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 The Planet Da...
The Planet Da...
Planet Dà is a highly advanced technological planet, in which the Mottomo Osoroshis live.
Mottomo Osoroshi is a powerful, highly advanced race. Just like the Tuffles. But Mottomo Osoroshis are stronger than the Saiyans and higher advanced than the Tuffles. And their planet has highly fertile and rich lands. Their nature is very gentle and helpful. Byuti, a female Mottomo Osoroshi is the Queen of the Planet. Everything runs by her commands. She is the owner of great wisdom and honour….
20-30 years ago, When Broly the legendary Super Saiyan was nearly destroyed by the collective might of the remaining Saiyans and their descendants, his half dead body was floating across the Universe… Then it bashed against a Космос pod in which was the Queen Byuti. Then Queen Byuti saw Broly and fell for him. She took Broly with her. The Mottomo Osoroshi aided Broly and when Broly woke up from his deep sleep…. “Agghh, Who-who am I? Wh-where am I?!” asked Broly. “I think he Остаться в живых his memory.” сказал(-а) Byuti. “This tail, is he a Saiyan?” “Her Majesty, his blood, his tail, his power level everything says that he’s a Saiyan. And his power level, it-it is-is…” mumbles the doctor. “Is it something really tremendous?!” cries the Queen. “It is еще than our strongest fighters.” Says the doctor. The Queen was totally astonished and surprised to hear what the doctor said. “What?!” says Byuti, “Soldier, he’s our new guest. Take him to the guest house.” “Yes, ma’am.” Says the soldier. Then they took great care of Broly and as they didnt know the Saiyan’s name, the Queen named him Yasashi Otoko.
Broly had totally Остаться в живых his memory. To regain his memory the Queen and her followers tried many times, using their best technology, but in vein……..

(5 years after the battle with Omega Shenron)
The battle with Omega Shenron has made the Z fighters еще powerful than ever. In these 5 years, all the Z fighters trained very hardly. They have gathered all the seven Dragon Balls. But they didn’t use it. They hid them somewhere so that they can use them when needed.
Now in the present days the Saiyans Goku, Vegeta and their family are living a cheerful time as there are no threats upon the earth. Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Krillin, 18, Chi Chi, Bulma, Pan, Bulla, Trunks and Goten are on a picnic near the mountains. :P Piccolo's training in the forests
It’s noon and Bulla and Pan are cooking. Goku, Vegeta and their sons are playing. Bulma and Chi Chi are quarrelling! And 18 is having fresh air with Krillin. Suddenly they all hear a huge crash in the mountains. The half of sky is covered with black smoke “What the hell?!” shrieks Goku. “Tch, I can sense huge power levels up ahead! Everybody be alert!” warns Vegeta. “I can sense about 20 to 30 power levels. One of them is very huge and I can also sense evil in it.” says Goku. “Let’s check it out, guys” says Krillin. “Yeah, let’s go. Girls stay here. We’ll find out what's happening.” Says Gohan. Goku, Vegeta, their sons and Krillin goes to the mountains to check. They investigate and find out that a huge Космос ship has crashed on the earth. A tall, handsome and tuff guy with a tail comes out of the damaged Космос ship. His hair’s black and long, eyes are blue, muscles are really big, tall as a coconut tree, wearing a blue куртка and white pants like Broly. “My name is Saikyo.” Says the guy, “We are extremely sorry for the inconvinience we caused you. There has been some problem in our Космос ship so it crashed in your planet. We were flying around the universe.” “O-okay. So how long will it take to repair this Космос ship?” asks Gohan. “Sir, the ship is completely destroyed and its engine is dead meat. It will take about 3 months to build a new Космос ship.” Informs a soldier to Saikyo. “No problem, meanwhile Ты can stay with us.” Says Goku. “What!? Kakarot what the hell did Ты say? These unknown aliens will stay with us?! No! They can be dangerous!” Shrieks Vegeta. Saikyo becomes a little nervous after hearing “Kakarot”. “Kakarot?!” asks Saikyo. “Umm, aah, actually I’m Goku. there's a long story behind it. Why are Ты so nervous?” Explains Goku. “Ah, no Kakarot is a Saiyan name.” says Saikyo. “How do Ты know that it is a Saiyan name!?” asks Vegeta. “A-ah the whole universe knows it.” Says Saikyo. “The whole universe also knows that the Saiyan race was completely destroyed many years ago. And no one even remembers about it…” says Vegeta. “Oh c’mon, Vegeta, stop it. They are our guests. We shouldn’t treat them like this.” Says Goku, “Okay so how many guests do we have here, Mr. Saikyo?” “30 people.” Says Saikyo. “What???!!! 30 shitty aliens in our house!!!” moans Vegeta. “Stop it, dad!” Trunks stops Vegeta. “Hmph, pathetic fools!” cries Vegeta. “They won’t stay in our house they’ll stay in a tent.” Says Trunks. Goten whispers in Trunks ears, “Hey, Trunks why’s your dad’s mood so bad all the time?!” Trunks whispers as a reply, "Beats me!” All the people come out of the Космос ship and greet the Z fighters. The Z fighters take the visitors to their houses and build 30 tents. Goten and Trunks went to their moms and inform them about the aliens…
The Далее day, all the aliens and Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and trunks, Goten were chatting.
