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2 weeks later…

2 weeks passed since that night in the hospital, and everything is going swell. Harry was discharged from the hospital a week назад and is slowly but surely on the mend. He and Carter are stronger than ever, and have barely left each others’ sites at all. They’re very much loved up, and felt as though the world was theirs and nothing could bring them down.

Carter and Liam have been bonding a lot еще too, and have grown closer than ever. Louis, Zayn and Niall were also in high spirits, and they’ve all made amends with Harry. Everything was finally starting to go back to the way it used to be, all those years ago. The buzz around the house was overwhelming.

On the downside, Carter’s anorexia showed no signs of improving. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t keep any Еда down whatsoever and ended up vomiting it back up. She mostly refused to eat but she didn’t want to worry the boys, so she kept her mouth shut. Her depression had been up and down. Some days were worse than others. Her amnesia was very much on the mend though. Some things were still blank to her but she had a lot of help. The good thing about her being ill was that she didn’t have to go to school, and neither did Harry.

* * * * *

Carter’s eyes drifted open and she glanced at her surroundings. She sat up and noticed that she had fallen asleep on the диван, мягкий уголок with Harry the night before. She looked down at the bare-chested boy beside her and and smiled. His messy curls fell perfectly on his head and his toned torso was amazing. He was literally the image of perfection.

Carter jumped off the диван, мягкий уголок and padded into the kitchen, boiling the kettle and reaching for a mug in the cupboard. When the kettle was boiled, she poured the water into the mug with a чай bag before adding a drop of молоко and stirring it lightly. She then re-entered the sitting room where a now-awake Harry lay.

“Good morning beautiful.” Harry grinned. “Morning handsome. I made Ты some tea.” Carter smiled. “Thanks babe.” Harry tittered as Carter handed him the mug of tea. “Did we fall asleep on the диван, мягкий уголок или something?” Carter quizzed. “Well Ты did.” Harry chuckled. “Why didn’t Ты wake me?” Carter questioned, resting her head on Harry’s shoulder. “You look cute when Ты sleep. And besides, I was too lazy to walk upstairs anyways.” Harry replied, earning a giggle off Carter.

“What do Ты want to watch?” Harry queried. “You pick.” Carter said. “Well we’re not watching Eastenders. I don’t want Ты fangirling over Fatboy.” Harry frowned. “Oh it’s not just Fatboy I fangirl over… It’s Jay, Tyler and Anthony as well.” Carter smirked. “What?! Let me see these gay freaks.” Harry pouted as he put on Eastenders, much to Carter’s enjoyment.

Liam strolled into the room to find Carter cuddled up to Harry, both of them being too lovey-dovey with each other to notice Liam’s existence. “Oi, Love-birds!” Liam called, causing both Harry and Carter to snap their heads in his direction. “Have Ты got any plans for the day?” he asked. Both Carter and Harry gave each other a questioning look before turning back to Liam. “Nope, why?” Carter spoke. “Good. Because Ты two are coming to ужин with me and the boys tonight.” Liam told them. “Alrighty then.” Harry chirped, and no further Вопросы were asked.

* * * * *

“Babe, I have to go Главная now. Mum has some family over and they want to see me.” Harry sighed as Carter lied on his chest. “Okay, see Ты tonight then, yeah?” Carter said. “Of course. I’ll meet Ты there.” Harry winked, making Carter giggle. He got up off the диван, мягкий уголок and gathered his stuff before throwing on a pair of tracksuit pants and a t-shirt. “See Ты later babe.” Harry kissed Carter’s cheek before strolling out the door.

Louis entered the room. “Hi Lou.” Carter smiled. “Carry.” Louis said. “… What?” Carter quizzed. “That’s yours and Harry’s couple name. DUH!” Louis waved his hand in a gay fashion and strutted out of the room.

Rolling her eyes, Carter skipped up the stairs. She waltzed into her bedroom before shutting the door and walking towards her wardrobe. Opening it wide, she searched for something suitable to wear for tonight. She picked out a couple of dresses and laid them down on her bed. She then stripped down to her underwear and bra before gazing in the mirror. The sight before her was not very pleasant.

Her usually healthy figure had now become very scrawny and thin. Her rib-cage was very visible and her legs seemed like sticks. She bit her lip and gazed at her body. Shaking her head, she picked up the first dress and tried it on. Edging towards the mirror once еще to see what it was like on. Her expression dropped once she saw herself. The dress that used to be a perfect fit on her was now mile too big. She looked like she was wearing a duvet cover.

A tear fell from her eye. Why couldn’t she look as pretty as Lucy или any of the other girls in school? Was it really this impossible for someone like her to feel beautiful? She knew that the cause for this was her anorexia but still, couldn’t she just be pretty for once? She sunk to the floor and sobbed quietly.

