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Merida and Ariel have very similar characteristics with similar goals, stories, and mistakes. They are both fiery, spirited, stubborn, headstrong, rebellious, foolish, careless, inconsiderate, look-before-they-leap types. They both rebel against an overprotective, overbearing parent. They both go after what they want without considering (or caring) about the consequences. Merida wants her freedom to ride and shoot arrows as much as her сердце desires. Ariel wants to explore the surface and live among humans.

However, many of the same people that praise Ariel for overcoming oppression and going after what she wants will condemn Merida for being whiny and selfish. People who take Ariel's side against her father will condemn Merida for having the audacity to argue with her mother.

To save time and energy, I'm just going to post some Комментарии various users have made about Merida and just refute them here.

Reflection11: Merida. “… Also she whiny and complains. Your mom cares about Ты so much and she has done a lot for Ты so, BE THANKFUL!” Ariel. “I Любовь that she fights for what she believes in. And how she is adventurous, rebellious,...”

Stop right there.

So, when Merida rejects the wishes of an overbearing parent, she’s an ungrateful whiner that doesn’t appreciate what her mom does for her? But when Ariel does the same to her dad, she’s an admirable go-getter that’s just sticking up for what she believes in?

Silverrose1991: "Elinor, while strict, was only looking after she thought were her daugther's best interests."

So was Triton. Honestly, if you're going to give Elinor a pass for having Merida's best interest at heart, and condemn Merida for not appreciating her, then Ты should also give Triton a pass for also having Ariel's best interest at сердце and condemn her for not appreciating him either. As Triton himself says: "Do Ты think I want to see my youngest daughter snared on some fish-eater's hook?" Ariel: "I'm sixteen years old! I'm not a child." I'd scold her for that tone too.

I'll also argue that Triton gives Ariel even еще freedom than Elinor gives Merida, so I actually think she has еще reason to rebel than Ariel.

KataraLover: "But I feel like there could be еще to the story with Merida than there is Ariel and Jasmine. Ariel is rebelling because she's fighting against the injustice of the human race, a very noble cause because they don't truly know that all humans are evil. She also rebels because of how her father is protective of her because of her mother....

...Merida on the other hand gets to go out, shoot arrows, climb mountains, and ride Лошади a lot, WAY еще than жасмин has ever done. Merida doesn't have much depth to her because she was rebellious even before the whole forced into marriage thing."

Tygers_Eye: "...No offense, but did Ты watch the movie? Yes, she's rebellious, because her mom constantly polices her every word and action and tries to force her to be the exact opposite of how she is.

"The film establishes Merida as a very athletic, combative, hot-blooded girl that loves archery, sword fighting, horseback riding, wilderness survival, rock-climbing, and other physically exerting activities. Her mother expects her to discard it all completely and be calm, graceful, dainty, delicate, polite, studious, domestic, diplomatic, etc. To that end, her mom constantly monitors and nitpicks at her. The еще her mother tries to force these standards on her, the еще Merida rejects them.

"Honestly, Ariel had plenty of freedom to go and do whatever she wanted as long as she stayed away from the surface, and жасмин seemed to have a decent amount of freedom as a princess living in luxury as long as she stayed inside the palace walls. Sure, they couldn't physically GO where they wanted, but Merida's very personality and every waking moment was constantly monitored and policed. (Except Sundays, apparently.) Honestly, I think Merida would *kill* for the freedom that Ariel and Jasmine, или at least Ariel had."

Also, I really want to address that “Ariel is rebelling because she's fighting against the injustice of the human race, a very noble cause because they don't truly know that all humans are evil” part. I really, strongly disagree. Nobility implies highly admirable goals and virtues, but Ariel secretly breaks her father’s law regarding the surface because it’s something SHE'S interested in. It's rebellion born of self-interest and self-fulfillment, not better the world for other people. If she publically fought her father’s law so other merpeople could enjoy the surface without worry, I might call it “noble.” But she doesn’t. If her father’s prejudice actively hurt humans, I might call it “noble.” However, whether he likes them или not does not make a difference to humans’ everyday lives since most don’t know merpeople exist. If he was actively malicious because of his prejudice, like sinking ships или drowning them, her rebellion would be “a very noble cause.” But it’s not. She likes the surface and humans, her dad says no, so she just does it anyway. Honestly, it’s not much different from a girl liking punk rock, but her father refuses to let her listen to the music, go to the concerts, или associate with punk-rockers because he thinks the evils of rock Музыка with corrupt his little girl and lead to drugs, sex and death, and she just keeps listening, going to the concerts, and trying to дата one anyway. Only Triton legitimately fears for his daughter's life because he really thinks humans will kill her.

