TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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Trent's pov!
I was fishing on a huge cliff,over two thousand feet. the water was a little rough,but i still caught fish. my hook got stuck on something and i went down into the water to pull it out. i felt something tug on my leg. oh no..a shark! i scrambled for the land,but what i suppose to be a shark,dragged me into the water. i tried to swim up,but it pulled me down harder. i started running out of breath quickly. i closed my eyes as i was dragged to the cold and dark,bottom of the sea. i woke up on the grassy plain. i sat up and looked around. am i in heaven? a huge wave blew out of the water and at the вверх of a wave,was a mermaid like woman. i rubbed my eyes to make sure i was seeing clear. yup,its real. i watched the waves lower and she swam over and lied on the murky sand and put her stuck her рыба tail up and watched me. i walked over to her and sat a few feet in front of her. "hi there."i waved slightly. she сказал(-а) nothing,she just stared at me with her aqua colored eyes. "thanks for saving me from the shark."i said. she shrugged. "why wont Ты talk?"i asked. she mouthed the words,"cause i don't wanna." "oops,my bad."i said. "its okay."she сказал(-а) whispered low. "are Ты a mermaid или a human?"i asked. she face palmed herself. "sorry am i asking to much?"i asked. she stood up and she had human legs. "does that answer your question?"she whispered,angrily. "i`m sorry..i know Ты don't like to talk allot."i said. she walked towards me and picked me up by the shirt. i started gasping for breath. "why were Ты fishing and hurting poor innocent fish."she whisper-yelled at me. "well..i like to fish...i`m sorry if i hurt them."i said. she threw me down on the ground and looked away,pissed. "i promise i`ll never рыба again."i put a hand over my heart. "promise?"she crossed her arms. "promise on my life."i said. "i wouldn't promise on your life."she rolled her eyes. "why not?"i asked. "because,if Ты do,i will have to hurt Ты in return of Ты broken promise."she hissed. "okay,i promise,cross my heart."i said. "and hope to die?"she smirked. "no,not really."i laughed. she giggled. "you make me smile."she said. "i noticed."i сказал(-а) and looked at her angelic smile. she was so beautiful. her long,wavy,midnight blue/black hair flowed to her shoulders,her pale skin matched the snow like sand below her,and her gorgeous aqua blue eyes sparkled. "well,i should be heading back to the ocean now."she walked away. i grabbed her arm. "don't Ты live on land,with your parents?"i asked. "no..i was born on land but one день my parents put me in a basket and floated me off into sea. a few days later,a male and female mermaid swam and saw a tiny baby floating along the waves. they decided to keep me as their daughter and turned me into a mermaid,but i can still go onto land since i am human/mermaid."she said. "that's incredible."i said. "indeed it is."she said. "would Ты like to stay with me,for a day,to see what its like to live like a human?"i asked. "sounds persuasive,but no. i told Ты i must go."she said. "please? i`ll Показать Ты what life is like out of the water."i whispered. she thought for a moment. "okay,fine,but only because Ты want me to."she blushed slightly. i took her soft,scale like hand. she stared at my hand. i intertwined my hand in her's. she looked away and blushed madly. "now i will Показать Ты what its like to be a human."i smiled at her and took her into the big city.

I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin
And I miss the still of the silence
As Ты breathe out and I breathe in

If I could walk on water
If I could tell Ты what's next
I'd make Ты believe
I'd make Ты forget

