Hugh & Lisa Club
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Disclaimer: Well, obviously, I'm not the kind of person that owns real people. I might own fictional characters though, but I don't either. Neither do I own awesome Rolling Stones songs. Anyway, I probably offend someone with this, but it wasn't intended. Honestly. I just can't help myself!

AN: I would suggest listening to the song that inspired all this, Melody, by the Rolling Stones. Just to get in the "mood", Ты know...

A little bonding Melody

And there they sat, slowly getting pissed but not even thinking about calling it a night ‘cause it felt soooo good. Finally, for the first since a long, long, lonely time they had gotten together to talk, laugh and revel in each other’s presence. Hugh hung in the corner of his brand new диван, мягкий уголок that wasn’t lumpy enough to really hang in. He had that content little smile on his face one gets when being a merry drunk. The relaxed, happy expression wasn’t caused only by the booze though. For in the couch’s other corner sat his bestest of best girl friends. Her brown curly locks, that earlier that день had been perfectly done by the hair people now loosely framed her face and danced freely when she laughed – which she did a lot. All these thoughts made him smile even еще and he contently sighed before taking another sip from his drink. She had her feet propped up on the диван, мягкий уголок and her arm sprawled out over the back rest of the couch. Her wide smile transformed after her laughter into a smaller, еще lovingly smile and Hugh wondered how he could feel so relieved while they hadn’t discussed anything serious at all. They had just talked a bit about work, friends, life in general, told each other stories from their lives, laughed at those stories, laughed about the past, laughed about the present and laughed about the future. Before they knew it they had started babbling and giggling from the alcohol and they found themselves liking it – a lot.

Hugh had long ditched the куртка he had worn during the interview with the House cast and unfastened the вверх three, maybe four buttons of his dark blue blouse. Lisa still wore that stunning, floundering, silky, little недоуздок, бретель через шею dress but had left her high heels at the front door. Hugh licked his lips to catch a few drips of whiskey that had spilled from his mouth. Lisa seemed to be Остаться в живых in thoughts for her eyes gazed over, even though they were still trained to his. Before he could form a somewhat coherent sentence to ask her what she was thinking about, Lisa spoke.

“Remember that song Melody?”, she asked, her inebriety clear, slightly slurring the words.

Her eyes looked glassy but twinkled еще than he had ever seen and damn did it look dazzling. She smiled at her own thoughts about the Rolling Stones’ song. It made him smile in return. He wanted to answer her in words, but soon gave up, finding it too hard to catch his thoughts in an understandable sentence, and his voice was probably too hoarse anyway.

Instead he put his glass down on the brand new glass стол, настольные from the also brand new coffee таблица in front of him. He wavered only the slightest bit when he stood up and blinked a few times to clear the fuss in his head a bit. Even though Lisa wondered why he got up all the sudden, she laughed at his drunkenness. He smiled slyly at her but managed to stumble to his black grand Пианино standing almost in the middle of the somewhat empty Космос he called his living room. From his сиденье, место, сиденья at the Пианино стул he took a moment to enjoy the sight of Lisa Edelstein, sprawled relaxed and inebriated on his couch, wearing nothing but that stunning, floundering, silky, little недоуздок, бретель через шею dress and a small, sexy smile. Something between a sigh and a laugh escaped his lips when he averted his eyes to the Пианино keys.

His fingers started to Переместить across them as if they were discovering a lover’s body for the first time. He wasn’t surprised when he found it go even еще natural when he watched Lisa. He closed his eyes for a moment to enjoy the melody he was sending through the room. When he opened them he found her walking slowly across the room to him. The sound her bare feet touching to floor made was the exact rhythm of the song. He smiled the smile a musician smiles when he totally goes up in his Музыка или a man drinking in his lover’s every sight, every smell, every sound, every move, every taste and every feel. He was too captivated by her slow, sensuous moves to wonder how he could still be astonished by this woman.