Now I'm going to address the медведь in the room: Merida trying to change her mother instead of trying to change herself.

Swanpride: "Merida wanted to deliberately mess with the mind of her mother...which in my eyes is MUCH WORSE than just turning her into a bear."

Silverrose1991: "I think purposefully changing your mother (even if not in the way Ты wanted) is wose than unknowingly affect others with changing yourself."

These are legitimate points. Trying to change her mom without her consent is a legitimately awful and selfish thing to do.

However,I've often seen Ariel changing herself being called brave, selfless, whatever. Ah, no. Not brave. Ariel changing herself was reckless and stupid to the extreme since Ursula was obviously, notoriously evil, gave her an impossible task of winning some schmuck's сердце and lips in three days, and Ariel quite literally gambled and signed her life away on such impossible odds. Not to mention that doing it was still selfish since leaving would worry and sadden her family, since just disappearing one день without letting them know where she was going would be leave them forever wondering what happened to her. Either Ariel didn't consider how her absence would affect her family, which is selfish, или she did consider and just decided that her desire was еще important, which is also selfish. But hey. As long as Ariel gets what Ariel wants, everyone else can twist in the wind for all she cares.

I'll also try to play Devil's Advocate in regards to Merida, because while trying to change her mom was legitimately wrong, I don't think it's this all-horrible black hole of morality evil act that sucks in everything else about her as a character, nor do I think Ariel's change all that innocent and selfless by comparison.

Tygers_Eye: "To be fair, [Merida's] mother was trying to change her every секунда of every день too. Constantly correcting her every word, thought and action, constantly trying to mold her into the type of daughter and princess she wanted, and tried to force her to marry a complete stranger against her will when she wasn't ready. Every time Merida tried to talk или resist, her mother would медведь down harder on her and tighten her restrictions harder and harder until Merida couldn't breathe; both literally and figuratively. It's pretty clear that when Merida says 'change' what she means is 'less strict.'"

Silverrose1991: "In regards to the Merida-Elinor relationship, my point is that I don't like Merida using magic to change her mother."

Tygers_Eye: "So... it's all right to change someone as long as Ты don't use magic? The end result is the same, the person has changed. Whether one forces it through constant behavior correcting или magic, the person still winds up different from before.

"Elinor was the instigator by constantly trying to force Merida to change, would not let up no matter how much she tried to resist или reason, and would not compromise no matter how much Merida begged, so I can kind of see where she kind of felt she was at the end of her rope. Should she let her mom force her into a marriage she wasn't ready for and give up the life she loved, или try to get her mom to change her mind about the marriage by being less strict and unrelenting?"

Also, while many feel it's too little too late, Merida still learns to genuinely regret and apologize for her actions. When it seems like her mom will be a медведь forever, Merida breaks down sobbing: "I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I did this to you." Not just for making her mom a bear, which many grudgingly grant her, but genuinely apologize for trying to change her mom at all. During their worst fight, when Merida really thought her mom didn't care about her, she cried: "You're never there for me! All Ты care about is what Ты want!" At the end, when it seems her mum will be a медведь forever, Merida hugs her mom and sobs: "You were always there for me! You've never дана up on me... I want Ты back!" In other words, she realizes she never should have tried to change her mom, since her mom was always fine the way she was, and wishes for her mom back exactly the way she was, strict and all.

