"Girls I,'m going to be your teacher through the rest of training" сказал(-а) Kurenai as she looked over at Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Tenten and Temari. "Why do I have to participate in this?" asked Temari. "Well","You don't have to participate the whole time" сказал(-а) Kurenai. "OK" Temari сказал(-а) with a nod of her head. Kurenai then led the girls around a corner. "This is where we will be training" сказал(-а) Kurenai with a smile. The girls looked around. "Woo hoo", "Is this where were training Какаси sensei?" asked a familar voice. "No" сказал(-а) Какаси Hatake who was sitting a вверх a treetop. Then he looked down. "Hello...
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