silent street. A police officer rounded the corner, chasing her. The girl ducked in an alleyway, breathing heavily. She hid behind a мусорный контейнер, корзина для мусора, корзины and watched as the police drove right past her.

Revenge dropped down, but remained in the shadows. The police were still close and the girl remained in her hiding place. Revenge couldn't see much of her. She was wearing dark jeans and a hoodie. A bright yellow and green backpack was on her back.

"The backpack isn't helping Ты hide." Revenge said.

The girl whipped around. She couldn't have been older than fourteen, if that old. Her face was concealed in shadows, but Revenge could see fear radiating off of her.

"What's in the backpack?" he asked, stepping out of the shadows. The girl backed up into the wall, breathing heavily. "Stay back! Please!"

Revenge walked вперед slowly, oblivious to just how frightened the girl was. "I asked a question."

The girl screamed and threw up her hands, palms facing outward as if she were pushing Revenge away. Bright yellow lightning arced from her palms and hit Revenge square in the chest. He yelled and flew backwards into the brick wall.

"Oh my God!" the girl exclaimed. "I am so sorry!"

Revenge groaned and sat up. "Meta-human."

The girl merely gave him a questioning look.

Revenge hauled himself to his feet and looked at the girl. She was still terrified. For the first time, Red Revenge saw exactly how terrified.

"Just tell me what's in the backpack and I won't hurt you." he said.

The girl opened it and showed him some Конфеты bars. "I tried to pay for them, honestly I did."

Revenge nodded and gestured for her to put the backpack back on. "I went to pay and accidentally hit the cashier with lightning. A police officer tried to arrest me, but I accidentally hit him too. I ran. I was scared."

Revenge studied her over. She wasn't his common criminal. She was a teenager who had gotten in over her head by a pure accident.

"What's your name?" Revenge asked.

The girl was silent for a moment. Almost hesitant.

"S-Sarah." she said. "Sarah Tesla."

"Ironic name." Revenge said.

Sarah smiled uneasily.

"Come on." Revenge said.

"Where are we going?" Sarah asked.

"My base. Emerald, mask on. I'm bringing a visitor."

Revenge took off the blindfold and opened the door to the warehouse. Sarah walked in.

"I didn't think Ты were bringing Главная a girl." изумруд said, leaning on the desk.

"Take it easy on her." Revenge said.

падуб, holly, холли raised an eyebrow. She was dressed in skinny jeans and a tank-top. A leather куртка went over that and a pair of sunglasses replaced her mask.

Sarah walked around the computer hub of the warehouse, admiring the technology. She bent down to look at a computer module and the lights flickered.

"Sorry!" she exclaimed, standing bolt upright.

"Meta?" падуб, holly, холли asked.

"Lightning." Revenge replied.

Sarah sat down uneasily on the couch. Revenge motioned for падуб, holly, холли to follow him into the garage. She did, closing the door firmly behind her.

"You're in it deep now, Brooke." Sarah muttered.

"What are we going to do with her?!" падуб, holly, холли exclaimed. "Let her stay at Grant Towers?"

"I don't know. But she's terrified of me. She was trying to buy snacks and electrocuted two people on accident. She didn't mean any harm."

"And Ты believe her?"

"Checked the security footage."


"Keeps me alive."

падуб, holly, холли sighed. "So what do we do?" she asked.

Revenge looked at his feet. "I don't know. We can let her sleep here for the night, I'll watch her. Run a full background check at the penthouse and tell me what Ты find. I don't think she has anything on her, but I don't wanna risk it."

падуб, holly, холли nodded and walked back into the computer hub.

Sarah was sitting uneasily on the couch, twiddling her fingers and looking completely nervous. She had taken off her hoodie and it was for the first time Revenge noticed just how beautiful she was.

She had platinum blonde hair that flowed halfway to her elbow. Her green-gray eyes sparked (no pun intended). She looked up as the Black Hero entered the room.

"Do Ты have anywhere to stay?" he asked.

Sarah opened her mouth, but closed it. She shook her head.s

"What about your parents?" Revenge asked, squatting in front of her.

"Killed during the Battle of New York*." she said. "I work at a grocery store. I normally sleep in abandoned buildings."

"Do Ты have any relations?"

"My step-mom is rich, but I don't particularly like her. And her me."

