Артур и Гвэн Club
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    Arthur lifts his lids slowly. His head no longer throbs and he is grateful to the doctor who came in at the right time to save him from the torture. He thought his head was going to explode. It was extremely painful and if this is they way it’s going to be, Arthur is clueless as to how he’s going to adapt to his new lifestyle. Being blind is one but strapped with this headache is another. Arthur’s throat feels dry. He hasn’t drunk anything since they removed the tubes and he wish he could have a nice glass of water. Is there anyone in the room with him? A nurse или his friends? He really needs the water and helpless to get it on his own. He tries to lift his head but it feels heavy. He is still suffering from the hangover of the medicine but it was the thirst which woke him up. He tries to turn around but his shoulder’s piercing pain stops him. He rolls back into his current position and moans his suffering silently.
    ‘God… why are Ты doing this to me?’ he thinks as he itches for a drink desperately.
    There is a creak, and Arthur quickly becomes alert. With his sight gone, he has to rely еще on his hearing. He swears he heard the door open.
    “Hello?” he calls out.
    “Yes, Arthur?” Leon nears his Друзья and bends forward.
    “Leon?” Arthur asks.
    “Ah, Leon. Thank heavens… can Ты please get me a glass of water. I’m thirsty”
    “I’m not sure if Ты can drink anything, Arthur, but wait…” Leon says and leaves Arthur alone again.
    “Leon? Leon?” Arthur calls but his friend has long left the room. Arthur sighs and contemplates his condition. His thought races back to the night he killed that man. It was a girl, Arthur swears by it. He saw girl and then the Стена and after than he passed out but, Merlin tells him it’s a man now? But how can that be possible? But a dead person, be it a man или a girl, is still a dead person. He’s a murderer and nothing can change that. Arthur wonders if his father knows what he did? And if he did, what did he do? Knowing his father, he probably has used his influence to buy Arthur’s freedom by now. Is that why he hasn’t been questioned by the police yet? But then, his father maybe did it not because of his son but to protect the name of Pendragon from being tarnished. Yes, that would be a better explanation compared to thinking his father cares for him. Arthur sighs in regret as he thinks back to his reckless driving. He was angry with his father and wanted to get out of his clutches. He didn’t know why he was drinking and driving in the first place. He should have called someone; his friends, anyone. или simply hailed a taxi and got back to his apartment. But blurred by the alcohol he consumed, he didn’t use his brain at all; simple as that. And look where it landed him. Not only did he damage himself, he also damaged another life. Arthur didn’t know how is he going to get hold of his guilt или how is he going mend what he’s done. But one thing is certain: he will pay for this sin.
    “Arthur?” Leon touched Arthur’s shoulder.
    “Leon? Where have Ты been?”
    “I went to get Ты ice cubes.”
    “Ice cubes?”
    “The doctor сказал(-а) I can’t give Ты water but he told me to use ice cube and wipe it against your lips and that’ll make Ты less thirsty. It’s just for a day, Arthur. Ты can consume water as usual tomorrow,” Leon explains and wipes the ice cube against Arthur’s lips slowly. The water trickles down his lips and straight into his throat, making him feel better.
    “Thank you, Leon,” Arthur says as Leon removes the ice cube.
    “Glad to be of help.”
    “Where’s the rest, Merlin and Gwaine?”
    “They have gone back Главная to change. Should be here anytime.”
    “You didn’t leave with them?”
    “No, I offered to stay back to take care of you. After all, I had my душ before I came this morning,” Leon says with a smile. He pulls a chair closer to the постель, кровати and sits down.
    “How was the conference? It was a conference, wasn’t it? Ты and Gwaine attended?”
    “Yeah… was good. But we had to miss the after party because we flew down as soon as the conference was over. Gwaine was here earlier.”
    “Sorry, Leon…”
    “No, don’t be, Arthur. We are your Друзья and there’s no place we’d rather be than here. We can have many after parties in the future but when one of our Друзья is in trouble, we drop everything else to be there for him,” Leon replies. Arthur smiles to himself sadly. Leon reaches down and claps Arthur’s hands.
    “I know I shouldn’t be asking Ты this, but… why did Ты try to kill yourself Arthur?”
    “I did?”
