Герои Олимпа Kaylee's The Mark of Athena & The Герои Final Stand (COMPLETED)

kayleegurule posted on Feb 25, 2012 at 06:46AM

I hadn’t been nervous the entire journey from Long Island to California, but now that Camp Jupiter was finally in site I was starting to freak out. Leo had sent a video message to Tyson, so hopefully Percy had had time to warn the Senators and Reyna. I could already see some campers coming to the Field of Mars from the window. I just hope they don’t shoot us down.
As we got closer to the ground, I was able to spot a lot of familiar faces; Bobby, Dakota, Hazel, Gwen, and most importantly Reyna. I remember Reyna again, I also remember the last day of my life at camp, and the last day I’d had with her.
Reyna and I were in the Senate House discussing some of the problems at camp, when Reyna asked me whether or not I could remember any of my family.
“Not really,” I answered simply. “Lupa took me in at the age of two. I remember a girl a few years older than me with black hair and blue eyes but that’s about it. Why?” I added kind of curious.
Reyna shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve just never heard you talk about them before.”
“Yeah, well, at least you have a sibling to talk and hang out with,” I countered.
“Correction. I haven’t talked to Hylla since the war. I hate it when she doesn’t respond to my letters.”
“I may not have ever met her, but if she is anything like you then I expect that she’ll be okay.”
“And what am I like, exactly?”
“Oh you know, smart, fierce, brave, a good fighter, strong, you’re good hearted, nice, intimidating, and really pretty.”
“I’m really pretty? I’ve never heard you talk about me like that before.”
“You never asked.”
I’m still not sure which one of us leaned in first, all I know left is that later that night, after Reyna and I had stopped kissing and went to our separate praetor houses. Juno stole my memories and made me sleep for two months, until I woke up on the bus with Leo and Piper.
Suddenly, I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard someone calling my name. It was Piper. Today her chocolate brown hair was all the same length now and she had it in her usual braid. I still couldn’t figure out what color her eyes were because they were always changing from blue, green, and brown. Piper still refused to wear makeup. Only one word can describe the way she looked; Beautiful.
“Um, what’s up?” I said trying to change my train of thought.
“Leo said we’ll be landing in a minute and that you should probably go first, which Annabeth and I both agree on.”
I nodded and followed her into the steering room of the Argo II. Leo was in the pilot’s seat clicking a few buttons for the landing. He had definitely gotten stronger from working in the forges at Camp Half-Blood, but he was still smaller compared to his brothers and sisters. His hair was still as dark and curly as ever and he had bags under his eyes obviously from all the days he missed sleep so he could work on the Argo II.
Annabeth was sitting next to him in the passenger’s seat, while looking out the window; she was obviously lost in thought. Her curly blonde hair was down and she was dressed in her usual orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and jeans. Her grey eyes seemed to be darker than usual. Even though I’ve only known her for eight months I knew what she was thinking about; her boyfriend. Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon.
Percy is a Greek demigod who went to Camp Half-Blood for four years. Until Juno stole his memories and put him to sleep for eight months. Now he’s here at Camp Jupiter trying to get the Roman demigods to trust the Greeks.
All of a sudden, I was thrown backward and landed on the floor. Piper had done the same.
“We’ve landed,” Leo said completely unnecessary.
“Are you ready Jason?” Annabeth asked getting up from her chair and helping Piper.
“More nervous, than ready,” It was true but I went over to the door anyway and waited for it to open. “Hello, Camp Jupiter,” I added to myself.

My Other Forums

My Whole Life Was A Lie: link

The Stolen Trident: link

Taken By The Earth: link

Camp Half-Blood & Camp Jupiter read the Percy Jackson series: link

Camp of Couples: link

The Undercover Hero: link

A Rueful Wish: link

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My Fanfiction.Net Account: link
The Mark of Athena

Nine shall save the dangerous sea,
Ocean's Prince finds the ghost king to free.
Wisdom's daughter walks alone,
The Mark of Athena burns through Rome.
One shall rescue the eight,
Son of Fire closes death's gate.
Descendents of the horse help the dove,
Prince of Lightning finds an old friend from above.
Legacy of the sun strikes another,
Daughter of Owl is saved by Death, Sky, and Water.

The Heroes Final Stand(1)

Death's daughter shall be found,
Fire to be rescued from Earth's mound.
Legacy of Poseidon shall meet his end,
An old friend will return to defend.
The traitor will make a choice,
The Earth shall be controlled with a voice.
Curse of Riches to be broken,
Stick of Life to go up smoken.
Daughter of War repeats a decision,
Son of Lightning sacrifices a mission.
Death's son shall return with the past,
Gods or Giants to last.

The Heroes Final Stand(2)

You shall sail with the old ship of bone,
You shall find a friend who is not alone.
But beware to fight without fire,
And to fly home without a fighter.

last edited on Aug 23, 2013 at 01:16AM

Герои Олимпа 607 Ответы

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Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Hey, check it out, new page!!!!! Cake for everyone!!!!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…

I was in a dark, dirty, moldy cave. There was only a little bit of light seeping through from the door. The smell of death lingered in the air. I could hear the sounds of an army close by.

“Where am I?” I wondered aloud.

“In the prison of Gaea,” a voice said from behind me.

I whipped around to see a girl of about thirteen step out of a corner. She had thick, dark hair and even darker eyes that seemed to match her olive skin tone. She was wearing black skinny jeans with a leather jacket over her grey tank top. She looked strangely familiar but I couldn’t place it.

“Who are you?” I asked automatically.

“That’s not important, what is important is that Gaea is planning something big. I don’t know what but I know that it will cause a lot of disagreeing and arguing. Gaea wants to separate the camps so you can’t defeat her. Apart you have no chance of survival. Together you might just have a chance,” the girl informed me.

“Who are you? How do I know that your not working for Gaea and this is just a trick?” I demanded.

“Of the angels,” she said mysteriously.

“What?” I asked completely lost.

“Figure that out and you’ll know that you can trust me,” she smirked. “Now, you are the only one who can keep the camps together. Even the leaders will be losing sight of what’s important. If you keep the people that you love in mind then no one will stop you.”

“W-what are you talking about?” I stammered confused.

“Focus, Piper McLean. There is a reason why I contacted you. Gaea can control a person’s mind and make them say things that they don’t mean. You are the one exception to that power. It’s like how another charmspeaker can’t charmspeak you. Her power works exactly the same way.”

My mind traveled to when Nico, Leo, and I were about to close the Doors of Death, Nico and Leo had broke into a fight because Gaea had been controlling their minds, and I had been able to snap them out of it.

I glanced at the girl and saw her smiling.

“So you figured it out. Excellent. Use that knowledge to your advantage. Whenever Gaea tries to get a fight to break out, stop them before it goes to far. If you do that then Gaea will have a hard time trying to separate you. Good luck and Goodbye, Piper McLean. I’ll see you again soon.”