Revenge glanced at падуб, holly, холли who shrugged.

"Do Ты want to stay here for tonight?" Revenge asked.

Sarah looked up, stunned.

"You'd have to sleep on the couch." Revenge said. "But you'd be безопасно, сейф and warm here."

Sarah looked back and forth between Revenge and изумруд before nodding and smiling. It was a warm, beautiful smile Revenge couldn't help but respond to.


Sam removed his head from the таблица and put a finger on his ear com.


"I did the background check..."


"There's no one named Sarah Tesla. It's a fake ID."

"Did Ты run facial recognition?"

"Yes. It comes up with a Brooke Shield. Thirteen, until two months ago, she went to New York Middle. It is right Далее to the high school where the biological attack occurred."

"Makes sense." Revenge shrugged.

"Well her story checks out. Her dad had her, got divorced, and married another woman. However, her biological mom and dad were killed when Trapper was here. Her step mom fled the city."

Revenge was silent, thinking.


"Let's let her be." he said. "She hasn't done anything wrong."


When Sam woke the Далее morning, Sarah was gone. She had folded up the blanket he had lent her last night and had disappeared. Sam sighed and went to change into his civvies.

T-shirt, jeans, Saturday. It practically screamed America. Sam looked something up and drove to the nearest super-store. He walked in and wasn't surprised to see Brooke bagging items at the cashier stand. She looked up and immediately downward again. Sam went about his shopping, always keeping one eye on Brooke.

Sam was heading towards the register when two police officers walked in. They walked over to Brooke and spoke to her for a moment. She followed them outside. Sam watched as she was put in the back of the police car, a воротник slapped around her neck, and was driven off.

"Draxx," Revenge walked into the police captain's office. "I need to see the girl Ты brought in today."

"Which one?" Draxx asked, adjusting his glasses and popping a fresh stick of Spearmint into his mouth.

"Meta-human. Lightning. Resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, theft."

"Ah, yes. Jane Doe. We're running facial recognition, bu-"


Draxx cancelled the program.

"I need to see the girl."

Draxx nodded. "You've got the keys."

Revenge walked into the back and down the row of jail cells. Brooke was sitting in the секунда to last one. She looked absolutely miserable.

"Sarah." Revenge said. The teen looked up. "They got me." she said, holding up her handcuffed arms.

"So my Источник tells me."

"Grant?" she asked. "He's not very good at it."

"But he's all I've got." Revenge said. He unlocked the door. "Come on."


"Don't worry." Revenge said. He unlocked the handcuffs and meta-collar and escorted Sarah out of the police station. No one сказал(-а) anything.

"Why?" she asked.


"Why did Ты break me out of jail?"

"It's not my habit to let the innocent pay for crimes they didn't commit." Revenge said.

Sarah sighed. "This isn't going to work. My whole life is ruined now."

"What do Ты mean?"

"The police will constantly be watching me. I've got a criminal record, nowhere to go, no family, no friends. I'm a freak."

"You're not a freak." Revenge said. "You're a beautiful, smart girl with a gift."

"A gift?!" Sarah yelled. "You call this a gift?!" lightning arced from palm to palm.

"Calm down." Revenge said. "I understand what it feels like-"

"No Ты don't!"

Revenge was silent. In truth, he didn't know.

"I'm leaving." Sarah said, walking towards the door. She opened and stormed off. Revenge sighed and put his head in his hands.

"Follow her." he commanded the shadows.

Sarah walked down the empty street, hoodie up. She looked like she had been crying, but also angry. How could Revenge call what she had a "gift" and think he was right? He didn't know a thing about her! Hell, her name wasn't even Sarah! Some hero.

Sarah stormed into an alley. She heard running footsteps and turned to see who it was. A man slammed her into the wall, trying to Kiss her. Sarah screamed, but she knew immediately no one heard her.

"Come on babe! Just want a good time!"

Sarah screamed again, fighting the man to keep him away. He continued trying to Kiss her. Sarah slapped him and tried to run away. The man grabbed her hoodie and yanked her back, causing a tight sensation in her throat. The man pressed her against the Стена again, this time with a very large and tight hand at her throat. He pressed his lips sloppily to hers. Sarah tried to scream, but it only caused the man to laugh.