    “You were drunk, Arthur, and with the bottles scattered in the car, they all assume Ты were trying to kill yourself.”
    “I didn’t know what I was trying to do, Leon” Arthur confides. “I was gutted with my father and didn’t know how to take the anger out of my system. So I drank my misery away.”
    “Why didn’t Ты call us, Arthur?”
    “I didn’t want to disturb any of you. Merlin was with his mother, Ты and Gwaine were working, and I didn’t want to burden any of Ты with my tales. After all, it’s an old drama and nothing Ты haven’t heard before”
    “But look what Ты got yourself into, Arthur!” Leon says with regret. He knows how strained Arthur’s relationship is with his father but never anticipated this. He was Остаться в живых for words when Gwaine informed him about the accident. If it wasn’t for the conference, he would’ve been on the plane alongside Gwaine too. “He was горький to Ты huh?”
    “Those words he spoke, Leon… it was… it was…” Arthur shuts his eyes and feels tears rolling sideways.
    “It’s all right, Arthur. Ты don’t have to talk about it if hurts you.”
    “I must, Leon. I can’t keep them cooped inside me for long. It hurts, very much,” Arthur says bitterly. “He wants to run my life, like always. And expects me to go with his plans just because he is my father. He dictates my every move, where should I work, how should I get my job, whom I should marry, and so on. I wanted him to grant me my freedom, allow me to be my own man. That’s all! Is it too much to ask, Leon?”
    “Of course not, Arthur.”
    “But he never listens!! He never will, as long as he или I live, he will never listen to my needs. He is a selfish man, Leon. Thinking only of himself and of his status as the most powerful man in Camelot. It’s all that matters to him. He hardly cared for me as a child, do Ты really think he’s concerned about me now?” Arthur laughs bitterly as fresh tears rolls down his eyes.
    “Arthur, everything has an explanation.”
    “Yes, Leon, it does. Only his explanation revolves around his own selfishness.” Arthur covers his face with his useable hand and sobs in silent. Leon feels bad for his friend yet he is helpless. He has known Arthur for years and he has seen the bickering and fights between father and son himself. Each time it’s Arthur who yields and has to give up in order to bring the fight to an end. Uther may appear victorious, but sadly, in Leon’s mind, it is Uther who’s losing the battle. Not Arthur. If the relationship continues to be strained between both father and son, Uther may lose his son for good. He almost did in this accident and Leon hopes Uther has learned a valuable lesson and will try to mend whatever is broken with his son. But will he?
    “He said… he said…” Arthur struggles for his words. “He prefers me dead than my mother, Leon! He сказал(-а) it would have been…” Arthur’s cries increase, “Better that way!” he finishes and rolls to his left, burying his face into the pillow.
    Leon’s сердце sinks as he listens to his friend’s cries and his confession. How can a father be so cruel with his words? Arthur is his only son, the heir to his empire, so why is Uther treating his son like dirt? What has Arthur done to gain such despicable hatred? Leon’s father passed away a long time ago, when he was still a toddler. Gwaine never saw his father, and the same was for Merlin. But they all had their mothers who thankfully spoke only good things about their fathers. But Arthur never met his mother, and from the way his father treats him, he is as good as an orphan. If only Arthur’s mother was alive.
    “Arthur?” Leon gets up and circles the постель, кровати to get to the other side of Arthur. Arthur was still crying and Leon feels tears in his own eyes. They have listened to Arthur’s agony for many years and have comforted him many ways but this is beyond comforting. The words Uther spoke are both harsh and intolerable. No father should speak like this to their own son and no son should endure what Arthur is going through. The relationship is broken and beyond repairable. Leon doesn’t know what is going to happen now. But what is important is Arthur shouldn’t be straining his head или it will increase his pain. Leon saw it earlier, and does not want it to repeat.
    “Arthur, please… don’t cry, allright. Your head, Ты need to allow it to rest. You’ve just had your surgery and the doctor says if Ты keep torturing it then the veins will not be able to rest. The operation to your eyes depends on how fast the veins recover. Ты need your eyesight back, Arthur and Ты can’t lose your hope, not now. Have faith and let’s do this one step at a time. We need to concentrate on getting your sight first, thus, Ты need to rest. After that we deal with your father.”
