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posted by whatsupbugs
Notes: Бэтмен is owned by DC Comics and was created by writer Bill Finger and artist Bob Kane. The Joker was created by the previously two mentioned gentlemen with help by Jerry Robinson and was inspired by actor Conrad Veidt. The Joker's origin was written by Alan Moore. Harley Quinn was created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini.

The Joker was prancing around his hideout. He looked around and said, "Things have been a little boring. Lets get our humor on." Joker looked around and saw that most of his henchmen were gone. He angrily asked, "Where are those lazy losers?"

Harley Quinn walked up to him and answered, "Batman captured and had them sent to prison."

Joker angrily threw a sword at one of his clocks and said, "Clock King was right about me wasting time. However, nobody wastes еще time than that foolish Batman. He has criminals locked up and they keep escaping. Why does he bother with it?"

Harley replied, "Batman holds on to the slim chance of them redeeming."

Joker laughed and said, "Batman may be a detective, but he hasn't found the obvious clues that reveal what a fool he is. He even thinks that I can be redeemed. It seems like our precious Бэтмен has an even dumber sense of optimism than Superman. I need to Показать him that I'm going to be the same old Joker forever. Start thinking of plans."

Harley folded her arms and replied, "You told me that Ты would take me on a дата tonight."

Joker coldly responded, "The date's been cancelled."

Harley said, "We need to talk about our relationship."

Joker replied, "No." Harley loved Joker, but she was getting tired of how unreliable he was so she stuck her tongue out at him. Joker saw her and ordered her to get out. Harley walked out and started heading back to her apartment. She called Poison Ivy on the way there.

Joker spent a few минуты thinking about ideas. He stopped his thinking when his phone rang. He picked it up and asked, "What's going on?"

The пингвин was the one who was calling the Joker. пингвин said, "Greetings my dear clown. Your assistance is greatly needed in a business matter of mine. A rival business has been corrupting the eloquent stature of my company."

Joker replied, "No offense Pengy, but your fancy words are too much for my immature brain."

The пингвин responded, "Fair enough. Black Mask's popularity in the crime business has been making my company lose money. Get rid of his company and I'll give Ты my Последнее collection of diamonds."

Joker asked, "Why would I care about diamonds?"

пингвин sighed and replied, "I often forget how low your Любовь for culture is. Ты should know that each diamond is worth close to one hundred thousand dollars." Joker had an evil smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Бэтмен was trying to find out where the Joker was. He broke into Harley Quinn's apartment to try to get information about the Joker's location from her.

Harley and Poison Ivy heard the sound of Бэтмен breaking one of the windows and coming into the apartment. Бэтмен looked around and grabbed Harley. Бэтмен angrily asked, "Where's your precious Joker?"

Harley said, "I honestly don't know."

Бэтмен coldly replied, "That's not what I need Ты to say."

Poison Ivy responded, "It's the only answer that you're going to get out of her." She used her plant powers to knock Бэтмен to the ground.

Бэтмен grumpily said, "I don't have time for these silly antics. I bribed one of Penguin's henchmen into telling me that Penguin's hired Joker to blow up one of his rival's business companies. I have to find out which one it is before an entire building blows up."

Poison Ivy replied, "We don't care about those dumb buildings anyways. Those greedy fools have destroyed enough plants."

Бэтмен said, "This isn't about plants. It's about saving real people."

Harley tapped Бэтмен on the head and asked, "You actually care about saving a building full of criminals?"

Бэтмен tried to talk in a еще gentle voice while saying, "Anybody can be redeemed. Cynical people, like you, think that bad guys can never change."

Harley laughed and asked, "You think that Ivy and I are the cynical ones? You're the grumpiest person that I know."

Бэтмен angrily replied, "Tell me where the Joker is."

Poison Ivy said, "Neither of us know."

Бэтмен used a bunch of batarangs to get free from Poison Ivy's plant traps and said, "I'm too busy to arrest you, but Commissioner Gordon and his team will be here soon. I can promise a lighter sentence if Ты give up willingly." Бэтмен left.

Harley faced Poison Ivy and asked, "What should we do?"

Poison Ivy sighed and said, "Lets surrender."

Harley asked, "Are Ты going crazy?"

Poison Ivy said, "I know that's not a very glamorous idea, but if I keep breaking out of Arkham I'll never get a chance to live a free life with the plants that I promised to protect."

Harley replied, "But Arkham's full of nutty dorks."