I awoke with a start in my bunk. I could see campers of the Third Cohort rushing to get ready in time for breakfast. I got up and rushed to the bathroom. I’d have to think about that dream later. But I already knew that one question would be on my mind all day: Who was that girl?


Several hours later I was walking towards the senate building for the senate meeting that Percy and Reyna had announced earlier that morning, when I heard the yelling. I immediately rushed over to see what was going on.

When I arrived by the Tiber River, I saw Conner and Travis Stoll arguing with one of the Roman campers. Again.

“What is going on this time?” I asked standing between the twins and the angry Roman.

“These morons tried stealing my wallet! Again! I’m beginning to think that Octavian was right! You Greeks are nothing but deceiving, evil, thieves!” the guy yelled.

“Look, I’m sorry, um?”

The Roman rolled his eyes. “Jacob Wisenheimer.”

I had to bit my tongue so I wouldn’t laugh. I could see that the Stolls were having the same problem.

“Well, Jacob, I promise they won’t do this again,” I promised before grabbing one of the twin’s right ear and the other’s left and dragging them away from the still angry Jacob.

They whined about their poor ears all the way to the property line. When I could see Terminus ahead of us, I let go of their ears and glared at the twin boys.

“What were you thinking?! You know how the Roman’s get when you try pick pocketing, or pranking them!” I yelled.

“We can’t help it!” One of the twins said.

“Yeah. Is it our fault that they’re so easy to manipulate?” The other said.

“And prank.”

“And pick pocket.”

I’m getting a headache, I thought as I held my head in my hands.

“Okay, I didn’t want to do this but you leave me no choice. If either of you try pick pocketing or pranking any of the Romans again then I will tell Annabeth,” I threatened.

Their eyes widened.

“You wouldn’t?” One of them said in fear.

“Oh, I would,” I dared.

“Fine, we’ll behave,” they surrendered.

“Good,” I said before turning towards Terminus, giving him my knife, and walking towards the senate building to get this meeting started.

This was going to be a long day, I thought.


"Welcome to the very first Senate Meeting since the combination of the camps," Reyna said as she and Percy stood on the platform in front of everybody.

If you thought you didn't hear right, well, you did, We've been here for two weeks and this is the first time we were able to have a meeting. Why you might ask. Because everyone has been doing none stop work. Percy and Reyna have hardly been out of the principia building. The Hephaestus/Vulcan campers haven't stopped building since we arrived. Apparently Leo had left a lot of plans and blue-prints for Jake and Nyssa and they are doing everything they can to build Leo's dreams. Annabeth has the Athena/Minerva campers working on nothing but war strategies. Frank has even been helping them, he's the second best strategist, right behind Annabeth. Everyone else has just been trying none stop to prevent fights from breaking out. Minus the Ares/Mars and Hermes/Mercury campers who seem to be causing the most fights because of the pranks and fights that they tend to cause.

Anyway because of the 'Octavian being a traitor' situation Reyna and Percy has put a limit to who can be in the meetings. The people aloud in are the seven, Katie, Travis (they only want one twin so there's a smaller chance that a prank or something will happen), Will, Jake, Gwen, Bobby, Dakota, Grover, Nico, Clarisse, Thalia, and lastly Hylla. Unfortunately despite the small group we're still able to get into fights.

**********************************10 MINUTES LATER**********************************

We've only been in this meeting for ten minutes and we've already had five yelling matching, three fist-fights, six wrestling contests, and one spear throw on behalf of Clarisse. The worst part about it is that I've had to stop every single fight. I had a very bad feeling that Gaea was just causing all of these fights to tire me out so I'll be weaker for a bigger fight. I really hoped that it wasn't true because I doubt that I could stop another fight even if I wanted to.

"Well, it's been almost fifteen minutes and we've made about as much progress as a snail racing against a cheetah," Reyna sounded like it was taking all of her willpower not to stab everyone in the room.

"Now what was going to say before I was interrupted by Clarisse's spear throw at Travis," Percy glanced pointedly at the daughter of Ares, "was that we need to discuss the machine building. Jake, how's the building coming along?"

"Why am I even here?" Jake asked with a frustrated tone. "I'm NOT the cabin leader, Leo is."

Percy hung his head for a minute before looking back at Jake with a sad expression. "Jake we've been over this, with Leo gone that puts you as leader because you've been part of the Hephaestus cabin longer than anybody."

"No, I know why I'm being forced into this situation but I want to know when I can stop. Percy I don't believe Leo is dead. No one in the cabin does. Please. Just authorize a quest," Jake begged.

"Jake, I want to believe that Leo is out there just as much as you but without proof I'm not risking the lives of anymore of my friends. What if you go out there and you find out that Leo really is . . . dead. Then what?" Percy explained.

"Percy remember when Grover was missing and Mr. D said that you weren't aloud to go but you went anyway and ended up saving Grover. Please, just let someone go." Jake pleaded.

Percy looked at everyone in the room to see their votes. When he tried to meet my eyes I looked away. I completely agreed with Jake. Leo needed to be found and I would love to be the one to do it. Leo is my best friend and I really care about him. I just want him home.

Just thinking about Leo brought me back to that cold, depressed feeling I went through for the first week of our return. Hardly anyone could get me out of bed. Eventually I realized that not doing anything wasn't going to bring him back so I got out of bed and tried to go back to normal. But sometimes I just want to crawl into a ball and cry. I could already feel the tears in my eyes just by thinking about it. I quickly blinked them away and turned my attention back to what they were saying.

Nico had stood up and was about to answer the one question that everyone wanted answered: Was Leo dead? "Truthfully, I don't know."

"Wait, how can you not know whether someone is dead or not?" Annabeth questioned. "You've never had a problem before."

"This war is turning out a lot like the last one. People are losing faith in the god's chance of winning and you know what happens when people lose faith in the gods . . ." Nico trailed off as that sunk into everybody's mind.

"What? No. No, we need the gods. They can't fade!" Katie said, her voice cracking.

"Kate's right!" Travis agreed using the nickname that he gave her. "We did not come this far for nothing. They can't fade. We need them to destroy the giants with us."

"That's not the worst part," Nico announced.

"What do you mean?" Reyna asked.

"When the gods fade, so does everything else they've built and created," Nico said.

"Yeah, we know that," Jason furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

Nico shook his head.

"We'll fade as well!" Thalia said alarmed.

"Not necessarily." Nico answered.

"Tell us what you mean, Nico," Will ordered.

"When the parent of a demigod fades, the demigod doesn't fade but he or she loses their powers, becomes a mortal, and forgets everything about their past life as a half-blood," Nico explained. "You basically get put into the life you would have had if your mortal parent hadn't met your godly one."

"So Pluto is fading," Hazel guessed.

Nico nodded. "Our powers are already weakening."

"Is there anyway to stop a god from fading or bring a faded god back?" Jason asked.

"Um, t-there is one way," Nico said suddenly sounding nervous.

"Which is?" Percy asked.

"You have to go to the deepest and darkest part of Tartarus and make a sacrifice b-but not any type of sacrifice it can only be done by a child of Hades or Pluto,” Nico said grimly.

