Артур и Гвэн Club
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    Arthur paces the floor in his chamber with his hands firmly clasped behind his back. He is angry and he didn’t fail to Показать those around him. After he arrived back at the castle, he barked his orders at his stable boy asking the poor lad to wash and clean the horse by evening and get the torn leather stirrup fixed by tomorrow; later he instructed the servants to get his bath readied and when the council members questioned him about the condition of his arrival he snapped at them, telling them to mind their own business. Humiliated and ashamed, the council members backed away. Arthur strode back to his chambers and stayed there all afternoon. He didn’t want to meet anyone, not even his mother, and she let him be.

Arthur is humiliated, angry, and his mind is going berserk thinking of what happened this morning at the village. Never has he been humiliated like this before. And by a simple village girl! How dare she? Did she know what danger lurks if she messes with him? Did she realize the consequences of her actions? And how boldly she stood facing him! Wasn’t she afraid of him или was she pretending? But despite the anger that still resides in his heart, he has to admit he admired her sharpness. Her bravery and defiance won his сердце and he liked every bit of it, though it still hurts his ego. There is something charming about her attitude. He loves women, there are no doubts about it. Most of the women he has met have melted at his charm and succumbed to his needs, but there is something different about this girl. She didn’t flinch at his charm, neither did she give in to his temptation или his threats. She stood her ground and matched him, eye to eye. And he liked that. He has a special place for a woman who challenges him and she definitely won that place in his heart. A smile escapes his mouth and he stops pacing. Looking at himself in the mirror, he notices the mud and grime are still visible on him. He should have taken his bath while назад but his anger and frustrations took the better of him. He moves closer to the mirror and checks himself. The mud and grime have dried but he still looks dashing. How can she not fall for his looks? Didn’t she notice или did she purposely pretend not to notice how dashingly handsome he is? Arthur moves back to his постель, кровати and sits down, stripping off his tunic and casting it away. Someone knocks the door. He looks up.

    “Come in,” he says.

    “Are Ты sure?” Merlin asks as he pokes his head inside, the door opened slightly. “I thought Ты didn’t want any visitors today.”

    “Merlin!! Just the man I needed to see … come, come!” Arthur invites his friend. Merlin steps in and closes the door behind him. He walks towards his friend.

    “So … what happened?” Merlin asks looking at the fallen tunic and then at Arthur. “Why are Ты covered with mud?”

    Arthur looks questioningly Merlin. “You don’t know?”

    “Am I supposed to?”

    “Where’s Bors? He didn’t tell Ты anything?”

    “I didn’t have the chance to see him … so why don’t Ты enlighten me?” Merlin comes over and sits down beside Arthur. He scrapes off a dried mud piece from Arthur’s forehead. “I’d definitely Любовь to hear your version.”

    “I have never been еще humiliated in my life, Merlin … NEVER!!” Arthur buries his face in his hands. “No one has spoken directly in my face before … no one!” he mumbles.

    “Arthur … what happened?”

    “A girl!!” Arthur looks up at Merlin and grabs his friend’s collar. “A simple village girl humiliated me in my friend’s presence, Merlin. And she … she caused all this!” Arthur points at himself and his face.

    “She threw Ты in the mud?”

    “No …” Arthur shakes his head, releases Merlin and drops back on the bed. Sighing, Arthur knows there is no point in giving Merlin short explanations as it will further confuse his friend. “This morning, I went hunting with Bors and the rest of the boys. And Bors challenged me to a race, which I accepted, and we raced throughout the path of the villages. I was winning and Bors clearly didn’t have any chance of overtaking me. Then we came to a path that led through a village nearby. The village was our last destination and after that the race would end. It would have gone well if only that man … that man …” Arthur grits his teeth and pounds the постель, кровати angrily. “That man stood in my way with his carriage and …I crashed into him!”

    “A man came across your race?” Merlin is confused.

    “He was there all the while, collecting some fallen items on the ground but he was there in my path, Merlin! He should have moved when he saw I was racing on that road. But he didn’t, and I did what everyone else would have done!! I knocked him over …”

    “You what!!! But … But how did Ты crash yourself?” Merlin scratches his head. This is getting way too confusing for him to follow.

    “I knocked over his carriage. I was distracted when his daughter screamed.” Arthur pounds the постель, кровати and wakes up. “And I landed on the ground, covered with dust and mud which is why I am like this now.”

    “Wait, Arthur … wait …” Merlin says and gets up on his feet. He turns around and meets Arthur, face to face. “You knocked a man who stood in your way … right?”


    “And later Ты crashed onto his carriage because his daughter screamed and Ты were distracted by it, right?”