* * * * *

Liam jogged up the stairs and strolled along the hallway until he came to Carter’s room. Opening his mouth to speak, he suddenly shut it again as he heard cries coming from her bedroom. He peeped in the door to see Carter stood in front of her mirror wearing a dress miles to big for her. The same dress that she had worn to the prom not so long ago. He saw tears trickle down her cheeks, which made his сердце jerk.

Shaking her head, Carter wiped her tears and tore off her dress, putting on an over-sized t-shirt instead. She sighed before gazing into the mirror once еще and heading towards her bedroom door. Liam sprinted into the nearest room and hid behind the door, waiting until Carter had gone downstairs before stepping out into the hallway.

He walked into her room and picked up one of her dresses. Biting his lip, he took the dress into his room and put it on his bed. Далее he ventured downstairs to see Carter and the boys chilling in the sitting room. He sat down and chatted amongst everyone for a short while.

“Right, I’m gonna go upstairs for a while guys. Call me if Ты need me.” Carter said, getting up off Niall’s lap and pounding up the stairs. The boys continued to watch TV, but Liam was very distracted.

“Zayn, Ты know how to sew, right?” Liam asked. Niall and Louis burst into hysterics, while Zayn glared at Liam. “Thanks a lot Payne! Way to embarrass me!” Zayn chuckled fakely. “No, I need your help.” Liam stated. “With what?” Zayn quizzed. Liam stood up and strolled out of the room, gesturing for Zayn to follow him. The pair jogged upstairs and ventured into Liam’s room.

“I need Ты to make this smaller.” Liam spoke. “Why?” Zayn questioned. Liam looked out towards the hall before shutting his bedroom door. “All Carter’s clothes won’t fit her… she was crying a while назад because all of her dresses were hanging off her. I want her to feel as beautiful as she is.” Liam kept his voice low, not wanting Carter to over-hear from across the hall. “Aw Li Li!” Zayn cooed. “Will Ты do it?” Liam asked pleadingly. “Of course!” Zayn smiled.

* * * * *

About an час later, Zayn was finished with the dress. He held it up and admired his work. “Thanks so much mate.” Liam grinned. “No problem.” Zayn patted his friend on the back. Liam wandered into Carter’s bedroom, seeing that she was no longer there. He dived onto the постель, кровати and put the dress down while Zayn scooted downstairs. “Carter I think Liam is looking for Ты babe.” Zayn told her. She got up from her current position on the диван, мягкий уголок and headed upstairs.

“What are Ты doing in my room?” Carter questioned. “What are Ты wearing tonight?” Liam asked, avoiding her question. Carter shrugged and sat down on the постель, кровати beside him. “What about those dresses?” Liam queried, pointing to the pile of dresses on her bed. Carter shook her head. “Why not?” Liam quizzed. “They don’t look nice.” Carter spoke. “I’m sure they do! Why don’t Ты try one of them on?” Liam suggested, only for his query to be shot down by Carter.

“Why?” Liam furrowed his eyebrows at Carter. “Because…” Carter trailed off. “Because what?” Liam said, attempting to drag the answer out of Carter. “Because they don’t fit Liam! None of my clothes do!” Carter exclaimed, putting her head in her hands and moving away from Liam.

Liam shuffled closer to her and pulled her onto his lap. She buried her head into the crook of his neck. “Why can’t I be еще like Lucy? She’s pretty in every single way and never has any problems.” Carter croaked. “In my opinion, Lucy isn’t half as pretty as you.” Liam told her. Carter frowned and looked at him with an odd expression. “You’re my brother; you’re supposed to say stuff like that.” Carter let out a small laugh, resting her head on Liam’s shoulder.

“Will Ты just try on this one dress?” Liam pleaded. “Liam, I’m telling you, it won’t fit.” She сказал(-а) stubbornly. “Just trust me Carter.” Liam chimed, handing Carter the dress. Carter opened her mouth to speak, but decided against it as it wasn’t worth the argument. She sighed and rolled her eyes, grabbing the dress off Liam and strolling into the en-suite bathroom. Liam sat back on the bed, feeling rather pleased with himself.

Carter threw on the dress, thinking nothing of it and came back into Liam. “See? I told Ты it do-” Carter soon stopped after she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her dress was now a perfect fit. “H-H-How?” Carter asked, an expression of be-wilderness on her face. “Zayn can work wonders with a sewing machine. He guessed the size, but it fits perfectly.” Liam grinned. “Thank you.” Carter whispered, letting a couple of tears fall from her eyes.