She gasped and gazed at everything she saw. she looked amazed at how big the city was. "wow.."she whispered,looking everywhere. "awesome,right?"i chuckled. "i have to say,very big settlement."she said. "actually Gwen,we don't Переместить from place to place anymore,unless we have to move. we stay in one place because there is enough Еда and water to last a life time."i said. "interesting."she said. i took her to a fancy restaurant. she looked around the place like a small 5 год old. i thought it was really cute. when we sat down at our table,she sat up on her knees on the chair and watched everyone and everything. "is your....friend alright?"a waited asked me. "you could say she's new to this stuff."i said. "okay..what`ll it be?"he asked. "got any seaweed?"Gwen asked. the waiter's eyes widened. "um..excuse me for a moment please."i walked out of the restaurant with Gwen. "Gwen this isn't like the Еда Ты have under the sea,its regular human food. like пицца или tacos."i said. "oh...okay."she said,still confused. i chuckled and sat her down at the table. "we`ll just have some salad."i said,kinda relating to Gwen's seaweed food. "would Ты like рыба суп to go along with it?"the waiter asked. Gwen's eye twitched. i covered the waiter's mouth. "no thanks,we're good."i chuckled nervously. "i`ll be back with your meal shortly."he walked off. "fish soup? what in the hell kind of place is this?"Gwen cursed. "um..well..."i trailed off. "i`m waiting."she hissed. "its kind of like a meat. its not fish,just a special kind of meat."i lied. "interesting life style.."she said. the waiter sat down our Еда and i ate,but Gwen just stared at the food. "something wrong?"i wiped my mouth with a napkin. "what is it?"she poked at it with her fork. "its called salad,its like your seaweed,but with a little еще stuff added to it."i said. she took a bite. "that's really good."she said. we had our lunch in somewhat silence. i knew she didn't want to talk allot. but i tried to talk to her and she responded a couple of time. i paid the bill and we walked out of the restaurant. "what's in there?"she pointed at a movie theater. "that's called a Переместить theater. people pay to go watch Фильмы before they are out on dvd."i said. "what's a movie and a dvd?"she asked. "its like moving pictures with actors of all kinds. a dvd is when its recorded on a disc and Ты get to watch it at home. here's an example."i pulled out one of my Музыка cd's. "this is a cd,but with Музыка recorded on it. Ты could put anything on a writable cd whenever Ты want to."i said. she took the round piece of plastic in her hand and stared at it. "cool."she whispered. i bought us tickets to see a movie. she was very amused at the moving pictures. she was so cute when she acted like that. when the movie ended,she asked,"do we have to clap?" "no,only if Ты want to."i chuckled. "oh.."she said. i got my bike and we rode to the пляж, пляжный again. she held onto me tightly because she was really scared. "stop,please."she said,gripping me tighter. i stopped the bike in front of the beach. "are Ты okay?"i asked. "i really didn't like riding on that."she shivered. "i`m sorry."i apologized. "its fine...i`ll get used to it."she whispered. we walked around the beach,hand in hand. she looked out in the ocean and she looked extremely sad. "you know,if Ты miss being in the ocean so much,you can go back."i said. she looked at me. "no,i want to stay with find out what the world is like."she said. "but Ты seem so sad."i said. "well..that's because i can hear my mother and father worrying that i`m gone."she whispered. "don't they know where Ты are?"i asked. "negative. i usually swim off and get Остаться в живых easily."she said. "aw.."i said. "but its okay. they always know i`ll be back."she smiled. i smiled and took her hand again. "want to see something cool?"she asked. "sure,what is it?"i asked. she lead me into the water and she голубь in. i waited for a second,then the water started bubbling. i stepped back a little. she flapped her mermaid tail on the water and swam up to my feet and circled me slowly. i fell down in the water when i some how Остаться в живых balance. i saw that i had a рыба tail and i no longer was wearing a shirt. "wow..that is cool."i said. she stared at me,blushing. "don't Ты get attacked by sharks или something?"i asked,breaking the soft silence. "no,the Русалки made a treaty with the Животные of the sea to not hurt us if we give them protection."she swam around on her back. she was so beautiful. her tail was a mix of blue and purple and when she turned mermaid i noticed that there was diamonds on her forehead in a straight line. "what do the diamonds on your forehead represent?"i asked. "my parents and me. the bigger on is my dad,the slightly big and small one is my mom,and the tiny one is me."she said. "nice."i said. "follow me,i wanna Показать Ты something."she swam under water. "wait,don't i have to hold my breath или something-."she grabbed my hand and pulled me down into the water. bubbles started forming around my mouth and i Остаться в живых air. she stopped pulling