    “That’s right,”

    “And how did the humiliation come about? Care to be еще precise, Arthur, because Ты are not helping me understand your case.”

    Arthur sighs and stretches his leg. “I crashed on the ground when I was distracted and that infuriated me. The boys started making fun of my crash and officially I Остаться в живых the race. Bors was the winner and he kept tormenting me about the fall. I was angry, ashamed and extremely mad so I decided to confront the man who caused the humiliation. But as I did, I was surprised because instead of apologizing for causing my crash, the daughter of that man demanded I apologise to her father.”

    “What?” Merlin laughs. Surely this must be a joke indeed. How could someone demand the arrogant crown prince of Camelot apologise? Was that possible или did the girl actually succeed? Is that why this man is blowing his top? If indeed the girl succeeded, then Merlin wants to meet her and shake her hand, for she has done the impossible.

    “Stop laughing Merlin, it isn’t funny!” Arthur snaps at Merlin but the latter can’t stop smirking. Arthur wakes up and straightens himself.

    “Did you?”

    “Of course not … who do Ты think I am? I am the prince of Camelot, Merlin … there is no way I will stoop to her level and apologise. Besides, she is my subject and she should be apologizing, not the other way round!”

    “So Ты were further humiliated by her, then … in addition to Bors’ tormenting?”

    “Yes!! She just wouldn’t give up, Merlin!! She stood there, with her arms crossed, eyes defiant and sharp, looking into mine and demanding an apology for her father’s misfortune. She feels I caused all the mayhem and not her father.”

    “Did she know who Ты are?”

    “I don’t know. But I guessed she did because her father recognised me immediately.”

    “And yet she demanded that Ты apologise?”


    “Wow, I envy her now. She must’ve been either Храбрая сердцем или stupid to do this … didn’t Ты use your charm on her? Most women would have fallen for your charm; did she?”

    Arthur shakes his head. “I tried everything I had up my sleeve; charm, threats, almost everything but she didn’t flinch, Merlin. She hardly showed any fear … I have no idea what she is she made of, but … she challenged my ego. Her boldness piqued my arrogance and I have to admit that I … liked it,” Arthur gets to his feet.


“I liked what she did, though she bruised my ego in my friend’s presence.” Arthur smiles and walks towards his table. He picks up a book and whacks it softly against his thigh. “No woman has done it before, challenged me, but this simple village girl did.”

    “And Ты like it. But I thought Ты were humiliated?”

    “I am, Merlin ... I am humiliated and I will never forget it, but I also liked the way she challenged me. It makes me …” Arthur tosses the book back on the таблица and pound his fist against his palm, “want her badly!”

    For Merlin, this is bad news. Who ever that girl is, this is bad news as well. If Arthur has laid his eyes upon someone или something, he will never rest till he gets it. Now his eyes rest upon the unfortunate village girl and Merlin fears for her safety. He knows what Arthur is capable of and he doesn’t like it one bit. But will Arthur listen? He listens to no one except himself. Merlin sighs and shakes his head, silently praying for the girl’s safety.



    “Are Ты praying that I do the girl no harm?” Arthur guesses.

    Merlin knows it will not take long for Arthur to guess what’s on his mind; after all this is what Merlin has been doing all this while. He also knows no matter how hard he tries to advise, Arthur will not listen. Perhaps, he might try again. There’s no harm in trying. “Arthur … this is insane. The villagers have been troubled by your actions all this while, and causing further problems will only strengthen the rift the people have on Camelot and its ruler. Your actions will reflect on your father and his rule. No one will trust the king any more. The people will lose their respect and trust in him, and this isn’t what a king needs. Please reconsider your actions. Just forget your plans this time.”

    Arthur guffaws. “Are Ты afraid, Merlin?”

    “Yes, I am, Arthur. I am afraid of what might happen. Look, Arthur … Ты have to admit you’ve caused enough problems in the villages and so far if it wasn’t for your father’s intervention, Ты would have been beaten to a pulp. But Ты got lucky and I advise Ты remember that. And please, have a сердце for your father. That man … the king has had enough dealing with your affairs. He needs to have the trust and loyalty of the people but if his son keeps causing problems among them, they will no longer look up to their king. The kingdom will fall apart and this is not what we need at the moment. Remember … the neighboring kingdoms are aware of your situation and they are waiting for the right moment to pounce on your weakness and claim Camelot as their own. And if they can buy the people’s loyalty, we are nothing Arthur. Please …. I am asking Ты to reconsider your plans … this isn’t the best for the kingdom или yourself.” Merlin tries to brighten up Arthur.