"Enough." a female voice commanded. A girl in scale armor and a blue-orange outfit jumped into the alleyway and crunched the man's shoulder blades with her impact. He fell to the ground, screaming and crying. Ravager stomped on his back and he was silenced.

"Are you-" Ravager started, but Sarah planted an electrically charged перфоратор, удар, пунш in her mouth. Ravager stumbled backwards. Sarah ran.

"Wait!" Ravager yelled. She ran after Sarah.

Her hoodie was down and her long, blonde hair was waving behind her as she ran. She ducked into an alley and Ravager followed. The girl had disappeared, the alley was completely dark.

"Damn it!" Ravager cursed. She turned around to see three very big guys in her way.

"Move." Ravager commanded. The guys didn't budge.

Ravager went for her swords, but a taser line hit her in the chest and she fell to the ground unconscious.

"Good job." a voice came from the shadows. "Let's not leave her in the cold! Inside gentlemen! Inside!" a long, evil laugh resonated and then went silent

Red Revenge slowly walked onto the windy roof. It was familiar. His father had died here. He had hunted down his killer and almost avenged his fathers death had the NYC Police not stopped him. Here he was again, looking for the same man after he received a message saying Reaper wanted to "return something".

It was cold, even through his suit. Colder than it should have been for late March.

The Переместить was sudden. Guys swarmed the roof, pointing Оружие at Revenge while a single cloaked figure and two smaller, female ones walked out onto the roof.

"Been a while, hasn't it?" the cloaked figure asked as the two females stood at the edge of the building.

Revenge didn't move.

The lights flickered on and everything was illuminated. Revenge counted twenty guys. All in a круг around him. One figure was dressed as the Grim Reaper. His two female companions were dressed the same.

"Reaper." Revenge growled after a silent moment.

The man laughed wickedly. "I suppose I don't need to introduce my companions?"


The man laughed again. "Friends of yours."

He jerked the robes off of the girls to reveal Rose Walker and Sarah. Both were tied, gagged, and strung loosely to the outside of the building's guard rail.

Revenge started forward, but Reaper held up his scythe. "Stop, или they die."

"Then what'll save Ты from my wrath?" Revenge demanded.

"Good point." Reaper said, pausing to think. "Let's try again, don't step вперед или one gets it and the other is dropped."

Revenge didn't move, silently accepting the deal.

"Now then. I've long pondered your grudge against me. Really I have. I think about Ты a lot! Ты could say I was obsessed."

"No. Kidding." Revenge growled.

Reaper continued to pace, his капот, худ hiding his details. "My point is who are you? What makes Ты tick? Who is bold enough to name themselves Red Revenge and try to be a hero in this city? And why does he hunt down little old me?"

Revenge clenched his fists.

"See? Ты care about me too! How affectionate!"

"I only thing I care about is your dead corpse." Revenge growled again.

Reaper laughed. "Well, to avoid the discussion, I'm cutting straight to the chase. Mask off."

"Or?" Revenge asked.

Reaper laughed and fired a shot at Rose. It went straight through her shoulder and she cringed. She was wearing her usual tank-top and jeans, her white hair waving in the wind.

"You'll shoot an assassin and a street-rat?" Revenge asked.

Reaper's expression went blank. Then he grinned again and laughed. "Almost had me! They're people. You'd save them."

"Would I?"

Reaper laughed. "Well let's find out, shall we?"

His foot hit Rose in the stomach and she fell.

"No!" Revenge yelled, running вперед and trying to leap after the girl. Reaper grabbed his cape and jerked him back on the roof, causing Revenge to bang his head.

"Watch it. Metal poles hurt!"

Revenge groaned as Reaper continued to свинг, качели at him with a metal baseball bat. For five минуты this kept up. Finally Revenge rolled over and groaned. Then he didn't move.

"Get rid of the other girl." Reaper сказал(-а) casually. One of the gangsters shoved Sarah off the edge. She screamed as she fell.

Revenge growled and leapt up, grabbing Reaper's neck. He closed his grip on it and walked over the guard rail and to the corner edge of the roof.

"I'm going to kill you." Revenge growled. "Right after I break Ты in two."

"Now, now." Reaper said, his капот, худ blowing off in the wind to reveal his nervous, sweaty face. "Let's not do anything we'll regret."

"Oh, I'll never regret this." Revenge said.

"REVENGE!" a voice yelled. Sam didn't turn, but he knew изумруд was running up behind him, the gangsters already unconscious.