Their eyes never broke contact while she walked to him with the finesse of a ballerina. She saw his eyes turn dark and felt a flutter throughout her entire body. When Hugh had walked over to the Пианино she had watched him in amusement and wonder, making herself comfortable now that the диван, мягкий уголок was all hers, awaiting his Далее move. But as soon as she heard what he was playing she felt like he was putting a spell on her. She had no control over her body’s movements anymore. She felt herself being drawn to him или maybe it was just his music. She had now come halfway and bit her lip when she noticed that he was equally entranced by her as she was by him. This made her feel a little еще in control again. At that moment she had felt so truly content and happy and free that she let her body drift with the music, slowly dancing across the room around the piano. Hugh followed her every Переместить and even turned his head around so he could still see her when she was behind him. He heard her softly humming at first, but very soon he could detect the lyrics in her mumbling. He grinned widely when she closed her eyes and sang aloud as if she was alone. He was captivated by her and at that moment he felt such a strong feeling of shared happiness and belonging that he needed to sing with her. She opened her eyes and locked hers with his. They recognized the look on each other’s faces and both their smiles broadened quickly. The combination of the piano, Lisa’s feet and clicking fingers and their voices sounded fantastic. Even though Hugh would sometimes miss a note when he would throw his head backwards to watch Lisa, even if it was upside down. или Lisa’s steps would go a little out of sync because she wanted do a different step или jump. And even though they would sometimes laugh out loud through the lyrics или forget some parts and replace that with mumbling which in turn caused them to laugh again, and all the Пение sounded slightly slurred.

Hugh tried to draw out the song as long as possible, since it was already late and he knew that she would probably leave after this. His alcohol clouded mind started to clear a bit but only to be replaced by a hormonal clouded one. He felt the arousal humming through his whole body. What didn’t help in the least was Lisa dancing dangerously close around him, ever so often toughing his back или shoulder, или cheek или arm или hair with just about any part of her body.

With the first alcohol induced fog gone from his brain he felt quite helpless in the obviously delicate situation he was in. Yet he still had enough alcohol in his system to have no control over the situation whatsoever. He knew that he didn’t want her to leave, he knew that he liked flirting with her, he knew he liked the prospect that this flirting had brought him, but he didn’t know if he should. He didn’t know what she felt или if what he wanted so much right now that he had great trouble controlling himself would cause an unbearable amount of complication later. She now leaned against the side of the Пианино with her eyelids slightly drooping, her lips slightly parted, the visible swell of her breasts catching the glow of the dimly lit lamps in the corners of the room. She looked the same Lisa he loved every день since he met her but yet so much younger. It aroused him to no end and he almost felt even еще wrong to feel like this about her now she looked younger. His ears had pumped full of blood and started to buzz louder every time she touched him. His thoughts were running very fast from inventive ways to prolong the song to undressing her and full body-to-body contact. She was now slightly leaning вперед so that he would feel her breath on his skin when she whispered the song. It also gave him a great view at her firm, round breasts that were slightly pressed together. He shifted on the Пианино stool. He had long stopped singing, for his voice had become too hoarse with lust to keep calling this a song performed by two friends. Not that she was keeping herself to that rule at that moment. She batted her long eyelashes and started to sway her body some more. He had to use every control he had not to reach out his hand to her waist, или hips, или breasts. He averted his eyes and kept them trained on the keys to make sure his hands stayed where they were supposed to be, afraid that with one wrong touch he would ruin not only this Невероятное night but also their friendship. And lots of other things, too.

Lisa had noticed his struggle to keep his cool and remain calm. She found it endearingly sweet and a massive turn on at the same time. She found it the most erotic thing to see what she could do to affect him, how he reacted and how far she could go before he would lose control. All other thoughts had cleared from her mind. He looked so shy with his ears and cheeks all red, his eyes staring at her breasts from under his eyelashes. She felt herself burning up when she saw this rough, fifty год old, sex symbol Актёрское искусство like the sensitive, unpopular kid in high school, making her feel like she was the most gorgeous girl in school. A mix of Любовь and lust overtook her and she found herself sitting boldly on the edge of the grand piano. Hugh’s eyes had shot up to her in shock and disbelieve and fascination and had widened even еще when she let herself fall slowly, sensuously, and sexily on her back, laying in front of him, her eyes never leaving his.