me down and kissed me. she was actually giving me air to survive. i kissed back and breathed in and out,slowly. she pulled away and looked me in the eyes. i smiled and so did she. i swam with her deep down into the sea and found a school of fish. Цвета of рыба swimming by every second. i even saw some sharks. "beautiful isn't it?"she said. i nodded and kept looking at all the wonderful species. i saw a дельфин struggling to get off its back on the sandy sea floor. i swam to the дельфин and rolled it over. it snuggled against my tail. i stroked it's rubber like head. Gwen swam over to me and gave me еще air. even though it was just to get air,i thought it was an awesome kiss. she took my hand and we rode on a dolphin. it was hard to hold on when it jumped into the air. but it was really fun. when it jumped really high,i fell off and landed in coral and my hand got cut. sharks started swimming around me. Gwen went over to me and touched my hand and the wound slowly closed. i was amazed at what she can do. she swam around me in a круг and i turned back to human. she picked me up and she formed a huge wave and swam to the вверх of it. wow,this was beautiful. it was like a tube that had water on either side and none in the middle. i looked on both sides of the tube and there were рыба swimming calmly,not falling out. she sat me on the cliff and she jumped out of the tube,human again. "that was awesome!"i said. "its really magnificent what these Животные can really do. if only humans would just give them a chance to Показать they aren't monsters,but gentle creatures."she whispered. "its kind of depressing to see them get caught in fishing nets,get cooked,or sent to a cage for total strangers to watch."i said. "i know,i just wish they would find something else to entertain them."she propped her head up with her hand. i hugged her. "i know someday they will."i said. "maybe you're right."she sat up and smiled. "maybe so."i chuckled. she leaned her head on my shoulder and watched the sunset. i leaned my head on her's and slowly wrapped an arm around her. the sunset was breath taking. the оранжевый sun light glistening on the ocean below,the dolphins jumping and doing tricks in the air,and me and Gwen watching it with our feet hanged over the cliff. when the sunset,we laid back and watched the stars. "would Ты like me to drive Ты back to my пляж, пляжный shack?"i asked. "its scary.."she shivered. i put a finger on her lip. "don't worry,i wont let anything happen to you."i whispered. "okay."she whispered back. i helped her up and we walked back to my motorcycle. "Trent look,the dolphins wanna say goodbye to you."she giggled. i turned around and saw the dolphins waving their tails at me. "bye friends,see Ты tomorrow."i waved back. the three of them flipped in the water. "they seem very happy."she smiled. "yeah,i guess its because i saved one of them from dying."i said. "that means allot to an animal. if they be nice to Ты they be nice to Ты back. its like karma."she said. i started up the motor. "yeah,it is."i said. she gulped. "don't be scared,sit in front of me and i promise Ты wont fall."i said. she sat on the bike and relaxed slightly. i sat behind her and began to drive off. "this is really fun."she said. "you're getting better."i said. she put her small,pale hands on вверх of mine as i twisted the handle bars to go faster. i stopped the bike in front of a torn down пляж, пляжный shack. "this is where Ты live?"she asked. "yeah,it might not be much but its all i can afford."i said,opening the door to a crowded room. "there are three rooms. the bathroom,the living room,and my room."i said,showing her each room. "impressive."she looked into my рыба tank that sat on the counter. i began setting up her постель, кровати on the couch. "what do Ты feed these little guys anyways?"she asked. "seaweed."i сказал(-а) fluffing her pillow. she slightly frowned. "these рыба look so unhappy. haven't Ты thought of letting them go in the ocean?"she asked. "i did,but my dad gave me them when i was a kid. its the only thing i can remember him by."i сказал(-а) sadly. she walked over and hugged me. "but if Ты let them go,maybe you're setting your dad's soul free."she whispered into my ear. "yeah..i guess i will let them go tomorrow."i smiled. "you're a sweet man,Trent."she said. "thanks."i blushed. she looked up at the skylight and stared at the moon and twinkling stars. "wow did Ты make this?"she gasped. "my dad helped me with it. he сказал(-а) if i ever got alone just look up at the sky and i will always be there for you."i sat beside her. "that's very sweet."she said. "it is."i whispered. she yawned and crawled over a laid in my arms. she snuggled and pulled the blanket on вверх of her and closed her aqua eyes. she glowed under the moonlight. i picked her up and laid her on the couch. she snuggled in close to the pillow. i leaned down and kissed her cheek softly. she blushed in her sleep. i chuckled and walked to my room. "goodnight."i whispered and closed my door. she is really something. i lied down on my постель, кровати and went to sleep.

