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added by BirdoFan77
Source: I took the photo.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: I took the photo.
added by BirdoFan77
added by BirdoFan77
added by BirdoFan77
Source: Made by artist BDNV.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: I took this photo.
added by BirdoFan77
Source: I took the photo.
added by Canada24
added by Patrick-Star54
added by Patrick-Star54
added by sweet_cream
Source: johnjoseco on deviantart
added by karinabrony
added by sarhasla
A while ago, I made a Список on my cutest characters. Now I made a Список on the prettiest.


This is pretty much my opinion on the prettiest characters. This Список may или may not surprise you


10) Applejack

9) Rarity

8) Gilda

7) радуга Dash

6) Twilight Sparkle

5) Trixie

4) Fluttershy

3) Princess Celesta

2) Zecora

1) Princess Luna
added by karinabrony
added by Fearlessdude88
Source: http://memebase.cheezburger.com/bronies?OnoBetaOptInRedirect=true
posted by mariofan14
*This happens 30 минуты after радуга Dash had been brought from Wing пони to Leader. Lightning Dust had been confined to a solitary confinement for the night after what радуга told Spitfire. Here is Lightning Dust's revenge.*

"Damn that pony!" shouted Lightning Dust in anger after getting busted and thrown into confinement. "She does NOT does that to pure Wonderbolt material!!! I will-" There was a bang on the door. "Quiet in there! This ain't a prison!" a guard called out. The light green пони thought to herself, "This is not over yet, радуга Dash. Ты may have your fill of power and glory,...
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added by Hairity
Tears rolled down радуга Dash's cheeks. AppleJack,Twilight,Pinkie and Rarity tried to comfort her but nothing helped.Finally Fluttershy spoke up "what if I got Ты a new pet" she offered."No" радуга Dash told her."He was the best one."Rainbow Dash walked away sadly.


'Well justtwo еще to go" радуга Dash said.Suddenly she spied something asleep under one of the clouds.She flew down. the creature woke up and shook its face. "Hello there" радуга Dash said.The creature smiled bright eyed."You got a name Buddy" she asked."Pikachu" it replied."Alright im радуга Dash" she told him. Pikachu...
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