Герои Олимпа Kaylee's The Mark of Athena & The Герои Final Stand (COMPLETED)

kayleegurule posted on Feb 25, 2012 at 06:46AM

I hadn’t been nervous the entire journey from Long Island to California, but now that Camp Jupiter was finally in site I was starting to freak out. Leo had sent a video message to Tyson, so hopefully Percy had had time to warn the Senators and Reyna. I could already see some campers coming to the Field of Mars from the window. I just hope they don’t shoot us down.
As we got closer to the ground, I was able to spot a lot of familiar faces; Bobby, Dakota, Hazel, Gwen, and most importantly Reyna. I remember Reyna again, I also remember the last day of my life at camp, and the last day I’d had with her.
Reyna and I were in the Senate House discussing some of the problems at camp, when Reyna asked me whether or not I could remember any of my family.
“Not really,” I answered simply. “Lupa took me in at the age of two. I remember a girl a few years older than me with black hair and blue eyes but that’s about it. Why?” I added kind of curious.
Reyna shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve just never heard you talk about them before.”
“Yeah, well, at least you have a sibling to talk and hang out with,” I countered.
“Correction. I haven’t talked to Hylla since the war. I hate it when she doesn’t respond to my letters.”
“I may not have ever met her, but if she is anything like you then I expect that she’ll be okay.”
“And what am I like, exactly?”
“Oh you know, smart, fierce, brave, a good fighter, strong, you’re good hearted, nice, intimidating, and really pretty.”
“I’m really pretty? I’ve never heard you talk about me like that before.”
“You never asked.”
I’m still not sure which one of us leaned in first, all I know left is that later that night, after Reyna and I had stopped kissing and went to our separate praetor houses. Juno stole my memories and made me sleep for two months, until I woke up on the bus with Leo and Piper.
Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling my name. It was Piper. Today her chocolate brown hair was all the same length now and she had it in her usual braid. I still couldn’t figure out what color her eyes were because they were always changing from blue, green, and brown. Piper still refused to wear makeup. Only one word can describe the way she looked; Beautiful.
“Um, what’s up?” I said trying to change my train of thought.
“Leo said we’ll be landing in a minute and that you should probably go first, which Annabeth and I both agree on.”
I nodded and followed her into the steering room of the Argo II. Leo was in the pilot’s seat clicking a few buttons for the landing. He had definitely gotten stronger from working in the forges at Camp Half-Blood, but he was still smaller compared to his brothers and sisters. His hair was still as dark and curly as ever and he had bags under his eyes obviously from all the days he missed sleep so he could work on the Argo II.
Annabeth was sitting next to him in the passenger’s seat, while looking out the window; she was obviously lost in thought. Her curly blonde hair was down and she was dressed in her usual orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and jeans. Her grey eyes seemed to be darker than usual. Even though I’ve only known her for eight months I knew what she was thinking about; her boyfriend. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.
Percy is a Greek demigod who went to Camp Half-Blood for four years. Until Juno stole his memories and put him to sleep for eight months. Now he’s here at Camp Jupiter trying to get the Roman demigods to trust the Greeks.
All of a sudden, I was thrown backward and landed on the floor. Piper had done the same.
“We’ve landed,” Leo said completely unnecessary.
“Are you ready Jason?” Annabeth asked getting up from her chair and helping Piper.
“More nervous, than ready,” It was true but I went over to the door anyway and waited for it to open. “Hello, Camp Jupiter,” I added to myself.

My Other Forums

My Whole Life Was A Lie: link

The Stolen Trident: link

Taken By The Earth: link

Camp Half-Blood & Camp Jupiter read the Percy Jackson series: link

Camp of Couples: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

My Wattpad Account: link

My Fanfiction.Net Account: link
The Mark of Athena

Nine shall save the dangerous sea,
Ocean's Prince finds the ghost king to free.
Wisdom's daughter walks alone,
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.
One shall rescue the eight,
Son of Fire closes death's gate.
Descendents of the horse help the dove,
Prince of Lightning finds an old friend from above.
Legacy of the sun strikes another,
Daughter of Owl is saved by Death, Sky, and Water.

The Heroes Final Stand(1)

Death's daughter shall be found,
Fire to be rescued from Earth's mound.
Legacy of Poseidon shall meet his end,
An old friend will return to defend.
The traitor will make a choice,
The Earth shall be controlled with a voice.
Curse of Riches to be broken,
Stick of Life to go up smoken.
Daughter of War repeats a decision,
Son of Lightning sacrifices a mission.
Death's son shall return with the past,
Gods or Giants to last.