So come on get higher
Loosen my lips
Faith and desire
And the свинг, качели of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love

So come on get higher
Loosen my lips
Faith and desire
And the свинг, качели of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in Любовь

I woke up the Далее morning and put my рыба in a bowl. i realized Gwen wasn't on the couch. i knocked on the bathroom door. "Gwen Ты in there?"i asked. no respond. i opened the door and she wasn't in there. oh no,where is she? i put on my sandles and ran out of the пляж, пляжный house,careful not to spill the рыба on the sand. it was 6:00Am,where would she be? i heard some soft Пение in the waves. i stopped running and looked over at the ocean. the Пение got louder and softer. Gwen rose up out of the water and she began walking on it,dancing slowly,with her hair flowing in the wind. if the рыба didn't Переместить around in the bowl,i would have dropped it from her beautiful Пение over whelming me. she began slowly walking around the ocean,dancing and jumping into the air. when she threw her arms up,the dolphins jumped out of the water. she had the most beautiful voice i have ever heard. i felt like she was the only thing i could hear. she opened her eyes and looked at me. "sorry,am i bothering you?"i asked. "not at all. i see Ты brought friends."she smiled and looked at the fish. i walked over and poured the 5 рыба into the ocean. she watched them swim off. "you done a good thing Trent."she whispered. "how are Ты doing that?"i сказал(-а) looking at her walk on the water. "oh,its an old mermaid trick my father made up so we could fight the battle between рыба and man."she said. "that's incredible."i said. "would Ты like to try?"she asked. "sure."i said. she walked over to me and grabbed my hand. she closed her eyes and whispered something under her breath. "come on,follow me."she lead me out to the water. "but i might fall in."i said. "just trust me,okay?"she looked me in the eyes. i nodded and closed my eyes tight,waiting for the worst. "open your eyes Trent."she whispered. i opened them and i was standing on water. "this is neat."i said. "it is,but Ты have to stay calm and relaxed или Ты will fall in."she said. "but what if a акула tries to get me?"i said. "don't worry about that,they are kind a friendly sharks. if Ты don't Переместить around fast they wont eat you."she smiled. i slowly moved my foot. "that's it."she said. i walked around the ocean. "i never thought the ocean could be"i laughed. "it can be when Ты think positive."she closed her eyes and dived into the water. "Gwen!"i called out. a дельфин jumped out of the water with Gwen on вверх of it and she jumped into the air and softly landed on the water,still standing. "beautiful."i whispered. she walked over to me,with her eyes closed. she sang something beautiful in my ear,but i couldn't understand what it was because it was so soft. "what unique song you're singing."i said. "its called the ocean's tides. very silent song,i really like it."she smiled. "i think its the best song i ever heard."i said. she smiled and giggled. "would Ты like to dance with me?"she blushed. "i`d be honored."i smiled. she closed her eyes and grabbed my hand a twirled me around slowly then i did the same to her. she put her arms around my neck and we twirled in circles. i wrapped my arms around her waist and we continued to dance and twirl on the water. some dolphins were clapping their fins together,while watching us. she put her face into my neck as we danced slowly. she began Пение the beautiful song. we danced for hours,then we ran around the beach,chasing each other. i tackled her onto the warm sand. "you got me."she squealed with laughter. "tag you're it."i laughed and ran off. she ran after me,laughing. i tripped and somehow i fell on вверх of her. "tag,you're it."she softly poked my shoulder. "how did Ты get in front of me so quickly?"i asked. "i used my walking on water powers to get in front of you."she whispered. "interesting."i pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. "i`ll be right back."i smiled and ran off. i came back with a basket full of Еда for a picnic. she was building a sandcastle. "what's that?"she asked. "lunch."i sat down the blanket. "great,i`m starving."she said. i sat beside her and handed her a sand-which. "what's this?"she lifted up the bread. "its called a sand-which. Ты put anything on the хлеб and Ты eat it."i took a bite into mine. she took a small bite. "it tastes sticky."she said. "its called jelly,its made from grapes."i handed her a water. she drank it and ate her sand-which. "that was good."she lied back on the blanket. "yeah."i laid beside her and looked up at the clear blue sky. i felt the tides softly brush up against my feet. "today is beautiful."she said. "yes it is."i looked at her. a seagull landed on the picnic basket. i put tiny pieces of хлеб in my hand and put it in front of the bird. it leaned down and pecked up the bread. "good bird."Gwen softly petted it. "you must really Любовь animals."i said. "yeah,living in the ocean made me Любовь Животные allot."she said. the seagull finished off the хлеб and flew away. "i never thought Животные could be so gentle."i said. "well now Ты know."she chuckled. "wanna go to the lighthouse?"i asked. "i never been to one before,sure."she said. i took her hand and we walked on huge,flat rocks to get to the lighthouse. "Trent look!"she said. i looked in the crack of the rock and saw eggs hatching and out came small sea turtles. "lets get them to the water."she smiled and picked up two of them and i picked up the other two. we sat them in the water and they swam off. "its a good thing we did that because there are people who hunt for sea turtles."she said. we walked up the many stairs of the light house. we finally made it to the top. she was fascinated of how high we were. she stood up on the railing. i held onto her waist so she doesn't fall. "wow,you could see the whole ocean from up here."i said. "its peaceful,isn't it?"she asked. "totally."i smiled. she stepped down from the railing and put her hands on my chest and kept looking over the ocean. i blushed and put my arms around her waist. she looked at me with loving eyes and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. this time i knew she wasn't blowing air into my mouth. we were actually kissing. i kissed back and held her close. she slid her tongue into my mouth and licked mine. i put my hands on her face and kissed her hard. she started swaying and i fell on her. we both laughed and continued kissing. this was really great. we're so high up to get еще privacy,tongue kissing,and the wind making out hair fly. she pulled away slowly. "'re the first guy i ever met who had such personality. i thought i would never fall for a guy,but i kinda like you."she whispered. "i never thought i would like such a beautiful mermaid."i whispered back. she nuzzled her nose onto mine and giggled. i kissed her on the lips and laid on вверх of her and we both continued to look out into the sea.

I miss feel the pull of your heart
I can taste the sparks on your tongue
I see Ангелы and devils and god when Ты come on
Hold on

