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Even supervillians still had nightmares.

Balanced on his scooter, the one-eyed дельфин leaned against the railing of the pier and gazed at the ocean. It had been years since he had last set fluke in it. He had forgotten, in his time away, how to take care of himself there.

He heard it. The soft blow of an exhaling dolphin. It was followed by another, then two more, then a few others, until a pod of Bottlenoses had surfaced and began to круг the pier.

He smiled. Lowering himself to the floor of the platform, he reached under the final railing to caress his cetacean brethren. Like all dolphins, he needed the physical reassurance; never would he admit this to anyone, of course, but he still longed for it.

But a closer look at these dolphins caused him to draw his flipper back in disgust. There was something wrong with these dolphins. They were drenched in blood. They were covered in boils and sores. They were disfigured. They had extra fins and flukes where fins and flukes should not have been.

They were mutants.

One mother дельфин swam by with her calf. The mother had a small pair of flukes where her blowhole should have been; the теленок had three dorsal fins, lined in a row. They smiled at him, sweetly, without malice at all.

“Don’t be afraid,” whistled the mother dolphin, “Twasn’t our fault. Blame the lords of earth. That means Ты aren’t too different after all.”

As dreams often do, this one shifted to another storyline. He was much younger now, and in a large pool. The entire stadium was dark, except for one, single, flaming, plastic hoop. The Ring of огонь cast eerie shadows on the walls of the aquatheatre and on the faces of his adoring public. To him, it looked like a scene from the bowels of Hell itself.

The trainer at the sidelines gave him the hand signal again. “Go through the ring!” the signal meant. But he couldn’t. He was afraid. But he didn’t want to disappoint his human! What a dilemma!

He already knew how this dream would end; it was a replay of his memory, of the moment that changed him. Forever.

He gathered his courage and, wanting desparately to please his human, swam towards the fire. It went against every instinct, but he wanted to please his trainer. He leapt; it always seemed time slowed down as he did. He could hear the cheers, feel the heat, he was conquering his fear…

The heat caused a piece of the ring to splinter, breaking off and whacking him in the eye. He screamed as he fell back in the water, the pain, my god, so much blood in the water, my god, my own eyeball is sinking to the bottom of the pool…!

The mother dolphin’s haunting, yet strangely kind, laughter echoed in his mind as he began to faint from shock and sink, losing air fast…drowning…

With a sharp whistle of distress, Dr. Blowhole woke up with a breach. He gasped air greedily as he slowed his swimming from a panicked rush to a calm cruise; good lord Posiedon, what a dream! The mutated dolphins were unsettling in themselves, but then…to relive that horrific moment, when his eye was torn out of its socket…he instinctly felt where his eye should have been. The robotic gadget that replaced it felt surprisingly reassuring.

Being a cetacean of science, Blowhole was not to keen on putting too much emphasis on his dreams. But there was something strange about this one. A nagging at the back of his mind. Namely of the mother dolphin’s words. “Blame the lords of the earth.”

“Doctah Blaowhole!” shouted one of his lobsters; spyhopping, Blowhole glared angrily at the approaching figure. It was one of his newborn soldiers; stupid and unlearned. Red 4253, he believed it was.

“Ah’m sawrry ta weke ya oop,” Red 4253 flinched under the dolphin’s glare, but still shook with excitement like a calf, “buh tha prisner’s heare!”

This brightened Blowhole’s mood quite extensively. “Brilliant!” Blowhole exclaimed, “hand me my scooter! I shall greet her, make her feel quite comfortable indeed.” He smirked; it was about time they had found a way to snatch her away without anyone noticing!

With her here, he could finally take care of a pressing matter that had absolutely nothing to do with the penguins.

It had taken years to perfect movement on land via this scooter, but now he was almost as graceful on land as he was in water. It impressed his enemies to see him like this; this captive would be no exception.

He could hear the hisses and snarls and angry meows before he saw her. She was just as feisty in person as she was on the spy cameras…even though she was still wrapped in kelp, she was still managing to injure several of his best lobsters. She was average size for an Aonyx cinerea; average coloration, too. Nothing striking about her eyes или figure, either. What did that пингвин see in her?

The выдра, оттер froze at the sight of him, her eyes widening in surprise. “Oh-ho, no,” she spat; she sounded еще angry than afraid, which surprised the dolphin, “No way, NO WAY. You…you don’t exist! Ты shouldn’t exist, Ты CAN’T exist!”