I can't say the same for Ariel, who never seems sorry that she got involved with the Sea Witch, only sorry that she Остаться в живых / got caught. When Ursula reveals their deal to Triton, she says: "Daddy, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I didn't know!" Didn't mean to? Do what? Accept the eels' offer to see Ursula, listen to her spiel, sign the contract. Oh yes Ты did mean to. Didn't know? Didn't know what? That Ursula is a notoriously evil, untrustworthy sea witch? That she turns her customers into polyps and as Ты saw her garden is full to bursting? That she intended to enslave Ты as she told Ты the terms of the contract? That she was eager to have Ты since she сказал(-а) "You'll belong TO ME!" enthusiastically and practically screamed "Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her boys! THE BOSS IS ON A ROLL!" just before Ты signed it, and Ursula was ecstatic to get the contract after Ты signed it? Ты didn't know? Yeah right! Ты knew, but Ты didn't care, signed the contract anyway, and got yourself in trouble. Now you're sorry that it's come back to bite you.

After Triton trades his life for hers, I honestly expect her to say "What have I done?" since, when all is сказал(-а) and done, Ariel made the decision to go to Ursula, listen to the risks, and sign the contract anyway. Yeah, Ты can argue that Ursula "manipulated" her, but she did not force her to sign anything. Ariel did that of her own volition. And then her father paid the price. Yet, every time I watch that scene, I don't know why, but I feel surprised when she instead glares at Ursula and cries "YOU MONSTER!" Okay, don't admit responsibility for your actions. Completely blame her. That's the mature, selfless thing to do.

Then, of course, Ariel never apologizes или takes responsibility for what happened. After it's all over, she just goes back to mooning over Eric like she was before it happened. No lessons или regrets here.

IN CONCLUSION: Both Merida and Ariel do selfish things in their quest to get what they want, rebel against and underappreciate the efforts of an overbearing parent, and hurt others in their by accepting a potion by a witch to "change" someone. However, where Ariel often gets excused, praised или glorified for her behavior and actions, Merida if often completely condemned. For reasons I discussed in this article, I think this is a wee bit of a double-standard that deserves some thinking about.
posted by krissy1996

A petition is starting and I need your help! There are five women who are part of the "Disney Animated Characters" who I believe deserve to become known as a "Disney Princesses". When I am done with the petition I will be sending a letter to Дисней Productions.

I will start with Kida(Kidagakish), Princess of Atlantis from "Atlantis:The Остаться в живых Empire" and "Atlantis:Milo's Return". Далее there is Esmerala, Princess of the Paris Gypsies from "The Hunchback of Notre Dame 1 & 2". Then there is Meg(Megara), married to Hercules(Prince of Gods) from "Hercules". Some would...
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I might not be black, или have dimples and I may don't have blach hair, but in Tianas eyes I saw me. She is an amazing character who works hard to get that she wants. Her movie is amazing all that travelling to tastes and jazz Музыка of 1920 makes Ты feel that Ты are there, even If Ты have never come there, believe me I never had the change to see how those people lived and enjoy jazz music. I find all this with the princess of 20th century amazing, cause it shows us that a princess can exist in every time period. The friendship she has with шарлотка, шарлотта it shows us that friend can be with any...
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My personal list:

10. Pocahontas & John Smith

Sorry for some еще Pocahontas bashing, I am not doing it on purpose. They're the only couple I'm not fond of at all. The relationship only seems passionate to me. John Smith's fast change of mind wasn't believable at all. A lot of scenes were awkward for me to watch. Like when Kocoum saw John & Poca Поцелуи and when she admitted she loved John to everyone at the worst time possible. Plus, John Smith would've shot Pocahontas if she wasn't beautiful. I just see them as two hot people who lust over each other and John Smith doesn't even...
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When dimitri_is_hot made her Список of the Дисней Princes she'd settle down with I figured I'd do it too but with the Дисней Princesses. It took a lot of thought to figure it out. Anyway please Комментарий about what Ты think and please keep in mind this is just my opinion.


I honestly don't think we would have any chemistry. Me and her don't really have anything in common, other than feeling like people treat us like we're still children, but other than that nothing really. I'm outspoken and a little rebellious while she's dependent and does what she's told. For me I prefer to have...
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 10th Place
10th Place
Series so far:

Favourite Ballgowns: link

Favourite Formal Dresses: link

10) Mulan's Green / Multi-coloured Dress

I don't like this dress. The вверх green part really Форс-мажоры her so does the red sash. But the rest of the colours doesn't do her any favours.

9) Aurora's Cottage / Forest Dress

This is proof that Aurora looks good in any thing. It's a very plain dull looking dress, but Aurora's graceful movements and natural beauty make it seem elegant. But I can't put it any higher because the grey makes it too dreary!

