Герои Олимпа Kaylee's The Mark of Athena & The Герои Final Stand (COMPLETED)

kayleegurule posted on Feb 25, 2012 at 06:46AM

I hadn’t been nervous the entire journey from Long Island to California, but now that Camp Jupiter was finally in site I was starting to freak out. Leo had sent a video message to Tyson, so hopefully Percy had had time to warn the Senators and Reyna. I could already see some campers coming to the Field of Mars from the window. I just hope they don’t shoot us down.
As we got closer to the ground, I was able to spot a lot of familiar faces; Bobby, Dakota, Hazel, Gwen, and most importantly Reyna. I remember Reyna again, I also remember the last day of my life at camp, and the last day I’d had with her.
Reyna and I were in the Senate House discussing some of the problems at camp, when Reyna asked me whether or not I could remember any of my family.
“Not really,” I answered simply. “Lupa took me in at the age of two. I remember a girl a few years older than me with black hair and blue eyes but that’s about it. Why?” I added kind of curious.
Reyna shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve just never heard you talk about them before.”
“Yeah, well, at least you have a sibling to talk and hang out with,” I countered.
“Correction. I haven’t talked to Hylla since the war. I hate it when she doesn’t respond to my letters.”
“I may not have ever met her, but if she is anything like you then I expect that she’ll be okay.”
“And what am I like, exactly?”
“Oh you know, smart, fierce, brave, a good fighter, strong, you’re good hearted, nice, intimidating, and really pretty.”
“I’m really pretty? I’ve never heard you talk about me like that before.”
“You never asked.”
I’m still not sure which one of us leaned in first, all I know left is that later that night, after Reyna and I had stopped kissing and went to our separate praetor houses. Juno stole my memories and made me sleep for two months, until I woke up on the bus with Leo and Piper.
Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling my name. It was Piper. Today her chocolate brown hair was all the same length now and she had it in her usual braid. I still couldn’t figure out what color her eyes were because they were always changing from blue, green, and brown. Piper still refused to wear makeup. Only one word can describe the way she looked; Beautiful.
“Um, what’s up?” I said trying to change my train of thought.
“Leo said we’ll be landing in a minute and that you should probably go first, which Annabeth and I both agree on.”
I nodded and followed her into the steering room of the Argo II. Leo was in the pilot’s seat clicking a few buttons for the landing. He had definitely gotten stronger from working in the forges at Camp Half-Blood, but he was still smaller compared to his brothers and sisters. His hair was still as dark and curly as ever and he had bags under his eyes obviously from all the days he missed sleep so he could work on the Argo II.
Annabeth was sitting next to him in the passenger’s seat, while looking out the window; she was obviously lost in thought. Her curly blonde hair was down and she was dressed in her usual orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and jeans. Her grey eyes seemed to be darker than usual. Even though I’ve only known her for eight months I knew what she was thinking about; her boyfriend. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.
Percy is a Greek demigod who went to Camp Half-Blood for four years. Until Juno stole his memories and put him to sleep for eight months. Now he’s here at Camp Jupiter trying to get the Roman demigods to trust the Greeks.
All of a sudden, I was thrown backward and landed on the floor. Piper had done the same.
“We’ve landed,” Leo said completely unnecessary.
“Are you ready Jason?” Annabeth asked getting up from her chair and helping Piper.
“More nervous, than ready,” It was true but I went over to the door anyway and waited for it to open. “Hello, Camp Jupiter,” I added to myself.

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My Whole Life Was A Lie: link

The Stolen Trident: link

Taken By The Earth: link

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Camp of Couples: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

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The Mark of Athena

Nine shall save the dangerous sea,
Ocean's Prince finds the ghost king to free.
Wisdom's daughter walks alone,
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.
One shall rescue the eight,
Son of Fire closes death's gate.
Descendents of the horse help the dove,
Prince of Lightning finds an old friend from above.
Legacy of the sun strikes another,
Daughter of Owl is saved by Death, Sky, and Water.

The Heroes Final Stand(1)

Death's daughter shall be found,
Fire to be rescued from Earth's mound.
Legacy of Poseidon shall meet his end,
An old friend will return to defend.
The traitor will make a choice,
The Earth shall be controlled with a voice.
Curse of Riches to be broken,
Stick of Life to go up smoken.
Daughter of War repeats a decision,
Son of Lightning sacrifices a mission.
Death's son shall return with the past,
Gods or Giants to last.

The Heroes Final Stand(2)

You shall sail with the old ship of bone,
You shall find a friend who is not alone.
But beware to fight without fire,
And to fly home without a fighter.

last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:16AM

Герои Олимпа 607 Ответы

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Больше года kayleegurule said…
I am soooo close to finishing this story. I am currently on Chapter 30 and am beginning to write the war scenes. I have soooo many ideas they all clump together in my head. It'll take forever to get them all on paper but it'll be soooo good when it's done. Big surprises to come. I'll post when I get to page 23 so comment, comment, comment. The more you comment the sooner I'll post the next chapter.

Больше года kayleegurule said…
big smile
I'll post anyway. . . . All of my finals are finished! I am sooooo happy!


The six of us were still in Frank and Percy’s room discussing plans for the war when Jason suddenly came in. He collapsed on the couch and ran a hand over his face. Jason was clearly frustrated.

“What happened? Did you find out what’s wrong with Leo?” Percy asked, looking up from his IPod.

“No, but he is clearly mad at me,” Jason sighed. “If only I knew why?”

“How do you know he’s mad at you?” I asked.

“He basically sad it,” Jason said. “He sounded so . . . so betrayed. I don’t know what I did.”

“Maybe I should go talk to him,” I offered.

“You sure, Annabeth?” Percy asked.

“Yeah, you don’t have to,” Piper said.

“I know, but I might help,” I said. “Besides I have a theory of what’s wrong with him.”

“You need a password to get to Leo,” Jason told me.

“What is it?” I asked.

Jason hesitated before answering. “Houston.”

He didn’t leave any explanation but I didn’t need one. I know I hate it when people I’m not comfortable with know my personal details.

I stood up and left the room. I walked to the control room before getting into the elevator. I pressed the button to level 7 and I soon started descending levels. As soon as the elevator stopped, a robotic woman’s voice came on.

“You have now reached the Leo Cave,” the voice said. “Leo Valdez does not wish to see anyone, unless you have Supreme Commander Valdez’s password then you may enter.”

“Houston,” I quoted the answer that Jason told me.

“Correct password,” the robot voice said.

The elevator doors opened up to reveal Leo’s large room. There were so many cool features and gadgets but I ignored them and went straight to where Leo was. Leo just sat upside down on his couch facing that large flat screen TV. His face was slightly red.

He must have heard my footsteps because he turned his head towards me expectantly and said, “I knew I forgot to do something.”

“Leo, what are you doing?” I asked.

“Sitting upside down,” Leo answered.

I shook my head. “I meant with Piper and Jason. Why are you pushing them away?”

“What do you mean?” Leo asked in a monotone.

I ignored his question and said, “You know before Percy and I actually started dating he sort of had a thing with Rachel.”

“Rachel?” Leo sounded shocked. “You mean green-breath, confusing rhyme-speaking, seeing into the future, red-headed Rachel?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Rachel’s identifiers. “Yes, that Rachel.”

“I thought she couldn’t date,” Leo said.

“She can’t, now. This was before she was the oracle. Anyway the point is, I was really jealous because I thought that Percy liked Rachel but really she only liked him. I mean, who know maybe if they had a couple of more months they probably would have gotten together, but I was constantly creating fights with Percy. All that really accomplished was driving him away,” I said.

“But you two got together anyway,” Leo pointed out confused.

“Yes, we did but that was because it took the war for us to really come clean to ourselves about our feelings for each other,” I explained. “Leo, you are clearly jealous. So tell me. What’s wrong?”

Leo sighed before flipping himself over onto his feet and standing back up. His face was still red but it was starting to go back to normal.

“I saw Jason and Piper looking extra . . . cozy the other day,” Leo admitted.

“Leo, Jason loves Reyna. He would never betray her or you. Besides, Piper likes you. She really cares about you and you’re just hurting her by being mad at her,” I told him honestly. I noticed a change in Leo’s eyes when I said that.

“The jealously isn’t your real problem, is it?” I guessed.

Leo shook his head.

“Then what is it?” I asked.

“I’m scared,” Leo admitted.

“Let me guess, you are scared of becoming more then friends with her,” I said. “You are scared that if you break, you won’t stay friends. You are scared to lose another person that you love.”

Leo looked at me with a shocked expression.

“How did you know that?” he muttered.

“Because I felt the same thing,” I admitted. “Leo everyone gets scared to grow closer to a friend. I still worry that Percy and I won’t last. But I would rather try and fail then to not have tried at all. Tell me, how would you feel if you never tried with Piper and she eventually moved on?”

“I’d hate myself for it,” Leo’s head fell into his open hands.

“Then isn’t it better to at least give it a shot?” I asked.

“I can’t lose anybody else,” Leo said.

“I know but if you don’t do this then you will.
last edited Больше года
Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
wow.... Just caught up on ur amazing story!!! Its still the best one i've read!! I really hope piper and leo work out!!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…
This chapter may give you a bit of deja vu towards the end! ;) Check it out!

LEO 27

I ran my hand through my uncontrollable hair. This is going to be hard. I mean, sure, I’ve basically told people I’ve loved them before. Heck, with Khione I almost asked her to marry me as soon as I saw her. But with Piper it was different. I’ve liked her since Wilderness School and at first I was fine with being her friend, but then Jason came and Piper quickly fell for him so I pushed my feelings back. Now though, I’ve grown so used to hiding my feelings.

“I don’t think I can do this,” I murmured to myself nervously.

I have to though. I need to get over this fear. It’s now or never.

I took a deep breath before walking onto the deck where Piper was currently watching the ocean as we sailed through the Atlantic Ocean. Luckily it was dinner time so hardly anyone was around.

“Hey, Piper,” I said awkwardly moving to stand next to her.

She seemed a bit shocked that I was actually talking to her but let a small smile spread across her face, nonetheless.

Gods, I love her smile, I thought.

“So, you’re talking to me again?” Piper asked. I winced at the hurt that Piper failed to hide.

“Yeah, I am really sorry,” I apologized. “I was being an idiot. I-I saw you and Jason the other day and-and I just got upset.”

Piper’s smile spread a little more.

“It’s okay,” she said. “I forgive you. I understand what it must have looked like.”

“That’s not the only thing that was wrong though,” I admitted.

“It wasn’t?” Now Piper looked confused.

I shook my head, “No.”

“Then what was wrong?” Piper asked.

“Um, well you see I-I was a little uh scared because I . . . I,” I couldn’t stop stuttering that’s for sure. I took a deep breath and just said it. “I like you. And that scared the living Hades out of me.”

In the distance you could hear Nico yelling, “Use your OWN parent!”

“Why does that scare you?” Piper asked.

“Because I can’t lose someone else that I love.” I froze when I realized what I’d said. “I, uh, I mean um . . . I-I. . . .”

Piper saved me from my stuttering by pressing her lips to mine. I was too shocked to do anything, and before I could Piper pulled away.

“I love you too, Leo,” Piper smiled. “Besides, you’re not the only person who’s scared.”

“Really?” I asked hopeful.

Piper nodded in confirmation.

“So, um, what does this make us?” I asked nervously.

Piper reached forwards and locked our hands together.

“This,” she brought up our hands so we could see them properly, “means that we’re dating.”

“I could live with that,” I said.

Piper let out a giggle before kissed me again, but this time I responded. Loud clapping and cheering erupted behind us, which caused Piper and I to jump apart. Everyone was standing there, and I mean EVERYONE.

“Let’s dunk them!” Someone, who sounded suspiciously like Travis Stoll, yelled from the crowd.

“No-” Piper and I bother started to back away but everyone else ran forward and lifted us up and threw us over the side of the boat. The next thing I know, I was surrounded by a sudden chill. I swam towards the surface and came up to the surface to see Piper swimming towards me.

“Wahoo!” Someone yelled from the ship before running to the edge and jumping into the water.

Before I knew it everyone was in the water. We all swam, laughed, and just had a good time together. This was definitely one of the rarer times when we can just laugh and have fun and joke around with each other without worrying about the war. But I have a feeling this might just be one of the last times we will be able to do this. Together. Care free. Happy with the people we love.

Gaea will try and take all of that away. The only thing is that everyone has something to fight for. So you want us, Gaea. Come get me.

Could you spot the desa vu?! I added the link to my Wattpad account on here so check it out and see my stories. But just so you know those are more mature then the stories I put on here. Just a WARNING. <3 By the way the video is What Are You Waiting For by Miranda Cosgrove.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
Please continue poooosting!!
Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
oh my gods i loved it!!!!!!!!!!! yay piper and leo!!!!!! I liked the part where they were dunked in the water! Just like percy and annabeth!
last edited Больше года
Больше года GhostLadyHades said…
hi.im kinda new here. that was simply amazing! i hope no one dies in yor story!
rainbow_girl commented…
ikr! it would be HORRIBLE if someone dies. i hope RR wouldnt be that mean to us. Больше года
Больше года GhostLadyHades said…
are u ging to include ouranos? it would be cool to have a sky vs earth kind of thing!
kayleegurule commented…
You'll all have to wait and see what ideas I have stored in my brain. Больше года
GhostLadyHades commented…
cool! im looking вперед to some epic fights! Больше года
Больше года kayleegurule said…

“Percy, come on get up,” I heard Frank tell me. “We have the war meeting to get ready for.”