The Heroes Final Stand(2)

You shall sail with the old ship of bone,
You shall find a friend who is not alone.
But beware to fight without fire,
And to fly home without a fighter.

last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:16AM

Герои Олимпа 607 Ответы

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Showing Replies 451-500 of 607

Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
thanks rainbow :) and i hope you get over your writers block soon kaylee :)
last edited Больше года
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
whats a writers bock?

this is really random, but they should add a face w/ a question mark on here.
Больше года bukluvr17 said…
a writers block is when you are stuck with your story, dont have any ideas or you dont know how to work something out for ida story aswelll
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Writer's block is when you can't come up with ideas for a story or a poem. You write several different times but nothing sounds write. That is what I am currently experiencing. I am slowly writing the chapter though. It'll be posted as soon as it's ready.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
lol. i bet u guys posted at the same time.
Больше года book-worm said…
^probabaly, I seriously hate writers block!!!! Usually I can he over it pretty quick if I can fis even the simplistic idea
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Im sorry guys my stupid father grounded me so I'm not gonna be on her for a couple of weeks. I'll see you all when I get back on line.

Больше года book-worm said…
* crying* okay, bye kaylee! We will miss you! We might spam!!! I hope that's okay!!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Please dont I hate spam
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
im kinda sorta having a writers bock right now. cuz i now what im gonna do, its just that i dont no how to get to it. ugh.
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Do what I do when I have writers block, listen to music. It really helps. Good luck. This message is from my phone btw.
Больше года extraordinary25 said…
^ yeah, that helps sometimes. I'm kinda going through a writers block too. For heroes of Olympus, I listen to songs that kind of relate to that.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
when will u get back? or when will u be able to get online?
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I can go online on my phone but i cant post or write without my computer.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
that sucks. when will ur dad let u get on w/ ur computer?
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года kayleegurule said…
LEO 11

I groaned as I tried to stand up.

“Really?” I asked in disbelief. “First they torture us with glass, and then rocks, now they make us almost fight to the death.”

“We have to get out of here,” Bianca said, sounding like she was in pain.

“We can’t,” I winced at the pain in my legs. “I tried making every device I could with my tool belt but it never works properly. I think the magic on the island is affecting it.”

“Then how are we going to escape?” Bianca asked, dabbing the bleeding scar on her wrist with her shirt.

“We wait for the others to get here,” I said.

“Are you sure they’ll come?” she asked warily. “I mean we’ve been here for almost a week.”

“I’m positive, they wouldn’t just abandon me,” I said slightly doubting myself.

“I hope your right,” Bianca’s voice was now in pain. “We need help.”

“Don’t worry we’ll be fine.”


I was having a very pleasant dream about an um, certain daughter of . . . um . . . Aphrodite when suddenly the sound of someone calling my name woke me up. I cracked my eyes open to see a large, chubby baby-face looking down at me.

“Frank?” I asked shocked, my eyes widening.

“The one and only,” the baby-face grinned.

“Who else is here?” I asked getting excited.

“Piper, Clarisse, me, and a girl we found on Circe’s island,” I raised an eyebrow. “It’s a long story but come on they’re creating the distraction, we have to move.”

I nodded, sitting up. “Bianca,” I called. “Bianca! Wake up!”

“Dude, what are you doing?” Frank asked.

I glared at him. “What’s it look like, I’m making a taco,” Frank rolled his eyes. “I’m waking up Bianca. She’s coming with us.”

“Who is she?” Frank asked confused.

“That’s Bianca di Angelo, Nico’s sister.” His eyes widened when I said that.

“Are you sure?” Frank sounded uncertain.

“Does this sound like a joke?” I demanded.

“You’re right, your jokes aren’t funny,” Frank said.


“Just wake her up!”

I limped over to her.

“Bianca!” I shook her shoulder.

“Go away monster, I don’t want to be tortured,” Bianca mumbled in her sleep.

I tapped my chin as I thought. “Mmmhmm, oh I got it. Nico’s watching a PG13 movie.”

“What! I’m gonna-” Bianca stopped when she noticed Frank. “Who’s he?”

“Frank meet Bianca, Bianca meet Frank,” I said sounding smug.

“Stop grinning like an idiot,” Bianca said trying to stand.

“I don’t think that’s possible,” Frank joked.

“Oh, ha ha, hilarious,” I mumbled sarcastically, trying to stand as well.

“Jeez, what happened to you two?” Frank asked sounding shocked by our condition.

“Torture,” Bianca and I said in unison.

“Let’s get you both out of here,” Frank said sounding worried.

We crept over to the door; it was still locked so Frank turned into a mouse, crawled through the bars, shape-shifted into a black bear before attacking the guards and getting the keys.

“Hurry up,” I said anxiously as Frank kept putting key after key into the lock.

“How about you try this while I stand there snapping at the person whose trying to help you,” Frank snapped.