    “You don’t get it, Leon. My father will be happy with my situation, as now I haven’t got anyone but him to depend on. This is what he wanted all along. To be tied to him, and now, as a blind fool I am, I guess.”
    “Come on Arthur, that really can’t be true.”
    “I want to teach him a lesson, Leon,” Arthur says determinedly, wiping his eyes. “I am not going to get my eyes operated on at all. I am going to remain blind like this forever. It will make him very unhappy and that’ll make me happy. To hear him grieve and contemplate my refusal to get on with the operation will be Музыка to my ears. I want him to be ashamed of me, Leon. He’ll have a blind fool for a son and heir to his empire. I want his pride, dignity and ego destroyed because of me. I just want him to pay the price for what he did to me.”
    “But Arthur, it’s going to destroy Ты as well.”
    “I don’t care, Leon. I don’t care about myself at all. There’s nothing for me in this world anymore. If I get my sight back, it’ll be because of my father and out of gratitude I will have to bide his terms. I don’t want anything to do with him anymore, not after what he сказал(-а) to me. I want to be my own man, blind или not. And if staying blind will make my father unhappy, it’ll be my first victory against him.”
    “And you’re willing to stay like this forever, just as long as your father loses?”
    “Yes, I am, Leon.”
    “I think you’re stupid, Arthur.”
    “Probably, but I don’t care anymore, Leon. I have been nothing but a puppet to him and now I want to be a man. Just don’t try to right me anymore, Leon. I am done discussing this. I will stick with my plans,” Arthur ends the conversation. Leon didn’t want to dwell on it further as he knows how stubborn Arthur is. And now is not the right time to argue. Perhaps later when Arthur has recovered, he may try to change his mind again. There is no way they are allowing Arthur to remain blind.
    “Very well, Arthur. As Ты wish… we will not discuss this anymore,” Leon promises.
    The door opens and Merlin pokes his head inside. “Hello?” he greets and walks in, followed by Gwaine behind him.
“It’s all right. It’s Merlin and Gwaine,” Leon informs Arthur. He stands up and circles the постель, кровати to greet both his Друзья as Arthur rolls back onto his back. Merlin walks towards Arthur and notices the tear stains on Arthur’s cheek. Merlin turns back towards Leon with a questioning look but Leon is busy talking with Gwaine. Merlin turns back to Arthur.
    “What happened here?” he asks. Leon turns around.
    “What do Ты mean, Merlin?” Arthur asks.
    “You’ve been crying? What happened?” Merlin asks. Leon walks over quickly to Merlin and holds his shoulder.
    “Nothing, Merlin. We’ve been talking, that’s all.”
    “It’s all right Leon. I’ve never lied to Merlin, and I don’t want to now. They deserve to know what we’ve been discussing.”
    “Discussing? What’s was it you’ve been talking about?” Merlin asks.
    “About what happened that night,” Leon tells Merlin.
    “What?” Merlin says in shock. “But I thought the doctor asked us to…” he whispers angrily at Leon.
    “It’s all right, Merlin. I am still here and alive. No need to talk as if I’m dead!” Arthur says.
    “Sorry, Arthur, I didn’t mean it that way” Merlin says, looking sheepishly at Leon.
    “Leon didn’t ask me anything wrong. He was concerned, just like Ты and Gwaine were. Anyway I am not going to get hysterical anymore. I too do not wish to go through that headache again. Once bitten twice shy,” Arthur tells them. “He wanted to know what happened and asked me to get well soon so that I can get my eyes operated on.”
    “Oh good. Ты brought that topic up, Leon? Well done. Wanted to do it myself but Ты saved me a lot. Thanks,” Merlin thanks Leon. The latter nods but looks back at Merlin rather sadly. Merlin didn’t understand what the look is for.
    “You can wipe that smug off your face Merlin, I’m not going through any operation. I wish to remain as I am.” Arthur says.
    “Now, Arthur, Ты don’t mean that, do you?” Gwaine says. Merlin now understands why Leon looked sad.
    “I do, Gwaine. I don’t want my father to win this battle, and no…” Arthur says immediately before any of his Друзья could argue further. “No еще arguments on this. I have made my decision clear and I stand by it. Leon knows everything and if Ты wish to know further, ask him” Arthur finishes off.