I groaned and lifted my pillow before setting it on my head.

“Come on, buddy. Get up,” Frank ordered.

“No,” I mumbled sleepily.

“Fine, you leave me no choice,” Frank said.

I ignored him and began to go back to sleep. I was just on the verge of unconsciousness when suddenly a thousand pounds of black fur landed on top of me.

“Mrs. O’Leary!” I yelled in pain. She had her paw on my lungs. “I can’t breathe!”

Luckily, the hellhound jumped off the bed and onto the floor which caused the room to shake like a small earthquake. I moved the pillow from where it still laid on my head and began to rub the sleep crust out of my eyes. I lazily yawned one more time before opening my eyes.

My eyes widened in shock. Oh. My. Gods. My full sight was back. I’m no longer half blind.

“Yes!” I cheered.

“What are you so happy about?” A curious voice said behind me.

I turned my head to find Annabeth leaning against the door. She was looking at me with a questioning expression.

“I have my sight back,” I told her simply. I could help but let the smile crawl onto my face.

Annabeth’s face brightened as soon as the words left my lips.

“That’s great!” Annabeth praised. “Right before the war, too.”

“Come on, get dressed and I will see you in the meeting,” Annabeth said.

I rolled my eyes. “Fine, I’ll see you then.”

Annabeth rolled her eyes, mocking me. “Bye.”

She left the room and Mrs. O’Leary left, probably to see if Nico had any bones to give her. I went to the bathroom and took a shower before changing into my usual CAMP HALF-BLOOD t-shirt, blue jeans, and my vans.

I ran my hand through my hair a couple of times as I walked to the meeting room. I hate war meetings. The last official one I went to before a war, I’d learned that I had been marked for death and it hadn’t even been my soul that was reaped. Since then, I’ve hated meetings, especially with so much of the war still in progress.

I walked into our counsel room and saw all of the leaders there. Every cabin leader from Camp Half-Blood and the two Cohort leaders were both there, along with Reyna. The only person who wasn’t there, who should have been, was Clarisse who was still missing. Chris has not sent any reports back to us yet. As far as we know, Chris Rodriguez and Clarisse La Rue are both MIA.

The room was in slight chaos. The Stoll Brothers were whispering secretly to Leo (it is never a good thing when those three get together), Nico was just watching every person in the room (which I found slightly creepy), Annabeth was talking battle strategy with Frank and Reyna (that was expected). I mentally sighed as I took a look at everyone.

We seemed so ready but we also looked like we had a million things left to do before the war. As the speed we were going at, Leo predicted that we would be arriving in Athens in a matter of days.

I walked over to Reyna and asked, “Are you ready to start?”

She nodded and put her pointer finger and her thumb in her mouth and blew out. A loud, sharp ringing quieted the room. Everyone snapped their mouths shut and turned to us.

“Let’s all sit down so we could start,” Reyna said.

The Romans obediently followed the orders and most of the Greeks rolled their eyes but did it anyway. They still disliked having to follow some of the Romans orders like how some of the Romans didn’t like having to follow my orders because of the fact that I am a Greek. Either way though they do as told.

“Okay, progress reports?” Annabeth spoke up.

“We’ve been working with the Fauns and have taught most of them to do nature magic,” Grover spoke up. “So they can help and then when I get there I will get as many nature spirits to help as possible.”

“Good, G-Man,” I told him.

“Travis, Connor, what are the Hermes and Mercury cabins doing?” I asked.

“We’re mostly working on booby traps for the battle field. Oh, speaking of which, watch where you step,” Travis advised.

“Yeah, speaking of which, does anyone have a cannon?” Connor asked.

“Do I want to know?” I asked them.

They shook their heads and I took that as good enough.

“Leo, what are your cabins doing?” Reyna asked.

“There are tons of plans being constructed and built that could help us in the war. Most are surprises so I can’t say much,” Leo said. “But Jake has an obsession with explosives so I put him in charge of the pyrotechnics. Nyssa is handling the Greek fire and everyone else is making the plans and weapons.”

“Sherman,” I called. He was currently in charge of the Ares cabin since he’s second in command. “What are the war cabins doing? Bellona, Ares, Mars. What are you guys planning?”

“We’re training the wimps.” I rolled my eyes at his answer but nodded anyway.

“Meaning . . .?” I asked wanting him to clarify.

“We’re training the younger demigods and newbies,” Sherman answered in feigned politeness.

I just nodded again.

After we finished getting all of their plans we dismissed them all besides Nico, Reyna, and Thalia. Everyone else left.

“So, what’s the plan?” I asked.

“When we get to Athens, we’ll land at the Parthenon and make that our war headquarters,” Frank said.

“Well you finally get to see the Parthenon, Annabeth,” I smiled at her.

She sent a small smile back. “If only it wasn’t under these circumstances.”

“Touché,” I said, before turning back to Frank.

“Down the hill from where the temple stands is a big flat land,” Frank continued. “We’ll make that our battlefield. It’s close to the water and we have plenty of room. When the war starts, we’ll send the children of Apollo and the Hunters of Artemis on the Pegasi, so they can do aerial shots. Nico will conjure up as many skeleton warriors as possible. Thalia will lead the sneak attack. Also, Percy, did you get ahold of Tyson?”

I nodded. “Tyson and the Cyclopes army will meet us there.”

Frank nodded.

“Good. Not much. But good.” Frank said nervously.

“Guys, I know this is scary,” I said. “I’m scared, but we can do this. We’ve won with worse odds before. I love you guys, you’re my friends, my family and I believe that we have a chance. No matter who dies, or what happens we have to push forward and win this thing for all of the people who died fighting for this. I know we can do this. We just have to have some hope.”

Jason was the first to react after my little speech.

“Percy’s right,” he spoke up. “We have to win this. Without us the gods will die. The only reason they are still alive is because of us. But to really win, we need the gods. Somehow someone has to get them to help us.”

“The gods would help us but Zeus is forbidding them from interfering,” Annabeth commented.

“Don’t worry about that,” Nico said. “I have an idea.”

“Nico, I don’t like your ideas,” I told him.

“I don’t like yours either but we don’t have much of a choice,” he jibed.

“What are you going to do?” Hazel asked.

“I’ll let you know when it’s time.” Before any of us could argue, Nico shadow traveled out of the room.

“That exit was really cliché,” Leo said.

That made a couple of us laugh but I could only manage a small smile.

Everyone eventually left the room except for me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep. Not with the war drawing so close. I just stood there with my hands flat on the table, my shoulders slumped, and my neck bent down looking at the map of the battle ground.

I don’t know how long I stayed there. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, or it could have been days. I think the second one is correct though. I looked at the digital clock on the wall (Leo used digital ones because a lot of us are dyslexic) and saw that it was almost three o’clock in the morning. I pushed myself off the table and left the room.

I quietly sneaked into my room, careful not to wake up Frank. I looked towards Frank’s bed and saw a hyena in his place. I chuckled and shook my head.

Lately when Frank is really relaxed (like when he is sleeping or napping) he’ll shape shift into an animal. It’s actually quite funny. Only except for a couple of days ago, Frank tried waking me up and I saw that my head was a couple of inches from a lions mouth. Can you talk about waking up on the wrong side of the bed? I almost had a heart attack.

I changed into my pajamas and climbed into bed.

This was going to be a long and sleepless night.


The next morning, I woke up to find myself alone in the bedroom. I looked at the clock on my IPod and saw that it was already noon. I was surprised that everyone has let me sleep for this long.

I got up and changed into clean clothes and shuffled out of my room in time to hear Leo’s voice over the intercom.

“Hello, ladies and gents! This is your captain Leonardo Valdez coming to you live from the Control room. Now if you look out the window near you then you will be able to see Athens the future resting place of our loved ones,” I mentally face-palmed. Leo! “We will be landing in half an hour so tell that special girl or guy how you feel while you’re still breathing. This is Leonardo Valdez saying over and out.”

I ignored Leo’s advice to look out the window and continued my walk to the kitchen. When I walked in, I was not surprised to see Frank searching through the fridge.

“Easy there, man. The rest of us have to eat too,” I teased.

Frank sent me a glare but didn’t say anything.

“Very funny,” he said sarcastically.

“I know right. I am a comedy god,” I grinned.

“Actually that’s the Muses,” Annabeth’s voice came from the doorway.

“You just can’t help but correct me, can you?” I shook my head at her.

“Basically. I have no self-control when it comes to teasing you,” Annabeth said.

“You are not making things easy,” I said.

“What part of, ‘I am never going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain’, didn’t you understand?” Annabeth asked.

I chuckled not saying anything.

I leaned forward and captured her lips with mine.

I pulled away and whispered, “You know I love you right?”

Annabeth nodded and said, “Yeah.”

“Good,” I mumbled.

“It’s too early for this,” I heard Frank grumbled. He skirted around us and walked out of the kitchen.

“So when are we landing?” I asked, as we walked out of the kitchen.

“In a couple of hours,” Annabeth answered.

We stopped on the deck and looked at the view in front of us. The waves were calm and the islands of Greece looked beautiful in the distance.

“Percy, what if one of us . . . what if one of us doesn’t . . . make it?” Annabeth stammered nervously.

My heart sank. What if one of us didn’t survive? There was no guarantee that Annabeth or I would survive a second war. We barely survived the first one.

“Annabeth, look at me,” I lifted her chin with my finger so she’d look at me. “I love you and no matter what happens, I will always love you. But if something were to happen to me, all I’d really want is for you to be okay. If I die tomorrow, then promise me this now. If I die then promise me that you will live life enough for the both of us.”

“I promise to try,” Annabeth murmured.

“Good and I promise the same thing,” I told her.

“I just have a really bad feeling about the future,” Annabeth eyes welled up with tears. She turned her head to hide her face. “I feel like one of us isn’t going to make it and, honestly, I won’t be able to deal with not being with you.”

“Wise Girl,” I whispered, pulling her into me. I could feel her hot tears stain my shirt.

“We’ll be okay,” I repeated. “No matter what happens we’ll be okay.”

“I hope so,” Annabeth said into my shirt.

I hope so too. . . .

Sorry it took so long to post this next chapter. But here it is. I'll try and post the next one soon. Let me know what you think. By the way the song is Rescue You by Jake Epstein. If I've used it before then I apologize I try to use a song only once but I can't remember every song that I put on here. ;)

Больше года WatchYourBack said…
Yay Percy can see again!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
THAT WAS AMAZING!! and sooo depressing at the end.
But its sooooooo good!! Plz post again soon!
Больше года GhostLadyHades said…
big smile
In all that was soooo AWESOME!!! I hope no one major like percy, annabeth or nico will die. It will be soooooooo overjoying if jason dies!
last edited Больше года
rainbow_girl commented…
how can u say that?!?!? as much as i dislike jason, i wouldnt want him to die!! Больше года
WatchYourBack commented…
yeah Jason should die Больше года
GhostLadyHades commented…
i have got a mutual feeling of strong hate for jason that's why i сказал(-а) jason should die. And along with him piper should die too. Больше года
WatchYourBack commented…
i do not care for piper i like pie (piper and leo) Больше года
Больше года kayleegurule said…
You'll have to wait and see! The next chapter should be posted soon. . . .
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I find it kind of funny how many people dislike Jason.
universalpowa commented…
i dont understand why if any of them died i would sob -flails arms- Больше года
Больше года kayleegurule said…

I watched out the window as we descended towards the ground. I couldn’t believe it. It was actually happening. We were going to war.

I left the room that I shared with Piper and headed to the top of the boat. Everyone was on the deck waiting to get off the boat. It seemed like even the demigods who’d known what they were for years were having a hard time processing what was happening. Leo finally fixed the landing gear so we landed on the ground pain free.

All of the demigods, fauns, legacies, Hunters, and Amazons immediately lift the ship and began to explore the ancient land. From the view of Athens, we were probably only a couple of yards from the Parthenon.

“Okay, now I understand why both our parents wanted to be patron gods of this place,” Percy’s voice said from behind me.

I turned and saw Percy and the rest of the seven walking down the steps. I quickly followed.

“Why does such a beautiful place have to turn into a battle field?” I asked stubbornly.

“Not everything lasts forever,” Frank said, next to me.

“Unfortunately,” I said.

“Come on everyone! Let’s start unloading the supplies!” Jason called to everyone.

There were a series of groans but everyone got to work anyway.

It took a couple of hours but everything eventually got unloaded. We made the Parthenon our home base. We set up a mini hospital and everyone started calling dibs on where their stuff would go.

After I set up my stuff, I looked at my IPod and realized something for the first time. It was December 21st. It was the day of the Winter Solstice. The war starts tonight.