Hold on, hold on, hold on....
Sing sha la la la
Sing sha la la la

I slowly opened my eyes to find Gwen on вверх of me,sleeping. i sat up and we were still at the lighthouse. i stretched. "morning all ready?"Gwen whispered,with her eyes closed. "yes beautiful,its time to wake up."i nibbled her ear. "do i have to?"she giggled. "you do или i throw Ты in the ocean."i chuckled. she opened her eyes. "you would really do that?"she сказал(-а) hurt. "no,i`m just playing with you."i said. " what are we doing today?"she got up. "maybe we could go dancing at a restaurant."i said. "you mean that place that served рыба food?"she hissed. "no,a different one that sells no рыба whatsoever."i smiled. "sounds like fun."she smiled. i drove her to the restaurant and we danced allot. "that sure was fun."she smiled. "cause i know Ты Любовь dancing."i smiled. "and singing..but only soft songs."she said. "well they are letting people sing tonight,so go up on stage and sing on stage."i smiled. she blushed. "um..okay."she walked up,shaking slightly. she began Пение the beautiful,soft song. some of the guy's who had fishing hats on growled. what's their problem? haven't they heard a decent song before? one of them shot straight out of their chair,pointing at her. "she's a mermaid! that's the song they sing when they are near! get her!"he shouted. Gwen gasped and ran off stage. the fishing guys ran after her. i hissed and ran after them. "leave her alone!"i screamed. right when Gwen was going to dive into the water,the guys threw a net on her. she tried to get out,but the tied it up. "let her go!"i punched one of the guys. "back off punk!"he punched me back hard and i fell back onto the sand. "this mermaid should be burned and hanged!"they shouted. "Trent! save me!"she started to cry. i reached out for her hand,but the guy carrying her,smacked me in the face so hard my nose started to bleed. they carried her to a boat. but i don't have a boat! wait..Gwen's walking on water trick. i calmed myself and began walking on the water slowly. i did it! i kept calm and i ran after the boat. "are Ты seeing what i am seeing!"one of the guys on the лодка looked at me. "a good mermaid barbeque."the other guy's said. "no look! that same guy! he's running on water!"he shouted. they all looked at me,including Gwen. they all looked angry,but Gwen look so happy to see me. she was crying and calling out my name. they put утка tape over her mouth. "shut up!"one kicked her. i ran faster and faster and threw a rock in the engine of the boat. all of them flew out of the лодка and into the dangerous waters. Gwen's underwater inside a bag! i breathed in air slowly and jumped into the ocean. i looked around and there were great white sharks circling me. i swam down deeper and found Gwen,as a mermaid,struggling to get out of the bag. i swam down more,loosing breath quickly and i was about to pass out. i tried to open and bite the bag open but it was too strong. some of the дельфин Друзья helped me get it open and Gwen was free. she kissed me,giving me air. Gwen and the dolphins got stuck in a fishing net. "help!"she cried. i quickly swam to the surface and jumped on the boat. "let her go или you`ll promise you`ll be sorry."i hissed,with my fists clenched. i tackled the guys into the water. the sharks turned their attention to us. i gasped and swam up to the лодка but one of the guy's held me down. "Gwen,help!"i screamed before i was taken back into the water. in my blurry vision,i saw Gwen and the dolphins jump into the water. Gwen grabbed me and the dolphins hit the sharks in the side with their noses. they swam off. Gwen pulled me out of the water. i was choking on water. she started pushing on my chest and water came out of my mouth. i still couldn't breath from the water and shock. she did CPR and pressed her lips against mine and breathed in air. then she pushed on my chest. my сердце wasn't going at the regular beat. i breathed one last time and i shut my eyes. "NO!"Gwen screamed and kept giving CPR to me. i was rushed to the hospital. if i wasn't there in time i would have had a сердце attack and my сердце would have exploded in my chest,literally. but its not because i smoked или anything,it was because i was in so much shock. the doctor сказал(-а) i was really lucky i survived. Gwen ran into the room and hugged me so tight and gave me multiple pecks all over my face. "i thought i Остаться в живых you."she whispered into my ear. "no,i`m still here."i held her close as she sobbed into me. "Trent can i tell Ты something?"she looked at me. "anything your сердце desires."i smiled. "well....i have been thinking and...i really,really Любовь you."she whispered. my eyes widened then i smiled. "i Любовь Ты too."i whispered and kissed her. i held her close to me in the warm hospital room as the rain pelted outside.

So come on get higher
Loosen my lips
Faith and desire
And the свинг, качели of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love

So come on get higher
Loosen my lips
Faith and desire
And the свинг, качели of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me
Drown me in Любовь