“If your life didn’t depend on a stick I would so burn you right now,” I grumbled annoyed.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before,” Frank muttered, stickling a key in the lock and turning, and finally yanking the door open.

“Finally, now let’s get out of here,” Bianca said limping out of the cell with me limping right behind her.

“Come on, we have to hurry,” Frank said fast walking towards the door.

As we walked out the door I heard the sounds of fighting; metal weapons against metal, shouting and yelling, and cries for help. We snuck along the side of the cave so we could sneak out. The boulder that was usually against the cave opening was gone and I could see Piper, Clarisse, and a girl that had red hair, brown eyes, she looked about thirteen. Piper was fighting with Katoptris and charmspeaking monsters, Clarisse was maiming monsters with Maimer (or what everyone else calls Laimer), and the redheaded girl was fighting with a sword and a shield that I’ve never seen before.

When we got to the opening of the cave I looked down and saw a huge crevice between the cave and the other side of the pasture.

“How are we getting back to the ship?” I asked, seeing a Civil War ship in the water. “There’s no rope bridge or anything?”

“I’ll transform into a pagasus and fly two people at a time to the ship,” Frank explained.

“Take Bianca and someone else first,” I told him.

“Leo, are you sure?” Bianca asked, sounding uncertain.

I nodded.

“Gabriella, come on,” Frank yelled. I was about to ask who Gabriella was but before I could the redheaded, girl ran towards us.

Frank easily turned into a light brown, pagasus and Gabriella and Bianca quickly got on. Once they were safely on Frank took off towards the other side of the island.

“Leo!” I turned around to see Piper fast walking towards me.

I hadn’t noticed before but most of the monsters were disintegrated into pools of sand. I barely had time to register this before Piper’s arms wrapped around me and hugged me tightly. I happily accepted the embrace by wrapping my arms around her.

Are you okay?” Piper asked, unwrapping her arms from around me but putting her hand on my shoulders to look me over. “You look awful! What did they do to you?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry,” I told her. “I’ve been through worse all of the time’s I’ve ran away.”

Piper nodded but she still seemed skeptical.

“Hey, you two okay?” Clarisse asked, walking up to Piper and me.

We both nodded.

“Where is Frank?” Piper wondered.

“He’s dropping off that Gabriella girl and Bianca,” I said wincing as my shoulder began to hurt.

“Who’s Bianca?” Piper asked crossing her arms.

“It’s Nico’s older sister,” I told them.

“But Bianca died,” Clarisse said matter-of-factly.

“Look, it’s not exactly my story to tell so you’ll have to wait for her to do it,” I told them.

“Whatever,” Piper grumbled.

I knit my eyebrows in confusion but shook my head ignoring it.

I looked over towards the other side of the crevice and saw a brown speck with wrings flying towards us. None of us talked as Frank got closer. When he landed next to us on the cave’s ledge I was definitely ready to get going because truthfully the silence was more than awkward.

I somehow managed to climb onto Frank’s back first despite the pain of my injuries, and then Clarisse helped Piper get on behind me. Just as Piper wrapped her arms around my waist to hang on, Frank took off into the sky. Frank flew us high in the sky and through the clouds before landing on the top deck of the Civil War boat. We quickly got off to see Bianca and Gabriella talking. They seemed to be getting along pretty well.

“Leo, this is Gabriella Justice,” Piper introduced me to the redhead.

“Hey,” I smiled weakly.

“Hi,” She said, smiling back.

“This is Bianca di Angelo,” I told them.

“Hey, you must be Piper,” Bianca said pointing towards the daughter of Aphrodite.

“Um, yeah,” Piper said awkwardly. “How do you know my name?”

“Leo told me about the seven when we were locked up and I took a guess,” Bianca explained politely.

Piper opened her mouth to say something but before we could the boat began rocking uncontrollable. We all managed to fall to the ground. I looked towards the island and saw that it was shaking.

“Gaea must be creating an earthquake to stop us,” I guessed, as the rocking became more intense.

The ocean became choppier by the minute, rocking the boat back and forth furiously. As we kept moving the boat came closer and closer to the rocks.

“Hang on!” I yelled, grabbing the railing.

If we hadn’t held onto something then one of us would have taken a head-first dive into the water. As the boat rocketed back down towards the water I heard a sickening crash.

“What’s going on?” I shouted, over the sound of the crashing waves.

I saw Bianca look down on the other side of the boat.

“We hit the rock and water’s coming into the boat,” she announced.

My hand went into my tool belt and my hand immediately closed around it. I pulled it out and pointed it towards the sky. The flare shot towards the sky before revealing red smoke at the sound of the bang.

The boat continued to sink while we waited for Frank. When the water was about up to our knees, Frank arrived except Clarisse wasn’t with him.