Reaper wasn't sure what to say as изумруд ran up, тренчкот, пальто billowing, trying to get Revenge to put the villain down.

"Three times this scum has escaped my grasp. First, it was the police, then—"

"Ooh! I remember that—unh!"

Revenge tightened his grip on the hooded man. "Shut it."

изумруд put his hand on his shoulder. "You don't want to do this."

"Yeah kid, what kind of hero kills someone?"

"You're really not helping yourself." Revenge growled. Reaper gulped and shut up.

Revenge's grip loosened steadily, the Black Hero pulling one finger away from the whimpering villain's throat at a time.

"Stop!" a new voice yelled. Revenge and изумруд turned to see Sarah running towards them. "Don't kill him."

Revenge stared at her. "How—"

"Think of it as booster rockets." The younger blonde replied, holding out her hands as lightning arced between them.

For a moment, everything was still and silent as Revenge thought over the situation in his mind. At that moment however, еще of Reaper's squad busted onto the roof and fired at the trio of heroes. Sarah yelled and collapsed onto the roof clutching her arm. изумруд grabbed the girl and covered her with her body as the jet hovered Далее to the roof.

Luckily most of the bullets were going towards Revenge. After падуб, holly, холли placed the girl in the plane, she realized why.

Sam was grinding his foot onto the villain's hand which had caught the banister after Revenge dropped him in shock. In that moment, he wasn't Red Revenge, he was Samuel Grant. A thirteen год old boy who's father had been killed by the man he was trying to drop to the same sticky death.

A light hot sprinkle of rain began to fall.

"Revenge! Now!" изумруд yelled.

Revenge didn't even look up. He continued grinding his foot into the villain's hand. At that precise moment, lightning struck the edge of the building. The gangsters stumbled backwards blindly and Revenge's mask disappeared. падуб, holly, холли could see straight through to his tear filled face.

And Reaper dropped.

Then the Black Hero was gone and the gangsters were running forward, shooting a line desperately at Reaper. падуб, holly, холли had seen enough and flew off towards the base, Sarah in the back сиденье, место, сиденья bleeding and biting her tongue to keep from crying.

Sam was waiting at the apartment when падуб, holly, холли got there. He was silent in his chair, his back towards her, looking out the window smoking a cigarette. It wasn't until падуб, holly, холли was closer she saw his face covered in tears.

"I didn't do it." Sam muttered even as падуб, holly, холли was hugging him. "He's безопасно, сейф and getting three square meals a день while my father is six feet under because of him. My mother too…"

"Sam, I'm so sorry." падуб, holly, холли said, stroking his hair and breathing in the scent of it. She let him cry for a moment and then she shushed him.

"Sarah got shot in the arm near her wrist."

"Is she going to be alright?" Sam asked.

"Yeah," падуб, holly, холли smiled. "She'll be fine. But she needs to talk to Ты she said."

Sam looked at падуб, holly, холли and then at the suit laying on the floor. "I guess it is about time I got a civilian suit to hide my ID."

Sam walked into the base in a white T-Shirt, jeans, a black jacket, капот, худ up, baseball hat and sunglasses. Sarah was laying on the couch, her arm bandaged roughly by Holly.

"How are Ты feeling?" Sam asked.

"Lousy." Sarah admitted. "Look, I need to tell Ты something—"

"You don't need to tell me anything." Sam said, squatting Далее to her.

Sarah smiled weakly before groaning. "So what do I do? I'm a criminal now. I can't go back to my old job and I certainly can't hang with you."

Sam remained silent, pondering the situation.

"What am I going to do?" Sarah asked again, hiding her face in her hands.

"I've got a friend in Manhattan." Revenge finally spoke. "You can stay with her. She's a meta too."

"Night Hunter или Nightress или whatever?" Sarah asked, wiping the silent tears from her face.

"Yes. Her name's Alexa Lynx. She'd be happy to have a...sidekick. If you're willing."

Sarah debated with herself silently for a few минуты before finally replying. "Okay... But where'd I stay?"

Revenge glanced at Holly. "I have a powerful friend who has a building there. He could give Ты an apartment. Clothes, Еда I'm sure will be provided as well."

Sarah looked at him. "Why are Ты being so nice? You're Red Revenge. The Black Hero. Everyone's terrified of you."