Saikyo: I am a Mottomo Osoroshi. All of us.
Goku: What is Слоган или whatever?
Saikyo: Mottomo Osoroshi, it’s a race. Just like human beings and Saiyans.
Goku: Oh I see. Mottomo Osoroshi… Well, we’re Saiyans. Except our wives.
Saikyo: Oh! Why’d Ты marry humans and why did Ты come to earth?
Goku: Ah! It’s a lo-ong story. Well, my real name is Kakarot.
(Just then Vegeta notices Saikyo’s tail)
Vegeta: (Agh, he has a tail, ho-how?!) Эй, how do Ты have a tail?! No other race has tails.
Saikyo: Well umm. That’s a long and embarrassing story.
Vegeta: Spit it! I wanna know it… No other race of the universe have tails.
Goku: Oh c’mon, Vegeta give him a rest!
Saikyo: (Very angrily) Okay, if Ты wanna know it, then listen; (very quickly) an ape slept with my mom and the result was ME!
Vegeta: Ah hahahahaha! Haaahahaha!
Goku: (giggles) Ve-vegeta stop……………….Ah hahahahaha.
Vegeta: Okay okay, enough I don’t wanna listen it anymore. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Saikyo: (Very sadly) that’s why I didn’t wanted to spit it out!
Goku: (giggles) so where’s your Главная planet?
Saikyo: Our Главная world is Planet Dà. A highly advanced technological and highly fertile planet. It is a very beautiful planet. It is as big as the Yoki Bi.
Gohan: Yoki Bi?!
Saikyo: Yes, Yoki Bi. (Pointing at the sun) That звезда is called Yoki Bi in our language.
Trunks: Ты call that Yoki Bi? Its called Sun in this planet.
Gohan: Can Ты fight, Saikyo?
Saikyo: I can fight better than a super Saiyan!
Gohan: (Secretly laughs) Hahaha! Nice joke. Wow Ты also know about the Super Saiyans?
Saikyo: I’ve heard about them. I hear that Super Saiyans are much stronger than normal Saiyans.
Gohan: That’s right. They are stronger! Okay tell us еще about your planet and race.
Saikyo: A planet called Sutan, was destroyed by a race called Tuffle. But a new Planet Sutan was created. Later it was named as Planet Dà. It also has a queen, Byuti. And I am Saikyo-
Vegeta: We all know that…
Saikyo: Her son, the Prince of all Mottomo Osoroshis. Short form M.O.
Vegeta: What!? Y-you, a pr-prince???!!!
Saikyo: (Proudly) Yes, I’m the Prince!
Trunks: Wow! My dad’s a prince too!!! The proud Prince of all the Saiyans.
Saikyo: Really, guys Ты didn’t told me that before! Wow! Cool Vegeta.
Vegeta: (Secretly smiles)
Bulma: (from far) Guys! Food’s ready!
All except Vegeta: Ah, I’m very hungry!
Vegeta: Hmph, fools!
Then all the aliens and the Z fighters goes to eat.
The M.Os spend a cheerful with the Z fighters. One night when Saikyo was going to sleep, just then a soldier came to him.
Soldier: Sir, don’t take it as an offence but it has been a месяц and we couldn’t do anything! And they’ve all the seven Dragon Balls. When will we use these to revive your father?
Saikyo: Yeah, we’ve just came here, dude. Hold your balls! I just wanted to earn some of their foolish faith. Ты guys train and prepare yourselves…
Soldier: Yes, sir! But they are weak we can kill them in a jiffy. No one is as strong as you.
Saikyo: No, my dear servant! You’re making a mistake. They are not that weak. They’ve nearly killed my dad. And do Ты know what that means? Okay now go if anyone hears us, it will be a problem.