Gwen and i were having our дата on the beach,having a lovely picnic. she was so happy that i`m alive. she fed me some of her sand-which and giggled. we kissed and a huge blast of lightning hit the sky. "but i thought it was gonna be sunny today."i said. the thundering stopped and it went sunny again. a huge wave with a mermaid swimming in it swam onto берег and turned into a human. "father!"Gwen ran over to the guy and hugged him. "we have been looking all over for you!"he hugged her tight. "i missed you."she whispered. "where have Ты been?"he pulled away and glared at her. "i got Остаться в живых in the ocean and i found this place."she said. "and Ты didn't swim back with the fish?"he said. "they didn't know what i was talking about."she said. "okay,i cant be mad at Ты forever. lets go home."he grabbed her hand but she yanked away. "no i cant go."she сказал(-а) about to cry. "why not?"he asked. she looked at me then back at him. "i see Ты got a little boyfriend."he chuckled. "yes..and he almost died,can i please stay with him?"she begged. "you can always come down here with us,son."he said. i looked back at the пляж, пляжный house and i saw a flashback of my dad and i playing catch. "i cant leave this means so much to me."i said. "you don't have to live with us forever,you can come up here and live and come down to visit Gwen."he said. "no,i want to stay with him."she said. "no Ты cannot."he said. "i don't want to be treated like a child anymore dad! i got a boyfriend."i said. "oh,and is he your husband? no,so Ты two will obviously break up."he fought back. i walked over to Gwen. "actually..i want to get married to her."i wrapped and arm around her. "where's the ring?"he asked. i pulled out the ring i made from perls from the ocean. "you don't have to marry me if Ты don't want to."she said. "Gwen...i really do Любовь Ты and i will do anything to see Ты everyday and hear Ты sing that beautiful song of yours.."i got down on one knee. "will Ты marry me?"i asked. "i`d really like to have someone who loves me and to protect yes,i will marry you."she smiled with tears in her eyes. i slid the glistering ring on her finger and kissed her tenderly. we got happily married under the sea the Далее day. went to my пляж, пляжный shack to have a honeymoon and she and i decided we wanted a child so i made Любовь to her. "i Любовь you..thanks for wanting to protect me."she whispered. "you're welcome love."i whispered back and kissed her on the lips,passionately. it might seem weird that i am in Любовь with a mermaid,but who can blame me? she's beautiful and talented. and she украл, палантин my heart.

It's all wrong
It's all wrong
It's all wrong, its so right

Come on get higher
Come on and get higher
Because everything works, love
Because everything works in your arms.
posted by noahking
trent and duncan were running as fast as they could from Mr. Howard [ the murderer]. they kept running till they got to the woods. they decided to make a plan. as they were making there plan the bushes moved, then a flashlight shown on them, and standing right in front of them was Mr. Howard. trent and duncan screamed and ran off in the night. they didnt stop running till it got morning. trent was worried if Mr. Howard heard there plan. they started walking and came upon a restaurant. they went inside, but no one was there. they knew Mr. Howard had been here. then all of a sudden, something...
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posted by BelongstoTrent
Feeling back.

Part 3
(A/N: OMFG GUYS. I'm SO sorry! I'm so sorry for the long time I took to do this. It's because I'm having a TONS of tests these weeks. And the past weeks, I was doing a lot of school stuff and I just couldn't find any time to finish my article. I finally finished. And I know it's crappy, again. I would really appreciate if Ты tell me what Ты thought about this chapter and what should I change and this stuff. Hope Ты guys like it. :3 So let's get this over with. xD) 