    Arthur thinks a while and moves back towards the bed. Lifting his leg, he places it on the wooden chest beside his постель, кровати and stands with his hands crossed across his bare chest. “Actually, I care nothing about this kingdom или the king. I need to have fun and this girl here can give me all that.” Arthur says with a smile. “That rift Ты say … that I caused among the villagers … I don’t think I’ve done much damage, Merlin. All I’ve done so far is charm the women I fancy into my постель, кровати and …” Arthur points his finger at his friend and wriggles it. “They’ve come willingly. I didn’t bring anyone by force или attempted to rape any of the women I liked. All of these women whom I have slept with were here on their own wishes. So … I don’t understand what rift I have caused?”

    “Yes, Arthur … those women were here on their own wishes but what about the husbands, brothers, and fathers you’ve angered? They don’t like what you’ve done and they have made it known to the king. And if Uther had defended you, he would have Остаться в живых their trust. And if he had дана them the freedom to punish you, you, Arthur Pendragon, would have died by their hands. The king needed both sides and he managed to handle the situation cleverly. Thank goodness for that … but now, Arthur. Now … if Ты attempt the same again I don’t know what the villagers или the king will do to you. And that’s why I am begging Ты to forget this plan of yours. If Ты need a woman to satisfy your lust, get them at the tavern. There are plenty of prostitutes whom you’ll be able to quench your thirst with.”

    “You are such a sweet person Merlin, always looking out for me. If I needed a prostitute, I would have had one already. I don’t and I have never liked those women who sell their bodies for money. I hate women who have been used before. I like fresh, naïve and innocent women, like the ones I charm into my bed. But this girl is different Merlin …”

    “Arthur … this girl is stupid. She probably thought of milking out money from Ты knowing you’re the prince, that’s all. She wasn’t bold или Храбрая сердцем like Ты think … just pure dumb and stupid. Ты don’t need anyone like her …”

    “She isn’t stupid, Merlin. I know that. She …” Arthur smiles and recalls back Guinevere’s face. “She isn’t the type you’d call beautiful at first sight. No … she’s different. She requires секунда viewing and then you’ll see it. That beauty, the sight of the golden sun shining on her face, that beautiful dark curly hair that rolls and falls on her shoulders, the penetrating dark brown eyes which you’ll never be able to tear your gaze from, the slender bridge which forms her nose and the cute supple lips on which …” Arthur licks his lips and sighs, “you want plant your own lips and suck the breath she breathes. And then that bosom, ahhh …” again he sighs and leans against the pole of his bed. “That heaving bosom … how I wish I could bury my face there, заворачивать, обертывание my hands around her waist and pull her closer so that I can use my other hand to squeeze her bottom. I’ll crush her against me and hear her moan and them I’ll trail my lips …”

    “ARTHUR … ENOUGH!!!!” Merlin shouts, covering his ears.

    “Oh, pardon me, Merlin. I forgot how Ты hate all this,” Arthur laughs and sits down on his bed. “I just got carried away, I suppose. But what I wanted to say is … she is different than any of the women I have come across in my life. She’s blew my breath away with her arrogance, defiance and bluntness. She’s innocent and best … she is probably a virgin. And that’s what I’d really like to find out. Ты see, Merlin, there’s always fun when Ты молоко the virgin out of a woman but it makes it even еще sweeter when the woman puts up some fight, resistance … and I believe this girl will do exactly. Bottom line is, I am going to be very satisfied with her.”

    “How can Ты be so despicable Arthur?” Merlin feels disgusted with Arthur. After all he has done to thwart the plans, Arthur is still insisting on carrying out his actions. “Haven’t Ты had enough women in your life? Ты сказал(-а) yourself that Ты wish to stop, so why are Ты still insisting on doing this?”

    “Merlin, I did tell Ты I wanted to stop but I also remembered telling Ты that I get tempted easily. My lust for women is stronger than my interest for anything else. I am just unable to control it. I can’t!!”

    “You are not trying, Arthur, and Ты are giving me silly reasons for it. Anyone in your shoes would try their best to resist the temptation but Ты are using this as a reason to satisfy your lust. I am …”

    “Ashamed of me? Go on, say it, Merlin. It’s not like I haven’t heard that before from you. Go on, say it …” Arthur says without guilt.

    “Arthur, Arthur, Arthur …” Merlin throws his hands in the air and remains silent. Slowly he walks away from Arthur’s постель, кровати and moves towards the window, looking out. The knights are practicing in the field and somehow, Merlin’s thoughts are not focused on them. He is still thinking about Arthur and his plans and he is worried. Merlin sighs and turns around to face his friend. “Look, Arthur … I just want Ты to be safe. I know what could happen if Ты …”

    “I can take care of myself, Merlin. I have done it so far, I think I can manage well now. I don’t need anyone’s blessings или care over me. I am a grown man and not a baby,” Arthur cuts him short. “All my life I have grown up without anyone’s care, so why should I expect any now?”