Hugh couldn’t start to describe what he felt when she made this bold Переместить in this in his opinion him so delicate situation and he finally allowed the song to finish. He kept staring at her eyes until she eyed her own body provocatively. His eyes followed her and from that moment he couldn’t stop them from roaming all over her body. He sat perfectly still for a moment until he all of the sudden got up. Lisa feared for a moment that he would leave, but instead he positioned himself at the piano’s side, at the same spot where she had jumped on it. He faced her. From her laying position he looked even taller than normal and that somewhat threatening scene made her breath catch in her throat. He looked at her, his mouth hung slightly open, as if debating what to do with her. She felt completely at his mercy. The he reached his hand out to her and she grabbed it. When he helped her into a sitting position a seductive smile formed around her lips. He still held her small left in his big right hand. It felt as if their Молокососы were burning in the places where they made contact. He then let the palm of his hand run up her arms, from her wrists to her shoulders and back, his thumb grazing the other side of her arm. His hand left a trail of гусь bumps in its past and she shivered from his delicate yet firm touch. He held her wrists with his hands and circled it with ease by using his thumb and index finger. He looked bemused at it before returning his gaze to her eyes and looking expectantly when he ran his hand up and down over her arm again. Her smile had been replaced by a look of content surrender, as if she thought that he would take care of her body even better than she did. He repeated this motion until she closed her eyes and sighed. He then pulled her arm towards his shoulder frantically, causing her to stretch her back and moving closer to him. Her eyes shot open and electricity seemed to spark from them. He lowered his gaze and watched her supple, long neck stretched because she kept her chin defiantly high. He saw her collar-bones standing out еще because of her slightly arched back. He saw her firm breast pressing against the material of that stunning, floundering, silky, little недоуздок, бретель через шею dress. He breathed against the bare skin of her neck and cervix and found two little bumps starting to form, each at the center of her breasts. He looked up again, into her eyes to finds some understanding there, that they had now crossed a very thin line between Друзья and something more, but if she wanted to return, this would be her last chance. She should know what she had started. His pale blue eyes looked questioning at her, but underneath that she found a much deeper pool of raw longing, desire and lust that made her feel so proud she inhaled audibly.

After that, he looked a slightly еще certain and she saw him allowing the lust to creep ever so slightly to the surface. His left hand moved to her waist. She smiled at him when she felt that hand slowly gliding upwards to the swell of her breast, resting at the edge of the fabric of the dress. He only let his fingertips touch it though, before going down past her waist to her hip to her back to the swell of her ass, back over her flat stomach, ever so slightly taking the material of the dress along upwards and inch или so before letting it fall down again. Even though she liked him moving his hands over the silk that covered her body, she liked it so much more if he would Переместить his hands over her naked body. She bit her lip when his hand skimmed up again, this time over her stomach towards her bosom. She expected him to stop again, but now he pressed his large hand on her body while moving over the middle of her breasts, pushing them slightly upwards. His fingertips traced her bare cervix and neck, all the way up to her jaw to cup her cheek. She pressed her face into his palm but when her lips almost touched his skin he started to withdraw. His time it was her turn to grab his wrist. Her free hand hold his hand in place with a strength he hadn’t expected. Her dark grey eyes kept looking at him when she kissed his palm, and then moved his hand so that she could душ it with kisses. He gulped. She waited for him to make his Далее move, but he kept perfectly still. She couldn’t stand it any longer. Maybe for a good British boy, they were being very naughty, but for a seasoned American party girl, they could as well been saying prayers. She wanted him to lose control. To do something to prove her, to convince her that there was indeed no way back, that they’d crossed that line. Suddenly very aware of his hand that she still had all the control over, she took it and placed it flat over her breast, then let it go. He hissed, looked upwards and closed his eyes. Lisa was about to roll her eyes. She would give him one last chance. Maybe he would slowly adjust his hand to cup her breast as a straight man should. He had ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Oh, come on..! Five. She wanted to scream out his name in frustration. Three. Please… One.