Liam neared towards her and pulled her into his embrace, hugging her tightly. He pulled away and she gazed up at him, a huge smile on her lips but tears still falling. Liam wiped the tears with his sleeve. “You’re going to look beautiful tonight, like Ты always do, okay? Harry is a very lucky guy.” Liam told her, causing her to blush and gaze at her feet. “Now, dry those tears, yeah? I’ll be downstairs if Ты need me.” Liam smiled, Поцелуи her forehead before jogging downstairs.

Gazing at his phone, Liam grinned as he saw a text message from Danielle. “What are Ты smiling about Payne?” Niall questioned. “Oh nothing, Danielle just texted.” Liam shrugged. “Ooh Danielle! Louis cooed. “Why don’t Ты invite her to ужин tonight?” Zayn suggested. “You think I should?” Liam bit his lip in hesitance, but the boys convinced him to call. He picked up his phone and stepped outside the room.

“Danielle?” Liam spoke nervously on the phone. “Oh Эй, Liam!” Danielle beamed. “I was just wondering if Ты wanted to go out to ужин tonight?” Liam mused. “Like… on a date?” Danielle paused. “N-No! Carter, Harry and the boys will be there too.” Liam told her. “Oh… well I’d Любовь to come!” Danielle tittered. “Great. We’ll collect Ты at 7.” Liam chimed. “Cool. See Ты then!” Danielle chirped before hanging up the phone.

Liam fist-pumped in the air before returning to the sitting room, where Zayn, Louis and Niall had their ears pressed against the wall. Their eyes widened when they saw Liam and immediately they changed their positions to casual poses. “Nosey much?” Liam chuckled. “Liam and Danielle, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” the boys teased. “Fine by me.” Liam winked. “Ooh Liam’s got it bad!” Louis snapped his fingers, while Liam just blushed.

* * * * *

“Zayn! Quit hogging the mirror!” Niall whined. “Shush Irish boy, I’m trying to perfect my quiff!” Zayn hissed. Niall crossed his arms and sulked. Louis sprinted into the bathroom and flung a carrots at Niall’s head. “Ow!” Niall shrieked. Louis and Zayn burst into laughter. “Bullies!” Niall wept before running upstairs.

“Liam! Liam! Zayn and Louis are being mean to me- Woah! Carter, Ты look HOT!” Niall chimed, gazing at the beautiful girl before him. Liam threw a shoe at Niall. “Call my baby sister hot, Ты die.” He scowled, earning a giggle off Carter. “I’m sorry! Can I use your mirror Carter? The boys won’t let me use the one downstairs.” Niall asked. “Of course Niallers.” Carter smiled. Niall grinned and scooted into the bathroom.

“Baby sister, eh?” Carter inquired, raising an eyebrow at her brother. “Yes, you’re always going to be my baby sister, no matter what.” Liam told her, pulling her into his embrace. “Even when Ты and Harry get married, and have children.” He continued. “Hopefully that won’t be long.” Carter beamed. “Wait, you’re still a virgin, aren’t you?!” Liam panicked.

“LIAM!” Carter exclaimed. “Right, sorry.” Liam bit his lip. Carter turned to the mirror, putting the last touches to her hair. “But Ты would tell me if Ты were pregnant, right?” Liam questioned. “Yes Liam.” Carter rolled her eyes.

“You look amazing Carter.” Liam kissed her forehead. “Thank you.” Carter whispered, still not convinced. “Come on; let’s see what the boys are doing.” Liam said, taking Carter’s hand and bringing her downstairs. Niall soon followed them down and they each joined Louis in the sitting room. Niall and Louis obviously weren’t on speaking terms, so they scowled at each other and sat down.

Carter’s Outfit: link

“Where’s Zayn?” Liam asked. “He’s still in the bathroom.” Louis replied. “Vain Zayn!” Niall sang. “He’s going to take ages.” Liam frowned. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” Carter smirked.

“ZAYN! MEGAN лиса, фокс IS OUT HERE!”

Zayn ran out of the bathroom and sprinted into the sitting room. “Why hello there Miss Fox…” Zayn winked before realizing that she wasn’t there. “Where’s Megan?” Zayn questioned. “We lied, now come on! I call front seat!” Carter mused, strolled towards the door. The boys waltzed in tow. “But- But- But…” Zayn stuttered as Liam guided him out the door.

They arrived outside Danielle’s house and Liam beeped the horn. He then turned to Carter. “Get in the back.” He told her. Carter raised an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?” she spoke. “Danielle’s sitting here. Ты go sit on one of the boys’ laps.” Liam ordered. “Why can’t she?!” Carter inquired. “Because they smell.” Liam laughed. “Oh I get it. Danielle’s your new favourite. I’m being replaced.” Carter sobbed fakely, pouting. Liam rolled his eyes. “Well Zayn is my new favourite.” Carter chimed, climbing into the back сиденье, место, сиденья and sitting on Zayn’s lap.