“Hey, did you all see the date?” I asked my friends.

The rest of the seven checked their IPods and Percy cursed in Greek, Leo cursed in Spanish, Frank cursed in Chinese, and Jason cursed Latin.

“Gaea’s going to start the war tonight,” Annabeth guessed.

I nodded in agreement.

“Um, guys,” Leo’s voice shook nervously, “you might want to see this.”

We all walked out of the ancient landmark to see Leo looking in the distance through a pair of his high-tech binoculars. He passed them around so we could all see what was happening. When the binoculars were finally handed to me, I put them to my eyes and mentally groaned.

In the distance, stood a large army of monsters. In the army there was probably every type of monster possible including Cyclopes, Giants, several Titans, and even a couple of gods who have changed sides. I couldn’t believe the size of it. The army was huge and they were all ready for battle.

Jason went back inside the Parthenon probably to get everyone ready.

“Come on,” Frank said tugging on my arm and pulling me towards the temple.

I grabbed my armor and started strapping on my chest plate, helmet, shield, and I attached my sword to my belt. Everyone started to unload the pegasi, unicorns, and horses that we brought with us. Will Solace a son of Apollo, three of his siblings, and several Hunters are all climbing on the various pegasi.

“Come on, Blackjack,” Percy groaned. “It’s not a big deal! Just let Will ride you!”

I couldn’t help but smile. Percy told me that Blackjack was really stubborn and didn’t like anybody but Percy to ride him.

“I will give you extra sugar cubes,” Percy tempted. Blackjack’s head immediately perked up at the mention of sugar cubes. “Thank you.” Percy frowned before saying, “Don’t call me boss.”

Will straightened his bow and arrows and his crossbow both on his shoulder as the climbed on the pegasus. Everyone else who was doing the arsenal followed his lean. They flew into the air but only flew circles around us. They didn’t dare start shooting at the army yet. Several demigods got on horses but we kept the unicorns in the Parthenon. They would only be used for healing.

“Brother!” I turned and saw Percy’s Cyclopes brother, Tyson running towards us with an army of Cyclopes behind him.

“Tyson, good you’re here,” Percy breathed a sigh of relief that he’d been holding.

“We are here and ready to fight,” Tyson said. Tyson lead the Cyclopes’ into formation.

We had to run down a hill just to get where the army stood. So were will have Tyson and his army go first, then the demigods on the horses, then everyone else. It may just be the most unorganized organized strategy in the history of war strategies.

“Let’s go!” Jason said.

I climbed onto Arion and pulled my sword out.

“Hazel!” Frank was running towards me.

“Just in case something happens, just know that I love you, okay?” I nodded unable to speak. Frank . . . just told me he loved me right before we go to . . . war! Now he tells me!

I didn’t have a chance to say anything back because Frank transformed into a large, black-white-and-orange, Bengal Tiger. He growled at the enemy, showing them his large teeth. Without any of us expecting it, the enemy blew on some type of horn. Gaea’s army started running down their side of the hill.

“NOW!” Jason said.

Everyone began to move it. As we all sped down the hill, it was almost like time slowed down. It was like in those war movies right before the armies meet the movie switches to slow motion. It was almost like that but in real life.

Before I knew it, everyone was at the bottom of the hill. Now it was like time sped up because everything turned into chaos as the armies met. The Second Giant War has officially begun.

Well, the war has started. Next is the very first war scene. I think it's very good but it is in first person so no one point of view. If it gets a bit confusing at times, I apologize. This story is almost finished. It's finally becoming real to me. Hopefully I won't cry that my masterpiece that I have been working on for a year is almost finished. I can't believe I joined Fanpop this month last year. It seems like so much has changed on here. I feel like one of the only fanpoppers that is still on here from when I first joined. Oh well, I am on chapter 33 right now and I have, as a guestimate, I'd say about five chapters to go. Maybe more, maybe less. Keep an eye out for the war! Give me a shout out if any of you recognize this song from your childhood!

Больше года rainbow_girl said…
Plz dont have anyone important die! Plz plz plzzzzzz!!
Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
oh my gods.....oh my gods.... the war is startg!!! the storys almost over... i am rlly sad that its gunna end soon but happy to c what the ending will b!!
Больше года GhostLadyHades said…
big smile
oh my gods! I am dying of curiosity right now! Im sure this is going to be epic! you are AWESOME kayleeg!!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Thanks guys! I love the comments! I'll be posting the next chapter soon.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…

cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait... cant wait...
Blackjack-Arion commented…
LOL me either Больше года
Больше года kayleegurule said…
This is not the only war chapters btw. There are plenty more to come.


In the air Will Solace watched as his friends clashed with Gaea’s army. He shook his head and notched an arrow into his bow. He kept a firm grip on it, breathed in and out evenly, let his eyes lock on a target, and released the arrow. The arrow landed firmly in the chest of a telekine.

One down and about one-thousand more to go, Will thought as he looked for another target.

Down below Leo threw fireball after fireball at any monster he could find. Leo looked around and noticed a large gap between Gaea’s monsters and some of his friends.

His hand dove into his tool belt and brought out a large jar filled with oil. Leo threw it into the gap and hardly anybody noticed the breaking of glass. He threw the largest fireball he could make at the puddle of gas and a huge wall of fire erupted.

Leo made the wall of fire copy his movement. He reached a fiery hand out and pulled a monster into the fire. Then he pulled another . . . and another . . . and another. It wasn’t time to put his big plan to use yet but it would be soon and until then they had to make the best with what they had.

“Hey Punks! Over here!” Several heads looked up shocked to see who head yelled.

Clarisse La Rue, daughter of Ares and Chris Rodriguez, son of Hermes were running towards their friends. They had been missing for a month and a half with no word from any of them and suddenly here they were fighting with them in the war.

“Finally decide to join us, La Rue?” Percy joked to his frenemy.

“You know it, Prissy,” Clarisse said taking out an empusa.

Percy could help but let a small smile escape. Some things never change.

Thalia Grace stood in the middle of all the fighting. Around her was a circle of dead monsters and traitors. Thalia shot arrow, after arrow, after arrow. She didn’t stop. Every time someone from Gaea’s side approached her she immediately shot an arrow at them.

Thalia knew that her arrows wouldn’t last forever but when the time came. Thalia would pull out her trusted spear and fight with that. She will use her lightning. She will use whatever she has to but she will not stop fighting. Just like every other person who is risking their lives for the greater good right at this very moment.

You would think that a son of Hades would be used to death by now. But he wasn’t. Every time somebody died it was like Nico was jabbed with a needle and the closer Nico was to that person the more it hurt.

Nico watched as people fell to the grown. Some he’d known since he was ten. Some he’d only recently met. And other he didn’t even get a chance to know their names. Nico saw Hazel a couple of yards away fighting with a Cyclopes with Frank near her in Tiger form. Nico searched and finally his eyes landed on his sister.

Nico had been really happy since Bianca came back. But he felt guilty about neglecting Hazel because he may not say it often but she was Nico’s sister also. Two sisters were better than one. Something caught his attention from the corner of his eye.

He saw Gabriella still fighting. She has the power to talk to birds so somehow she got probably every single bird in this country to come to war. Nico had never seen so much poultry.

Nico sighed as he felt another jab. Thanatos was collecting another death, right this second. Nico decided to do the only thing he could.

He brought his sword up high before pushing it into the ground as hard as he could. Everything seemed to have gone quiet. Nothing and nobody had quieted down but to Nico they had because the only thing he could hear was the thump . . . thump . . . thump of his heart. All of a sudden, Nico felt a shift in the earth.

A huge hole appeared. It was probably fifty feet wide and he didn’t want to know how far it went down. But he knew because soldier after dead soldier climbed out of the hole and began to fight. Nico may be tired but now was not a time to nap. Now was a time to fight.

Jason’s sword clashed with Octavian’s. Jason pushed him up against a rock but Octavian had other ideas. He ducked away from Jason’s sword and rolled out of the way. Jason ran after his enemy but Octavian was really fast. Despite his skinny and limb structure he was quite fast and had good reflexes. Jason managed to get Octavian to spin around and face him but he barely managed to dodge the knife strike from Octavian.

They fought back and forth. Neither one wanting to relent first, knowing what that would mean. The only reason why one of them would stop is if the other is dead. Until then they’ll keep fighting each other until their last breath.

A loud, belching horn made them both suddenly freeze. They enemies forgot about each other and turned towards where the sound came from. At the top of the hill, was an army of centaurs and Chiron was in the lead. Each centaur was wearing a Party Pony T-shirt. Each centaur was from a different state or country, some as far away as Iceland. The America Party Ponies were in their usual multi-colored afros, mohawks, or sombreros, while carrying a foam baseball bats, Sharp-Shooters, and hockey sticks. The foreign Party Ponies were the American Party Ponies exact opposites. The foreign Party Ponies wore bronze chest plates, shields, hats, and they carried actual weapons, like maces (the weapons that have wooden handles with a chain and then a spiked ball at the ends), swords, knives, arrows, spears, and sharp, metal boomerangs.

The centaurs yelled and began to charge down the hill to meet us. If possible, the fighting became more chaotic then before. The enemy army was doing everything they could to destroy us just as the demigods, good Cyclopes’, and centaurs were doing everything in their power to stop them.

Frank Zhang watched as the fighting turned into even greater turmoil: friends were injured, people were dying, and some lay on the ground pale and lifeless. Frank couldn’t help but wonder if his mom had seen something similar before she died. He wondered how she’d been able to handle the chaos of war and then return home and act as if she’d never seen any devastation at all. Frank knew right then and there that he’d never be able to act like that. He’d have to relive it and remember the fighting. No way could he ever ignore it.

As he took down another monster with his tiger claws and teeth, Frank saw something that sparked his interest. Near where Gaea stood, far off away from the fighting, was a girl probably around the age of ten? Frank was certain that they hadn’t brought anybody that young to war so he knew that she must be a soldier of Gaea’s. Only what she was doing made Frank curious.

She was standing right behind Gaea and she was moving her mouth repeatedly as if miming words to herself. She was holding what looked like a staff. It was about five foot long and made out of some type of crystal because it reflected the light and there was some type of glass ball on the top of it. This girl reminded him of a witch but the only people that relatively close to witches, wizards, and warlocks are children of Hecate, the goddess of Magic and Darkness.

From the corner of his eye, something caught Frank’s attention. It was an arrow. The arrow soared with speed towards Gaea but as soon as it got within two feet of the Titan the staff glowed, and a blue circle on the ground glowed to life and raised a shield around Gaea that made the arrow disintegrate.

Franks eyes widened at the realization. The little girl must be putting a protective charm around Gaea so she can’t be hurt or killed. We either have to kill the girl or take her hostage because we need to get rid of Gaea. Frank relaxed his body and shape-shifted back into his human self. He stood up and ran towards the person that was nearest to him.

“Annabeth!” Frank yelled, running up to her as she killed a monster with her knife.

“What is it, Frank? I’m slightly busy here,” Annabeth asked.

“Look at the girl near Gaea,” he instructed her.

She glanced at me like him was crazy but did so anyway. Quickly her eyes widened as she figured out the truth.

“We have to stop her,” Annabeth said.

“I know I have a very stupid plan but it might just work.” Frank told her the plan and she gasped.

“Frank, are you sure? You could die,” her tone was dead-serious.

“I’m aware but we need a distraction,” he told her.

“Well this’ll definitely distract them,” Annabeth replied flatly.

“Wait here,” Frank ran off to find Hazel who was currently fighting on Arion a few feet away.

“Hazel, I need my stick,” Frank called as he approached her.

Hazel’s head turned towards him and paled. “Why?”

“Trust me when I say that you do not want to know,” Frank said grimly.

“I trust you, just don’t do anything stupid,” Hazel begged as she handed him his stick of life.

“Oh, I’ll definitely be doing something stupid but it may be the only way,” Frank’s voice dripped with apprehension. “By the way, if something happens I love you and don’t forget that.”

“Frank, you’re making me nervous,” Hazel informed her boyfriend.

“I know but hopefully this will end it,” Frank shot Hazel a small smile before running off.

“Are you one hundred percent sure about this?” Annabeth asked once Frank returned.

“More like seventy-one percent,” Frank deadpanned. “Come on.”

Annabeth shook her head but followed her friend anyway. Once they got close enough, Annabeth put on her Yankees cap and turned invisible.

“Hey! Gaea! Look over here!” The Titaness turned to the son of Mars and realized who it was.

“Hello Frank Zhang,” Gaea said evenly. “I haven’t heard from you since my ogres destroyed your house and killed your grandmother.”

“My grandmother didn’t die by the hand of your ogres. She escaped and died at her own time. So don’t think you can use that against me, Mud Mask,” Frank spoke.

“You dare disrespect me, Frank Zhang,” Gaea spat.

“Yes, I dare because I’m not scared of you anymore Gaea,” Frank said honestly. “I am not scared of you and I am not scared of dying. Not anymore.”