Hazel paled and suddenly it became clear why Nico was so nervous. To stop a god from fading or to bring back a faded god, Nico or Hazel would have to die.

“No!” Percy said automatically. “I’m not going to let one of my friends kill themselves. Not going to happen.”

“We don’t exactly have a choice, Percy. If they don’t do this then we all fade,” Jason told him.

“I don’t care! We need our friends!” Percy yelled.

“We need the gods more!” Jason shouted, standing up.

“So, you’d be willing to risk your friend’s life for a god that hasn’t even faded yet!” Percy demanded getting angry.

“If that helps save us in the war then yes!” Jason admitted angrily.

The atmosphere seemed to change as the two camp leaders argued. You could almost feel their powers growing stronger. Through the sky-light you could see black clouds of anger forming and you could already feel the ground starting to shake. The two strongest demigods on the planet were losing control of their powers and the only way to get them to stop was by charmspeaking them. Unfortunately I doubt I could charmspeak a clown to juggle.

“YOU KNOW YOU ARE JUST AS COMPASSIONLESS AND SELFISH AS EVERY OTHER ROMAN!” Percy yelled a small wave of water forming around him.

“YEAH. WELL DON’T FORGET BUT YOU’RE HALF ROMAN!” Lightning was starting to crackle around Jason.

“Stop it!” I yelled. “Stop fighting!”

They ignored me and started to argue.

I glanced at the others for help but they were all just watching their leaders fight in complete and utter shock. Even Clarisse who usually encourages fights was looking at them like she just saw them lay a purple egg.

Gaea was controlling their minds, that much was obvious. There was no way these two half-bloods would fight like this unless they were being controlled. At this point their power has only increased even without their weapons they could both cause some serious damage. I had to stop this before it got way out of hand.

I didn’t think as I ran towards the two angry demigods. I just let my instincts take over. I was barely aware of jumping over the water wave that Percy had created and landed in the middle of the two boys with my arms spread out at my sides to keep them at arms length. The boys blinked and looked confused for a quick moment before their angry expressions reappeared. It hardly fazed them what I had just done.

“Stop!” I ordered with all of the emotion I could muster. “You are friends NOT enemies! Don’t let Gaea control you! Snap out of it! Think of the people you care about! Percy think of Annabeth! Jason think of Reyna! Now please SNAP OUT!”

I watched amazed as it actually worked. Their storms started to lighten up until it was completely gone. The angry expressions got replaced with confused ones.

“Wh-what happened?” Percy asked.

My eyes were already starting to droop so I only managed to get out “Y-you” before feeling a pair of arms catch me as I went unconscious towards the ground.
Больше года universalpowa said…

Well.....YAY! XD Whoop Piper, being the peacemaker. yeaaahhhh/


AAaannnddd the gods are fading? O.o Why do I have a strange feeling that the same thing that happened to Pan/Grover is going to happen to the rest of the Gods? O_O And their demigod children? WOAAAAAAHHHH

Just saying. Post soon! :D
Больше года BlazeFireSpirit said…
YAY! Awesome chappie!!!!!! I can't believe they won't remember who they are if the gods fade...so saaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddddddd.......­...­...­...­.O_­O THE GODS MUSTN'T FADE!!!!!!!! Post soon!
Больше года Blitz---- said…
Больше года SilverOwl2233 said…
Больше года BlazeFireSpirit said…
big smile
Post Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The suspense is KILLING me!!!!!!!!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Sorry that its been so long guys. I have a bit of writers block. So I apologize because this is not one of my best chapter and its also really short but I'll try and make the next one better.


Knock, knock, knock. I couldn't help the smile that crept to my lips when Reyna opened the door.

"Jason? It's two in the morning, what are you doing here?" Reyna asked confused about the fact that I'm knocking on the door of her praetor house at 2 AM.

"I couldn't sleep. Can I come in?" I said.

She nodded and opened her door wider so I could walk in.
"Sorry for coming this early but I also wanted to talk to you," I said, as I went and sat on her couch.

I loved the praetor houses. They were like apartments. There was a living room, a small kitchenette, a full bath, and a bedroom. The only people who had a key to the praetor houses were the praetors. That way if one of the praetor's lost their key then they can just use the second praetor's key.

"I'm sorry for snapping and fighting with Percy today . . . or yesterday but sometimes he annoys the Pluto out of me. The decisions he makes as a leader . . ." I apologized trailing off.

"I don't think it's his decisions that are making you upset, I think it's the fact that he's praetor and your not," Reyna guessed.

"You know how Romans are about losing power," I said grudgingly.

"I know and I'm sorry I couldn't save the spot for you but you were gone, Octavian was pestering me for a new praetor, and truthfully we needed another one. The camp wouldn't have survived the battle without Percy," she said gingerly, joining m on the couch.

"I know and I'm grateful for him saving Camp Jupiter and being here while I wasn't but that doesn't mean I want to take orders from him. He seems to be taking everything from me; My praetorship, Camp Jupiter, My house, you, Thalia-"

"Wait, what do you mean he's taken me from you? I'm right here," Reyna demanded.

"I know, but ever since we got back I've hardly seen you. You're always with him."

“Yeah,” Reyna agreed, “working on tactics and decisions about the camps and wars.”

I sighed knowing that she was right.

“Did you ever stop to think that Percy might be feeling the same way you do?” Reyna questioned.

I glanced at her confused. “What do you mean?”

“Jason, technically you are the leader of Camp Half-Blood. You’ve made friends with Percy’s friends. You’ve taken all of the stuff that Percy’s taken from you.”

I didn’t say anything. She was right. I felt just as jealous of Percy as he felt of me. But that doesn’t change the fact that I dislike him at the moment. I knew one thing was for sure. Percy Jackson is in a whirlwind of trouble if he thinks that I’ll follow his command.


"Excuse me everyone, Percy and I have some announcements!" Reyna announced, standing next to Percy by the podium at breakfast.

Everybody was talking really loud so nobody seemed to hear them. I noticed Chiron walk towards the front of the room. When he got to them Chiron talked to them quietly before stomping his hoof on the marble floor. The demigods seemed to hear the banging because everybody quieted down quickly.

"Thank you," Percy said to Chiron before turning towards us. "Reyna and I have a couple of announcements. Firstly whoever didn't wash Hannibal yesterday would you please take care of it today."

Bobby stood up and started to exit the building, muttering, "Sorry. Excuse me. Sorry."

"Good also we know how hectic this transition has been for everyone so we have decided to cancel all training today-"

There were woops and cheers from everyone.

"-the only activity we will be having is the war games. Greeks vs. Romans. So after you finish your breakfast go meet your team, grab your weapons, and prepare. All weapons and magical items are allowed."

With that Percy and Reyna walked off the stage and towards our table. Percy greeted Annabeth with a kiss before turning towards us.

"So what do you guys think?" he asked.

"It's awesome!" I think Conner said.

"Yeah, let's whip there butts like we did at Camp Half-Blood!" Travis said?