Danielle strolled out of her house and waltzed down the path. She too looked gorgeous. Liam’s jaw dropped as he gazed at her. “She looks quite fit Liam!” Louis exclaimed. “I know…” Liam seemed to be in a daze. Danielle opened the car door and got in the front. “Hey guys!” she beamed. “Hey Danielle!” Everyone chorused.

* * * * *

They soon arrived at the restaurant and everyone stepped out of the car. Zayn took Carter’s hand as they strolled into the restaurant. Will and Harry were already sitting at the table, and they looked as smashing as ever. The pair were deeply engaged in conversation with each other, but the sound of the boys’ voices caused them to snap their heads in the direction of the noise. Harry’s eyes scanned the group, stopping when Carter caught his eye. He and Will stood up to greet them, Harry immediately scooting in Carter’s direction.

“You look… beautiful.” Harry was almost speechless in the presence of Carter’s beauty. Carter knew this wasn’t true, she knew that she looked like a skeleton in a dress, but she blushed and smiled anyways. “Thank you.” She beamed. She wasn’t going to let anything get her down tonight. Harry thought she looked the complete opposite. For someone who was battling anorexia, plus depression, she was pretty enough to be a model.

Taking Carter’s hand, Harry led her to the table, both of them taking their seats. As the таблица was so big, the chairs were very spread apart. So, Harry being the cheeky chappy that he is, pulled Carter’s chair closer to him until their seats touched. Carter raised an eyebrow at Harry, who wriggled his in return. This was going to be a brilliant night.

* * * * *

Everyone had now ordered their food, and the waiters had just begun to bring out the meals. Liam leaned in closer to Carter and whispered: “You don’t have to eat if Ты don’t want to, okay? Everybody will understand.” He smiled. Carter nodded and faced Harry once more, who had snaked an arm around her waist. He kissed her forehead and winked at her, causing her to giggle, her cheeks flushing a deep red.

Little by little, everyone's Еда began to come out. Carter had ordered пицца and Chips, as it was the plainest thing on the menu. But when the plate of Еда was put in front of her, even the sight of it made her stomach churn. Instead of whining about it, Carter decided to man-up and eat some, not wanting a fuss tonight. She picked up and chip and shoved it into her mouth, repeating that numerous times.

She had suffered through a couple of chips now, and had taken a few bites of her pizza. Now, her stomach was twisting and churning non-stop. “I’m just going to the bathroom.” Carter announced quietly, earning a nod of approval as she strolled away. She entered the girls’ bathroom and ran into the nearest cubicle.

After vomiting out her insides, she took a chewing gum out of her bag and popped it in her mouth to take away the awful taste. Was her anorexia getting so bad that she couldn’t hold down a couple of chips? Sighing, she put down the lid of the toilet and sat down. She couldn’t help but let a few tears fall.

No, she had promised herself that nothing would bring her down tonight. Nothing.

Everyone else was enjoying their food, some еще than others. *Cough, Niall, Cough* Harry had been drinking all night, and it was безопасно, сейф to say that he was drunk. Never the less, he had noticed that Carter had been absent for quite a while now. He decided to check up on her, to see if she was okay. He strolled into the girls’ bathroom, the alcohol clearly taking its toll on him. The toilets were vacant, only one cubicle was occupied, which narrowed it down for Harry.

He tapped lightly on the cubicle door, hearing a small sniffle. “Carter, is that Ты babe?” Harry asked. “Harry?!” Carter’s voice sounded from inside. “Are Ты crying?” Harry quizzed. “N-No.” Carter stammered. “Are Ты sure?” Harry questioned. “Yeah, of course. What are Ты doing in the girls’ bathroom?! If Ты get caught you’ll be thrown out of the restaurant!” Carter exclaimed. “Let me in then.” Harry chuckled.

Rolling her eyes, Carter opened the cubicle door and Harry stammered inside. She locked it once еще and turned towards him, raising an eyebrow. “Did I tell Ты how amazing Ты look tonight?” Harry said. Carter shook her head slightly, bowing her head down and blushing. Harry put a finger under her chin and tilted her head up. “You’re beautiful, don’t deny it.” He spoke. A huge smile spread on Carter’s lips. She leaned in a pecked his lips softly.

Harry gazed at her with a dopey look on his face. He attached his lips to hers, grinning widely through the kiss. Carter could smell the stale stench of alcohol on his lips. “You’re drunk, aren’t you?” she stated. “I had a few…” Harry smirked. “Yeah, a few gallons.” Carter giggled.