“Where’s Clarisse?” Piper demanded.

“The giant Cyclops found us,” Frank announced. “We tried fighting it but we couldn’t, Clarisse told me to go. I didn’t have a choice.”

Frank leaped over the side of the boat. When we glanced at the water we saw a Killer Whale waiting for us. We all jumped into the water and grabbed hold of his dorsal fin. As soon as we were all on Frank began swimming. Once and a while he’d go underwater but he’d constantly come back up so we could breath.

I looked back and watched as the island slowly started to disappear from sight. I really hope Clarisse is alive. I laid my head on Frank and dozed to sleep.
last edited Больше года
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
please post soon!
Больше года kayleegurule said…

“Hey, Rachel,” I greeted as I walked into the cabin she was in.

“Hey, Annabeth,” she said back. “What’s up?”

“Not much, just finished training,” I said nonchalantly. “I’m curious, where does your dad think you are?”

Rachel grinned when I asked. “Oh, he thinks I am at an art camp for the summer. Trust me if Chiron hadn’t manipulated the mist then dad probably would have made us go to the beach again.”

“Why do you think that going to the Caribbean is so horrible?” I asked.

“Are you kidding? Sand in your shoes, salt water in your hair,” Rachel shuddered in disgust, “the beach might be fine for Percy but not for me.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her logic.

“Speaking of, where is your other half?” Rachel questioned.

I paused, stunned by her wording, “My what?”

“You know, other half, boyfriend, sweetie pie, boy toy, whatever you want to call him,” Rachel shrugged innocently.

“Can we just stick with boyfriend, please?” Rachel nodded. “Anyway, Percy is planning something with the Stoll brothers so I’m actually kind of nervous.”

“Oh, gods. What are they planning?” Rachel asked sounding frightened.

“I have no idea, but like I said ‘I’m nervous,’” I admitted frustrated.

I hate not knowing things, I thought angrily.

“Well, what happened last time Percy had the Stoll’s plan something with him?” Rachel asked.

“The whole camp almost flooded,” I said immediately.

“Please, please, please, tell me you’re kidding,” Rachel begged.

“Wish I was,” I flinched at the memory. “There are still some cabins with water damage.”

“On a happier note, have you heard anything from Piper, Frank, or Clarisse?” She asked.

“Um, yeah, Piper Iris-Messaged us the other day and said that they were approaching the entrance to the Sea of Monsters soon,” I said kind of worried.

“Isn’t that where you were all almost killed by Charybdis?” Rachel asked.

I nodded.

Rachel was about to say something else but we were interrupted by the sound of a horn.

“Isn’t that the emergency horn?” Rachel asked sounding nervous.

“Yeah.” I got up and ran out of the cabin with Rachel hot on my heels.

Outside everyone had gathered around to see about thirty monsters on top of the hill overlooking Camp Jupiter. From the corner of my eye, I could see Percy, Reyna, and Jason trying to get everyone in position. I was looking at all of the monsters to see who was there; the manticor, harpies, hellhounds, empusa, Octavian, Cycl-wait, what? I glanced back and saw Octavian standing there smirking at me. Images of the fire began filling in my head.


There was fire everywhere. Smoke was filling my lungs. I did my best to stay under the smoke and breathe into my clothes but the more smoke that came the harder it was to breathe. Ashes were everywhere. Pieces of the walls and ceiling were falling.

I began to cough uncontrollably. Octavian must have set the place on fire after I passed out. That guy was truly evil. Now I understand how Percy must have felt about Luke last year.

I jumped to the left in time to avoid being crushed by a piece of burning ceiling. Every entrance was on fire. I couldn’t see any safe exit spots. If only Percy knew where I was then he could save me. He’d get me out of here faster than I could yell Seaweed Brain.

I closed my eyes and sent a silent prayer to Poseidon. Hopefully the grudge against my mother won’t stop him from saving me. He’s one of the nicer gods from what I could gather so why would he just let me die.

I continued to cough. The more I coughed the harder it was to breathe. My eyes widened as a column that was on fire fell only a couple of feet away from me. I looked around to see if there was anything that could help me. As I looked I noticed something in front of me. I couldn’t see it properly because of the smoke but it looked like a human figure.

“Help,” I coughed. “Help!”

As the person walked closer it dawned on me that I wouldn’t be getting any help from this person. Octavian stood over me, smirking. He looked generally pleased to see me so close to death. The flames flickered around him so something must be stopping the flames from coming closer to him.

He bent down and whispered in my ear, “The age of Gaea has begun.”

I looked up expecting to see his evil smirking face looking down at me but Octavian was already walking away. When he was about ten feet away from me, he looked back once more before sinking through the marble flooring and back into the earth.