Everyone who had lost that game of Capture the Flag instantly sent a glare at the twins.

"Don't hate the player, hate the game," one of them said grinning.

**************************************1 HOUR LATER***********************************

"Everybody ready?" I asked, looking around at all the demigods.

They all nodded uneasily. Frank was the only one who looked confident, probably because he came up with the strategy for the game.

"Jason, don't forget what you have to do?" Frank reminded me. "You could make us win or lose the game."

"I know I'm ready."

"Then let's go." Frank said confidently.
Больше года book-worm said…
Awesome sauce!!!!! Post soon!
Больше года universalpowa said…

Do I have to say it? Okay. POST SOOOONN ;P
Больше года kayleegurule said…

Where is he? I thought. He should be here by now.

He should definitely be here any minute. Annabeth had made Travis spy on the Romans when Frank was giving out the instructions. So now I am waiting impatiently for Jason to come into the bunker to try and steal the banner. I just really hope we don’t get into a big fight like last time. Sure we may have been controlled by Gaea but still Jason and I fighting each other equals all Hades break loose.

I heard a creak from the door as it opened. I quickly ducked down low enough so I could see the camper without the camper seeing me. I looked up and sure enough Jason was cautiously looking around as he walked towards the banner.

I immediately jumped out of my hiding spot with my sword drawn. Jason scowled as soon as he saw it was me. He drew his gladius and stalked towards me.

From the way his knuckles turned white and how his jaw clenched I could tell that Jason was still angry. Truthfully I was upset with him as well but you don’t see me automatically picking fights.

He plunged his sword towards me but I rolled out of the way before I got stabbed. I got up with ease and quickly slashed his shoulder. Jason looked even angrier now that I drew blood. He seemed to forget all about the banner and the game as he ran towards me.

“What’s up with you man!” I demanded as I blocked a stab with my shield.

“I’m am sick of you! You stole my whole life!” Jason yelled as he rolled away from a slash in the stomach.

“I didn’t steal anything from you. When you returned to Camp Jupiter I asked you if you wanted to be praetor, you said no,” I reminded him.

“Please, stop being so . . . So . . .?”

“So, what?”
“So, loyal!”

“Well, sorry, but I don’t really have a choice when it comes to how loyal I am,” I said, not trying to give away my fatal flaw.

“You took my job, my house, Reyna, and my own sister!” Jason yelled. I heard the whistle blow in the distance signaling that the Greeks must have won but I could tell that Jason wasn’t close to being done.

“I offered you your job and your house back!” I yelled back. “turning it down was your fault. I did not take Reyna from you, she’s your girlfriend. The only reason why we are together so much is because praetors work close together. You know that.”

“What about my sister, huh?” he asked. “She treats you more like her brother then me.”

“That’s because I’ve been like a brother to her for years. Ever since I brought her back from being a pine tree. We weren’t always close but now we are. Sorry that you have insecurities.” I apologized mockingly.

“Take that back!” he demanded.

“NO!” It was the truth. He’s jealous and insecure of himself.

“You asked for it,” he said darkly.

I could feel the static in the air growing stronger. The hairs on my arm began to stand up. Before I could react I was thrown about twenty feet backwards. I crashed threw the bunker window before soaring through the air and eventually getting smacked into an oak tree.

Yellow spots danced in my eyes. My clothes had burn marks. Some of the hair on my arms were burned. I felt completely out of energy. And My mouth tasted like a bird built a nest in it. I felt worse now then after I blew up Mt. St. Helens.

“Percy!” A voice yelled a few feet to the left of me.

I glanced over and saw Thalia, Annabeth, Reyna, Chiron, and Nico running towards me.

I tried getting up but I immediately fell back down. From the corner of my eye I saw Jason running away from the bunker so no one would see him.

Coward! I thought angrily.

I made an attempt at standing again but just ending up falling back down.

“Easy, child,” Chiron soothed when he was close enough to me.

The second he put his hand on my forehead I began to drift to sleep.


I heard people before I saw them.

“What happened?” I recognized Reyna’s voice say harshly.

“I don’t know,” I heard Jason say.

“Jason, you were the last person to go into that bunker and besides Percy was attacked with lightning,” Frank pointed out. “Only you and Thalia can do that and Thalia was with Annabeth at the time.”

I squinted my eyes open enough to see Annabeth, Tyson, Grover, Reyna, Hazel, and Frank all glaring at Jason. Chiron was also in the room but he seemed to actually be listening to Jason’s side of the story.

“What happened?” I tried to say but my voice came out as a quiet murmur.

They all whipped their heads toward me and saw that I was awake.

Annabeth walked over and put a straw in my mouth so I could sip some nectar. I already felt a bit more energized when I’d finished the glass.

“How are you doing, Perseus?” Chiron asked, wheeling himself to my side.

“A bit better now,” I admitted, sitting up a little.

“Percy, what happened?” Grover asked, shifted from hoof to hoof.

I blinked trying to remember. Suddenly it all came back to me. Jason. The fight.

“I was waiting for Jason to come to the bunker like Annabeth told me to and when he did, I revealed myself, we began to fight, and he started saying that I took everything from him, I tried reasoning with him, but it only made him angrier and he shot me with lightning, then I passed out,” I summed up.

Everyone turned to Jason who had a confused expression on his face.

“Look, I’m telling you the truth. I don’t remember anything after our return here. It’s all a blank. It’s like I fell asleep. When I came to, I was being dragged here by Bobby and Dakota,” Jason explained. “Please believe me. I may not like the fact that Percy’s praetor but I’d never intentionally hurt him for the position.”

“He could be liar,” Tyson suggested.

“How do we know if he’s telling the truth?” Hazel asked.

“Easy, get an expert liar,” Reyna said.

Annabeth, Grover, and I all exchanged a glance. We had the perfect person in mind.

“What?” Frank asked, seeing our exchange.

“Chris.” The three of us said at the same time.

Now Travis is the best Hermes prankster. Conner is the best Hermes thief. But Chris is the best Hermes liar. He is a champion liar and he can tell when other people are lying.

“So I heard you need my help.” Chris grinned, walking into the infirmary.

“Yeah,” Annabeth admitted. “We need your help deciding if Jason is lying or not.”

“Well, tell me what’s going on,” Chris addressed Jason.

Jason told him the story again. When he finished Chris was nodding his head and was running his hand through his messy hair.

“So, is he lying or not?” Reyna asked Chris.

“Jasey here,” Chris got a glare from Jason. “is telling the truth. That’s what happened.”

“Gaea.” Chiron automatically stated as soon as Chris had left.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“Gaea must be trying to create a wedge between the camps. She knows that separately you cannot defeat her. Only together you have enough strength. So she must have possessed Jason’s body and attacked Percy,” Chiron guessed.

“So I have been possessed by Gaea for a week!” Jason said angrily. “I hate her.”

“Now we just need to make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else,” Chiron added, running his hand through his beard.

“How are we supposed to stop earth lady from hurting brother,” Tyson asked.

Chiron chuckled. “I’m not sure little Cyclopes. But we will find a way to keep the whole camp safe.”