Harry leaned in once more, pressing his lips onto Carter’s. She responded quickly and rolled her tongue along his bottom lip. Instantly, he granted her access. Both of their tongues battled for dominance, none actually winning. The Kiss deepened and Harry’s lips sank into Carter’s. He leaned closer and hovered over her, not once breaking the kiss. Placing an arm securely behind her waist, he grazed her cheek lightly with his finger.

Carter smiled as she locked eyes with Harry, their lips still moving in sync. He placed his other hand on her waist and hovered closer. She twisted a strand of his messy curls around her finger as things became еще heated. Harry’s hand ran up Carter’s dress while she trailed a hand along his torso. She moved slower and slower until she reached his crotch area, brushing her hand against it softly. Harry let out a moan before attaching his lips to hers once more.

“Carter?” Danielle’s voice echoed in the bathroom. Carter’s eyes widened as she placed her finger on Harry’s lips. “Uhh… yeah?” Carter responded. “Are Ты alright?” Danielle asked. “Yeah, just a couple of pains.” Carter said. Harry smirked, trying to stop himself from laughing. “Are Ты coming back out?” she quizzed. Carter gazed at Harry, who shook his head vigorously. “Oh I don’t think so… this one’s coming out of me like lava!” Carter exclaimed, grunting slightly at the end of her sentence.

Harry sniggered quietly to himself. “Shh!” Carter whispered. “Oh… okay then…” Danielle chimed, exiting the bathroom at a slow pace. Carter and Harry burst into laughter before their lips met once again.

Danielle returned to the таблица and sat down. “Is she okay?” Will asked. “Yeah, she’s fine.” Danielle smiled. “What is she doing in there?” Zayn quizzed. “Kissing Harry.” Danielle replied, taking a sip of her wine. The boys looked at each other. “In the.. girls bathroom?” Louis inquired. “Yup.” Danielle chuckled. A smirk grew on all of the boys’ faces knowing that they now had something to hold over Carter.

* * * * *

“I was thinking, maybe we could have a lazy день tomorrow? Watch some movies, eat loads of утиль, барахло, мусор and stuff like that?” Carter suggested as her and Harry strolled out of the restaurant hand in hand. “Or we could go swimming!” Harry tittered. “With the hangover you’re going to have, I don’t think so.” Carter giggled. “True!” Harry stated.

Carter reached Liam’s car and each of the boys piled in. pecking Harry on the lips, she сказал(-а) goodbye and got in. each of the boys had smirks on their faces, including Liam. Carter didn’t bother asking any Вопросы about the deformed expressions on their faces. Liam drove to Danielle’s house and she stepped out of the car. He followed her and walked her to her doorstep. “Thanks for ужин tonight Liam.” She smiled shyly. “No problem! Ты look stunning.” Liam told her. “Thank you!” she beamed.

There was a short silence. “I-I better go…” Liam stuttered, turning to walk away. Danielle took his arm and pulled him back. She leaned in and kissed his lips. The broke apart and Danielle grinned at Liam before waltzing into her house. A chorus of ‘awes’ came from the car. Liam fist-pumped in the air and returned to the car, sitting in the сиденье, место, сиденья and driving off.

* * * * *

Harry lied down on his постель, кровати and plugged in his iPod. He had sobered up a couple of hours назад and now had a banging headache. He was due to go to Carter’s at 1pm, and it was now 11am. He was looking вперед to seeing Carter, but the thoughts of getting up seemed dreadful. “Harry! There’s someone here for you!” Anne called from downstairs. “Send them up.” Harry croaked.

The pounding of footsteps followed by the door creaking open sounded in Harry’s ears. He looked up to see none other than Lucy at the door. He sat up and glared at her. “What the fuck are Ты doing here?!” Harry exclaimed. “We need to talk.” Lucy told him. “OH no, I’m done talking to you! I never want to see your face again.” Harry spat.

“Oh quit your whining Harry.” Lucy rolled her eyes, gazing at her nails. “You’re lucky that Carter’s a good person. If I was her, I’d have sent Ты to jail a long time ago.” Harry scowled. “For what? Attempted murder? Oh please! It’s not like it’s any bit worse than what Ты did to her!” Lucy chuckled. “I never tried to kill her.” Harry spoke. “You weren’t far off it! Were you? Poor little Carter getting hurt еще and еще every день by the boy she loves… What a cute Любовь story!” Lucy teased.

“I Любовь Carter, Lucy. She means everything to me.” Harry stated. Lucy burst into hysterics. “Yeah, sure! When are Ты going to give up the charity case Harry?! So Ты caused her depression and bullied her for two years… Big deal! It doesn’t mean Ты have to stay with her for the rest of your life!” Lucy tittered. “But I want to be with her for the rest of my life. She’s all I’ve got.” Harry spoke, standing up off the bed.