Too bad. She sighed and looked to the side, yanking her hand free from his grasp. She was ready to pop off the grand Пианино when she made the mistake to steal one last glance at his eyes. They were opened and looked at her with utter confusion, hurt and the slightest hint of anger forming all still mixed with lust. His left hand was still on her breast and when she had started to turn away he had cupped it to turn her back to face him. A scene between House and Cuddy in a similar position flew through her mind before she realized he had cupped her breast. She smiled just the faintest smile before she felt his lips pressing on hers. He kissed her, almost instantly opening his mouth and very soon slipping his tongue between her parted lips. The way his tongue touched her lips, her tongue, the inside of her mouth, the way his lips played with hers, she felt herself getting еще aroused than she would have been when any other man would be penetrating her. His hand started to knead her breast through her dress, sometimes pushing it to one или the other edge of the недоуздок, бретель через шею of her dress. He felt himself getting addicted to the feeling of her soft, warm flesh on the inside of his hand. Even еще so when he felt her nipple peaking through the silk into his palm. He stroked circles around it. It didn’t take long before his other hand wanted to feel her to, so he finally let go of her wrist slowly. She wound her arm around his neck, feeling his shoulder muscles. Her fingers sprawled through the hair on the back of his hand, gripping it softly. His free arm moved around her back putting his large hand on her bare back, pressing her to him, every once and a while making a little trip past her breast and waist to her hip and ass. She moaned, finally satisfied with the way things were going. Her free arm had moved to his chest, softly stroking it up and down. Her fingers played with the воротник of his блузка to where his рубашка was still buttoned, feeling his hot skin under her fingertips. His Kiss became еще urgent and she found herself getting carried away by his frenzy. She fumbled to fully unbutton his blouse, despite her every fiber shaking with desire. His right hand had dipped under the material of the dress at her back and was now working her жопа, попка cheek. When she finally managed to unbutton his shirt, she pushed him a little away from him so that she would be able to push it from his body. But as soon as they broke their kiss, he stepped out of her reach and tried to control his panting. He ran a hand over his face, and blinked a few times. Lisa wished she would look irritated – it had worked the last time – but in truth she looked еще confused, insecure and hurt.

He looked her in the eye for just a millisecond, but what he saw hurt him in his heart. He looked away, for he had to catch his breath, so that he could explain this. If he would start Поцелуи her again he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop again and that would ruin everything his overly romantic mind had found necessary. So when he finally had calmed down enough to talk he looked at her from the corners of his eyes. She looked downwards, and very sad. Suddenly, what he had wanted to say seemed not as nearly enough. Awkwardly, he started anyway.

“ I… eh, just wanted to, ehm… wait, let me show…” he said, all the while not looking her in the eyes, now rummaging through a box on the bottom shelf in the книжный шкаф at the Стена behind the grand piano. He took a LP from it and walked towards the old LP player on the side таблица Далее to the диван, мягкий уголок opposite of the one they had occupied earlier that evening. It started to play with a characteristic crack at the beginning and Lisa laughed when she heard the first notes of Melody. Finally, she looked up and he finally dared to look her in the eye. The both laughed, but he didn’t dare to come closer to her yet, in case her laugh meant she had changed her mind and just realized what they were doing. Instead she came walking over to him, similar to how she had done when he had started to play the piano. Graciously placing one foot before the other, all the while locking eyes with him and smiling seductively. He once again was mesmerized by her, and her hands, that she was running over her body. When they reached behind her neck (greatly Показ off her breasts) she unfastened the halter. When she saw realization hit upon Hugh she let the silky material slide from her body, leaving it in a puddle on the floor and with the Далее step stepping out of it. Hugh’s large eyes became even bigger and he absent minded ran a hand over his stubble, not believing what was unfolding in front of him. She grinned wider than the Cheshire Cat when she noticed the growing bulge in his pants. After two еще erotic steps she stood right in front of him, not touching him by only an inch. She looked up with a fake innocent face and he looked down at her. Slowly she rose her right hand, as if feeling insecure whether to touch him или not. She grabbed his блузка on one side and then her other hand took the other. Still looking him seductively in the eye, she pushed his рубашка from his strong body, applying enough pressure to feel his chest, shoulder and back muscles. He wetted his lips and as soon as he was bare-chested, he kissed her fervently, his hands running over her entire body. Finally desire had taken control over him. He couldn’t help himself when he left her hot mouth to Kiss his way down to her breast. Cupping them, fingering her nipples, sucking, nibbling on them, while hearing her moan and sigh and gasp above his head. Her eyes were closed and she had her head slightly tilted backwards. After a while he trailed his open mouth over her stomach, sometimes kissing, sometimes sucking, all the while blowing his hot breath on her skin. The closer he came to her pelvis, the еще erratic her breath became, and the еще the sounds escaping her throat resembled those at the end of the LP that was on repeat. When he arrived at the hem of her thong, she stopped him by lifting his chin to look at her. She looked down and saw him on his knees, his hands on both her hips, looking up at her with those smart, sweet, sexy and slightly sad eyes. He came standing upright and she smiled. “You are still way too overdressed”, she stated. Although they both knew that was kind of a corny remark Hugh got a gleam in his eye and let her unbuckle his belt, all the while trying to push of his shoes and socks with the other foot. When she unbuttoned his pants and slowly pushed the zipper down, she felt he hard he was. His self-control was unbelievable. Damned British gentleman..!

