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added by purplevampire
added by xrayana
posted by DipperPines2010
Into the Dare Contest between Dipper and Stan Pines, the latter dares Dipper to skateboard to Greasy's обедающий, закусочной and back to the Mystery Shack, completely naked. "How naked?" Dipper asked Stan. He replied fourth base, meaning "no hat, no shoes, no socks, nada". "What about the ladies?" asked a concerned Dipper. Stan threatens to declare Dipper a "chicken for life". He also points out that Dipper will wake up to "Good Morning, Chicken", and he would also cluck "Here Comes the Bride", while holding up his middle finger, when Dipper gets married. However, not wanting to be threatened, Dipper throws...
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added by ilmb69
added by 1kowalskilover
added by xrayana
Source: Double Pines
added by xrayana
added by xrayana
added by xrayana
Source: Double Pines
added by xrayana
Source: double pines
added by xrayana
added by xrayana
added by xrayana
added by xrayana
Source: gravity falls, mabel pines, dipper pines, pinecest, pinescest, kiss, kissing, dipper x mabel
added by nessagirl5
Source: the YouTube user "Vailskibum94"
 My name is Dip--Tyrone! I don't even know why I would call myself Dipper. No one calls me Dipper. My name is Tyrone Pines and I would like to be on Total Drama, because I would like to meet new people.
My name is Dip--Tyrone! I don't even know why I would call myself Dipper. No one calls me Dipper. My name is Tyrone Pines and I would like to be on Total Drama, because I would like to meet new people.
Dipper is Samey, because they are known by their nicknames. Dipper, because of his birthmark. Samey is pronounced as Same-Y, instead of her дана name Sammy, because she is the inferior sister to Amy. If Dipper was the inferior twin, then he would have to convince people to call him Tyrone, because that's the name he was wanting.

Mabel as Amy, since they are the twins who have common birth names.

Dipper introduces his audition tape as "Tyrone Pines". He even denies having a sister. Mabel overhears this and tells Dipper to get his butt downstairs. Dipper quickly ends the audition, telling...
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added by DUNKISbigestFAN
added by DUNKISbigestFAN
added by darange