A few minutes later I had managed to black out from the pain of the fire.


“Annabeth . . . Annabeth, are you okay?” I looked around and felt Rachel shaking my arm. We were still in battle and from the looks of it we would be fighting any minute.

“I’m fine,” I shrugged, as I thought about this new bit of information.

Octavian had been the one to get me to the Minerva temple and he had knocked me out and set the place on fire. He had tried so hard to kill me but his plan had been foiling once Percy had saved me.

I glanced over at Percy and saw him eyeing me warily; he must have noticed me staring off to space. Although there was something in his eyes that I couldn’t exactly read. Warning? Why would he be warning me?

I mouthed, “What?”

“Don’t freak out,” he’d mouthed back.

I glanced back at the monsters to see what he was talking about when I suddenly froze in fright. On the top of that hill was Arachne. She was in her spider form that was about as big as Aragog in Harry Potter. She must have noticed me because she began snarling in my direction.

“Annabeth,” Rachel said warily.

My hands were shaking, I felt pale, and I felt like I’d throw up any minute.

Suddenly a pair of strong hands clasped around my shoulders. A pair of beautiful green eyes met my terrified grey ones.

“Annabeth, you have to relax,” Percy told me. “You’re fine, I’m here. I’ll help you.”

I just nodded my head unable to speak.

I glanced back to the hill and saw the monsters starting to run towards us. Demigods, Amazons, Hunters, and Satyrs began running to meet them. I pulled out my knife and began stabbing the monsters that got close to me. But I saw Arachne about a yard away from me and I froze once again.

My heart was pounding. Fear coursed through my veins. I couldn’t move. I felt like I was paralyzed. I was vaguely aware of Percy getting ready for when Arachne got here. Once she was close enough Percy started attacking her with Riptide. He slashed, stabbed, and chopped off a leg. Arachne tried shooting webs at him but Percy managed to dodge them all. She kept trying to scurry towards me but Percy continued to intercept her path.

I couldn’t do anything. I just stood there in fright as everyone else fought around me. I couldn’t even open my mouth enough to scream.

Suddenly the horrible part happened.

One of the legs tried to attack Percy’s side but he dodged the strike although he didn’t have time to defend the other leg that swept towards his-

“Percy!” I yelled.

Percy fell to the ground clutching the blood that poured out of his right eye.

I ran over to him but by the time I got to him blood was already gushing out his eye and through his hand.

I looked up and saw Arachne moving back towards us. I glanced at Percy and noticed his face clenched in pain as he held the other half. I pulled out my knife and set my shield in front of Percy so he wouldn’t get anymore hurt then he already was. I knew as Arachne got closer that I wouldn’t be able to defend us. Neither I nor Percy was in the right shape.

With one hand on Percy’s chest and the other holding my knife in a defensive position. I got ready for a losing fight. But before I could even make a swipe with my blade Arachne’s black hair erupted into flame.

I looked behind me to see Leo holding a fireball in his hand with Piper, Frank, a girl who looked completely unfamiliar and, shockingly of most, Bianca di Angelo.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
sorry i commented so late. really busy.
Больше года book-worm said…
Whoa!!!!! Crazyness!!!! That was awesome kaylee!!!! Sorry I haven't been commenting
Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
oh my gosh amazing but poor percy!!! sorry havent been on fanpop for a while... i have had a dump load ofhomework lately! ugh! but your chapter was amazing as usual kayleegurlule
Больше года universalpowa said…
Lol figures Leo would use that approach.
Monster: RAWR

Lol okay im done and stufffsssss :D posty
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
but please post soon!!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
WHERE R U?!?!?!?
Больше года kayleegurule said…
i know sorry guys, I've been a bit busy. The next chapter is done I just haven't had time to post it and I have to go to a wedding today so i'll post it late tonight or tomorrow. Sorry again.
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
okay. but i hope its soon!
Больше года kayleegurule said…

Reyna, Annabeth, Nico, Thalia, Bianca, Hazel, Frank, Chiron, and I were all in the waiting room of the camp’s infirmary waiting for news on Percy.

Thanks to Leo, Piper and the others the battle ended fairly quickly and the healers went straight to work on Percy. Leo and Piper were currently showing Gabriella around the camp and . . . explaining to Chris about Clarisse.

I glanced over at Annabeth and sighed. Her face was pale, she had a little of Percy’s blood on her face, her hand was clutching the bracelet he gave her and her grey eyes were stormy with emotion. Thalia and Hazel were trying to comfort her but it didn’t seem like it was doing any good.

“This is all my fault,” Annabeth murmured, her head in her hands.

“Don’t say that, child,” Chiron said, squeezing Annabeth’s shoulder.