“Hopefully,” Grover said.


I glanced at the alarm clock on the hospital stand and saw that it was midnight. I tired sleeping but nothing worked. This is the worst day ever. Why couldn’t my brain just go to sleep?

After about ten more minutes of tossing and turning I finally gave up. I threw the sheets off of me and slipped my feet into my shoes. Good thing I was wearing new clothes and not one of those hospital gowns, I thought happily.

It was surprisingly easy to sneak out of the camp hospital. As soon as I got outside I whistled for Blackjack. It only took him about twenty seconds to get to me. I quickly climbed onto him and whispered the destination in his ear. He took off immediately.

I couldn’t help but feel relaxed as Blackjack soared threw the sky. I knew that he was being quiet for my benefit and I appreciated that. Even the pegasai knew that this would be a rough day for me. I smirked when Blackjack quickly flew over Mt. Tam. I was happy to see that Atlas was still enduring his punishment.

It took about half an hour to get to our destination. I walked through the familiar burned down walls of the Wolf House. I was surprisingly comforted when I had been here with no memory. It was just a good place for me to think in between Lupa’s training.

I sat down on the edge of the empty pool. Why did my life have to be so hard? Did I do anything to deserve this guilt? They are all dead because of me. Their faces flashed threw my mind. Luke’s, Beckendorf’s, Silena’s, Ethan’s, and everyone else we had lost because of Kronos, like Bianca di Angelo, Lee Fletcher, Zoë Nightshade.

“Why did you all have to die?” I asked, thinking of all of my dead friends.

“They died because it was their time,” A familiar voice said from the bushes.

I couldn’t help but grin. “Hey Lupa,” I greeted. “What brings you here?”

“It’s not everyday that a Greek camper is in Roman territory. Did you really think I wouldn’t investigate?” She asked, giving me her famous wolf glare.

“No, I just . . . I don’t know actually. I just needed to be away and I always felt safe here,” I tried explaining.

“It is time that you let go of the grief that you have been holding onto. It’s been a year now. You cannot blame yourself forever,” Lupa said, narrowing her wolf eyes at me.

“I know I just can’t help feeling guilty. It’s because I’m too loyal,” I said refusing to look at the alpha wolf beside me.

“Loyalty is a tricky thing to have. Loyalty makes it harder for you to give up friends but it makes it easier for people to trust you,” Lupa explained. “Not all of it is bad.”

“I’ll have to face them soon, won’t I?” I asked, referring to my dead friends.

“I cannot answer that but for the events that are ahead of you, I will give you some advice. Be ready.” I looked up ask Lupa what she meant but she was already gone.

Happy birthday to me, I thought miserably, as I walked back towards Blackjack.
Больше года book-worm said…
Awesome!!!!! I loved it!!!!!!!! Please post soon! Even though you just posted
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I won't post again until I get a page 16
Больше года book-worm said…
THats going to take me foreverrrrrrrrr!!!
Больше года book-worm said…
Maybe one more comment will do it
Больше года book-worm said…
One more
Больше года book-worm said…
One more!!!!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…
You only need nine or eight more comments
Больше года book-worm said…
Maybe one more
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Больше года book-worm said…
Haha Jk!!!! Don't worry guys I got this

last edited Больше года
Больше года kayleegurule said…

“Percy! Percy! Percy!” I heard Nico yell.

Percy and I were sparring in the New Rome Colosseum when suddenly we were interrupted by Nico yelling Percy’s name.

“Whoa. What’s the rush, Nico?” Percy asked.

“Leo . . . He’s . . . Alive,” Nico panted.

“What?” I asked stunned. “How do you know this?”

“I traveled to the underworld and asked dad. He doesn’t look good at all but once the war starts there’ll be so much death, he’ll be stronger,” Nico said. “Anyway, I asked him about Leo and he said that Leo’s alive.”

“Percy, you have to allow a quest now,” I pleaded.

“Fine.” Percy said simply. He clicked Riptide so it transformed back into a pen. “Call a meeting, I’ll see you at the Senate Building.”


“Now, Nico has informed me that our missing camper and friend, Leo Valdez, is alive,” Percy announced to everyone who was in the Senate Building.

“How are you positive?” Reyna asked Nico.

Nico told her the story. When he finished everyone looked happier. Piper looked like she’d explode from excitement.

“Well, now it’s official!” Piper exclaimed excitedly. “We have to have a quest.”

“Piper, I want a quest just like everyone else,” Percy said, “but we don’t even know where Leo is.”

“Isn’t there some way of finding out?” Jake, from the Hephaestus asked.

Thalia gasped as if she suddenly got an idea.

She glanced at Percy, smirked, and said, “There is one way.”

Percy seemed to know what she meant because he began shaking his head, saying, “No. No way in Hades am I doing that again.”

“Come on, Percy,” Thalia begged. “It could be our only chance.”

“Wait, what are you guys talking about?” Frank asked.

Percy sighed before explaining, “When I was fourteen, I was on a quest to save Artemis and Annabeth with Thalia, Grover, and Zoe Nightshade an old Hunter of Artemis. Artemis had been searching for a certain creature when she was captured. We needed to find out what the creature was.”

“So, Apollo told Percy to go visit Nereus, the old man of the sea. See, if you capture Nereus then he will answer any question you ask him,” Thalia offered.

Grover cracked up laughing. “Yeah. Percy had to dress like a hobo and tackle-”

“The point is,” Percy paused to send a glare at Grover, “Thalia wants me to catch him again and have him reveal the location of Leo.”

“Wait, was Nereus the old man we saw in the boat on our way to Portland?” Frank asked.

Percy nodded dryly.

“Please, Percy. Please do it,” Piper begged.

Everyone broke out in pleading for Percy to do it.

After several minutes of begging and pleading, Percy threw his hands up and said, “Fine, I’ll do it. Thalia help me look homeless.”


Thirty minutes later, Thalia, Percy, and I were in San Francisco where they had their first encounter with Nereus.

I almost had to tape my mouth shut to not laugh at Percy. I could tell that Thalia was trying hard not to as well. Percy’s hair had mud and leaves through it; he was wearing dirty, used clothes from Goodwill. He basically looked about ten times worse than he did when Frank and I first met him.

“Have your laughs now because I’m not gonna put up with it back at camp,” Percy warned unhappily.

“Oh, just relax and catch the stinky dude,” Thalia ordered, laughing a bit.

Percy just shook his head before stalking towards where the homeless guys lay.

“How will Percy know which one is him?” I asked Thalia.

“Well, for one you can’t forget a face like Nereus’. Secondly, as long as you follow the smell, you’ll find him,” Thalia explained with a sour expression.


“Don’t ask.”

As if on cue Percy tackled an old, wrinkly, dirty, homeless guy. It looked like the old man was doing everything in his power to stay away from the water. Unfortunately for him, Percy made a wave that seemed to scoop them both up and move them into the water.

“Do you see them?” I asked Thalia, getting worried.