Soldier: Yes, sir!
Saikyo: And do Ты know what? I’ve starting to like them… I'm gonna skin them alive! Beat them until their last drop of blood!
Soldier: And, sir, Ты promised your dad that Ты will-
Saikyo: I know little boy! Ты don't need to remind me of that. I’m going to avenge my dad and fulfil my promise! …………………. Better getcha' asses prepared for good!
Soldier: Yes sire! We'll all be prepared for it...Good night, sir.

The Далее день Saikyo secretly sends some of his men to exterminate the cities.
Saikyo: Soldiers, we have rested for a месяц and we’ve got information that they’ve got what we need. And now it’s time to start our real mission…..
All soldiers: YES SIR!
Saikyo: Good, now team A, go to the west and team B go to the south! And Team Delta will stay here, with me. And yeah, be quite. Nobody should know that who’ve done it. Is that clear?!
All soldiers: YES SIR!
Saikyo: Now go!
20 M.Os have gone to execute their secret mission.

What is their mission? Is it an evil threat upon the earth again?

Tremendous destructions have started in the West and South cities. Everything is being blasted. Goku, Pan, Gohan and Goten goes to the West and Vegeta, Trunks and Bulla goes to the South to pull up what’s happening and why.
Goku, Gohan and Goten reached their destination and see that 10 intruders completely concealed under clothes are doing it. They fight and defeat the intruders and perceive that they are the M.Os. All the M.Os are dead except only one.
Goku: Ты traitors!!! We helped Ты and Ты are destroying our cities! WHY?!
Survivor M.O: Agh! Agghhh! We we-we a-are hr-here here t-t-to… (And dies)
Goku: C’mon, c’mon tell me!!! …… Oh shit!
On the other hand, Vegeta and the others reach the South and perceive that they are the same M.Os.
“I knew it!!! They were behind this.” Says Vegeta, “Here I come chumps!!!!!” And Vegeta rushes to the M.Os and fights them. And Trunks also rushes into the fight and defeats all the M.Os. Vegeta grabs one of the M.Os.
Vegeta: Who the hell are you!? Why did Ты come to earth?!
M.O: Agghhh! I-I ca-can’t tell y-y-you th-that!
(Vegeta punches the M.O hardly)
Vegeta: Tell me, Ты freak!
M.O: Aghhhh!! Aah! I-I-I c-can’t. (And slowly dies)
(Vegeta throws the dead M.O into a building hardly and the building collapses on to the dead M.O.)
Vegeta: Hmph! Ты don’t need to tell me. I’ll just kill that bitch, Saikyo.
Trunks: Dad, I never thought that they would cheat us like this!
Vegeta: I understood it when I first saw that cheater! Now let’s go get Kakarot.
Trunks: Yeah, yeah, let’s go.
Now, Vegeta with his son and daughter meet Гоку and his sons and his granddaughter in the West city.
Vegeta: Ты fool Kakarot! I told Ты before not to keep these aliens with us. But who cares!? Now pay!
Goku: I just helped them I didn’t think that they would cheat us like this. I’m really……
Vegeta: Okay, okay now stop. These guys were very strong. I wonder how high Saikyo’s power level is. And all this happened because of you, Kakarot!
Gohan: Both of you, stop!!! Now let’s go beat the hell out of that traitor.
Trunks: Yes! It’ll feel good…
Pan: Grandpa and Vegeta always fight each other. I don’t like that at all.
Goku: It can be a great time to test my new move! (Great smile and a twinkle in the eyes)
Vegeta: A new move...?!
Gohan and Trunks: That's great!
Pan: Stop jerking off, Dad! We are delaying!

Goku, Vegeta and their sons and daughter and pan visit their homes to check if anything is wrong… And they see that their homes are totally messed up and Bulma, Chi Chi, Krillin and 18 are missing. And there’s something written on the wall, “If Ты want your family and Друзья back, then give us the Dragon Balls. We know the Balls are with you. And only Kakarot will come to where our ship crashed…………….. With the Balls!”
Goku: Oh man!
Trunks: They want the Dragon Balls.
Gohan: Oh shit! And dad, don’t go alone.
Goku: No, I must!
Goten: We won’t give them the Dragon Balls!
Vegeta: Shut up, kid! They are еще important than the Dragon Balls.
Bulla: Ooooh, it’s the first time I saw dad caring about others!
Vegeta: Hmph!
Trunks: No sis, dad once sacrificed himself for us!
Bulla: You’re kidding me!