    ‘What the…’ Gwaine mumbles to himself and nears Leon, tugging his sleeve. Leon makes a sign that he too is baffled by Arthur’s decision and Merlin signals back saying they should be talking about it later. The other two agree.
    “Well Arthur, if you’re fine by the decision, then it goes well with us, too,” Gwaine agrees, shooting quick look at the other two beside him. “Just as long Ты don’t get yourself strained. Your injury needs to heal and that is all important to us,” he adds.
    “Thank you, Gwaine,” Arthur says. “Merlin?” he calls out.
    “You сказал(-а) I killed a man… how is the case progressing? Is it being investigated? Why haven’t I questioned yet?”
    ‘Oh dear’ Merlin thinks to himself and bites his lower lip. Gwaine cranes his brow as he knows Merlin is going to have to answer Arthur’s Вопрос regardless of whether he likes it или not.
    “Merlin?” Arthur calls again as Merlin keeps quiet.
    “It is still under investigation, Arthur… nothing is certain yet.”
    “Then do me a favour and call in the police. I want to confess.”
    “This is preposterous, Arthur!!” Merlin snaps back unexpectedly. Even Leon is startled by Merlin’s sudden outburst.
    “Merlin!” Gwaine calls out. One look at him and Gwaine knew Merlin was annoyed with Arthur’s confession. This isn’t good. This really isn’t good, Gwaine thinks. He knows Merlin to be the most patient human being around and rarely gets angry, but when he does, it’s hard to calm the boy down.
    “I killed a man, Merlin, what’s ridiculous about that?”
    “Because Ты didn’t do it on a purpose, that’s why!! And stop being like this, will you?”
    “Like what?”
    “Naïve and good to the bone!! Sometimes in life we need to be a little cruel so that we get to live. And what Ты did, the accident, wasn’t your fault. Ты were drunk and that man was unfortunately in your way. But you’re paying the price, too… look at you. Blind!! Ты whole future is a big Вопрос mark now, Arthur. What’s going to happen now? How will Ты survive? How will Ты adapt? There are Вопросы to be answered regarding your own life and Ты can stop being all naïve about this accident. That man is dead, end of story, and nothing Ты do now или later will bring him back alive. Your confession may rid of Ты the guilt, but that’s it. The man will still be in his grave! Ты are suffering enough, Arthur; do Ты wish to suffer further? Let it go, please. I beg you, let it go, and concentrate on your own life. The case is being handled by professionals who know what they are doing… just leave them to do their work,” Merlin finishes and waits.
    “Sounds like my father’s intervention is working well.”
    “Your father is doing all he can to see Ты free, Arthur.”
    “I should’ve known, Merlin. I should’ve known it was his doing from the start. No wonder Ты seemed tongue tied. So, how much did he pay the authorities?”
    “I don’t know”
    “See, Leon! Didn’t I tell you! My father will get me out this mess, by hook или by crook. He will buy me my freedom and at any cost at all.”
    “He is the only one who can help you, Arthur” Merlin says shortly.
    “I don’t need his help, Merlin!” Arthur shouts back. “I don’t need him interfering in this! I am here because of him, and now he is trying to mend the fences by freeing me?”
    “And you’d rather go to prison than accept your father’s help?”
    “Arthur… look at your condition, please!!! Ты will not survive in there! How do Ты expect to journey through that life with Ты needing help yourself? Have Ты дана that a thought? Yes, your father is a despicable man, I agree. But he is the only one who can get Ты out. He caused it and he doesn’t even know it, but he is the one to clear it up. I know you’re far too proud to accept his help, but think of it as a debt. When you’re out of here, Ты can repay him back in any way Ты want and we will help you… all of us!” Merlin says.
    No one speaks for a while. For Gwaine, Merlin spoke sense. It was bad Arthur is suffering because of the accident, but does he need to deepen that suffering by turning himself to the police? It was his good nature, yes, without a doubt, but he is blind! How would he cope with prison life?
    “So, Ты think I should accept my father’s help, leave this behind, and think of it as a bad dream? Ignore what have I caused and get back to being myself again? Is that what Ты suggest, Merlin?” Arthur asks calmly. Merlin sighs and throws his hands up in the air.