“No, but don’t worry, Percy can handle himself.” Thalia told me, although I didn’t miss the apprehensiveness in her eyes.

All of a sudden Percy burst onto the bank with Nereus in his hand. Thalia both jumped back from shock before running towards them.

Now that we were closer to them I got a better look at the old man of the sea. Up close, Nereus looked like Santa Clause. He had the long, white beard and the fat stomach, except he smelled like seaweed that’s been in the hot sun for a year, after it was rolled in a used litter box. I practically gagged from the smell. I have no idea how Percy could be so close to him without throwing up.

“Where is Leo Valdez, son of Hephaestus being held?” Percy asked Nereus.

Nereus glared at Percy with all his might before answering, “30, 35, 75, 12.”

“What?” I asked completely confused.

“Sorry. One question per catcher,” Nereus stated, before jumping out of Percy’s grip and back into the water.

A shifted my gaze to Percy, who looked Pale, as if in shock.

“Percy? Are you okay?” Thalia asked, who must have noticed Percy’s condition.

“Do you know what the number’s mean?” I asked him.

“They’re not numbers,” Percy said as if in a trance.

“What?” I demanded.

Percy looked at me with a faraway look in his eye. “30, 35, 75, 12 aren’t numbers. They’re coordinates.”

“Where do they lead to?” Thalia questioned.

“The Sea of Monsters. Leo is being held on Polythemus’ island,” Percy stated.
last edited Больше года
Больше года universalpowa said…
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Hey fannies,

So here is a contest. Whoever can answer the question correctly first get's the next chapter early. Solet's hope you know your trivia.

Who said, 'Burritoes make deadly projectiles?'

Больше года kkw1700 said…
Easy. Percy. Titan's Curse.Chapter 14. I have a Dam Problem. Page 142.
Wow. I sound like Ella... o.O
Больше года kayleegurule said…
You do sound like Ella. Okay, I'll send you the chapter. Congrats KKW!
Больше года kkw1700 said…
^ lol! Yay!
Больше года Heritage112 said…
big smile
Oh thats not fair ( GO KKW) I live in Australia
Больше года kayleegurule said…

I awoke in a dark, moldy cave. There was little light and the floor was covered in skinless bones. The smell of rotten meat was intoxicating. I wanted to gag right there. There was dirk and mud covering my body, I probably looked like I’d been mudding. I tried to stand up but just fell back down in exhaustion.

“Don’t strain yourself,” a voice said.

I turned my head towards the corner of the room and saw someone step out of the shadows. It was a girl probably about thirteen or fourteen. She had long, dark, thick hair that was in a braid with piercing black eyes, which actually went well with her pale skin. She was wearing a black leather jacket over a silver T-shirt and white camouflage pants and combat boots.

“Who are you? Where am I? Where are my friends? Are they safe?” I fired question after question.

The girl ignored my first question but answered the rest. “You are on island in the Sea of Monsters. Your friends are safe and in California with other demigods trying to prepare for war.”

“How do you know this?” I asked.

“They guards are always talking about new information,” she informed me.

I glanced at the door and saw that there were two empusa and a hellhound guarding our only exit.

“Come on, we can defeat them,” I insisted.

The girl rolled her eyes as if I knew nothing (which was probably true).

“First of all, you are in zero condition for a fight. You used up a lot of power closing the Doors of Death. Secondly, even if we did get past those guards there is a huge Cyclopes with man eating sheep outside,” she informed m. “If we were to escape we’d need a lot of help.”

“Okay, jeez, no need to get your leather jacket in a twist,” I scoffed.

The girl glared at me but didn’t say anything back.

Leo: 1
Weird Girl: 0

“How long have I been here?” I asked.

The girl sighed. “They brought you in two and a half weeks ago.”

“And I’m only waking up now!” I screeched shocked.

“Don’t look at me. I tried to wake you up but you wouldn’t budge. That’s what happens when you use your bodily resources like that,” the girl said.

“I didn’t have a choice. Gaea put a curse on me so I had t tap into my body heat. At least my friends got away,” I said.

Piper, Jason, and everybody are probably worried by now. Hopefully Jake and Nyssa are working on the plans and improvement blueprints I gave them. If we’re gonna win this war we need every invention ready on time, especially the secret weapon.

I started pulling random items out of my tool belt and put them together to entertain my ADHD and boredom. Note to self: Next time your kidnapped by Gaea bring an IPod with you!

My eyes widened and I couldn’t help but gasp. I immediately started searching my pockets. Please let me have it! Please let me have it!

“What is it?” the girl asked, watching me warily.

I happily found it and pulled it out of my pocket.

“Can I trust you?” I asked.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean you’re not just some servant of Gaea that’s trying to get me to reveal my secrets, right?”

The girl’s eyes turned dark and cold from hatred. “I used to be a Hunter of Artemis. I would never turn on my Lady.”

“Oh, no wonder you don’t like me,” I said understanding. “Hunter’s aren’t supposed to like boys.”

“Old habits are hard to break,” the girl smirked.

“Okay then, this is an IPod,” I informed the girl. “It-”

“How is a music devise going to help us!” The girl demanded.

“If you let me tell you, you’ll find out,” I said. This girl was getting on my nerves. “I created this IPod so it can communicate with the other IPods that I built with it. I gave them to seven other people . . .”

“And you can communicate with them through the IPod,” the girl said, showing her first smile.


I turned on the IPod. Let the communicating begin.

“Hopefully it’ll work here,” I said.

I prayed to every god on the Olympian council hoping one of them was a god of Wifi.


“Now we wait,” I said, lying down on my back.

“Hopefully,” the girl said distracted.

“Who are you? Really?” I asked curious.

The girl gave me a look as if she just realized that I was there.

She shifted uncomfortably before answering, “My name is Bianca di Angelo. I am Nico di Angelo’s sister.”
last edited Больше года
Больше года kayleegurule said…
I won't post until I get some comments
Больше года universalpowa said…


post soon! omg Nico will flip out....Lol...
Больше года book-worm said…
I love it!!!!!! Please post soon kaylee!!!!!(:
Больше года extraordinary25 said…

Anyways, awesome chapter. Post soon!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Annabeth 6

“The Sea of Monsters,” Piper said worriedly. “That’s where they are?”

Percy nodded.

He, Hazel, and Thalia were all back from wrestling the man of the sea and they were telling us what they discovered.

“But I thought you said that’s where you almost died and Percy got turned into a guinea pig?” Jason asked.

“It is,” I smirked.

“Annabeth, I thought you said that the island would fade?” Percy questioned me.

“I did but the Golden Fleece was there for millennia so it’ll be a while before it fade completely. The grass, trees, and other scenery are probably dying but it won’t actually fade for a while,” I informed them.

“Percy, we know that Leo’s alive and we know where he is, please, just give me a quest,” Piper begged.

“Fine,” Percy said. “You can have a quest. You are allowed two companions but I want one of them to be Clarisse since her, Annabeth, and I know the place the best but Annabeth and I can’t go.”
I nodded in agreement.