"Because the idea is to terrify the bad guys into submission. You're not a bad guy."

Sarah smiled and hugged Revenge. падуб, holly, холли shifted her position as Revenge returned the embrace. "Thank you." Sarah said.

"No problem...Brooke." Revenge replied.

Sarah looked up. "How-?"

"Please," Revenge grinned. "I'm the Black Hero. Ты can't lie to me."

Sarah laughed.

This Fanfiction is dedicated to a friend of mine. Maybe one день she'll read this.

*See Trapper
posted by GlitterPuff
Name: Elizabeth Dawn (Goes by Beth normally)

Height: 3 feet 3 inches

Age: 6

Birthplace: Gotham City

Hair color/length/style: Long white/silver hair

Eye color: A blue-ish grey или a dark grey

Accent: American

Religion: Doesn’t really know

Marital Status: Single…. SHE’S 6!

Noticeable Physical Attributes: Needle holes on her arms from IV’s, a scar on her forehead that is always hidden by hair

Handicaps (emotional/physical/mental): 6 YEARS OLD HELLO PEOPLE

Overall Health: Dead

Style of Dress: Fun colors, normally a dress with tights and cute mary janes

Personality Traits: Happy-go-lucky, energetic, how...
continue reading...
posted by Mclovin_69
Name: Lana ( Lah- nah) Barrett

Alias: Lumos ( Loo- Mus)

Gender: female

Age: 17

Appearance: Light blonde hair that almost looks like it could be white, and dark greenish-grey eyes.

Personality: she is a very innocent kind of person who isn't very open или confident in herself. She doesn't look happy and refuses to smile unless Ты can figure out how to make her.

Height: 5,5

Powers/Abilities: she has the ability to control light and generate it to herself to make her еще powerful and strong. She uses light as a defense to defend herself by blinding someone but isn't sure of the true potential of her powers.

(( this is literally a small bio on her cause I'm still trying to figure out stuff on her and develop her as a character and I know I know, I suck at making characters. Especially when they are girls. Ты guys better force me to use her ))
posted by Kurls_Basd
Ashley crashed on a piece of the third floor that is hanging over a roaring огонь below but still attached to the rest of the floor above her. She groaned in pain then fragments from the ceiling suddenly started falling. She blocked her face with her hands severely burning them. She screamed from the burns, the heat of the огонь had started to take its toll on her, she filled the wet sensation of water on her back she widen her eyes gathering her hair. She looked at it it was melting to add to all this the carbon monoxide caused her to cough uncontrollably. Suddenly she hears her name...
continue reading...
posted by Kurls_Basd
Two persons are wheeled into the cave's infirmary both in very bad conditions. One being Ashley, who has third degree burns on both hands and is hardly breathing. The other is Jaivus, the young Beetle that helped her save her sister. He too is hardly breathing and has third degree burns from his neck to waist. Devin along with Rene, Kaya and Koda paired themselves into twos, Rene and Koda dealt with Ashley while Kaya and Devin dealt with Jaivus. The four healers started healing as quickly as possible. But suddenly Jaivus's vital signs monitor started beeping alarmingly, his сердце beat dropped...
continue reading...
posted by killer24
(part 4 sorry for the wait)

Still Пение unaware that his 'brothers' are in mid combat he looks from face to face finally stopping on a face he hoped he wouldn't see again for the rest of his life.....
The duchess of France шарлотка, шарлотта Durand the girl he used to get to her dad (as well as her country) was in the crowd looking at him with a blank expression
"well we're done for, we should have known"

"oh shut up the vans out side once the data has been stolen we are outta here"

"true but if she's here then her Друзья will be too and they'll distract Ajax and Kane"

"dammit Alex she wouldn't hold a...
continue reading...
posted by Kurls_Basd
Lelisa's bio is very short but as time goes now i'll keep updating it