“It’s true. If I hadn’t been so afraid-”

“What?” I asked. “You would have what? There was nothing you could have done. If Percy got injured then you definitely would have.”

“Annabeth, don’t worry about Percy,” Chiron began but was interrupted by Annabeth.

“How can you say that?! How can I not be worried about him?!” Annabeth screamed.

“Let me finish,” Chiron urged. “Percy is strong. If he can survive flying in an airplane, fighting four Titans, a giant, holding the sky, blowing up Mt. St. Helens, and taking a dip in the Styx then he will survive this.”

“He could be blind, he could have lost his eye, he could die, so many things could happen,” Annabeth mumbled into her hands.

Everyone in the room just looked more worried about him.

Thick tension filled the air. For the next couple of minutes nobody said anything. The only sound was the faint beeping of heart monitors from other rooms. The tension broke a bit when Piper and Leo walked into the room.

“Hey, guys,” I got up and hugged them both. I really missed them while they were gone. “What’s up?”

“Gabriella is shown around camp, she just needs a Cohort,” Piper informed us.

“We’ll take care of that before dinner,” Reyna said. “What else?”

“Chris . . . Well, he’s not taking the news the best. The Stoll’s are trying to cheer him up but we’re not sure how well that’ll go,” Piper admitted.

“Yeah, and I talked to Jake and Nyssa they told me the Argo II was behind schedule because of my being the main programmer for the technology on board so I’m going to start helping them,” Leo said.

“Leo, you were just captured and tortured,” I said surprised. “You need rest and healing, not working.”

“Chill, dude, but I can handle this,” Leo shrugged nonchalantly. “Trust me, I’ve been in worst shape.”

Piper and I looked at him curiously.

Leo rolled his eyes. “Let’s just say, not every foster home was paradise. I’ve lived in rough places; I’ve been in worst situations. Stuff I’d rather not share, but the point is, I can work on the Argo II with no problem.”

I sighed, knowing I wouldn’t be able to stop him even if I wanted to. I glanced at Reyna and nodded.

“Fine, Leo you can work,” Reyna said, “but any pain and you come back here. Got it?”

“Si Sinorita,” Leo grinned, “gracias and adios.”

With that last bit of Spanish, Leo left the infirmary to help the campers and Tyson work on the ship.

“Anything?” Piper asked quietly.

I shook my head.

Piper nodded her head in understanding. “Tell me when you hear something.”

“Sure,” I agreed, before sitting back down as Piper left.

We only had to wait a few more minutes before Will finally came out to the waiting room.

Everyone sat up, Annabeth being the straightest.

Will bowed to Chiron before addressing us.

“Do you want the good news, the bad news, or the really bad news?” Will asked.

“Good news, please,” Annabeth begged.

Will cracked a smile at her before saying, “Well, Percy’s an alive and healthy seventeen year old.”

Everyone smiled, liking that Percy was okay.

“What’s the bad news?” Nico asked.

“The leg of Arachne was very sharp and it made a scratch,” Will said warily.

“What type of scratch?” Thalia asked.

“It starts just below his eyebrow and ends about an inch below his eye,” Will informed us.

“But it’s going to fade, right?” Bianca asked hopeful.

Will sighed. “I’m afraid not. The legs of Arachne have a type of poison on the ends of them. Not killable but it definitely will leave an unfixable scar.”

“What’s the really bad news?” Chiron asked.

“Well, when Arachne lashed at Percy’s eye, she managed to mark the pupil of his right eye,” Will explained slowly. “It caused him some temporary blindness. For how long I have no idea. You can go in at anytime, but he’s tired so I suggest one person at a time. Bianca, right this way.”

We all sat in silence as Will led Bianca to the back to get her injuries inspected.

I turned to Annabeth. “Well, get going. Your boyfriend’s waiting for you.”

Annabeth cracked a smile for probably the first time today before heading towards Percy’s room.

I glanced at Reyna and she nodded reading my expression. We got up and walked out of the hospital.

We stayed silent all the way to the principia. Before I knew it we were standing in the familiar room that we’ve made tons of decisions in before I left.

“So,” I started, breaking the silence. “The Argo II is behind schedule, the Athena/Minerva campers are having trouble strategizing the war and the trip to Greece despite the fact that Ella’s helping them, the Ares/Mars campers can’t stop fighting with each other, the Hermes/Mercury campers won’t stop their pranks or stealing, we have campers injured, one of our best fighters is missing, our fading gods still refuse to help us, oh, and on top of all that one of our praetor’s is half blind. Can this get any worse?”

When I finished, I was breathing heavy. If this is what I was feeling, I can’t imagine what Percy might be.

“Unfortunately, things can get an awful lot worse,” Reyna said putting a comforting hand on my cheek. “But you know what that’s life. It wouldn’t be worth trying to survive so much, if it was easy.”

