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Total drama survivor episode 1 summary (my own creation) : 14 campers (dawn gwen Courtney Dakota Eva izzy zoey mike lighting Scott silent Trent Duncan Geoff) joined the island , the did a fun hide and seek your enemy game where Eva and lighting won immunity. Courtney was scared she was going so look for the immunity idol , gwen and Courtney continued there rivalry whilst Trent was lonely , in the end Courtney had the most Голоса but used the idol and instead zoey and mike went Главная ,, my sumary Опубликовано Больше года
sorandom15 прокомментировал(-а)…
z-z-zoey went home.....DAMN Ты COURTNEY XD jk jk Больше года
MongoMan сказал(-а) …
Episode 1 summary: the contestants arrived to find out two of them will leave tonight , Courtney felt vonurable so look for the hidden immunity idol as a challenge of hide and seek your enemy 8 people: dawn gwen Eva izzy lightning Scott silent Geoff were безопасно, сейф , dawn and gwen started a rivalry and Courtney stil mad at Duncan , in the end Courtney was voted with the most Голоса but used here idol and choose mike and zoey to go as they were really popular. Find out who leaves Далее on total drama 5 Опубликовано Больше года
MongoMan сказал(-а) …
Episode 1 (part 4) (the rest of the cast has arrived Опубликовано Больше года