Mars had been right long ago. Frank needed to forget about his short lifespan and do his duty: as a friend, as a soldier, and as a demigod. And that’s what he was doing. He’s no longer scared of his short life. Sure he wishes he could be different but it saves a lot of energy just forgetting about it and doing what you have to.

Just look at Percy. He may risk his life on a daily business to try and save others but he sure has saved some lives over the years. He’s outnumbered the amount of bad he’s done with the amount of good that he’s done. And people will forever be in debt to him. Well, Frank was about to do the same thing right now.

Frank glanced over at the girl and noticed Annabeth taking off her cap. The girl was so focused on him that she didn’t notice Annabeth sneaking up behind her.

“Gaea! Catch this!” Frank threw his stick of wood towards Gaea knowing full well what would happen. The stick touched the protective wall and since the shield was basically electricity, Frank’s stick of life caught on fire.

Frank had enough energy to watch Annabeth take down the girl and wreck the shield spell before everything turned dark and Frank’s soul travelled to the lower world. Frank had done his part, now it was everyone else’s turn.

PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! I'm sorry if some of you hate me right now but it had to happen. I'm telling you it all works out in the end. But I suggest looking at the prophecy again and seeing which lines have come true and which haven't. Let me know what you think. . . . ;)

Больше года GhostLadyHades said…
big smile
Больше года rainbow_girl said…


but at least it says "Fire to be rescued from Earth's mound."
im praying and praying and hoping and hoping that frank will come back.

im just afraid that a lot of ppl will kill percy cuz hes so loyal. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Больше года universalpowa said…
i have come to the conclusion that all authors find pleasure in killing characters :D
kayleegurule commented…
You're one to talk Uni. If I spacifically remember Ты killed Percy off. Больше года
rainbow_girl commented…
oh yeah.... i remember that. r u ever gonna continue the two heroes? i luv that forum, and i thought u were gonna continue it. Больше года
Больше года WatchYourBack said…
Please post sometime in the future
Больше года kayleegurule said…

Not long after Frank. . . . Not long after we lost him . . . Gaea and her army of monsters retreated for the day. Annabeth and Clarisse locked the daughter of Hecate in a bathroom until we could get her to tell us Gaea’s plan. For a ten year old, she certainly had a way with curse words.

Currently the rest of the seven and the leaders were all in the meeting room, except for Hazel. Nico didn’t think it would be a good idea for her to hear anything we were talking about right now so he took her to the kitchen to see if she’d eat anything. She blames herself for his death. She blames herself because she gave him his stick. She may have done that but it was Frank’s choice, she may not ever forgive herself. A fourteen year old should not have to go through this. . . . Nobody period should have to go through this.

“What are we going to do?” I asked, my voice breaking slightly. Frank was my best friend. Why did it have to be him . . . ?

“I don’t know, but on the bright side we now have someone who can tell us Gaea’s plans,” Piper said optimistically.

I snorted. “She won’t even talk to any of us.”

“Let me talk to her.” Everyone looked at Chris shocked.

“What? You want to talk to her?” I hadn’t expected Chris to want to do this.

Chris nodded positive.

“Why?” Clarisse asked her boyfriend.

“As much as we all don’t like to admit it, I was a traitor,” Chris began. “I might be able to get her to talk. You know tell her how Gaea’s manipulating her like Kronos manipulated me. I think I can get her to talk.”

“I say we give it a shot,” Annabeth spoke up. “It may work.”

I nodded. “Okay. Chris, go give it a shot.”

Chris grinned before leaving the meeting room and going to where we locked the girl up.
“What else do we do?” Thalia asked. “We can’t just sit around and wait until another battle starts.”

“Thalia’s right,” I admitted. “We have to do something.”

“Like what?” Jason asked.

Leo slowly raises his hand. “I have an idea.”

“What is it?” I asked him.

“Well, they have a place to hold their army and supplies right?” Leo said.

“Yeah?” I said not really sure where he was going with this.

“So let’s blow it up,” Leo offers. “We’ll have a couple of people sneak in and plant some bombs, then they’ll sneak back out and blow the place up.”

“That’s not such a bad idea,” Reyna spoke up, deep in thought.

“No, that is a bad idea. Remember the last time we decided to blow up an enemy’s fortress,” Annabeth remembered. “Beckendorf died. That’s what happened.”

“We don’t have much of a choice Annabeth,” I realized. “We have to slow them down. I have to agree that that’s probably the best way to do it.”

Annabeth pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine, but think about this. We just lost Frank, what makes you think that the people who we send down there won’t die as well.”

“None of us know what will happen but this is something that we have to do,” I argued.

“You’re making it sound like you’re going!” Annabeth’s voice began to rise slightly.

“I don’t know. Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. I’m just saying this is something that we have to do,” I reasoned.
“So who is going to go?” Bobby, son of Apollo asked.

“Rachel, can you tell us whose going?” Piper wondered.

Rachel sighed. “Yes, but I really don’t want to.”

People immediately began to beg her to tell them whose going. Eventually she reluctantly agreed.

“Fine, I’ll tell you but you aren’t going to like it,” Rachel warned.

“Just tell us, Ginger,” Clarisse snapped.

Rachel glared at her but told us anyway. “The people who go are Jason Grace and Percy Jackson.”

“What?! No way! I am not letting my little brother go and release a bomb in enemy territory!” Thalia yelled.

“We’re the same age,” Jason said before pausing, “actually, I’m older than you!”

“It doesn’t matter, I was born first and you’re not going,” Thalia told him.

“Thals, if Rachel says that I have to go then I have to go,” Jason tried.

“I don’t care what Rachel says, you are not going!”

“Okay, you may be older than me but you can’t control me,” Jason snapped. “You weren’t there when I was growing up! You have no right to tell me what I can or can’t do!”

With that last word Jason stalked out of the meeting room. Thalia glared at us once over before leaving as well.

“That went well,” Travis said sarcastically.

I snapped my head towards him and raised a challenging eyebrow but the son of Hermes chose not to meet my eyes. Good choice!

I turned my head to look at my girlfriend only to realize that she was walking right out of the meeting as well. I bent my head back and mentally groaned. I didn’t say anything to my friends who were looking at me with pity. I just ignored them and chased after my girlfriend.

“Annabeth! Come on, hold up,” I called catching up to her.

“What do you want me to say?” Annabeth asked, turned around to face me. “Do you want me to say that I am happy that you’re blowing up another enemy fortress? Do you want me to say that I won’t be worried about you? Do you want me to say that I won’t worry? I can’t because those would be lies. I can’t say any of that.”

“I’m not asking you to,” I told her. “But I have to do this.”

“But what if you-what if you don’t make it back?” Annabeth said. “I know I’m supposed to be this touch, daughter of Athena who doesn’t care about risks and possible ‘what ifs’. But I can’t. When it comes to you I turned into a blubbering idiot.”

“Annabeth, you could never be an idiot,” I said honestly. “Blubbering or not.”

Annabeth shakes her head.

“What if you die in the war?” I asked her. “What would you tell me?”

Annabeth sighed before answering. “I’d say that I’ll always love and will be watching you and I’d hope that you’d be doing the same for me if the roles were reversed.”

“Well, then there you go,” I said. “Just think that. But nothing will happen. Okay? I promise to make it back to you. Besides it’s me and Jason, what could happen?”

I instinctively wrapped my arms around Annabeth, pulling her comfortably into my chest. She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me back.


“I promise.”


Chris walked into the bathroom that the girl was locked in to find her laying lazily in the bathtub. Chris closed the door behind him and sat on the toilet. The girl didn’t even look over.

“My name’s Chris,” Chris said, outstretching his hand.

The girl looked down at his hand before looking back to his face and laying an eyebrow.

“What are you the good cop?” The girl jibed.

Chris pulled his arm back and smirked. “Not exactly. What’s your name?”

The girl rolled her eyes before answering. “Jenna.”

“Well Jenna, tell me. Why are you working for Gaea?” Chris asked.

“Why would you care?” Jenna scoffed.

“Because I know what its like,” Chris admitted honestly. “I know the feeling of abandonment that the gods can give you. I know about the promises that the Titans give you. I know what it’s like to feel helpless, like you’ve got no other option but to obey. I also know about the anger. But trust me this is not the way to get rid of that anger.”

“How do you know all that?” Jenna asked.

Chris took off his army jacket and rolled up his sleeve so that his bicep was showing. On his bicep was a plane, black tattoo of Kronos’ scythe.

Jenna looked at the tattoo with surprise before turning back to the son of Hermes.

“So, what are you? A spy?” Jenna asked.

Chris rolled his sleep back down before answering.

“No, those days have ended,” Chris explained. “Look I do know what’ll happen to you if you continue to fight with Gaea. She’ll act like you’re her favorite ally but in the end as soon as you die, get injured, or,” he waved a hand around the small bathroom, “captured then you become nothing to her.”

“That won’t happen,” Jenna said stiffly. “Gaea needs me. I’m the only person who can work a protective charm.”

Chris shook his head. “Jenna, she can get anyone she wants to work that charm. She only used you because you were there. Trust me, I’ve been there. The second you stop being useful they dump you like a month old garlic pizza.”

“So why’d they dump you?” Jenna asked harshly.

“They asked me to do a scouting missing in the Labyrinth. I accepted. I was hardly in there for a week before I began to go mad. I just remember being shown my worst fears and being scared everywhere I went. I began hallucinating and talking to myself. I even created an imaginary friend named Mary,” I shook my head, trying not to get too worked up.

“So what happened?” Jenna asked. She almost looked sincere.

“I eventually found my way out. I somehow traveled to Phoenix and,” I mentally smiled, “an old friend found me. She brought me back to Camp Half-Blood and Dionysus cured me. I’ve been fighting for the gods ever since.”

“Why didn’t you go back? You weren’t insane anymore. You didn’t have to stay at that camp. So why didn’t you return to Kronos?” Jenna wondered, confusion gleamed in her eyes.

“I didn’t go back because I found something else worth fighting for,” I replied. “I found something the Titan’s couldn’t give me.”

“If you say love I swear to Gaea herself, I will puke,” Jenna stated.

My mouth formed into a grin and I chuckled. “Yes, actually. I found a family, friends, my girlfriend, and I found a home. Now I can’t imagine being anywhere else.”

She looked slightly uneasy. “I’m not switching sides,” she said firmly, only it almost seemed forced, “and this doesn’t make us friends.”

I chuckled slightly. “Wouldn’t count on it, but if you need someone to talk to just yell.”

With that last word, I stood up and walked out of the bathroom. One of Clarisse’s brothers locked the door behind me and I noticed Clarisse waiting for me.

“She tell you anything useful?” Clarisse asked, she sounded slightly annoyed.

“No,” I said. “But I think I definitely gave her something to think about.”

Clarisse shot me a confused look but I left before I could elaborate.


“Ready to go?” I asked Jason, who was sitting on the steps of the Parthenon.

“Yeah, let’s go,” he nodded.

“Did you talk to Thalia?” I know from experience that once Thalia gets upset it takes a lot to get her to forgive you.

Jason shrugged helplessly. “I tried, but she wouldn’t even open her door and, of course, that Hunter Phoebe was no help at all.”

“The only way Phoebe would help you is if you grew long hair, wore a skirt, and turned into a girl,” I agreed.

“I’d rather not,” Jason agreed, shuddering at the thought.

I couldn’t help but nod in agreement.

We didn’t say anything but just walked in silence. Jenna told Chris the location of Gaea’s hideout and Chris told us. I wasn’t sure if we could trust her just yet but Chris seemed to and that was good enough for me.

Jason and I sneaked through the plains of Athens until we reached some of the larger mountains. The entrance to Gaea’s hideout was in a cave. I think the cave is called Gourgouthakas it was located on the Lefka Ori Mountains. The cave is so big that not all of the tunnels have even been explored yet.

Jason and I had to climb up the side of the mountain. Not even the rock wall at Camp Half-Blood prepared us for climbing a huge mountain. Several times I lost my footing and almost tumbled down the side but I managed to keep my grip on the rocks. Basically the climbing involved lots of cuts on our hands and palms, our shoes getting destroyed by the jagged rocks, sweat beading down our faces, and a lot of cursing. By the time Jason and I reached the ledge where the cave was, we were sweating, shaking from the major use in our muscles, and our breathing was coming out in short pants.

Once our breathing had begun to even out, I asked, “You ready?”

Jason waited, taking a couple deeper breathes before nodding and standing up. I joined him and we walked into the dark cave.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
PERCY AND JASON R GOING ONA SECRET MISSION!! im freaking out now. plz dont kill anyone else. but i would think that percy might die and come back alive like a miracle cuz hes so awesome.

i have 2 friends named jenna, just saying.
Больше года corrected said…
read this: link
Больше года kayleegurule said…

As soon as Percy and I stepped foot in the cave, I had an uneasy feeling the pit of my stomach. There were no guards in the cave and I know for a fact that Gaea isn’t the over-confident type. So why wouldn’t she set up guards?

“You have the explosives ready, right?” Percy asked, from the tone he was using he seemed to be thinking the same as me.