“Ah, dear Marlene,” Blowhole purred, smiling at her bewilderment, “but I do exist. And I have a great need…for you.”

He threw his head back and cackled as only a megalomaniac дельфин could.

“Oh, cut the dramatics!” Marlene snapped. Her statement caused the entire army of lobsters to gasp in shock: how dare she talk back to their leader?

Blowhole was taken aback, as well. “I…” he stammered, “…I am basking in my glory! How DARE Ты interrupt me?”

Marlene let out an exasperated sigh. “Look, just…just do whatever you’re going to do and let me go home, allright? I don’t have time to deal with a bunch of ‘ooh, look at me, I’m awesome’ nonsense today. I gotta clean out my habitat.”

Blowhole ground his teeth; the выдра, оттер had only been here for five минуты (less than that, actually) and he was already quite angry with her. “You won’t be getting back to your habitat anytime soon,” he said, “Because Ты are going to help me retrieve something of mine.”

Marlene rolled her eyes. “Oooh, how fun. Wait, lemme guess…the penguins took an invention of yours and threw it in a locked room, and I’m the only one small enough to squeeze through some hole in the Стена and get Ты your thing, right?”

Blowhole smirked. “Not quite. Retrieval, yes…but it is not a room you’ll be entering.” He pressed a button on his scooter; the widescreen Телевидение on the Стена of his secret lair illuminated, displaying a map of the globe. A section of the map – the area of ocean just off the New York coastline – was highlighted and zoomed in upon. “There is a cave in this squadrant that contains an object made entirely of a highly rare substance: gold.”

“Gold?” Marlene repeated. “Seriously?”

“What’s so hard to believe about it?” Blowhole snapped.

“Well, it’s just so…” Marlene fumbled for the word “…cliché. Why not SILVER or…I dunno…GALLIUM, или something?”

“Sometimes clichés are the most fitting substance for an object,” Blowhole replied, “I don’t know why! Now pay attention! Eyes on the big screen!” He chuffed a bit (a дельфин cough, for any uneducated readers there may be) before continuing. “It is a small Золото statue of a Kogia breviceps: a pygmy sperm whale. This statue holds great personal value to me.”

“Gift from an old girlfriend?” Marlene sneered.

A low, drawn-out sigh of supressed frustration eminating from his Blowhole told Marlene she had hit it right on the mark. Marlene grimaced. “Ohh…I’m…sorry, I guess…”

“She passed away,” Blowhole explained, “Shortly after the incident that caused…” He tapped his metallic eyepiece. “…this.”

Marlene gazed at her feet in sheepish embarrassment. “In that case, I’m sorry. For real.”

“Thank Ты for your sympathy,” Blowhole replied coldly. He turned to face her. “The cave in which this statue resides is all that’s left of one of my earlier bases. Those пингвин Друзья of yours were responsible for destroying it.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Marlene waved it away (or, at least, attempted to; considering she was still bound by kelp, this was a rather difficult maneuver), “The penguins are horrible, they crawled up from the bowels of hell, sure. But why are Ты so desperate to get this Золото statue back? Just because it’s your old girlfriend’s thing?”

“Well, partially,” he answered, then tapped the front plate of his scooter. The blue panels slid apart, revealing a small Золото nugget suspended by a laser beam. “This scooter of mine runs on gold. This bar has almost been depleted; without a replacement, my scooter will run out of power and I will be confined to the water. And I cannot allow that.”

That made sense to Marlene. She supposed a fellow like him wouldn’t trust his minions to carry out everything strictly by his word. But something didn’t seem right, still. “Why does your scooter run on Золото if it’s so rare?”

“Because I’m filthy, stinking rich, is that okay with you?!” Blowhole spat.

Marlene blinked. “Yes,” she said, “but, one last question. What if I say, ‘No, I’m not going to help you?’”

“Simple,” Blowhole replied, “Surely you’ve noticed the воротник around your neck?”

Marlene had. Just as the lobsters were tied her up, one had fastened a black воротник tightly around her neck. By Чтение her expression, Blowhole knew that she knew about it.

“That collar,” he explained, “is an explosive. This tag around my flipper –“ He showed her the black band. “—is the remote control. Should Ты refuse to help me, I will not hesitate to activate the bomb. And it would be a shame to cause that adorable выдра, оттер face to explode.”

Marlene’s eyes widened in fright. “Oooo-kay then…” she said, “…uhh…I guess I’ll help Ты go get your goldwhale statue.”

