Диснеевские принцессы ♥Team Ariel♥

Mandisonaavaana posted on Sep 04, 2010 at 03:20PM
Team Captain-Vertika
Submit anything,suggetions,Images,Jokes on Disney Prince :P, etc,etc!!!
 Team Captain-Vertika Members- 1.ppv 2.Dreamygal 3.madisonsavanna 4.I Отправить anything,suggetions,Imag
last edited on Sep 04, 2010 at 03:41PM

Диснеевские принцессы 41 Ответы

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Больше года cromulanfav said…
What retard did this?
Больше года vertika said…
Hey,Jennifer there should be one Picture Below this line "Submit anything,suggetions,Images,Jokes on Disney Prince :P, etc,etc!!! "
so i can make that image!!and then i will tell all of them what we can do!!
Больше года Mandisonaavaana said…
Больше года cromulanfav said…
Oh, I see
Больше года Mandisonaavaana said…
cromulanfav this is not a retard!!
Больше года cromulanfav said…
Больше года vertika said…
Is this one is ok?
 Is this one is ok?
Больше года Mandisonaavaana said…
Больше года Mandisonaavaana said…
Members listen!!u hv to Give joke on Disney Princes :P for example-
 Members listen!!u hv to Give joke on Дисней Princes :P for example-
Больше года princesslullaby said…
You are CLEARLY copying my team idea. NO ONE WANTS TO BE ON YOUR TEAM VERTIKA! and you just stole madisonsavanna's screenname and just changed ONE letter!
What the hell?!
Больше года cromulanfav said…
I guess you are using Twilight quote for Ariel picture, it just includes girls here, and not boys like in Twilight
Больше года ppgbelle4 said…
^^ Plus, that joke was not even your own. Epic fail.
Больше года firegirl1515 said…


I seriously lol'd my head off right now.
Больше года VGfan30 said…
I'm sorry, I just can't stop laughing. This has got to be one of the most stupid things I've seen. This fourm is clearly an Epic Fail.
Больше года ppgbelle4 said…
^ Exactly. A forum of epic failness and where trolls roam freely. :3
Больше года fhghu said…
EPIC FAIL. Sorry, I just needed to say it.
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Больше года AllegroGiocoso said…
Больше года Straggy said…
I just lol'd my face off. It's sat over there, by my foot.
Больше года Duncan_Courtney said…
I'm sorry but...
Oh my dear lord this is just plain silly, honey just give it up and stop stealing other people's ideas/pictures/usernames alright?
Больше года madisonsavanna said…
I don't know how to react to this xD
Больше года ppv said…
I'm on team Ariel?!? Really? The princess I totally dislike?
Are you kidding?
Больше года ppv said…
Mandisonaavaana, who are you?
Больше года madisonsavanna said…
^^ I have a feeling vertika made the account
last edited Больше года
Больше года ppv said…
Is it funny?
Больше года madisonsavanna said…
Больше года AllegroGiocoso said…
This is just weird.
Больше года lepetitsouris said…
uh i dont quite understand this...
Больше года firegirl1515 said…
^^She tried to start her own team for the games I think. Tried and FAILED EPICALLY.
last edited Больше года
Больше года Duncan_Courtney said…
Lmao and the fact that she only made one team and just stuck a bunch of random people on it makes me laugh. Like seriously epic fail
Больше года lepetitsouris said…
^hahahha agreed, so does spot #4 belong to vertika or "mandisonaavaana" XP
Больше года princesslullaby said…
CAN I JOIN ?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!?!­?!?­?!?­!?!­??!­?!?­!??­!
Больше года ppgbelle4 said…
Больше года lepetitsouris said…
isnt her name ashley, not jennifer? im terribly confused.

Oh and LOL princesslullaby xD
last edited Больше года
Больше года callejahLUVSed said…
Mandisonaavaana .. what the hell is your freaking problem man! Stop being such a cheapo and think of your own ideas! What your doing is totally dog! And how do you mean you don't know how to respond to this... this is just people stating the facts!
Больше года madisonsavanna said…
It's amazing how she thought she could get away with taking my username, seeing that Madison Savanna is my real name xD
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Больше года lepetitsouris said…
^yeah i dont think she would ever get away with it... anyway, she probably just wanted attention, and attention is what she got :/
Больше года ppgbelle4 said…
^ Unfortunately. :( Still this was funny to laugh at. XD
Больше года madisonsavanna said…
^^ Yeah it was xD
Больше года callejahLUVSed said…
And has anyone noticed how she hasn't said anything for a long time?
Больше года tera_234 said…
Ha hA Ha!!!!epic fail,epic fail!!these bitches has run away!!! XD
Больше года percyandpotter said…
you spelled the name wrong several times trying to steal someone else's username, making it totally obvious it wasn't yours. wow. just...wow.
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