“Yeah, all we have to do is find a place to put them then press the button.” Leo taught us ahead of time how to set up the explosives and how to work them. He said as long as we leave on time then we shouldn’t have a problem. But then again we are two powerful demigods sneaking into an enemy’s territory just so we can blow it up. Who am I kidding? We’re demigods! Nothing ever goes right!

“Let’s just try and get this over and done with,” I said as we continued to sneak along. Unlike most caves this one didn’t end, it just kept on going. We passed plenty of twists, turns, and opposite tunnels. And in all that time, we haven’t seen one person – or monster – that worked for Gaea. We were positive about being in the right place because I saw a lunchbox that said Monsters Rule, Demigods Drool on it.

Percy and I continued to travel through the dark, wet caves and the only sound that entered our ears was the squish sound that our shoes were making against the wet floor. Suddenly Percy stretched his arm out in front of me, halting me in my place.

“Do you hear that?” Percy asked.

I craned my head around but no sound entered my ears. “Hear what?” I asked confused.

“I don’t know. I could have sworn I heard something,” Percy’s eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

“Let’s get this done and over with,” I decided. “This place is creepy.”

“Agreed,” Percy muttered.

We weren’t even able to take two steps forwards before I heard a loud, throat-tightening, hissssss!

Neither of us moved. And neither of us turned around.

“I think we found Gaea’s guard,” I said.

“Oh, you think so,” Percy snapped sarcastically.

We both slowly turned around to see a huge snake. Now when I say huge I don’t mean as big as my arm big, I mean this snake looked like something that you’d find hidden deep in the Amazon. This snake was a few yards long in length and about as thick around as the Empire State Building. The python stared at us with big, red eyes that were about as big as my head and don’t even get me started on the fangs. The fangs were about five feet long and were dripping as much venom as Niagara Falls does water. I have no idea how that snake closes its mouth.

“That’s a good sized guard,” Percy muttered.

I nodded not saying anything.

Now usually I’m not scared of snakes. I mean I’ve fought my fair share of them in the past. But they were usually the size of any other python. This one could actually kill me!

“What’s the plan?” Percy asked.

“How about run?” I offered.

“I love it,” Percy agreed.

We turned back around and ran as fast as we could back down the tunnel. We tried our best to take as many turns and switch tunnels as possible but the snake kept right at our feet. I don’t even know how the snake was going so fast without getting stuck.

“Okay, we need a plan B,” I stated as we hid in a passage in the wall.

“Well do you have any bright ideas?!” Percy asked.

“Let’s just split up,” I suggested. “The thing can’t chase us both and we can divide the explosives so whoever gets a chance to disable them first can.”

“Fine,” Percy grudgingly agreed.

Percy opened the backpack he brought and I carefully put two explosives inside.

“Careful with those,” I warned.

“No, I’m going to through them against the wall and see what happens!” Percy yelled.

“Are you ever serious about anything?” I asked.

“Are you ever . . . not serious about anything?” Percy awkwardly questioned back.

I looked at him pointedly. “I kind of have to be. That’s how I was raised. Jeez, you’re worse than Leo sometimes.”

“Whatever. Have fun getting chase by the snake,” Percy said glancing behind me before taking off in another direction.

The moment I heard the snake slithering again, I took off in the opposite direction. Where’s a weed-whacker when you need one?!


I dashed down an empty tunnel as fast as I could manage. I had to find a good place to set up the explosives. I was about to make a turn down another tunnel when suddenly an arrow sprouted in the wall right where my head could have been.

I knew who shot the arrow without even turning around. “Shouldn’t you be giving a teddy bear surgery somewhere?” I turned around and watched as Octavian notched another arrow in his bow.

“I can’t exactly do that anymore since someone banned me from the job I’ve been doing since I was ten.” Octavian glared at me.

“We wouldn’t have had to do that if you hadn’t tried to kill me,” I told him, taking Riptide out of my pocket and uncapping it. My ballpoint pen turned into a bronze sword right before my eyes.

“I had to. I never got any respect at Camp Jupiter,” Octavian said.

“You’re not a fighter, Octavian. You’re a talker,” I said. “So let’s put down our weapons and talk this out.”

“I surprised that you’d want to talk to me after what I did to your little girlfriend,” Octavian said.

“What are you talking about?” I asked confused.

“Oh, so you don’t know.” Octavian smirked. “You didn’t know that it was me, who set that temple on fire and basically killed your girlfriend.”

“That was you.” Anger began to boil in the pit of my stomach. Now I wanted to kill him.

“I guess your girlfriend doesn’t tell you everything, now does she? And by the look she gave me when we invaded your camp, I know for a fact that she remembers.” Octavian was doing an excellent job at making me angry.

I shook my head. “I’m not going to kill you Octavian.” If I killed him that would give him and Gaea both the satisfaction knowing that they could get inside my head. And they cannot have that satisfaction.

“Why not?” He pressed.

“Because you’ll have to deal with a lot worse than me when you fail in killing me,” I told him. I knew I was right. When Octavian fails in his mission to murder me, Gaea is going to have his head. “But you can avoid that. You can avoid that by joining our side.” I even shocked myself by saying that. I had not under any circumstance expected those words to come out of my mouth.

I’m serious. Just thirty seconds ago, I wanted to kill him but now I am basically asking him to join the gods’ side in this war. Truthfully I don’t know exactly why I’m doing this. Maybe it’s because he’ll have to go through more than it’s worth to be on Gaea’s team. Maybe because I remember what it’s like feeling like you’re not important to anyone. Or maybe it’s because Octavian reminds me of another demigod who made some mistakes in the past but fixed everything in the end.

“Why would you ever want me on the gods’ side? Haven’t I done too much damage? Would you really trust a traitor like me?” Octavian asked after hesitating.

“You wouldn’t be the first traitor that rejoined our side, Octavian,” I told him.

“Now are you going to help me or are we going to fight this out?” I asked him, raising my sword.

“Who were the traitors?”


“Who were the traitors that rejoined your side?” Octavian questioned, not lowering his sword one bit.

I swallowed down the lump in my throat. “One in particular was Luke Castellan. I’m sure Gaea told you about him. Luke was a son of Hermes, but he felt unloved and abandoned by his dad . . . so he joined the Titans out of revenge and anger. He became Kronos’ mortal host and almost destroyed the world. Well he broke a promise to an important person and that person reminded him of it. He ended up killing himself but saved the world in the process.”

“Why would he do that?” Octavian’s question was laced with confusion.

“Because he realized that he was doing more harm than good. He realized that destroying Olympus was no way to get back at his father. He figured out his true destiny and realized what he had to do. And he did it; even if it meant killing himself in the process.”

“Gaea will kill us if one of us ever decided to switch,” Octavian stated.

“Jenna’s still alive isn’t she?”

Octavian’s mouth opened slightly in shock. “She joined you?”

“How do you think I knew where you all were hiding,” I asked him. I mean seriously it was kind of obvious. “She’s still alive and her chances of survival only increases the longer she stays with us.”

Octavian opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of heavy feet stomping our way. He glanced behind him and cursed.

“We’ve been too long,” he muttered to himself. He looked down at my sword and his eyes widened. “Put your sword in your pocket.”

“What?” I may want him on the gods’ side but if he thinks that I trust him enough not to have my sword on me, he has another thing coming.

“Just do it. I have a plan,” Octavian ordered.

“How do I know I can trust you?” I asked him.

“Because you don’t have any other choice.” Damn. I hate it when enemies make the most sense.

I sighed but caped my sword and it shrunk back down to a pen. I stuffed it in my pocket and before I could comprehend what was happening, Octavian had his knife at my throat and my hands behind my back.

Octavian began to lead me back down the tunnel that I had run; we didn’t even make it twenty feet before three Northern Cyclopes appeared in front of me.

“What is taking so long, Octavian?” A woman Cyclopes asked. She was bigger than the other Cyclopes’ and they seemed to cower behind her so I am guessing she’s the leader.

“I had to catch Jackson here,” Octavian said in an evil tone which almost made me question whether to trust him or not. Almost. “He put up quite a fight but I out matched him in the end.”

“Good,” the woman Cyclopes said. She was looking at me as if was part of some Cyclopes buffet. Well, I guess to her I sort of am. “Gaea will be pleased that we have caught him. You sure have cost Gaea a lot of trouble, Percy Jackson.”

“How do you know me?” I demanded.

“Oh, everyone knows about you,” one of the Cyclopes said. That one was obviously a boy.

“Yeah, who wouldn’t know Percy Jackson,” the other one agreed.

The woman Cyclopes rolled her eyes at the pair of them.

“Shut up! I swear, Sump and Torque, if you don’t shut your yap I may kill you myself,” the She-Cyclopes said.

“Relax, Ma Gasket,” Octavian said. “Let’s get Jackson to Gaea first; you can kill your idiotic sons later. Have you found the other demigod?”

Please say no! Please say no! “No, we have not yet found him or her but now that we have this delicious demigod,” Ma Gasket grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her ugly face, “we’ll be able to find him, no problem.”

“What makes you think I’ll help you?” She’s a wrack job if she actually thinks I’ll help her lore Jason to his death.

“Oh, but who said anything about you helping us,” Ma Gasket sent me an evil grin.

“Help! Help me!” Ma Gasket opened her mouth but my voice came out of it. Jason would come running for sure as soon as he hears this. “See. I can make you sound any way I want to and as long as your friend hasn’t been killed by Gaea’s python yet then that demigod should hear you perfectly. Until then follow me and if you try to escape in any way then I will make you sound a thousand times worse.”

Naturally, I did the only thing I could I followed the crazy Cyclopes with Octavian close behind me.

I followed Ma Gasket, Sump, and Torque through several more tunnel ways before we walked into a large open room. The room was like a giant circle, there was no ceiling so you could see the sunset beginning to rise, the walls were covered with pictures of various Greek and Roman myths that are probably eons old, and the floor was made of hardened mud. There was also a large thrown in the corner of the room, that was made out of dirt, grass, and – gross enough – fertilizer. Who’d ever want to sit on that thrown is pure crazy but then again Gaea did make Kronos kill her own husband so who knows how sane she is in the head.

I winkled my nose trying not to take in the smell of the thrown.

“You get used to it,” Sump said noticing my discomfort.

“I highly doubt that,” I stated uncomfortable. Why anyone would want to sit on a thrown made out of fertilizer I will never know.

Since the Cyclopes’ were a few feet a head of us, Octavian was able to whisper, “If they get to that thrown they’ll summon Gaea and she’ll kill you. Fight when it’s time.”

“How will I know when it’s time?” I asked him.

“You’ll know,” Octavian answered. I’m still not sure if I completely trust him but for now he’s my only chance at escaping.

Octavian took a dagger out of his combat boot and threw it at the Sump. It landed hilt deep into his forehead and before he could even cry, Sump became sand. Octavian threw another spare dagger but this one imbedded itself a millimeter from Ma Gasket’s nose. She yanked the dagger out of the wall and turned to us. My sword was out and ready to fight and Octavian already had another knife at the ready.

“Who threw this?” Octavian raised his hand.

“How long?” Ma Gasket asked. She clearly was asking ‘How long have you been working for the gods?’

“Not long,” Octavian answered honestly.

“Well, I guess we have to fix that then, huh?” Ma Gasket ran forward to try and attack us, while her son Torque cowered behind her. “Don’t just stand there, you imbecile! Fight!” Torque shook his head and ran towards us hesitantly.

Octavian went to fight Torque while I was stuck with an angry mama Cyclopes.

I looked around trying to find something that could help me. I was positive that my sword would not last forever; it’s only a temporary solution to this big problem. And Ma Gasket was a big problem.

I raised my sword and began to slash, strike, and cut at her but she blocked most of the thoughts. The good thing about ADHD was that I could focus on multiple things at once and that was exactly what I was doing now. As I fought the Cyclopes, I tried searching for something that could help. But something at the entrance to this room eventually caught my eye. I noticed Jason sneaking closer to the entrance. He noticed my eye contact and sent me a hand gesture that meant Keep going. I did as I was told and distracted Ma Gasket while Jason did whatever he was doing.

I was bringing the sword back to make a large gash when suddenly I was thrown back against the wall. I crumpled to the floor in pain. I hadn’t noticed her hand swing back. I looked up in time to see Octavian’s knife that Ma Gasket had soaring towards me.

I immediately felt the pain. I looked and saw the dagger hilt deep in my shoulder blade. I looked back towards the fighting and realized I was seeing double. I was vaguely aware of Torque turning into a pile of sand and Octavian running over to help Jason fight Ma Gasket.

I put my hand to the hilt and yanked it out of my shoulder. I practically shoved my fist into my mouth to quiet my screams.

Dammit, that hurt! I thought as my shoulder stung from the pain.

I shook it off the best of my ability and tightened my grip on the dagger. I brought my free fist up and hid the ground as hard as possible. Usually that wouldn’t do anything but considering that my dad has powers to cause earthquakes, I can make it do a great deal.