“Ooh look at Ты being all seductive in your boxers.” Harry sighed and sat down once again. “What did Ты want to talk to me about? Make it quick ‘cause I need to go somewhere.” Harry chimed. “Well I don’t know how to say this but…” Lucy took a short pause, biting her lip.

“I’m pregnant.”

* * * * *

Carter opened her eyes and looked around her. She turned over and tried to get some sleep again. She felt someone’s presence in her room, so she opened an eye once again to see Niall in the постель, кровати beside her. She screamed and jumped with the fright. She turned to him to see that Liam, Zayn and Louis were also in the bed.

“What the fuck are Ты doing here?!” Carter exclaimed. “Your постель, кровати is comfortable.” Louis told her. “And we know what Ты did.” Zayn added. Carter frowned and gazed at him. “What did I do?” she questioned. The boys each made kissy faces at her in response. She was still confused. “You were in the bathroom for a long time last night, eh?” Liam wriggled his eyebrows at her.

Carter facepalmed herself. “Ooh Harry! You’re so hot! Kiss me! Kiss me!” Louis teased in a high pitched voice. Carter thumped him, rolling her eyes. “One, I do NOT speak like that! And two: So we kissed! That’s kind of what couples do!” Carter argued. Each of the boys wiped imaginary tears out of their eyes.

“This is such a proud moment.”

“Our little girl in becoming a woman.”

“They grow up so fast.”

“I can remember changing your diapers.”

Everyone turned to Niall at the last sentence, giving him an odd look. “When did Ты ever change my diaper Niall?!” Carter exclaimed. “Well… um… Ты know… STOP BEING MEAN TO ME!” Niall yelled, running out of the room. Louis and Zayn followed him, leaving Carter and Liam alone.

“I’m really proud of Ты Carter.” Liam smiled as he lay beside her. “Oh please don’t tell me Ты remember me getting potty-trained или something!” Carter pleaded. “No, no, no! For all you’ve been through, you’ve been so Храбрая сердцем and kept that beautiful smile on your face.” Liam said. Carter shrugged. “I’ve had a lot of help.” She stated. Liam grinned and pulled her closer to him.

“Things will get better from now on, I promise.” Liam told her, Поцелуи her forehead.

* * * * *

Lucy put her head in her hands and began to cry. Harry bit his lip. “It’s gonna be fine Lucy. Tom and Ты will be great parents!” Harry reassured her. “But tom isn’t the dad.” Lucy mused. “Then who is?” Harry quizzed. Lucy paused and looked at Harry.

“It’s you.”

Harry’s expression dropped and a worried look appeared on his face. “W-What do Ты mean I’m the dad?! I didn’t cheat on Carter with you! I-” Harry stammered. “Don’t Ты remember Harry?! 2 months назад at the club?!” Lucy questioned. Harry sat on the bed, staring into space. “So I didn’t cheat… but wait, how is this possible?!” Harry inquired. “I’m 2 months pregnant Harry.” She stated. “Are Ты sure it’s mine?! I mean, are Ты sure it isn’t Tom’s?” Harry asked. “I’m 100% sure Harry.” Lucy said, bursting into tears.

Harry put his head in his hands and ran his hands through his hair in frustration. Lucy continued to cry. “It’s gonna be okay Lucy. We’ll get through this. I’ll support Ты and the baby.” He chimed. “Really?” Lucy’s face lit up. Harry nodded and smiled.

“So you’ll be broken up with Carter by tomorrow then, yeah?”

“… Excuse me?” Harry turned to Lucy. “You’ll break up with Carter by tomorrow, right?” Lucy repeated. “I’m not leaving Carter, Lucy.” Harry retorted. “Harry I want this baby to be brought up in a proper family.” Lucy remarked. “But children have parents who aren’t together all of the time! I do and I ended up fine!” Harry argued.

“Yeah, if Ты can call getting a girl pregnant at 17 fine.” Lucy smirked. Harry remained silent. “Look, if Ты want to be able to see your child, you’ll make sure to dump Carter today.” Lucy told him. “I-I-I can’t leave her Lucy! I’ve put her through so much and she needs me.” Harry responded. “Fine then. Don’t break up with her. Just don’t come crawling back to me when she’s dead.” Lucy commented. “W-What do Ты mean?!” Harry raised his voice a little.

“Come on Harry! I’ve almost killed her before; I can easily do it again. And I’ll make sure to get the job done this time.”

“Don’t Ты dare lay a finger on her!” Harry roared. “Okay. I promise I won’t hurt her. Just as long as Ты dump her.” Lucy had a smug look on her face. Harry didn’t respond. “So what’s it gonna be Harry? Ты don’t want anything happening to your precious Carter now, do you?” Lucy got up to leave, but she stopped once she reached the door.