Goten: No, that’s absolutely true, Bulla. But, Vegeta did sacrifice himself but was totally in drain. Hahahaha!
Vegeta: Эй, Ты little brats! Shut up!
Goku: (Giggles) Okay that’s enough. Now I’ll go get the Balls and reach the mountains.
Gohan: But da-ad. Ты don’t-
Goku: I’m going.
Gohan: Aahh!
Гоку gets the Balls and starts his journey to the Mountains. He reaches the place where the Космос ship crashed. And perceives that Saikyo and his remaining men were waiting for Goku. Bulma, Chi Chi, 18 and Krillin are tied up in the mountains. The remaining M.Os are guarding them.
Saikyo: So, Kakarot, have Ты got the Dragon Balls?
Goku: Why’re Ты doing this?!
Saikyo: Did Ты get… the Balls!!!???
Goku: Yes, I got it. But why do Ты want these Balls.
Saikyo: Mind your own business and give me the bloody Balls!!!
Goku: No, first tell me why do Ты want these?!
(Saikyo teleports right in front of Гоку and keeps his hand on Goku’s shoulder)
Saikyo: Brother…
Goku: (Kch! he’s faster than I thought. I couldn’t even see him.)
Saikyo: Ты Saiyans are really freaky. Okay I’ll tell Ты everything before Ты die! Many years ago, a Saiyan was beaten into a pulp! And his body was floating and floating in the vast universe, then suddenly it bashed against a Космос pod. In it was the Queen Byuti. Then she took the body with her to her planet and aided the Saiyan and after many days at last the Saiyan came back. But unfortunately he had Остаться в живых his memory. He didn’t even know his name so Byuti named him Yasashi Otoko. The scientists tested his blood and got to know that he’s a Saiyan, a legendary super Saiyan. And the injuries he got from the other Saiyans who beat him into pulp, is really bad. It hit my father’s сердце and kidney so he can be alive only for some years.
Goku: WHA-?!
(Saikyo holds Goku's shoulder tightly)
Saikyo: Don't talk, let me finish. Then the Queen married him.
Goku: But Ты сказал(-а) that your mom slept with a-
(Saikyo hits Goku's stomach hard with his fist)
(Goku cries in pain, spilling some blood outta his mouth)
Saikyo: Ты talk a lot, don'tcha?! Now, after some months, mother became pregnant.
Goku: *sighs in pain*
Saikyo: Since I was only four или five my father trained me so that one day, I can be a great and powerful warrior like him. So that I can protect my Planet. Then after seventy decades, one night my dad was sleeping. Suddenly something happened to him. And he was blabbering in his sleep, “KAKAROT! KAKAROT! KAKARO-OT!!! I’LL KILL YOU!” And slowly transformed. His muscles became bigger and bigger. He became extremely ferocious and started to destroy and demolish everything around him. Everyone tried to stop him but he was too powerful and uncontrollable. Then the Queen hardened her сердце and ordered her arm forces to shoot him with the best gun that has been ever created in our planet. But he killed all the men. Then the Queen herself shot him with that gun. And finally slowed him down. He was dying. I went running to him. He сказал(-а) while moaning and dying about Ты pests And I promised him that I’ll find Kakarot and kill him. Then he died.
Goku: That means Broly, Broly is your father?! Broly was the King of the planet!?
Saikyo: Yes, I am Broly’s son, Saikyo, the Prince. And Broly was the King. But when father left us, I didn’t cry because I promised him I’ll cry only after killing you, Kakarot!

Saikyo hits Гоку and tosses him in the mountains. But Гоку breaks his fall. From the bushes behind Saikyo, Goten comes out saying, “Hey, we kicked Broly's жопа, попка earlier. And now it’s time for his son!” And Goten tries to kick Saikyo but Saikyo easily dodges it. And Gohan, Trunks, Pan and Vegeta also come out from the bushes. “I told Ты not to come!” shrieks Goku.
“Sorry, dad! But we couldn’t stop ourselves.” Says Gohan. “I don’t know why Mr. Piccolo’s taking so much time to come here.” Moans Trunks. “What! Ты called Piccolo?” Cries Vegeta. “Y-yes, dad.” Ответы Trunks.
“We’re gonna beat you, Saikyo!” says Pan. “Hey, where’s Krillin, 18, Bulma and mom?!” Asks Gohan. “Fools, I thought Ты almost forgot about them. Here they are!” Says Saikyo and points at the East. Krillin, 18, Bulma and Chi Chi are kept tied with ropes. And shrieking loudly.