8) Snow White's Forest Dress

I don't like the back-collar high neck piece. The юбка is...
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Here is the Фан of the месяц Interview with DsnyPrincess!

1. Congratulations for being November Фан of the Month! How did Ты feel?
I feel very honored and overwhelmed. I 'm also so surprised that people voted for me because I Любовь this site and I'm always on this club!

2. How did Ты first get on Fanpop and Дисней Princess spot?
Well I was looking up Princess Тесты to Показать my family how much I knew about the Princesses and saw what else Ты could do and I just thought "Perfect!"

3. What is your Избранное activity on Fanpop?
Defiantly the polls, I just Любовь having my opinions being voiced!

4. Is...
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 Before Belle’s eyes was a monster unlike any other. Staring at her, with his fangs and cruel eyes, he inflicted fear on Belle.
Before Belle’s eyes was a monster unlike any other. Staring at her, with his fangs and cruel eyes, he inflicted fear on Belle.
Назад part

Before Belle’s eyes was a monster unlike any other. Staring at her, with his fangs and cruel eyes, he inflicted fear on Belle. A fear she’s never felt before. At the moment, she wished she was in the безопасно, сейф and warm arms of her love. This monster stared at her, intent on killing her или at least hurting her. He had blamed her for his form now. He had blamed Beast for his fall to the deep dark unknown almost a год ago. Yet, he had been grateful to the witch who had transformed him into this monster, so he was able to seek his revenge on the two.
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Young Stars Edition

Snow White-Selena Gomez

Cinderella-Bridgit Mendller

Aurora-Jennette McCurdy

Ariel-Ariana Grande

Belle-Anna Popplewell

Jasmine-Melinda Shankar

Pocahontas-Q'orianka Kilcher

Mulan-Ashley Argota

Tiana-Keke Palmer

Rapunzel-Annasophia Robb
posted by starlight77
As usual, lessons were unbearable to Lizzie. She had been doing the same things repeatedly since she was six years old and little had changed. It always started the same. The headmaster would have Elizabeth and her lady-in-waiting Cornelia have чай and then they would start with a geography and literature lesson that Elizabeth didn't mind. Далее came the unbearable part. Learning proper party protocol или dealing with Фаны или dancing. None of this Elizabeth particularly enjoyed (especially dancing) but at least she didn't have to learn about the 40 different utensils for eating one meal. She...
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With one dress per princess, this is not in any perticular order of which i like best

Snow White: Yellow dress
With only two dresses in the film my fav has got to be the yellow one. it fits her well and matches her skin tone nicely.

Cinderella: Wedding dress
White looks so good on her so my fav dress is the original wedding dress. the way it complaments the frame of her body makes her verry pretty.

Aurora: Blue dress
Her blue dress has got to be hands down my fav dress on her. blue is definetly her color, the розовый doesn't quite work as well with her purple eyes and Золото hair.

Ariel: Blue town dress...
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Hi. This is my first Статья for this club and I thought it would be logical to make it about my favourite Princesses and express my feelings about them. I have 8 favourite Дисней girls, not all of them are actual Princess, but I feel the need to share my Любовь for them here. English is not my first language and I apologize for any mistakes.

All the pictures and screen Трофеи taken from various Fanpop spots.

Number 8: Belle

I know a lot of people consider Belle to be the best Дисней Princess and have her as number one. I appreciate that, however, for me, as much as I Любовь her, she didn't make it...
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This is about Ching Lan the daughter of Мулан and Shang, her nick name (called by many) is Leah.

Leah was sleeping, it was night time the день was long with work. She woke up before her mom did to check on her horse Chun a beautiful white and black mare who was 7 years old and already strong. Leah whispered " Morning Chun." The black and white mare looked at her and nuzzled her. Leah smiled and started to get ready for the day. Mulan, her mother had woken up and also was getting ready for her day. Leah changed into a pinkish/black dress (that her mother Мулан gave to her) and braided her black hair she looked like her mother so much. Leah walked over to mom and hugged her, Мулан smiled at Leah and together the two walked down to the stable. Leah was only 10 years old and already acted like her mother and a bit like her father, Shang. Leah asked " Can Ты tell me the story again?" Мулан replied " Of course, but let me help Ты up and your horse. "

This part 1

Earlier parts:

Part 1: link

Part 2: link

Part 3: link

Part 4: link

Part 5: link

Part 6: link

Part 7: link

Part 8: link

Part 9: link

Part 10: link

Part 11: link

Now жасмин was forced to be a slave for Jafar. Luckily Alexandra and Erica hadn't been noticed, but they still sneaked into the palace to see what was going on.