    “You’re wrong, Arthur. Your father cares about you, your Друзья do... I do … the people of Camelot do. How can Ты deny all this love?”

    “You call that love?” Arthur laughs. “You’re funny, Merlin … really?” Arthur continues. Merlin keeps quiet. He knows there’s no point in arguing with his friend at this moment. Nothing will change Arthur’s plans now. If Merlin wants to save the girl and Arthur’s life, he has to play smart.

    “Fine, have it your way. What do Ты plan to do?” Merlin asks, looking at Arthur now.
“Giving up so soon, are we Merlin?”

    “You will not listen to me, no matter how hard I convince Ты so … why waste my breath and energy trying to persuade you? This is your life, and like Ты said, you’re not a baby but a grown man with enough intelligence to know what’s good and bad for your life. So have it your way. Just tell me what Ты plan to do so that I can save my own life should your father come looking for me,” Merlin says in irritation.

Arthur laughs. “Saving your own life huh? Well, Merlin … like I said, I never forced anyone into my постель, кровати so, I will try to sweet talk to her, use every charm I know and probably seduce her a bit. But if she refuses then … I might have to use my authority a little, just to get her attention.”

    “Threaten her, is that what Ты mean?”

    “Not exactly, but in some way … yes. And I am man with little care of my surroundings, Merlin. If she refuses to come to my постель, кровати here, then I will take her there, in her shabby little hut. After all, it’s her body I crave and nothing else.” Arthur laughs. “And I’ll be killing two birds in a single stone. I will get myself satisfied and avenge the humiliation she caused as well …” he adds and continues to laugh. “Perhaps then she’ll know how to talk properly in the presence of a prince! или better … she‘ll know why not to mess with me!”

    Merlin’s сердце sinks. This isn’t what he expected to hear when he decided to pay Arthur a visit. He knows how lustful Arthur is, but to force a woman in her own place is … not what he expected from Arthur. This will be dangerous for everyone. Unless he pokes his nose in first. ‘Please give me strength to help the girl and save this kingdom from further humiliation. I have to do this … I have to,’ Merlin prays silently as Arthur goes on describing how he will make Gwen fall for his charms.

    Merlin sits at the footsteps of the entrance of his house, gazing out into the darkening sky. The night looks peaceful, littered with stars and a huge moon in the distance. A soft breeze envelopes him, calming his nervy senses. He shivers a little then brings his arms across his chest, hugging to keep warm. Behind him, his mother Hunith’s voice can be heard talking to his sister, Morgana. Both the ladies are preparing ужин and usually they like to talk while they work. His mother called him twice, asking him to set the таблица but he hardly paid any attention to her request. His mind is still buzzing with what transpired between him and Arthur this afternoon.

    “Deep in thought, Son? Care to share what’s troubling you?” a man in his fifties says as he too comes around and sits down beside Merlin.

    Merlin looks up and smiles. “Father.”

    “I have never seen Ты distracted like this before. Ты are going to miss ужин if Ты stay out like this. Something wrong, Son?” Balinor, Merlin’s father, asks, wrapping his arm around his son.

    Merlin shakes his head.

    “Then why the sad face?” Balinor clips Merlin’s face and turns him around to face him. His eyes warm on Merlin’s. Smiling, “I know when Ты are sad или occupied, Merlin. Ты take after me … now, care to share the trouble?”

    Merlin remains quiet. Should he tell his father about Arthur’s plan или should he keep quiet? His father is a respected member of the council and key advisor and friend to the king himself. If he learns what Arthur is about to do, what will he do? Will he tell the king? Will he help Merlin finding a better solution to save both the girl and Arthur? или will he ask Merlin to stay away from this problem as it is nothing but a plague in the Pendragon’s life? Merlin doesn’t know. But he knows his father and the third option will never surface. Balinor will ask Merlin to try to reason with Arthur или allow himself to do so. But Merlin doesn’t like his father being in Arthur’s presence. That clot pole doesn’t have respect for anyone, let alone Balinor. If he says или does something regrettable, then Merlin won’t forgive his friend. But Balinor being Balinor, will try his best to help Arthur.

    Balinor touches Merlin’s shoulder, gaining his son’s attention. “Merlin?”

    “Father, promise Ты won’t tell the king about this.”


    “Just promise me, Father, или I will not reveal anything to you,” Merlin insists. Balinor hesitates. “Father?”