Name: Lelisa
Alias: огонь Slayer
Powers: Controls fire
Appearance: Red hair and eyes.
Age:18 yrs
Abilities: combat fighter.
Relations: Daughter to Alanna and younger sister to the ultra guradian (Serenity)
Attitude: devious, sarcastic
History&Past: All of Lelisa's life she has been helping her mother, Alanna, find her sister the ultra guradian, Serenity. Lelisa has never met her father since Alanna killed him. From a young age she was taught to kill and fight by her mother. As she grew up she became jealous of a sister she never met since her mother puts everything in finding the girl. Despite this she still desperately searches for Serenity for her mother sake.
Notes: Lelisa has the ability to enrich herself with flame also turning her hair into fire.
 Lelisa in her mode
Lelisa in her mode
posted by khanna266
name:Cross Stone
civvies:nothing special
hero outfit:none
weapons:iced nunchucks
powers:preminitions,puts curses on people when she learns there names,super strong
BG story:When she was born she was дана her powers by an evil monk.She is japanese,but she was born in Spain.She was told that on the день of her 18th birthday she is supposed to destroy Mars and Venus ever since she was told that she has been trying to figure out a way to stop it from happeneing.

<3<3<3<3 Hope Ты liked it she may seem scary but she's actually veryfriendly

ps: she is best Друзья with Lily.
is't that awesome!
 пересекать, крест and her pet...uhh don't know what it is
Cross and her pet...uhh don't know what it is
posted by khanna266
name:Lily Star'gei
Alias:short stuff
civvies:nothing special
hero suit:none
powers:hypnosis,white magic,andsuperspeed
BG story:she is Daniel's little sister and she is hoping to follow in his footsteps.Plus she has been taking gymnastics since she was little.

<3<3<3>3hope Ты liked this OC I really wanted to add alittle kid to the group.And I thought this would be the perfect idea to use as a little kid.

PS:Lily was born from a different mother so she is half russian and half German,Isn't she just the cutest thing Ты have ever seen.
 Lily waking up
Lily waking up
posted by Kurls_Basd
"I found something," Melody said, picking up a quiver. Aisling and Gravityboy walked up at Melody, Aisling collected the quiver, she stared at it for a moment, it was Aquapoint's. They had been searching these woods for days and had found nothing. Aisling continued to stare at the quiver though relieve something was definitely wrong with the situation.
"Melody I think we should wait for backup,"
"Aisling's right, finding these clues so quickly that we weren't finding before is definitely not luck."
"I cant wait I have to find her,"
continue reading...
posted by MafiaYJ
Babylon stood in an alley, another one, as she liked them best, breathing heavily from the incident with the Demon. Adrian had killed him quickly and easily. But he was a watcher, she was not.
She was scared, for the first time in her life, Babylon was scared to die. Ethan сказал(-а) she could possibly meet an end this way, become one of them. Never in her life, did she want to both live and die, than at this moment then.
She made sure the cape was pulled tightly around her, and walked on. She was going to hide in a church. An old one, one she knew had been left alone many years назад from a fire....
continue reading...
posted by Robin_Love

Name: Carly Shea
Alias: Vixen
Occupation: Hero in training
Powers: agility, enhanced speed and hearing, enhanced vision, claws, teeth (cause it's really not fangs), and enhanced attack mode, stealth.
History: Carly is from another planet. While her planet is not completely destroyed, she was sent away as a way to save the population. She landed on Earth and immediately was found by a family of foxes. They took her in until she was three years old. At that time, a hunter found her and tried o sell her for money, but a boy saved her, took care of her, and taught her everything he knew. Carly...
continue reading...
OOC: This fic takes place about 13 years from the present timeline, in this gun is 31 and Tess is 21.
Also the titel is temporrarie and micht chanse if I get a better idea fore it.

Tess rushed true the hospital doors, to into room 13 seeing the man she knew so well Laing on the bed.
He did not wake up yet.
Tess looks to were the familiar voce was coming from and saw mafia holding Оружие hand looking in her direction.
Watt happened? tess asked
Too face ambushed him 2 blocks from home, he must have emptied a machine gun on him.
Twan slowly opened his eyes looking from mafia to tess.
Looks like I was wrong....
continue reading...
"so Ты think Ты can beat me, it's a joke" stated Ajax looking at him from the opposite side of the capsule
"Why are Ты even doing this?, I mean hurting me is one thing but hurting others like Mafia by saying your going to kill me is just wrong" spoke Alex not bothering to look back at him
"details, if I can't physically take Ты on but I can mentally.
you know Ты can't kill me because I'm the deepest hidden part of you, yet I can kill Ты because your Web also, meaning your not really me"
he states yet another fact
"Yeah yeah, ultimate doom and all that but really Ты know I will try and...
continue reading...
posted by SilverWings13
Sorry for all the Болталка late night one-shots. Письмо helps me fall asleep.