“Oh, and, don’t tell Carter about this. We don’t want her knowing that I’m preggers now, do we?” Lucy smirked. “Then what a, I supposed to say?!” Harry exclaimed. “How am I supposed to know?! Tell her Ты have cancer! That you’re moving to Canada! That you’re cat died! I honestly don’t give a fuck. Just get the job done.” Lucy spat before strolling out the door. Harry went into a trance, Остаться в живых in his thoughts.

What was he going to do?

Would he risk Carter getting hurt? или would he leave her and hurt her even more?

* * * * *
added by asmaortonfan
added by mina27
added by mina27
added by xMrsNiallHoranx
added by CullenSisters-X
added by xMrsNiallHoranx
posted by a11-swift
please give the review in comments

u know that i luv one direction
cuz they r so damn osm
liam is our daddy directioner
Toy story is all abt he cares
and Zayn is breaking the tables
also collecting a no. Of mirrors
Louis is the funniest of all
playing wid kevin all день long
Harry has curly hair
luving the way the Кошки stare
Niall is always eating food
and he's always in a gud mood
ELeanor,Percie and Danielle r their girlfrinds

they r five in the band
Simon cowell put them together
N Harry named the ONE DIRECTION
Niall is not ugly
Liam is not boring
so wat if Zayn is a Muslim!
Louis is not rude
Harry isn't proud...
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posted by JB-lover999
It was Monday the 13th of July as jane woke to the alarm clock greated by the posters all over her Стена of 1D but little did she know to день was the день directioners would take over the world as she set of to school she pulled out her phone a the ring of it to inform her of a a tex message in was her friend Jill she had text jane to tell her that 1D haters had been arguing with the directioners in her school and jane ran but when she reached the red gates of the school before her stood a army of haters all the directioners were being round up and kicked out the school and the staff with there old mans jackets and ties where now helping the haters........ Part 2 coming to if u enjoyed that part 1 leave a Комментарий and let me now what u thought
Zayn’s POV:
The Далее day, we hired a фургон, ван and Louis sat there driving.
He сказал(-а) “That’s her home…” pointing to one of the houses in the street.
We were all anxiously waiting for her to step out of her house. And yeah, she did.
We had some chloroform with us which we poured it on a cloth.
She came closer to our van. I was having the chloroform dipped cloth in my hand. I held my hands outside and pressed that over her face.
She started struggling hard and kicked Niall on his stomach.
After some seconds, she was out of consciousness.
Louis сказал(-а) “PERFECT!”
Next we had to kidnap Harry. What a...
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posted by randomgirl3000
Niall: He only thinks of you. Sometimes he gets so distracted that he’ll fumble over his words или stumble up a step. The boys have to give him a slap on the back to keep him focused.

Liam: He silently dedicates every song to you. As the opening chords begin to play he says to himself, ‘this one’s for you, babe.’

Louis: He tries to get Ты to come up for a song. Every single night he fails, but he hasn’t дана up yet. “Just come on, one song!" he begs.

Harry: He gives Ты little winks and waves and blows Ты kisses. Sometimes the two of Ты even pretend to dance with one another. Cheeky, no?

Zayn: He refuses to look at Ты because he knows that you’ll distract him. Not on purpose, of course, but he knows that he is too weak to resist getting flustered. So, he tries his best to keep his mind and eyes off of you.
posted by rusher29
 Louis <33
Louis <33
*Sorry for mistakes!*

“Niall: Help!
Louis: Did anyone hear that?
Niall: Help!!
Louis: SOMEBODY NEEDS HELP! RAAH! (Pulls open рубашка and has Супермен рубашка underneath) Супермен is here!!”

“Stop the traffic...let 'em through...”

“In my first video diary I explained my Любовь for women who have a taste in carrots. Since then, I have received plenty of carrots. Now I also have a keen interest in women who like Lamborghinis.”

“One time, Niall sat on the floor for hours trying to find a way of putting his M&M's in alphabetical order.”

“I had this dream...that we had this new sixth member,...
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posted by canal
I woke up seeing Harry was gone.

I got up and walked downstairs to see Harry in the кухня with his mom and Louis.

I smiled shyly and sat across from the two of them.

"Just in time for breakfast Jen" Mrs. Styles smiled.

"I must be lucky then huh? I asked with a smile.

"How was your sleep?" Louis asked tired hugging Harry.

"Fine why do Ты ask?" I asked not trying to seem obvious.

"Can't be nice?" Louis asked with a sleepy wink.

Harry yawned and thanked his mom who put a plate of Еда in front of him.

I kept seeing Louis looking at me until he сказал(-а) "Jen can we talk?"

"Sure.." I said.

Louis took me upstairs....
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 this story approved
this story approved
Thanks to any one who read the first chapter this may be a little shorter but i don't know i don't pay attention i just get Остаться в живых in a world of creativity.