    “What are Ты both doing out there? ужин will be ready in five минуты and I could use some help here. Balinor? Merlin?” Hunith calls from the kitchen.

    Both father and son ignore Hunith’s call. Balinor presses his palm on Merlin’s and smiles. “I promise. Now tell me what’s with this look on your face?”

    Merlin sighs. This is going to be hard. “Father, Ты know about Arthur’s condition, don’t you?”

    “Which one?”

    “His womanizing ways. Ты are aware of all the troubles brewed from his affairs with the women from the villages and neighboring kingdom’s, right?”

    “Ah, yes. So?”

    “All right, this morning he was racing with Bors, throughout the villages. And something happened and he crashed. But it was his fault entirely yet, knowing what an arrogant pig he is, he demanded the man whom he tripped over apologise. But the daughter of the victim refused and asked Arthur to apologise instead. She felt her father was the victim and not Arthur.”

    Balinor laughed. “That girl must have had some nerve to ask Arthur that. And did he?”
    “Of course not. And it infuriated him. He was ashamed and completely ridiculed in the presence of the other boys so …” Merlin pauses. But Balinor keeps listening patiently.

    “He … urm, he … wants to get back at her. He was to … urm, he …” Merlin struggles with his words.

    “Balinor? Merlin?” Hunith calls again.

    “What Merlin?” his father asks softly, raking through Merlin’s hair.

    “He wants her, Father.” Merlin says quickly.

    “Meaning?” his father seeks clarification.

    “Father, Merlin … mother is not going to call in again and she is furious. She wants Ты both at the таблица immediately,” Morgana informs, standing behind the father and the son. Balinor looks up at his daughter and nod in agreement but Merlin remains still. “Merlin? Father is he all right?”

    “He will be in a bit, Morgana. Why don’t Ты tell your mother that we will Присоединиться her in a while? Just give us five minutes.”

    “Merlin?” Morgana touches her brother’s shoulder.

    Merlin reaches up and pats Morgana’s hand on his shoulder. “I’ll be fine, Morgana, and we will Присоединиться in a little while. And don’t worry, I am fine,” he says looking at her. But he knows his sister isn’t convinced and she will come looking for him, asking what happened in a short while.

    Morgana nods and leaves but there was uncertainty on her face. Balinor turns back to his son.

    “He wants the girl, Father. He wants to take her to his bed. And by any means necessary.”

    “Even by force?”

    Merlin nods. “And don’t ask if I have spoken to him. I did, and he wouldn’t listen to me. No matter what, he wants her badly and I fear for the girl’s safety.”

    “I know Arthur will stop at nothing to get what he wants, so this doesn’t surprise me. But …” Balinor sighs and shakes his head. “Why can’t he control himself? Why does he give in to his temptations? And … he is to be the future king of Camelot! Imagine how will he run the kingdom if he keeps lusting over his subjects.”

    “He doesn’t want the kingdom, Father. He wants to relinquish his Название and the rights to the throne.”

    “It’s not as easy as that, Merlin. He can say what he wants but there are rules, laws that need to be looked up and obeyed. And then the king must agree and sign it … there are many laws that stand in the way to Arthur’s request. He can’t just give it up as easily as he says.”

    “But that’s what he wishes. He has no interest in running the kingdom, just women,” Merlin sighs and reaches down to pick a blade of трава near his leg. “He wants to have fun all his life.”

    “How can he be such an impertinent fool?” Balinor scolds. “His father, our king, has done everything in his power to ensure the kingdom is fine and healthy before thrusting it into his son’s hands and this is how Arthur thanks the old man? I have tolerated Arthur in many situations, but not in this.”

    “Father, please.”

    “Look, Merlin. Like Ты say, the girl might be in danger from Arthur, and second, the kingdom and the king himself could be facing the wrath of the villagers should something happen to this girl. And I can’t allow that to happen. Not the king или this kingdom. We are grateful to be here in Camelot and to have such a good hearted man like Uther as the head, but if some brainless fool like Arthur wants to destroy what’s been set up by his ancestors, then I will not keep quiet. I have to inform the other members and set out some security to save the girl. Maybe we can ask her and her father to leave Camelot for a while.”

    “Father, please calm down,” Merlin calms his father.

    Balinor takes in huge gulp of air and leans back, resting himself against the pillar. “Is that why you’ve been upset?” he asks. “Thinking of the girl?”

    “Yes, I want to help her, but I don’t know how?”

    “Why don’t Ты talk to her, make her leave?”

    “What if she’s as stubborn as Arthur is? What if she doesn’t want to leave?”

