Codename: Kids Далее Door Club
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added by glelsey
Source: Me!
added by kndluva
funny and cool Музыка vid for KND
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kids Далее door
added by DexandBloss
Source: Wee-Katty on photobucket
posted by kndluva
YAY!!! New story! I pretty much coppied it off the Wizard of OZ movie. But there are some differences. For one, it's a heck of alot funnier. But it's similar to the movie. Sorta. Do Ты like the conversation of the farm hands talking about courage, brains, and hearts? Well, now it's a поздний завтрак, бранч of kids bickering. Did Ты think Toto the dog was cute? Now he's the adorable weasle хорек whatever thing. Oh, so Ты say Dorothy had a pretty name. Too bad, she goes by her middle name in this remake. One еще thing before I put the cast of characters. Kiki (kndkid96), when Ты read this, please don't...
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added by taismo723
Source: Me
While Kacey was being дана an offer she couldn't afford to refuse, all the other girls- well, MOST of the other girls- were fooling around with her stuff. Abby was listening to her iPod, and Kiki was asleep. Thankfully, they were smart enough to not bug her. Waking her up, as they learned early on, would be catastrophic.
"HIDE-AND-SEEK TIME!" Minerva called out. Val and Megan took off in a flash. As Minerva counted, Maddy and Kuki struggled to find a place to hide. She was nearing 20, so they dashed into Kacey's closet, and slammed the door shut. Minerva smiled. She knew exactly where the...
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added by pinkmare
Source: Me
added by donotsigns2
Source: Stacey-DePass
added by glelsey
Source: Mr Warburton
added by glelsey
Source: Me!
added by taismo723
Source: Me.
added by duncylovescourt
added by duncylovescourt
added by duncylovescourt
Future Kids
Chapter 1
Year 2028
Author note: This is the секунда story in my series!! Be sure to read the first if Ты haven't!!

Megan woke up from the pains of her stomach. She let out a small sigh, as she got up from her bed. She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, until she saw red liquid on her постель, кровати sheets. She looked shocked, when she saw it. She quickly got her clothes on, took her постель, кровати sheets off her bed, and ran down to the laundry room. She stuffed the contents in a washing machine, and looked around for the soap powder....
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added by Jonesey111
Source: Kïds Далее Door Template By Arvin-SweetïePupFan On DevïantArt
As the darkness fell among the small S.C.A.M.P.E.R. that was hovering over the Десерт on the border of Texas, Hoagie announced that they were stopping for the night. He landed the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. safely near a tree. Maddy couldn't handle sleeping in the dessert. She went berserk.
"NO!" Maddy cried. "We have to keep going!"
"Go to bed." Megan called from underneath the chairs. (She did not want any part of Hoagie tonight)
"C'mon, Maddy!" Val called from where she and Minerva were. "You can sleep with us!" Maddy trotted over to Minerva and Val. They were up all night talking. (Well, at least...
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Numbuh 3 – Sector V – 2:38

    Oblivious to any chaos outside the kitchen, numbuh 3 went about the kitchen, making the cake and Пение the радуга Monkey theme song. She had finished the cake in record time. Now all that was left was to ice it, and make sure nothing happens to it for another 3 and a half hours. Just as she lifted up the container of ''Rainbow Monkey aren't Ты glad its Your Birthday'' cake icing, someone burst through the doorway. Startled, numbuh 3 dropped the container. It fell with a sickening splat on the floor. ''Sorry!'' Numbuh 2 apologized.
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