“First Ты gotta fight me and defeat me! Then Ты can get them.” Says Saikyo. “We will fight Ты and defeat Ты too. But first, leave them.” Says Goku. Saikyo prepares to shoot Chi Chi. “Fight me! Else she’s dead meat.” Warns Saikyo. “No, no! Okay, okay we’ll fight you.” Says Goku.
Гоку and Saikyo prepare to start their fight.
Both of them rushes towards each other. Both tries to hit each other. But Saikyo manages to hit Гоку first. He hits Гоку in his belly hardly.
“Agghh!” shrieks Goku. Saikyo then grabs Гоку and tosses Гоку in the air and kicks him hardly on his face. Ouch! And Гоку goes flying into a huge rock and hits his back. “Oh no! Goku!” Cries Krillin. “Go get that freak, Goku!” Cries Chi Chi. Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Pan and Trunks are standing far from Гоку and Saikyo and watching their fight. “What, Kakarot!? Is that all you’ve got!?” Says Saikyo. And Гоку transforms into Super Saiyan. “Hmmmmm, so that is Super Saiyan. So dull!” Says Saikyo. “Don’t worry. I’ll Показать Ты what’s dull!” Says Goku. And charges to attack Saikyo. While charging he transforms into Super Saiyan 2. “Wha-” Before completing his sentence Гоку quickly and hardly punches Saikyo. And throws him fa-ar away. A little amount of blood comes out of Saikyo’s mouth. Saikyo hits a huge mountains and the whole mountain collapses on him. Goten and Trunks scream, “Yea-ah!!!!!” Гоку smiles. And after a little while, Saikyo emerges from the collapsed mountain. His blue куртка is slightly damaged. He cleans his куртка and ties it around his hip. Saikyo becomes excited. “Do Ты know what?! This is my most favourite jacket. And look what Ты did? No problem, now it’s okay.” Says Saikyo, “You’re not that strong, after all…That was only your clothes. Now it’s time for you!” says Goku. “Bring it o-on!” Says Saikyo, giving an evil smile. Гоку prepares to shoot his Kamehameha wave at Saikyo. “KA…ME…HA…ME…HA-AA!!!” Гоку chanted, as Saikyo became a little еще excited and Гоку shoots Kamehameha at Saikyo. Saikyo tries to withhold it but fails and the Kamehameha knocks Saikyo fa-ar away not in Goku’s sight. Damn it Saikyo thought. Saikyo recovers from his fall… “Looking for someone, Kakarot!” Saikyo quickly teleports behind Гоку and OOPS, striking him in the spines with a pair of hard fists. And again goes out of Goku’s sight. Now Гоку was confused. “I’m here, Kakarot!” Saikyo was standing right behind Goku. Гоку leaps and makes a little distant from Saikyo.
All the people standing around Гоку and Saikyo became excited to see their fight. “C’mon Kakarot, Показать him what you’ve really got! I know, Ты can defeat him yourself!” Vegeta encourages Goku. And all the others except the M.Os cheer for Goku. “I’m sorry, father, it seems like I have no other choice left,” Says Saikyo with closed eyes. His eyes closed, Saikyo slowly spreads his legs along the ground as he stretched. He slams his palms and spread his hand. A violent wind started rush around Saikyo as a harsh, red aura surrounded him. Гоку can hardly open his eyes. He covers his eyes with his palm. Saikyo starts to change. He became taller and taller and his muscles were becoming bigger and bigger. His hair became golden and then light blue. His hair looked very beautiful as the rays of the sun were brushing through his thick hairs. The blood running through his veins could be seen as his body becoming larger. The victims Bulma, 18, Krillin and Chi Chi are completely frightened and bemused. Taking the chance, while Saikyo was busy transforming, Vegeta knocked the guarding M.Os and untied Bulma, Chi Chi, 18 and Krillin and told Goten, Pan and Trunks to take them as far as possible from here. Goten and Trunks took them as far as possible from the battlefield. Vegeta shoots a bunch of energy blasts at Saikyo but the blasts didn’t work. The blasts did touch Saikyo but they were thrown back at Vegeta at greater speed. Saikyo laughed while transforming, “You pathetic worms, those won’t work on me. HAHAHA-AHRAHAHA!” The violent wind changed into light breeze and Saikyo finally transformed. He sighs as he opened his eyes slowly. “This;” announces Saikyo, “is my ultimate form, my true form, my true power! This… Is… Legendary Super Saiyan!!!” All are extremely frightened and are shaking in fear. “Agh! W-we are d-doomed!” shrieks Vegeta as tears come into his eyes. He falls on his knees. Гоку removes his palms from his eyes and is extremely bewildered. His eyes are wide open. Saikyo then throws his right arm out to his side. His palm wide open. There was a glamour in his eyes. “You сказал(-а) that I’m not that strong after all. Now I’ll Показать Ты how strong I really am!” on commands, the orb of glimpsing red light formed in Saikyo’s palm, gradually becoming stronger and bigger as he held it.