    “Then make her, Merlin. Convince her, persuade her. Tell her what happened and don’t hide anything. She has the right to know what happened and what will happen should she refuse to leave to save herself. Make her see the consequences through your eyes. I am sure she will be convinced.” Balinor advises.

    Merlin remains silent. Balinor inches вперед and touches his son’s shoulder. “If Ты have trouble talking to her, take Morgana with you. But make Ты sure Ты talk.” His father advises.

    “I don’t even know which girl it is now … I have to wait until Arthur meets her или shows her to me.”

    “I don’t think Ты should wait until Arthur shows you. Ask Bors what the name of the village is and where the girl and her father live. Get to her before Arthur does.”

    “Sure, Father,” Merlin agrees. “But Ты will not tell the king all this, will you?”

    “I promised, Merlin … I won’t. Come now, your mother and sister wait. Let’s have some good ужин to ease our troubled minds. Come,” his father invites and Merlin accepts. Both father and son get up and enters, walking towards where his mother and sister are waiting.

    “So, that’s what happened?” Morgana whispers as she sits beside Merlin on his bed, listening to his woes. They were in his chamber and Morgana doesn’t want her mother to know that she has sneaked past her bedtime into her brother’s chamber so they kept the light dimmed and whispered with one another. “And why did Ты ask Father not to tell the king?”

    “Are Ты insane? If the king knows, things will be worse. Arthur will never speak to me again and worse, he might get hostile towards us.”

    “He’s capable of that?”

    “Sweetheart, there are some things all of Ты don’t know about him. But I do, and heed my words: Ты wouldn’t like it when he’s hostile. It’s better that he has respect for all of us, Ты included,” Merlin whispers back.

    “Thank goodness for that. So, when are Ты going to meet Bors?”

    “Tomorrow, why?”

    “When Ты find out about the girl, take me with you. I’ll try to talk to her. Sometimes, women can convince another еще easily, so she might listen to me over you.”

    “Father сказал(-а) something similar, too. I’ll take Ты with, but Ты mustn’t tell this to anyone, not even Mother.”

    “Promise.” She promises with a smile. Merlin smiles back. He knows he can always count on his sister for help. “Hey?”

    “What?” Merlin looks at her, stunned.

    “I сказал(-а) I’ll help, so why the sad face?”

    “Oh … I was thinking about the man Arthur knocked down. Poor fellow, he must’ve been heavily injured или else the daughter wouldn’t have asked Arthur to apologise. And Arthur didn’t even offer anything in return … sometimes I just don’t understand him at all.”

    “That’s why he’s met his match, Merlin. He thinks he can charm every woman in Camelot with his pearly smile and buy every poor soul here with his money. Too bad for him there’s someone in Camelot with some pride,” Morgana says.

    “I thought so myself … I really want to meet her, Morgana. After what I heard from Arthur, I’m itching to meet her,” Merlin says.

    “Don’t worry, Brother … we will, tomorrow,” Morgana assures.

    Gwen wraps the cloth around her father’s ankle and ties the end into a knot. She then softly heaves it on the постель, кровати and helps her father to lie down. Placing a cushion underneath her father’s head, she covers him with a thin blanket and picks up the bowl and cloths she used a while назад to заворачивать, обертывание her father’s injuries. She walks towards the table, sets the cloths there, proceeds towards the wooden counter and sets the bowl there. Wiping her hand on her apron, she fills a cup with water and drains it down.

    “Have Ты taken your dinner, child?” her father asks, lying down.

    Gwen turns around and smiles. “I will in a while, Father. Get some rest.”

    “You need rest too, child. Go and rest. I can take care of myself now,” Guinevere’s father tells her. “You have been looking after me all day. Now it’s time Ты took care of yourself.”

    “I will, Father. Now, please get some rest and stop worrying about me,” she tells her father. She sets the cup down and walks towards her father. Kneeling down by his bed, she cradles his hand in between hers and looks at him lovingly.

    “Guinevere, I fear for you, child. Ты shouldn’t have …”

    “Father, we have already discussed this. No еще discussions about that any more. Please rest.”

    “You don’t know anything about Arthur Pendragon или what he is capable of. I am sure he is thinking about what to do to Ты right now. Guinevere, please listen to me. Leave Camelot tonight and stay at my friend’s place …”

    “Father! I am not leaving anyone. I am not afraid of him или anyone else. I trust the king and if I am threatened, I will confront the king and seek justice. We shouldn’t be afraid of anyone, Father. We have dignity and pride, too, let’s not allow us to be shackled and taken for a ride. We are poor but we are not slaves. Arthur is the prince but he is not our king. I will respect only the king and no one else. Let him come. I am not afraid of him. If he touches me, I will know how to deal with that.”