Gwen P.O.V
I AM SO ANGRY! How could he? 
I kept looking at him, with tears in my eyes, trying to not let...
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posted by noahking
hello everybody!!!!!!! this is noahking here. ok if Ты are Чтение this read carefully. CONTEST TIME!!!!!! yes i am holding my very first contest here. ok here is the contest.... i want Ты guys to draw me a picture of trent,gwen, and their family. it does not matter how many kids they have. there are no rules. yay!!!!!!! ok the deadline is november 23, 2011. Ты can send them later than the date. ummm i cant think of any prizes for the winners. if i can think of some i will put it on here. okay good luck everybody. remeber deadline: NOVEMBER 23, 2011....
posted by BelongstoTrent
Gwen P.O.V
I woke up with the sound of my alarm beeping. I was so tired... It was 6a.m!
 I opened my eyes slowly and noticed that Duncan wasn't by my side. Well, from what I know, I'm the one who leaves Главная first. God, i forgot. He might be on the couch.
 I walked downstairs and... Nothing. Went to the living room... Nothing. He wasn't on the couch? Weird. Bathrooms? Nope. Kitchen? Nothing again. "DUNCAN? Are Ты here?" I screamed, getting a little concerned. Ты think I got an answer? Nah. Not even a breath sound. Where'd he go? 
I ran to the гараж to see if his car was there. It wasn't....
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added by trentgwenfan1
posted by trentgwenfan1
carlos:shes not here anymore
trent:who are Ты and waer are Ты taking her
carlose: not of Ты bisnuss
trent: look i will look for Ты i'll find Ты and i will kill you
carlose good luck.*hangs up*
trent:*gets on the plan to paris*
gwen: trent help
trent: oh crap what hotel is she staying at*call gwens mom*
mom: WHAT
trent:were is wen gwen sataying
mom: none of yor bismus
trent: tell me right gwen has been kidnaped
mom: yeah i know it was my idiea
mom: he hung up on me
trent:finds gwen's hotel room* GWEN! WERE ARE Ты shes not here*cals gwen*
gwen:he hello
trent: gwen were are you
gwen: i'm in the basmeant in the hotel
trent: whp tookyou
gwen: i don't know
trent: don't worry i'm coming
posted by trentgwenfan1
mom: BACK OFF VAMP*puts trent in a hea lock
trent:*kicks gwens mom in the stomich*
mom: OW! *HOLDS a knif at baylor*
gwen: leav him alon
mom: if Ты kill trent Ты can have baylor
trent" gwen kill me i don't want are son to get hrut
gwen: no i won't let you
trent: then what are we going to do
gwen: maybe i can pretend i kill you
gwen:*pretends to kill trent*
mom: hahahahaha thank Ты dear here heres Ты ugly baby
gwen:thanks i still hate you
mom: i hate Ты to now go befor i change my mine
gwen:are Ты ok trent
trent: yea
trent:good night baylor
*the get home
gwen:*puts baylor in his crib*
*in gwen and trent's room*
trent:i Любовь you*
gwen:i Любовь Ты to sweetie
*they Kiss then fall asleep*
posted by tdiCat
Trent's POV
Ughhhh that stupid Lindsay. How many times do i have to tell her I Любовь GWEN.Trent: What college are Ты going to after school is over? Gwen: Duke. How about you? Trent: same thing. Gwen: awesome!!!*kisses his cheek*Trent: your sweet. Gwen: Aww thanks Ты to.
Gwen's POV
Aw man, I think I'm in love, in an awesome way. Gosh he's so nice and don't forget hot. Gwen: So, who will Ты want to marry. Trent: I don't know I'm still deciding. Gwen: between Lindsay and me. Trent: even I doubt that. Gwen: *giggles and blushes*
Lindsay's POV
OK, im ready to kill Gwen and get Trent all for myself....
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posted by tdiCat
Gwen's POV
I wake up and I see Trent asleep Далее to me and his arm around me. I felt comfortable in his arms. He woke up and Kiss me.His lips where so soft. It was Saturday so we can stay there for a while and my parents died so I live alone.
Trent: morning angel. Gwen: I Любовь it when Ты call me Энджел I just adore it!!.Trent: well, i adore you. Gwen: your so sweet. Trent: should we go to your house??Gwen: yeah and if Ты want to eat breakfast there thats fine with me. Trent: okay. wait a минута is that Lindsay?? Gwen: OmG it is her. LIndsay: well well well if it isnt Romeo and Juliet. Gwen:...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
mom: gwen quit Ты crying right now
gwen: i wont Ты wont let me be with trent
mom: gwen life itsn't fair
gwen: yea but who сказал(-а) your incarge of my Любовь life
gwen: Ты can't do that i don't lve with Ты anymore
mom: do not back talk me! now go back to your room and don't come out i will bring your ужин up in a hour
gwen: trent i miss you
trent's brother: Эй, are Ты gwen my brothers wife
gwen: yeah why
brother: he has a plan for Ты to to stay toghter
gwen: ok
(they go in*
sis: Эй, trent did Ты bring dinner
trent: for...
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posted by tdigirl3496
sorry i have not updated in a long time

monday at the doctor

hi can Ты fill this out сказал(-а) the nurs

yeah сказал(-а) gwen

what do they wont Ты to fill out asked trent

some forms thats all сказал(-а) gwen

oh treant сказал(-а) putting his habd on gwens tummy and rubs it.

so what do Ты wont a boy или a girl asked gwen

i dont know but if we have a girl will she a pritty and smart as her mother"gwen blushed"

if we have a boy he will be a babe magnant just like his daddy siad gwen and trent smiled

gwen petters go to room 107 сказал(-а) the nurs

gwen and trent went to room107

hi are Ты gwen petterson сказал(-а) the doctor

yes and this is...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
gwen: well they really kill Ты if they found out
trent: yes i need Ты to keep a screat
TE Далее DAY
saraan: gys we have a Сообщить i found a bad vamp he lives over by sunterner contny i heared him say it now go kill him
sematary: fine
trent:*walking to his room*
trent: whao whao how did Ты find out
semtary: gwen told us
trent: what*gets coocked
trent:*close hi crys and crys a little*
duncan: Эй, we need to talk
gwe: why
duncan: ok Ты know your boyfirend trent
gwen: yeah
duncan: hes about to die cuz of Ты brat!
gwen: whoa what
duncan: some one found out that trent was a bad vamp and your the only one he told
gwen: *looks away and starts to cry* i didn't tell anyone i swaer on my life
duncan: then save him and oh yea he has 24 hours to live
gwen:*runs to the sematary were they took trent*