“Grover, will you go get Clarisse?” Percy asked him.

He nodded and left to track down the daughter of Ares.

“Piper, who do you want to accompany you?” Reyna asked emotionless.

She seemed to think about it for a while.

“Is there any way you can accompany me?” Piper asked Reyna.

Reyna seemed taken back a bit before answering, “Percy, Jason, do you two think you can lead the camps without me for a while?”

“Yeah,” Percy nodded.

“No problem,” Jason agreed.

“Then I’ll go,” Reyna told us.

Suddenly we heard the doors open and Grover came back in with Clarisse. Clarisse was dressed in her usual XXXL Camp Half-Blood T-shirt and army pants with her combat boots. Her stringy brown hair was in a black bandana and she had her usual scowl on her face.

“I heard you wanted to talk to me, Prissy?” Clarisse scowled.

“Yes, we wanted to know if you would accompany Reyna and Piper on a quest to rescue Leo in the Sea of Monsters,” Percy informed her.

“So, you want me to go back to the place where I almost got eaten and then almost married?” she clarified.

“Yes,” I said.

“Why not,” Clarisse shrugged.

“Good,” Reyna said. “Now we just need a prophecy.”

“Rachel, can you give us a prophecy?” Percy asked.

“Am I doubled over with my eyes glowing green, fog on the ground, while I’m spewing out rhyming lines?” Rachel asked sarcastically.

“No.” Nico stated.

“Then there you go,” she smirked.

“Oh, I love Rachel. She’s so funny,” Travis laughed.

“Well, hopefully Rachel will give us a prophecy soon but until then, you’ll have to wait. Meeting dismissed.” Percy stated.

I waited until everyone left the Senate Building before walking over to Percy. I linked my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist.

“Since it’s your birthday today I want you to meet me at the new Rome Colosseum after dinner and we’ll go somewhere to celebrate on Blackjack,” I told him.

“I don’t know, Annabeth. You know how I feel about my birthday,” Percy said glumly.

“If last year’s war didn’t happen on your birthday, then you would love this idea,” I pointed out. “Please, please. Let us celebrate your seventeenth birthday along with our one year.”

“I’m not entirely sure if this year should count since I wasn’t there for most of our relationship,” he said.

“Too bad, I’m counting it,” I told him.

Percy just rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything.

“You won’t regret it,” I said as I brought my lips to his.

When our lips were about an inch away from each other I suddenly pulled back.

“Annabeth,” Percy pouted.

“You will get a kiss tonight,” I said pulling myself away.

“Tease,” I heard Percy mutter when I was a few feet away.

“Heard that,” I commented as I went towards the arena for some sword practice.


“Come on,” I scolded Percy on his slowness as I led him towards the Colosseum. “Hurry up.”

“I don’t understand. Why don’t we just call Blackjack, right here?” Percy insisted stubborn.

“Because I want to call him over there at the Colosseum,” I explained for about the hundredth time.

“You are so stubborn,” Percy commented.

“I know,” I admitted smirking.

We continued walking until after several more minutes of whining we finally arrived. The Colosseum looked dark and empty. To tell you the truth it actually looked kind of creepy at night. I continued to lead Percy into the Colosseum. When we were finally all of the way inside all of the lines turned on and everyone jumped out.

“SURPRISE!” Every demigod, satyr, camper, and other creatures and people yelled.

I grinned at Percy who had a look of shock and embarrassment on his face.

“I should have known,” Percy said hugging me.

“Yeah, you really should have,” I agreed matching his smile.

Everyone spent the next six to seven hours talking, eating, laughing, dancing, and just having a good time. It was definitely good for everyone to chill and have fun for once since our last few weeks have been really hectic with the move of Camp Half-Blood and the war and everything.

No one was expecting what happened next. Rachel walked into the middle of the Colosseum and before she could finish moving she doubled over. Will Solace and a couple other Apollo campers rushed forward since they already knew what was happening. Green fog spilled from her mouth. Rachel’s eyes turned bright neon green that lit up the night. The Apollo campers stood her up just in time to hear the prophecy.

“You shall sail with the old ship of bone,
You shall find a friend who is not alone.
But beware to fight without fire,
And to fly home without a fighter.”

last edited Больше года
Больше года universalpowa said…

NOOooooo one of them dies D: im guessing .... SOMEONE DIES ,..... lol...

post sooooonnn 8DDD
Больше года book-worm said…
GAH!!!!!! Post soon!!!!
Больше года kayleegurule said…

In my dream I was inside the same cave as the last dream. The girl I saw last time was there as well only this time she wasn’t alone, Leo was right next to her. I couldn’t help but notice how tired and weak they looked.

“Do you think it’s true?” the girl asked. “Do you think their coming?”

Leo seemed to think about it for a minute, before saying, “Yeah, their coming.”

The girl raised an eyebrow.

“They wouldn’t leave someone behind,” he added confidently.

“What about me?” the girl asked. “Their coming for you, they don’t even know about me.”

“It doesn’t matter who you are or not, they will bring you along.” Leo said.

I wanted to talk to Leo so bad but every time I tried my mouth wouldn’t open to speak. It was like I didn’t have control of my body.

“Beside Percy and Nico will be happy that your-”

Leo was interrupted by the sound of a large door banging shut.

“Uh-oh, it’s time,” the girl said, sounding scared.

“Time? Time for what?” Leo asked, standing up along with the girl.

“Torture,” was all the girl said before the dream faded out and I awoke in my bed in a cold sweat.


“Are you ready?” I asked Clarisse when I arrived at the property line.

“I’m here, aren’t I?” Clarisse rolled her eyes. “Why do you look so awful?”

I didn’t answer, but instead asked, “Where’s Reyna?”

Clarisse just shrugged.

“You are so helpful,” I muttered sarcastically.

“And people wonder why I punch them,” Clarisse grumbled to herself.

“Piper! Clarisse!” I heard a voice call.

We both turned to see Frank running up the hill towards us.

“Frank, what are you doing here?” I shouted towards him.

When Frank reached the top of the hill he slumped over, hands on his knees, breathing hard.

“Reyna . . . can’t . . . go,” Frank gasped.

“Why not?” Clarisse growled.

“Hera came to the senate building this morning and demanded that she not go. She said that Reyna was needed here and that she wanted me to go for some reason. She didn’t explain why,” Frank explained when he caught his breath.

“Frank, are you sure you want to go? There’s a chance we might lose somebody,” I said to him.

“Positive,” he said, fiddling with the strap on his backpack, that I only just noticed he had. “Let’s go.”

Frank, Clarisse, and I stepped over the property line and started to walk towards town. I looked back expecting to see camp but it wasn’t there. The whole valley was gone.

We walked all the way to into town then took a cab to the nearest airport where we boarded for a several hour flight to Miami. Surprisingly, no monsters had attacked us our whole journey to Florida. We were kept busy though by talking strategy and discussing what we’d find in this magical sea.