The room immediately began to shake. Rubble powered down from the walls. Dust spread into the air. Columns began to crumble to the ground. And a large crack that was probably deep enough to go to the Underworld appeared in the room. Unfortunately Jason was right in the middle of it with Ma Gasket. The crack was really wide. It was wide enough that there was a five foot long piece of rock right in the middle of the chasm. Ma Gasket looked like she was trying to drag Jason down with her but Jason was fighting with everything he had . . . but he won’t last forever.

So I did the stupidest thing I have ever done before in my life (and that’s saying a lot because I’ve done plenty of stupid things). I got up, ran and jumped to the rock in the cavern. I somehow brought myself in a standing position and kicked Ma Gasket off of the ledge.

“What are you doing?” Jason yelled.

“My fate.” As those words left my mouth, I knew I was correct.

I thought of the dream I had of the Fates cutting a string a couple of months ago. I though the string was Frank’s. And with his curse, the stick burning up, and Frank dying it was a good guess but I was wrong. Just like how the Fates showed me Luke’s string when I was twelve, well this time they showed me my own.

I kicked Jason’s stomach, but he didn’t fall down the chasm like the Cyclopes, he managed to get a hand on the other side of the ledge. Octavian carefully moved towards him and grabbed his hand. Before I could do anything, a strong grip tugged on my foot. I managed to grab onto the rock before tumbling over the edge completely. I glanced down and saw Ma Gasket gripping my leg as if she was an anxious toddler. Only the longer she held on, the looser my grip became.

“Percy!” I glanced towards my friends and saw that they noticed my predicament.

I felt like my stomach took a vacation to visit my shoes. I felt a lump in my throat. I couldn’t get over the pounding of blood in my ears. And yellow spots were dancing in my eyes from having to hold on for so long.
It was really happening. I was going to die. At least I’d go down fighting.

I looked at Jason and Octavian one last time to see them shaking their heads at me. I did the only thing I could do. I had to release the rock and accept my Fate.

So . . . I let go.

Well there's another chapter. I know some of you are going to want to kill me but please wait until the end of the book before you start shopping for knives and pitchforks. I have officially one chapter left to write and I am working on it now. I can't even believe that this book is basically done. I'm sad and happy at the same time. Since I'm basically done with the book my posts on this story should be alot more frequent. So keep an eye out. When this story is complete check out my other story Taken By The Earth. It's the last story I have on hold and I'm looking for a co-author. Competition information will be up soon, so keep an eye on that story as well.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
A. M. A. Z. I. N. G. chapter.

Больше года agamotto said…
Well done indeed!
Больше года kayleegurule said…
big smile
The Heroes Final Stand is finally over! I just finished the very last chapter! The next post will be very soon!
Больше года GhostLadyHades said…
It was great! but i dont get why everyone is set on killing percy! im sooooooo sad right now!
last edited Больше года
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I should be able to post the next chapter today after school.
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Okay guys I have bad news. My internet is being changed to a different program so I won't be able to post for a while. I don't know for how long. I can post messages on my phone but I won't be able to upload a chapter. Im sorry, guys. I'll keep you updated.
Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
oh my gods...percy!,! frank!,! wow... amazing...cant wait for the next post!!! :-):-):-)
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
*sniff sniff* sooooo sad......
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Okay, so turns out I can post but I just can't watch videos. My father must be fifty if he's forgetting to tell me that. Anyway sorry to give you all agnorisms and here is the next chapter.


The air was tense. No one said or did anything. We were all too nervous. All we really wanted was for Jason and Percy to return back to the Parthenon without any trouble. I prayed to every single god and goddess – even Hera – that Percy would be okay.

At this moment I sat in the room that I share with Piper, on the Argo II, staring blankly at my laptop. Piper was currently with Leo, who was comforting her, as they worried about their best friend. Despite the differences the three of them may have had in the past, they’re thick as thieves and they don’t want to lose a friend.

None of us do.

Thalia tried to keep me distracted for a while so I wouldn’t think of what my boyfriend was doing at this very second but it was no use. Everything reminded me of him. So eventually she gave up and let me stare at my computer screen. Finally I let out an exhausted sigh and signed onto my internet. Leo put a device on my computer so no monster could track me when I used it. I went onto YouTube; it’s a website for mortals. They can post videos or movies online and watch them for free. I typed What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts into the search engine.

I usually won’t listen to country music – I’m more of a classical type of person – but Piper got me hooked on this song a couple of months ago. Whenever I listen to it, I just can’t help but think about mine and Percy’s relationship. Even the people in the music video look slightly like us.
I clicked on the OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO and let the slow violins and guitar fill the room.
Soon the singing followed.

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house
That don’t bother me

I instantly thought back to the night Percy passed out on the porch of the Big House. That was the very first time I had ever saw him and even then I knew there was something special about him.

I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while
Even though going on with you gone still upsets me
There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok

I had to do a lot of pretending during the six months that Percy was gone. Everyone would ask me “How are you doing?” “Are you alright?” or my personal favorite “If you need anything, let me know.” They were treating him like he was dead not missing.

But that’s not what gets me

What hurts the most
Was being so close

I used to hate getting close to people in the past. Everyone had left me. Percy was the only one that had ever stayed. I’d hate to imagine him not being there.

And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was tryin’ to do

It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go
But I’m doin’ It
It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone

Sometimes I hated seeing Nico, Grover, Travis, or Connor around because they were Percy’s best friends and he was always happy with them. It was hard to see them happy when I was miserable.

Still Harder
Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret
But I know if I could do it over
I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart
That I left unspoken

I’ve always wondered what would have happened if Percy and I had gotten together sooner. Would we be as happy as we are now? Or would it all have shattered; our relationship and our friendship?

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

I just wish I’d answered him. I wish I’d answered Percy’s question. Who knows if I’ll ever get the chance now? I just hope he comes back safely.

What hurts the most
Is being so close
And having so much to say
And watching you walk away
And never knowing
What could have been
And not seeing that loving you
Is what I was trying to do

Not seeing that loving you
That’s what I was trying to do

The music dispersed from the room but I just played it again and looked down at my finger . . . or more particularly the ring on my finger. I closed my eyes and thought back to a couple of hours ago when he’d given it to me.

“Promise me, you’ll come back,” I asked Percy as I lay with him on his bed.
Percy glanced down at me and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. “I promise, I’ll my hardest to come back,” Percy promised.

I nodded satisfied with his answer.

As we lay there I could help but let my eyes travel around the room. Most of Frank’s stuff was still here but some of it was slowly going into boxes. No one likes it but we had to move some of it. Percy’s hardly slept in here since Frank . . . died. He can hardly look at his stuff and Hazel is no better. Hazel won’t come in here and Percy’s been crashing with Jason and Nico.

“Do you think Hazel is going to be okay?” I asked him.

“Yeah,” Percy whispered. “She’s strong. She’ll get through it. Eventually.”

“What’s going to happen with all of Frank’s stuff?” I asked curious. “I mean, he doesn’t have any family.”

“I guess . . . Hazel and I will separate his stuff between us and whatever we don’t want. . . . I guess, it can
be free reign,” Percy choked out.

I lay back on his chest and didn’t ask any more questions. I could tell he was grateful without saying so.

“Close your eyes,” Percy instructed suddenly.

“Why?” I asked confused.

“Just do it. I have a surprise for you.” I did as I was told. I heard shifted around in the nightstand next to the bed. “Okay, open them.”

I did so and my breath caught in my throat.

Percy was still lying next to me but in his hand in front of me was a ring. The ring was silver with six diamonds, the middle two were a deep blue and the two on each side were a beautiful grey. It was a . . .

“It’s a promise ring,” Percy said. “You don’t have to give me your answer now. You can think, strategize, and plan all you want. Take as much time as you need. But I love you and I couldn’t leave without you know how I really feel. So, Annabeth Chase, this ring is a promise that I will marry you someday and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

I sat there stunned speechless.

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by the sound of knocking, “Percy! Come on, man. We have to go.”

Percy’s smile dropped slightly. “Okay, I’ll be out soon.”

He leaned forward and kissed me.

We both put everything we could into the kiss. When we pulled apart we were slightly breathless.

“I love you too,” I spoke up.

“I know.” Percy sent me one last smile before standing up and walking to the door. He looked back at me one last time before closing the door behind him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud alarm blaring. I slammed my laptop closed before running out of the room. The alarm signaled that Percy and/or Jason were on their way back.

Everyone was gathering outside. I stood on the deck of the Argo II and waited. I held my breath and let the sound of my heart thump in my ears distract me. I noticed someone stand next to me and looked over to realize that it was Nico. He kept whispering to himself, “No. Please no. Let me be wrong. Please,” over and over again.

My stomach dropped and my heart became lodged in my throat as I saw two figures walking over the hill. Only neither of them was who I wanted. Jason’s eyes landed on me and he bit his lip sadly before shaking his head.

“Annabeth . . .” I vaguely heard Nico say but I just shook my head and left the deck. I went down below to my room and locked the door. I let the tears flow and clutched the ring on my finger.

“Yes,” I whispered. “Yes, I would love to marry you someday.”

I will add the video of What Hurts The Most by Rascal Flatts when I'm able to. Until then enjoy it on your own.

last edited Больше года
Больше года WatchYourBack said…
Is that the end plus nooooooooooo and who did Annabeth marry
Больше года kayleegurule said…
No that is not the end. I have 36 chapters in total so there's three chapters left to post.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
*sniff sniff* i feel soooo bad for annabeth.

Больше года kayleegurule said…
Good news Fanpoppers,
Now that The Heroes Final Stand is about three chapters away from being completed here on Fanpop, I think that it's a wonderful time to begin holding my Co-Author Contest for Taken By The Earth. The recremendations that are needed are on that page. You can get the link from the summery above. I would like to get a lot of applicants to choose from. So if you're interested in finishing my last on hold story with me and then apply for the contest and I will pick the co-author in the end.

Good luck to everybody who applies,
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I'm feeling generous so here's another chapter!


It’s been three days since Percy’s death and since then it’s been abnormally quiet. Gaea’s army hasn’t made a single move in attacking us. Unfortunately we all knew that the quiet of war wouldn’t last forever. The next battle should be happening any day now. We just have to keep a sharp eye out.

Currently Jason, Reyna, Hazel, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, the Stolls, Will, Clarisse, Bobby, Katie Gardner, Dakota, Bianca, and I were all in the meeting hall. We were trying to discuss the war but we got sidetracked. So we were all sitting in the big room bored out of our minds as we waited for Thalia and Grover to get back. As we waited I couldn’t help but frown at Annabeth; as expected Percy’s death has been horrible on her.

We had the funerals for everyone who died in the first battle two days ago and it hasn’t been easy on anyone, especially Annabeth. Let’s just say if Percy was here right now, he’d flip out. Annabeth looks horrible to say the least. Her hair was tangled and matted, her normally stormy eyes turned a dull, sidewalk grey, there were deep, dark bags under her eyes from lack of sleep, her eyes were permanently red from all of the crying, and her jeans and camp T-shirt were hanging off of her thin body. We’ve all been working extra hard to take care of Annabeth but there’s only so much we can do to help her when she’s like this. But I know the only thing that will really help her is to have Percy back. I could easily take her to visit him but right now that’s not an option.

“Here,” Thalia walked through the door holding a tray of food, big enough to feed the fattest person on the planet.

Annabeth’s mouth literally hit the ground. “Thalia! Are you trying to make me obese?! I can’t eat all of that.”

“You can and you will,” Grover deadpanned.

“I’m fine,” Annabeth tried but was interrupted by me, “Annabeth, you just fainted.”

“So I got a little dizzy,” Annabeth shrugged, “It happens all the time.”

“Yeah, to anorexic or bulimic people,” Will said. “Look Annabeth as one of the doctors here, I suggest you eat that, not too fast so you don’t puke, but eat it nonetheless and all of it.”

“Come on, Owl Head,” Clarisse took the tray from Thalia and lead Annabeth out of the room. “You’re eating it even if I have to force it down your throat!”

I heard Annabeth groan but ignored it and closed the door.

“She can’t keep doing this,” Will said. “She’s clearly going through Depression and if we don’t keep an eye on her than it’ll only get worse.”

“There is no way she can fight in the war,” Jason said. “She’ll never survive like this.”

“She hasn’t even been sleeping in our room,” Piper spoke up. “She’s been sleeping in Percy and Frank’s room.”

“Can’t you just take her to the Underworld to visit him?” Bobby asked. “It could help right?”

I sighed and shook my head. “At this point I’m afraid it may do more damage than good.”

Some of the others nodded in agreement.

“So what do we do?” Hazel asked. Hazel wasn’t looking too good either but she looks a ton better than Annabeth.

“Oh, I have a plan,” I told them, “which is why when the war starts I’m going to have to leave and if all goes well then I’ll be back with no worries.”

“And if it goes bad?” Thalia raised an eyebrow.

“Then we’ll all be dead and it won’t really matter,” I replied flatly. “Just cause as much distraction as possible.”

“What are you going to-” Leo was suddenly interrupted by the alarm beginning to blare.