    “No Arthur. It’s not what Merlin wants Ты to do,” Leon steps in to help. “He feels Ты should drop this subject for now because it’s not going to help anyone here. If Ты turn yourself in, being blind, what can Ты do? Perhaps we should await what the verdict says.”
    “And you’re expecting me to live with this guilt all my life?”
    “Who hasn’t, Arthur?” Merlin snaps back again. He nears Arthur and grips the sides of the постель, кровати tightly, his eyes furiously on Arthur. “Who isn’t living with guilt? Tell me, please! I am, Gwaine, Leon, your father is… and you! Everyone does. Its part and parcel of life and one we can’t run away from. If there is one saintly person living, I would very much like to meet them. Each and every human in this world has at least one guilt in their life and if they don’t… then they are equal to God. Which I think is rubbish! We are not asking Ты to ignore the guilt forever, Arthur. We are pleading for Ты to stop thinking you’re guilty of a massive sin, which is not. Yes, a man died when Ты ran him over, but accidents happen, and it’s one Ты couldn’t avoid. Just accept the truth, forgive yourself and let it go. Ты are not doing any good to yourself and others by drilling this sin and guilt into your heart. It’s going to eat Ты up, that’s for sure. The family of the deceased have already forgiven you, now Ты need to do that for yourself,” Merlin explains.
    “They did? The man has a family?”
    “A son and a daughter, I heard”
    “Can Ты find out their details for me?”
    “Please, Merlin. I need it. I have to know…”
    “Look, in a way what Ты say is right and makes sense but a guilt is a guilt. I’m still not satisfied with my father’s interference, but will deal with that later. I will drop this subject only if Ты help me, Merlin.”
    “Fine… I will ask the doctor tomorrow morning. Ты better rest now, Arthur. You’ve gone through too much today,” Merlin advises.
    “Thank you,” Arthur says shortly.

    Gwen lies on her back and stares at the ceiling of her room for a long time. Sleep still eludes her and she has tried all the tricks there is to sleep but nothing seems to work. From counting овца, овцы to drinking a glass of warm milk, she has дана everything a go. She is still wide awake. The curtain to her window flaps as cool breeze sneaks through. Gwen tosses a quick look at the window and then back at the ceiling. Her mind flips through the events of the day; her thoughts constantly lingering upon the driver. She was thrilled to see him suffer, quick to share her triumphant news with her friend and her brother but both gave her the same Ответы back. They were sorry for him and пересекать, крест with her for being cold! What were they thinking? It was that man who caused such pain and grief and yet they can feel sorry for him? Elyan, of all people should have understood why she felt happy at his condition but he too goes along with Morgana. This is ridiculous! Gwen sighs and rolls to her left, pulling the blanket up her waist. Perhaps Elyan was just being nonchalant. He has always been the one to avoid troubles или invite one and maybe this is one of those days as well. But… this is about their father and how can he be…? Gwen punches the подушка softly, feeling bitter. How can Elyan be forgiving and she can’t? After all that Elyan told her this evening, she has agreed with him only to keep him quiet and bring the subject to a close. In reality, she hasn’t put the topic to sleep yet. She tried and still cannot bring herself to forgive that man.
    “Why? Why?” she asks herself as she closes her eyes and shuts the pain out from her heart. That man, whoever he is, was clearly attempting to die, but why did he choose her father? Couldn’t he choose someone else? или couldn’t he just crash himself alone against that Стена and die? Why did he come that way? Why did she get the phone call and had to lose the signal? Why did she Переместить to the edge of the road? Why didn’t she see the car coming? Why did her father have to save her? Why? Why?
    “Arghhhh!!!!” Gwen awakes with a gasp and sits up on her bed, perspiring. The breeze continues to sneak through and now she feels the chill. Hugging herself, she closes her eyes and drops her head down.
    ‘Things happen for a reason, sweetheart.’ Someone spoke and immediately she lifted her head, looking around frantically. The room is quiet and dark. There was no one inside.
    ‘You have a good heart, Gwen. Do not let evil thoughts ruin it for you. Listen to it and you’ll understand why things have to be the way they are,’ the voice says again. Gwen tosses the blanket away and hastily turns around on the bed, searching for the voice.