I wake up on the floor with a blistering headache.

I moan in pain as Harry grabs and my and helps me sit up.

"Jen I'm so sorry, are Ты okay" Harry apologizes his hand around my neck.

"I don't know" I say rubbing my aching temples.

I looked around and noticed Louis sitting in the corner his head buried in his knees.

Harry followed my gaze to Louis who i just figured out might have fallen asleep.

"Jen..what were Ты and Louis doing?" Harry asked....
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posted by GabriellaAdams
Ambers POV:
"Will Ты marry me?"he asked.
My eyes widen,my mouth dropped and I froze.I Остаться в живых all of my thoughts,my mind was blank.
Suddenly,"K,buddy times up!"David barged in my room.
Louie quickly stuck the ring in his pocket before David could see it.Why did he have to come in here now?
"David,not now."I told him instinctively.
"Go."I told him then pointing him out the room.
He walked out and shut the door.
Louie pulled out the ring and looked at me with щенок dog eyes.
"What is wrong with you?I'm 17!"I yelled.
Suddenly he burst into laughter,he had been joking but he still scared me.
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posted by LeoNicoCrazaiii
Chapter One

Today was the день I had to go to One Direction's meet and greet with my friends. I sighed. The only reason I had to go was I Остаться в живых a bet with one of my friends. Lesson learned: Don't do anything with the names One Direction. Don't worry, I don't just dislike them, there's a huge Список from One direction to Selena Gomez. The only band I listen to is Marianas Trench, the occasional rap and all the old incredible songs everyone forgot about. My favourite song right now is " Beautiful Soul" by Jesse McCartney.

I looked at my clock, 12:17 p.m. It started at 3:00 but they wanted to get there...
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Don't Ты just Любовь funny 1D pics? Well I know that I do! They make me see еще character in the boys. Every song that I hear of One Direction I go crazier and crazier. (For them)

I'm a loyal fan, but SOME people aren't. Most directioners like their faces. But Ты cant call yourself a directioner if Ты cant Любовь all of their traits and songs.

Some "claim to be directioners" don't even know what TORN is!

Don't Ты Judy Любовь Harry's кекс face though? Well if Ты can answer this Ты can HAVE it!!

When is Zaun's birthdate? ?

So this is my first bromance story Hope Ты like it :) I wrote this on Wattpad but I thought Эй, why not share it here? Haha if by any chance Ты have a wattpad mind giving a follow? Im @MikaelaCox99

~Mikaela Xx


"Liam!" My mum yelled from downstairs.

I groaned "Im coming!" I yelled back and blinked away what little sleep that was left in my eyes. Today was another first день of school. Why did it have to be today? We just moved to Bradford and school had started two weeks ago. So it was only my first day.

I rolled out of постель, кровати and yawned. "Ugh" I huffed and walked...
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Эй, gusy please read and coment thxx ENJOY

"Please welcome One Direction" Simon stepped of the stage smiled and clapped.
"Oh I just wanna take Ты any where Ты like, We could go out any день или night, Baby I wil take ya there,baby I will take ya there yeah" сказал(-а) Zayn pointing at Zara and smiling and winking at her. "Omg hes so cute" whipserd Zara to herself.
"Oh tell me tell me tell me how to turn your Любовь on Ты can get get anything Ты want, baby just shout it out baby just shout it out shout it out yeah" сказал(-а) Harry smiling at Ellie who was blushing like mad. Then Liam sang his bit,then chrous...
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posted by harry_ginny33
Lucy went upstairs with a smile that she hasn't had in days. It felt good to feel happy again. For once in her life, she felt good about things going in an unexpected way. She grabbed her Статья papers from her backpack and placed them on her bed. Then turned on her laptop to check twitter and all the news. The same old boring number of followers and not much news, she retweeted a few things from her favourite followers but then logged out. She didn't tweet much and that's why she didn't have followers. She logged into tumblr and reblogged some pics then logged into Facebook to see notifications...
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User: Do Ты know who One Direction is?
Cleverbot: No. Do you?
User: I am absessed with One Direction.
Cleverbot: No Ты just think Ты are.
User: Hm?
Cleverbot: Ты have to answer all my questions.
User: Okay, ask me a question.
Cleverbot: Who made you?
User: God.
Cleverbot: Are Ты sure?
User: Absolutely. Technically my parents did too...
Cleverbot: Stay out of the light, cat.
User: I'm not a cat.
Cleverbot: What are Ты then?
User: I am a human girl.
Cleverbot: What's your name?
User: Abigail.
Cleverbot: Wow, Ты remembered.
User: Of course I remembered. Who doesn't remember their own name?
Cleverbot: No,...
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