posted by trentgwenfan1
duncan: are Ты sure Ты have to leav
trent: sorry but i do
courtney: this sucks
duncan: yea it dose
geoff: have any of Ты seen gwen she dicthed her last 2 classes
brighette: guys i found gwen
Trent: were is she
brighette: shes in the ganaters room
trent: hi gwen
gwen: what
trent: whats wrong
gwen: your moveing today and i am upser
trent: its going to be ok
gwen:*crys in trents arms*
trent:*holds gwen*
TRENT: gwen i want to give Ты something to remember me by*gives her a сердце neckless
gwen: its butiful i Любовь you
trent: i Любовь Ты to babe*kisses gwen*
dad: trent are taxi is waiting outside...
continue reading...
posted by trentgwenfan1
gwen:*climbs up to trent's window* trent trenttrent: gwen what are Ты doing here
trent: why didn't Ты call me back i was worried
trent: the thing is i got ground vecuz my paraents found out and i have to Переместить i'm sorry baby
gwen:*crys in trent's arems* i don't want Ты to go
trent: i am sorry but i have to
gwen: crys really loud*
trent's mom: what the heck it going on in their!
trent: gwen its ok
dad: what is going on in here
trent: uhh
mom: why is she her when your gounded
mom: trent Ты are gounded of 2 months now
trent: MOM
mom: i don't want to see Ты and gwen toghter ever again
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posted by trentgwenfan1
trent: mom dad i need to tell Ты some thing
trent'sdad: what is it
trent: my homeroom teacher gave me a brosher for a shoclarship to a acountent collage in new york and i need to be in certain states and colorado isn't one
trent'mom: yes sweety Ты can go i guess whil stay
trent: ok
trent: guy i have to tell Ты something
gwen: yea
trent: are plan wroked
gwen: awsome*huges trent and kisses him
lindsay: i'll texted everyone that it worked*acadently tell trent'dad*
AT HOME:4trent: dad your Главная early
trent'sdad: yes son can Ты tell me еще about your sclarship...
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день Four
Gwen's P.O.V.
I woke up looking on my dresser.It was very peculiar because it was a phone ,but I didn't know who it was for.Then I remembered that Trent put my phone in his pocket.I then came to the idea that Trent accidentally took my phone and left his.
Bridgette soon woke up and saw that I was holding Trent's cellphone.I heard as her footsteps came across the hotel room's floor.When I least expected it she surprisingly snatched it from my hands."What are Ты doing?"I questioned."Oh nothing,"she сказал(-а) innocently."Just seeing whose...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
gwen: *sleeping*
Gwen: *wakes up* trent! trent wake up
trent: what gwen
gwen: look
trent: were are we
gwen =: thats what i want to know
trent =: maybe we can ask someone were we are
gwen: i'll call for help Эй, weres my phone
trent : i can't find mine ether
gwen: *asks where they are* he сказал(-а) were in USA main
trent: hw did we get in main
gwen:i don't know maybe we can ask some one for decetions to Canada wait what год is it
trent: 1786
gwen: ya were going to be here a while
trent: it's going to be ok
gwen: how did we get ere
trent : it seems like we got time traveled of something how are we going to et home
gwen i really have no idiea
gwen: trent were are we now
trent: i think were in Лондон england the год of 1896
gwen: how do we keep time traveling
trent: i think when we falll asleep we time travel
gwen: thats weird
posted by trentgwenfan1
duncan: ok trternt we need Ты to sit down in this chair
trent: *sits down
courtney: shins a flash light in trents eyes
gwen: why are Ты doing that
courtneyL shh trent were going to tell Ты some simple facts
trentL ok
duncan: my name id duncan Ты knew i was in juvie and juvie hawk abiut 6 times
gwen: trent i am your wife
treent wait i didn't have a wife
brighette: trent what год is it
trent: 1911
goeff: it is 2011 trent
trent: who's trent! tell me who in the heck is trent
gwen: *runs upstars crying*
trent: what did i say
courtney i will go talk to her
courtney: i'll go talk to her
continue reading...
posted by trentgwenfan1
trent: ow i think i hrut my head*looks up *
duncan: *forceing gwen to make out with him
trent: oh my god gwen!
gwen: stop it plz
duncan: pulls gwen on the couch* come on lets go and let trent dufer are Любовь for ecother
gwen: i don't Любовь Ты i Любовь trent
guncan: we can do it the easy way или the hared way were going to leav this undreatful little friken hag
trent: *trys to get out of the chair* *falls*
duncan: *laughts* trally Ты chose him over me wow Ты are messed up
trent: no shes isn't *falls again*
duncan: oh trent stop falling...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
Gwen: *sleeping*
Trent: *sleeping*
Duncan: *wlaks in**hits Trent wth a wip*
Trent: OW!
duncan: Gwen will be mine Ты got that skank!
Gwen: *wakes up* TRENT!
Trent: Gwen!
duncan: *puts Trent in a head lock and chooks him*
Gwen: GET AWAY FROM HIM! *pushes duncan away from trent*
duncan: *bumps his head on the metal bar* ow!
gwen: Trent are Ты ok
trent: yeah
Duncan: *yalkes trent and holds a knif*
gwen: *puts her hand on the knif
duncan: jads the knif in gwen's hand on accsadent*
Gwen: *screams*
trent: GWEN! OH my god
duncan: oh crap!
trent: THIS IS...
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