Poison Ivy smiled and said, "Then lets bribe the guards into making us cellmates." Ivy and Harley high-fived.

The Joker burst into Black Mask's company. He wore a clown mask to keep Black Mask from knowing who he was. He whispered, "I need to find a place to put up a bomb." Joker's disguise wasn't very convincing, but that was part of the joke for him.

One of Black Mask's henchmen walked into Black Mask's office and said, "The Joker's here."

Black Mask angrily replied, "That fool is too untrustworthy. Get him out of my building."

Joker had already set up the bomb, but he was bored so he sat down on one of the lobby's couches and watched TV.

One of the secretaries asked, "Do Ты have an appointment?"

The Joker said, "I'm afraid that I don't." He took off his mask and said, "I'm too high class to have the need for such a thing."

The secretary sternly replied, "You need to get out."

The Joker lightly chuckled and said, "Black Mask and his staff sure have guts. What's your name?"

The secretary said, "Jeannie." The Joker paused and felt a sudden rash of fear. He knew that he had met someone named Jeannie. The Jeannie that worked for Black Mask wasn't the woman he knew. He started walking out of the building while trying to remember Jeannie.

Бэтмен was standing outside the building. He saw Joker coming close to the building's front exit so he grabbed him and angrily asked, "Where's the bomb?"

The Joker asked, "How did Ты find out what I'm up to and my location?"

Бэтмен answered, "I did some detective work."

The Joker replied, "It's about time your brain was used for something productive."

Бэтмен punched the Joker in the face and said, "Just tell me where the bomb is."

The Joker replied, "I'll tell Ты if Ты tell me who Jeannie is."

Бэтмен asked, "What are Ты talking about?"

The Joker answered, "An obsessive detective, like you, surely knows his rival's best better than he does."

Бэтмен replied, "I know who you're talking about, but Ты need to tell me where the bomb is first."

The Joker said, "It's behind the lobby's TV."

Бэтмен ran into the building, but Black Mask's henchmen started beating him up.

Black Mask said, "You're not the costumed menace that I was trying to destroy, but getting rid of Ты is going to be a blast."

Бэтмен replied, "Spare me the petty fights and let me get to the TV. There's a bomb under there."

One of the henchmen asked, "Do Ты think that he's bluffing?"

Black Mask said, "I'm going to find out." He walked up to the TV and found the bomb.

Бэтмен said, "I can save your life and the building if Ты stop trying to hurt me and let me get rid of the bomb."

Black Mask replied, "I have a еще tempting idea." He tied the bomb to Бэтмен and had his henchmen throw Бэтмен into an alley that was blocks away. They were unaware that Бэтмен knew how to defuse a bomb. They also didn't know that Бэтмен hired a team of over two dozen police officers to come to Black Mask's hideout to arrest him and his henchmen.

An час later Бэтмен went to an empty building that the Joker was playing around in. Бэтмен walked in while carrying a file. The Joker said, "It seems like Ты live up to your promises."

Бэтмен replied, "This file explains who Jeannie is, but it's a rough story."

The Joker grabbed the file and started Чтение the contents. The papers revealed that Jeannie was Joker's wife before he became the clown prince of crime. He was a struggling comedian who lived with Jeannie in a small apartment. Jeannie Остаться в живых her life to a duo of gangsters.

Бэтмен tried offer Joker sympathy. He touched his shoulder and said, "I'm sorry."

Joker kicked Бэтмен to the ground and asked, "Do Ты think that a past life that I can't even remember will make me change my ways? The old me is gone. I'm the Joker and I'll never be anything else. Don't feel sorry for me." Joker put a bomb in the building. He walked out and locked the door. Бэтмен still had his bomb defusing skills so it wasn't a challenge to stop the bomb, but he wasn't sure where the Joker was going next.

The Joker drove to Harley's apartment. He looked around and noticed that she wasn't there. He called her.

Harley picked up the phone and said, "Hi Joker."

The Joker angrily asked, "Where are you?"

Harley answered, "In Arkham."

The Joker asked, "How are Ты allowed to have your phone in there?"

Poison Ivy answered, "Harley and I surrendered so we got to a keep a few things."

The Joker laughed and said, "You two are so lame that Ты surrendered."

Poison Ivy replied, "Maybe, but Harley and I are happy together. Despite being a clown, you're miserable on the inside."

The Joker angrily responded, "Shut up."

Harley replied, "When Ты get sent back to Arkham we can start over as friends."

