Дисней Prince Club
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Hi everyone. So I´ve already made my prettiest princesses list, but every princess needs her own handsome prince, so without further ado here´s my Most Handsome Princes List. By the way as with my prettiest princess list, I might change my mind later, and also I´ll like to say that this Список doesn´t include sequels (you´ll see what I mean later on).

10.Prince Charming
Funny that he should be in the last place of this countdown, considering Золушка is one of my Избранное Дисней movies, but I just find him to plain, I mean he´s not ugly, but there´s just nothing remarkable about him. He...
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added by chesire
Source: chesire
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
 Wish I could be a Дисней prince(yes I'm using a line from Part of Your World)
Wish I could be a disney prince(yes I'm using a line from Part of Your World)
So I made my Избранное Список and I thought I might as well make a most handsome list. I'm a guy so it's kind of difficult for me to talk about guys looks. If only I was as good at talking about guys looks as girls on Fanpop are with girls. Anyway Комментарий telling me what Ты think.

I know I'm going to get attacked for this but I actually think he's really ugly. He's a good character but I just find him ugly. His eyes are too small and weird looking. His nose is strange and his lips look weird. I don't like his hair, I know it's traditional but I think it looks stupid. His smile looks...
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added by Pocahontas1Fan
added by peteandco
added by peteandco
I was planning to do this ever since we had Дисней prince месяц on the Дисней princess Фан club. Anyway just to warn Ты unlike with the Дисней princesses I don't like all of the Дисней princes. The only ones I Любовь are my вверх 3. Please Комментарий telling me what Ты think.


It's a tradition that before I start hating on a character that I tell things I like about them. He's very handsome, in fact one of the most handsome animated males ever, that's pretty much it. I HATE HIM WITH A DEATH PASSHION, even еще than Peter Pan! He's the most annoying character ever created, not just disney,...
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 Dreamygal Productions
Dreamygal Productions
9. The Prince
 "All he does is sing and Kiss dead people. *cough* Necrophiliac *cough*, bye bye."- Straggy
"All he does is sing and Kiss dead people. *cough* Necrophiliac *cough*, bye bye."- Straggy

Disney’s first Prince doesn’t have that many fans. However, he did pave the way for some of our Избранное hunks. He’s often considered a “girly man”, because it appears that he is wearing lipstick…hey, whatever floats his boat. Most of the voters felt he was еще of a stalker, than anything else. It didn’t take him very long to win over the сердце of Snow White. Yes, it only took “One Song”, and that girl was hooked!

8. Prince Charming
 I think this picture says it ALL!!
I think this picture...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://mickeyandcompany.tumblr.com/post/131554434147/sometimes-you-feel-so-youre-just-trapped
added by Persephone713
Source: jpg/diviant art
added by random_camo
I feel kind of weird making this Статья but oh well, as long as I keep some of Ты entertained. I didn't take looks and how much I Любовь their character into consideration. I care еще for personality but obviously, I couldn't be with someone that I don't find the least bit attractive. I think they're all decent looking, better than the average man so it's really who I think are ''husband material''.

10. John Smith
He doesn't look like he's got a mind of his own, he'll just agree with everything I say without really understanding me. I usually like people who just speak up their mind,...
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added by peteandco