They saw how Jafar tried to make her fall in Любовь with him and how it in the end worked, they also saw the boy who they didn't knew the name of who was trying to steal the lamp, but Jafar stopped him from doing it and when жасмин tried to do it Jafar putted her in a hourglass.
The monkey...
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This is my first Фан fiction ~ and I choose this story because it allowed me to use 4 Princesses (And one non-Princess) in major roles. All ten princesses have a part in this story as well, although 2 won't appear until part 2. I also tried to add origional aspects (most of which unfortunately won't come until the later parts either) instead of just directly quoting the movie. Anyways, I hope Ты enjoy Чтение it as much as I did Письмо it :) And if Ты could, constructive critisism for things to improve on would be definitely be nice :) Anyways, I'll stop blabbing. Enjoy :)


“Well I...
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My first Статья so I wanted to start with something basic. It's my opinion so please respect it and I'll respect yours :) Sorry if it's not much, I'm going to a friend's house for a sleepover in half an hour!!! :D








3.Snow White


Here's the fourth Статья for the Best Дисней Princess sidekick countdown. It covers the places from 11 to 20. Enjoy!

Places 41 to 50 link
Places 31 to 40 link
Places 21 to 30 link

20. Chien Po
People thought that Chien Po deserved to be in the вверх 20. He ranked considerably above Yao and Ling, maybe because he's the only that wasn't mean to Мулан when she arrived in the army. Also, I think he is cuter than these guys and he surprised me while beating Flora in the tiebreaker.
"Boooring! " - demmmy

"Sorry Chien Po... but the others are better." - CodyVenusTrent

19. Gus
Gus is likeable, cute...
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Sorry for taking so long, but I've been quite busy on this spot with posting new Форум posts and such, but now I decided to write about the results from the Best DP Название picture countdown and I will write a few Комментарии for each of them and where I would place them (you might recognise it from my Статья about it)! Anyways, enjoy the Статья and please comment!

10. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1)

If Ты wonder about the numbers in the little круг that's where they are placed on my Список just so that Ты know it! This was quite surprising for me that it had to go first because I love...
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I have returned after pretty much spending Рождество break w/ family (mostly my sister) and am in such a good mood due to non-Disney related epicness, Nostalgia Critic finishing Disneycember, and my shows returning while my Избранное one comes to the finale.

But enough excuses. I also took time off to carefully go over the subject for this Статья because of very good reason. What's the reason?

I Любовь Дисней SIDEKICKS!

Yes, the side characters are what make the Фильмы for me in the Дисней pics because I remember mostly their moments because they're awesome. To me, the sidekicks are the funny characters...
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Thank Ты so much to everybody who voted & прокомментировал(-а) on each countdown pick. Credit to princesslullaby, for the idea of putting Комментарии in articles. I hope Ты enjoy reading!

10.Snow White
This sweet, refined, adorable little girl might be a joy to watch on-screen, but might've been lacking a bit in the smart department. First of all, she goes into some little house that she doesn't even know who's it is, and sleeps on their bed! Really? What if they all had malaria или something? Then, even though the dwarves warned her PLENTY of times, she lets in an old, creepy lady into her house....
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posted by Princess_Ella
Hi I am new to Fanpop, and I saw that lots of people had done this type of Статья so I decided to give it a try. Here is a Список of my вверх 10 Избранное Дисней Princess eyes. Please enjoy, and Комментарий because this is my first article.

10. Snow White

Her eyes are so small and round, that they just don't look like she could possibly have peripheral vision. And the color is quite dull. They just aren't stunning and they have no depth to them.
 I do like Snow White, but she has no depth, especially in her eyes.There is nothing there, just a blank stare.
I do like Snow White, but she has no depth, especially in her eyes.There is nothing there, just a blank stare.

9. Pocahontas

They are too small, but they...
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