The Joker responded, "I don't need your petty friendship. In fact, I'm going to go visit a different friend of mine." He did an evil laugh.

The Joker visited Penguin's building. He broke into Penguin's office and said, "Hi Pengy."

пингвин asked, "What's going on?"

Joker answered, "I got rid of Black Mask's company."

пингвин shook his head and said, "You had Бэтмен arrest Black Mask and his henchmen, but his company is still around. Somebody will likely take it over and give me another rivalry."

Joker said, "I deserve payment for what I did."

пингвин opened his case of diamonds and said, "You may have one."

Joker pointed a gun at пингвин and replied, "I'm taking all of them."

Бэтмен walked in and said, "Cut it out." He punched Joker to the ground and got rid of the gun.

пингвин said, "Thank Ты arriving Mr. Batman. Arrest this clown for attempted murder and robbery."

Бэтмен put handcuffs on пингвин and replied, "You're the one who украл, палантин the diamonds. I've been doing a lot of detective work and I found out about all the criminal business that you've been doing for the past few years."

пингвин pointed out that Joker ran away and asked, "What about the Joker?"

Бэтмен answered, "I know where he's going."

Бэтмен drove to a graveyard. Joker had used the file to find Jeannie's grave. Бэтмен walked up to Joker.

The Joker said, "Most of my memories of the past had left my brain after Ты put me in those chemicals. However, the name Jeannie brought a lot of those memories back."

Бэтмен asked, "What do Ты remember about her?"

The Joker had a sad look on his face while saying, "She was my one true love. I've never truly loved anybody since then."

Бэтмен replied, "I understand the pain that you're dealing with."

The Joker angrily responded, "Yeah right. Ты didn't deal with having a loved one be shot."

Бэтмен said, "Two of the dearest people in my life were shot. It's why I became Batman."

The Joker asked, "We're both people who became costumed fools, because of a tragedy? We truly are the same."

Бэтмен asked, "Do Ты miss her?"

The Joker started having tears coming down his eyes while saying, "This can't be possible. I'm a monster who's not supposed to have any genuine emotion."

Бэтмен replied, "I know it's overly optimistic of me to expect Ты to change your ways. I know that some types of evil don't go away. I'm not asking for Ты to change everything right now." He stuck his arms in the air and said, "All I ask is that Ты let me comfort you. We're both stubborn fools who ignore the painful past and use our tragedies to not grow up." He offered the Joker a hug. The Joker accepted the hug, but he didn't know why. Бэтмен gently hugged him and wiped the Joker's tears away.

The Joker asked, "Am I a fool for missing her?"

Бэтмен answered, "No you're not. Ты and I are equally flawed. I've been tempted to break my no Оружие rule when it comes to you, but now I see that nobody starts off evil and that's why I believe the evil that corrupted them can be taken away."

The Joker replied, "Spare me the sentimentality." Бэтмен put handcuffs on the Joker.

The Далее день Joker hanged out in Arkham's lounge while staring at a picture of Jeannie. He hadn't spoken to anybody yet.

Harley faced Poison Ivy and said, "I feel sorry for him."

Poison Ivy replied, "I feel sorry for him for for the first time in my life."

Harley sat Далее to the Joker. Joker asked, "What do Ты want?"

Harley answered, "Just trying to comfort you."

Joker replied, "I'm a hopeless case so just leave me alone."

Poison Ivy handed Joker a plant and said, "You're like a plant that hasn't had water in a few days. The plants may seem like they have no hope, but if a nice person comes around with a cup of water they can have a bright future."

Ivy and Harley gave Joker a friendship hug. Joker cried a tear of happiness. Бэтмен was watching them while outside. Seeing the Joker's soft side made Бэтмен feel proud for not taking his enemies to Arkham instead of shooting them. He didn't know if Joker would change his ways, but he knew he had the potential to improve, and that made Бэтмен smile harder than he had done in a long time.
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Source: @catslove
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Source: Esquire Spain (2019)
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posted by whatsupbugs
When it comes to supervillains, Бэтмен is the undefeated king when it comes to fighting the best villains. His enemies are some of the most Популярное baddies of all time. This Список is a guide to the villains who have dealt with Бэтмен the most over the years.


These villains have been enemies of Batman, but they have also worked with him and have helped him stop various threats. Because of that, these characters have been listed as both Герои and villains.

Catwoman (Catwoman was one of Batman's most prominent enemies in the early years, but as time has go on, she has become...
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