We all ran to the top deck of the Argo II to see Gaea’s army setting up their battle stations. They must have really been holding back because their army and reinforcements were twice the size now than they were before. This is bad. This is really, really bad. Now it’s twice as important that I fulfill my plan and it has to work or else we’re doomed.

“Leo, Jason, get everyone set up. You have to stall for as long as you can. Use anything you’ve got,” I told them.

“Not arguing with you there,” Leo pulled a bullhorn out of his tool belt and Jason began shouting orders through it.

As everyone rushed to get ready, I ran to the room that I share with Jason. I immediately grabbed my armor and sword. I opened the door to leave but was stopped by my two sisters blocking the doorway.

“Bianca, Hazel, this is really not the time,” I told them. “I really have to go.”

“Let us come with you,” Bianca said.

From the determined looks in their eyes, I knew they’d be hard to get rid of but its worth a try. “No. You are not coming with me and that’s final.”

“Well excuse me, little brother but I’m older,” Bianca argued, putting an emphasis on “little”.

“Were. You were older. But I am thirteen and you are still twelve so whose older now, sis?” I appealed stubbornly.

“I am,” Hazel butted in. “I am older then both of you.”

“Look, I’m not arguing about this so if you could both move out of my way to I can go that would be greatly
appreciated,” I said reasonably.

Both of my sisters seemed to think about it for a couple of moments but eventually repeated, “No.”

“Fine, looks like we’re doing this the hard way,” I claimed.

Before either of them could understand what I meant, I relaxed my both and clutched to the darkness that was in the closet. The next thing I know, I am walking through the dark clouds until I suddenly emerge into the Land of the Dead. I swallowed the lump in my throat and began my journey towards my dad’s castle. I’ve been here plenty of times but watching skeletons and ghosts bow to you is still something to get used to. If possible the Underworld is darker and drearier than usual.

When I enter the throne room, I am slightly shocked to see my father. My father’s robes were hanging off his body, his skin was paler than usual, he was leaning against his staff for support, and his eyes lost their usual evil gleam.

“Dad, what’s going on? Are you okay?” I asked slightly frantic.

Hades looks up and finally seems to realize that I’m here.

“Hello, Nico.” His voice cracked badly.

“What happened?” I wonder.

“Oh, nothing to worry about,” Hades shrugged it off. “You know how people say that too much of one thing is bad for you.” I nod my head recognizing the saying. “Well, this is one of those times. The war is causing many deaths too fast. You would think that I would be stronger, but I only grow weaker trying to control all of these subjects.”

“Don’t worry, Dad,” I assured him. “I have it handled. You’ll be back to your old self in no time.”

I leave my withering father behind and make my way upstairs. I climb the many steps to the top of the tallest tower. The words had ancient Greek writing on them. Luckily, I was able to translate what the words say, Enter if you dare, but beware behind this door you have sealed your fate.

I hesitantly put my hand on the door, heavily tempted to run away, but I forget about my fear of what is to come and push the door open. This room was one of those, the-gods-and-titans-can’t-come-here-with­out­-in­vit­ati­on-­but­-de­mig­ods­-ca­n, places. So at least I didn’t get thrown out for trespassing. I walked further into the cold, dingy room not really seeing anyone. In the middle of the room is a giant steel black caldron and a basket of string with a pair of rusty scissors lay next to it. I’ve heard about the Caldron of the Fates before but I’ve never seen it in person before now. The Caldron is said to show whatever your heart desires. It will show you whatever you want to see. The Caldron can even show you your future, past, or your destiny.

“Hello, son of Hades.” Three voices spoke in unison.

I mentally calmed myself for what was going to happen. Then I turned around to see three shriveled old ladies standing before me in black, wool-knit, floor- length, dress robes. They were wearing matching fishnet veils over their faces, despite the veils, I could tell that their mouths were pressed in tight lines and they were staring at me with beady little eyes. Now because I’m a son of Hades I usually don’t get creped out by a lot but these old hags actually freaked me out.

I shivered involuntarily before awkwardly bowing to the elders, “Hello, my ladies.”

“Welcome to our domain, Nico di Angelo,” the one in the middle greeted. “You have come a long way. You have been through much. It was all to prepare you for your future. Are you ready to accept it?”

My eyes dropped to the floor. Am I ready to accept it? This could mean saving everything or losing everything. This is so dangerous, I could die. I am only thirteen. Am I really ready to give up my life? I haven’t even graduated middle school yet. As I thought deeper into it I realized that nothing about me has ever been normal. I mean, my mother was killed by Zeus when I was just a kid, my father erased my memory, stuck us in a casino for seventy years because of a prophecy, then we were sent to a military school and attacked by a thorn throwing monster, my sister joined a group of girls that swear off love, she’s then killed by a giant robot, I make friends with a deceiving ghost, I basically force my best friend to swim in a killing river, then I “illegally” bring another sister of mine back to life, I don’t tell my amnesiac friend that I know him, and finally I am kidnapped and tortured by Gaea. Yeah, my life is anything but normal. But am I ready to accept my Fate?

“I’m ready.” As those words come out of my mouth, I know they’re true. I am ready.

“Go to the caldron and recite the incantation,” the Fate on the left orders.

I walked up to the caldron and stared into the murky liquid. I stared at my reflection before opening my mouth to begin reciting, “I am Nico . . . Gertrude di Angelo.” Curse my father for thinking it would be funny to give me that name. “I am a son of Hades and Ambassador of Pluto. I give my past, my present, my future and my life for the dead. Release the gods and the dead of Elysium and Isles of Bless. Use my power and awaken the chosen before it’s too late. Give them life again. Give them my life.”

I felt my eyes grow heavy, my knees were beginning to wobble, all the strength left my body, and I felt like I could pass out any minute.

And then I did.

So what do you think? Leave comments. I really love Nico's middle name.
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
big smile
plz dont make nico die!!!!

Больше года kayleegurule said…

As the demigods watched Gaea’s army from the Parthenon they knew instantly that they were definitely outnumbered. The Apollo kids and Hunters were climbing onto Pegasi so they can get distance shooting from above. Chiron’s Party Ponies were taking last minute shots of Root Beer and grabbing their Styrofoam bats and Nurf guns. The Cyclopes army were grabbing chains, hammers, and lots of . . . sticks, to fight with. Tyson took one last mouthful of Peanut Butter before ordering the other Cyclopes’ to line up. The Amazons got on all of Leo’s gadgets; they would be riding the flying travel pods, a helicopter, and jet skis for the water monsters. The rest of the demigods divided everything up as much as possible. Leo activated his robots and automatons, Jake \Mason and Nyssa divided bombs and other ammunition between the areal shooters. Leo basically released every single defensive contraption out of the Argo II, because knowing Gaea they’d need all the help they can get.

As soon as Gaea’s army charged, everyone ran to meet them half way. The flyers got on the pegasi with their ammo, the Hunters and Amazons got on their vehicles, and everyone else pulled their weapons out for the fight. Everyone met in a frenzy of weapons against weapons. Chaos broke out as the fights erupted between both sides of the war.

Bombs and arrows shot at their targets. Fighters fell to the ground and monsters turned into sand. Cyclopes’ fought under the water of the nearby sea while Hunters, Amazons, and Demigods, rode submarines, boats, and jet skies above the waves.

“Jake! Get your pyrotechnics ready!” Leo ordered.

Jake nodded and dashed towards the ship.

Jason turned on his ear piece that everybody had and said, “Remember when Leo fulfills his plan he needs to get to the Argo II fast. So try and get as many monsters out of his way as possible.”

“That would be nice,” Leo agreed.

“Shut up, already!” Clarisse yelled. “We’re trying to fight!”

Bianca ran to the whole that was still in the ground from the last battle and ordered who she needed. Armies and Armies of the dead arose out of the ground to fight. The last ones to come out were the Furies.

“Help us, Kindly Ones,” Bianca said. “I am the daughter of Hades and I order you to help us!”

The Furies growled, not happy about being told what to do by a twelve year old but agreed nonetheless. Their electric whips appeared in their hands and they flew towards the battles.

Grover stood by a cluster of trees and bushes thinking. He put his reed pipes to his lips and began to play a very fast, complicated tune. Soon enough the roots of the trees sprang out of the ground and the trees danced their way into battle. Their roots went underground and pulled soldiers into the earth. The bushes were following the root’s example.

Grover smiled and ran toward another cluster of trees.

The battle progressed into a war. Armies fought; enemy against enemy, weapon against weapon, teeth against teeth, fist against wing.

The yelling of battle cries drowned out the cries of pain. Soldiers and monster were strewn across the ground, dead. Family members, friends, girlfriends, and boyfriends, were no more but empty shells that their souls once thrived in. Blood and sand was mixed together on the dirty battle field. Everyone too busy to notice the lifeless ones on the ground.

They would after though. Once the fighting stopped and the dark shadow was pushed away by the bright sun would everybody notice who was dead and who was alive.
Leo watched heartbroken as his friends – his family – dropped to the ground.

“It’s time!” Leo yelled into the microphone.

Everyone moved into action.

Leo dashed around fighters and slid under the swords that attempted to behead him. For the most part the enemy was taken out before he could be hit. With a burst of speed he made it to the Parthenon and to the Argo II. Leo took a deep gasp before bringing his watch up to his mouth.

“Argo II activate security mode #423,” Leo ordered. Leo paused amazed for what was about to happen. He smiled as he spoke the password, “Festus.”

The metal boat shuddered as if it would in a snow storm. The mixed metals began to fold and unfold. The red eyes on Festus’ head glowed showing life once again. The metal folded together to make the largest origami in the world. A metal pier transformed into a tail, the metal sprang out into legs, a neck came together so the head could move. But now cannons and guns sprang out of the sides and chest of the dragon. All of the rust and dirt from age was gone, this was new. It’s as if the dragon, Festus, was reborn.

“Festus!” Leo yelled “Festus!”

The dragon lowered his head towards Leo but tilted it as if to say, Who are you, again?

“Come on, Festus! You know me. It’s Leo. I’m a son of Hephaestus,” Leo said.
The dragon’s head perked up when he heard the name Hephaestus.

“There you are boy. You remember. Hephaestus made you. He created you,” Leo reminded the dragon. “Now you have to help us. You have to help us win this war.”

The dragon opened his mouth and shot fire at Leo. That’s how Leo knew that Festus remembered him.
“Come on boy! Let’s go!” Leo ran forward and climbed on the dragon’s bag.

As soon as he was on completely, Festus spread his wings out and took off into the air. The soldiers and monsters were looking up at the flying pair shocked, but as soon as Festus blew the first puff of fire at Gaea they snapped out of the initial shock and went back to fighting.

Leo shot guns and dropped cannon balls at the enemies from the air. He could see everything. Every single little thing and that is what shocked Leo more than Festus being alive again.

“Oh my gods,” Leo gasped. “To the plateau, boy!”

There is a plateau a few yards up the hill where you could watch over the battle field without either sides knowing. And that’s where Leo went. Festus landed on the flat ground and Leo jumped off the shock was finally settling in. “But-How?” Leo couldn’t even form a complete sentence.

“Just a little power from a child of Hades,” Nico praised himself.

Leo shook his head barely able to comprehend this. In front of him, were the dead. Only they weren’t dead. They were alive but they were supposed to be dead. There was Percy Jackson, Frank Zhang, Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, and from the pictures he’d seen he guessed Luke, Ethan, the Hunter Thalia told him about Zoe, Lee Fletcher, and so many more. It was as if everyone that died in the last few millennia’s was here in the flesh, alive and healthy. There were also one older than that like Hercules, the original Jason, Theseus, and the original Perseus. And what shocked him most was the gods. They were standing in front of him alive and well. They looked as strong as ever; there was even a god with satyr horns on his head and some monsters with like a hundred hands.

“We need you to go back and distract them, Leo,” Percy said. “We need a big distraction.”

“Then you’ve got one man,” Leo said, climbing back on Festus.

He took off into the air with newfound hope in his veins. He realized as long as there was help and people who believe then Gaea and the rest of her evil Titan family will never win because we will never stop fighting.

Leo and Festus began shooting ammo and fire at whatever enemy they could find. He was definitely creating a distraction. The next thing he knew, Poseidon was blowing into a horn you’d find on the beach and all of the undead flew down the hill. People from a thousand miles away could most likely hear the gasps that sounded.

“No! Impossible!” Leo heard Gaea yell all the way from up in the air.

The gods, ancient heroes, modern heroes, and friendly monsters clashed into the fighting. They now doubled the size of Gaea’s army. Poseidon, Percy, and Trident went to help with the water creatures. Zeus, Thalia, and Jason fought the air creatures. Hades, Nico, Bianca, and Hazel brought up more and more of the dead to help. Hades no longer looked like the wrinkly old man from before now he was back to his malicious and evil self. Aphrodite and her children fought against Gaea with their charmspeak which they were all temporarily given. Hephaestus and his children built every type of weapon they could and fought with it. Everyone clashed and fought together; just like they were supposed to.