“How do you take everything so calmly?” I asked surprised by the sound of her voice.

Reyna laughed. I love her laugh.

“I had to go ten months trying to show campers that everything was fine, when one of our praetor’s was missing. Staying calm becomes easy,” she explained.

“What would I do without you?” I said.

Reyna smiled. “I honestly don’t know?”

I chuckled pulling her into a hug.

We were interrupted by a knock on the principia doors. Reyna grabbed a jelly bean as I went to answer the door. When I opened it, I saw the familiar face of Chris Rodriguez standing there.

“Hey Chris,” I said. “Come on in.”

Chris stalked in and walked straight towards Reyna and said, “I need to talk to Percy.”

Now that I noticed Chris didn’t look very good. His face was pale, his eyes were red, he didn’t even have that mischievous glint in his eye that all Hermes kids had.

Reyna looked confused but answered anyway, “Chris, Percy just got out of surgery. He’s half blind, we don’t exactly want to cause him any stress at this moment.”

“I know, but I have to talk to him about finding Clarisse, he’s the only one who’d understand,” Chris pleaded.

Reyna glanced at me, wanting my opinion.

I nodded, knowing that Chris would probably sneak in to Percy’s room if we said no.

Reyna sighed. “Alright Chris, follow me.”

As Reyna walked out the door with Chris following behind her I couldn’t think of anything except wonder how I could have possible forgotten about her.
Больше года universalpowa said…
:( Aww poor Chris D: And just to think I had just finished up their PJO ship weeks article....oh well.

Oh Percy you're blind now. Well things can't get any worse! (Total lie; they probably can)

Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
loved the chapter as usual... but poor chris! i hope clarisse is ok... and oh my gods percy is almost blind now!
post soon pls :)
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
that was great!!
i feel soooo sorry for chris!
and percy! gosh, i cant believe that percy is almost blind!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
also, r u stll reading my moa?
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
Больше года cheekypeach said…
big smile
OMG!!!!!!!!SO AWESOME. i just read ur version of MoA in 1 whole day, and my whole face was in shock. u my very creative friend r an awesome writer and i see a very good future for you (suddenly i'm an oracle........Lol,,,,,,ok that wasn't funny but u get my point) please keep writing.
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Thanks everyone for the wonderful commets! Im going to be busy this week so it might take some time to post but ill try my hardest. Thanks for all the support! I love u guys!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
btw, i might post on my moa too, so it would be great if u could keep reading mine since im reading urs.
Больше года kayleegurule said…

As soon as Frank and I knew for sure that Percy was okay, we left to go for a walk, deciding that Annabeth should have some alone time with him first.

Frank and I held hands as we walked down the path that led a long the Tiber River. Frank and I were laughing, talking, and having a fun, carefree time until I saw them. Nico and Bianca stood in the distance hugging. The look on Nico’s face indicated that he’d obviously missed her. A lot.

Frank must have noticed my change in mood because he frowned and began searching for what I was watching. His eyes widened when he saw. He tightened his grip on my hand comfortingly before leading me away from the two siblings.

We didn’t stop until we found a quiet, secluded spot. We just sat in silence for a few minutes before talking.

“You know he loves you,” Frank said. “You’re his sister.”

I shook my head. “No, I’m not. If he hadn’t been looking for Bianca then I wouldn’t even be here. She’s his sister. She’s his blood. His DNA.”

“What does blood or DNA have to do with any of this?” Frank asked. “I didn’t know this was biology class.”

“What is biology?” I asked, probably sounding stupid.

Frank let out a nervous laugh. “Sorry, I forgot you didn’t study biology back then. Look the point is, just because Jason and Thalia are siblings, doesn’t mean they’re closer then Thalia is with Percy or Nico. If anything they seem more like the siblings.”

“Look Frank you just wouldn’t understand,” I snapped.

“Sorry.” Frank sounded hurt. “I was just trying to help.”

I felt a shift next to me and noticed Frank walking away from me from the corner of my eye.

I sighed defeated. I felt warm water drip onto my hand. I touched my face only to realize that I was crying. I let the tears fall. Everything from the past couple of months; the emotions, the headaches, the worry, it all came crashing down on me. I hadn’t cried this much since the first time I saw my mother being possessed.

Everything’s falling apart. The gods are fading, the demigods are losing powers, the Argo II is behind schedule, the Minerva campers can’t agree on maps, the campers are fighting, and one of our praetors is half blind because of the battle we’d just had.

I started drying my eyes with the back of my hands when I heard the bell signaling role call. I stood up and started making my way to the gates. Luckily, by the time I got there everyone was just starting to settle down so I wasn’t late. I stood by Frank awkwardly, neither of us saying anything. I glanced around and noticed Gabriella and Bianca standing next to each other near Jason.