    “Who’s there?” she asks, her eyes darting from one corner of the room to another. Her forehead is matted with perspiration and she didn’t even care to wipe them away. “Hello?” she calls out again, her voice coming in whimper. “Dad… is that you?” she is almost in tears by now. “If it’s Ты and if Ты can hear me… I am sorry. I am sorry I brought this upon you. I wish… I wish it were me and not Ты who died, dad. I am sorry,” she says as tears rolls down her cheek.
    ‘Death is part and parcel of life, Gwen. One must learn to accept as well as let go. Your father’s time was upon him and there’s nothing Ты can do to bring him back. Ты must let him go so that he can rest in peace.’
    “No… no!!” Gwen says and shakes her head.
    ‘Forgive yourself, Gwen as it’s what your father wants, too. Only then Ты shall be able to forgive others. Destiny paves its path for everyone and your father has followed his. Now Ты have to do the same and follow yours. Fate can be cruel sometimes but it has plans for Ты nevertheless. Listen to its call, Gwen, and Ты shall know yours…’ the voice fades.
    “Wait!! Wait!! Who are you?” Gwen calls as she climbs down from the постель, кровати and searches for the voice. But the voice has long gone and she stands alone in the dark. “Who are you?” she asks again and wipes the tears with the back of her hand. But there is no one in the room. She flops down on the floor, buries her head in her hands and cries her сердце out; her sobs fading into the night.

    “What do Ты mean Ты can’t say, doctor?” Arthur asks. The doctor stands beside Merlin and looks helpless. Merlin came to him last night with a simple request. He wants to know the identification of the man died in the accident and the doctor cannot reveal the identity because he has promised the family of the deceased to keep it confidential. And he keeps to his word. But how will he explain it to Arthur? He is still in the dark about it.
    “Look, doctor! I haven’t got all day, all right. Your silence is just pissing me off, so just be out with the name.” Arthur demands again. The doctor looks sideways towards Merlin.
    “Arthur, he has sworn to secrecy…”
    “That’s bullshit, Merlin!!” Arthur snaps back. The doctor shakes his head in disbelief. ‘Like father like son’ he thinks.
    “That’s bollocks, Merlin! It’s rubbish. I am not going to hunt that family down and avenge shortcomings… I want to help them. Make up for their loss. I just want to be able to do something in return for what has occurred, and Ты can’t give me that name? Whose leg are Ты pulling, doctor?”
    “I am not pulling anyone’s leg. This is a request from the family itself, Arthur. They do not wish to have their father’s name revealed and I intend to respect that. So quit asking me to reveal it because I won’t!”
    “This is crap!!” Arthur sighs angrily and whacks his free hand against the bed.
    “Is there a problem, doctor?” Uther asks, as he steps in. The doctor and Merlin turn around in unison. Arthur remains where he is though he knows his father had just walked in.
    “No, sir…” Merlin lies but the doctor cuts him immediately.
    “Arthur wants to know the name of the deceased, but I have sworn to keep it secret. It’s a request from the family of the deceased themselves. Ты knew about it as well, didn’t Ты Uther?” the doctor asks. Arthur listens to the conversation.
    “Of course. He’s right, Arthur. They refuse to have their identity revealed and even their meeting with me was done through some personal friend of theirs. Apart from the doctor, no one met the family of the unfortunate victim,” Uther informs. And he speaks the truth. The night Arthur was admitted, he tried to arrange a meeting with Elyan but only Percival arrived and spoke the exact words Elyan wanted him to convey to Uther. And the Далее meeting regarding the lodging of the complaint too was done through Percival. Both Elyan and Gwen didn’t even want anything to do with the Pendragons, so Uther didn’t have any chance of meeting them. But the arrangement was done. They promised not to lodge any complaint and Uther promised to let this matter go. Gwen was aware of such arrangements and threatened to seek the police herself but after hearing Elyan out, she dropped the subject altogether. He did it for her sake. Knowing how influential Uther is, Elyan didn’t have the money или the strength to climb up and down the court. Though they have the truth, Uther has power and influence and that is enough to prevail over justice. Elyan has to secure Gwen’s future and he refuses to spend their last savings on this case so he had it closed for good. No matter what, their father is dead! End of story.
    “So… Ты arranged a meeting with them father. And I wonder why?” Arthur mocks and laughs bitterly.