The closer we got to Miami the more anxious I got. It wasn’t about the flying, or the monsters, it was about, believe it or not, Leo. I mean the last I saw him, he was about to be tortured with who know what by who knows what. I just really want him to be okay. He’s my friend. He’s the only person who truly understands me.

I must have been really deep in thought because I was completely oblivious to the fact that we had landed until, Frank shook my arm, “Piper? Piper!”

“What?” I asked, jumping in my seat a bit.

“We’ve landed,” Frank told me. Only then did I realize that only a few people where still left on the plane.

“Oh,” was all I said as I grabbed my backpack from the carry-on department and followed Frank out of the plane.

“Are you okay?” Frank asked when he and I met with Clarisse at the airport entrance.

“Yeah, I just got a lot on my mind,” I said truthfully.

Frank nodded seeming to understand.

Frank looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted by Clarisse running towards us with a determined look on her face.

“What’s up?” I asked confused.

“We have some visitors,” Clarisse said, pointing towards the airport entrance.

I craned my neck to look over all of the people in the way, and when I finally got a decent view I saw that she was right.

“Are those-?”

I was cut off by Frank exclaiming, “Oh, not them again!”

As they got closer I could see them better. They looked like two grandmothers, both with snakes as hair, and boar tusks on their faces. They were wearing flower print dresses and one was carrying a tray of . . . cheese N’ wieners?

“Medusa’s sister,” Frank told us. “They were chasing Percy when he first arrived to camp.”

“Come on, let’s try another exit,” I said desperately running towards the bathrooms with the others right on my heels.

“How are the bathrooms going to help?” Frank asked, frantically turned to avoid running into a six year old.

“I came here with my dad once when he did a movie, I remember there being a side entrance near the bathrooms,” I said.

We turned the corner that leads to the bathrooms and the side door came into view immediately. Unfortunately, one of the Medusa sisters was in front of it, we would have turned back but the other sister was blocking our way back to the main doors.

Three against two not so bad, I thought.

I immediately regretted saying that because right then I noticed another old women come out of the bathroom, although this one didn’t have boar tusks and she was wearing a turban over her hair, with dark sunglasses.

“Medusa,” I shuddered.

“Very good,” she cooed. “Mmmhmm, what do we have here? A daughter of Aphrodite, a daughter of Ares, and a son of Mars, rarely have a seen such a group. Your kind usual doesn’t tolerate with them,” she pointed to Frank and when she said that. “No matter. At least I will have three new statues for my new museum. You should feel lucky, rarely anyone gets this treatment.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m feeling so-o-o lucky,” Clarisse said, holding the o.

There was a mirror on the wall and with the reflection I watched as Medusa took off her turban revealing a ton of snake, slithering around on her head. I shuddered. Did I mention that I hate snakes? No, well I do!

As soon as the cloth that made up the turban fell to the ground all Hades broke loose. Frank and Clarisse went to Medusa’s sisters thus leaving me with snake charmer herself. At least my friends could fight with their eyes open.

I listened very carefully, trying to get a bearing of where Medusa could be. Whenever I would feel a snake near me I would slice my knife in that area but I was never fast enough and my blade wasn’t long enough.

“Come now, Piper,” Medusa said, which made me wonder how she my name. “Open your eyes. The temptation will be too strong, you will never be able to resist me” as she spoke I could feel myself wanting to give in and open my eyes. “Just open your eyes and you’ll be able to save yourself from the war. You won’t have to be part of the prophecy that you don’t like being a part of. Friends and loved one will die in this war, why not save yourself the grief that you will feel.”

That did make a lot of sense. My friends will die in the war, there’s a very low chance that we’ll even win this war, especially if the gods are fading. Why not just open my eyes and save myself. I’ll be able to escape the prophecy once and for all. I won’t have to fight Gaea.

My eyelids subconsciously began to open. I wasn’t doing it, it was like Medusa was controlling my body to do her will. Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice that made me snap my eyelids closed again.

“Come on, McLean,” Coach Hedge’s voice said. “Fight it! Fight it! Don’t get turned to stone!”

I knew that Coach Hedge wasn’t here but his voice sounded so real in my head. I don’t know how but it was enough to help me gain control over the situation. I snapped my eyes open but instead of looking at Medusa my eyes focused on the mirror above my head. In the reflection I saw that Medusa was right behind me, with her snakes started to slither through my hair.

“Now, Piper, turn my way,” Medusa said. “You don’t want to watch the person who’s like a brother to you die do you, because he will. The gods won’t save him, no one will be able to, so give up now and you won’t have to watch him lose his life.”

I was hardly paying attention to her rant; instead I was focusing on the movements she made. I waited for the perfect timing before closing my eyes and slashing backwards where Medusa should have been. When I heard the splack, I knew I had gotten her. I could even feel liquid seeping into my shoes.I slowly opened my eyes to see Clarisse and Frank looking at me with their mouths open.

“Are you okay?” I asked them.

Clarisse nodded.

“Yeah, are you?” Frank asked.

“I’m fine,” I paused suddenly getting an idea. “Frank, hand me your hoodie.”

Frank took off his jean jacket before handing me his purple Camp Jupiter hoodie, with a confused expression. I grabbed the hoodie and carefully draped it over Medusa’s head. I tried not to squeal like my siblings as I picked up the gross, slimy head.

“Can we put this in your backpack?” I asked Frank. “If you open the eyes they still turn things to stone.”

Frank nodded with a grim expression. He removed the things from his backpack before slipping the head and the hoodie inside of his bag. Then he moved all of his things on top of the head, somehow it all managed to fit.

“Now let’s get to the boat docks and grab a boat,” Frank said, he must have thought of something because a questionable look crossed his face. “Um, how are we going to get a boat?”

“My dad’s giving us the boat I used the first time I traveled to the Sea of Monsters,” Clarisse informed us, “the CSS Birmingham.”


By cab it took us about twenty minutes to get to the port and because it was already dark we didn’t have to worry about anyone noticing three suspicious teenagers climbing aboard a boat and driving towards sea.

The second we boarded the old Civil War boat, Clarisse started ordering around the dead passengers. She was making them drive the boat, check the engines, clean the rooms, and cook food all for us. When Frank boarded the ship he went straight to the kitchen to eat. I swear you just can’t stop feeding that guy. While they ate and ordered people around, I went towards one of the bedrooms to rest.

Luckily for the first time since the battle in Rome I a nice, peaceful, dreamless sleep.
Больше года universalpowa said…
:O Lol very action packed.
The only comment i have that's somewhat random- A justin beiber song? -plugs ears- LALAALLAALALA
hahaa post soon! 8D
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Dont worry i dont like him either its the only song of his i can tolerate. Plus i thought it went well with the chapter.
Больше года kayleegurule said…
Not posting until we get to page 17.
Больше года extraordinary25 said…
Great chapter!!!
Больше года rainbow_girl said…
Omg!!! Kaylee ur moa is sooooooo good!! its all much better than mine. do u think u can continue reading my moa??
Больше года JJFlowers said…
This story is amazing!
Больше года book-worm said…
I can't view the song, what one is it?