He gasped when her slender fingers pushed the zipper over his straining erection. He really didn’t want to rush their first time as if he was some horny teenager, but he certainly felt that way. It had been way too long since he had sex and he was so afraid that that was going to take its toll tonight and that way disappointing Lisa. She had her hands on his жопа, попка down his trousers and pushed them down, stepping even closer to him. He pushed them further down his legs and feet and kissed her shortly, intensely. Once, twice, again and again, while his hands were massaging her ass. He pushed her even further to him and felt her hard nipples against his chest, the flesh of her breast pressed gently against him. This feeling sent shudders up his spine and he felt some еще blood rushing southwards. His hard cock was now pushing against her pelvis and stomach and he could feel that her плеть, стринги was getting wetter by the second. She started to pant when he pushed his fingers under her panties and softly stroking over the wet, slick, warm area. He stroked a little harder and felt that her clit was very swollen. She put her head against his chest and licked his nipples and skin, one hand around his neck for support, one grabbing his жопа, попка cheek. He started to put his finger inside her wet folds and while stroking her rubbing it against her clit. She arched her back when he ingested a секунда finger, causing a friction between his cock, his boxers and her skin. His penis jumped upwards slightly and he groaned aloud. She looked at him and saw him closing his eyes, a thin film of sweat forming on his forehead and temples. She stood on her tiptoes to Kiss him. He opened his eyes to look at her and before she knew it, he had picked her up lifting her on her ass. He laid her down on the brand new диван, мягкий уголок and while she lifted her hips he pushed her panties down. He crawled over her and held himself up on his arms while erotically Поцелуи her. His right hand disappeared between her thighs once again, but this time Lisa slipped her hand down his boxers too and started to work on his penis. She slowly massaged the base of his cock, working her way up, playing еще with his skin. He growled against her mouth and she smiled. The pleasure she was erupting in him caused the one arm that was keeping him up to tremble. He bent a little, causing his upper body to rub against hers. She sighed and swept her thumb across the tip of his penis. He jerked his pelvis towards her. They both were panting and sweat started to form. In one быстрый, стремительный, свифт motion she pushed his boxers from his hips to the hollow of his knees. His throbbing erection sprang free and lightly touched her folds. They both moaned. He kissed her and she responded by taking his cock and placing it at the entrance of her dripping vagina. The heat that radiated from them was barely bearable. Suddenly he swiped his tongue against her inner lower lip and simultaneously pushing his penis inside her. They gasped and stayed still for a moment. Hugh was a large man in every sense of the word, but as soon as Lisa had adjusted to him, she started to Переместить her hips in circular motion, creating a building friction that they both felt in their pelvis. Every time her hips would go up, Hugh would thrust down. His right hand skimmed across her stomach, breasts, side and ass. Lisa ran her fingers and nails over his back. Sometimes lightly, sometimes applying еще pressure. They gasped and moaned and groaned while their rhythm became faster and faster. The sounds Mick Jagger screamed over the LP player at the end sounded almost the same when Lisa felt her orgasm take over. He inner muscles clutched together milking Hugh to his orgasm, all the while keeping on thrusting so Lisa’s orgasm was prolonged and thereby prolonging his.

Eventually, Hugh collapsed in Lisa’s arms feeling totally spent. Lisa welcomed his body to cover her from the cold she started to notice. After a few moments he rolled to the side of the large couch, putting Lisa between his body and the couch, wrapping his arms around her. They kissed lovingly and laid together for some time more, listening to both their Избранное song.

Melody, it was her секунда name…

Thanks for reading! - Djeem
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