    “I have rounds in ten минуты time… perhaps both of Ты would like some time alone? I’d better leave,” the doctor says and leaves the room, thanking his lucky stars silently for Uther’s timely intrusion.
    “I have to give Gwaine a call. He wants me to wake him up; guess I’m his alarm,” Merlin laughs and slowly walks out from the room. Uther stands watching his son.
    “Hello, Arthur,” Uther greets his son.
    “Is that surprise I sense in your tone, Father? I might be blind, but I became a good listener overnight… it’s a very sharp sense, Ты see, and I can recognise one’s voice as fast as Ты can say abc.”
    “Why would I be surprised?”
    “To see I’m breathing and still alive? Ты must’ve thanked your stars the день I met with the accident. Sorry to disappoint you, Father, looks like I get to live another day.”
    “STOP!!!” Uther raises his voice, looks around and drops his tone slowly. Taking deep breath, he says softly, “You know that is not true.”
    “I don’t, Father, because let me see… hmmm, the last thing Ты сказал(-а) to me was Ты wished I was dead and mother alive. So I assumed Ты must have practiced your joy dance when they informed Ты about my accident. Blast that wall, Father, because I didn’t ram it hard enough. The man who died saved me!! Damn him!!”
    “Enough, Arthur!!” Uther says angrily. “Stop teasing!!”
    “Feeling hurt are we?”
    “When will Ты learn, Son? You’re lying here, in need of help, and Ты can still afford to mock me? When will Ты ever learn?”
    “When Ты learn to stop running my life for me, Father!! When Ты learn your lesson, I will learn mine,” Arthur says it shortly.
    Uther nods, his face tightening in anger. “So that’s the way Ты want it?”
    “All this time, Father, all this time. Only Ты never listened. And I won’t be surprised if Ты have intervened in the case, Father, because isn’t that what Ты do best?” Arthur scoffs.
    “I did it in the best interest of Ты and your future.”
    “Oh so now you’re concerned about my future!!” Arthur laughs, whacking his hand against the постель, кровати again. “Well, let me tell Ты what is my future going to be like from now on,” he continues. “My future will be black, Father… black like the darkness in the sky and it will remain like that forever. Get the point? If not, let me make it clearer for you. I will not have my eyes operated on. Because that’s what Ты want!! Not me. I will remain blind forever. Whether Ты like it или not, this is something Ты will have to live with,” Arthur finishes.
    “What on earth are Ты talking about?” Uther was stunned.
    “Simple English Father, didn’t Ты understand?”
    “You’re playing with your life and future, Arthur Pendragon!!”
    “No, Father, Ты played with mine, remember? I’m just setting it back in place. I might not like the outcome of this result but it’s one I can live with as long as it makes Ты suffer.”
    “Arthur Pendragon!!” Uther hisses.
    “I have made my mind up, and there’s nothing Ты can about it anymore!!” Arthur finishes, leaving Uther all riled up. Uther was speechless. He knows his son is as stubborn as he is, but he didn’t realise Arthur would go to this extent to hurt him.
    “If you’re done visiting, Father, I would like to have some peace and quiet around here. So would Ты mind leaving?” Arthur requests, calmly as if nothing happened a while ago. Uther clenches his fist and feels his nerve buckle.
    “And please ask Merlin to come in on the way out,” he adds. Uther has never felt this humiliated in his life. To have his own son humiliate him may be the worst damage a father has to endeavor. He turns around and walks out the room, his breath coming in rasps and his eyes bloodshot. He was angry and горький but he will have to control his emotions for now. He will have his moment, and when that arrives, Arthur will know what Uther Pendragon is made of.

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Source: Merlin`s Keep
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Source: A Moment's Indulgence - Tumblr
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Source: to snafflebit
posted by kbrand5333
Part 48: link

    ”One еще match. Tournament will be over.”
    I feel so awkward around her this morning. My сердце is pounding. Surely I’m not nervous about the tournament. Is it… is it her?
    “You can go back to being Prince Arthur.”
    Yes, I suppose so. Do I want to, though? She seems… shy this morning. Oh. She’s coming closer.
    “Um… I thought Ты might wear it… for luck.”
    Is she granting me a favor? Oh. Oh, my. She is. Wow.
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