Suddenly a huge Hurricane Katrina sized wave began to rise from the ocean. Percy controlled it and flung the wave at both sides of the army. Only not both sides of the army were wet. The monsters and traitor demigods on Gaea’s side were soaked in their own lake of water. The gods’ side was completely dry. The water was around them and they could feel it and taste the salt from the water but they were completely dry. They were finally getting a taste of the power that Percy Jackson has. The wave was suddenly flung backwards and most of Gaea’s army took a swim in the ocean where Poseidon’s army was waiting with open arms to arrest them.

Everyone turned to watch the chanting that was surrounding Gaea: “Go to sleep, oh Mother Earth. You are not wanted here. Your time has come and gone. It is time for you to sleep now once again. You have lost your power and your strength. Take a nap and forever stay in bed.”

Gaea was dragged into the hole that Nico created to the Underworld. She was powerless against the goddess and children of love.

“No! No! NO!” Gaea wailed as she was dragged down to the pit she used to call home.

Take that Gaea! So I hope none of you hate me now. I am in such a great mood so I dicided to spread some pf that joy by giving you a chapter. The reason that I am in such a great mood is because I got a C+ on my Algebra test and a B on my Biology test. Those are probably the best scores I've gotten in those classes in a long, long time. I'm still looking for Co-Authors for Taken By The Earth so don't be afraid to try out it. I'd love to have someone to work with again. I officially have one last chapter left to post of this story. It's sad but also exciting. It should be up tomorrow or Wendsday.
last edited Больше года
Больше года WatchYourBack said…
1st yeah new chapter second awesome post
Больше года Blackjack-Arion said…
big smile
congrats on the tests! and such amazing chapters! best story ever!!!!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
AMAZING CHAPTER!!! and congrats on ur tests!!

soo... is that the last chapter?? >__<
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Nope, I have one last chapter to post. I'll post either tonight or tomorrow.
Больше года kayleegurule said…

The air and sea was still. The grounds were quiet. Now that the fighting has ended you could see the mass destruction. Everyone walked closer to the pit in the Underworld. They could faintly hear Gaea’s disobedient screams. The scene was like a horror movie, right after the earthquake, tornado, toxic bomb or whatever type of destruction it was went off and the civilians were crawling out of their hiding places to look at the damage.

The quiet shocked air changes as soon as the shock sunk in. They had won. The demigods had won once again. Gaea was destroyed and everybody was safe and alive. Friends, family, and couples ran around to find each other and to celebrate on making it alive.

“Percy!” Annabeth yelled running into Percy’s awaiting arms.

They were hugging each other so tight you couldn’t slip a baseball card between them. Percy was kissing
Annabeth’s forehead, cheeks, head, lips, and every other place he could. Annabeth was just clutching his shirt content with being able to wrap her arms around him again.

“I’m sorry it happened,” Percy apologized.

“Don’t apologize,” Annabeth shook her head. “You couldn’t have known.”

“But I did know, the last few minutes I knew,” Percy said.

“I don’t care. You’re here now. That’s all I care about,” Annabeth replied.

“Good, because I’m not losing you again,” Percy told her.

“You better not,” Annabeth commented, lightening the mood slightly.

Percy smiled, and rested his head on hers just happy to have her in his arms once again.

“Oh my gosh, Frank!” Hazel yelled looking at her boyfriend. “I-I can’t believe your alive again.”

“I know,” Frank said. “I’m here. For good this time.”

“Good.” Hazel smiled glad to have her boyfriend and best friend back once again.

“Beck!” Jake, Nyssa, and Harley ran forward to see their ex-head councilor.

“Sup, guys,” Beckendorf grinned.

“You’re alive!” Jake said stunned.
Beckendorf smiled chuckling.

“Hey Leo,” Beckendorf called.

Leo hopped off of Festus and walked toward his half-brother.

“Excellent job with the dragon,” Beckendorf praised. “He looks awesome. I couldn’t have even done that good of a job.”

“Um, thanks,” Leo replied surprised. He was shocked that the brother everyone talked about was complimenting him on something. “If you want your head-councilor position and bed back, take it. It was yours first.”

“No,” Beckendorf grunted.

“What?” Leo asked shocked.

“That stuff is yours. You deserve it man. You helped the cabin in the worst times, you showed them hope again. The job and bed are both yours,” Beckendorf explained.

“Are you sure?” Leo questioned.

He nodded.

“Good.” Leo stared off dreamily. “That ten speed massage is amazing.”

“I know, right?” Beckendorf agreed enthusiastically.

“Children!” Zeus’ voice boomed. The conversations immediately quieted down. “There is something I need to say.” A look of constipation appeared on Zeus’ features. “I need to say that I . . . I was-”

“I think what my brother is trying to say here is that Zeus, King of the Gods, Lord of the Sky, was wrong,” Poseidon grinned smugly at his brother.

“Don’t push it,” Zeus growled. “Yes, I was . . . wrong.”

“For . . . ?” Hades pressed.

Zeus growled at his brother. “For closing down Olympus, thinking that was the end of it, and being-”

“A self-centered, arrogant, spoiled, stubborn, pride ridden, pain in the-”

Zeus interrupted Poseidon by saying: “Stubborn. I was too stubborn to see past my own pride and I apologize.”

Everyone was having a very hard time keeping in their entertained laughter. They never saw Zeus ever say those words before and probably won’t ever again, so why not enjoy it while it lasts.

“Anyway,” Zeus continued. “We have some people to thank. When I call your name please come forward: Jason Grace,” Of course he would call one of his children first, “Reyna Campbell, Hazel Levesque, Annabeth Chase, Frank Zhang, Leo Valdez, Piper McLean, Percy Jackson, and Nico di Angleo.”

The nine demigods stepped forward. They seemed nervous as well as anxious at the same time.

“You have done well, demigods,” Athena spoke. “You have overcome your Fate and the obstacles that were thrown at you. You each have done much. And because of each one of you the prophecy was fulfilled.”

“Yes, you have all done well but they still know of each other and I can’t have fighting between the demigods,” Zeus argued.

“Wait, are you saying that you’re going to erase our memories?” Leo asked.


“No.” Everyone turned to see Percy stepping forward. “I’m sorry, Zeus. But I think I speak for both sides when I say that we don’t want to forget about each other. Sure none of us were exactly thrilled to work together at first but we are now. We have each created relationships between the two camps. There’s no longer a difference between us. We are no longer enemies. We won’t fight anymore.”

“And how can you be so sure of that, Jackson?” Zeus challenged.

“Because if we were going to fight each other then why did we work on the same side? Why did the eight of us travel around the world together? We worked together. Sure they’ll be differences and fights but we will not be having another Civil War anytime soon,” Percy debated.

“I vote for creating one camp,” Artemis said. “I hate to agree with this young man, but he speaks the truth. These demigods have proven that they are ready. I say we create one camp and let them live their peacefully.”

Zeus looked troubled, as he mentally debated this.

“All in favor?” Artemis asked.

Poseidon, Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, Hephaestus, Demeter, Hera, Ares, Hades, Pan, and every other god who was there raised their hand. They simultaneously agreed.

“Fine,” Zeus grunted. “Chase! Come here.”

Annabeth stepped forward apprehensively but bowed nonetheless. “Yes, sir?”

“I want you to design this camp with the help of the Hephaestus and Vulcan cabins,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir,” Annabeth agreed nodded vigorously. “No problem, sir.”

“Good, now if you’ll excuse us we need to do some damage control,” Hera said.

“Before you go, my Lords and Ladies,” Chiron spoke up. “I need to say some things.”

“Go ahead, Chiron,” Artemis allowed.

“I have seen great courage in each and every one of you,” he began. “I am proud to call myself your teacher. You have learned a lot from me but some of the things you did proved greater than anything I could ever teach you. Which is why, I am officially retiring from my duties as Trainer of Heroes.”
Chaos broke out among the Greek demigods.

“Silence!” Chiron ordered. “I have loved the years that I spent training and helping all of you but it is time.
You have learned everything I could ever teach you. There is nothing more for me now. But I will not leave you teacherless. Percy and Jason I would like both of you to take over my duties as Camp Activities Director.”

Looks of shock appeared on the two boys’ faces.

“Dionysus,” Zeus called.

“Yeah,” the god said lazily.

“You have done well with these demigods,” Zeus acknowledged.

“Yeah,” Dionysus suddenly perked up realizing what he said. “I mean, yes. Yes, I have done an excellent job with the little tikes.”

“I think it’s time that you were unsuspended,” Zeus announced. “You are no longer Camp Director. You may return to your home in Olympus.”

“Yes!” Dionysus looked like he could jump for joy any second.

“So, Annabeth and Reyna, will the two of you be the new Camp Directors?” Zeus asked.

“Yes!” The two girls agreed.

“Good, we are done, then,” Zeus declared.

With a snap of their fingers the gods were gone.

The Greeks turned to Chiron and each said their goodbyes to the lovable centaur.

“You’re going to die now, though,” Annabeth cried.

“Yes, child,” Chiron agreed. “But it is my time. I have lived a long life not always a happy one but a long one.
I couldn’t be more proud of it. I believe that the camp is in good hands with you four. You will take the new and old demigods far. I have absolute faith in all of you.”

Chiron sent everyone one last smile before nodding towards his centaur brothers and sisters and they galloped off into the distance.

Everyone turned to one another and cheered goodbye to their friend. They were happy but at the same time sad, but for that they were glad. They were alive. They won the war. And they were going to have a combined camp. Life was good.

Leo lifted hi watch to his lips. “Festus, Argo II mode please. Take us home.”


“Welcome to the new and improved Camp Half-Blood!” Annabeth, Reyna, Percy, and Jason yelled. They were at the top of Half-Blood Hill greeting the new and older demigods. It was the beginning of June and Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were finally combined and the combination camp was finished and ready for the summer campers.

Everyone ran into the valley to see their new summer or permanent home. It was a nice combination between both camps. There was even a small New Rome in the camp with a town for the older campers. Everyone still lived in their assigned bunks but there were about thirty different cabins now. The Big House was replaced with the Principia that were about four stores tall with extra bedrooms there as well. The dining hall was expanded so it could fit even more people than before and the whole “sitting-with-your-cabin-only” rule had been lifted so the demigods could sit wherever they wanted.

“And here we go,” Percy said, looking at the demigods in the camp.

“Good luck,” the four said to each other simultaneously before walking down the hill to begin their duties as directors.

Later that evening at dinner, Percy and Jason stood up to give the announcements.

“Welcome to a new year at a new camp,” Percy said to everyone.

“We are happy to announce that this Friday we will be having Capture the Flag and on Sunday we will be playing War Games. So be ready for both!” Jason announced.

“We want to thank everyone who helped us in the war,” Percy said. “Without the help of everyone here we would not have won and we would not be here today. Now enjoy the food and after this we have Sing-Along in the Amphitheater, so meet there afterwards.”

Everyone clapped for the Activities Directors. They definitely weren’t used to giving speeches like that anymore but they would get the hang of it. Eventually.

“Hey Piper!” Will called to the daughter of Aphrodite as they set up for Sing-Along. Piper looked at the son of Apollo with raised eyebrows. “Come sing lead!”

Piper shook her head to reply but Leo and Jason was already pushing her off of the bleachers. She glared at them both but agreed nonetheless. Piper told them what song to play and they happily agreed.

The song began with will dancy tune.

We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

So it don’t matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of lover
We’re so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don’t matter to me cause
We are, we are family

The rest of the campers began to sing along. Cheers and whistles erupted in the crowd. They have never had a more successful sing along.

We are are are are (We are are)
We are are are are (We are are)
We are are are are (We are are)
We are, we are family, family, family
We are, we are family

So what?
We don’t look, we don’t act
We don’t walk, we don’t talk
Like you do

Nobody in that camp was exactly normal. Everyone was different and that’s what was great.

So what?
If we hang just a hang and no shame
We both do what we want to

Cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home

As demigods they all have a tough life. They each have their own stories. They’ve searched their whole lives to find people like them but they didn’t feel like they belonged until they found this camp.

We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

So it don’t matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of lover
We’re so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don’t matter to me cause
We are, we are family

Everyone was so closely knit here. They were truly a family.

Ok, so the links in our chains makes us strange
But really they make us stronger
And no one would replace not a thing
Mother or father
Cause we…

If it wasn’t for their mother or father they wouldn’t have gone through the things they did. But they also wouldn’t have found friends and a family like they did.

Cause we come from everywhere
Searching for ones to care
Somehow we found it here
We found us a home

We are, we are
Not your ordinary fami-mily
But we can all agree that
We are, we are
Close as close can be

So it don’t matter what it looks like
We look perfect to me
We got every kind of lover
We’re so lucky indeed
They can keep on talking
It don’t matter to me cause
We are, we are family

To some people they seem different and strange. But to their “family” they were normal. They were the way they were supposed to be. And that was perfect.

(We are, we are)
We are, we are family

*Tears* Well that's the end of it. That was the very last chapter. I am proud and also sad. I can't believe it's been a year and a month since I posted the very first chapter. Now that this story is finally over, I really want to finish Taken By The Earth. So if you could please spread the word that I'm looking for a Co-Author. Thank you and I'll miss this story but I am happy to be moving on.


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