The dreary rain had turned the clouds gray, yet somehow it had also effected the entire city. The rising buildings, the passing cars, the faces of the people hurrying about the streets, all void of color.
Those somber faces, Makaio felt, were mocking him. He could see them clearly, make out distinct characteristics; he was able to distinguish the features of strangers, yet his memory refused him the privilege of the faces of the ones he cared to see. It was his own mind that was betraying him.
Makaio took another bite...
continue reading...
posted by BladeYJ
Diary Entry #3

Terror is coming for me.. I knew he would. Just never this soon. Does he know? About me.. and the fangs? Speaking of: They came back, almost instantly and it was the worst pain. Worse than pulling them out. Anyway. I wonder how he found me, how he actually knew where I was. I'm happy, finally happy, to leave this place. Leaving Dante, doesn't affect me. He and Booker have went off a few days назад and haven't returned. Oh, well... I want to be with Terror again and feel his l-


I dropped my pen, as the sound of the unlocking door broke the silence. Ten секунды passed. Nothing....
continue reading...
posted by BladeYJ
((Turns out I miss counted -.- and named almost all of them wrong.. silly me :P

So 8 is 9
7 is 8
6 is 7
5 is 6
4 is 5
4 is 4
3 is 3
2 is 2
1 is 1))











Diary Entry #2

The thirst keeps growing. It's like a hunger Ты can never fulfill. It sucks. I want it to end. I've fed a lot еще since Dad, I still hate that he was my first taste of blood, but I do feel guilty feeding on those poor innocent people. I just don't want to die, in retrospect I don't want to have a never ending thirst. All in all , it needs to stop.

My fangs are bigger than before and it fucking...
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posted by khanna266
"(sigh)Now I only have one friend and NO boyfriend this sucks I wish that I wasn't so shy to talk to people",Ari thought aloud,she was staring at the ground not paying attention to where she was going,and all of a sudden "Ow!"she looked up to find out who she bumped into but didn't know who he was."sorry,"Ari had apologized,"It's alright,hey I haven't seen Ты around here before are Ты knew"He asked,"Actually no,i've been here for 3 months,a lot of people haven't met me yet though,"Ari replied,"Oh,well Эй, I'm Jaime Reyes,what's your name?"He asked,"It's Ari,"she replied,"just Ari?"he asked...
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posted by Robin_Love
SORRY IT'S LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And short.

The footsteps coming towards him made him look up. She walked over, a grim look on her face but a relieved look in her brown eyes. He ran a hand through his silver hair and stood. He looked over his shoulder, but the other boy was gone.
“Where did-”
“Probably off to find clues on Blade.”
He nodded and looked back at her.
“She's doing alright. They say it could have been worse if she was under there longer.”
“Okay bad is she?”
“They say she had blunt force trauma to the head. She Остаться в живых blood and won't wake up soon but maybe...
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posted by Blitz359
<I'm not dead! Hi!>

"....Who?" Giovanni questioned. Richi looked at him with an expression of shock. "...Really?" Richi asked. With a nod from the large man, Richi began the explanation of his true backstory with a sigh. "Maria Antonio, 20 years ago, was your spouse. She was devoted to Ты and she loved Ты with all her heart, and the feeling was mutual. On a camping 16 years ago, however, my mother became pregnant with me on a camping trip after she went for a walk in the woods. Only, she didn't know it until a check-up at her doctor 2 months after the trip. When she refused to get rid...
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posted by BladeYJ
 I can't get over this fudging photo.. It's just.. Mmmmmph~
I can't get over this fudging photo.. It's just.. Mmmmmph~
((Phoebs I totally ripped your bio layout off, don't hate me, it was just so simple and easy to read /. ))

Name: Blade Serenity Howard-^insert Terror's last name-which is secret-here^


Current Living Location: She owns an apartment, where she usually stays, but also has a room at The Cave if she wants to crash. Currently she is M.I.A.
((Though she is Missing In Action. I do break the rules that I've made, occasionally, and RP with her.. So what.. sue me.))

Race: Half Human-Half Vampire/Caucasian.

Age: Seventeen, but due to the vampirism, immortal-Age Wise-

Hair: Her hair is a bright blonde...
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