Reyna was on Skippy while Jason just stood in the background. Jason is like a substitute praetor. If a praetor is sick or injured or just is unable to do their duties, then he steps in. It’s actually a good agreement that he, Reyna, and Percy came up with.

Rachel, who took over as the one and only oracle after Octavian left, was reading roll call. I said “Here!” when my name was called. Other then listening to everyone else announcing that they were here all of the demigods were quiet.

When Rachel finished with the last name, Reyna sat up high and sad, “You may now go to evening muster.”

Everyone left towards the dining hall but I left to go visit a friend.


I knocked on the door and heard a “Come in!” so I opened the door to see Percy lying in his hospital bed.

“Hey,” Percy said smiling when he saw that it was me.

“Hi,” I said quietly before closing the door and sitting on the chair next to his bed.

“Any reason why you skipped dinner to come and visit me,” Percy asked, raising an eyebrow.

As he did that movement, I really noticed the scar on his eye now. The scar on his right eye did indeed, start at the bottom of his eyebrow, and travel along his eyelid, to about an inch below his eye. I shook my head to stop myself from staring but from the look on Percy’s face he’s caught me.

“Sorry,” I said.

“Its fine,” Percy said nonchalantly, only his tone didn’t match his words. “I’m still getting used to it myself.”

“So how much can you see?” I asked.

Percy shrugged. “It’s like keeping your right eye closed you can’t see anything from that side unless you really turn your head.”

I nodded understanding what he was saying.

“What’s wrong?” Percy asked surprising me.

“How do you know something’s wrong?” I countered.

Percy chuckled. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. You’re like my little sister you can’t hide anything from me.”

I rolled my eyes but smiled a little.

“I made you smile!” Percy said in a smug manner.

“Shut up,” I said.

Percy cracked a smile. “So, really, why are you here?”

“My problems are going to sound ridicules next to yours,” I said.

“I don’t care,” Percy shrugged. “I care about you, Hazel if you have a problem then I want to help.”

“Okay,” I sighed, “Frank and I got in a fight.”

“Do I have to kick Frank’s butt?” Percy asked.

I laughed. “How about you not kick any butts until you get your sight back?”

“Deal, anyway what happened?” Percy asked.

“It’s was about Nico,” I stated. “Ever since Bianca showed up he’s ignored me. It’s like I’m invisible and I’ve realized that Nico will never love me as much as he loves her.”

“Hazel, I’m sure that’s not true-”

“It is,” I insisted. “Bianca is his real sister. Not me. And I never will be. The only reason he brought me back in the first place is because he couldn’t find Bianca. As much as I want to be I’ll never be her. I’ll never be Nico’s real sister.’

Percy sighed before answering. “Hazel, you have to understand something. Nico and Bianca’s mom died when they were only kids. Hades wasn’t there for them. Bianca was the only person Nico had left and when she died, let’s just say it wasn’t pretty. He became depressed, angry, erratic, sad, unstable-”

“Percy, are you going anywhere with this anytime soon?” I asked.

Percy snapped back into the present. “Right, sorry. Anyway, my point is he was really upset. He’d lost the closest person to him. He eventually began to return to his old self, but he was never the same. He was no longer the happy, hyperactive, and annoying ten year old that was obsessed with Mythomagic. He never lost hope in having his sister back, but when he found you, I began to see a bit of the old Nico shine out. You may not be his actual sister but you are his sister and he loves you.”

“So what do I do?” I asked.

“First, apologize to Frank,” Percy suggested. “Secondly, let Nico get used to having his sister back. He’ll come back, just be patient.”

“Thanks, Perce,” I said hugging him.

“No problem,” he said, as he hugged back.

“You should get some sleep,” I said, noticing his eyes starting to droop.

Percy nodded.

I gave Percy a brotherly kiss on the cheek before standing up. “Thanks again.”

“Anytime,” Percy mumbled starting to fall asleep.

I quietly walked out of the room and softly closed the door behind me.

I left the infirmary on a mission. I was going to do as Percy said. I was going to apologize to Frank and then wait for Nico.

I got a feeling this’ll be harder than I thought.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
please post soon!!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
where did u go?
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I'm working on it
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I have the Mark of Athena and I'm reading it now.
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
that means it has something to do w/ hazel and nico. im starting to wonder if hazel actually isnt one of the seven. what if hazel is only brought back so she could save nico, who is actually one of the seven.
Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
awesome post!! im soo excited!!! i am going tomorrow to get the mark of athena!!!! i cant believe its here!!!!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
i actually dont think the cliffhanger is as big as the SoN.
post soon!!!