    “But, Guinevere …”

    “Father, Ты trust me don’t you?”

    “I do.”

    “Then do not worry and get some rest. I am your daughter, and no one can touch me and get away easily, I promise. I know how to take care of myself. Now, please … stop worrying and get some rest. Ты have to see the king to deliver the armour and weapons and Ты need your strength. Please, Father, close your eyes and sleep.” Gwen advises.

    Tom knows Gwen is Храбрая сердцем enough to face whatever circumstances come her way after the coincidental confrontation between her and Arthur. Yet he is afraid. He knows about Arthur’s history and what that man can do to get his wishes. He is also aware of the look Arthur gave Guinevere today. And it isn’t something Tom is fond of. But like his daughter says, they are not slaves. They are people of Camelot and despite being poor, they, too, have dignity and pride to take care of. Just because some rich spoilt son of the king wants to make fun of them, doesn’t mean they must allow it. Tom takes сердце knowing if Guinevere has assured him she will take care of herself, then she will do exactly that. Tom sighs and strokes Guinevere’s cheek.
“I Любовь you, Guinevere.” He tells her.

    “And I Любовь Ты father. Now, sleep,” she tells him and he obeys. She covers him, inches up and pecks his forehead and leaves to attend to her chores. She has to clean the place, fix the chain mail and polish the armour for her father. After falling off the carriage, the armour is all dirty and if her father needs to deliver the armour and chain mails tomorrow, she’ll have to work all night to make sure they are all sparkling. There shouldn’t be any trace of dirt on them. Their Далее couple of months’ income depends on this delivery and Gwen wants to make sure the king isn’t disappointed with her father’s work. She wipes her hands and picks up the broom, sweeping the place. She is tired but rest can wait. She has to work fast if she wants to catch time. Thinking of that, she sweeps fast as she has a long night ahead of her.

    Arthur stands by the fireplace, watching the logs burn. The огонь sparks fascinates him and he doesn’t know why, but whenever he’s disturbed, he will watch the огонь and the logs burn. It calms him. And calm is certainly what he needs right now. Sighing, Arthur looks up and glances at his mother’s picture on the wall. She looks beautiful, flawless and absolutely at peace. How he wishes he has the same peace on his own face. Arthur coughs and turns on his heel, walking back to his table. He pulls out the chair and sits down. The Еда on the plate is untouched. Arthur is not hungry. He is not in the mood to gorge down anything at the moment. His mind is still thinking on what he’ll tell the girl should he go and meet her. It was easy telling Merlin about his plan, but how will he execute it? That’s the big Вопрос now.
    ‘Hello, I’m Arthur … we met before, yesterday. Remember? So … would Ты like to come over to my замок and meet my parents?’ he thinks. ‘No, no … this is not the way. Urmm … I’m Arthur, we met yesterday … remember me. Urm … what do Ты think of me?’ he thinks again and quickly shakes his head. ‘No .. that’s no the way. I’m Arthur and I like you. Whether Ты like it или not, I want Ты in my постель, кровати …’ he thinks and immediately pounds the table, toppling the filled goblet over. Water ran along the таблица and dripped below.

    “Great!!” Arthur curses and gets up to his feet when someone knocks the door. “Come …”

    “Busy, sweetheart?” his stepmother, the Queen, pokes her head in. But her smile fades when she notes the water on the table. “What happened?” she closes the door and rushes to her son’s aid.

    “It’s nothing, Mother. I accidentally pounded the таблица and toppled the goblet over. I didn’t know it was filled with water,” Arthur says as he tries to Поиск for a cloth. Katrina quickly reaches one near the end of the Еда counter, and wipes the table, halting the water from damaging the fine wood.

    “There Ты go,” she says after wiping the water clean.

    “Mother, Ты shouldn’t have to do this … why not call the servants?” Arthur asks, taking the cloth from Katrina’s hand and tossing it aside.

    “Sometimes we don’t need to wait for servants, Arthur. There are some things we can do ourselves,” Katrina says and circles the таблица to pours herself a goblet of water. Taking the goblet in her hand, she pulls out the chair and sits down. “Sit down, Arthur.”

    Arthur does as she tells him and keeps quiet. Katrina has noticed the sudden change in Arthur’s behaviour today and tries to cheer him up. She sets the goblet down and goes to clasp Arthur’s hand. He looks at her.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “Nothing, Mother.”

    “Liar … I know when you’re upset, Arthur. What happened?”

    “I’m fine … just a tad tired, that’s all.”

    “Well, let me guess then. It’s about the incident this morning in the village, isn’t it? You’re upset you’ve lost?”