“Brilliant,” Blowhole smiled, “thank Ты for your cooperation.”

“No problem,” Marlene sneered.
 Read and review, please! :D
Read and review, please! :D
Source: me
Source: me
Source: ME
added by beastialmoon
Source: http://www.allouttabubblegum.com/main/?p=1257
Day 8

Skipper couldn’t sleep. He tossed and turned until he couldn’t take it much longer. He let out a long, silent, sigh, and sat up on the side of his bunk. For a moment he stared at the Стена across him and thought long and hard. Who would be trying to kill him? He kept thinking about Alastair, but knew he’d have to get someone on the inside to do the job. He jumped at the sound of Hans snorting in mid-snore. He put his face in his flippers and shook his head. He’d gone from a bad case of paranoia to just being plain edgy.

He couldn’t blame himself; knowing Ты could die at any moment...
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Day 2

    The день started just like yesterday. The buzzer sounded for wake up. Skipper and Hans slid out of bed, ate their рыба mush, and went outside into the yard.

    “Let’s трещина, сплит up, get a perimeter. And don’t get distracted.” Skipper ordered.

    “Who put Ты in charge?” Skipper just glared at him. “Alright, alright, fine. I’m going.” They went their separate ways.

    Skipper took mental notes of the 30 foot high fence topped with thick coiled barbed wire and the four watchtowers that could be...
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"State your name and business, или I strike." Her voice melodious and clear like a bell, and the threat in it was even еще so. Skipper's gut told him this was not someone he wanted to cross. But there was a nagging feeling that he knew her, from a long time ago, a Назад life..."My name is Skipper, and I wasn't going to attack you. You're just being a bit paranoid(Look who's talking)" Skipper told her.

But she didn't seem to believe Skipper. On the contrary, she smirked and said,"Does Ikala seriously think I'll fall for a lie that weak? I've heard that one so many times I've Остаться в живых count. If...
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posted by ThatDamnLlama
TDL's note: Please rate this one, and the others before it too.

One after the other, four penguins waddled in the darkness as fast as they could. In the front was the leader, секунда was the tallest, the third wore a mohawk, and last came the shortest.

All were confused, paranoid, and scared silly.

But Skipper got the worst of it. All was silent. Too silent. Dead silent. He felt warm breath hit the side of his head. He turned in fright, but he couldn't see anything in the darkness. The blood left his face, and he felt himself go weak.

Then he heard something else. A sound so quiet, it could've...
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posted by ThatDamnLlama
Skipper paced back and forth in the head quarters. Private was perched against the wall, eyeing him nervously. Далее to him was Rico, who was very confused since he just arrived. The only one missing was Kowalski.

"Skippa'?" Private had been standing there, watching Skipper pace for the past five minutes.

The leader ignored him.

A little еще hesitantly, Private repeated himself. "...Skippa'?

Skipper slowed to a stop and stared at Private in suprising bewilderment.

After an awkward silence, Private nervously spoke up again. "What do Ты know?"

Skipper eyed the private questioningly.

"I mean, what...
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added by Lt_Kowalski
I absolutely LOVED making this video heheh. It was well worth it in the end. It came out nicely heheh.
Пингвины Мадагаскара
This is a video that I thought it is very cool :-D And I think Ты will think it toooo
the penguins of madagascar
Пингвины Мадагаскара
it is my life
added by InternetGirl123
Source: Me
added by Sandrei
added by CatLover02
Пингвины Мадагаскара
added by CatLover02
Пингвины Мадагаскара
Fox_tamer's Request video. Hope Ты like it.
Пингвины Мадагаскара
added by SJ_waddles
-___-; Why do I like this? I don't know.
Пингвины Мадагаскара
added by King_Julien_fan
Source: 'Rock-a-bye Birdie'
"wow!" Skipper woke up, he saw that it was already 11:00 am, he hit his head, he was confused

"men, Ты aren't going to believe my weird drea-" he cut himself seeing that everyone was looking scared at him.

"yes Skipper, it actually wasn't a dream"

"Kowalski, we have to tell him, Skipper, Ты DID go berserk and started fainting everyone!"

"yes, but-"

"no, Ты didn't stop, the Вопрос is, who brang Ты back here?" Kowalski pointed out.

"I dream that I was defeated by a warrior of black and white, known by me, he once was my ally, but i to-"

"first, it was a she, and second, it was BROWN nad white!"...
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