Гоку pulls his arms to sides. A shining, blue light formed in his palm. Goku’s tail is growing as the light is forming in his palm. His tail is growing! Saikyo thought, as the glimpsing light is getting bigger and bigger. Гоку is transforming into Super Saiyan 4 as the blue glimpsing light in his palm is changing into red light. “Kamehameha…” Гоку chanted as the red light became much bigger and stronger, “Times 100!!!” And Гоку launches the orb at Saikyo, like a bullet.
“Dark Slicer!!!” Saikyo yelled as well, throwing his arms forward, launching his orb. Both of their attacks meeting each other, forcing against each other. A dusty wind was blowing. All could hardly open their eyes. Vegeta shrieked while covering his eyes, “Agh! Kakarot’s Kamehameha evolved even further!.” “Father, Ты can do it!” Gohan and Goten prayed for their father and joined him. Now it is, Gohan, Goten and Goku’s
Kamehameha versus Saikyo’s Dark Slicer. “HAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!” The four of them yelled as their attacks got stronger and stronger.
“KAKAROT!” Saikyo yelled as his attack got stronger and pushing Goku, Gohan and Goten’s Kamehameha farther. “H-h-how co-could i-it be?!” Cries Goku. “H-his single energy i-is st-stronger than our Ka-meha-meha-a!” Gohan shrieks as he gives еще of his power in the shot. “Hraaahhhh!!!” Goten yells as the shot becomes еще powerful.
“This… Is too much!!!” Гоку yells, “C’mon! We can do it!!!!” The three of them yells all together and producing еще strength and еще energy into the Kamehameha! Vegeta shoots Saikyo with an energy blast to interrupt him. And Goku, Gohan and Goten use the opportunity and knocks Saikyo off. The dusty wind stopped to blow and the dust began to clear… “Did we finally did it!?” Asks Gohan. “I don’t think, Ты did.” Vegeta Ответы from far. “Where’s Chi Chi and the others?!” Asks Goku. “They-” before completing his comment, Vegeta seems to be shocked to death! “K-K-Ka-Kar-rot!” Vegeta points behind Goku. Goku, Gohan and Goten turn back and see that…………………………………….. Saikyo is still alive and angrier than before. He has his favourite blue куртка in his hand. The куртка is severely damaged. “L-look, what Ты did to my jacket!” Says Saikyo very angrily. Goku, Gohan and Goten are totally freaked out. “Oh dear!” Cries Goten. And Saikyo teleports behind them and strikes all of them at once with a roundhouse kick. And sends them flying in the thick air and blasting them with hundreds of Ki blasts! The Ki blasts hit them before they could even know! Gohan, the вверх of his clothes are torn to shreds and blood draining from his mouth. He’s half dead and lying on the ground. And Goten, his pant is totally torn to shreds, blood trickling from most of his body parts. Гоку is severely harmed. But he can still fight because he blocked most of the blasts. Гоку starts to rush towards the forest and Saikyo chases him. Trunks and Vegeta also follow them. Goku, flying and flying and reaches the battlefield where he and Vegeta fought for the first time. Гоку lands on the ground and wears off his damaged оранжевый top. "This is it!" Гоку self talks. Saikyo also reaches there and lands on the ground. “Why’re Ты running, Kakarot!?” He said, “I thought Ты could beat me!” “Agh! S-Saikyo, I totally forgot that Ты are Broly’s son.” Says Goku. “Oh! Now Ты remember.” Says Saikyo. “Yes, now I do.” Says Goku. Vegeta says to his son, “Trunks, go from here! RIGHT NOW!” “B-but dad!” Cries Trunks. “I said, GO!” Says Vegeta. The disappointed Trunks sadly leaves from there.
With Trunks going from there. Its Гоку and Vegeta versus Saikyo. Can the two Super Saiyans beat the Legendary Super Saiyan? или this is the end for the earth? Find out on the Далее Chapter...
To be Continued
 Гоку launches the Kamehameha times 10
Goku launches the Kamehameha times 10
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Source: Seo Dong Gook at WorldCosplay