    Arthur is stunned. He hasn’t told anyone apart from Merlin, so how does his mother know about it? “Who told you, Mother?”

    “Bors … Ты know he’s got a loud mouth,” she smiles at Arthur.

    “Then he must have told Ты that I Остаться в живых after falling off my horse. And he must have also told Ты that I knocked a man over and was humiliated by a simple village girl.”

    Katrina looks confused. “Actually he didn’t tell me any of that, but now that Ты did, I’d like to know what happened.”

    ‘Great, now I’m the big mouth!’ Arthur feels like slapping himself. He smiles at his mother and cradles her hand in his. “Actually, this afternoon, I Остаться в живых a race with Bors because I knocked a man down and knocked myself into his carriage. And the daughter of the man I toppled demanded I apologise.”

    “What? How dare she … who is she? From what village?”

    “Mother, calm down, please. There’s no need to alarm anyone. I have the situation perfectly under control. The girl didn’t know who I am and after she knew, she still stood her ground. But despite all that, I like her, Mother and …” he looks at his mother lovingly. Bringing her hand to his face, he kisses it gently. “I want her, Mother,” he admits quietly

    “Arthur! If your father knows about this … no, this is insane.”

    “Mother, please, Ты are the only one who can help me. I just can’t get her out from my mind. I want her, badly … please Mother,” he pleads.

    “If your father … why can’t Ты find someone simpler? I have told Ты not to get into any еще troubles in the village. Why don’t Ты listen to me sometimes?” Katrina scolds Arthur.

    “I’m sorry, Mother … just this once, help me, please and I’ll listen to Ты after that.”

    “This is what Ты told me before Ты brought back Главная the butcher’s niece. And now Ты expect me to believe you?”

    “Mother, please … I haven’t anyone to turn to but you. Please …” he pleads and gets up from the chair, closes in Katrina and kneels down, laying his head on her thigh. “Please …”

    Katrina is split. She wants to help Arthur but if her husband finds out about it, she’ll be heavily reprimanded. Uther is getting impatient with Arthur’s attitude and if his wife is part of Arthur’s team the she is courting trouble unnecessarily. But she loves Arthur and hates to see him sad. She doesn’t know what to do. She rakes his hair softly.

    “Mother, if I was your son and not your stepson, would Ты help me? Perhaps Ты are hesitating because I’m not really your …”

    “Arthur, shut up!” Katrina lifts his head up and looks directly into his eyes. Her own eyes Показать she is hurt by Arthur’s words. “Never ever say that again,” she warns him. “You know I have never thought of Ты like that …”

    “I’m sorry, Mother. Didn’t mean to hurt you, but …”

    “What do Ты want me to do?” she asks, smiling. Arthur’s surprised.

    “Are Ты sure, Mother?”

    “Better tell me before I change my mind.”

    “Nothing big, Mother, just … I want your opinion. I am going to meet her tomorrow and I need to know how to ask her out.”

    “Ask her out?”

    “Well, I will take her out, have some nice lunch или ужин and after that I will bring her here. But I need to make her feel at ease … I need to be really relaxed. I need Ты opinion?”

    “All this while, how did Ты do it?” Katrina asks.

    “Oh, they were easy, Mother. They fell for my charm instantly. But this girl is different and I am sure she will put up some resistance. That’s why I need your help. I need good wordings to cover my plan.”

    “You mean Ты need a plan to take her out without her being suspicious?” Katrina asks and Arthur nods. “Well, first Ты need to bring some Цветы and some gifts. Tell her Ты are sincerely sorry for what happened and if her father is around, apologise. Gain her trust and try to be friendly. And after she is convinced, ask her out. If she refuses, don’t give up. And don’t be pushy. Give her Космос and time. Try to see her every день and gain her trust. And eventually after she feels confident with you, she’ll come around to your plan. And then Ты can bring her here. But … since she is different than the other girls, Ты may want to be careful with your words and actions. It’s not necessary that Ты must get her tomorrow, give her time. Be patient and Ты will reap what Ты sow.”

    “So, there’s no guarantee that she’ll be mine tomorrow,” Arthur looks disappointed.
    Katrina shakes her head. “Be patient, Arthur, and Ты will eventually get her,” she advises.

    “Well, if Ты say so. I trust you, thanks.” He inches вперед and kisses Katrina on her cheek. “I’ll keep Ты informed about this.”

    “You better … now, come let’s eat,” she says with a smile and helps him up back on his chair. She pulls the plate of untouched Еда and urges him to eat. “You need all your strength for tomorrow,” she adds.

    Arthur smiles, picks up a виноград and pops it into his mouth, satisfied now that he has a plan for his big adventure tomorrow.

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